Club Crimsyn Archive
268 posts
Sims 3 custom content and rambling by aikea-guinea and gelydh, archived from the closed website Club Crimsyn. Images, custom content, and words written on posts belong to Aikea and Gelydh . This entire tumblr was created to preserve their creations. All downloads are currently being hosted on simfileshare. Tristan: "I didn't think you could come up with something like this on your own. Although 'Club Crimsyn' is something I could see you having a hand in." Chris: "The 'Y' makes it hip." Tristan: "Yes, if you say so."
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club-crimsyn · 3 years ago
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I was never going to share this, but tomorrow is my special day♥, I want it to also be a special day for you! C:
Also this is another things I made a long time ago. After Aikea released her skinny jeans, I dedicated myself to change the textures to them. I did reUV-map and replaced the leather texture with this other (Also by Aikea) But I was a beginner and ruined the UV MAP (only slightly) So… You don’t use these pants with short shoes.
For male YA-ADULTS. Base game compatible, boots compatible, all morphs, outwear enabled too, 3 presets, 2-3 recolorable channels. includes a preset gradient. :B [very bad english, everywhere xD]
I hope you like and enjoy it very much! :3
DOWNLOAD [only package]
♥ Mediafire     |    ♥ Dropbox 
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If the links are broken, please go to the original post or notify me, please [:
Credits Mesh and Textures by Aikea♥
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club-crimsyn · 3 years ago
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Skinny Version of Aikea’s Cuffed Jeans “Come As You Were” for AY-Adult Male
Only for YA-Adult Male
2 presests (different pattern size)
Fully morphs supported
Base Game compatible
blah blah blah
________________________________ DOWNLOAD 
Mediafire | Package | Sims3pack | MEGA       | Package | Sims3pack |
If the links are broken, please go to the original post or notify me, please [: ________________________________ Credits Mesh by Aikea-Guinea Boots by shatsai ♥
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club-crimsyn · 4 years ago
Thank you!! I’m obviously a fan of your work.. ♡ ♡ ♡
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I attempted to archive all The Sims 3 content here, using simfileshare to host the files. I believe that I have everything posted, but if I'm missing anything my DM/asks are open.
Everyone is more than welcome to use the SFS links directly, and I'd be more than happy to share links to any other archives as well.
If anyone has done TS4 conversions, I’ll reblog posts if tagged or DMed them. I’m aware there’s also TS2 content as well, I’d be happy to share that here too. I’m still in the process of tagging posts properly, but I plan on maintaining this and getting it organized eventually.
Lastly, if anyone is curious about me, the person who achieved and created this tumblr; @graveful​ is my main and @gravefulsims​ is my simblr. ♡
Hey all!
Does anyone have links to where the Club Crimsyn links got archived? I know of @club-crimsyn here (whoever is behind this is amazing!) but I'm not sure where others are. I'd love to get the links out and circulating for those who need them. 😁
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club-crimsyn · 4 years ago
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So… these have technically been available since 2009, but only if you got my multicolored default replacement eyes.  This is a version that will work with whatever default replacement eyes you have!  If the DR eyes you have already have a tooth overlay, however, you may be able to use these along side them as long as you put this file in your overrides folder.  (The game layers these textures like a sweet, delicious cake.  The overlay images go on under the iris textures.  And now I want cake.)
This file contains default replacement textures for the teeth and whites of the eyes, for all ages and genders.  
If you want different teeth, but my whites, check out ice-creamforbreakfast’s alternate teeth!  We worked together to get this whole thing sorted out, so a shout-out to her for giving me the push to get these released at all.  :D
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club-crimsyn · 4 years ago
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I retextured a pair of Movie Stuff Pack hairs with a curly texture.
Base game compatible, for teen-elder females, custom thumbnails, compressorized, optimized, etc.  
Curly texture and mesh by EA, control by me.  Do whatever you want with these except make money off them in any way or claim you did them.  Credit is lovely.
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club-crimsyn · 4 years ago
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This is the skin I made for quizicalgin’s baby body replacement projects finally made into a default replacement file!  As you can see, it works perfectly without any baby body replacements, as well.
You can actually see a very nice side-by-side comparison of the replacement and regular default here (because I haven’t had the default baby skin in my game in years).  
THIS IS IMPORTANT: For most default replacements, you can just toss them into your packages folder.  This one will be a little different, as there are some default replacement skin tones that already have a replacement baby skin (mine is one of them, in fact! but it’s not this one, so this bit still applies if you use it).  Therefore, if you want this to work you’re going to have to put it in your overrides folder.  Then be sure to clear all your caches (including worldcaches).
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club-crimsyn · 4 years ago
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I squished this store hair down, and I like it much better now.  I’m feeling super lazy, so I’m throwing this on tumblr.
Available for teen-adult males, random, all the clothing categories. Mesh by EA, squished by me.  Texture a mix of Anto and a seriously edited Newsea, all smooshed together to work by me.  Adjust shine control.  I don’t care what you do with this as long as you don’t go around saying you did all this stuff that I did.  There was supposed to be a custom thumbnail, but I suck and couldn’t get it to work.
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club-crimsyn · 4 years ago
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I may have gone a little overboard…
This is a set of 30 t-shirts for ya/a males, split into four collections, on a new mesh.  It’s a slightly longer, slim fitting t-shirt with a meshed collar area.  Base game compatible, and all files have been compressorized!
