Lost On Koboh
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Just a Mandalorian from FeluciaCobia the Ram’ser.
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cobiapiet · 3 days ago
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HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN AND ARIANA GREENBLATT Behind the scenes of 'Ahsoka - Part Five: Shadow Warrior' (2023) Path of the Apprentice featurette
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cobiapiet · 3 days ago
Star Wars besties, especially Rebels besties, I found entertainment gold
Awhile ago I came across this Star Wars RPG series on Freddie’s (Kanan) YouTube channel called Gegg Wars, there’s five episodes of it and they’re all about an hour long. It’s basically the ghost crews VAs ,minus Tiya☹️(Sabine), plus Gov. Pryces VA (fun tidbit, she and Steve, zebs VA, are married irl) being DMed by DM himself (Sam, aka Darth mauls VA). They get up to a bunch of weird shenanigans with their weird characters and it hilarious and I wish I knew about it sooner! Please go watch it! (I also just want people to talk about it with because they’re all so funny and I love hearing their beautiful voices, I also like to imagine them as their characters because they sound so similar to them ((duh, lol)).
let me give you a brief run down of what everyone got up to
Freddie - basically plays A New Dawn era Kanan
Vanessa- slayer of senior citizens (and is somehow the most sane one)
Taylor- booze and bloodlust with a touch of the best character arc known to man
Steve - in Freddie’s words, “just gets weirder and weirder”
Mary - Have big gun, will travel
Sam - plays a multitude of side characters, but my favorite is Louis from Fresno (he’s a Jawa)
anyways, please go watch!
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cobiapiet · 15 days ago
Mine has a blue base (reliability) with teal (healing) and yellow (burnt out vengeance) accents, and one piece that’s brown (valor). Love that the colors mean something and you best well bet mine were specifically chosen because of that.
Cursory research into the meanings of Mandalorian armour colours...
Black - ne'tra = justice, an unshakeable moral code (also wanting to avoid stains on your clothes)
White - cin vhetin = a fresh start or clean slate (good for converts/adult adoptions)
Grey - genet = mourning a loved one (or recently rejected)
Gold - ve'vut = vengeance (a warning colour)
Silver - shev'la beskar = unpainted armour, a search for redemption (Din Djarin's guilt complex, anyone?)
Bronze - tranyc'bes - nobility and high status (favoured by stuck-up self-important jackasses)
Brown - daryc - valour, galantry, The Audacity (particularly when associated with them cunty lil jedi cape drops)
Tan - vhekadla - loyalty (lit. 'sandy' but I don't like sand, it's coarse and rough and...)
Maroon - daryc'tal - power (all hail Maroon 5, our benevolent overlords)
Red - ge'tal = honouring a parent (very popular, 10/10)
Scarlet - galar'tal - defiance and relentlessness (Mandalorian Scarlett Johansson omfg be still my bi heart)
Orange - shereshoy = shereshoy, a lust for life (the party people)
Yellow - shi'yayc - remembrance, burnt out vengeance (makes for funky funerals)
Mint green - cin vorpan - lust for peace, guardians and peacekeepers (does not necessarily mean I want to fuck guardians and peacekeepers, get your head outta the gutter)
Green - vorpan = duty, commitment and hard work (favourite of farmers, too)
Teal - jahaal = healing, violence as a last resort, I've seen some shit and now I defend peace (favoured by healers and New Mandalorians)
Blue - kebiin = reliability and faithfulness (favoured by single parents)
Sky blue - kebii'tra = new love, newlyweds, marriage and all that fluffy stuff (Satine's famous jewellery TCW S2 - ObiTine for the soul)
Indigo - jiisaviin = prosperity, victory, the feeling that we have achieved our hopes (tempting fate, perhaps)
Lilac - saviin = luck, change, survival in adversity, hope for the future (associated with the old God of Luck)
Pink - cin ge'tal - respect and knowledge, a fusion of past and future (associated with journalists and academics)
Ofc this is a rough guide and if anyone either doesn't like my sense of humor or wants more detailed information, check out these posts too: x x x
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cobiapiet · 18 days ago
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Cal Kestis on the Stinger Mantis | Star Wars LoFi
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cobiapiet · 24 days ago
sometimes you need dialogue tags and don't want to use the same four
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cobiapiet · 25 days ago
I just discovered, which is exactly what it sounds like: centuries worth of information about FOOD.  If you are writing something historical and you want a starting point for figuring out what people should be eating, this might be a good place?
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cobiapiet · 2 months ago
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BobaDin for the holidays (1 | 2)
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cobiapiet · 3 months ago
Holy shit, I need more of this. More stories that raise the hairs on the back of my neck, that make me look over my shoulder to check the corners of the room.
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Popular with the troops.
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cobiapiet · 3 months ago
Seems like fun!
