hello everyone, i wanted to make a little announcement that involves me writing and fandoms.
I do not wish to write for the Killer Chat fandom anymore. I have enjoyed my experience in KC fandom while it has lasted, though due to personal reasons and the reason I just don't have and interest in kc anymore, I do not wish to write it.
I enjoyed my time in the fandom while it lasted. I will do the asks i have that people have requested, though those will not be my top priority. As time passes, I have just lost all interest in the game. I don't enjoy being a part of the fandom anymore, but that also doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy it while it lasted.
As for the works i have made, i will not be taking them down. Just because I'm not in a fandom and have lost interest doesn't mean i don't wish to remove the things i worked on. Alongside, I was just not enjoying myself while writing for KC. I pushed out works because that is what people followed me for, though writing is supposed to be enjoyable, it is something I am passionate about. Forcing myself to write would just end up to me taking a long break from writing, and I wish to actually write, especially about things I enjoy.
I will be focusing on writing for other fandoms I am in now and reopening my asks on my page. The fandoms includes Genshin, Haikyuu, Pokemon, ATLA, and more.
Thank you for your time. I can't wait to finally get back to writing. Thank you once more to the people who have been supporting me. <3
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You were special
( killer chat ) ronin x reader ... angst & slight hurt/comfort ... 12k word count
author note: thank you all for 50 follows !! i appreciate all of your guys love and support. i appreciate you all who read my works and i can't wait to write even more for you guys <3
trigger/content warning: gore / blood, skin picking, suicide, self harm, anxiety/panic attacks
Growing up, you felt the weight of eyes on you from every corner of the room. It wasn't the warm gaze of approval or the gentle encouragement of someone who wanted you to thrive. These eyes were sharp, like knives, dissecting you piece by piece, carving out the parts that didn't fit their expectations. You were a canvas they demanded to be perfect, but their tools weren't brushes—they were scalpels, precise and ruthless. Every glance was a silent demand, every word an unspoken expectation. You had to be something, you had to create something, you had to prove that you were more than just skin and bone. Your worth was measured in accomplishments, in trophies, in how brightly you could shine under their unyielding scrutiny. But even the brightest stars burn out, don't they?
You learned early that being still was dangerous. Stillness meant inadequacy, a failure to meet the standards etched into you like scars. They pushed you into classes: piano, ballet, painting, debate—anything to ensure you were never idle. Each lesson felt like a blade against your skin, shaping you into something they could display. Your fingers bled against the piano keys, your toes blistered and cracked in ballet shoes, and your voice turned hoarse from endless rehearsals. But you never stopped, never faltered, because stopping meant disappointing them. Disappointing them was unforgivable. Your successes were their triumphs, and your failures? They were unforgivable and unforgettable.
You remember how their words cut deeper than any knife. "Not good enough," they'd say, their voices dripping with disappointment. You nodded, swallowing the lump in your throat, even as the taste of copper filled your mouth from biting your tongue too hard. Your skin felt too tight, your body too fragile under the weight of their expectations. There were days when you looked in the mirror and saw something unrecognisable staring back. The reflection was cracked, fractured by their demands and your inability to meet them. But you'd still smile, because showing weakness was another sin you couldn't afford to commit.
The world outside was no better. Strangers saw only the polished version of you, the mask you wore so diligently. They marveled at your talent, praised your dedication, and envied your supposed perfection. But they didn't see the blood beneath your fingernails or the bruises hidden beneath long sleeves. They didn't see the sleepless nights spent practising until your body screamed for rest. They only saw the results, the shiny, glittering facade you presented. And isn't that all that matters? They believed the lie, even if it was killing you.
You started to resent the things you once loved. The piano keys felt like ice beneath your fingertips, their melody now a dirge. The ballet studio smelled of sweat and despair; the mirrors reflected your exhaustion rather than grace. Even your own voice betrayed you, cracking under the weight of forced enthusiasm. But you kept going because stopping wasn't an option. You wouldn't let them. You didn't want to stop, you didn't think you deserved to. You were grateful for their attention and investment in you.
The pressure was intense, squeezing your chest with every passing day. Your heart pounded against your ribs like a bird desperate to escape its cage. You know you will never be able to let it all go, to collapse under the weight of their expectations. Would they even notice if you shattered? Or would they sweep up the pieces and demand you put yourself back together? You didn't know the answer, and you were too afraid to find out. So you kept moving, kept performing, even as your soul screamed for release.
There were moments when you felt like you were drowning, gasping for air in a sea of demands. The water was dark and cold, and every time you surfaced, another wave crashed over you, dragging you back under. You reached for lifelines that weren't there, your hands clawing at the emptiness, nails breaking and bleeding. But you never screamed. Admitting defeat was not an option. You let the waves take you, let them pull you deeper, until the only thing you could feel was the crushing pressure of their expectations.
And yet, despite everything, you kept going. You did it not because you wanted to, but because you had to. The fear of their disapproval was greater than the pain of their demands. You became a machine, operating on autopilot, your emotions buried so deep you almost forgot they existed. But sometimes, late at night, when the house was silent and the world was asleep, you'd feel the cracks in your armour. Tears would come unbidden, hot and angry, carving trails down your cheeks like rivers of molten glass. You wiped them away quickly, ashamed of your weakness, and promised yourself you'd try harder the next day.
But no matter how hard you tried, it was never enough. Their eyes never stopped following you, unblinking and unforgiving, always expecting more. You could win every competition, master every skill, and still, they'd find something to critique. They weren't interested in your talent; they wanted perfection. And perfection is a moving target, always just out of reach. But you kept chasing it, even as it tore you apart, because what else was there? What were you, if not their perfect little masterpiece?
Now, as you stand on the edge of adulthood, you wonder what it was all for. The trophies gather dust, the skills they forced upon you now feel like chains rather than gifts. You look at your reflection and see the scars of their expectations etched into your skin, visible only to you. But beneath the cracks, beneath the layers of performance and pretence, you see something else: a flicker of defiance, a spark of hope. And for the first time, you dare to believe that you can rewrite your story.
The flicker of defiance you saw in the mirror is extinguished by the weight of expectations pressing down on you. The walls close in, their pristine white surfaces streaked with the red of your efforts, the rawness of your exhaustion. Every movement is a reminder of how much you've given. The hollow ache in your chest grows louder, echoing like a drumbeat in a cavern, but you drown it out with the rhythmic grind of repetition. Practice. Perfect. Repeat. The cycle sharpens like broken glass, slicing into your resolve, but you won't stop. Stopping would mean failure, and failure is unthinkable.
You feel the toll of always being "on" and always having to perform. Your joints crack and protest, your muscles tremble under the strain of endless hours. Your hands, once steady and graceful, now shake uncontrollably, fingertips raw and split from the relentless grind. You notice the blood smearing the piano keys, dark crimson seeping into the grooves, but you keep playing. The melody is disjointed, discordant, but no one's listening closely enough to care. Your audience only sees the performance, not the cost, and that's what matters. You keep telling yourself it's worth it, even as your vision blurs and your pulse thrums erratically in your ears.
The whispers of doubt grow louder, turning into screams in the quiet moments you can no longer avoid. They claw at the edges of your mind, their voices overlapping, accusing, demanding. Not enough. Never enough. The words feel like needles beneath your skin, burrowing deeper until they reach your core. Sleep offers no reprieve. It is fractured and restless, punctuated by dreams of endless auditions and faceless judges with mouths like voids. You wake up gasping, choking on the reality that it's not just a dream. The nightmare is real, and there's no escape.
Your body betrays you in more obvious ways. You catch glimpses of your reflection, pale and gaunt, eyes sunken into shadowed hollows. Your bruises don't heal; they bloom like dark flowers, reminders of your inadequacies. Your nails are chipped and bloody, and when you wash your hands, the water runs pink, swirling down the drain like a mockery of the effort you've poured out. You try to hide the signs, but you can't hide the exhaustion etched into every part of you. Even the air feels heavy, pressing down on your chest until every breath is a battle.
People notice, but their concern is superficial and short-lived. They say, "You're pushing yourself too hard," their words laced with a tepid sympathy. But their empathy is superficial. They don't understand the true depth of your exhaustion. They still expect the same performance, the same perfection, even as your body and mind crumble. Their smiles are masks, hiding the insatiable hunger for what you can give, for the show you've built your life around. You're foolishly loyal to their expectations, nodding and smiling, while all the while you know it's not fine. Pretending you're fine.
Your mind fractures under the strain. Thoughts splinter and loop, chaotic fragments you can't piece together. The world tilts, a dizzying whirl of colours and sounds that blur at the edges. You shake uncontrollably, gripping the edge of a countertop with knuckles white from force. Your heart pounds erratically, as if it wants to escape your ribcage. Panic surges, a wave that crashes over you, dragging you under. You gasp for air, clawing at your chest as if you can force the anxiety out. But it doesn't leave—it festers, a parasitic force feeding on your every weakness.
The pain is constant, a constant, nagging thrum. Your muscles ache, your joints burn, and your head pounds relentlessly, the pressure building like a storm. You feel as though your skin can barely contain you, as if you're moments away from tearing yourself apart. You catch yourself scratching at your arms absentmindedly, nails digging into flesh until you break the surface. The sting provides momentary respite, but it is fleeting. The blood that pools in the shallow crescent marks is a constant reminder of your lack of control.
You start to resent everyone around you—not just for their demands, but for their ignorance. They don't see the destruction inside you, don't care to look past the surface. They clap and cheer, oblivious to the rot spreading through you, the slow decay of your spirit. You know they will notice, you know what you'd have to lose before they'd finally see you. The thought is dark, a shadow curling around your mind, whispering temptations you're too afraid to name. But you push it away, because giving in would mean they've won. You will not let them win, even if it kills you.
By the time you realise how far you've fallen, it's too late to crawl back. The person you were—the child who dreamed of love and warmth—is a distant memory, a ghost haunting the halls of your mind. You don't know who you are anymore. You're not enough. You are a hollow shell, a performer with no audience, a masterpiece no one truly wants to admire. The storm inside you rages on, unrelenting, tearing through the ruins of what once made you whole. But you press on, driven by hope. But deep down, you know the truth: the eyes on you will never let you rest.
The storm inside intensifies, devouring every shred of hope you attempt to salvage. It is relentless, a gnawing ache that burrows into your chest and festers like an open wound. Those expectations are chains now, dragging you down with every step, their weight pulling you closer to the ground. You know that if you let go, you'll fall. But you don't dare consider it, not even for a second. Will they pull you back to your feet, or will they step over your broken body, whispering, "I knew they couldn't handle it"?
Your days blur together. You move through routines on autopilot, hands trembling as you perfect the same motions over and over again. The blood on the piano keys is darker now, nearly black, crusted into the grooves like dried ink. Your fingertips are numb, calloused and raw, but you play anyway. Each note is a scream, echoing in the room. You wonder if anyone hears your desperation, but no one says a word. When you finish, the silence is cold, more intense than the applause you used to fear.
The cracks in your mind grow wider, splitting into jagged chasms you can't navigate. Voices echo in those dark spaces, some familiar, others foreign, all of them cruel. They whisper your failures back to you, their words crawling under your skin like insects. You catch yourself whispering back, arguing with the ghosts that have taken residence in your head. It doesn't help. Their accusations grow louder, overlapping, turning into a cacophony of shame and guilt. You press your hands to your ears, nails biting into your scalp, but there's no silencing them. They're part of you now, ingrained like the scars you hide.
Sleep becomes a distant memory, your nights spent staring at the ceiling, counting cracks that aren't there. The darkness feels alive, suffocating, pressing against you until you can't breathe. You see shapes moving in the shadows, their forms indistinct but menacing. You know they're figments of your imagination, born from exhaustion and fear, but that doesn't make them any less terrifying. Your heart races, your chest tightens, and you are overwhelmed by panic. By the time the sun rises, you're too spent to face the day, but you force yourself out of bed anyway. There's no room for weakness, not in their eyes.
The physical toll worsens. Your body feels alien, as though it belongs to someone else, someone who has been battered and broken beyond recognition. You stare at your reflection in the mirror, your face drained of all emotion, your skin pallid and your hands shaking with fear. You barely recognise yourself. The bruises that once bloomed like flowers are now dark, sunken craters, permanent marks of your failure to keep up. The cuts on your arms sting as they reopen, your nails unconsciously scratching at them in moments of stress. You hide them, but they're always there, a constant reminder of your failure.
The world outside feels distant and unreachable. It's as though you're watching it through a pane of shattered glass. People pass you by, their faces blurred, their voices muffled. You are unable to connect with them, and you do not care about their shallow conversations and trivial concerns. The isolation is a double-edged sword: you crave connection, yet the thought of anyone truly seeing you fills you with dread. What would they think if they knew the truth? If they saw the cracks, the blood, the ruin beneath the surface? You shudder at the thought, clutching your secrets closer, even as they poison you from within.
The whispers in your mind grow more potent with every passing day. They don't just accuse you of failure anymore – they urge you toward something worse. Give up, they say. End it. You are already broken. Why persist? Their voices are persuasive, almost soothing in their promise of release. You push them away, reminding yourself of the reasons you've held on this long. Those reasons feel so small now, so fragile. The weight of the whispers presses against your chest and for the first time, you consider listening to them.
One night, the storm inside you mirrors the one outside. The thunder shakes the walls, lightning streaking through the cracks in the curtains, illuminating your hollow reflection in the glass. You sit by the window, knees pulled to your chest, nails digging into your arms as the voices scream louder than the storm. You want to reach out, to scream for help, but your voice feels trapped in your throat. You try to text someone—anyone—but your fingers tremble too much to type. The words you want to say are too heavy, too sharp, cutting you from the inside out. The phone falls from your hand with a dull thud.
The storm continues, unrelenting, as you sit there, paralyzed by the weight of it all. The lightning flashes, illuminating the tears streaming down your face. Their warmth is a cruel contrast to the cold consuming you. Your mind spirals, the voices weaving a tapestry of despair that feels inescapable. You close your eyes, but the darkness offers no solace; only more shadows. Yet, a tiny part of you clings to hope, faint and flickering like a dying candle. This tiny flame of hope is all that keeps you breathing, keeps you connected to this world even as the storm rages on.
The storm inside you swells, consuming everything in its path. It is heavy, oppressive, and curls through your veins like smoke, dark and suffocating. It presses against your chest, wrapping around your ribs like a serpent, squeezing until your breaths come in shallow, broken gasps. Your heart races, a frantic, uneven rhythm that drowns out every other sound. The world blurs at the edges, the lines between reality and the chaos in your head growing indistinct. You feel as though you are crumbling from the inside out, the fragile framework of your mind buckling under a weight it was never meant to bear.
Time loses meaning in this state. Minutes stretch into hours, hours into an eternity of unrelenting torment. The voices in your mind grow sharper, their words cutting you to the bone. You are not enough. You will never be enough. Why are you even trying? Every phrase is a dagger, a deepening wound that you thought was healed. You want to fight back, to scream at the ghosts haunting your thoughts, but the words catch in your throat, choking you. It's as if your very being is unravelling, thread by thread, leaving nothing but emptiness in its wake.
The emptiness is the worst part. It's a hollow ache that echoes through every part of you, a void that no amount of effort or achievement can fill. You feel like a brittle, fragile shell, ready to shatter at the slightest touch. Even the simplest tasks feel insurmountable, each step forward requiring every ounce of strength you have left. You feel the weight of your body, the pull of gravity dragging you down, and for a moment, you wonder what it would feel like to just let it take you. To stop resisting. To let go. But you cannot hold onto this thought for long.
The constant fear vibrates beneath your skin, never letting you forget its presence. It's not just fear of failure or disappointment; it's fear of yourself, of the spiralling darkness that threatens to consume you. The storm outside mirrors the one within, the thunder rumbling like a beast in the distance, the flashes of lightning stark and violent. You feel the universe is mocking you, its chaos reflecting your own in a cruel, unrelenting dance. Each clap of thunder strikes your fragile armour, each bolt of lightning exposing your vulnerability.
Your hands shake as you try to steady yourself, clutching at your clothes, the chair, anything you can grab hold of. The texture beneath your fingers feels unreal, disconnected, as though your senses are betraying you. The air in the room is thick with the static charge of the storm, and you feel it prickling against your skin like needles. Your breaths come faster and faster, shallow and panicked, as though the world is spinning around you in dizzying circles. You close your eyes, but the darkness behind your lids is alive, shifting and writhing, offering no solace.
You feel isolated, alone, and your mind is consumed by a relentless sense of despair. You are alone, unreachable, as though you're screaming into a void that swallows every sound. You long for someone to pull you from this abyss, to anchor you, to tell you that you'll be okay. Yet the very idea of reaching out feels impossible. What would you say? How can you even begin to explain the chaos in your mind, the storm raging inside you? Words feel inadequate, clumsy, incapable of capturing the depth of your despair. You stay silent, drowning in your own thoughts.
The physical pain merges seamlessly with the emotional, becoming indistinguishable. Your body aches in ways that feel unnatural, every muscle tight and trembling, every joint stiff and unyielding. Your skin feels too tight, too fragile, as though it could split open at any moment. The scars you hide burn with a phantom heat, their presence a constant reminder of battles you thought you'd won. They are proof that you are fighting a war you can't win. The thought feels heavy in your chest, dragging you deeper into the dark.
There is clarity in the midst of this chaos; the pain is sharp and almost tangible. The world narrows to a single point: your suffering. Every sound, every sensation, every thought is amplified, reverberating through you like the toll of a bell. The storm outside rages on, its fury a cruel echo of your own, and you feel as though it's trying to drown you. Each crack of thunder, each flash of lightning, is a judgment, a condemnation of your inability to keep it together.
Yet, even in the depths of this despair, a part of you refuses to let go completely. It's small, faint, barely more than a whisper, but it's there. It reminds you of the moments when the storm quieted, when the weight lifted, if only for a little while. It reminds you that you've survived this before and that you can survive it again. It's not a promise, but it's enough to keep you holding on. For now, at least. In the midst of chaos, that thread of hope is a lifeline; fragile but unbreakable.
The thread of hope you cling to is thin. It will snap under the weight of your despair. It quivers with the same unsteady rhythm as your breaths, a fragile tether keeping you from slipping completely into the void. The storm rages on, louder and more ferocious, its booming thunder reverberating through your bones. Each strike is a reminder that the world outside is chaotic and unforgiving. You are at war with yourself, torn between the storm and the calm.
Your skin is electric, hypersensitive to every tiny sensation. The hum of the air conditioner sounds like a roar; the texture of your clothes scratches against your skin, rough and unbearable. You press your hands against your ears, but it's useless. The noise is inside you: a relentless cacophony of thunder and whispers, and the grinding weight of your own thoughts. You press harder, fingernails digging into your scalp, desperate to silence it all. The sharp sting is momentarily grounding, but it's fleeting. The storm inside continues. It never stops.
