clownpulet · 2 years
꒰    #     @  the  nursery ,  home   .    ꒱      ✧    @idlewcrships​   .
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           ❛ —  YOU  KNOW  WE'LL  HAVE  TO  tackle  the  ceiling  at  some  point ,  right ? ❜  while  her  tone  is  playful ,  as  if  trying  to  pester  him  with  the  mention  of  what  was  she  thought  would  be  the  most  annoying  part  of  setting  up  the  nursery ,  there's  also  a  slight  strain  to  her  words .  she's  exhausted ,  and  it  shouldn't  come  as  a  surprise ;  was  it  even  okay  for  angel  to  be  putting  in  work  like  this ?  
          either  way ,  she  wanted  to  be  a  part  of  the  process .  not  just  so  the  twins  would  know  their  mother  also  had  a  hand  in  their  little  room ,  but  because  it'd  be  unfair  to  leave  it  all  to  james .  he  already  did  more  than  enough  for  her  as  is .  ❛  i  think  we  should  get  those  glow  in  the  dark  stars ,  or  maybe  a  night  sky  projector ...  those  are  really  beautiful . ❜  leaning  back  on  the  big ,  comfortable  rocking  chair  in  the  corner  of  the  room ,  she  allowed  herself  to  take  a  deep  breath .  it  didn't  take  long  for  adora ,  who'd  been  supervising  the  work ,  to  come  sit  by  her  owner's  feet . 
           ❛  speaking  of  night  time ,  what  time  do  you  think  they'll  be  born ? ❜  a  tiny  smirk  dances  on  her  lips ,  gaze  lifting  towards  james .  ❛ i  hope  they  both  like  to  shower ,  unlike  a  certain  someone ... ❜  a  giggle .  ❛  but  that's  for  the  future .  nothing  but  cozy  little  baths  for  now ! ❜
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clownpulet · 3 years
♡ ·  24hrhussy
for the qeme , @clownpulet​​
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as far as ellie’s work days go , this one has been acceptably bland. nothing’s happened , no awful customers or bad tippers  — and yet the shadow of the other day looms above them. it’s not even particularly bad — they’ve dealt with worse , in their line of work. it must have just been a perfect storm of shit on shit to leave her so shaken.
it’s late when she stumbles outside , makeup smudged under her eyes , overlarge sweatpants and hoodie swallowing her up , bag of outfits slung on her shoulder. they mean to walk home , head tucked down and pepper spray in hand when a familiar face stops them in their tracks. they blink , taken aback. blink again. let their face scrunch up into unabashed confusion.
“ hi ? ” she says , making no move towards dallas. “ y’know you get a better show inside, right ? ”
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         ❝  I’VE HEARD AS MUCH ,  ❞  there’s  a  chuckle  that  falls  from  his  lips ,  more  so  out  of  politeness  than  anything  else .  it  wasn’t  uncommon  for  dally  to  show  up  at  the  strip  club ;  if  anything ,  it  was  one  of  the  few  places  in  town  where  he  didn’t  quite  hate  the  company .  on  the  contrary ,  he  felt  protective  of  them ,  as  if  they  were  friends  or  even  family  to  the  guy .  perhaps  it  was  for  that  very  reason  that  upon  receiving  a  specific  request ,  strange  as  it  was ,  he  didn’t  hesitate  to  show  up .
          reaching  inside  his  pocket ,  he  takes  out  a  cigarette  &  his  zippo  lighter .   ❝  i  got  a  call  from  a  certain  someone ,  asking  me  to  check  in  on  you .  red  hair ,  the  personification  of  the  word  ‘ emotional ’ ...  ring  any  bells ?  ❞  a  tiny  smirk  dances  on  the  corners  of  his  lips ,  as  he  can’t  hide  the  fact  that  angel  still  has  his  number  after  so  many  years  is  rather  surprising ,  if  not  heartwarming .  nevertheless ,  he  wasn’t  doing  this  for  angel ;  this  was  for  ellie ,  and  the  fact  that  dally  wouldn’t  forgive  himself  if  something  happened  to  her ,  especially  if  he  could’ve  prevented  it .
           standing  from  his  spot  against  the  club’s  wall ,  he  nodded  towards  his  car ,  parked  a  few  feet  away  from  them .  ❝  you  okay  to  go ?  we  can  grab  some  food  on  the  way ,  if  you’d  like .  i  know  dealing  with  a  bunch  of  assholes  is  enough  to  drain  a  person’s  energy .  ❞
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clownpulet · 3 years
♡ ·  idlewcrships
closed starter for @clownpulet​​. location: downtown. 
