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SUZALULU MAIN SHIPA place to keep my Code Geass posts off my main blog
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codegeassvault · 3 years ago
I'm not the only thinking about SuzaLulu when I listen to this song, right? 😱 RIGHT? 😅🤣 Platonic or romantic, IDC. It works either way! 😂
I'm just over here legit about to cry thinking of a full SuzaLulu AMV in my head... Suzaku being so regretful over killing his best friend and shit 🥺😭 And then wishing they could have a 2nd chance.
🥺😭😱😭😭🥺😭😭 I'm going to bawl! These lyrics be hittin' hard.
Listen to it if you haven't before. I swearrrrr..😔🥺😱
All that I'm after is a life full of laughter, as long as I'm laughing with you. 😭🥺
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codegeassvault · 3 years ago
Why do you ship suzaku and Lelouch, sorry if you've answered this before?
Thanks for your question! Interestingly, I don’t think I ever did, at least not on this blog? I did write a long private post last year for someone who asked me for reasons to ship Suzaku and Lelouch, though. Let’s see if I can copy-paste / pick out the main points from there.
Keep in mind though that this is a personal response, being that it’s a personal-opinion question, and even as the mod of the suzalulu blog I can only speak for myself and don’t necessarily represent the opinions of the entire fandom. BUT hopefully this might be a mini manifesto or a nice nostalgic trip back into feels for some of you!
The short version of it is that:
they shared a certain care and tenderness between them that clearly lasted till their final scene together in R2 DESPITE everything that happened between them
they’re the only ones who can understand each other in a certain way
they’re the winning combination in any video game
they have a very balanced/equal dynamic as a pairing, which I like
and also (or perhaps very importantly) it’s a beautiful bittersweet tragic mess
You’re talking to someone who boarded the ship only at the final moment, when Lelouch caressed Suzaku’s face through the mask and Suzaku was shedding some serious tears. For me, this was the moment that proved to me that there was at least something more between them - but even prior to boarding the ship, I could always see that they had a very beautiful, tragic friendship - and it was unfortunate that it was wrought with so much misunderstanding, but one cannot deny that in this relationship, each always felt intense emotions toward the other, whatever those emotions might have been (or may be, given the news from last week ;D). The real hatred/cruelty is indifference, but to each other, Suzaku and Lelouch were anything but.
The rest of my elaboration needs to go under a cut, lmao.
Keep reading
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codegeassvault · 3 years ago
We’ve started studying the use of non-violence as a strategy against authoritarian regimes in my global politics class and now I really can’t go a minute without hearing Suzaku and Lelouch screaming at each other across the void of my brain
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codegeassvault · 3 years ago
the reckless & the restrained
I see lots of ppl assuming Lelouch is this stoic, poker-faced, and perfectly controlled being capable of checkmating anything he comes across but actually he’s a reckless bitter dumbass and that’s it folks what about Suzaku Kururugi? So in the OG anime we don’t get to see much of Suzaku’s and Lelouch’s shared childhood (a waste of emotional buildup/payoff imo but thank god for light novels) but let’s just say Suzaku was an angry, salty, prodigious and unpolished gem of a child. He and lelouch did not get along at all & in fact disliked each other on principle, and Suzaku was not afraid to show that. (They got ever themselves eventually and became inseparable.) The point is–at basically at ten years old, Suzaku was unrestrained, open and unapologetic; a hotheaded child who had not yet been traumatized and trampled over by the world’s (specifically Britannia’s) oppressive hand. A very significant difference from present-day Suzaku. This change, of course, is triggered when he commits patricide (primarily bc his dad was gonna murder Lelouch & ship Nunnally to a brothel & I’ll never get over the ways Suzaku has protected the vi Britannia siblings*) and when Britannia successfully invades Japan. The most personality Suzaku gets as the series starts up is when he’s Lancelot’s pilot and that goes to show how he is only really capable of acting in the context of a machine and how much of himself is purely robotic, entirely smothered. Suzaku has had 7 yrs to make himself as small and convenient and innocuous as possible to survive in the ranks of the Britannia military as a Japanese person and so his restraint is both reflex, survival instinct, and a direct result of trauma and deeply ingrained oppression. He was not and is not in a position where he can freely express himself and move himself in the same unlimited & unconcerned ways Lelouch can.  
Perhaps the best way to explain it is this: while Lelouch can turn his nose up at just about anybody, Suzaku has to look down and away. 