✨ love your fandom asks ✨ 
Saw the opposite of this floating around and thought the reverse might be fun.
list 3 positive things about your current fandom(s)
a headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like!
a character that fandom has helped you appreciate
say something nice about a ship you don't ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual's OTP, etc)
something you see in fics a lot and love
something you see in art a lot and love
your favorite tropes to read/write/draw
you hope more people will come to appreciate ___ (a ship, a trope, an episode, etc)
a ship that isn't your OTP but that you enjoy
a blog (mutual or one you follow) that has made your fandom experience brighter
if you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
compliment someone else in your fandom
your favorite type of fandom event (gift exchange, ship week, secret santa, prompt meme, etc)
the ship that always makes you smile
the character that always makes you smile
a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
the thing in canon that everyone loves and that you also love
a fandom tag that you track
your current fandom(s)
your very first fandom!
a fandom you're not active in anymore but that you still really like
the fandom friend you've known the longest
the fandom you're curious about because of a mutual
how has fandom positively impacted your life?
a piece of advice for taking care of yourself in fandom spaces
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cobiapiet · 4 months ago
There’s something just so beautiful about this game….
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Jedi Survivor Stances Single - Double - Dual - Blaster - Crossguard
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cobiapiet · 4 months ago
IAT – GAR Structure Jedi & Clones (AU)
Worked out this guide for the military structure and number of clone troopers per unit for the GAR & Co.
Most of it is taken from canon, with some details and minor adjustments for the AU :)
General thoughts and overview for the setting are collected in this post (continually updated) – though I might end up making separate posts elaborating on the different points & characters.
Jedi Ranks (GAR)
Council Member -> High General
Master -> General
Knight -> Commander
Senior Padawan -> Major
Padawan -> Captain
Padawans may lead companies when necessary, though it's generally avoided. Exceptions can be made for senior Padawans to command battalions on their own.
Clone Ranks
▼▼▼▼ Marshal Commander
▼▼▼ Senior Commander
▼▼ Regimental Commander
▼ Battalion Commander
◆◆◆◆ Major
◆◆◆ Captain
◆◆ Lieutenant
◆ 2nd Lieutenant
●●●● Sergeant-Major
●●● Sergeant
●● Corporal
● Trooper
▼ Year 1 (22 BBY) statistic estimates ▼
GAR Standard
[★] = support personnel (Captains, Commanders, Generals)
Squad (9)
★ Sergeant -> 8 Troopers
Platoon (36)
★ Lieutenant -> 4 Squads
1 Lieutenant + 8 Troopers
3 Sergeants + 24 Troopers
Company (144) ★
★ Captain -> 4 Platoons
1 Captain
4 Lieutenants + 32 Troopers
12 Sergeants + 96 Troopers
Battalion (576) ★
★ Commander -> 4 Companies
1 Commander
4 Captains
16 Lieutenants + 128 Troopers
48 Sergeants + 384 Troopers
Regiment (2,304) ★
★ Jedi Commander ★ Regimental Commander -> 4 Battalions
1-2 Commanders* (JC + RgC)
4 Commanders
16 Captains
64 Lieutenants + 512 Troopers
192 Sergeants + 1,536 Troopers
Brigade/Legion (9,216) ★
★ Jedi General or Commander ★ Senior Commander -> 4 Regiments
1 General and/or 1 Commander**
4-8 Commanders*
16 Commanders
64 Captains
256 Lieutenants + 2,048 Troopers
768 Sergeants + 6,144 Troopers
Corps/Division (36,864) ★
★ Jedi General (Exp.) ★ Marshal Commander -> 4 Brigades/Legions
1 General* and 1 Commander***
4 Generals* and/or 4 Commanders**
8-32 Commanders*
64 Commanders
256 Captains
1,024 Lieutenants + 8,192 Troopers
3,072 Sergeants + 24,576 Troopers
Sector Army (147,456) ★
★ High Jedi General -> 4 Corps/Divisions
1 High General
4 Generals* and/or 4 Commanders***
8 Generals* and/or 8 Commanders**
32-128 Commanders*
256 Commanders
1,024 Captains
4,096 Lieutenants + 32,768 Troopers
12,288 Sergeants + 98,304 Troopers
Systems Army (294,912) ★
★ High Jedi General -> 2 Sector Armies
2 High Generals
8 Generals* and/or 8 Commanders***
16 Generals* and/or 16 Commanders**
64-256 Commanders*
512 Commanders
2,048 Captains
8,192 Lieutenants + 65,536 Troopers
24,576 Sergeants + 196,608 Troopers
Grand Army (3,000,000+) ★
★ Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, Commander in Chief -> 10 Systems Armies (2,240,240)
20 High Generals (Systems & Sectors)
80 Generals* and/or 80 Commanders***
160 Generals* and/or 160 Commanders**
640-2,560 Commanders*
5,120 Commanders
20,480 Captains
81,920 Lieutenants + 655,360 Troopers
245,760 Sergeants + 1,966,080 Troopers
-> Support Personnel (27,280+) -> Special Forces (10,600+) -> Homeworld Security Command (369,230) -> Coruscant Guard (46,670) -> Republic Medic Corps (68,904)
Support Personnel
Includes Jedi Guardians, command clones, and trained ARC troopers.