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it hadn’t been long enough since lux left angel’s place in order to allow her cousin to have a private moment with the guy who was causing her sorrow right now. lux cared for angel so much, that she was feeling equally as anxious as her for this talk. she wished the hours flew by faster so she could get news soon about how did it all go. so she decided to distract herself in the meantime by exploring around town. the only times she’s been here before, she had spent all her time with angel by her side… so this was a first for her just wandering around. lux didn’t know this town well at all, but she loved learning about places around the world… no wonder why touring was one of her favorite things. after making a stop for her go to frappucino, she sat down on the first bench she found on her way. before letting out a sign, she turned to the person closest to her. hoping they’d be a local, or else.. there was no use on what she was about to ask. “uh, excuse me… what can one do around here for fun? i’m looking for some good solo activities” 
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           THE HOLIDAY SEASON HAD ALWAYS BEEN  cathy’s  favorite  time  of  the  year ,  sharing  first  place  with  halloween .  there  was  something  inexplicably  cozy  about  the  way  the  entire  town  seemed  to  come  together  for  this  specific  period  of  time ,  despite  how  painfully  short  it  was .  in  addition  to  that ,  the  holiday  season  also  meant  special  holiday  drinks  &  treats  for  her  to  savor ,  much  to  her  sweet  tooth’s  content !  sitting  on  a  bench  next  to  one  of  her  favorite  little  cafés ,  the  girl  watched  as  the  people  passed  her  by ,  going  about  their  day  only  to  leave  her  wondering  about  them  for  a  few  seconds  or  so .  she’d  always  been  a  people - watcher ,  partially  due  to  her  upbringing  &  partially  because  it  was  fun  to  create  little  narratives  in  her  head ,  see  where  they  would  fit  and  most  importantly ,  if  they  looked  like  the  kind  of  person  who’d  enjoy  her  singing .  unlike  other  days  though ,  someone  struck  up  conversation  with  her ,  taking  the  spot  beside  cathy  &  causing  her  to  look  at  the  stranger .  ❝  hm ?  ❞  she  hummed ,  bringing  the  iced  sugar  cookie  almond  latte  to  her  lips .  ❝  well ,  there’s  only  so  much  fun  a  person  can  have  on  their  town ,  ❞   she  would  know .   ❝  it  depends ;  what  kind  of  stuff  do  you  like  to  do  for  fun ?  i  don’t  wanna  recommend  something  completely  out  of  the  question ,  that’d  be  a  bit  embarrassing . ❞
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clownpulet · 3 years
♡ ·  idlewcrships
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when james woke up with a pounding headache over his drinking (and smoking) choices from last night: he was really unsure angel really wanted to see him today, or if it had been just a drunken thing she didn’t really mean. it hadn’t been the smartest move: to get fucked up by himself in his room. well, poor scar (as usual) was the one who had to deal with him and his sad playlist on full volume last night, and it had been ages since he did such thing. probably the last time that he pulled this self destructive behavior, had been during the first few weeks without his father: when he desperately needed anything that could numb the pain for a little while. james hadn’t felt this sad over a thing ever since. he spent a great part of his morning rereading the drunk texts he sent angel last night… he didn’t even mean to text her in the first place, and he felt so embarrassed over the whole thing. it felt like another wrong move. if only his stupid ass had stayed away from his phone last night. his sober self was terrified of asking if she still wanted to see him, in fears the answer would be a negative one… so when she said yes, it really caught him off guard. 