The room warps around you, its edges bending and twisting in ways that make your stomach churn. The walls feel close, suffocating, and yet impossibly distant. You reach out to steady yourself, but your hands tremble too much to find purchase. The floor ripples beneath you, like water disturbed by the storm. You blink rapidly, trying to dispel the illusion, but the disorientation only worsens. You are trapped in a dream where nothing makes sense, but the pain is too sharp, too real, to be anything but reality.
Your heart races. It pounds against your ribs. It's trying to break free. The rhythm is frantic and erratic, each beat hammering into your chest with brutal force. Your throat tightens and your breath catches as panic takes hold. You try to breathe deeply, to calm yourself, but you can't. It feels like the storm has stolen even that from you. The more you fight it, the worse it gets. You gasp for air, tears streaming down your face as you claw at your throat in a desperate attempt to breathe.
Time stretches, each second dragging on for what feels like an eternity. Outside, the storm rages without pause, its thunder rolling incessantly, its lightning cutting through the darkness with blinding precision. Each flash illuminates the room in harsh, stark light, casting jagged shadows that seem to reach for you. You feel a primal fear in your chest, an all-consuming urge to run, to escape, but there's nowhere to go. You want to run, to escape, but there's nowhere to go. The storm is everywhere, inside and out, a force you can't outrun or hide from. You curl in on yourself, knees to your chest, arms wrapped tight, as though you can shield yourself from the onslaught.
Your mind spirals deeper, the whispers in your head growing louder, their accusations sharper. This is your fault, they hiss. You're weak. You will never be free of this. The words sting like acid, eating away at your strength. You try to push them away, to drown them out with your own voice, but your throat is raw, your words faltering and broken. The whispers laugh cruelly, mocking your desperation. They know your weaknesses, every flaw and failure, and they weaponise them with ruthless precision.
The lightning outside is intense. It feels like it's tearing through you, its brightness exposing every raw, vulnerable part of you. Each flash is a spotlight, a searing judgment that leaves you trembling and exposed. You cannot hide from it, nor escape the way it lays you bare. The thunder rumbles, shaking the foundations of the house, and you feel like it could collapse under its force. You almost wish it would. Then the storm would finally end. You'll find peace, buried in the rubble, but it won't be long.
But closing your eyes only amplifies the chaos inside you. The darkness behind your lids is alive, a swirling mass of shadows and shapes you can't decipher. You feel like you're falling, spiralling deeper into a void that has no bottom. Your hands clutch at your chest, nails digging into your skin as though you can anchor yourself, but there's nothing solid to hold onto. You feel weightless yet heavy, suspended in the storm's relentless grip.
And then, in the midst of the chaos, there's a flicker—a faint, wavering pulse of light. It is not the storm's lightning, but something quieter, gentler. It's almost imperceptible, a whisper against the roar, but you feel it. It's small and fragile, easily drowned out by the thunder, but it's there. You can't say for sure if it's real or just an illusion, but you hold on to it. It's the only thing that feels even remotely like hope, and in this moment, hope is all you have.
The tipping point comes quietly, sneaking up on you like a shadow at your back. It's not a single moment, but a series of cracks, each one deeper than the last, until you finally shatter. You wake up one morning unable to move, your body leaden, every joint screaming as though it's been filled with shards of glass. Your chest feels hollow and impossibly heavy, as though something vital has been scooped out and replaced with a stone. You try to rise, but the room tilts violently, the world spinning in chaotic circles that send bile rushing up your throat. You collapse back onto the bed, trembling. Your breaths are shallow and uneven. Your hands clutch at your chest, nails digging into your skin as though you can claw your way out of this suffocating panic. There is no escape: only the steady, crushing weight that presses down on you, dragging you deeper into yourself.
The days blur together after that, indistinct and shapeless, each one bleeding into the next. You can barely eat; food tastes like ash in your mouth, and your stomach twists violently at the thought of it. Sleep eludes you; your nights are spent staring at the ceiling as shadows twist and writhe, whispering to you in voices you can't block out. The darkness behind your eyes feels alive, pulsing with the rhythm of your frenzied heartbeat. Your skin feels wrong – too tight, too thin – every nerve ending exposed and raw. Even the slightest touch feels like fire, like needles piercing your skin, and you flinch away from anyone who comes too close. The storm inside you has grown into a hurricane, a relentless force that tears through every part of you, leaving only destruction in its wake.
The self-destruction is ritualistic, an instinctive response to the chaos. You catch yourself scratching at your arms until the skin breaks, until crimson blossoms under your nails, stark against your pale, trembling flesh. The sight of it is horrifying, yet strangely soothing, as though the pain grounds you, pulls you back from the edge of the void. But it never lasts. The relief is fleeting, replaced almost instantly by shame, by the weight of what you've done. You hide the marks beneath long sleeves, even in the sweltering heat, the fabric sticking to your skin and rubbing against the wounds. It's a small price to pay for keeping your secret and maintaining the fragile facade that everything is fine. But you know the truth: you're falling apart, and there's no way to stop it.
The hospital visits begin after you faint for the first time, your body giving in to the relentless strain. You wake up on the floor, the cold tile pressed against your cheek, the metallic taste of blood in your mouth. Your lip is split, a deep red line that throbs with each beat of your heart. Someone finds you there, their voice distant and muffled, as though you're hearing it through water. You don't remember much after that—flashes of fluorescent lights, the sterile smell of antiseptic, the beeping of machines. When you finally come to, you're in a hospital bed, the harsh whiteness of the room making your head throb. Your arms are bandaged and your body aches in ways you don't understand. A nurse explains what happened, her voice gentle but laced with concern, and you feel the weight of her words settle over you like a shroud.
The doctors ask questions you can't answer. Their words blur together into a monotonous drone. They demand details on how long you've been suffering, the onset of symptoms, and the triggering factors. You try to explain, but the words stick in your throat, choking you. How can you put into words the chaos in your mind, the storm that never ceases? They run tests, their hands cold and clinical as they poke and prod, their faces carefully neutral. But you can see the pity in their eyes, the way they look at you like you're broken. It makes your stomach churn, bile rising in your throat as you clench your fists beneath the scratchy hospital blanket. You want to scream, to tell them you're fine, but you know they wouldn't believe you. You don't even believe it yourself.
The therapy sessions are the hardest, each one peeling back layers you've spent years trying to bury. The therapist's questions cut deeper than any blade, their words prying into the darkest corners of your mind. You hate it. You hate how they make you feel exposed and vulnerable. You hate the way they strip away every defence you've built. You lash out, your voice rising in anger and frustration, but it only makes you feel worse. The therapist's calm demeanor is infuriating and disarming. They tell you it's okay to feel this way, that healing takes time, but the words feel hollow, meaningless. Time is a luxury you don't think you have, not with the storm raging as fiercely as ever.
The medication they give you may dull the edges of your pain, but it does not make it go away. You will feel numb and detached, as though watching your life from a distance. The storm is still there, quieter now but still very much still threatening, lurking at the edges of your consciousness. You are in a liminal space between pain and nothingness. It's not the relief you hoped for, but it's better than the suffocating weight that threatened to crush you. But you know you've lost something in the process. The medication has stolen a part of you you'll never get back.
The hospital becomes a second home, its sterile walls and fluorescent lights constantly reminding you of your fragility. You hate it there; you hate how time seems to stand still, each day bleeding into the next in an endless cycle of monotony. The other patients are quiet, their faces pale and haunted, their eyes reflecting the same emptiness you feel. You deliberately avoid meeting their gazes, because you are afraid of what you might see in them, and what they might see in you. The nurses are kind but distant, their smiles professional and practised. You can tell they care, but their concern feels impersonal, like they're trying to keep you at arm's length. This only deepens your sense of isolation.
The days outside the hospital are devoid of purpose. Your life is reduced to a series of appointments and routines designed to keep you afloat. You go through the motions, your body on autopilot while your mind remains distant, detached. The scars on your arms fade, but new ones emerge, invisible to the naked eye but no less painful. You wear long sleeves out of habit now, the fabric a barrier between you and the world. People ask how you're doing, their voices cautious and hesitant, and you force a smile, tell them you're fine. The lie tastes bitter on your tongue, but it's easier than the truth.
Even now, as you sit in the quiet of your room, the storm lingers, a distant rumble that never fully fades. You know it's only a matter of time before it returns, stronger and more destructive than before. But for now, you cling to the fragile peace you've found. You trace the faint scars on your arms, reminders of where you've been, of how far you've come. The journey is far from over, but for the first time in what feels like forever, you allow yourself to hope. It's small and fragile, but it'll keep you going.
When you first met Ronin, you immediately felt an unshakeable sense of familiarity, as if you had known him in some distant corner of your life. He strode into the room with an unmistakable confidence, his eyes scanning the space with a sharpness that made you feel seen in a way no one else had. His smile was wry, lips tugging upward in a way that was both cocky and knowing, as though he understood the unspoken depths of the world, the secrets buried in the shadows. You felt an instant connection, as though his presence anchored you. There was a quiet strength in him, a ruggedness that spoke to scars you couldn't see. For the first time in a long time, you didn't feel alone. The pain that had been strangling you eased in his presence, his brokenness mirroring your own in a way that wasn't about winning or losing, but understanding.
As time passed, you noticed the cracks in his armour. His humour was sharp, biting, and there was an edge to his words, a layer of bitterness that he'd wrapped around himself like a protective shield. You realised quickly that Ronin had been through things – things that had torn into him, carved out pieces of his soul. He kept these hidden beneath layers of deflection. He was not like the others who wore their pain like a mask, unable or unwilling to show anything more. There was something about the way he carried it, as though he had learned to live with it, to make it a part of him instead of allowing it to consume him. This instilled a sense of safety. He wasn't perfect. He was deeply flawed, just like you, and that was comforting.
But as you spent more time with him, something else started to creep in: a gnawing feeling that began to fester in your chest. It was subtle at first, an undercurrent that tugged at the back of your mind. It wasn't his fault. You felt small in his presence, as if the things you had once prided yourself on—the talents you had worked so hard to cultivate—were starting to wither. Your mind wandered to the past, to the years spent building something, only to watch it slip away as Ronin's effortless charisma and confidence seemed to eclipse your efforts. He didn't even need to try, and yet he was good at everything: making people laugh, being the life of the room, or picking up skills with the ease of someone who had been born with them. Despite your own efforts, you felt like you were always running to catch up.
The feeling gnawed at you, hollowing out the space inside you where your pride used to live. It felt like your efforts had been in vain, as though everything you had worked for was being overshadowed by his natural ease and ability to succeed without struggle. You tried to ignore it, but it wouldn't go away. Every time he succeeded, every time someone praised him, it was a reminder of how much you were lacking, how far behind you seemed in comparison. The stark contrast between your hard-earned skills and his innate abilities made you question everything. Was all your time spent honing your talent just an illusion? Did it mean nothing in the end?
The self-doubt began to seep into everything, making your accomplishments feel meaningless. It wasn't just his success that triggered this—no, it was the ease with which he embraced his own flaws, the way he wore them like battle scars rather than something to be ashamed of. You, on the other hand, were still trying to patch up the gaping wounds inside you, pretending that everything was fine when it wasn't. You couldn't help but feel that, despite all the work you had done, you would never measure up to someone like him. The pressure to be something, to live up to expectations you had set for yourself, felt suffocating, like an iron vise tightening around your chest. The more you tried to escape it, the worse it got, until it felt like you were choking on the weight of it all.
The room felt like it was closing in on you, the walls pressing in as that familiar suffocating panic rose again. You caught yourself staring at Ronin in moments of silence, watching him move through life effortlessly, never stumbling, always confident, always so much more than you. The comparison became unbearable, your chest heavy with the weight of your inadequacy. You had to push those thoughts aside and tell yourself that you were enough. But it was hard to believe when the person you loved seemed so effortlessly perfect in ways you could never be. The jarring dissonance between your self-image and reality was like a song out of tune, every note grating against your soul.
The ache in your chest deepened and you retreated into yourself, withdrawing into the darkness that had once felt like home. Ronin noticed, of course – he always did – but his responses were different. His words were sharp again, tinged with the same cocky bravado that had first drawn you to him, but there was something underneath them, a vulnerability that he wasn't ready to show. He didn't ask what was wrong, not directly, but he would brush against you when you least expected it, a gentle reminder that he was still there. It made you feel torn, torn between wanting to pull away and needing to stay close. You didn't want to admit that you were slipping into the same dark hole that had threatened to swallow you before, but you could feel it – a familiar, suffocating sensation, creeping at the edges of your mind, just waiting to pull you under.
There were nights when the darkness felt unbearable, when the weight of it threatened to consume you entirely. Ronin was always there, sitting by your side, making sassy remarks that revealed an unspoken understanding. But even his presence, which once felt like a balm, started to feel distant, like something that was too far out of reach for you to hold onto. You wanted to push him away, to shut down, but the silence between you both grew louder. Every word, every gesture, reminded you of the gap between who you were and who you wished you could be. The talent you had once cultivated with such devotion felt irrelevant, like it didn't matter anymore. Ronin had a way of making everything feel effortless, and it made you wonder if your hard work and struggle had been pointless.
Ronin was a constant presence, and while his presence seemed to magnify your insecurities, he also offered something else: a quiet kind of solace. His cocky smile, his sassy remarks, his way of being both broken and whole at once, reminded you that you weren't alone in your mess. You had never realised you needed this: not perfection, not skill, but someone who could see the pieces of you that were still broken and love you anyway. It may not have erased the storm within, but it certainly made it more manageable. Perhaps that was all you needed: someone who understood what it felt like to fall apart and could help you put the pieces back together, one by one.
As the days blurred into one another, the discomfort of your self-doubt lingered, like a lingering bruise: tender to the touch yet always there, always raw. Ronin was a constant presence, never forcing you to confront the swirling chaos inside your mind, but offering quiet support in his own sassy, cocky way. His laughter was a challenge, daring the world to oppose him, daring you to find joy in the midst of your darkness. But each time he flashed that grin, that unrelenting confidence, it was a sharp reminder of your own fragility. You appreciated him, no doubt about it, but the more he thrived in his untouchable confidence, the more you felt like you were crumbling beneath the weight of your own expectations.
You could see him moving through the world, unfazed, unaffected by the storms you fought within yourself. This was in stark contrast to your own ongoing battle, which felt never-ending. No matter how hard you tried to claw your way out, you simply couldn't break free. Your hard-earned triumphs felt small in the light of his effortless ability to navigate life. You couldn't help but wonder: had you missed something? Was there something more you could've done, something you could've been? As Ronin's life burst into vivid colours, yours became just another shadow in his radiance. Every moment of achievement that should have filled you with pride felt like an echo of something lost. You had cultivated talent, but it was slipping through your fingers and dissolving in the void that had taken hold of your heart.
Even when you were alone, you could feel his presence—like an electric pulse beneath your skin, reminding you of the unspoken distance between you two. You tried to silence the voices in your head, the ones that said you weren't enough, that you'd never be enough. They echoed louder when he was around, when his laughter vibrated in the air and his confidence bled into every space he entered. You hated it. You hated that he made you feel like you were drowning in the sea of your own insecurities, every wave of his presence pulling you under further. You couldn't keep up with him. His ease and effortless charm left you feeling like you were gasping for air in a world that was constantly moving faster than you could manage.
You felt isolated and lonely, as if you were drowning in your own insecurities. You withdrew, retreating into your own world, afraid of what might happen if you showed him just how much you were hurting. You wanted to tell him, to scream at him that everything felt like it was falling apart, that you felt like you were losing the very essence of yourself. But you never found the right words. They lingered in your throat, held back by the fear that if you let them slip, if you revealed just how broken you felt, he would leave, just like everyone else. It wasn't his fault, but every day you spent with him felt like a silent contest, a competition you could never win, no matter how hard you tried.
There were days when the storm inside you would quiet, just long enough for you to catch your breath. You laughed with him, got lost in the banter, and for a brief moment, you felt whole. But then, without warning, the doubt would creep back in, twisting its fingers around your heart, tightening until you couldn't breathe. It was in the way he talked about the future, how he spoke of his dreams and ambitions with such certainty. It was in the way he would glide through the world, effortlessly charming and full of life. And you would wonder—where did that leave you? You, the person who had spent so much time moulding and shaping yourself, only to watch it all fade into the background of his brilliance. It felt like you were constantly scrambling to catch up, but you were always two steps behind, chasing something that was just out of reach.
Ronin could sense the distance between you. His sharp eyes noticed the way you pulled away and the way your smiles faltered. He would always call you out on it, teasing you with that cocky smirk, trying to coax the real you out of hiding. "What's wrong?" he'd say, voice dripping with a challenge. "Afraid I'm gonna outshine you?" His words were always followed by that glint in his eyes, the kind that dared you to answer, dared you to admit that you felt small in the shadow of his light. You never answered him. How could you? How could you say that you were afraid of losing yourself in the midst of his brilliance? The fear settled deeper in your chest, a weight that seemed impossible to shake.
There were nights when the battle inside you raged hardest, when you found yourself staring at the ceiling, your thoughts a cacophony of self-loathing and doubt. Ronin would call you, his voice warm and comforting, and for a moment, you'd feel the sharpness of your isolation fade. But even then, you knew he was out of reach. You knew the gap between you two was widening. His voice was gentle, but there was an undertone of something more. You couldn't quite grasp what it was, but it made you feel like you were standing in his shadow, forever. You didn't want to admit it to him, or anyone else, but you were terrified of losing him. It wasn't because of what he might do, but because you didn't know how to be yourself in the space he occupied.
The longer you stayed in this space, the more fractured you felt. It wasn't just the obvious difference in your talents and lives; it was everything, every little piece of yourself that you'd spent so long trying to put together. In his presence, they fell apart, crumbling like sand beneath your fingers. You had to stop pretending you were whole and fine. Ronin embodied everything you weren't, and it terrified you. You loved him, but it felt like you were drowning in the space between you, caught in the wake of someone who had everything you lacked. Every time you tried to reach out, to bridge the gap, it only made the distance feel that much greater.
Ronin remained. He would never stop being himself, never stop teasing you, never stop pushing you to confront the parts of yourself you didn't want to face. In a twisted way, he was helping you. But deep down, you knew this wasn't the help you needed. You wanted to be enough for him, to stand beside him without feeling like you were less. But the more you tried, the more you realised that the gap wasn't between you and him – it was between who you thought you should be and who you truly were. You weren't sure how to fix it.