▼ Year 1 estimate GAR count ▼
20,480 Companies = Captains / Majors
5,120 Battalions = Battalion Commanders
1,280 Regiments = Jedi Commanders / Regimental Commanders
320 Brigades = Jedi Generals/Commanders / Senior Commanders
80 Corps = Experienced Jedi Generals / Marshal Commanders
20 Sector Armies = 20 High Jedi Generals
10 Systems Armies = 10 of the 20 High Jedi Generals
Several corps and the personal battalions therein are under direct joint command of clones and Jedi generals overseeing larger units, such as experienced Masters or council members. -> Kenobi oversees the 3rd Systems Army and 3rd Sector Army therein, directly leading the 7th Sky Corps and the 212th Attack Battalion, with Cody as his second-in-command.
Clone commanders of higher rank have a personal battalion they lead on top of the unit they oversee. -> e.g. Cody is the marshal commander of the 7th Sky Corps, while personally commanding the 212th Attack Battalion.
There are always 20 active members on the Jedi High Council – 10 experienced council members are each assigned a systems army, while also responsible for one sector and personally overseeing a corps therein. The remaining members oversee one of the other 10 sectors and command a corps each, as well.
Special Forces
Special task forces comprised of elite clone commandos, trained by Mandalorians. They are capable of carrying out special operations, such as covert infiltration, sabotage, demolition and assassination.
Squad (4)
★ Sergeant -> 3 Troopers
Troop (20)
★ Lieutenant -> 5 Squads
Company (100)
★ Captain -> 5 Troops
Commando Group (500)
★ Commander -> 5 Companies
Special Operations Brigade (10,000)
★ Jedi General -> 20 Commando Groups
Advanced Recon Commandos (600+)
ARC troopers are clones who received additional training by Alpha-class commandos post-Geonosis, turning them into elite soldiers capable of independent and creative thinking on the field. The original Alphas have unaltered minds and were personally trained by Jango Fett, which greatly influenced their capabilities.
-> 100 Alpha-class Commandos -> 500+ Clone Troopers (Year 1 estimate)
Homeworld Security Command
Homeworld Security operates differently to the GAR – shock troopers are trained on Coruscant for an urban setting and regular contact with the general public. Units are assembled per situation and structured to be split into pairs, including command staff and medics.
Team (4)
★ Corporal -> 3 Troopers
Squad (8)
★ Sergeant -> 2 Teams
Patrol (32)
★ Lieutenant -> 4 Squads
1 Lieutenant + 7 Troopers
3 Sergeants + 21 Troopers
Company (96)
★ Captain -> 12 Squads / 3 Patrols
Group (576)
★ Commander -> 6 Companies
Divison (14,976+)
★ Regimental Commander -> 26 Groups + Support Personnel
Guard (46,670)
★ Senior Commander -> 3 Divisions
Off-world Security (369,230)
★ HSC Base Senior Commander Thire -> 8 Off-world Senior Commanders
Surveillance (69,286)
Orbital Defense (26,800)
Core World Security (273,144)
Coruscant Guard (46,670)
The Coruscant Guard ("Corries") are the Coruscant-based specialized branch of HSC – other major Core Worlds are given their own minor Guard and supplemental security. Guard duties are a lot more extensive compared to HSC deployed shock troopers, which primarily focus on security and patrols.
★ Senior Commander Fox ★ Regimental Commander Stone ★ Regimental Commander Thorn
Control Division (16,440)
Security Division (14,990)
Diplomatic Division (15,240)
Republic Medic Corps (68,904)
Trained clone medics are deployed to all of the other units, typically under the supervision of a (Chief) Medical Officer provided by the Republic Navy or Jedi MedCorps.
-> 1 CMO + 1 MO per 64 Medics -> Medics = ca. 1 per Platoon/36 Troopers
GAR = 62,228
SpO = 200
HSC = 6,152
CoG = 324
Misc -> Primary GAR Ships & Co.