and now here he was, standing outside her door. he had never felt this anxious before while on his way to her place. james truly didn’t know what to expect of today’s talk, and the hungover wasn’t helping him with the shitty feeling. he felt his heart leave his chest when he rang her door, and then it skipped a beat when she showed up on the other side. as beautiful as ever. but she also was… keeping her distance. it felt like those sober texts where he talked about wanting to kiss her were a mistake too, as that seemed to be the least thing she wanted right now. a painful reminder of his reality: he felt his heart weighing again. in his daydreams about the moment he saw her again… he’d grab her by the waist and meet her lips to show her how much he had missed her. but now that the moment was finally happening: he was just awkwardly standing there. he felt so stupid right now. “hey...”, he softly said, a timid smile as he followed her inside. angel managed to cause a chuckle to escape his lips with her teasing. “of course… you’re so special. i had to”, he joked lightly, though he did mean it when he called her special. she truly was, no one would ever compare to her. when james sat down on the couch, he was suddenly greeted by adora. “or maybe she only likes me when i shower”, another small joke, matched by a light chuckle. “is that so ma’am?”, he cooed at adora as he petted her… which was helping him relax a little. miss adora to the rescue. “s-so… what did you want to talk about?”, he finally turned to angel again, nervously awaiting for an answer. 
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              ❝  AS MUCH AS I APPRECIATE  the  gesture ,  i  think  there  are  tons  of  others  who  would  also  love  to  see  you  looking  squeaky  clean .  ❞  the  idea  brings  a  giggle  out  of  her ,  &  she  fings  herself  happy  to  see  that  the  two  of  them  can  still  joke  like  this  despite  the  situation .  it  was  a  reminder  that  regardless  of  what  happens  next ,  the  two  of  them  will  be  okay .  it’s  comforting ,  reassuring ,  allowing  her  to  rest  assured  that  he  won’t  leave  ---  at  least  not  entirely .  ❝  oh ,  i  hate  to  say  it  but  you  might  be  right .  this  lady  is  very  demanding ,  you  see .  ❞  a  smile  graces  her  lips  as  she  watches  adora  searching  for  a  cozy  spot  on  james’  lap ,  purring  gently  as  she  analyzes  every  bit  of  space .  it  comforted  angel  to  see  her  cat  attempt  to  comfort  the  man ,  probably  having  been  able  to  tell  just  how  nervous  he  was  ---  or  perhaps  she  was  only  trying  to  assert  dominance .  after  all ,  adora  did  have  a  long  list  of  suitors ,  human  &  animal  alike .
                  turning  her  body  towards  his  as  the  pair  sits  on  the  ouch ,  the  redhead  took  a  deep  breath  when  he  asked  what  she  wanted  to  talk  about .  there  was  so  much ,  yet  she  knew  she  would  have  to  simplify  it  for  both  their  sakes .  this  long  overdue  conversation  was  going  to  be  hard  enough  as  is ,  &  even  harder  seeing  as  she  had  to  look  at  him  the  whole  time .  it  was  important  that  angel  did .  ❝  i  want  to  talk  about  us .  i ...  i  want  to  know  what  i  am  to  you ,  james .  &  please  don’t  say  ‘ best  friend ’ .  ❞  a  weak  chuckle  escapes  her ,  matching  the  saddened  smile  on  angel’s  rosy  lips .  ❝  i--  i’m  honored  that  you  think  of  me  like  that ,  but ...  but  friends  don’t  do  the  things  we  do ,  jamie .  some  things  maybe  but  not  all  of  them .  ❞  and  angel  knew  he  understood  what  she  meant .  she  hated  to  have  to  bring  this  up ,  to  feel  as  though  she  was  pressuring  him  into  doing  or  thinking  about  something  he  didn’t  want  to  or  worse ,  wasn’t  ready  to .  the  redhead  knew  how  much  james  had  been  through  the  past  year ,  even  longer ,  &  she’d  been  with  him  every  step  of  the  way .  still ...  this  conversation  needed  to  happen  now  or  never .  she  deserved  this .  ❝  i  don’t  want  you  to  think  you  owe  me  anything  or--  or  that  i’ll  leave  you  because  i  won’t ,  i  would  never !  ❞  it  wasn’t  his  fault  that  her  feelings  &  emotions  were  so  strong ,  angel  knew  she  needed  to  keep  herself  in  check  even  if  just  a  little  bit .  ❝  i  need  to  know  how  you  feel  about  me ,  so  that  i  know  how  much  is  okay  for  me  to  feel  towards  you .  i--  ❞  words  faill  her  the  moment  her  baby  blue  eyes  find  his  lips ,  bringing  the  same  old  rosy  tint  to  her  cheeks .  i  still  can't  stop  thinking  about  kissing  you .  did  he  really  mean  that ?  she  mentally  curses  herself  for  thinking  about  the  texts  at  a  moment  like  this ,  for  the  way  her  heart  dares  to  beat  just  a  little  bit  faster  for  a  moment .  she  shouldn’t  be  holding  her  breath .  ❝  i - i  need  you  to  help  me  out  here ,  jamie ...  ❞
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clownpulet · 3 years
♡ ·  idlewcrships
closed starter for @clownpulet​​. location: angel’s place.
