codingforkid · 3 years
Coding Language For Kids
Programming or coding is no longer restricted to computer science students and software developers. You can start your child learning coding languages at an early age as it cultivates many other life skills apart from problem-solving and logical skills which will be helping them throughout their life.
Best Coding Language For Kids
Today, coding is quickly becoming an essential skill in a time of robotics and machine learning. Getting your child equipped with the right knowledge of programming languages is a good way to get them started on the right path.
However, with so many programming languages out there, parents may find it difficult to choose a coding language for kids to start with.
When it comes to coding for kids, visual programming languages like Scratch provide a solid foundation of programming principles, with kids being able to drag and drop code blocks to animate characters, create games, and build apps. Later on, they can move on to text-based languages starting with HTML, JavaScript, and Python.
Some of the best in the list of coding languages for kids are Scratch, Blockly, Lua, HTML, JavaScript, and Python.
How Can My Kid Learn Coding Language
Nowadays most kids are tech-savvy and it’s not impossible for them to learn coding on their own. There are plenty of online resources that kids can use to learn to code. Many of the programmers are actually self-taught! But that path is quite a slow one. And it can be quite frustrating if you don’t have immediate one-on-one support.
Instead, here are some more practical learning options:
●      School Education/School Curriculum
●      Coding Camps/Workshops
●      Private Tutors/Lessons
●      Coding Games
●      Online Coding Academies
 Best Online Coding Academies
There are many online platforms that offer coding for kids in India. These classes are specialized in teaching coding to the kids in the most effective manner. Here is a list of popular names:
●      CodeMonkey: CodeMonkey is an educational computer coding environment that allows beginners to learn computer programming concepts and languages. CodeMonkey is intended for students ages 6–14. Students learn text-based coding on languages like Python, Blockly, and CoffeeScript, as well as learning the fundamentals of computer science and math.
●      CampK12: Camp K12 is a platform for online coding courses for kids. In their Live online classes, they teach coding with innovative courses such as AI, VR, App Development, Game Development & more, that focus on building concepts right from kids' formative years.
●      CodingHero: At CodingHero, the kids can learn coding, design, chess, and maths. Their unique fun and curiosity-based C4C Learning Framework ensures that kids develop a genuine interest in coding. These online courses introduce the kids from 5 years of age to the whole new exciting world of coding by learning web development, game development, chess strategies and moves, maths concepts, and mobile app development.
●      Vedantu SuperCoders: It is a personalized platform for teaching online coding to children in the age group 6-12 years of age. Vedantu SuperCoders promotes activity-based learning. It teaches kids to create apps and games and also develop artificial intelligence-based application systems using Python.  
●      Toppr Codr: Toppr Codr is a coding platform to teach coding skills to the creators of tomorrow. It provides a large number of learning pieces, including practice questions, solutions, concepts, and videos that come together to give 360° learning. Toppr Codr is also known to use artificial intelligence-based algorithms to create personalized learning paths for millions of students.
 Criteria For Best Coding Classes For Kids
To choose the best online coding class for your child, you need to research a little and check a few parameters such as:
●      Curriculum: It should be well-structured and easy to understand for the kids. Most of the academies’ curricula are available on the website. So check it beforehand to avoid any confusion.
●      Tutors Availability: 1: 1classes should be preferred for young kids to build a strong foundation on a topic before moving on to the next. Also, tutors must be available readily to clear doubts.
●      Fee Structure: If you are price sensitive, please check on the fees of the package and the services provided under the package.
●      Demo Classes: They give a fair idea of the teaching methodology. So, always take a demo class before finalizing a coding course for your kid.
 Conclusion: The human world is becoming ever more dominated by technology and software is a key part of almost all of that technology. Learning programming languages at an early stage gives your kid an advantage over others. They can start learning to code by beginning with kids-friendly coding languages that help them build a strong foundation for the future.
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codingforkid · 3 years
Coding For Kids
We are surrounded by electronic devices each running a number of applications that run on code of some kind. Our modern world is also heavily dependent on the internet with workforces being required to be more and more computer literate with each passing year.
Hence coding and coding literacy has become one of the most important skills for current and future generations to learn.
Do Kids Need To Learn Coding
Quite often, our kids are only exposed to the end-user part of technology. But what if we could teach our children to create new technology that will catapult them into digital old age with ease? There are many other reasons also why kids should learn to code early and why coding for kids is so important.
●      Coding Boosts Problem-Solving Skills: Coding encourages the breakdown of complex concepts and problems into manageable steps in an effort to understand the problem better. This helps children to measure progress and adjust their thinking accordingly.
●      Coding Improves Computational Thinking: Computational thinking is a structured and proven method designed to identify problems regardless of age or computer literacy level. It helps develop critical thinking and focuses on helping students develop and employ strategies for understanding and solving problems. By learning to code, kids develop the method of computational thinking.
●      Coding Teaches Creativity: To be successful in coding, kids need to try new things. They need to learn what works and what doesn’t.  By doing this, they express their creativity to solve problems. They quickly realize that thinking out of the box is sometimes the answer.
●      Coding Develops Logical Thinking: Logical thinking is required for coding. It consists of formulating step-by-step procedures to produce the desired outcome. It involves using expressions, selection, iteration, conditional, and other logical statements and sentences.
●      Coding Improves Confidence and Communication Skills: Learning to code is like learning a new language. When we learn a new language, we become better communicators. Solving a problem is a satisfying feeling. When children learn to code and see results it helps them to become more determined to see more.
   Help Your Kids Learn To Code
Childhood is a great time to learn how to code. Coding for kids can help them develop problem-solving skills and encourage creativity and imagination. Moreover, it's a good foundation for learning more computer science principles later on.
Reading books on programming languages probably isn't the most engaging way for kids to learn to code. Luckily, you can find many specifically designed kids coding online platforms, easy-to-digest, and, most importantly, fun.
There are many advantages of kids coding online classes.
●      Learning With Comfort: Online learning is easy and convenient. Your child can go from lunch or playtime straight to online class. There’s no need to prepare for a class – change clothes, pack snacks, or drive to the learning centre. It saves a lot of time which can be utilized for some other productive activities.
●      Online Learning is Self-Paced: The conventional schooling/learning system forces the child to learn and complete homework at the same pace as other classmates. But with the online classes, the kids can develop at their own pace. The online classes have a combination of self-paced work, scheduled lessons, and deadlines.
●      Online Platforms Offers Self-Selected Learning: When kids can choose the content they’re interested in, they gain ownership of their learning experience. They can take their time and explore as much as they want. In a well-designed experience, they can choose which tools they’re most comfortable using, helping them learn and develop proficiency.
●      Online Tools Provide Real-Time Assessment: Regular assessment is critical in keeping a student challenged and maintaining a pace.  The tools used by online learning systems provide real-time assessment of students’ progress. They provide on-time progress reports and feedback.
●      Ideal for Introvert Kids: The introverted kids often try to avoid group discussions held in normal classrooms. But here with the online classes, things are different. The virtual classes, even such kids participate in such discussions as there is a greater degree of interaction between the teachers and students.
●      Kids are Less Prone to Distractions During Learning: In traditional classes, students focus less on learning and are more influenced by peer pressure. Due to this, less learning takes place as teachers take time addressing behavioural issues of students.
Conclusion: As you can see, coding for kids encompasses a wealth of fun activities – children of all ages can learn to code in the most exciting way possible. You can choose a suitable course on coding based on your child’s age and interests. From there, the possibilities are endless!
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