coco-rp-blog · 6 years
in the name of BAD
nothing like a good ol what the fuck before a match. Please do not edit/trace/reupload or remove caption
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coco-rp-blog · 6 years
va-11 hall-a
i miss that stuff
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coco-rp-blog · 6 years
So, um...
I'm looking for some more rps. Lemme know.
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coco-rp-blog · 6 years
TIME TO GET BACK TO WORK now that i can draw again…. join me while i work on PRETTY LADIES and maybe also more adopts
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coco-rp-blog · 6 years
monster hunter
not only am i hyped for the pc release, but im also probs gonna make an oc for it.
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coco-rp-blog · 6 years
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coco-rp-blog · 6 years
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I made a thing. it was with sketch book. i have sai now. this was around the same time as the previous drawing. i did effects and of course no hands cause its tuff.
its flat but i like the backdrop. i want to get that sorta aesthetic. sploshy.
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coco-rp-blog · 6 years
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Anoaba, tried out art like a couple months ago. It ended up alrighty. Room for improvement. Who knows, maybe I’ll pick up that tablet thats been gathering dust.
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coco-rp-blog · 6 years
I’m back
Looking for rps. I’ll take 2 to go.
I got gals and bois.
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coco-rp-blog · 7 years
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UPDATE: hello! my name is teo and i am a disabled girl without a steady income in desperate need for money to eat
i usually only eat once every two days and with discounted commissions im hoping to correct that so i can go without being hungry
i am offering flat colored portrait and half-body commissions since i am able to work on these in a timely manner without straining myself too badly in the process!
i will draw fanart and original characters both! hell, bring on your fan characters while you’re at it. have a fan gem? a fantroll? ill draw them!
all drawings are typically completed within a day or two unless my medical issues start kicking me in the teeth. if they do, ill give a heads up.
tips are appreciated, but so are reblogs! ♥ message me here if interested!
thank you so much! i hope you all have wonderful days!!! ♥
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coco-rp-blog · 7 years
i agree
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dalkom is cute…… i love her
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coco-rp-blog · 7 years
“If I’m honest I don’t fully quite know myself, but I do know that I feel strongly about its permanence. I want it to endure. I feel that liberation and permanence may clash in some respects, but I want a harmony between them...” That was the moment the idea struck her. Her face lit up and she grinned wildly.
“I have it! A bird in a nest, the perfect harmony of a home, but not a cage and of course birds being liberation the idea is far too sweet! And I think the colors should be silver, rose, and gold. If you have those available! They tend to be my trademark. My lusus is a peacock, but I think I’ve done quite well to represent her in some of my dresses. Yes yes yes! You have no idea how excited I am to finally have this.”
Soveft let out an exasperated sigh, the process of formulating the idea was over and now it was down to  getting the work done. “Now, I’d like the design to be simplistic. The silver curves and outlines becoming the distinguishing characteristics while the nest may be the almost crown like bed of rose and gold!” She was clearly excited about finally getting to the process.
“Have I gotten to choose the location? I’ve become so swept I might have forgotten but I’ve decided this design should be made on the back of my neck. It feels natural for it to be placed there. But do you think the idea is manageable?”
Is This Going To Hurt? (CLOSED)
You toss the gloves an offer a hand to shake as the new troll introduces herself and her companion.
“Pleasure to meet you both, I’m Diyara Arakra, the owner of this establishment” You’re quite proud of that fact if the tone you had wasn’t obvious enough. “No, I don’t believe we’ve met before, especially if this is your first tattoo.” you answer smoothly, smiling all the while before walking over to the front desk. 
You plop into your seat and begin pulling out a book or two with basic designs as well as a sketch pad, humming in thought. “you said you haven’t decided on what you wanted? So let’s see what we can come up with. If you don’t mind answering some questions; I should be able to come up with a design for you in no time.” You were right to business after the introductions, still smiling as you offered up the suggestion “You’re welcome to search through these books for ideas, and I’d need to know where on your body you’d like the tattoo”
“Where do I want the tattoo? I guess that’s also a rather smart thought. Never really considered that if I’m honest. I’ve been so caught up in simply getting a tattoo. I never put thought into that.” You’re certainly riled up about that. You take a moment to skim through the basic designs in the books, it was a rather quick skim before you turn back to speak with Diyara. “You said you had questions? I’d be willing to answer them if you believe it’d help me narrow down my search.” It slightly comforted you to know that this was potentially going to become an easier decision. You’ve had a few ideas juggle around in your mind, but between you and what your audience might want could be different. You’re a role model and have expectations of yourself to fill.
All that aside you snap out of that train of thought. “But, yes! Please ask away, I’d be happy to ask some questions. I’ve already had a few ideas bouncing around in my thinkpan. I was thinking something preferably to do with flight or liberation. To get free, simply. If you understand what I mean. I was wondering if there was a way to ink on a breath of fresh air.” You unconsciously begin to visibly relax more at the mere thought of actually getting free or anything similar. What a luxury. 