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lux was well aware that angel was one to bottle things up, so unless something really was bothering her… she wouldn’t dare to speak about it. which is why as soon as she got her texts, lux knew it was something serious enough for her cousin, and she didn’t even hesitate to drop everything to comfort her. lux’s relationship with her own blood sister had never been good, in fact… she hadn’t spoken to her in years. so angel had always felt like the (little) sister lux never had. there isn’t a thing lux wouldn’t do for her, or her loved ones. angel was the only member of her family that lux kept in contact with. the redhead was a blessing in her life, so the least she could do was be there for her when she asked. missing two dates from the tour wasn’t important enough, all that mattered right now was making sure angel was okay. thankfully she was in a city less than an hour away, so fast enough: she was knocking on her cousin’s door. as soon as the other answered, lux immediately went in to give her the biggest, warmest hug. god, she had missed her. “i’m here now, i’m here”, she reassured her lovingly, holding her tighter. “you didn’t do anything stupid while i was on my way, did you?”, she joked lightly, referencing her last texts to angel, an attempt to lighten the mood a little and make her cousin smile. 
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          ❝  LUXIE--  ❞  THE REDHEAD CAN HARDLY COMPLETE  her  thought  process ,  quickly  finding  herself  in  her  cousin’s  comforting  embrace .  it  had  been  so  long  since  the  two  last  saw  each  other  &  yet ,  it  this  didn’t  feel  awkward .  quite  the  opposite ,  angel  felt  comforted ;  cared  for .  safe .  ❝  you  know  i  always  do  the  most  stupidest  of things ,  ❞  spoken  into  the  hug ,  a  saddened  laugh  escaping  her  lips .  she  hated  that  the  blonde  had  to  see  her  like  this  ---  all  broken  up  into  tiny  pieces ,  alcohol  coating  her  breath .  at  lux’s  question ,  she  could  only  chuckle ,  freckled  cheeks  blushing  deeper  out  of  embarrassment .  ❝  no ,  i - i  don’t  think  so  but ...  he--  he  texted  me .  ❞  a  confession  that  sends  butterflies  flying  around  her  stomach ,  warmth  within  her  heart .  if  angel  had  been  any  sober ,  she  would  have  felt  tremendously  embarrassed  by  her  own  reaction ,  by  how  the  mere  thought  of  james  made  her  feel  all  warm /  fuzzy  on  the  inside  even  at  a  time  like  this ,  under  these  circumstances .  ❝  you--  you  remember  james ,  don’t  you ?  tall ,  gentle ,  incredibly  handsome ,  has  the  cutest  dog  in  the  whole  world ?  he  said  he  misses  me  and  i--  ❞  a  pause ,  simply  because  she  feels  her  blue  eyes  start  to  water .  ❝  i  love  him  so  much ,  lux ...  i--  i  want  to  see  him .  i  want  to  see  him ,  kiss  him ,  tell  him  i  love  him  but  i’m  so  sad .  ❞
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clownpulet · 3 years
꒰    #     @  angel’s  place   .    ꒱      ✧     @idlewcrships​   .
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             DESPITE  THE  TERRIBLE  ACHE  that  pounded  in  her  head ,  angel  thought  she’d  been  dealing  with  the  hangover  pretty  well .  decently  at  the  very  least .  it  wasn’t  the  first  time  she’d  gotten  drunk ,  but  it  was  the  first  in  many ,  many  years  ---  and  it  was  the  one  that  left  her  feeling  the  worst .  not  for  herself ,  but  for  lux ;  she  would  never  be  able  to  repay  her  cousin’s  great  kindness ,  &  a  part  of  her  felt  like  she  didn’t  even  deserve  it  in  the  first  place .  but  before  the  thoughts  started  to  get  to  her ,  she  heard  the  bell  ring ,  prompting  the  redhead  to  stand  from  her  comfortable  spot  on  the  couch  and  rapidly  walk  to  the  door .