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codegeassvault · 3 years ago
Sometimes all I think about is you
Late nights in the middle of June
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codegeassvault · 3 years ago
the song i wanna shove down suzaku’s throat:
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codegeassvault · 3 years ago
back on my code geass bullshit thank god
This wasn’t the full extent of him, Suzaku knew. The picture of Lelouch, hunched over his school desk: flippant and infinitely unconcerned, wearing a bland look and a bland smile and offering them up to anyone who glanced his way. Always so meticulous in his uncaring. That alone indicated something else, unseen and unknown. Lelouch, leaning his chin into his hand, head dipped innocently into sleep. Offering the class representative a short shrug when the teacher called for assignments to be turned in. Going along with Milly’s whimsies without protest or argument. Announcing on behalf of the Student Council with a disinterested monotone. Carting Nunnally around with a bright look to him that Suzaku knew couldn’t be forged or faked. These were some of the features Lelouch exhibited freely, Suzaku thought, to soften the edges buried in the corner of his lips and eyes and hips.
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codegeassvault · 3 years ago
still our hands match
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codegeassvault · 3 years ago
the headcanon that suzaku would fall to pieces or be extremely depressed/want to die after zero requiem irks me cause it just fundamentally goes against suzaku’s character- like, he’s so dedicated to what he believes in and if its something he feels strongly about, he can do almost anything for that. suzaku’s loyalty and conviction is incredible, and its one of his greatest strengths. living on only as zero seems like a terrible, lonely thing, and most people would definitely be crushed by the weight of that burden but suzaku never would allow himself to be- for one, it would be a direct betrayal to the vow he and lelouch made, to zero requiem, which isn’t just a death pact but is also a vow to dedicate themselves entirely to finding peace, to stop trying to make the world better for their own selfish reasons and to think about the entire world. they’re sacrificing their own desires and goals for the sake of the greater good and that’s the real point of their zero requiem and suzaku would never go against that and he would never give into his own selfish despair after everything. 
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codegeassvault · 3 years ago
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PARALLELS: lovers and the multiverse theory.
credits: 1. gaby dunn; 2. tumblr user @arifables / @okayophelia (deactivated) ; 3. tongari; 4. forugh farrokhzad; 5. an instagram user who deleted their account; 6. dulce maría loynaz; 7. natalie diaz; 8. amal el-mohtar.
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codegeassvault · 3 years ago
This is just *Suzaku.txt* *Suzaku.txt* *Suzaku.txt* *Suza
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codegeassvault · 3 years ago
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the brothers karamazov, fyodor dostoyevsky // blue lily, lily blue, maggie stiefvater.
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codegeassvault · 3 years ago
i don't particularly care what opinions people have on code geass but i am THINKING that suzaku is the PERFECT illustration of the "good cop" character archetype, insofar he didn't change the system, but the system changed him.
warning: very rambly. just. pure rambling.
suzaku in season 1: i don't want to kill people!
also suzaku in season 1: *shoots down a helicopter*
i just started season 2 again but
lloyd calls him a hypocrite for wanting to save people when joining the army and that is correct. the main struggle of early suzaku is that he wants to save people, he wants to change the system from within. but also my boy. you are a soldier. it is your job to kill people.
all his attempts at "changing the system" don't amount to anything. first he gets pushed into the technical division, and then he's forced to sit out the conflict time and time again. it's pretty apparent the higher ups see him as a nuisance and will only let him act in the most dire of circumstances.
at first opportunity he's used as a scapegoat, once that doesn't fly he gets used as bait, and later saving his own life is written of as mutiny.
for the grave sin of not wanting to kill people, the system he wants to change tries to kill him.
every action he takes within said system only ends up reinforcing it. he's pushed and prodded into going against his beliefs, until eventually, he cracks.
this is where we land at season 2 suzaku, post euphie's death. he realizes saving people is useless and now only wants to kill zero.
congrats my guy you have changed the system of oppression and murder by exactly 0% and come out of it serving the head of that system. g fucking g.
anyways, good cops quit.
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codegeassvault · 3 years ago
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initially that was supposed to be a sketch dump of a bit crazy but still hot Suzaku but then I kinda……… got distracted by my other best boys
pls appreciate my darlings Jeremiah and Rolo COUGH i mean all of them
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codegeassvault · 3 years ago
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codegeassvault · 3 years ago
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being able to draw is a curse sometimes
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codegeassvault · 3 years ago
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Old redesign sketches I had laying around for years, the first two are years old but the last/third sketch is recent and is the redesign of Lelouch's emperor clothing.
Hope you enjoy.✨
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