Adult chicken Son of a star (somehow)I swear, if you annoy me, I SWEAR
Last active 2 hours ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
*Cluck was training, kicking and throwing calculated punches to a tree when he suddenly feels a shudder creepying on his back, his neck feathers ruffled as his first instict was to turn around and kick the air*
Uh... Uh...
*he panted, seemenly startled at the sudden feeling of danger, but he was alone in the place*
What the hell... Was that feeling...
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Well, yeah. If there’s one thing my father taught me was to be cautious but not scared of people. And I’ve been lately considering that advice a lot, this new place brought a sense on unease to me… sure has nothing to do with certain food chain around
*Cluck looks away with certain annoy look on his eyes*
Hmp, well I liked my childhood as it was, I wasn’t the most spoiled kid or had a ton of friends to play with, but playing in the ground, the cars, the noise… and the constant sound of the train, it felt right for me as a baby chick
*his expression softened, a certain sense of nostalgy hitting on him*
*Cluck seems a bit hesitant, since he's not really sure if this is the place, but as far as he knows, this is the only yatch parked in this side of the island. He sighs and knocks the door, it feels weird. But he really wants to Say thanks to this woman, Valeria. That gifted him so many cool things a few days ago*
( @cluck-starson )
[ The yacht had been nothing since chaos and visitors because of course when King Midas isn't around is when everyone suddenly wants to see him. That didn't mean she could just put the whole place on lockdown though, not that she technically had that power anyways. Marigold easily took over as if nothing changed, perhaps a skill she acquired while Midas was in the underworld. Valeria didn't let herself think about it for long because the lack of having control was bothering her than she liked to admit.
Plus, sulking in Midas' office to avoid the prince was totally an acceptable reaction to said chaos so she kept herself busy with that and the new book from Mizuki. It was halfway working.
Though, she herself hadn't expected anyone to knock. The noise startled her, if only minimally, as she got up and opened the door. ]
If you're looking for King Midas then--Oh!
[ Valeria's expression of dull annoyance quickly lifted into one of delighted surprise at the chicken's surprise visit. ]
Cluck! My gods you really are a giant, it's a miracle you haven't run into Peter yet--Oh, how are you? I heard you were keeping yourself busy with that one Oni and I just couldn't believe it. Come on in.
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Huh, either way, whatever this guy Peter could want from me, if he wants to fight, I'll be the one winning. Because theres no tougher chicken than me in this island
*Cluck does a hand gesture pointing himself with a confident smile*
And I fear nothing, I fear none!
*He places his hands on his waist and laughs. Although theres was someone he feared, and it's precisely the person she just mention, his father. Although his fear it's in more on the bortherline of respect when we are talking about him, Copernicus. And speaking of which, right now Valeria was giving lore he wasn't much aware of. Him, raises by this woman?*
Great heavens, I can't imagine how I could have ended If You were the one raising me
*Cluck seems a bit hesitant, since he's not really sure if this is the place, but as far as he knows, this is the only yatch parked in this side of the island. He sighs and knocks the door, it feels weird. But he really wants to Say thanks to this woman, Valeria. That gifted him so many cool things a few days ago*
( @cluck-starson )
[ The yacht had been nothing since chaos and visitors because of course when King Midas isn't around is when everyone suddenly wants to see him. That didn't mean she could just put the whole place on lockdown though, not that she technically had that power anyways. Marigold easily took over as if nothing changed, perhaps a skill she acquired while Midas was in the underworld. Valeria didn't let herself think about it for long because the lack of having control was bothering her than she liked to admit.
Plus, sulking in Midas' office to avoid the prince was totally an acceptable reaction to said chaos so she kept herself busy with that and the new book from Mizuki. It was halfway working.
Though, she herself hadn't expected anyone to knock. The noise startled her, if only minimally, as she got up and opened the door. ]
If you're looking for King Midas then--Oh!
[ Valeria's expression of dull annoyance quickly lifted into one of delighted surprise at the chicken's surprise visit. ]
Cluck! My gods you really are a giant, it's a miracle you haven't run into Peter yet--Oh, how are you? I heard you were keeping yourself busy with that one Oni and I just couldn't believe it. Come on in.
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Oh- Hello... *Cluck stayed silent for a few seconds, as Valeria greeted him and invited him inside the yatch. There was a strange feeling of familiarity upon seeing her. He walked in, the constant moving of the whole place on top of water made him feel unstable, but that was a feeling that was quickly shaken off since he focused in other things* I- uh,,, I don't know who's Peter so I can't tell. But I've been uhm, fine. Master ShogunX is training me hard, as I was expecting, so eventho it hurts I'm happy *He chuckles sightly and raises a hand to fix his head feathers* I just wanted to say thank you for all the gifts you sent on christmas, to be honest, I wasn't sure who you were, but after finally see you in person... I remember being in your hands a couple of times, which is... kinda weird
*Cluck seems a bit hesitant, since he's not really sure if this is the place, but as far as he knows, this is the only yatch parked in this side of the island. He sighs and knocks the door, it feels weird. But he really wants to Say thanks to this woman, Valeria. That gifted him so many cool things a few days ago*
( @cluck-starson )
[ The yacht had been nothing since chaos and visitors because of course when King Midas isn't around is when everyone suddenly wants to see him. That didn't mean she could just put the whole place on lockdown though, not that she technically had that power anyways. Marigold easily took over as if nothing changed, perhaps a skill she acquired while Midas was in the underworld. Valeria didn't let herself think about it for long because the lack of having control was bothering her than she liked to admit.