           as  she  opened  the  door ,  angel’s  baby  blue  gaze  quickly  found  the  face  she’d  been  missing  so  much ,  immediately  bringing  an  overwhelming  warmth  to  the  redhead’s  chest .  if  she  didn’t  know  better ,  if  she  didn’t  know  they  needed  to  talk  about  the  whole  thing  with  a  clear  head ,  no  more  secrets  being  kept ,  chances  were  she  would  have  jumped  into  james’  arms  right  then  &  there .  ❝  hi ...  ❞  she  greets  him ,  saccharinity  coating  her  voice  as  a  lazy  smile  appears  on  rosy  lips .  stepping  to  the  side ,  she  opened  the  door  a  little  more  so  that  he  could  come  in ,  closing  it  behind  james  once  he’d  stepped  inside .  ❝  so ...  you  really  did  shower ,  hm ?  i  feel  so  honored ,  ❞  she  teased ,  hands  resting  behind  her  back  as  the  redhead  found  herself  fidgetting  with  her  fingers ,  nervous  about  what  was  yet  to  come .  luckily ,  a  quiet  meow  broke  the  brief  silence  as  her  white  cat  entered  the  room ,  wiggling  her  way  towards  james .   ❝  oh ,  right ,  adora  is  awake .  ❞  giggling ,  angel  brushed  a  red  curl  behind  her  ear .  ❝  i  think  she’s  in  a  better  mood  today ;  i  must’ve  annoyed  her  so  much ...  ❞
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clownpulet · 3 years
↪ ♡ ·  text: james !
james: oh, she's there? i am glad someone has been taking care of you. if i wouldn't have been so equally fucked up last night to think clearly, i would have worried for u so much.
james: you giggling 🥰 does adora hate ME though? 💔 that's the question.
james: i love your little giggles though. sorry to hear adora doesn't appreciate them as much /:
james: i've missed you so much, even if it's only been a day. am i ridiculous for that?
james: oh... yeah. stuff. i'll be there in like 20?
james: 😂😂😂 and i've missed you calling me that. 😍
james: i mean, in case... you can always come over instead? though i'm sure she wouldn't have an issue. but, lemme know. imma shower indeed, brb. 🏃‍♂️
angel: i feel bad, she had to leave her bandmates just to come see me and they're on tour rn 😔 i'm an awful cousin.
angel: nooo! adora doesn't hate u, i wouldn't allow it! no anti james behavior, not in this house 😭 😭
angel: you're just saying that to make me blush!! u silly goose ☺️ it's ok tho, adora is just picky. she's a spoiled brat!
angel: no, not at all. i've missed u just as much, i thought my heart was going to explode!!
angel: mhm ... 20, can't wait! 🧡
angel: heheh that's what u are! stinky james! the king of stinkies ☺️ ☺️
angel: hmm... it might be better if u come, she said she's just gonna go for a walk, explore the town a little bit. so long as we behave, i think we'll be okay! 😇
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clownpulet · 3 years
↪ ♡ ·  text: lux !
lux: i was... don't worry! it's just a mini US tour and the last stops were arizona and cali.
lux: ... why are you gushing about someone's ass with me rn. i see you are a lost cause indeed now /:
lux: with all due respect... fuck your mom 🤍 well both of your parents, while we are at it.
lux: aww 🥺 wish i could bring galileo this time, but you caught me off guard cherry bomb.
lux: next time for sure!
lux: i won't!. they'll understand, it's not like none of them had needed something similar before.
lux: this friend has helped me before too, so they know the songs and everything. it'll be okay! i'll be there with u in a bit. shh, don't worry about a thing anymore 🤍
lux: 😂😂😂 In-N-Out?
lux: and does he know? and he still did this to you?
lux: you're not a fool, angel... we can't help who we fall for.
lux: 💔 noo!! i'm omw!
angel: mini torus are imprtant ! i'll 10000% go to ur next show !!! iTS A PROMSIE!
angel: im jsut sayign ... its a most honorable ass !! i give u permisison to look at his bum once (1) !! ☺️
angel: i knwo 😞😞 i havnt seen them in so logn ... i dont actually miss them tho ...