“Where you want the tattoo can be just as important as the image itself. After all it’s all about what you want. I tend to say this to a lot of customers. but a tattoo should be to please yourself. no one else” Your own start moving quite animatedly across your skin as you say that, one even slithering across your cheek for a moment before you’re looking down at your sketch book again.
“hmmm. Flight or Liberation huh? Wings would be a good way to express that;” Seems that was popular lately too. “Or perhaps a smaller image of a bird flying over some clouds?” you toss up the ideas absently, starting to sketch. “Well. What is your lusus if I may ask? and if you wanted color on the image, I’ll need your favorites. at least three. and what is it inspiring this tattoo exactly? Other than the liberation theme of course.”
You shoot off one question after another, not really giving much time to answer between them; though you do fall quiet after the last one, focused more on yoru sketch now but still very much listening.
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coco-rp-blog · 7 years
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another d&d commission!
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coco-rp-blog · 7 years
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coco-rp-blog · 7 years
“Where do I want the tattoo? I guess that’s also a rather smart thought. Never really considered that if I’m honest. I’ve been so caught up in simply getting a tattoo. I never put thought into that.” You’re certainly riled up about that. You take a moment to skim through the basic designs in the books, it was a rather quick skim before you turn back to speak with Diyara. “You said you had questions? I’d be willing to answer them if you believe it’d help me narrow down my search.” It slightly comforted you to know that this was potentially going to become an easier decision. You’ve had a few ideas juggle around in your mind, but between you and what your audience might want could be different. You’re a role model and have expectations of yourself to fill.
All that aside you snap out of that train of thought. “But, yes! Please ask away, I’d be happy to ask some questions. I’ve already had a few ideas bouncing around in my thinkpan. I was thinking something preferably to do with flight or liberation. To get free, simply. If you understand what I mean. I was wondering if there was a way to ink on a breath of fresh air.” You unconsciously begin to visibly relax more at the mere thought of actually getting free or anything similar. What a luxury. 
Is This Going To Hurt? (CLOSED)
You had been dealing with just another usual day at the parlor, a few custom jobs here, a fix job there. Nothing unusual other than the lack of screams coming from Elerin’s area. Seems her customers had finally grown a pair and gotten over the pain. That or she just hadn’t had any. You hadn’t been able to check.
“Be right there!” you call out to the front before looking back at your current customer, the door was open so they could look in if they wanted “Alright, You said you wanted wings. But that doesn’t tell me what kind.” You speak to the greenblood in front of you, shifting so they could see their back in the mirrors as you start moving the ink on their skin, your own doing the same across your arms “I could give you Dragonfly wings, or perhaps Eagle? Or even dragon” The ink changes its appearance to each one you list until they decide. Once all is said and done the only have a red spot in the small of their back to worry about for healing. They didn’t even have to seal the tattoo since it had done it itself.
Waving them out you look at the new customer and smile as you take off your gloves “So, how may I help you this evening?”
“Now that’s certainly being literal with the name ain’t it?” You said chuckling through the whisper you directed to the seadweller bodyguard you had accompany you for this. She gave a shrug in return that you found expected. You still haven’t made your mind up, and you’re ease dropping on the tattooist’s suggestions for the other customer. A dragon? Everything seems to follow the same style of flight. Flight is a rather symbolic thing, your lusus is a peacock so you have to be mindful that they can’t really fly. Would it matter? You’re still on edge about it.
“Oh!” You didn’t realize she was speaking to you for a moment, you smile back warmly before speaking once again, “I was planning on getting myself a tattoo tonight. I’ve been thinking about this decision for an awful long while now and yet I still haven’t made up my mind on it. I wouldn’t want to waste your time trying to figure it out.”
You pause for a moment in thought before realizing you haven’t even formerly introduced yourself! You extend your hand, “Oh sorry, I’ve been so wrapped up in this that I forgot to introduce myself! I’m Soveft Clodin, the seadweller to my right is a close friend of mine that keeps me safe when I’m out and about. No offense to you of course, you look like a rather friendly face.” You never bother to mention your musical life and popularity. It’d completely go against what you stood for, and you appreciate more personal relationships with your fans. You take a moment to soak in the other’s features for a moment longer, “Have I met you before?”
You toss the gloves an offer a hand to shake as the new troll introduces herself and her companion. “Pleasure to meet you both, I’m Diyara Arakra, the owner of this establishment” You’re quite proud of that fact if the tone you had wasn’t obvious enough. “No, I don’t believe we’ve met before, especially if this is your first tattoo.” you answer smoothly, smiling all the while before walking over to the front desk. 
You plop into your seat and begin pulling out a book or two with basic designs as well as a sketch pad, humming in thought. “you said you haven’t decided on what you wanted? So let’s see what we can come up with. If you don’t mind answering some questions; I should be able to come up with a design for you in no time.” You were right to business after the introductions, still smiling as you offered up the suggestion “You’re welcome to search through these books for ideas, and I’d need to know where on your body you’d like the tattoo”
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coco-rp-blog · 8 years
“Now that’s certainly being literal with the name ain’t it?” You said chuckling through the whisper you directed to the seadweller bodyguard you had accompany you for this. She gave a shrug in return that you found expected. You still haven’t made your mind up, and you’re ease dropping on the tattooist’s suggestions for the other customer. A dragon? Everything seems to follow the same style of flight. Flight is a rather symbolic thing, your lusus is a peacock so you have to be mindful that they can’t really fly. Would it matter? You’re still on edge about it.