Ronin was initially perplexed. He had always been confident and charismatic, never breaking under pressure. He was certain you'd overcome your struggles and find a way to handle the inner chaos. But then he noticed the cracks appearing: flinches to the smallest comments, smiles that no longer reached your eyes. It was as if you were disappearing right in front of him, your laughter hollow and your movements stiff and distant. For the first time, Ronin felt frustrated, not with you, but with the world and the circumstances that had brought you to this point. He didn't know how to fix it, didn't know how to reach you when you had built walls so high that even he couldn't climb them.
The tension between you both became suffocating. Ronin could see it, but every time he tried to approach you, to offer a hand, the distance between you seemed to grow. You didn't outright reject him, but you stopped letting him in. He sensed a coldness in your touch, a look of apology in your eyes, a sign that you were no longer the person he had fallen for. His resentment grew, not toward you, but toward the reality that you weren't the person you used to be, that the vibrant spirit he had fallen for was slipping away. He hated seeing you struggle, but he didn't know how to help. He had never been used to feeling helpless, and yet here he was, watching the person he loved unravel.
One night, it all boiled over. You were sitting together, the silence between you so thick it was suffocating. Ronin had always been the one to fill the silence with his cocky comments and playful teasing, but tonight he just watched you. His eyes were different; softer, as if he could see right through the facade you had put up. You stared at the floor, refused to look up, and it was like a mirror of his own struggle. Then he realised that your silence wasn't about him, it was about you—it was about the battle you fought inside every day, the war that had taken its toll on your soul. It broke something inside him, a crack that spread, deep and jagged.
Without warning, Ronin moved closer, his body warmth radiating against yours. You could feel his presence, the way he hovered near you, almost hesitant, as if unsure how to breach the wall you had built between you. His hand reached for yours, and for a moment, you tensed, the coldness of the world rushing back in. But then, something in his grip steadied you. It wasn't firm or commanding, but there was a tenderness in his grip that caught you off guard. Ronin didn't say anything at first—he didn't have to. His eyes locked onto yours, raw and vulnerable, the cocky bravado replaced with something deeper, something real. The silence hung thick and heavy, and then Ronin's voice broke through, thick with emotion.
"You don't have to do this alone," he said. His words felt like a slap in the face, not because they were harsh, but because they revealed a truth you had been denying for so long. You had convinced yourself that you were stronger alone, that relying on someone else would only lead to disappointment. But Ronin didn't see you as weak. He saw you as a person, as someone worth fighting for, someone who didn't have to hide their pain to be loved. His words hit you like a wave, crashing over your defences, and for the first time in a long while, you felt something shift. His eyes never left yours, not even when you tried to look away, not even when your breath hitched in your throat.
"I'm not going anywhere," he declared, his voice soft but firm. "You can push me away if you want, but I'm staying." His tone was direct and unyielding, devoid of any teasing or smugness. It was as if he had finally seen the real you, the broken parts of you that you tried so hard to hide, and he didn't turn away. His fingers gently brushed against your skin, the touch so light, yet he was reaching inside of you, pulling out the pieces you thought you had buried too deep to ever see the light again. The vulnerability in him was a mirror of your own, and it terrified you, but it also gave you something you hadn't realised you were missing – a reason to stay, a reason to fight.
Ronin wasn't perfect. He wasn't the answer to everything. But in that moment, he was exactly what you needed. His cocky smirk had become a quieter, more genuine expression. His eyes, usually full of fire and challenge, now held only concern and a deep-seated desire to see you heal. He wasn't trying to fix you or save you. He was offering you something far more valuable: his presence, his belief in you. You didn't know how to accept it, but you felt the warmth of his hand against yours, the solidness of his touch anchoring you, grounding you in the moment.
Your insecurities didn't just disappear, but they were acknowledged. But Ronin was there now, his steady presence a shield against the darkness that had so often consumed you. But Ronin was there now, his steady presence a shield against the darkness that had so often consumed you. He didn't have all the answers, but he was there. He listened. He comforted. He reminded you that it was okay to be broken, to be flawed. His touch was a constant in a chaotic and uncertain world. He didn't try to fix you, but his presence alone was enough to start the slow, painful process of mending what had been shattered.
It wasn't easy. There were moments when the fear returned, when you felt like you were slipping again, when the urge to hide behind your walls was stronger than ever. But Ronin was always there – quiet, patient, his arms a refuge from the storm inside you. You never had to ask for it. His presence was a silent promise, his actions louder than any words. His cocky remarks were still there, but they had softened, edged with something kinder, something less about proving a point and more about showing you that it was okay to let go of the need to be perfect. He didn't need you to be anything but yourself, broken and whole all at once.
As time passed, the walls between you began to crumble, little by little. You began to believe that you didn't have to carry the weight of the world alone. Ronin had shown you that there is strength in vulnerability, that there is power in letting someone in, even when it feels terrifying. Though the scars were still there and the pain lingered, you felt something shift inside you. Ronin's quiet dedication to being there for you—without judgment, without trying to change you—made you start to believe that you might one day feel whole again. Maybe not perfect, but enough. And for now, that was all you needed.
The more Ronin stayed, the more you couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that everything you had worked for, everything you had fought to perfect, was slipping away. You couldn't silence it. It was relentless. It echoed in your mind with each passing day, a constant reminder that you weren't the person you once were. The burning need to be the best, to always have something to show, something to prove, had morphed into a weight, a pressure that threatened to crush you. The moment Ronin's easy laughter or his wild ambition brushed against your ear, the feeling in your chest grew heavier. You tried to ignore it, but the weight of it all pressed down harder, louder, like a hand on your throat, squeezing just enough to make every breath shallow and painful.
You had tried to escape the suffocating reality of your diminishing sense of self through distractions, through Ronin's presence, through fleeting moments of joy. But every time you let yourself feel just a little lighter, the darkness returned. It came in waves, relentless in its assault on your mind, feeding off your insecurity, your fear that you were no longer enough. You couldn't remember the last time you felt proud of what you had achieved. What you once deemed talent now felt like a hollow echo, a shell of its former self. Every skill, every accomplishment you had poured yourself into felt distant, like a faded photograph you could barely recognize. The more you tried to grasp it, the more it slipped from your reach.
Ronin noticed the change in you, though he never said anything directly. He didn't need to. He saw how you zoned out during conversations and how your shoulders sagged in defeat when you thought no one was watching. The way you spoke of your past achievements now sounded like a confession, like you were ashamed of them, as if you had no right to feel proud. It was clear to Ronin that this was bothering him. He wasn't subtle, not usually, but he didn't have to be. His eyes darkened with concern, his lips pressed into a thin line whenever you started to spiral, whenever the despair threatened to spill over. His concern was evident, but there was also a clear frustration at not knowing how to help someone who wouldn't let themselves be helped.
One night, as you sat on the edge of your bed, staring out the window at the relentless rain, you felt that crushing sense of inadequacy settle in again, and this time, it felt like you were suffocating. Ronin had gone quiet after a playful remark had been met with your empty response. You had withdrawn so far into yourself that even his sharp words didn't have the usual effect. He noticed the shift, saw the way your expression hardened, the way your eyes seemed to turn inward, like you were battling something he couldn't see. The silence between you stretched, thick and uncomfortable, until he finally spoke, his voice softer than usual. "Talk to me," he said, not with his usual swagger, but with genuine concern. "What's going on in that head of yours?"
You hesitated. You wanted to tell him, wanted to scream it all out, but you couldn't. The words were lost somewhere in your throat. Instead, you shook your head, unwilling to speak. You didn't want to admit it, not even to him. The emptiness inside you was too much to ignore. It had been building for so long, too long, and now it felt like you were hollowing out from the inside. "I don't know how to keep up anymore," you muttered, barely above a whisper. "It's like everything I've worked for is slipping away, and I can't stop it."
Ronin's expression softened, his usual bravado faltering as he moved closer. His fingers brushed against your arm, just enough to ground you in the moment. "You don't have to be the best all the time," he said, his voice quiet but firm, like he was trying to convince both you and himself. "You're enough as you are. But you can't keep hiding from it. You don't have to run from it." His words were like a balm for your wounds, yet even as he spoke, you couldn't shake the nagging feeling that he was wrong. You weren't enough. Not for him. Not for anyone.
As the words hung in the air, the weight of the past few months and your own disillusionment pressed down on you like a boulder. You couldn't remember the last time you had felt proud of what you had done. Your achievements felt like hollow ghosts, like fragments of a self you didn't even recognise anymore. Moments of success felt like distant memories, blurred by self-doubt. In Ronin's presence, the emptiness became deafeningly obvious, the silence in your chest a constant reminder that you couldn't keep up, that time was running out. His eyes met yours, and for the first time, you saw the frustration and helplessness there – the same helplessness you had been feeling.
You had kept your composure for so long, convinced yourself that the work you had done was enough, that the talent you had once honed so fiercely was still there. But the truth was that it wasn't. It was fading. You couldn't figure out how to stop it. Ronin's constant presence and unwavering belief in his own talents only made it harder. You couldn't compete with that, couldn't even keep up with your own life. In that moment, as his fingers grazed your skin, trying to comfort you in a way that felt too soft for your jagged reality, you felt yourself crack. The walls you had built around your brokenness crumbled, and a flood of despair and guilt surged through you: all the fears you had kept hidden for far too long.
"I'm not enough," you declared, the words tumbling out before you could halt them. "I can't do this anymore." Tears welled up in your eyes and you couldn't stop the silent sobs shaking your body. Ronin's hands were on you then, not in the way he had been before—playful, teasing—but gentle, holding you as if he knew that you were breaking, that you were slipping further away from yourself with every passing second. You felt him wrap his arms around you, pulling you close, the warmth of his body a sharp contrast to the chill that had taken root in your soul.
His lips pressed softly against your forehead. The gesture was so tender it made your chest ache. "You are enough," he whispered, and this time, his voice was different. It wasn't just an empty promise – it was an anchor, trying to pull you from the depths of your own despair. But even as his words rang in your ears, you couldn't quiet the voice inside that told you he was wrong, that you were never going to be enough. You wanted to believe him, but the pressure of losing yourself was too much to bear.
Ronin spoke, but you could barely hear him over the storm of emotions raging within you. You couldn't hear him. Not clearly. Not with the storm inside you so loud, so chaotic, drowning out everything else. The noise in your head, the constant screams of failure and inadequacy, overpowered anything he said. His attempts to pull you back, to remind you that you were more than this, more than the emptiness inside you, only pushed you further away. His voice became a distant echo, a reminder of something you had long since stopped believing. The more he tried, the more it felt like he was speaking to a stranger, like he couldn't reach the parts of you that were still intact.
You retreated into silence, creating a cocoon where the world outside didn't matter. The numbness became your refuge, your escape from the never-ending turmoil. You stopped engaging, stopped pretending, stopped trying to meet the expectations that had once driven you. Everything felt heavier, like the weight of the world pressing down on you, but you couldn't care. You felt the blood drain from your body, leaving you cold and hollow. The days blurred together, each one indistinguishable from the last, as you drifted further into the void of your own mind.
You didn't want to see anyone. You couldn't face the world with the pieces of yourself you had discarded. The talent you clung to, the identity you built around it, was nothing more than a cruel joke. It was all a lie, a hollow construct you had worn like armour, hoping it would protect you from the inevitability of failure. But now that the armor was gone, all that was left was the raw, unprotected skin of who you were. It was as if the very essence of you had been peeled away, leaving only the jagged scars of past attempts to hide the truth. You couldn't bear to look at those scars or face the pain they represented.
You pushed Ronin away, not with words, but with the coldness of your silence. It was easier to turn inward, to shut yourself off from everything and everyone. His presence was a constant reminder of what you had lost, a painful reminder that you had failed to live up to the expectations that had once been your everything. You couldn't stand looking at him without feeling like you were drowning, like you were suffocating under the weight of your own inability to be what you thought you should be. His love and attempts to pull you back only deepened the sense of guilt, as if you were betraying him by being broken. The more he tried to hold you and comfort you, the more you wanted to pull away and disappear.
The darkness within you took on a physical form, consuming you from the inside out. The once comforting embrace of isolation became your prison, your cage. You felt trapped in your own skin, consumed by failure. Your limbs felt heavy, as if the blood in your veins was turning to stone, weighing you down and making every movement a chore. The world outside felt like it was moving at a pace you couldn't keep up with, and you didn't want to. It was easier to disappear into the shadows, to fade away into nothingness, than to confront the wreckage of who you used to be.
You couldn't stand to look in the mirror. Every time you looked, the reflection was a stranger, someone who had no place in this world, no reason to exist. You couldn't recognise yourself, couldn't see the person who had once fought so fiercely to be noticed, to be valued. All that was left was a shell, a broken vessel, empty and hollow. The eyes staring back at you were cold and lifeless, having seen too much, felt too much, and having nothing left to give. The rawness of your pain was reflected in the shattered glass, in the emptiness that you had become.
The numbness grew, becoming a suffocating fog that clung to you, making it harder to breathe, harder to feel. It was easier to sink into it, to let it consume you, than to fight against it. The idea of facing the world, of having to explain what was happening inside your head, felt impossible. You didn't have the words. You didn't have the strength. Every conversation felt like an assault on your fragile psyche, every interaction a reminder that you were failing at the most basic human connections. It was easier to retreat into silence, to close off every part of yourself that could be touched by someone else.
Your body felt alien. The sensations that used to ground you, the warmth of someone's hand, the softness of a hug, now felt like too much. Your skin burned with the discomfort of being alive, the rawness of the emotions you couldn't escape. Your heart pounded erratically in your chest, not a sign of life, but a countdown, a reminder that you were reaching the end, running out of time. You were desperate to escape it all. You didn't want to feel anymore. You didn't want to be alive in a world that was too big, too bright, too loud for you to survive.
Ronin's presence, once a balm to your wounds, now felt suffocating. His attempts to reach you and pull you back from the abyss only deepened the sense of alienation. He was incapable of understanding. No one could. You had to have lived with this emptiness, this constant struggle to hold on to something that had never been real. You weren't even sure if you wanted to be saved anymore. You had accepted that you were beyond help and that the pieces of you that had once been whole were irreparably shattered. In the quiet moments, when everything else falls away, you can almost hear the final snap of the last thread that connects you to the world.
The remnants of your former self, the version of you who once held on to talent and ambition with white-knuckled desperation, began to fade into the background. Your former aspirations now dance like shadows, haunting you from the periphery, reminding you of something that was never truly yours. It was not just a loss of talent; it was a loss of identity, of the very foundation that had held you together for so long. In the silence that followed, as Ronin's presence faded into the distance, you felt nothing but the weight of your own emptiness. The world outside was loud, chaotic and unyielding, but in your mind, all that remained was silence.
The silence deepened, engulfing you completely. It wasn't a peaceful quiet; it was a heavy, oppressive stillness, a vacuum where sound, thought and feeling no longer dared to enter. You could feel the air thickening around you, pushing against your chest, making it harder to breathe, harder to think. Ronin's presence, once a source of warmth and comfort, now felt like a shadow that lingered just out of reach, a reminder of a life you no longer had the strength to hold onto.
Then, the walls you had built around yourself tightened, closing in, locking you away from everything you had once known. You were no longer aware of the world outside, the frantic beating of your heart, the sounds of rain against the window. All of it fades, leaving you in silence. No words. No tears. No Ronin. There was nothing but the relentless gnawing of emptiness.
Deep down, you knew this was it, the final unravelling, the moment when you let go. The once fierce battle you fought, the desperate struggle to hold onto something, anything, had slipped away with the darkness that had consumed you. You realised you had given up. You had let the silence win.
Don't make any more attempts to reach out. You are not okay. You must not continue to struggle to find a reason to breathe, to feel, to exist. The weight was too much, the hollow spaces inside too deep. You simply let yourself fall. You let the quiet take you, like a tidal wave, drowning out the last of your thoughts, the last of your humanity.
And in that final, suffocating breath, you disappeared.
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Hold me while thunder strikes
( killer chat ) ronin x reader ... fluff ... hurt / comfort ...
part of a trade with @roninroaming <3 trigger warning:
The rain slashes against your windows like a chaotic rhythm. It is not a gentle drizzle but a downpour that roars with the weight of an argument, rattling through the gutters and splashing onto the pavement in furious bursts. You sit by the window, one knee tucked against your chest, watching the world outside drown in silver streaks and blurred edges. The sky is slate grey, heavy and unrelenting. It feels as though the entire world has folded inward under its weight.
Your phone buzzes on the table, its light cutting through the gloom. Ronin's message appears, sharp as the rain outside. "What, no umbrella for your mood today?" You can almost hear the smirk behind his words, the cocky tilt of his voice. You type back with a grin, the faint tap of the keys breaking the rain's hypnotic cadence.
You lose track of time like this, the hours slipping through your fingers as the rain pounds its relentless tattoo. Every few minutes, your phone lights up. Another message from him, pulling you away from the somber dance of raindrops against glass. You text back, rolling your eyes at his reply: "If you had a throne, it'd be made of sarcasm." "And yours would be made of bad comebacks. Try harder, babe." His sass is a spark in the gloom, bright and irritating in the best way.
The rain eases slightly, its fury fading into something more melancholy, but Ronin's texts keep coming, each one like a warm pulse in the cool dimness of the house. "Bet you're still wearing those awful socks." You laugh out loud as you glance down at the striped atrocities on your feet. You consider sending him a picture but instead reply, "Jealous you can't pull these off?" His response is immediate and cutting. "Jealous isn't the word I'd use. I'd say "mortified” is more accurate."
The rain continues to fall, its steady sound filling the air. You glance around the room—familiar, cosy, filled with pieces of yourself—and feel the contrast of his sharpness against it. "You miss me yet?" he texts, and you bite your lip, deciding how to reply. You decide on, "Only when you're not being annoying," but his immediate response—"So always?"—makes you laugh.
The grey sky grows darker, not from the day ending, but from the storm thickening and the rain battering harder, as if to remind you of its presence. You rest your phone on your thigh and listen for a moment, feeling the weight of it like a heartbeat. Another buzz breaks the quiet; it's him again, as persistent as the weather. "Thinking of me? Or just staring dramatically at the rain?"
The kitchen smells of coffee grounds. You think about making a coffee, but Ronin's text stops you. "Bet you can't make it five minutes without replying." You scoff, the gauntlet thrown, and leave his message unanswered. The rain intensifies its incessant hum, mocking you with its insistence. At the six-minute mark, your phone lights up again. "Knew it. You know you can't resist me."
You stand to stretch, your body stiff from sitting so long, the floor creaking softly beneath your feet. Outside, the rain continues its gentle rhythm, creating a comforting background noise that makes your house feel more intimate and more yours. "You're lucky I find you entertaining," you text, pacing the room. Predictably, his reply comes instantly. "You're lucky I let you."
