@urfutureuwu said: What is it? It's drunk Reggie trying to burrow his way into James's back at a pub, maskless and warm and very heavy. "I loooove yooou and misssed you."
scathing grievances still burn at the back of his throat, still at least one glass of whiskey away from forgiving him for going dark for almost a year, and a currently-uncountable number of glasses away from forgiving him for the accumulated stress as the days without contact ticked up from "reggie on a bender," to "reggie on a sudden job," to "reggie should probably be back by now," to a downright manhunt that only ended with defalt and james hopping the pond to dig him out of the miserable ditch he had made into a new home.
as long as he's bitter about it, he thinks he'll add making him work with defalt to the list of shit reggie owes him for.
but the desire to start them down the track of their third argument is overwhelmed by whiskey-smoke singeing his mouth, an unfamiliar brand in an unfamiliar bar in an unfamiliar city. he levels a sharp glare at anyone who lets their eyes linger on the two of them for too long. he doesn't like how voice alone differentiates the two of them in london. differentiation means identification. being identified is the last thing either of them want. james isn't even supposed to be here.
the sudden thump comes mid-sip, immediately followed by a dry cough as his lungs also get a taste of overpriced bar drinks. he quickly buries his face into the crook of his elbow, turning to look at him in his peripheral as he coughs.
"you'd better love me," he answers dryly, an arched brow and small turn of his lips coming with it. "I don’t smuggle myself into a warzone for just anyone."
it's still strange to see reggie without his mask so often, glimpses of his face usually only afforded to him when it hindered reggie's ability to get his mouth on james' mouth, neck, hips. a faint desire to tease out that part of their relationship again is tucked away for later. there are a few directions he wouldn't mind this night going.
a brief pause as he digs his elbow into reggie's side, trying to muscle him off.
"breathe. I'd like to breathe."
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀ CMDLINE : an independent multimuse of original characters. 18+. extremely low activity. heavily neglected by ecto.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ carrd
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ A STUDY OF : finding the good in the world again, redemption, eating the rich, trying very hard to do the right thing, failing, trying again, failing spectacularly, trying again again, "ethical" hacking, cynicism's gradual evolution into idealism, the base violence necessary for change, adopting four to six genius twenty-nothings and acting as their mentor, the human cost of freedom, liberals (derogatory), critiquing the capitalist hellspiral with memes
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