angel: GALILEO !!! HWO IS HE ?? adora misses him dearly !!! u knwo he is her #1 husband !! but shhhh
angel: ok ok ... i jsut feel a little bad 😭 u knwo how i am
angel: is this """friend""" relaly just a frieend or .... 👀 👀 👀
angel: IN N N OUT !!! YESS !! its so godo dhsjkls;dasdj the best of brusgers ! promsie we'll go there together sometime :3
angel: he .... he knows now ..... bc i told him withoug meanign to ... 😬 😬
angel: but w e shoiuld be! maybe i jus tneed to try harder! i dont really want anyone else tho :(
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clownpulet · 3 years
↪ ♡ ·  text: james !
james: haha how's the hungover?
james: did it?
james: i just don't want to interfere and cloud your judgement by showing up while you think things through. couldn't even handle 24 hours. sorry.
james: why not? 🥺 that's how i feel.
james: never busy for you.
james: do you want me to come over now?
james: i'd just need to shower first... shocker, i know hahah.
angel: my head hurts :( but lux is taking care of me.
angel: oh yeah, btw ... my cousin came to my rescue last night. i feel so embarrassed 😓
angel: mhm. i remember giggling a lot. adora hated it heh
angel: it's okay, i don't think i could handle 24 whole hours either. not without feeling terrible.
angel: because i can't kiss u from here! and we still have to talk about stuff and yeah ...
angel: oh ☺️ in that case, i'd like u to be here asap
angel: stinky !! doesn't surprise me 🙄 🙄
angel: i'll tell lux i need the place for a bit, hopefully she won't be upset 😔😔
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clownpulet · 3 years
↪ ♡ ·  text: lux !
lux: what happened?
lux: yeah, we were just getting off stage. so you texted just in time. or else the wait would have been longer... glad it wasn't.
lux: who? whose ass do i have to kick?
lux: ew, not belmont wine. you clearly are on a crisis right now. yikes. but please tell baby adora i love her 🤍
lux: it must be your lucky night, we did a vegas show. i'll just tell the guys that i won't be able to leave with them now over a family emergency, and head to where you are instead.
lux: don't worry, a friend can fill in for me for the phoenix shows till i meet them again in california.
lux: yes, firsthand i know it can. and i am so sorry to hear you're going through that right now.
lux: i'll be there in like an hour, please don't drink anymore.
angel: OMG OMGOGMGOMG U WERE ON STAAAAGE !?!?!?! i wnana see one of ur shows so bad inm such an awful cousin iaM SORRRY !!
angel: no no please dont kick his ass its suhc a ncie ass 😭😭 adn i love him! !!
angel: i knwo ... this is decadenec at ikts finest. my mom woudl be os disappointed.
angel: ADORA LOVES U TOOTO !!!!!!! SHE MEOWD !!!
angel: REALLY !?!??! omg finally god is msiling upon me!! tHANK U JESUS ! u wont get in trouble though, will u???
angel: californoa ... i ahvent been there in ages 😞 😞 thats where they have the yummy burger !!!
angel: i lvoe him so mcuh luxie fjksoafjhfbjskl i cnat help it !!!! iM A FOOL
angel: no drnkin only cryuifn 😞
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clownpulet · 3 years
↪ ♡ ·  text: james !
[7 hours later]
james: sorry, i fell asleep.
james: sorry about all that too. didn't mean to bother you, or not respect the space you told me you needed.
james: for the record, i am sober now but i still can't stop thinking about kissing you.
james: did you still wanna see me today?
james: i understand if not.
angel: morning... i'm never drinking again 😓
angel: it's okay, i know u didn't mean to. it helped me cheer up.
angel: u can't just say those things to me over text! 😣
angel: but i do want to see you ... are u busy?
angel: not that i want you to hurry or anything, just asking ...