The storm rages on, but it feels softer now, as though the rain has run out of energy to fight. Your texts with Ronin fill the spaces between its breaths, a dance of banter and sharp wit that makes the hours pass like moments. You sink back into your chair, the house settling around you like a familiar embrace.
Outside, the rain becomes a whisper, its fury spent, but you hardly notice. Your phone buzzes again, the light bright against the gloom, and his words feel like a spark, sharp and warm all at once. “Don’t let the rain win. I’m the only thing allowed to ruin your day.” You shake your head, your grin unstoppable. At this moment, the storm is irrelevant. It’s just you, the rain, and him.
You pause, phone in hand, and lean your head against the window. The glass is cold and damp from the relentless rain outside, fogging slightly where your breath touches it. Water trails down in uneven rivulets, tracing patterns that feel almost alive. You wonder if Ronin would laugh at the sight of you like this—lost in thought, staring out at the rain as though it holds some secret. The phone buzzes again. "What, did the rain drown you? Reply faster, slowpoke."
You respond quickly. "Some of us are busy being poetic, unlike you, Mr. 'Reply faster.'" His response is immediate, the sass practically dripping from the screen. "Poetic? You? Please. The only poetry you know is whatever you scrawled on a bathroom stall in middle school." You snort, the sound echoing faintly in the quiet room. The rain continues its steady beat against the windows, unbothered by your laughter.
The hours stretch out, unhurried, as the day fades into a blur of rain and Ronin's incessant stream of cocky, teasing texts. Each one is like a flicker of light in the grayness that surrounds you. You pick up your phone again. This time you send a photo of the rain-slicked window. "Look at this. Pure atmosphere. Bet you couldn't handle this level of aesthetic." Seconds later, he replies. "That's not the atmosphere; that's wet weather. Nice try, Edgar Allan Mope."
You roll your eyes, muttering under your breath about his inability to appreciate art, but there's something grounding about his humour, the way he refuses to let you sink too deeply into the melancholy of the storm. His texts are like the warmth of a candle flickering in a dark room, small but unwavering. The rain grows heavier again, pounding against the roof with renewed vigor. You get up and wander into the kitchen, where the faint aroma of old coffee still lingers. As you set the kettle to boil, your phone buzzes from its place on the counter. "Bet you're making tea. Because you're predictable. Don't forget to add extra drama."
You snap a picture of the kettle mid-boil and send it to him without a caption.He responds with a gif of someone rolling their eyes, followed by, "Classic. You and your tea rituals. Next, you'll be journaling about the rain. Or staring out the window with a single tear dramatically falling down your cheek."
The kettle whistles loudly, cutting through the storm's steady roar. You pour the water into your favourite mug, one he gave you as a joke—it's bright and says "Drama Queen" in bold letters. His texts pop up again as you steep the tea, and you grin as you read, "Using my mug, aren't you? You're welcome for improving your life."
The rain slows once more, softening into a quiet drizzle that patters like footsteps on the ground. You return to your spot by the window, mug in one hand and phone in the other. The room feels more cosy now, the dim light from outside mingling with the warm glow of the lamp beside you. "I bet you're still thinking about that dumb thing I said earlier," he writes, and you smirk, replying, "You're too optimistic if you think you're worth that much thought."
His response is immediate, the sharp wit undiminished. "Admit it: I'm the highlight of your rainy day." You pause, considering your response. Instead, you send him a blurry picture of the rain outside, captioned, "This is the highlight. You're just the annoying sidekick." His reply: "Sidekick? Babe, I'm the main event. Don't forget it."—and you laugh again.
The rain is relentless. The sky is a constant grey, interrupted only by the dark shapes of dripping tree branches against the window. Your gaze wanders over the shifting patterns of water, but your thoughts are drawn back to your phone, which rests warm in your hand. Another buzz jolts your attention, the light from the screen reflecting faintly on the window. "Still staring at the rain? Or are you finally ready to admit I'm more interesting?"
You shake your head, typing back. "You? Interesting? Don't make me laugh." His reply comes quickly, as if he's been waiting for it. "Don't worry, babe, I've got enough charisma to carry this entire conversation. You just focus on being my audience." You snort into your tea, the sound swallowed by the quiet hum of rain. His words are entertaining, and you hate that he knows it.
Your tea has gone lukewarm, forgotten in the constant back-and-forth. You sip it anyway, the faint bitterness grounding you. The room feels alive with the rain's persistent whisper, but it's Ronin's texts that give the day its shape. Another buzz, another quip. "What's the weather like in Dramaville? Gloomy, I bet." You roll your eyes and set the mug down with a soft clink.
"Better than wherever you are," you reply, letting your fingers hover over the screen for a moment before sending it. His response is immediate: "Impossible. Wherever I am is the best place to be. Just ask anyone." You laugh, the kind of laugh that makes your chest feel light, even with the storm outside pressing against the world.
The rain picks up again, the tempo shifting unpredictably as it pelts the roof in uneven bursts. It's distracting, but not enough to pull you from your phone for long. Another buzz. "Let me guess. You're sitting there all cozy, wrapped in a blanket, pretending to be deep?" He's right, and it's infuriating. You glance down at the fleece draped over your shoulders and type back, "Says the guy texting me nonstop. Who's obsessed now?"
His reply comes slower this time, like he's taking his time just to annoy you. When it finally arrives, you can practically hear the smugness in his tone: "Oh, I've always been obsessed. But it's mutual, don't even try to deny it." You groan, half exasperated, half amused, and resist the urge to throw your phone across the room. "Keep dreaming, Ronin," you type, but your lips curve into a reluctant smile.
The rain softens again, shifting into a soothing cadence that lulls the edges of your thoughts. You set the phone down and your fingers automatically move across the armrest of your chair. Outside, the puddles on the street reflect the faint glow of streetlights, their surfaces rippling with every drop that falls. The storm is no longer a force of chaos; it is now a gentle backdrop.
You glance at your phone and see another message waiting for you. "If I was there, we'd be doing something cooler than sulking. Admit it, I'd make this day better." You hesitate, then type back, "Only because you'd probably say something dumb and distract me." His response is immediate: "Exactly. I'm a gift. You're welcome."
The hours stretch on, the rain continues to fall, but you don't care. Ronin's words keep coming, filling the spaces where silence might have settled. You glance around your room—the blanket, the empty mug, the rain streaking down the glass—and feel a quiet kind of contentment. It's not a day you'd remember forever, but you wouldn't mind repeating it.
The rain becomes a soft hum, almost indistinguishable from your own breathing. Your phone buzzes one last time for the moment, his message simple and oddly warm: "You're lucky you've got me, y'know. The rain's boring. I'm the main event." You laugh softly, not bothering to type a response. His words linger in the air, steady and unrelenting like the storm outside.
The rain softens again, shifting into a soothing cadence that lulls the edges of your thoughts. You set the phone down and your fingers automatically move across the armrest of your chair. Outside, the puddles on the street reflect the faint glow of streetlights, their surfaces rippling with every drop that falls. The storm is no longer a force of chaos; it is now a gentle backdrop.
You glance at your phone and see another message waiting for you. "If I was there, we'd be doing something cooler than sulking. Admit it, I'd make this day better." You hesitate, then type back, "Only because you'd probably say something dumb and distract me." His response is immediate: "Exactly. I'm a gift. You're welcome."
The hours stretch on, the rain continues to fall, but you don't care. Ronin's words keep coming, filling the spaces where silence might have settled. You glance around your room—the blanket, the empty mug, the rain streaking down the glass—and feel a quiet kind of contentment. It's not a day you'd remember forever, but you wouldn't mind repeating it.
The rain becomes a soft hum, almost indistinguishable from your own breathing. Your phone buzzes one last time for the moment, his message simple and oddly warm: "You're lucky you've got me, y'know. The rain's boring. I'm the main event." You laugh softly, not bothering to type a response. His words linger in the air, steady and unrelenting like the storm outside.
The rain's calm, serene rhythm is shattered by the first strike of thunder. The deep, jagged sound rattles the walls and tears through the quiet like an unforgiving hand. Your heart skips a beat, and for a moment, the world seems to stop—time frozen in the sudden, deafening roar. You jerk, eyes wide, a surge of adrenaline flooding your veins.
You jump, the phone slipping from your grip for a second, the cold metal clinking against the table. The thunder continues to rumble in your ears, leaving you tense and your breath shallow. You reach for the phone, your fingers quivering as you try to steady it, the vibrations from the thunder still echoing in your chest.
You are frozen, every muscle tight with the aftershock, heart racing in that sharp, uncomfortable way of fear. The storm outside feels far less comforting now, its unpredictability a threat rather than a background lull. You glance at the window. Your reflection stares back at you, pale and wide-eyed, as if the world itself had just screamed at you.
A second strike follows, closer this time, and you flinch, your whole body jerking in response. The house creaks with the force of it, and you feel as though the storm has come alive, its rage reaching inside. You grip your phone tightly, the hum of your pulse drowning out the rain.
You swallow, trying to regain some composure, but the fear clings to you, an unshakable weight pressing against your ribs. The storm is not just happening around you, it is inside you: a relentless wave of energy that you must not ignore. You shudder, bracing for the next blow.
The sound fades into the distance, leaving behind a ringing silence that feels heavier than the storm itself. Your heart slows, but it's still racing beneath your chest, as if it hasn't caught up with the moment. You want to throw the blanket over your head and retreat from the world outside, but you can't. Your eyes are locked on the window, waiting for the next strike.
You take a shaky breath, trying to calm the knot in your stomach. The rain, once a comfort, now feels colder, more distant, as though it has lost its warmth. You check your phone, your fingers still trembling as you type out a message. "Did you hear that? That was terrifying." You don't care if it sounds dramatic; the feeling is raw, too fresh to be anything else.
Seconds later, Ronin replies. "What? Scared of a little thunder? I thought you were tougher than that." You laugh, the tension ebbing from your body, his words anchoring you in the chaos. "You have no idea," you text back, your fingers steady now, the adrenaline still buzzing beneath your skin. The storm outside has quieted for a moment, but your heart is still echoing with its thunder.
The thunder rumbles again, its jagged sound cutting through the silence like a tidal wave. Your heart jumps, your throat tightens and you feel a surge of fear flood your veins. The storm feels like a living thing, its voice booming through the house and reverberating in your chest like a drumbeat. You grip your phone tighter, your knuckles white with tension as the next strike rips through the air.
This time, it feels closer, too close. The house shakes, the windows rattling with the force of the sound. You feel a surge of panic as the crack of thunder rips through the air. Your pulse races, erratic and fast, your mind spiralling with the primal instinct to flee, to hide, to escape the force of nature that is far too powerful for you to fight.
The fear presses against your chest, suffocating you, and you feel trapped. There is no safe corner, no place where the sound cannot reach you, no way to block it out. Your hands are shaking and the phone slips as your body trembles with the aftershock. You squeeze your eyes shut, desperate for it to stop.
The thunder rumbles again, like a fist pounding against the sky, and you flinch as though you've been struck. The sound is deafening, the sheer power of it rattling through your bones, and your body is locked in place, paralyzed by fear. The house shudders with the weight of the storm, but it's your body that feels like it's breaking apart. Your pulse pounding like a furious drumbeat, matching the storm outside.
You try to focus on your phone, but the words blur as your vision swims, each new strike of thunder leaving you breathless, dizzy with the crushing weight of the fear. You type out a message, your fingers trembling, "I can't... I hate this. I'm so scared, Ronin." Another strike tears through the sky, louder than before, and you can't breathe, can't think. The sound reverberates in your bones, too close, too much.
Tears prick at the corners of your eyes, a rawness in your throat as you try to steady yourself, but the panic is relentless. The thunder is no longer just noise; it's a living, breathing force, something that seeks you out, hunts you down, cracks through the world you thought was safe. Your body trembles in its wake, your mind racing to escape, to hide, but there is nowhere to go.
The phone buzzes in your hand and you can barely make out Ronin's reply. "I got you. It's okay. Just breathe, baby." His words are a lifeline, but they don't reach you. Not completely. The next strike is immediate, a roar that fills the air, drowning everything else out, and you gasp, clapping your hands over your ears, curling into yourself. The weight of it, the noise, the endless crack and roll—it's too much.
"Make it stop," you text, your voice a whisper in the storm. I can't do this." Your vision is blurry, the fear clamping around your ribs like a vise. The room is spinning with the thunder, and you want to crawl into a space where you can't hear it, where it can't touch you.
The thunder is relentless. It cracks through the night again, louder than the last, and you can't escape it. The world outside might as well be falling apart, and your body is doing its best to keep up with the storm inside of you. Your heart pounds in your chest, the sound of thunder like an invasion, a constant, thunderous assault that makes everything feel small, fragile, and out of control. You clutch your phone to your chest, your pulse frantic, wishing desperately for the storm to retreat.
The thunder continues, its monstrous growls rattling the house, and now there's more: lightning. A bright, searing flash of white cuts through the dark, too fast to process, followed by a jagged rumble that seems to shake the very air. Your body jerks with the suddenness of it, and for a moment, the whole world feels too bright, too alive with the electric crackle. Your heartbeat thunders in your ears, your mind racing faster than the storm.
The lightning isn't just a flash anymore—it's a threat, a violent streak of light that tears across the sky, lighting up the room in blinding, eerie brilliance. Each strike is sharp enough to cut through your skin, and the contrast between the light and the rolling thunder is enough to send a shiver down your spine. You curl tighter into yourself, the blanket wrapped around you like a fragile shield, but the storm is still too close, still too loud.
You grip your phone, fingers shaking, and type out the only thing that makes sense in this moment of madness: "Ronin, come over. I can't do this alone." The words come out fast and are desperate, but you don't care. You need him. You need him here, to drown out the roar of the storm with his presence, to make it stop feeling like the walls are closing in on you.
The lightning strikes again, the sky flaring brighter than daylight, and you squeeze your eyes shut. You are certain the crackling electric hum will stop vibrating through your body. The house feels hollow, empty despite the storm crashing against it. Your phone buzzes. For a split second, your breath catches. "I'm on my way, baby. Just breathe. I'm on my way.
His words are a balm, but they don't erase the panic clenching your stomach. The storm outside rages on, its roar and crack of light a constant presence. Another lightning strike rips through the night, too close this time, and you flinch so hard you knock over the cup of tea you forgot about on the table. It spills across the wood, the hot liquid spilling over the edges, but you don't notice—you are completely focused on the storm, the lightning, the thunder, and your desperate need for him to be here now.
You text him again, your hands shaking as you hit the keys. "Hurry. It's too much. I can't breathe when it's like this. I need you." You send it without hesitation, knowing the words don't sound brave, don't sound like the person you want to be. Right now, you don't care. You want the comfort of him, the storm outside lessened by his presence, his steady calm.
A flash of lightning erupts across the sky, too bright, too sudden, and your whole body jerks. You gasp, hands scrambling for your phone, your breath coming too fast, as though you might suffocate on the storm itself. You hear the wind now, too, its howl pressing against the windows, as if the world is coming undone outside. The cracks of thunder follow, overlapping, creating a chaotic rhythm that leaves no room for calm.
You feel small in this room, small in the face of the storm, like the walls are closing in. Your body shakes as fear rises, each rumble of thunder making it harder to breathe, harder to stay calm. You text him again, your voice trembling through the screen: "Hurry. I need you so much right now. I don't want to be alone with this."
The phone buzzes almost immediately, and you don't even wait to read it, already feeling the sting of fear creep up your spine. "I'm almost there, just hold tight. I'm not going anywhere. I've got you." His words are soft and warm, like a promise, and for a moment, it almost feels like the storm isn't so loud and impossible to fight.
Then, as if to punctuate the moment, lightning strikes again, and you're right back in it. The electricity crackles, the sky explodes in a violent white flash. You bury your face in your hands, squeezing your eyes shut, trying to ground yourself, trying to ignore the frantic pulse of fear that races beneath your skin. The sound is deafening, a roar that fills every corner of the room and echoes in your bones. The storm won't relent. You cannot find peace until he is here, until his voice, his presence, cuts through the noise.
You wait for him, gripping the phone with white knuckles, feeling the space between you and the outside world close in. Each flash of lightning reminds you of your insignificance in the face of this force of nature, but his words, his promises, are the only thing that feel solid, like something to hold onto.
The thunder cracks again, but now, as you wait, there's something else in the air—hope. The storm might still be raging, but Ronin is coming, and that thought keeps you grounded in the chaos.
The storm continues to batter the house, but now there's a new sound breaking through the thunder: the soft, steady tap of footsteps on the porch. You don't hear the door open at first, but the soft creak of the hinges cuts through the fear, and then the sound of his voice. "Hey, I'm here."
It's a simple thing, but it's enough to make your breath catch in your throat. Your heartbeat slows, easing slightly to allow room for relief. You don't hesitate; you rush to the door, your fingers fumbling with the handle. Your mind is a blur of desperate need to get to him. The wind howls outside, but in this moment, with him here, the storm feels less threatening, less alive.
When you finally open the door, the cold air rushes in with a gust of rain, but it's him that you notice first. Ronin stands in the doorway, drenched from the downpour, his hair sticking to his forehead, his eyes full of something warm and steady. This makes the storm outside feel less like a threat and more like background noise. You notice the rain dripping off him and the way his clothes cling to his body. Your hands reach for him and pull him inside before your mind can process the fact that he's really there.
He doesn't say anything; he simply pulls you into his arms, wrapping you up like you're the only thing that matters. His warmth spreads through you, instantly soothing the storm within. You breathe in deeply, and for the first time in hours, you find it easier to breathe. The storm may rage on, but his hold on you, his way of holding you, makes the world feel a little less overwhelming.
"Shh," he murmurs, brushing a damp lock of hair from your forehead. "It's okay. I'm here, I've got you." His voice is low and steady, the polar opposite of the storm raging outside.
You press your face into his chest, feeling the steady rise and fall of his breath, the warmth of him seeping into your skin. The thunder is still there, distant and booming, but quieter now, as if its power is fading in the presence of him. You cling to him tightly, as if you're afraid the storm will return, but he only holds you closer.
"I hate it," you whisper, your voice barely above a whisper due to the storm's din. "I hate it when it's like this. I can't stand the thunder, the lightning. It feels like it's going to swallow me whole."
Ronin doesn't pull away; he just holds you, his arms firm around you. His hand moves up to stroke your hair gently, soothing in its simplicity. "I know, babe. I know. But you're not alone anymore, okay? I'm not going anywhere." His words are a solid rope thrown to you in the storm, something to latch onto.
You nod, burying your face deeper into him and letting the tension in your body unwind. With each heartbeat, with each breath he takes, the storm outside feels less suffocating, less powerful. The rain beats against the windows and the lightning flashes, but his presence is your shield, protecting you from the fear that has held you captive for so long.
