you would fuck that old man. i would fuck that old man. we are the same. hold my hand
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imagine soaps cute little innocent girlfriend who gets insecure when he calls her "bonnie" for the first time during sex.🥺🥺
she'd be so sad!! whimpering and sitting up whilst cooing a little "w-who is bonnie.? i never heard of a bonnie."
soaps heart would break right then and there at her teary eyes and sniffly nose. he'd rock her and soothe her, swearing on his life that it's just a term of endearment for pretty little things like her.
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Okay okay, I LOVEE your writing. & I was wondering if you could work your magic for a little idea I had. Hear me out fem nanny x John price .
Price divorced dad of an infant hires a nanny to watch over sweet little baby thing while he's overseas but comes home early in the middle of the night without notice, ☀️ nanny hears footsteps in the house and in a frantic rush grabs a weapon and hides the baby & herself ���� idk why I need this but I need to know how John reacts
I hope you like it!!!
John Price x Nanny!reader
The last thing Captain John Price ever expected was a week old infant being dropped in his hands from a one night stand but here he was. The only thing that got him through it was you, his new nanny. You came highly recommended from a few different higher ups who had hired you to help their wives while they were away for long periods of time. Years of experience and too many references to count, John didn’t think twice about hiring you, especially after he saw how good you were with his tiny newborn daughter. He was scared to even touch the poor thing but you walked him through step by step how to care for his daughter. He had turned down a few different missions but this one he wasn’t allowed to say no to. Leaving his 6 week old daughter for two months was not what he wanted to do but he trusted you, and was overjoyed when he was able to return home a week early.
The first sign that panicked you was the neighbor’s dogs barking. You’ve been living in this house for almost 4 months now and have never once heard them bark. Then the security lights in the front of the house lit up and you could hear the doorknob rattling. Fuck. You could feel the pit in your stomach growing, something’s wrong. Reaching under the bed to pull out a hunting knife you had found one day putting away laundry. You really shouldn’t have been surprised when you kept finding hidden weapons in a military captain’s house. Knife in hand you made your way to the room next to you, to grab the baby. The creak of the front door opening sent you into full fight or flight. Hearing the heavy steps at the bottom of the stairs, you quickly grabbed the sleeping infant. “We’re gonna play a lil game of hide and seek ok?” you quietly whispered to her, placing a soft kiss on her forehead as you peaked out her bedroom door to make sure the hallway was clear before making your way to the large closet in the master bedroom. The only closet with a lock on it. You could hear the footsteps get closer, your heartrate picking up as you locked the two of you in the closet. Holding the sweet baby tight to your chest.
Now John began to panic when he went to check on his daughter and she wasn’t there. His feet started moving faster to find your room empty too, a glass of water spilled on the floor, one you hadn’t even realized you had knocked over in your rush out of the room. But what really sent him into a frenzy was the small stuffed bear on the floor in the hallway. The one his baby girl never let go of and would not sleep without. The Captain pulled his gun out and began clearing rooms looking for you two.
As you heard doors begin slamming and the noises of the intruder growing louder you placed the sleeping infant behind a few boxes, out of sight, before standing in front of her and facing the door. The doorknob twisted a few times, the intruder trying to get in, one hand covered your mouth to keep from screaming while the other had a white knuckle grip on the large knife. Suddenly the door flew open, Price kicking it down. You twisted the knife around in your hand, bringing both hands up ready to fight for yours and the child’s life. All you could see was the silhouette of a large man with a gun. The light on in the room behind him, keeping his face dark and identity hidden. Price began to lower his gun, seeing it was you and you started to lunge towards him, knife swinging. He easily dodged and removed the knife from your hands.
“Hey hey y/n. It's me. It's John. You're safe.” You almost didn’t hear him from how hard you had been breathing. His hand went to turn the light in the closet on so he was visible to you. He stood there watching you for a moment, chest heaving and hands still in fists as the adrenaline started to wear off.
“What the fuck John?” He didn’t answer.
“Where’s my daughter?”
“She’s safe” You stepped to the side and moved the boxes you had hidden her behind. John watched you amazed as you revealed his still sleeping daughter all wrapped up in a blanket, safe and sound. Reaching down to hold his tiny girl in his big hands he couldn’t help but look at you. Your hands shaking, eyes full of fear starting to return to normal. He knew he trusted you with his daughter but now? He’d never let anyone else near her. You were ready to fight a fucking home invader and honestly if it wasn’t him who opened the door, he was pretty sure you would have been successful with the knife in your hand. He’s looking at you, standing in your pajamas, hair messy from sleeping and he’s thinking he doesn’t ever want to be without you.
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Simon: Well look who got caught under the mistletoe Y/N: IS THIS WHY YOU CONERNED ME WITH THAT KNIFE?!
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something something your friends howling with laughter when you send “john mactavish — the better john” back to the table he shares with a bunch of wide shouldered sorts with a careless “sorry, i prefer my “johns” with experience” after a cursory up-and-down over his body.
those same friends staring slack-jawed when an absolute bear of a man drops heavily into the seat opposite you with a “heard you like a john with experience, s’that right, sweetheart?”
meanwhile you’re staring at the grey hair in his beard and at his temples with something approaching stars in your eyes
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camper who ignores all the “danger! werewolf area!” signs and sets up their tent and then sees glinting eyes in the trees. when their eyes adjust, they can just make out the massive werewolf standing stock-still and watching them.
they wave and its tail wags a bit
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so random but i just know that if you ever rest your head in simon's lap, on his massive thighs the need to chomp down would be unbearable. and i know that he wouldn't even be fazed by it either. he'd look down at you with a raised eyebrow and when you explain that you simply wanted to do it.
and because he's gross he'll weave his fingers into your hair and direct you in between his legs, "if ye need to busy your mouth, this is the spot f'r it, pet."
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Bucky Covington: I'll walk . Inspired thought.
Okay okay something something 141 assistant was taken by hostiles in order to gain information on the team her being the assistant she knows their inside lives the routines right well she's held a couple days being beaten assaulted. Holding out every time they ask her for information. Repeating No any time she threatens to give info. Boys save her, but the beating she takes left nerve damage in her legs, making it difficult to walk. The first time the boys come to see y/n in the hospital room, they try to explain what happened. y/n cuts them off. " I'll walk . Please hold my hand. Right now, I'm hurt, and I don't understand. "..... fast forward, she's back with the boys starting to walk on her own. They leave for training for a few hours coming back to find her on the floor trying to get up. Rushing over to help her . Y/n angrily screams STOP, softening her voice. " I'll walk, please hold my hand, I know this will hurt, and I know you understand" 😭😭😭 I swe this so vividly but can't articulate it the way I want someone pleaseee I need thiss
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Overheard at the rec room:
Soap: Nah, I’ve always been pretty chill about gender.
Soap: Like, when Shania said “Let’s go, girls” I knew that included me.
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