Venator-class Attack Cruisers can carry a brigade each (ca. 9,300+ people)
-> Crew: 7,400 + 2,000 passengers -> Cargo Capacity: 20,000 tons -> Consumables: 2 years
LAAT/i (attack) Gunship -> 2 Pilots + 2-4 Gunners + 30 passengers -> Fuel: 8 hours — IM-6 battlefield medical droid — Speeder bikes
Walkers (various) -> AT-TE = All Terrain tactical Enforcer (6leg tank)
Shuttle / Shuttlecraft -> Personnel transport
Z-95 Starfighter / Headhunter -> Single-pilot clone starfighter
BTL-B Y-wing Starfighter -> Assault starfighter/bomber -> 1 Pilot + 1 Gunner + 1 Astromech
Delta-7B light interceptor -> aka Jedi starfighter -> Pilot + Astromech
Bombers (craft) -> Crew: 5
V-wing starfighters -> Pilot + Astromech
Acclamator-class Assault Transport/Carrier can carry an entire brigade and up to 3 regiments each (ca. 16,200+ people)
-> Crew: 700 + 16,000 troopers -> Cargo Capacity: 11,250 tons
320 Speeder bikes
80 LAAT/i
48 AT-TE
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cobiapiet · 5 months ago
This is beyond fantastic!!
I made a clone wars timeline to combine all of canon and legends into one cohesive and somewhat manageable timeline, mainly for fanfic and ttrpg purposes but I thought people might like it, it has a full workout of the galactic standard calendar and has precise(ish) dates for events (mainly republic commando) but I want as many people as possible to be able to see it and hopefully enjoy it
You can find it here:
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cobiapiet · 6 months ago
Bail Organa is barely in "Revenge of the Sith" and he's such a badass in those few moments that it's wonderful. The Jedi have been declared traitors? Better go pick some Jedi Council members up personally and smuggle them onto Coruscant to destroy the trap beacon. Yoda tries to assassinate the new Emperor? Bail Organa is waiting solo outside in the getaway speeder, giving free taxi rides for people trying to kill dictators. Anakin Skywalker has turned to the Dark Side and killed Padmé? Better adopt and raise Darth Vader's daughter with unconditional love. And after this movie is over, Bail is apparently going to go right back to work in the Imperial Senate while helping to found the Rebellion, because this superspy does not fucking blink.
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cobiapiet · 7 months ago
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Why do the boys look like they’re about to start a fight on my desk?
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cobiapiet · 7 months ago
Introducing the Star Wars Reference Wiki!
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Introducing the Star Wars Fic Reference Wiki, a wiki for fic writers by fic writers!
The Star Wars Fic Reference Wiki is intended as a way for fic writers and other fanwork creators to easily look up pertinent information without having to slog through dense paragraphs or comb through categories with dozens or even hundreds of entries with few indicators of what the pages are. Do you want lists? Do you want tables? Do you want easily digestible bullet points? We've got 'em!
We build pages from common questions we or other fic writers have, such as:
All these fics incorporate events from Jedi Apprentice, but what really happened to Obi-Wan Kenobi in Legends?
How do the stories in Revenge of the Sith and The Clone Wars mesh together?
Which characters are LGBTQIA+? Who are some LGBTQIA+ creators who have worked on a Star War? How about a timeline of LGBTQIA+ people and content?
BBY/ABY, BrS/GrS, BFE/AFE... what's the difference between these and all those other calendars? What calendar do characters use before the Battle of Yavin?
What are some idioms or kriffing swears this character could use to sound more Star Wars-y?
Does the GFFA have its own version of a grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup?
What could be used as a pack animal in one of the many, many deserts?
Why does this fic call him "Yan" or "Glamnor" Dooku? Is her full name Padmé Amidala Naberrie or something else?
How many costumes does Padmé wear? What about other SW costumes?
What are some canonical design options for a Kiffar OC's facial tattoo?
Are these the droids you're looking for?
Are you constantly losing those handy tumblr posts compiling useful resources? We have a permanent page for that!
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(Swears in light mode; LGBTQIA+ characters in dark mode)
We've only recently started building the wiki, and are creating new pages all the time! We'd love help or suggestions for new pages. Have you never edited a wiki before? No problem! We have a tutorial for that. Are you not super confident about your English? No worries! Other wiki editors are here to help! We have a Discord server for the wiki, and side channels for things like SW fic recs and general fan chat.
Thank you for initial brainstorming and showing us there was an interest in and audience for this wiki, from us (facingthenorthwind and immithrax) to you: @nimata-beroya, @cacodaemonia, @elismor, @genericficerblog, @seth-shitposts, @takadasaiko, and @virusq!
Many hands make great wikis, so please, come on over and join us, and check back to see what new things we have in store! If you find our pages useful, we'd also love if you could spread the word, so other people can make use of the resources we've worked hard to create.
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cobiapiet · 7 months ago
I have a personal letter for the folks in charge of Star Wars content:
where is Cody. What is going on. Please. Where is he. What is he up too. What happened beforehand. How did. What did. Give him back? Hello? Where are you hiding him?
never forgiving you for not putting Cody in the Kenobi show, personally
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cobiapiet · 7 months ago
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Behind the Scenes of Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)
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