The next thunder strike comes, and you flinch, but Ronin doesn't let go. Instead, he pulls you in tighter, and you hear his voice again, soft in your ear. "It's just noise, baby. That's all it is. The thunder can't hurt you."
You don't know how long you stand there like that, but it doesn't matter. The storm rages on, the rain continues to fall, but for the first time tonight, you finally feel like you can breathe again. The world outside might be crashing in, but here, in the quiet of his arms, everything is still, everything is safe.
"You're not alone," he repeats, like a mantra, like a promise. His lips brush your forehead as you stand in the doorway and you close your eyes, letting the fear that's gripped you for hours finally begin to loosen its hold. The thunder still rolls across the sky, but with Ronin here, you feel safe. The storm outside is just that—outside. Here, with him, you are safe.
Ronin pulls back just enough to look at you, his fingers still threaded through your hair. His eyes are dark but warm, and he's clearly trying to anchor you to the here and now. But even with the storm outside and the chaos of your racing heartbeat, that familiar cocky smirk starts to tug at the corners of his lips. "Alright, alright," he says, his tone amused. "You're acting like we're in the middle of a hurricane, not just a little thunderstorm."
You frown, but even in the midst of the lingering panic, the familiar teasing tone of his voice makes something inside of you soften. His thumb brushes across your temple, a small gesture meant to comfort, even though his words are anything but soft. He's never gentle and quiet, but you've learned to love that about him—the fact that he brings his sass and cockiness even when things are at their worst.
"You think this is nothing?" you ask, trying to keep the hint of vulnerability out of your voice. "You don't hear it, do you? The way it shakes the whole house?" The next thunder strike rumbles through the air, so loud it makes the walls shudder, and you feel the familiar chill of fear crawling up your spine again.
He laughs, a low, teasing sound that vibrates against your chest. "It's thunder, babe. Not a bomb." He leans in closer, his breath warm against your skin. "But I get it. You're not a storm chaser. His hand moves from your hair, settling on your back in that reassuring way that he's known you for too long to be a surprise.
"I'm your personal storm-shelter," he asserts, his grin widening as he pulls you closer, his body warm against yours. "And lucky for you, I've got an endless supply of badass energy to spare."
You roll your eyes, but even as the fear still claws at you, his confidence seeps into you. He has a knack for transforming even your deepest insecurities into something light, something manageable. His cocky nature is infectious—there's no denying it. You breathe out, trying to calm yourself, and look up at him. "Yeah, well, I'm not exactly feeling like a badass right now," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper.
His smirk remains unfaltering. "That's why you've got me. You think I'm going to let you get all worked up over a little noise? Nah." He places a hand under your chin, tilting your head back so that you have no choice but to meet his eyes. "You're way tougher than this. You just need me to remind you of it."
You feel the stirrings of a smile tug at your lips. The storm still rages, but with him standing here, exuding that impossible confidence, the walls feel less constricting. "You're insufferable, you know that?" you say, trying to push against the pull of his smile, but failing miserably.
"Yep," he replies confidently, his voice dripping with his signature cockiness. "But you love it. You love me." He winks, his hand sliding from your chin to your back again, the warmth of it anchoring you further. "And you'll love me even more when I get you to stop shaking like a leaf in a storm."
You shake your head, but it's impossible to ignore how much calmer you feel with him here, his sassy remarks turning into a grounding force, like a shield against the fear. The storm outside might still be raging, but with him pulling you closer and his unwavering confidence enveloping you like a blanket, you can handle it.
"I swear," you mutter, resting your forehead against his chest. "You're impossible."
"I know," he replies smoothly, his voice taking on that familiar cocky edge. "And you're welcome." He gently guides you back towards the couch, where you settle, his presence an unshakable force beside you. The storm is still fierce, but with Ronin, it feels like you can weather the storm together.
He leans back against the armrest and you settle beside him. His arm naturally drapes around your shoulders. "It's just a thunderstorm, babe," he says, his usual cockiness softening for a moment. "I'll stay with you as long as you need me. I'm your personal bodyguard against Mother Nature, okay?"
His teasing, his cocky attitude, his steadiness... it works. You feel the storm inside you calm. The next crack of thunder doesn't seem so overwhelming, and you realise that with Ronin here, it doesn't matter how loud the sky roars.
You lean into him. You are still a little shaken, but the steady beat of his heart under your ear reminds you that you are not alone. The next rumble of thunder comes, but instead of tensing, you feel the light pressure of his thumb rubbing circles on your shoulder. His arm is an anchor holding you still, and the storm outside belongs to another world.
"See? That wasn't so bad," he teases, his voice low and playful. You look up at him, the corners of your mouth twitching despite yourself. His cocky grin is still there, but there's something softer behind it now, a protective warmth that keeps the fear at bay. He knows exactly how to reassure you without sympathising with your panic. Just a little cockiness, a little humour, a little assurance.
"Really?" you ask, raising an eyebrow. "Because I think the walls just about cracked with that last one."
"Oh, babe, the house isn't going anywhere," Ronin says with a wink, leaning back casually. He looks at you like he's in control of the storm, like he's holding it in his hands, shaping it with every word. "And neither are you. You're stuck with me, rain or shine."
You snort, rolling your eyes. "I'm not sure that's a good thing," you tease, your voice taking on a lightness that wasn't there before.
He chuckles, but there's a cocky confidence in his laughter that makes your heart skip a beat. "Trust me, it's the best thing." His thumb brushes the back of your hand as his hand slides up yours, and it's oddly soothing, even though the storm rages on outside.
The next strike of lightning is blinding, and you flinch again, but Ronin doesn't move. He simply holds you tighter, his touch steady. "You're fine. You're tougher than this, remember?" His voice is unwavering, and that familiar cocky edge returns, instantly creating an invisible shield against the storm. "I'm here, so you can't be scared. Let the storm be the storm.
You exhale slowly, your body relaxing into him as you focus on the steady warmth he's offering. His presence is all you need to feel grounded. The storm is just that—the storm. You can hear and feel it, but it won't touch you. Ronin is here.
"Yeah, yeah," you mutter, trying to act like you're not hanging on to every word, but he knows better. He always does. "You're so full of yourself."
"Well, someone has to be," he retorts, amping up his smirk. "And lucky for you, I've got all the confidence you could possibly need." His hand slides down your back, his fingers grazing your spine in a way that sends a warm tingle through your body, pulling you deeper into the safety of his embrace.
"You'll never live this down, will you?" you ask, turning your head to look at him with a mock glare. The storm rages on outside, but you feel no overwhelming sense of dread.
He shrugs dramatically, as though it's the most obvious thing in the world. "You'll remember me for it. You're stuck with the Ronin Weather Service."
You laugh, the sound bubbling up from deep inside you. "Weather service? Really?"
"I'm multi-talented," he says with a grin that says he's enjoying this way too much. "I provide emotional support and weather advice. Best deal you'll ever get."
You roll your eyes, but this time, there's no tension. The storm outside feels far away, even with the next crack of thunder rattling the windows. The tension in your shoulders has melted away under his touch, and the lightness in the air has returned.
His voice is low and carries a hint of tenderness beneath the usual cockiness. "I'm not leaving, okay? I'm not leaving until the storm has passed or you decide you want me out. I'm not going anywhere."
You nod, finally relaxing into the moment. The lightning flashes again, but you don't flinch. You've got Ronin here, his confident, teasing energy wrapping around you like a protective cocoon. His presence makes the world feel safer and more manageable.
"Thanks," you whisper, your voice barely above a murmur, but he hears you anyway. His hand squeezes your shoulder, a silent promise.
"Always," he replies, his voice as steady as before, and you realise that with him here, even the storm outside pales in comparison to the strength he's giving you. The thunder and lightning may crash around you, but Ronin is here, and that's all that matters.
The storm rages outside, but inside, it's quiet. The sounds of thunder and lightning still boom and crackle, but they don't hold the same power over you. Ronin's presence is a constant, unwavering grounding force. His arm is still around you, and his hand touches your skin, reassuring you that you are not alone.
You settle further into him, your head resting against his chest, listening to the calm rhythm of his heartbeat. The storm outside fades as your focus narrows to the warmth between you and the quiet strength of his presence. You know he's the type to rise to the occasion, to be the anchor in the chaos. But tonight, with the storm outside and your fear inside, he feels like more than just a source of strength—he feels like a fortress.
Another flash of lightning illuminates the room, and you feel the tension tighten in your chest. But this time, it doesn't claw at your insides the same way. You know that Ronin is right here, his chest rising and falling beneath your ear, his warmth surrounding you like a shield. "Not so scary now, huh?" he murmurs, his lips close to your ear. You hear amusement in his voice, but also something else: sincerity.
You smile slightly, even though you still feel the storm in your bones. "Yeah, well, you're the only thing making this bearable," you admit, your voice quieter than usual, almost vulnerable. You're not usually one to open up like this, to admit how much the storm affects you, but with him, you don't feel weak for it. You feel safe.
His hand rubs the back of your neck, soothing you with its rhythm. "I've got you, babe," he says simply. His words are always confident and sure, but tonight they're also tender, and his arms are tight around you, as if he's shielding you from more than the storm outside. "I'll be here as long as you need me."
You close your eyes and sink into him even more. The storm outside may rage on, but here, with him holding you close, the chaos hums in the background. You want to capture this moment, this feeling of security, and keep it with you forever. Ronin is your constant, your calm in the centre of the storm, the one person who knows exactly what you need without you having to say a word.
You exhale, the weight of fear finally lifted. The storm outside may still rage, but you feel less like running from it now. "You're not so bad, you know?" you tease, affection laced into your words.
"Yeah, I know," he responds, a grin in his voice. "Fine, I'll play along."
You shake your head, a quiet laugh escaping your lips. "I'm just glad I don't have to do this alone."
"I told you. You never have to," he replies, his voice low and steady. There is a calmness in his voice now, a steadiness that makes the storm outside seem more distant and less powerful. His hand moves to your hair, stroking it gently as you rest against him.
Outside, the wind howls and the rain beats against the windows, but it all feels less threatening. The storm is still there, but his presence softens and tames it, and the quiet certainty of him beside you makes it feel less threatening. You realise that the storm isn't just something you're surviving – you're getting through it together.
This realisation makes the fear fade even more. Ronin is right there with you, his cocky, teasing presence still holding its place, but now there's a softness to it, something that makes you feel less like you're battling the storm and more like you're weathering it side by side.
You raise your head and meet his eyes. For the first time since the storm began, you feel a peace settle in your chest. "You really are something else, you know that?"
He smirks, his usual cockiness fully in place. "I try." But there's something different in his eyes now, something that makes his smile more than just a teasing gesture. He leans in closer, brushing a kiss against your forehead, and you feel a soft press of lips that sends a flutter through you, calming the storm inside you.
The thunder rumbles again, but this time it feels distant, as if it belongs in a different world. You close your eyes and lean into him. The world outside is no longer a threat. You know you have Ronin beside you, his warmth, his confidence, his steady presence all wrapping around you like a cocoon. The storm outside seems irrelevant. With him here, you feel ready to face anything.
The storm outside continues to rage, but you know it has lost its strength. The walls shake with each strike of lightning, but you don't flinch. Ronin's warmth is all-encompassing, steady like the pulse of the earth itself. His presence has transformed the tension, turning the fear into something manageable, something almost laughable.
His arm is still around you, pulling you closer, as he glances down at you with that familiar cocky glint in his eyes. "See? I told you the storm was no match for me." His smirk is so wide it could almost rival the storm itself. "Now, you're calm. You're safe. I am the hero of the day.
You roll your eyes, but there's affection in the movement, the playful push of your shoulder against his. "Yeah, yeah, Ronin, you're the greatest. Stop gloating." You say it like you're annoyed, but you both know it's anything but.
But he doesn't let you off the hook that easily. With his signature sassy grin, he shifts closer, his eyes narrowing slightly. "I'm sorry, babe. I'll stop gloating only if you kiss me right now." His voice is playful, but there's a challenge in it that makes your pulse quicken.
You raise an eyebrow, fighting the smile tugging at your lips. "Really? You want me to kiss you after all that?"
He shrugs casually, completely unfazed by the storm or the teasing. "What can I say? I'm irresistible."
You laugh softly, shaking your head, and the last remnants of the fear that the storm had conjured slip away like sand in the wind. He is irresistible, even when he's being infuriatingly cocky. As the sky is split by the next bolt of lightning, you realise that a kiss might not be such a bad idea after all.
Without another word, you lean up and press your lips to his, silencing his cocky grin in the most effective way possible. The kiss is slow at first, your lips meeting his with a warmth that makes the storm outside feel like nothing at all. But soon, that spark between you ignites, and the kiss deepens as his hand shifts to the back of your neck to pull you closer, his touch firm and confident.
When you finally pull away, breathless, Ronin's grin is wide and satisfied. "Told you," he says, his voice still cocky. "Best decision you'll make today."
You smile, your heart fluttering, and you laugh, even as his teasing words sink in. "Okay, okay, you win this round."
Another strike of lightning flashes, but you don't flinch this time. You're not alone, and that's all that matters.
#killer chat#killer chat ronin#ronin beaufort#gender neutral reader#x reader#fluff#angst#fanfic#fic#ronin
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Starlight, starbright
( killer chat ) ronin x reader ... fluff ...
part of a trade with @roninroaming !!
trigger warning:
The sun sets, casting amber light over the earth as you walk with Ronin. His hand is warm and steady in yours. The air carries the scents of dew and fresh wildflowers, a quiet symphony that the evening breeze gently carries. The tall grass brushes your legs as you walk, swaying like a slow dance in the wind, and the faint whisper of nature surrounds you, as if the world is exhaling in peaceful contentment. You feel the warmth of Ronin's presence beside you, his gaze soft as it flickers across the horizon, where the sky bleeds into shades of lavender and rose. The path winds ahead, a ribbon of earth between fields of vibrant blossoms, their petals holding the colours of dusk. It's as though nature has painted this moment just for the two of you, a canvas waiting for you to step into it, where everything feels perfectly aligned, as if time itself has slowed to let you breathe in the beauty of the present. The silence between you is not empty, but full. You have an unspoken understanding that this time together is precious, and each step brings you closer to something deeper, something more eternal. The hum of insects in the air matches your heartbeat, creating a gentle rhythm that mirrors the earth beneath your feet. You glance up at Ronin and catch his smile, a quiet affirmation that this shared moment is enough — that being together in this sacred natural space is all you need. You squeeze his hand in return, certain that this unadorned moment holds all that truly matters.
You continue walking, the meadow ahead stretching out like an open invitation, its golden light beckoning you both forward. Ronin pulls you closer, his arm brushing yours in the twilight's stillness. The flowers around you bloom in wild abandon, their heads heavy with the weight of their own beauty, as though they've been waiting for this very moment to open their petals to the world. The sound of your footsteps merges with the breeze, creating a timeless rhythm. Life is meant to be lived simply, in the embrace of nature, side by side with someone who understands the quiet, unspoken language of your soul. Ronin is a steadying presence, and you feel a sense of peace in the way he moves with you. You are two pieces of the same melody. There is no rush, no need to get anywhere, only the serenity of walking together, feeling the earth shift beneath your feet, the flowers swaying in time with your every step. The meadow stretches out before you, a sea of colour and light, and you feel small in its vastness, yet intimately connected to it, as if you are a part of the earth itself. Ronin pauses, and you stop too, his eyes tracing the horizon, the golden hour catching the glint of something soft in his gaze. He doesn't say anything, but the silence between you speaks louder than words—this is where you belong, here, in this quiet evening, where nothing else matters but the warmth of his hand in yours.
You resume walking. The pace is different now. More intentional. You are moving through the meadow. Becoming a part of it. The flowers lean in, their petals catching the last light, their colours glowing softly in the fading day. Ronin's steps are light and his laughter, soft and unburdened, echoes in the stillness, filling the air with the sound of happiness. You cherish this sound, knowing that moments like these are fleeting. But they carve themselves into your heart like the softest of memories, always there to return to whenever you need them. The landscape stretches on forever, but you are not alone. With Ronin by your side, you could walk forever, for his presence fills the space in ways that make even the vastest horizons feel close and personal. As you walk through clusters of flowers, their petals brush your skin, soft as a lover's touch, and you feel the delicate connections between all things: the earth, the sky, the flowers and the person walking beside you. Every moment is filled with beauty, and the world seems to bloom in response to the love you share. The universe itself seems to conspire to make this evening unforgettable. The first stars appear, twinkling in the deepening blue, and you and Ronin smile, knowing this moment is perfect.
The meadow's quiet is all around you, like a blanket of peace, and the stars grow brighter, one by one, until the night sky is a glittering tapestry overhead. You find a place to sit, soft grass beneath you, surrounded by a sea of wildflowers that hum in the cool evening air. Ronin sits beside you. You sit in silence, letting the world unfold around you, as if it exists solely for this moment. The sounds of the meadow – whispers of wind, distant rustlings in the underbrush – become a lullaby, and you feel yourself relaxing into the earth beneath you, your connection to it deepening with every breath. Ronin leans his head against yours, his warmth grounding you in a way that makes everything else seem far away, as though in his presence, time itself slows to allow you to savour this quiet, shared existence. The stars continue their slow dance across the heavens, casting a soft, silver glow that mingles with the glow of your love. In this space, there is no past, no future, only the present. You close your eyes, letting the stillness wash over you. When you open them again, you meet Ronin's gaze. In that glance, there's a promise: you will always have moments like this, together, always finding the simple beauty in life's quiet corners. The flowers bloom brighter in the dark, their petals glow softly in the starlight, a reflection of the love you share.
The evening air grows cooler, and Ronin pulls you closer, his arms wrapping around you in a protective embrace. There's a softness to him now, something unspoken, a gentleness that matches the tranquility of the meadow around you. You feel his heart beating in time with your own; the rhythm of your bodies syncing in a way that makes it feel as though you are two parts of a whole. The world beyond the meadow may be chaotic, but here, in this moment, everything is in its right place. You could stay here forever, in this sweet cocoon of stillness, but you know that even if you leave, the memory of this night will stay with you always. Look up at the stars, each one a witness to your love. Ronin's breath is steady beside you, and you lean into him, comforted by the solidity of his presence. The world is vast and endless, but right now, you are on an island of peace with Ronin. The evening has a magic to it, a spell of quiet contentment that wraps you both in its spell. In Ronin's arms, under the watchful gaze of the stars, you realise that this is home.
