In my time as a coffee making professional, starting from knowing absolutely nothing about coffee except that it wakes you up, I've worked in 3 different continents and with a large number of people. One of the first things I realized once I became "knowledgeable" is that we really know very little about coffee. And that we fill that gap with a lot of shoddy guesswork. Anyone who knows me understands my dislike for doing things because "that's how it's always been done," and how I love to challenge the status quo. But at an even more basic level, I believe in making decisions based on empirical evidence not on how things look, feel or seem to be. So the purpose of this blog will be an attempt to look at all the myths that we have learned from those before us, and to use evidence to see how well they hold up. Ever get in a debate with another coffee brewer about how to do something right or wrong? I aim for this to be the resource to find the answer so that we can improve the quality coffee around the world. Please feel free to message me with any ideas you have for coffee making myths to look at. -Eldric
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