Mesh and textures by me.  Art on the scientists shirts by Megan Lee; check out her etsy shop here!
My standard TOU applies, as always.  
6x Cat Shirts - Preview Gallery DOWNLOAD CAT SHIRTS
9x Band Shirts - Preview Gallery DOWNLOAD BAND SHIRTS
10x Scientists Shirts - Preview Gallery DOWNLOAD SCIENTISTS SHIRTS
5x Misc. Shirts - Preview Gallery DOWNLOAD MISC SHIRTS
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club-crimsyn · 4 years ago
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“The Only Wands…” shirts for YA/A females.  8D
Original design by the lovely @belleandwhistle (Alaina Ewins) [you can get a real-life version of the shirt here!  You can also get several variations here, including patches, totes, and stickers.], mesh and base textures by modish-kitten [original here].
(Thank you for modeling, Erith.  ♥)
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club-crimsyn · 4 years ago
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Sometimes I get inspired by Things, and then end up going off on a tangent.
This is a long-sleeve t-shirt for males with five presets.  All five presets have four recolorable channels.  All morphs, passable LODs, should be base-game compatible (please let me know if you run into problems!), enabled for… um.  Everyday and athletic, not sure of others.
Mesh is a mashup of two EA meshes, textures are redone EA textures, controls are by me.
Do whatever you want with this as long as you’re not making money off whatever said thing is, and credit is a lovely thing.  I really do love seeing recolors/retextures of my stuff, so… 
[Here’s the PSD for anyone interested in doing recolors.]
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club-crimsyn · 4 years ago
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I needed these, so I made them.  
A set of geeky tees for male and female toddlers.  All shirts have four recolorable channels.  The last shirt with the Periodic Baby is the only one the logo isn’t recolorable on.  
Available for whatever categories the base game tee is available for.  Mesh by EA, designs from ThinkGeek and wrangled to work in the game by me.  Base game compatible.
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club-crimsyn · 4 years ago
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Yay!  I’m finally getting around to releasing my ‘unfollowers’ gift!  Why an ‘unfollowers’ gift and not a ‘followers’ gift?  Well… I keep losing followers so if I was going to release this as a followers gift, it’d continue to sit rotting away on my computer for the rest of forever.  ;)
This is a base-game compatible edit of a Diesel Stuff Pack shirt for ya/a males.  I slimmed the mesh down a touch, fixed a horrible error on the hands (one of the fingers was considerably shorter than it should have been), got rid of a really pointless and annoying ‘stripe’ overlay, and tossed some geeky/nerdy/science-y graphics on it.  There are five different designs, all of which are recolorable aside from the last Beaker-beaker design.  The recolorability of the designs will also let you use the shirt as just a plain or otherwise patterned shirt as well.
I can’t remember what categories it’s enabled for because I have categorization filtering turned off.  :X  Shirt designs are from thinkgeek.  Mesh and textures by EA, heavily edited by me.
As always, if you have any problems with this, let me know!
TOU are as always.  Do whatever you want with these as long as you don’t claim you made it and don’t do anything with it that makes you money off my hard work.
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club-crimsyn · 4 years ago
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I’ve always been fond of this hair by supremesims, yet only just recently decided to give it a bit of a makeover.  I did an alpha edit on it to both shorten it and add slightly more thickness, as well to a total texture replacement on it.  I added in a working face and scalp texture as well.
Enabled for teen-elder females, custom thumbnail, compressorized and optimized.
Mesh by supremesims, and the version I edited came from julia526. Base, face, and scalp textures by EA; control, normal, specular, and alpha edit by me.
Do whatever you want as long as you’re not making money off my work in any way.  Credit is nice.
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club-crimsyn · 4 years ago
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Pan pride shirts for males and females!
Four recolorable channels with some overlays on both.  Designs from, male mesh and textures by me, female mesh and textures by moddishkitten.
My standard TOU applies, as always.   8D
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club-crimsyn · 4 years ago
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This is the first set of many conversions from Fallout 4!
There are eight bits of random cluttery things (mostly traps) and 17 bits of wall decor.  None of the items are recolorable.
Wall Decor Previews Cluttery Stuff Previews
Meshes and textures by Bethesda, converted to Sims 3 by me.  FEEL FREE TO CONVERT THESE TO SIMS 2 OR SIMS 3 IF YOU WANT!  Credit would be lovely if you do.  :)
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club-crimsyn · 4 years ago
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This download is just a bunch of poses I’ve made over the years for my legacy and all its interconnected stories.  There are 45 adult/teen poses and 7 child poses.
These work equally well for both male and female sims.  MANY of these may require a OMSP in order to mix together correctly.  Please note that while my sims’ heights have all been adjusted to varying degrees, NONE OF THE POSES have been.  They’ll probably end up working better for you than they did for me.  :P
I just grabbed a handful of the preview pictures for this post; all are included in the download.  THESE ARE NOT POSE-LIST COMPATIBLE.  Pose codes are included in the preview pictures.
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club-crimsyn · 4 years ago
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I ripped the gloves off a store top and now I actually like it and feel like I can use it.
Four recolorable channels plus overlay-details.  All morphs, but I just realized I never bothered making different LODs and honestly I can’t be bothered at this point, so lower LODs will show up looking like the basegame tank top.  Sorry.
Custom thumbnail.
Mesh and textures by EA, edits by me.  Do whatever you want with this as long as there’s no money involved.  Credit is always lovely and appreciated.
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