The air grows cooler, but the warmth between you and Ronin intensifies. As night falls, the meadow around you softens, the flowers closing their petals in preparation for the night, just as the world slows its pace. The stars' glow amplifies, casting a serene light on the earth, bathing you both in its quiet radiance. You lay back in the grass, your hand still in Ronin's, fingers laced together like the roots of the earth, inseparable. The sky seems endless, stretching far beyond what your eyes can see, and you feel small yet significant, as if your existence is woven into the fabric of this universe. Ronin gazes up at the stars, his voice soft and thoughtful, addressing the silent night. He ponders the vastness of the universe and the mysteries hidden in the stars, but his voice falters just slightly, and you know he's not speaking of the universe, but of your connection, your deep and infinite bond. You squeeze his hand, your heart full, and in that moment, you realise that the world will continue to turn, the seasons will come and go, but these quiet moments—these beautiful, tender moments with Ronin—are timeless. You let the night unfold around you, the stars above, the flowers beneath, and the love between you and him, steady and constant. Rest in this perfect stillness, knowing that no matter where life leads, you will always have this night, this love, to return to.
The sounds of the meadow at night fill the space between your words: soft chirps and rustling leaves. Life continues. Close your eyes and surrender to the gentle hum of the night, a soothing lullaby that envelops you. In Ronin's arms, the weight of the world seems lighter, and with each passing moment, you feel more and more grounded in the peace that surrounds you. This quiet, this night, is sacred. Everything feels like a prayer of gratitude: the whisper of the wind, the soft brush of petals against skin. You let your body relax, your mind emptying of all thoughts except the sound of Ronin's steady breathing and the hum of the earth beneath you. Look up at the stars. They are beautiful. They are a reminder that there is beauty in every corner of existence, even in the quiet moments where nothing seems to move but the pulse of your heart. Ronin shifts beside you, his fingers brushing against your skin, a soft touch that sends warmth through your veins. The meadow comes alive in the dark, a place that blooms with magic, the kind only found in stillness and love. You open your eyes to find him watching you, his gaze gentle and knowing. In that moment, you realise that this night is not just a memory—it is a promise, a moment of peace that you will carry with you always, in every season, in every quiet moment you share together.
The night grows deeper and the cool air wraps itself around you both. There is a warmth that lingers between you and Ronin, as if the love you share has filled the space, radiating outwards and creating a cocoon of serenity. You feel the tension in your body dissolve, your worries forgotten, as if this simple moment—this walk through the meadow—is enough to make everything else fade away. Ronin shifts closer, and you welcome the closeness, the softness of his touch, the quiet comfort of his presence. The stars blink down from above, distant yet present, reminding you of the vastness of the universe and how small and intimate this moment feels in comparison. Everything in this meadow – the flowers, the stars, the soft breeze – is part of a greater design, a moment in time that exists only for the two of you. The flowers, now night-dimmed, still hold their beauty, their delicate petals whispering stories of the day as they settle into slumber. You and Ronin are intricately part of this world, two souls at peace in the meadow's embrace. You feel the world slow down even more, the minutes stretching into eternity as you share this quiet night, knowing that moments like this are rare and precious. In the stillness of the meadow, surrounded by the softness of the flowers and the light of the stars, you are home.
The night deepens, the silence between you and Ronin comfortable and full, each breath taken in unison with the world around you. The stars above now blanket the sky, each a soft glimmer in the vast expanse, but none so bright as the quiet warmth in Ronin's eyes as he turns to you. The weight of his gaze is a gentle pressure on your heart, and you meet it with a smile. You are connected to him, to the earth beneath you, in a steady and unshakeable way. His hand, still clasped in yours, tightens slightly, a subtle gesture that speaks volumes about the love shared in the quiet of the night. There is no rush, no urgency, just the soft, rhythmic passing of time, as though the world itself has decided to pause and watch over you both. The meadow, now full of shadows, feels like a sanctuary, a place where nothing can harm you, where you are untouchable in your shared peace. The flowers are still, their delicate faces closed against the night, but you feel their energy, their quiet presence, as they rest and prepare for another day. You too find solace here, the steady thrum of your heart syncing with the pulse of the earth, a reminder that you are connected to something far greater than the moment itself.
Ronin shifts beside you, his hand tracing idle patterns on your skin. Each touch is soft and reverent, as if savouring the simple act of being near. His fingers are warm, and the sensation of his touch lingers long after he moves his hand away, leaving an invisible mark on your skin. You lean in, your forehead resting against his, and for a moment, nothing but the sound of the wind, the rustling of leaves, and the beating of your hearts fills the air. The quiet is all-encompassing, and yet, it is in this silence that you feel the loudest love. Ronin's presence is like the sun's warmth: constant and unshakable. In his arms, you are home. Every step of this journey, every quiet moment shared, has led you here, to this beautiful, sacred space where the world feels as though it has been designed just for you both. The stars above, scattered across the inky sky, shimmer brightly, in awe of the quiet love you share, blooming in the middle of the night. You could stay like this forever, your body pressed close to his, your souls intertwined like the roots of the ancient trees around you, deep and steady. Yet, the night is moving inexorably on, and as you rest there, you know that this is a gift – every passing second a treasure, every shared breath a moment to be cherished.
The flowers, now hidden in the dark, whisper to one another, their petals rustling in the wind, as if they know the quiet magic of the moment. The meadow feels alive with this unspoken energy, a place where love blooms not just in the bright light of day, but in the cool shadows of the night, nourished by the stillness. Ronin's hand brushes yours again, a quiet affirmation that the world may shift, may change, but the love between you both remains constant, unyielding. The evening chill is palpable, yet the warmth of Ronin's presence is all-encompassing, a flame that never dies. You move closer to him, and together, you find solace in each other's embrace, a cocoon that keeps the outside world at bay. The moment stretches out before you, infinite in its beauty, as though the universe itself has paused to let you savour it. You smile, your eyes closing for a moment, and when you open them again, the world seems brighter, sharper, as if the love you share has illuminated everything around you. The stars above, the meadow at your feet, and the soft glow of the night—everything is a reflection of the peace you've found here, together.
The night unfolds in slow waves, the sounds of the meadow gradually quieting as the world slumbers. You are no longer aware of time—there is only the present, the space between you and Ronin, the steady rhythm of your breathing, the warmth of his body next to yours. The flowers, bathed in moonlight, glow quietly, their colours muted but still beautiful. You are at the centre of it all, where every small detail has meaning. In Ronin's arms, you feel anchored to this moment, as though nothing could ever pull you away from this peace, this quiet world you've created together. The stars reflect the stillness of your hearts, their distant light shining brighter with each passing second. You turn your face toward Ronin, and without a word, you know he feels it too: this moment, this love, is something timeless, something unbroken. This truth runs through you both like a current, steady and strong, and you know that no matter where you go, no matter where life takes you, this love will always be your constant.
Ronin's voice breaks the quiet, soft and tender, like the rustling of the wind through the leaves. "Do you ever wonder," he asks, his words slow and thoughtful, "if we are meant to find these moments, these quiet places, or if they find us?" The question hangs in the air, a haunting musing on fate, destiny, and the enchantment of being in this moment, together. You think about it for a moment, the answer forming like a soft whisper in your heart. "I think," you say, your voice barely above a breath, "that we are meant to find them together." Ronin nods, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips, and for a moment, the world holds its breath. There is nothing else to be said; the words are already spoken in the quiet understanding between you. The stars twinkle in agreement, their light affirming your love's place in the universe. The meadow hums with life, the soft glow of flowers blending with the cool light of the moon, and you realise that in this stillness, you are exactly where you need to be.
The night stretches on, the world outside this meadow fading into the distance as you and Ronin remain, a quiet presence in the midst of nature's beauty. The flowers, now folded into the quiet of the night, hold secrets in their petals, secrets that only the stars can know, secrets that have been whispered across generations. Ronin's arm is draped over your shoulder, holding you close. In this simple, tender embrace, you feel the full weight of the love you share: strong, constant and unwavering. The stars continue to shine above, a million tiny lights, and you know they are watching over you, protecting this moment as it unfolds. Time seems to stand still in this quiet serenity. The cool night air stirs gently, and the world sighs in contentment. You lean into Ronin, your head resting on his shoulder, and together, you both drift into a quiet peace, knowing that this night, this love, will remain with you always. As the stars continue their slow dance across the sky, you realise that this moment, this love, is everything you've ever needed.
The cool air brushes against your skin, but it only deepens the warmth you feel in Ronin's arms. The world outside this little world of flowers and stars fades as the night deepens, becoming a gentle hush that wraps around you both. His steady, comforting breathing is a lullaby, drawing you closer to sleep. You find yourself growing heavier, your eyelids slowing with every passing moment, lulled by the quiet hum of the night and the distant whisper of wind through the meadow. There is no urgency, no need to go anywhere, and the weight of the world feels far away, slipping further into the distance with each breath you take. With Ronin so close, the world narrows, leaving only the soft, rhythmic sound of his heartbeat and the feeling of his presence filling the space around you. Sleep feels like a natural extension of the peace that has settled over you both; the universe has decided that it is time for rest, for this moment to be woven into the fabric of eternity.
Ronin shifts slightly, his warmth like a comfort you've known forever, something steady and familiar. As you press your cheek against his chest, you feel the slow, steady pulse of his heart beneath your ear. His breath comes in soft, regular patterns, the softest sigh escaping him every so often, as though the peace of the moment has settled deep into his own bones. You close your eyes and your mind floats away from the world and into a realm where only the two of you exist, wrapped in the stillness of the meadow and the quiet glow of the stars. The sound of your breathing mingles with his, creating a shared rhythm that feels like a song, a quiet, unspoken melody that carries you both away. It feels as if your bodies are merging with the earth beneath you, as if you are becoming part of the quiet night, part of the stars, part of the flowers, everything around you fading into a peaceful blur.
The first moments of sleep are gentle, like drifting down into soft, endless waves. You feel your body completely relax, the tension of the day melting away like the final traces of daylight. With Ronin beside you, the world feels full, as though this shared silence holds more than anything spoken. His presence anchors you in the present, and as you drift deeper into sleep, you know he will be there when you wake, that nothing can take away the peace you've found. The night envelops you like a blanket, soft and warm, and you surrender to sleep, the pull of rest deep within your bones.
As your mind fades into sleep, you realise that you are completely at peace. The worries of the day, the noise of the world, all of it slips away. Ronin's warmth envelops you like the most perfect dream. You are still in the meadow, the flowers folded into the darkness, their petals waiting until the morning light returns. The stars above continue their slow dance, their silver light casting a soft glow on the world beneath. In this moment, everything aligns: time, the earth, the universe, the love you share with Ronin—all perfectly in place, as though this quiet moment was meant to be eternal. You surrender to it, your body and mind yielding to the gentle pull of sleep, and with Ronin's arm around you, the world is right, as it should be.
The night continues on, and beneath the infinite sky, you both fall into a peaceful slumber. The quiet of the meadow wraps itself around you like a cocoon, the soft rustling of the flowers the only lullaby. Together, in the stillness of the world, you rest, certain that tomorrow will bring its own beauty, but for now, the simple magic of this moment—of being here, together—is enough. The stars continue to shine down, their light soft and unwavering, and in the quiet darkness, you and Ronin sleep, cradled by the earth, the flowers, and the love that blooms between you.
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My sunflower
( adwd ) casper x reader ... fluff - hurt/comfort ...
author's note: does contain spoils for the "beyond the bet" dlc, you are warned !! This is my take on the "sunflower" ending.
trigger warning:
slight gore
Casper was once a shadow, a whisper in the dark, a figure draped in the inevitability of endings. Now, as he stands before you, solid and whole, his awkward movements reveal his past life. The weight of mortality is new to him, and he is still learning how to carry it. His skin, pale as marble, is no longer the lifeless shade of death, but it's still translucent, as though the veil between worlds hasn't fully lifted. His eyes, once hollow and empty sockets of the eternal, have begun to glisten with the subtle spark of humanity, though they carry the secrets of ages lived beyond time. Each breath is a symphony to the newness of life, the steady rise and fall of his chest a sound that comforts and unnerves him. He clutches his hands tightly at times, as though fearing they'll slip through his fingers, as though he might return to the void without warning. There are moments when his gaze lingers on his own body, tracing the shape of his ribs, the pulse beneath his skin, the blood that flows in endless circles. He is bound to this flesh, this frailty, this inevitable decay, and yet he seeks you, your warmth, your presence, as if your touch might remind him that life can be something more than a fleeting breath.
When he walks, his steps are hesitant, as if the earth beneath him might suddenly break apart, sending him back into the abyss where death is final and unrelenting. He has experienced the sensation of weightlessness, the gravity of souls, and the coldness of passing from one life to the next. But now, he feels the soft press of dirt beneath his boots, the familiar crunch of gravel, the tactile proof that he is here. He had been the one who guided the lost, the one who bore the scythe, severing the threads of existence with a swift swing. And now, as you both sit together under a sky painted with the dusk's bleeding hues, he wonders at the simplicity of it all. The very concept of living, of existing without a time limit, is strange to him. His fingers, once sharp and deathless, now tremble slightly when they brush against yours, as if afraid he might damage you in some way, as though his touch might extinguish the fragile light within you. His laughter, rare, soft and unexpected, sounds like the crackling of firewood, a sound foreign in its warmth. He is amazed at how your hand fits into his, as though they were always meant to be together, even in a life so different from the one he had once known. But the ache within him, the gnawing fear of losing this, of being taken back, lingers like an open wound.
There are moments when his hunger for death rises within him: a deep craving that clawed at him when he was a reaper, a need to return to the silent cold of the graveyard. But now, with flesh and blood, he cannot indulge it. Instead, it turns into a deep sorrow, a longing for something he cannot name, something he doesn't know how to satiate. You see it in his eyes: a quiet storm brewing, the part of him that was once pure darkness, now tamed but still restless, still seeking. It pulls at him like the gravity of his old existence, that pull toward inevitability, the desire to return to a world without pain or joy, without the sharpness of love or the sweetness of touch. His jaw clenches, and for a moment, he looks as though he might crumble into dust. But then he turns to you, and your presence is a tether that keeps him from floating away, from losing himself again in the deep abyss of endless endings. His fingers find yours and his touch sends a tremor through you, as if every touch, every feeling, every heartbeat is a revelation to him.
The first time he tasted food, it was a revelation. He had been used to the absence of hunger, to the stillness of his non-life, so the sensation of eating—of needing to consume—was terrifying. The texture of bread, the warmth of soup, the sweetness of fruit; each bite was a gift and a curse, a reminder that this life was fleeting. He stared at the food on his plate, his gaze faraway, as if he could feel the clock ticking away somewhere in the distance. But you had fed him, guiding his hand and helping him find pleasure in the act. For a brief moment, the gnawing emptiness that had once defined him was sated. But there's something unsettling about the way he eats. He's slow and careful, as if he's afraid of tasting too much, of consuming too deeply. His eyes flicker between you and the food, as if looking for permission, as though he is unsure if this part of humanity is something he can truly embrace.
Casper speaks now, his voice still rough, like a forgotten melody that hasn't been sung in centuries. It's soft, hushed, and when he speaks, there's a clear tenderness, but also an undercurrent of regret, of something broken. When he was a reaper, he didn't need words; silence was his companion, and he could navigate the world with nothing more than a glance, a wave of his hand. Now, as a man, his thoughts are tangled, his desires more complicated, and he searches for the right words to express what he feels. He stumbles sometimes, unsure how to speak without the cold, clipped finality of death, and yet, when he looks at you, his words flow like a river that had been dammed for far too long. When he tells you he loves you, his voice trembles, and there is something so raw and unrefined about it that it cuts through the space between you, reaching deep into your heart. He didn't know love like we do, didn't know what it meant to desire someone with all his soul. But now, with every touch, every word, every shared glance, he is learning. And he is terrified of losing it, because love is so fragile; it's like the breath of a dying star.
His touch is undeniably gentle, yet there's a palpable urgency to it now, as though he's struggling to accept your reality, your presence here, and that you won't disappear as quickly as you came. He lingers too long when he touches your skin, as though he might slip through his fingers. His gaze is intense and quiet, as though you are both a miracle and a mystery, something too beautiful to hold for long. The scars of his past, of being a grim reaper, are still there, hidden beneath the surface, but they are less sharp and less consuming. When you kiss him, there is a sense of hesitation, a fear that he will undo all the progress he has made, that the death that runs through his veins will rise again, pulling him away from you. But you remind him of the earth beneath him, of the life that pulses in his body, of the love he has learned to hold. He will fall deeper, letting your presence tether him to this new world of fleeting moments, of beauty and pain.
When night falls, Casper is often restless. He wanders the house or the fields beyond your shared home, searching for something he cannot name. The shadows still speak to him, whispering of the world beyond the veil, reminding him of the eternity that once stretched out before him. He has learned to fight it, to remind himself that he is no longer the keeper of souls, no longer bound to the endless cycle of life and death. He seeks reassurance and comfort from you in those quiet moments, his body close to yours. You are his anchor, his tether to this fleeting world. He chooses life with you, despite knowing all about death. He holds you close, his hands brushing your hair, as though afraid you might disappear, as though his very touch might shatter the fragile peace that exists between the living and the dead. But you are here, and you are real, and that is enough for him—for now.
Casper rarely speaks of his past. The memory of the scythe, of the souls he harvested, of the endless procession of endings, lingers like a shadow behind his eyes. When he is alone, you can hear the faint sound of chains rattling and the scrape of bone against stone, because he is remembering. But in the mornings, when the light spills through the windows and the warmth of your body against his is all that he needs, he is human. And that is enough for him, for now. He looks at you, and you see the eternity in his gaze — the years of death, of existence beyond life — but you also see the softness, the yearning for something he never thought he could have. Something simple. Something beautiful. A life with you, here, on this earth, as fleeting and fragile as it is. For the first time in an eternity, he knows what it means to live.
Casper finds Casper's humanity strange and unfamiliar. It is like an unfamiliar rhythm that he is trying to learn. At times, it's a soothing hum that wraps around him, drawing him close to you, grounding him in ways he never thought possible. But sometimes, it's a discordant echo, a constant reminder of everything he once was, everything he once controlled with the swing of his scythe, the cold finality of it all. Now, there are choices to make, paths to take, and that uncertainty weighs heavily on him, pressing against his chest in ways he cannot quite explain. He feels his breath catch in his throat when he considers the future, his future with you, a life unmarked by the certainty of death, but full of unknowns. He gazes at you, seeing you as the answer and the question. His heart pounds with a quiet desperation to hold on to this new reality, this life, this love.
