coblorp · 3 days
Hey is thing blog still alive?
no. but that can change. maybe.
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coblorp · 10 months
this is EVIL lobotomy corporation!!!!!!
we have EVIL abnormalitys!!!!!!!!!!! such as:
RED star !!!
EVERYTHING there !!!!!
silent orchestra
[UNCENSORED] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GENESIS bird!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BLA- Oh. Um. Uhhh
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coblorp · 1 year
are colors still a thing? if so, what was callie's color title?
yyyyes they're still a thing. callie was not a color
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coblorp · 1 year
There is at least one that I know of, Apocalypse Bird.
Are the abnormalities inverted in this au too?
abnormalities are also inverted! i believe there's some old concepts for one or two of them somewhere on this blog but i don't know for sure
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coblorp · 1 year
Are the abnormalities inverted in this au too?
abnormalities are also inverted! i believe there's some old concepts for one or two of them somewhere on this blog but i don't know for sure
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coblorp · 2 years
what's opiorphin like?
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morphine 2. i chose it because it prevents the breakup of enkephalins and that seemed fitting for the theme
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coblorp · 2 years
so uhh i thought about what day 49 would be like in this verse and now i am scared of the version of anti-adam taking shape in my head. thanks /gen /pos
hes a capitalist
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coblorp · 2 years
managers who fuck up get fed to the thagirions and/or harab serapel
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bad and naughty managers get fed to the meat grinder children to atone for their sins
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coblorp · 2 years
Samael, Gamaliel, and Harab
i think this is accurate. do we all think this is accurate
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coblorp · 2 years
Samael, Gamaliel, and Harab
i think this is accurate. do we all think this is accurate
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coblorp · 2 years
If you gave Gamchi coffee would he stop doing arson?
No, he hates coffee more than anything else, so instead of burning paperwork, he would just burn that instead if you gave it to him.
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coblorp · 2 years
henrey cowboy hat!!! yee haw
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yee haw
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coblorp · 2 years
haiii can I write fanfiction about dis au :3? I will credit dis blog!!!
If you wish to, then go ahead. I think we’d all be interested in seeing what is made.
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coblorp · 2 years
Why did Mallorean change from purple to white in the new art?
I thought it was more fitting since she's more white than purple
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coblorp · 2 years
while i'm (probably the only one) awake if you all want to just. tell us anything/everything we're missing in places we'll work on updating it all. just for u
also i'll speed edit you guys a mallorean sprite
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coblorp · 2 years
How did you….. end up miswriting Yoshua’s name as Yosuha
💚 the inner mechanisms of the typo minds are unstoppable without autocorrect
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coblorp · 2 years
Ximena would absolutely be the instigator but it's not like she can really do much other than bite Carmen's ankles so Carmen would kind of just be trying to shove her alternate away the whole time until someone steps in to help
If Ximena and Carmen got in a fight, how long would it take to start the fight, who would start it, how long would it take to resolve, and who do you think is most likely to win?
they run into each other full speed and create a giant explosion on impact
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