“Oh!” You didn’t realize she was speaking to you for a moment, you smile back warmly before speaking once again, “I was planning on getting myself a tattoo tonight. I’ve been thinking about this decision for an awful long while now and yet I still haven’t made up my mind on it. I wouldn’t want to waste your time trying to figure it out.”
You pause for a moment in thought before realizing you haven’t even formerly introduced yourself! You extend your hand, “Oh sorry, I’ve been so wrapped up in this that I forgot to introduce myself! I’m Soveft Clodin, the seadweller to my right is a close friend of mine that keeps me safe when I’m out and about. No offense to you of course, you look like a rather friendly face.” You never bother to mention your musical life and popularity. It’d completely go against what you stood for, and you appreciate more personal relationships with your fans. You take a moment to soak in the other’s features for a moment longer, “Have I met you before?”
Is This Going To Hurt? (CLOSED)
You’ve had a long and great performance draw to a close. The bustling night was still alive around you. Your fans happy with the performance, and you happy with the fans. It was a night like every other. Perfect.
This night wasn’t only filled with the same old laughs and same old faces you love and care for. This night was filled with as much anxiety as your debut. A huge decision was to be made this night. A tattoo.
To many and yourself there was a large weight with getting one. It’s permanece. The connotation and the risk of public scrutiny. You understand there as many livid critics as there are adoring fans. This decision wasn’t without a lot of thought. A full sweeps worth of thoughtful contemplation after and sometimes during a show.
Your mind always thought about what to get. Would it be a peacock for your lusus? A heart for all your fans? The initials of a friend? You’re not sure. You didn’t want to be influenced by going online to search possible ideas. You were always genuine and wanted the choice to come from heart. You’re honestly a little scared about it.
The Ink Weavers, the name of a place you’ve been suggested to. Your bodyguards with you as you wander about this part of town. It is parts unnerving and parts exciting. You can’t go to a brand name place because you’d rather have it private. You’re not even sure if anyone knows your name in this part of town. It’s certainly a place where some singing could lighten the mood.
You enter the establishment. You’re in a casual collection. A sleek black shirt with your custom and rather outgoing peacock feather skirt. Your lusus’ stray feathers being how you acquired them. No cruelty here. You ring yourself up and sit down to wait.
You’re not scared of the pain. You’re scared of making the wrong choice.
You had been dealing with just another usual day at the parlor, a few custom jobs here, a fix job there. Nothing unusual other than the lack of screams coming from Elerin’s area. Seems her customers had finally grown a pair and gotten over the pain. That or she just hadn’t had any. You hadn’t been able to check. “Be right there!” you call out to the front before looking back at your current customer, the door was open so they could look in if they wanted “Alright, You said you wanted wings. But that doesn’t tell me what kind.” You speak to the greenblood in front of you, shifting so they could see their back in the mirrors as you start moving the ink on their skin, your own doing the same across your arms “I could give you Dragonfly wings, or perhaps Eagle? Or even dragon” The ink changes its appearance to each one you list until they decide. Once all is said and done the only have a red spot in the small of their back to worry about for healing. They didn’t even have to seal the tattoo since it had done it itself.
Waving them out you look at the new customer and smile as you take off your gloves “So, how may I help you this evening?”
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coco-rp-blog · 8 years
Is This Going To Hurt? (CLOSED)
You’ve had a long and great performance draw to a close. The bustling night was still alive around you. Your fans happy with the performance, and you happy with the fans. It was a night like every other. Perfect.
This night wasn’t only filled with the same old laughs and same old faces you love and care for. This night was filled with as much anxiety as your debut. A huge decision was to be made this night. A tattoo.
To many and yourself there was a large weight with getting one. It’s permanece. The connotation and the risk of public scrutiny. You understand there as many livid critics as there are adoring fans. This decision wasn’t without a lot of thought. A full sweeps worth of thoughtful contemplation after and sometimes during a show.
Your mind always thought about what to get. Would it be a peacock for your lusus? A heart for all your fans? The initials of a friend? You’re not sure. You didn’t want to be influenced by going online to search possible ideas. You were always genuine and wanted the choice to come from heart. You’re honestly a little scared about it.
The Ink Weavers, the name of a place you’ve been suggested to. Your bodyguards with you as you wander about this part of town. It is parts unnerving and parts exciting. You can’t go to a brand name place because you’d rather have it private. You’re not even sure if anyone knows your name in this part of town. It’s certainly a place where some singing could lighten the mood.
You enter the establishment. You’re in a casual collection. A sleek black shirt with your custom and rather outgoing peacock feather skirt. Your lusus’ stray feathers being how you acquired them. No cruelty here. You ring yourself up and sit down to wait.
You’re not scared of the pain. You’re scared of making the wrong choice.
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