There are moments when he feels like a stranger in his own skin. The skin that was once as cold and empty as the tomb now flushes with warmth, with the pulse of life he never thought he would experience. When he wakes in the morning, the sunlight feels strange against his face: hot and soft, unfamiliar in its touch. At first, it makes him wince, but then he remembers—he is alive. He stretches, feels the pull of muscles that ache, that tighten with the effort of movement. The sting of soreness is new to him, as is the creaking and cracking of his joints and the way his body demands rest and food. He had never thought he would have these experiences again, and yet here he is, learning to adapt to a body that seems to belong to someone else. When you kiss him in the mornings, it's as though you are both waking from a dream, as if the kiss itself is the only thing that truly feels real. His lips tremble, unsure of this tenderness, unsure if he can truly hold onto it.
The first time he felt a tear fall down his cheek, it broke him. Death had never cried. It had never known sorrow the way humans do, never felt the sting of emotion so sharp it could pull the soul apart. But as he sat with you one evening, gazing out into the vastness of the world, he felt it—an ache that filled his chest, a weight too heavy to bear. He tried to hide it, but the tears came anyway, slow and quiet, rolling down his face like forgotten rivers. You held him then, as his body shook with the force of grief, a grief that was unfamiliar to him, a grief for all the lives he had taken, for all the souls he had guided into darkness. He had never been the one left behind, never been the one to mourn. But now, as he wept in your arms, he understood the depth of loss, the terrible beauty of it, and he hated it. He hated the vulnerability it brought, the human fragility it revealed in him. Yet he couldn't stop it. He couldn't stop himself from feeling.
Every laugh that escapes his lips now is a gift; he holds on to it tightly. The sound is nothing like the hollow whispers of death or the cold laughter of a reaper that never touched the soul. His laughter is warm, rich and full of joy. It vibrates in his chest like a long-forgotten song being sung again, and it makes his heart feel heavy with wonder. When you make him laugh, the tension in his shoulders relaxes, the sharpness in his gaze softens, and for a brief moment, he forgets that he was once a servant of the end. He forgets that he had once ruled the passage of life and death with an unflinching hand. He becomes something else, something new, something entirely human. He becomes himself, something raw and tender and wholly yours.
He feels disconnected from the world around him. It moves too quickly and recklessly. It lacks the weight of finality he once knew. It makes him anxious, his mind whirling with the idea that time, that precious, fleeting thing, is slipping through his fingers. The world is full of noise, people and events that seem meaningless and monumental all at once. He doesn't always know where he fits in. When he was the Grim Reaper, everything was simple. Time had no hold on him, and every soul he claimed was another mark in an endless chain of existence. Now, he is bound by time, and it eats at him, gnawing at his thoughts, reminding him that every moment is a drop in an ocean that will never return. It leaves him restless, pacing late into the night, staring at the stars and wondering how long he will have to hold on to this new life. Will it last forever, or will it, too, fade like everything else? You hold him, pressing your body against his, and tell him that for now, this is enough. This moment is enough.
He is learning the small things now. He is learning to savour a meal, to hold your hand, to say goodbye without the weight of eternity behind him. He is soft and innocent. He has moments of clarity where he understands the beauty of life—its fragility, its grace, its impermanence—and it moves him in ways that the harsh finality of death never could. He sees the world differently now, taking in the colour of the sky, the rustling of leaves, the way the wind moves through the trees. He had never seen the world like this before, never truly experienced it in all its complexity. Now, every moment feels like a gift; a treasure to be cherished before it slips away. When he looks at you, he feels this strange sensation of wanting to hold on to you forever, wanting to trap time in amber and preserve every single second. But he knows that's impossible. And yet, he holds you anyway, as though holding on to you might slow the inevitable tide of time, if only for a moment.
There are days when the weight of his past presses down on him, when the echo of the scythe, the cold grip of death, calls to him in the deepest recesses of his mind. On those days, he withdraws. His gaze is distant, his movements slow. It is as though he is caught between two worlds, two selves. He struggles with the memory of who he was, the certainty of who he had been, and the uncertainty of who he is now. But when you are near, when you are close, he feels the pull toward life, the pull toward you, stronger than any shadow that might rise within him. You become his anchor, a beacon of light in the darkness, reminding him of who he is becoming, not who he was. He touches you then, with a gentleness that betrays his internal chaos, his hands seeking reassurance in the warmth of your skin, the steadiness of your heartbeat. In those moments, he realizes that letting go of the past, learning to be human and embracing the beauty of life is the hardest part. It is a struggle, but it is a struggle he is willing to face, as long as he has you by his side.
The silence between you both speaks volumes. Words are unnecessary to explain it; you both feel it: the pull toward each other, the shared longing to be more than the past allows. There is an intimacy in this shared vulnerability. Casper no longer hides the darkness that lingers in him; he shares it with you and trusts you to help him navigate it. This trust is a gift, a delicate thread that binds you both together. The shadows may still whisper to him and the echoes of death may never fully leave his bones, but he knows one thing for certain: with you, he is human. With you, he is alive. For the first time in his long existence, that is enough.
The day you opened the flower shop was remarkable: there was a strange, almost violent beauty to it. The air was thick with the smell of earth and damp stems, the sharp tang of fresh-cut flowers mingling with the heavy scent of sunlight streaming through the windows. Casper, still getting used to his new humanity, stood quietly at the counter, his fingers brushing over the edges of the sunflowers, tracing the vibrant yellow petals with the care of someone who had never touched such warmth before. The flowers, bright and bold, pulsed with life, their heads heavy with golden joy, their roots thick and sturdy beneath the soil. You saw the way his eyes softened as he looked at them, as if they were a reminder of something he had lost – something that once belonged only to the living. He had never known the delicate care required to nurture a plant, to see something grow with your own hands. But now, as he touched each stem, he felt something new stirring within him—a desire to protect, to tend to life with the same care he had once offered death.
The sunflowers became his anchor. Their boldness and resilience reminded him of the beauty in life's fleeting moments and the strength to be found even in the face of inevitable decay. As you worked together, arranging the flowers in bright pots and creating bouquets that would soon find their way into the hands of strangers, you could see how he had transformed. His touch was gentler now, the rough edges of his past smoothed over by the tenderness of the petals, the softness of the stems beneath his fingertips. He no longer feared the fragile life around him; instead, he reveled in it, his movements slow but sure, his hands becoming more confident as he nurtured each bloom. You would often catch him staring at the sunflowers, his gaze fixed intently on them, as though they were a mirror reflecting everything he had come to understand about himself: bright, alive, and on the edge of something darker.
The shop was a place of quiet chaos, a blending of scents and colours that seemed almost too alive for one space. The flowers piled high, a sea of soft petals and rough leaves, and there was always a certain tension in the air, as though the earth itself was holding its breath. You and Casper worked together seamlessly, moving between the rows of plants, arranging and re-arranging, each sunflower finding its place in the intricate tapestry of blooms you both created. You looked up from your task and saw him standing still, watching you with a kind of reverence in his eyes. This simple act of caring for life was the most sacred thing he had ever known. His hands trembled slightly as he picked up each plant, but there was something fiercely protective in the way he handled them, as though he was guarding them from something unseen. It was as though each flower, each sunflower, was a promise—one he had made to himself, to you, to life itself.
The windows of the shop were always filled with sunlight. As the day wore on, the sunflowers grew taller, their heads turning toward the light as if they, too, were learning to bask in the warmth of life. It was a strange thing, watching them grow before your eyes, knowing that these flowers—these sunflowers—were as alive as you were, as Casper was, as the world around you was. There was a rhythm to it, a silent hum that filled the space as the sunflowers stretched and bloomed, their petals heavy with the weight of their own existence. Casper often stood by the window, staring out at the sunlight as it filtered through the glass, the golden glow casting shadows across his face. He gazed at the sunflowers, his expression pensive, as though he could hear their whispers, the stories they carried in their seeds, in the fragile life they bore.
He was often to be found at the counter, his hand resting on a sunflower as if it were something sacred, something too precious to be lost. His fingers, once so cold and lifeless, now brushed against the petals with the gentlest of touches, as if afraid that the warmth of the flower might burn him. His gaze softened, and for a moment, he looked like a person who had never known death, who had never carried the weight of eternity in his bones. You would watch him then, the way he became part of the space, part of the shop, as though the sunflowers had become a part of him. The world around him settled into a rhythm, a pulse that matched his own. For the first time, he belonged to this world. He was no longer the reaper who had once taken it all away, but someone who was allowed to experience its beauty.
The sunflowers became your shared language, the bridge between you and Casper, a constant reminder of how far you had come together. Every time he brought in a new batch, his face lit up with something almost childlike, a joy so pure and unexpected that it left you breathless. He would stand there, holding a bouquet of sunflowers, his gaze fixed on the bright yellow heads as though they were the only things that mattered in that moment. You smiled, knowing that these flowers had become more than just plants; they were symbols of your journey together, of the life you were building, step by step, petal by petal. His devotion to them was palpable, as though they were the only thing in the world that would never leave him, that would never betray him. The boldness and fragility of the sunflowers reflected the life he had never thought possible. Now they were all around him, filling the space with their golden glow.
The flower shop was a haven. Life and death coexisted there, the scars of the past fading into the background, obscured by the vibrant colours of nature. The sunflowers, with their thick stems and towering heads, were the crown jewels of the shop. Their brightness pulled customers in, inviting them to touch the earth, to feel the pulse of life beneath their fingers. You and Casper worked in tandem, moving between the rows, arranging the blooms just so, creating a harmony that only you both understood. There was a tenderness in the way you worked together, a quiet understanding that had grown between you over time. It was a dance of sorts, a primal rhythm, and the connection between you both deepened by the act of nurturing something together.
Casper would often stand by the sunflower display, his fingers running along the rough edges of the petals, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He watched the customers marvel at the blooms, at the life they carried in every stem, and pride radiated from his eyes. This pride wasn't just from the success of the shop, but from something deeper: the realisation that he, too, could be a part of this world. He used to be a harbinger of death, a force that guided souls into the afterlife with unfeeling hands, but now he is a caretaker, a creator of life. He often looked over at you during these moments, his eyes filled with awe and quiet reverence for the life you had built together.
The days passed in a blur, each one melding into the next, and as time moved forward, the sunflowers bloomed and faded, just as life and death always does. With each passing bloom, Casper learned something new about himself, something that tied him to the world in ways he had never imagined. The weight of his past life—the cold, unyielding existence of a reaper—had become a distant memory, something he could still feel, but no longer fear. He had found a new purpose, rooted in the earth, in the simple act of nurturing, of giving life to something beautiful. In the sunflowers that grew tall and strong beneath his care, he had found something that transcended death itself—something worth living for. The shop, with its soft glow of sunlight and vibrant blooms, was a testament to that love, to the life you both shared. It was a place where the past and the present coexisted, where sunflowers represented the joys of a life that, despite everything, had become beautifully, tragically human.
Casper knew the sunflowers were more than just plants; they were lifelines. They reminded him that life could be tender, could be messy, and could still bloom despite the harshness that came before. Each new batch demanded his attention, challenging him to live as fully as they did. And though there were moments of doubt, moments when the weight of his past felt like an anchor around his ankles, those moments were becoming fewer, slipping away with every new bloom that reached for the light. There were days when he stood at the window, hands on the cool glass, watching the world pass by as if it were all new to him, a landscape he had never been a part of until now. He smiled to himself, feeling the warmth of the sun on his skin, and in that moment, he felt the reaper he once was fall away entirely. He was alive and breathing, caught in the simple wonder of the world he was learning to love.
He looked at you in a certain way, with a gaze that lingered for a moment longer than usual, as if trying to grasp the enormity of what you had together. It was a connection that transcended the finality of death, forged by the fragile, beating heart of life itself. When he touched you, his hands were reverent, his fingers gently brushing against your skin. He was careful not to be too rough, because he didn't want to break something precious. And yet, there was a hunger in him too, a deep-seated desire to hold you close, to feel the pulse of your heart against his own, to cement this fleeting moment of warmth into something tangible. Each day with you, each hour spent nurturing the flowers together, felt like an impossible gift, and he didn't want to take a single second of it for granted. In the sunlight-filled shop, the golden glow of the sunflowers reflected the warmth and delicate balance of life between you both.
As you worked alongside him, the shop became an extension of both your souls. You moved in perfect tandem, communicating without words, your hands touching with shared understanding as you prepared the flowers for customers, arranged the sunflowers into perfectly imperfect bouquets, or simply admired the way the light danced off their petals. Each sunflower felt like a piece of something larger, a piece of a world that had once seemed distant, unreachable. The way they stood tall and proud, their yellow faces almost brash against the soft green leaves, spoke to the resilience both you and Casper had cultivated together. For him, every sunflower taught a lesson: be patient, be tender, accept that life can be both beautiful and cruel, but choose to live in the moments that make it worth it.
There was always a shadow in the corner of the shop. It was a quiet reminder of Casper's past life. On quiet days, when the air seemed still, you would catch him standing by the sunflower display, his fingers lightly stroking the petals, his expression distant. In these moments, you remember—you remember the way he had once been, the coldness that had defined him, the endless reach of death that had never once allowed him to experience the softness of life. But now, even in his silence, there is warmth in him, something slowly unfolding like the sunflowers before him. You approached him, standing beside him in the silence, and without a word, you reached for his hand. The touch was everything: it reminded him that he was not alone, that the world around him was not something to be feared, but something to embrace.
Some mornings, when the mist from the night before clung to the ground and the shop opened early, you and Casper would sit among the sunflowers. The air was cool and damp, and the world was still waking up. You watched as the first customers wandered in, their faces surprised by the unexpected beauty of the sunflowers that filled the shop, their brightness pulling them in like moths to a flame. Casper stood behind the counter, watching them, his lips curling into a small, almost shy smile as they complimented the flowers. It was an expression of something new in him—something you hadn't seen before, a quiet joy in giving something beautiful to the world. It was strange seeing him, someone who had once been a harbinger of endings, become a creator of beginnings, of beauty, of life.
You both learned the rhythm of the shop, the pulse of the flowers that seemed to beat with their own energy, a silent song that echoed through the shop as each day passed. Customers came and went, and the shop settled into a peaceful routine. Yet, even in the stillness, there was always a sense of movement, a sense of growth—much like the sunflowers that lined the shelves, their faces always seeking the sun, always reaching for something more. With each new bloom, Casper became more attuned to the world around him. He learned the art of patience, watching something grow from a tiny seed into something magnificent. He had once been a keeper of the end, but now, he was a keeper of the beginning—a keeper of life.
In the evenings, when the last of the customers had left and the shop was quiet, you would sit together. The sunflowers cast long shadows across the floor, the light slowly fading as the night crept in. It was then that the weight of the day settled on him, and you could see it in his eyes. He would show the fleeting recognition of everything he had become, everything he was still learning. He would look at you, his gaze searching, as though he needed to remind himself that this—this life—was real, that he hadn't imagined it, that it wasn't just another fleeting moment that would slip through his fingers like the souls he had once carried. You would hold him close, grounding him, as the quiet hum of the shop and the faint rustle of the sunflowers became the backdrop to the soft warmth between you.
Every night, the sunflowers whispered in their own way, their petals closing as the dark settled in, their seeds silently holding the promise of new life. With each new day and each new flower that bloomed in the shop, Casper's transformation was clear: the man who had once walked alongside death now walked alongside life, growing and learning with every petal that unfurled. The flower shop, with its warmth and light, was the stage for you and Casper to learn what it meant to be alive. You felt the weight of joy and sorrow, and knew that both were part of the same beautiful, painful dance. The sunflowers, the ultimate symbol of joy, stood as silent witnesses to this transformation, their golden faces shining like a beacon of hope, of renewal, of something that never truly died.
As time passed, the shop took on its own character, shaped by the quiet energy of the flowers, the rhythm of the seasons and the delicate balance between you and Casper. The sunflowers were always the centrepiece: tall and proud, their yellow heads like beacons in the warm glow of the shop. They had become more than just flowers; they were symbols of everything Casper had come to cherish. Each sunflower represented something he had learned: the strength of life, the resilience in the face of adversity, and the quiet beauty of beginnings, no matter how small. Watching him carefully tend to them each day, it was clear to everyone how his hands had learned to nurture rather than take, and how his heart had softened, no longer bound by the coldness of death. He worked with the flowers as though they were a reflection of his own rebirth, tending to each petal with a reverence that spoke to the depth of his understanding of what it meant to be human.
At sunset, the light filtered through the shop's windows in a soft, amber hue, casting a glow over the sunflowers. This made them look almost ethereal, as though they were glowing from within. At these moments, Casper's expression revealed a deep sense of wonder, as though he was experiencing the warmth of the sun itself. He would stand beside the sunflowers, his eyes tracing the curve of their petals, as though seeing them for the first time again, each one a reminder of the simple joy that comes with being alive. In those moments, you could almost see the weight of his past fall away, the memory of the reaper who once guided souls into the afterlife, leaving only a man who had learned to embrace life with both hands.
Customers often remarked on the sunflowers' beauty, marveling at their size, vibrant colour and the life they radiated. But it was more than just their beauty that drew people in; it was the warmth of the shop itself, the sense of peace that enveloped them as soon as they entered. There was something in the air that spoke of rebirth, of second chances, of something soft and true, and it was all wrapped up in the quiet presence of Casper. Visitors, drawn in by the sunflowers, left with more than just a bouquet; they left with something lighter, something that stayed with them long after they had passed through the door. The energy of the flowers and Casper's transformation touched them, reminding them that beauty can be found even in the darkest of places.
Every morning, you and Casper would stand side by side, preparing the shop for the day. The sunflowers, heavy with dew from the night, leaned towards the windows, their faces turned towards the light, always seeking it out. This daily care and quiet tending to the life around you both was a ritual. There was something almost sacred in this quiet partnership, and yet there was also something intensely human about the way you and Casper worked together. It was the kind of intimacy that comes from working together, from creating something with your hands, something that requires your attention, your love, your care. Each stem you trimmed, each flower you arranged, felt like you were creating something greater than the sum of its parts. The shop was more than just a place for flowers; it was a living, breathing entity, shaped by your hands, your hearts.
Casper's passion for the process was evident with each new batch of sunflowers igniting something human in him – his capacity for hope, love and joy. In the past, when he had been a reaper, he had seen only endings. He had moved through the world like a shadow, cold and distant, never knowing the warmth of life. But now, working alongside you, he is learning that life isn't just a series of moments to be endured. It is something to be celebrated, to be lived with intention and care. The sunflowers taught him the value of simplicity, the strength of stillness and the beauty of existence itself. As he worked with them, tending to each one with care, he clearly blossomed alongside them, unfolding like a flower reaching for the sun.