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clownpulet · 3 years
↪ ♡ ·  text: james !
james: hmm noo!!
james: it'sw oaky i'll teahc you and with patientce becaus i liek u so so sos omuch
james: then do it:( i watn angel kisses i needethem!!
james: i miss u os much
james: what if we kisesd all night? 😳
james: okye i gues si'll txet u whe n i'm sber
james: ipromise 🖤
james: adn i'l lnever break another promise to yuo ever
james: i juest rllwannta see u too
james: and kiss u
james: iam so into u
james: fr its os scary but i jst ca nt stpo thikgin abdout u
james: oh i wsnt quoitng ariana
james: tahts jus thow i feel
james: fkc
angel: okei dokie! 😌😌 i'l do my best !!! i kliek u so so o so muhc
angel: i mor than liek uUuu! i DOOOOOOO! 😍😍😍😍😍😍
angel: heheheheh u like me ☺️
angel: im gonan kiss u so much whenm i see u !!! sO MCUH !!! UR GONNA BE SO ANNOYEDDD!!
angel: aLL NGITH ?!?!? can we ,,,,, i wanan kiss u all night !!!! all of u uu u u all nigtghthg t
angel: jameieieieieeieieieieeeeeeeeeeee🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡
angel: no mroe brekaing promsies it make sme so sad
angel: don t look at me oim cryinf again
angel: cAn u tell ari im into u too plsplsplspls
angel: pld dont leave me for ari adjkadlsofkp
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clownpulet · 3 years
↪ ♡ ·  text: james !
james: hmmm impssouble(:
james: will u??
james: mayeb we cn kiss or soemhtitn 😳
james: i wnann kiss u
james: can i kiss u
james: i alwys wanan see u 🖤 dotn be silly
james: do u rlealy want me to?
james: okay but i will aks ur sober self oftomirrw to doubel chrkc if u still wnt taht
angel: VERY PPSOSIBLE! i said so mcyself!
angel: i wil! but u have to be patient with me :( idk how to smoke anythign! 🤫
angel: i wannaa kis you too!!! WR HAVE SO MCUH IN COMMON !!!
angel: ye a but u have to do it moer than once! ☺️
angel: yea 😢😢 i miss u so mucbn sadsfghjkl
angel: i'll jaust have to duoble confiem it !
angel: promies you'll come ☹️ pls pslsmpsl spls
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clownpulet · 3 years
↪ ♡ ·  text: james !
james: yes🖤
james: do u???
james: whatevr u want
james: i just liek u
james: verymuch
james: u casn stay over so she dont smellu
james: pleas e do
james: 🖤
angel: i liek u more 😔 so so so much 😔
angel: awww ok1 i will ☺️☺️ ur so kidn!!!
angel: omg fjhkdjlsjdfhb syOU WANNA SEE ME TOO ?!?!?!
angel: 😍😍😍😍😍😍
angel: cna u come over a soon as u wak eup :(((
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clownpulet · 3 years
↪ ♡ ·  text: james !
james: yes:)
james: u dotn have one
james: OH
james: oHMGYFOD i cant believe i made it thi s far
james: im shy
james: welltjerhes always a first/:
angel: dont be shy !!!!!!! i wanNA GO OUT WITH YOU !!!
angel: or we cna stay in !!! anythign goes ☺️☺️☺️☺️
angel: u have to teach me tho :( and adora mihgt not like the smell!
angel: cn a i see u tomrorow :(
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clownpulet · 3 years
↪ ♡ ·  text: james !
james: yes????
james: i m a stinky
james: no who sisad tahat
james: no ur more ucute hahah do u wanna go out osmeday or sumtng haha
james: do u wnana smoke wiht em (:
angel: my stinky :((((
angel: nmo one !!! i dont want a weed coochei ew ewewew 😖😖😖
angel: .... yes 👀☺️👀☺️👀☺️👀☺️ i'l l go out withn you 🤗😍🤗
angel: i dont knwo how to :((( i've never smoked beofre !!
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clownpulet · 3 years
↪ ♡ ·  text: james !
james: lol yes
james: nooooo
james: smilign tiddie:)
james: do yuo???
james: a COOKIE
james: 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
james: no choochie
james: unelss it's urs aha
james: ahahah yes:) u are verycute
james: why b elmont/:
angel: happy tiddie 😄😄
angel: 😳 😳 😳 😳
angel: does my cooochie smelel like weed 🤔🤔🤔
angel: no ur the scutest :(( uR SO CUTE I WANNA KISS UR FAXE
angel: bc it was th4 only alcohol i hasd 😔😔 and i didnt wann a be sober :(((
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