Plus, sulking in Midas' office to avoid the prince was totally an acceptable reaction to said chaos so she kept herself busy with that and the new book from Mizuki. It was halfway working.
Though, she herself hadn't expected anyone to knock. The noise startled her, if only minimally, as she got up and opened the door. ]
If you're looking for King Midas then--Oh!
[ Valeria's expression of dull annoyance quickly lifted into one of delighted surprise at the chicken's surprise visit. ]
Cluck! My gods you really are a giant, it's a miracle you haven't run into Peter yet--Oh, how are you? I heard you were keeping yourself busy with that one Oni and I just couldn't believe it. Come on in.
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Ugh, so much noise and fireworks
And the collar won't stop reacting to everything, I wonder what this means? Like, it has been acting weird for a few days. Perhaps my father is having fun, wherever he is now,,,
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Huh, the collar is shining more than usual
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Why, I suppose he was right in warning me about your growth! Ugh, you're taller than any chicken has any right to be but anywho you're like, probably unsure of who I even am. I'm Valeria, an old friend of your father and I helped babysit you once when you were just the smallest thing.
I promised I'd keep an eye on you and so I'm fulfilling that now with gifts, fun huh?
[ In a pile of presents, wrapped in glittery red paper and tied with black wire, sits more than enough gold for Cluck. The presents themselves are mostly edible delights alongside more practical gifts for weaponry and battle. ]
Now, now ring me if you need me, or if Peter tries to bother you. - @valeria-fortnite
Cluck checks the pile of presents unsure of what's going on with all this, he reads the letter, this woman "Valeria" the name rings a bell, he feels he has heard that name a few times in the past, tho he can't tell he really remember her face, since at least half of his life feels like a dream, specially the earliest moments. Perhaps the moment they finally see each other in person he'll fully remember her "well thanks, woman. the food is appreciated. the money, not so much, I have plenty of it already and I still don't know in what I should spend it" Cluck sits next to the pile, putting the card away to closely check the rest of the things, then his eyes shine upon seeing all the other fighting gear hidden in between the other more regular stuffs "OH ALRIGHT, THIS IS SICK... I'll have to go say thanks to her personally after this... eventually, not now."
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I'm so clueless about this woman that just came out of a gigant ice block
Who the hell is Mariah Carey
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Be careful with those so called food people guys. That's one step away from cannibalism. They represent themselves as anthropomorphic food to hide their intentions of eating your food when you're not looking. Or when you're looking if they're freaky like that. Watch out!
Be careful with those so called furry guys. That's one step away from bestialism. They represent themselves as anthropomorphic animals to hide their intentions of banging your pets when you're not looking. Or when you're looking if they're freaky like that. Watch out!
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Send 🍁 + Any question you’ve been curious to know about my muse!
Could be absolutely anything. Don’t be shy!
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hmmm, perhaps I could also get a scarf for this cold season
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Masashi is such a cool name,,,
Oh and you have your flags that are also on flames, THAT WOULD LOOK SICK
This snow on the island is hindering my ability to find it. I must rid this island of the cold plague.
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I- uh…
*hard thinking intensifies*
I don’t know, perhaps a long table cloth, or a flag!
I just think you’d look badass with a scarf, master
This snow on the island is hindering my ability to find it. I must rid this island of the cold plague.
#corn bites#// hes totally thinking on Naruto while saying this because he used to what it with his dad when he was little
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You don't like cold, Master?
Maybe we can find a scarf. As far as I know the cold is staying for a while
I actually don't know, it's my first winter
This snow on the island is hindering my ability to find it. I must rid this island of the cold plague.
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Y-yeah, I get it... I-I mean, I AM capable of breaking arms and legs if someone dares to even try attacking me.
thanks a Lot, Mr. Pancakes... It does feel comforting to have the advice from someone like you. I'll try to be calm
Food person, mr. Pancake man. How do you live with the constant fear of knowing the people around you it's pretty much willing to eat you at any point?
I do be on a similar situation, I think.
- @cluck-starson
Well.. I try not to worry about it too much. If I ever get anxious, I remind myself that I am well armed, and have bribed a large man with my famous coffee!! I also took a couple self defense classes; those helped a lot in making me feel safe.
Do be alert, but don't let anxiety control ya, kid!! If you ever need help, I've got my doors open, but I don't think a tough chicken like you'll need it.
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