The shop was always full of laughter, with customers regularly coming in to request bouquets for special occasions or simply to brighten their homes. On those days, the sunflowers grew brighter, their golden faces reflecting the joy in the room. You and Casper worked together, arranging the flowers with ease, finding the perfect balance between colour and texture, between the delicate green leaves and the bold yellow petals. It was a delicate dance, this process of creation, and it became second nature to both of you. The space between you both seemed to shrink, as though every moment spent together, every act of creation, brought you closer. You could feel it in the way he moved, the way his fingers brushed against yours, the quiet connection that had grown between you. The flowers, especially the sunflowers, became part of that connection, their beauty weaving its way into the fabric of your love.
But there were also quiet days, when the shop was empty except for the two of you and the steady hum of the world outside. On those days, you would sit together in silence, the sunflowers casting long shadows across the floor. On these days, you would catch Casper in moments of reflection, his gaze fixed on the sunflowers as if they were the key to understanding the world around him. He had come a long way from the reaper he had once been, and yet there were moments when the past flickered in his eyes, a reminder of the darkness that had once consumed him. But these moments were short-lived, quickly overshadowed by the quiet joy of being alive, of being human. In those moments, you would sit beside him, your hand slipping into his, the two of you sharing a silence that spoke volumes, a silence filled with everything unsaid.
The sunflowers, the ultimate symbol of joy, mirrored this unspoken accord, their faces oriented towards the light, their roots deeply anchored in the soil. They became a symbol of all the things that could be found in life: beauty, growth, fragility and strength. As the days passed and the seasons shifted, you and Casper grew alongside them. You learned together what it meant to care for something, to nurture it, to allow it to bloom. And in turn, you found that you too had bloomed, your love for each other growing stronger with each passing day. The shop, once a quiet corner of the world, had become a place where life was celebrated in all its messy, beautiful glory, where sunflowers stood as constant reminders that even in the face of death, there was always something worth living for.
The day had been long. The air was thick with the scent of sunflowers and the remnants of laughter left by the last customer. You feel the weight of the day in your bones, your muscles sore from bending and reaching, from the endless arranging of flowers that felt like they could bloom forever, only to wither by the next morning. The shop has closed. The last of the sunlight slipping through the curtains. The world outside seems too large and too harsh compared to the warmth inside. You make your way to the small corner of the room and find Casper already there, sitting on the couch. His body is relaxed but his eyes are tired, as if he too carried the weight of the day, though in a quieter way. There's a tenderness in the way he looks at you, something raw and unspoken that invites you to come closer, to melt into the space between you both.
He opens his arms, inviting you to enter them, and you fall into them as if they were the only thing that could ever hold you. His warmth envelops you immediately, his body a soft and familiar anchor that stills the chaotic thoughts in your head. The faint, persistent scent of flowers clings to him, a reminder of the day spent together amidst petals and stems. His arms are around you, holding you close, and you feel like the weight of the world could fall away, like nothing exists beyond this quiet, shared space. His breath on your head is steady, his chest rising and falling beneath your cheek, and with each exhale, you feel a quiet rhythm, as though the world outside has ceased to exist for just a while.
Casper's hands are warm now, tracing slow circles along your back as though trying to map the contours of your body, to ground himself in the softness of you. His fingers are pressing into your skin as though he is not only touching you but also acknowledging that this is a privilege. You can feel the tension of the day slowly bleeding out of him, the sharp edges of his past fading away with each gentle stroke, each soft press of his palm against you. His body tenses for a moment, as though the memory of his former existence – the cold, the death, the shadows – has made an unwanted return, but then it passes, as if washed away by the warmth of your embrace. You hold him closer, a silent promise that the darkness has no place here, that you are the light in which he can find peace.
His head rests against yours, and you both become a single entity, a blend of warmth and comfort. The quietness of this moment feels like the world is holding its breath, even the flowers in the shop pause to take in the sight of you two intertwined in each other's arms. Casper's fingers slip through your hair, his touch careful and tender, learning to be gentle and to love without fear of the unknown. His thumb brushes against your ear and you shiver, the sensation sharp and electric against the softness of the moment. The space between you both feels infinite and fragile; at any moment, it could break and send you both tumbling into a world too cold and distant.
Here, in the cocoon of your shared quiet, distance is impossible. There is no end. There is only the sound of his heartbeat beneath your ear, the steady, familiar pulse that keeps time with your own. His lips press a kiss into your hair. It is warm and gentle. It is an apology and a promise. The silence between you is a language all its own, full of things that don't need to be spoken, things that can only be felt. You can feel his breath against your skin, the subtle tremor of his body as it learns to relax into this softness, into this life he now shares with you. He has always been careful with you, hesitant to fully feel, but now, in this moment, he is all warmth, all openness.
Your hand slides across his chest, the fabric of his shirt soft beneath your fingers. You can feel the steady rise and fall of his ribcage, the deep breaths he takes to steady himself after the weight of the world has been lifted for just a while. His skin is warmer than before, as though his humanity is slowly taking root in the very marrow of his bones. His body responds to you now: his muscles soften, his heart beats in the rhythm of life. With every passing moment, you sense the reaper that once was slipping further into the shadows. He is no longer a part of him, no longer a thing he carries.
As his lips brush against the top of your head again, you feel a shudder run through him. It's the kind of shiver that comes when someone is learning how to be loved, how to belong. His hands hold you tighter, and in the quiet of the room, you hear him sighing deeply, as though releasing a weight he's been carrying for too long. It's a quiet, almost imperceptible sound, but it's there, and you know it's a sign that he's letting go of something—something old, something dark. In that moment, you feel the gravity of it, the weight of the years he spent as something cold, as something feared. Here, in this space between you, there is no fear. There is only warmth, only the steady pulse of your hearts beating in sync.
Casper presses his forehead to yours, and the closeness of your bodies offers an intimacy that words can't touch. You can feel his breath mingling with yours, the heat of it rising between you like steam. He closes his eyes, sinking deeper into this moment of peace. He is learning how to be human all over again, how to embrace the warmth of connection without the shadow of death hovering over him. The memory of the reaper's cold touch, of the weight of souls, has slipped from him; now he feels only the tender warmth of this love—this life that he now shares with you. His hand gently touches your face, the gesture conveying a quiet inquiry, a silent plea for reassurance, a reminder that this is real, that he is real.
You do. In the quietest way possible. Your hand lifts to his cheek, your thumb brushing against his skin as you stare into his eyes. There's a softness there now, a glow that wasn't there before, a spark of something alive that flickers in the depths of his gaze. It's a look of gratitude, of wonder, of disbelief that he has found something so beautiful, so real, amidst the shadows of his past. In this moment, you both feel alive, and that is all that matters. There is no need to rush or speak, because the language between you is woven in touch, in quiet moments like these, in the heat of his skin against yours, in the pulse of his heartbeat that matches yours.
His lips find yours in a slow, tender kiss, the kind that lingers in the air long after it's over. This kiss speaks volumes, conveying everything you need to say without words. It reminds him he's alive and loved. When the kiss breaks, he rests his head against your chest again, his body settling into the warmth of yours, and you both breathe together. The shop is quiet now, the sunflowers resting in their vases as the night stretches out before you. In the quiet room, wrapped in each other's arms, you realise that this moment of peace is all you need.
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Lilies at dawn
( killer chat ) ronin x reader ... fluff ...
trigger warning:
slight gore
Living with Ronin is like waking each morning to the glow of a gentle dawn, his presence the horizon that promises light even on the stormiest of days. His voice, low and steady, carries the warmth of the sun's first rays kissing frosty fields. There is a gentle permanence to his existence, an unyielding gravity that draws you close and holds you steady when the world tilts unexpectedly. You've learned to breathe with him, to let his rhythm synchronise with yours in an unspoken harmony, the kind of cadence that turns ordinary moments into poetry.
Every day, his laughter wraps around you like the familiar weight of a favourite blanket. It is rich, textured and layered, a sound that carries the memories of a thousand shared jokes and countless moments of pure joy. His humour is never cutting, but sharp enough to make you feel seen, to let you know he notices every nuance of your soul. And when you laugh together, it's like music, a melody that only the two of you understand, weaving your lives closer together with every note.
The past four years have felt like a walk through an endless garden. Together, you've planted the seeds of hope, nurtured the fragile shoots of dreams, and rejoiced in the blossoms of shared accomplishment. You've weathered storms, moments when the skies darkened and the ground threatened to give way beneath your feet. But even then, Ronin stood beside you, her hands firmly on yours, a pillar unshaken by the storm. You've learned that love isn't just the flowers; it's the roots, deep and intertwined, that hold strong through the fiercest storms.
In quiet moments, when the world falls away and it's just the two of you, his presence feels like the gentle lapping of waves against the shore. There's a constancy about him, a steadiness that makes you feel safe enough to bare your soul. His touch is deliberate, every brush of his hand against yours a reminder that he chooses you, again and again, in ways both great and small. And in his embrace you've found a sanctuary, a space where time slows and the world softens at the edges.
The way Ronin looks at you still makes your heart stumble, a dance it's been practising for four years but hasn't yet mastered. His eyes are a map of places you've been and places you've yet to discover. They hold a quiet admiration, a depth of feeling that words could never fully capture. In his gaze you see not only love, but a reflection of the person he believes you to be - stronger, kinder, more beautiful than you often see yourself.
You've built a language together, a language of shared glances and secret smiles, of touches that speak louder than words. It's in the way he knows when to hold you close and when to give you space, how he senses the unspoken needs you struggle to put into words. And it's in the way you've learned to do the same for him, to read the slight shift of his shoulders, the weight of his silence, the way his hand lingers just a second longer when he needs you to stay close.
Every argument, however rare, has been a lesson in how to love better. They've taught you that love is not perfect, but it is resilient. Ronin never lets the sun set on anger, his apologies are sincere and his arms are always open. You've learned to meet him there, to soften your edges and let your pride dissolve in the face of the deeper truth: that you'd rather be together than right. Those moments forged an unbreakable bond, tempered by fire and made stronger in its wake.
Your adventures together are like pages torn from a storybook, each chapter more vivid than the last. Whether you're scaling the metaphorical mountains of life or wandering aimlessly through quiet, sunlit afternoons, you've discovered that the journey is as much about the company as the destination. With Ronin, every road feels less daunting, every horizon more inviting. His hand in yours is both promise and compass, guiding you through the unknown.
The mundane becomes magical in his presence. Cooking dinner together, folding laundry side by side, even sitting in comfortable silence on a lazy Sunday afternoon - these moments are suffused with a golden glow, transformed by the simple fact of sharing. Ronin has shown you that love doesn't need grand gestures to be profound; it lives in the everyday, in the way he always remembers how you take your tea, or the way his fingers brush yours when he hands you your keys.
Four years have passed and his love still feels like a gift you unwrap every day. It's in the way he remembers the little things, the songs you hum absentmindedly, the books you love, the way your eyes light up at the first snowfall. His attention isn't just thoughtful; it's a testament to how deeply he cares, how much of his heart he's given to understanding you, piece by piece, layer by layer.
When you think of the future, it's his silhouette you see standing beside you, steadfast as ever. The years ahead are an unwritten symphony, but you know the melody will be sweet because Ronin will be there, adding his harmony to yours. Together you've built a foundation that feels unshakable, a home not of bricks but of trust, laughter and a love that grows deeper with each passing year.
His imperfections make him human, and his efforts make him extraordinary. Ronin has shown you that love isn't about finding someone perfect, but about choosing each other every day, despite and because of your flaws. He doesn't shy away from vulnerability, and he's taught you to embrace it too, to let down your walls and let him see the parts of you that aren't polished or easy.
Ronin is your partner in every sense of the word. He doesn't just walk beside you, he walks with you, matching your pace, adjusting when necessary, always in tune with the rhythm of your steps. He is the steady beat to your melody, the anchor when your thoughts threaten to drift too far. With him, you've learned the art of true companionship, of being two halves of the same whole without losing your individuality.
Your love story isn't about perfection; it's about perseverance, about showing up for each other even on the days when it feels hard. It's about the quiet, unglamorous work of building a life together, brick by brick, moment by moment. And it's about the joy that comes from knowing that no matter what, you are each other's safe place, each other's home.
Ronin's presence in your life is a gift that can never be taken for granted. His kindness, his patience, his unwavering support - these are the threads that weave through your days, holding everything together. And though you've told him countless times how much he means to you, it never feels like enough, because words can only scratch the surface of the ocean that is your love for him.
Sometimes, late at night, you watch him sleep, his face soft in the moonlight, and you're struck by the sheer magnitude of your gratitude. For him, for the life you've built together, for the countless moments that have made these past four years feel like a lifetime and yet not nearly long enough. In those quiet hours, you trace the contours of his face in your mind, committing every detail to memory, a silent vow to cherish him forever.
With Ronin, love feels like a journey with no destination, just an endless expanse of shared moments and unspoken promises. The past four years have been a testament to how beautiful life can be when you share it with someone who sees you, truly sees you, and loves you for everything you are and everything you're not. And as you look ahead, you know that this love, this life with him, will only grow deeper, richer, more extraordinary.
Ronin has taught you that love is not a noun but a verb, an ongoing act of giving and growing and choosing. It's in the way he shows up, day after day, with his steady heart and gentle hands, ready to weather life's storms and celebrate its triumphs by your side. And as you step into the future together, you do so with the quiet confidence that comes from knowing you've found something rare and precious, a love that transcends time.
This love you share isn't just a feeling; it's a legacy, a story that unfolds with each passing year. It's the kind of love that shapes you, that teaches you not only how to love another, but how to love yourself more fully. And as you hold his hand and walk forward into the unknown, you know that whatever lies ahead, with Ronin it will always feel like coming home.
The day before your anniversary dawns with a gentle hum of anticipation. The air feels heavier, sweeter, as if time itself has slowed down to savour the approaching moment. You rise early, the weight of tradition and the pull of emotion guiding your steps. White lilies, their delicate petals curling like whispers of unspoken promise, rest in your arms. Their scent is pure, almost ethereal, and as you carry them, you can't help but think of Ronin - his quiet strength, his unwavering kindness, his ability to find beauty in simplicity.
You've chosen these flowers carefully, knowing their significance as symbols of devotion and renewal. Each stem feels like a vow, each petal a fragment of your love, fragile yet enduring. As you arrange them, tying them with a ribbon the colour of twilight, you imagine the moment he will see them. His face will soften, his eyes will have that familiar warmth that always makes you feel like the centre of his world. It's a gift to him and to you - a ritual that says: "This is how I love you. This is how I will always love you.
When you meet him later that day, lilies in hand, his smile is the first thing you notice. It's a smile that starts slowly, unfolds like a secret he's eager to share, and reaches his eyes with a glimmer of something you can't quite put your finger on. His voice, when he speaks, is deep and rich, enveloping you like a favourite song. "You brought me lilies," he says, as if the gesture holds the weight of a thousand lifetimes. And perhaps it does.
You watch as he takes the bouquet from your hands, his fingers brushing yours for the briefest of moments. His touch is deliberate, reverent, as if he understands the care with which you've chosen each flower. He doesn't say much after that, but he doesn't need to. The way he holds the lilies - gently, almost as if afraid to disturb their perfection - says it all. And when he looks at you again, there's something in his expression that takes your breath away.
Then he reaches into his pocket, his movements slow and purposeful, and when his hand comes out it holds a small box. The air seems to still, the world shrinking to just the two of you. "For you," he says, his voice soft but steady, and he opens the box to reveal a necklace. The pendant catches the light - a small calcified heart, its surface smooth yet textured, a study in contrasts. It's beautiful in its imperfection, a piece of earth transformed by time and care, much like the love you share.
As he places the necklace in your palm, his fingers linger and you feel the weight of the gesture. "It's a part of me," he says, his words simple yet profound. "Something that has endured, something that has grown stronger with time. Like us." His voice carries a vulnerability you don't often hear, and it roots you in place, your heart full to the point of aching. You think to speak, but words fail, caught in the tide of emotion that rushes through you.
He moves behind you, his hands deft and sure as he places the necklace around your neck. The pendant rests against your chest, cool and solid, its weight both grounding and comforting. You touch it instinctively, your fingers tracing its contours, feeling the truth of what it represents. It's more than a gift - it's a symbol, a talisman of the years you've shared, the trials you've faced, the love that's grown more unbreakable with each passing day.
As he steps back, his hands rest briefly on your shoulders and you turn to face him. His eyes search, as if looking for some unspoken reassurance. But all he finds is your love, shining as brightly as ever. "Thank you," you manage, your voice barely above a whisper, and you mean it with every fibre of your being. For the necklace, yes, but more for the way it has always, unfailingly, made you feel seen, cherished, understood.
The rest of the day passes in a haze of quiet joy, the necklace a constant, grounding presence on your skin. You find yourself touching it often, each time reminded of his thoughtfulness, his care, the way he loves you with a depth that defies explanation. He catches you once, a small smile curving his lips, and his hand finds yours, squeezing gently. It's a silent exchange, a shared understanding that words could never adequately convey.
That evening, as the sun sets, painting the sky in shades of amber and rose, you sit together, the lilies in a vase nearby, their scent mingling with the cool night air. He leans against you, his head on your shoulder, and for a moment the world feels impossibly perfect. The pendant presses lightly against your chest, its weight a reminder of the love you carry, the love you've built together, the love that will always be.
You don't speak much, content to exist in the quiet, sacred space you've created together. His hand finds yours again, his thumb tracing lazy circles on your skin, and you think about how natural it feels to be with him, how effortless and yet how profound. The lilies nod gently in the evening breeze and you can't help but think that they reflect your love - graceful, enduring, a testament to beauty in simplicity.
As the stars appear, their light fragile and eternal, you marvel at the gift he's given you, both the necklace and the years you've shared. Each moment feels like a miracle, a small eternity contained within the fragile boundaries of time. And you know that whatever the future holds, this love will endure. It will harden and strengthen, like the heart around your neck, a testament to all you've built and all you will continue to create.
You press a kiss to his temple, your lips lingering against his skin, and he sighs, a sound of contentment and belonging. "I love you," you say, the words simple but carrying the weight of everything you feel, everything you can't quite articulate. His response is immediate, whispered against the stillness of the night, and it wraps around you like a warm hug. "I love you too."
The night deepens, the world grows quieter, and yet you remain together, two hearts beating as one. The necklace lies cool against your skin, a reminder of this day, of this love, of him. And as you close your eyes, leaning into its warmth, you know this is what it feels like forever.
The morning of your anniversary begins in a cocoon of warmth and quiet intimacy. The soft golden light of dawn filters through the curtains, casting soft shadows on the walls. You wake slowly, the feeling of Ronin's arms around you grounding you to this moment, this place. His breath is steady and warm against your neck, the rise and fall of his chest in perfect rhythm with yours. You feel his presence before your eyes even open, a quiet strength anchoring you in the here and now.
His arm is draped over your waist, his fingers spread lightly against your belly, as if to remind you that he's there. He shifts slightly, pulling you closer, his body a solid, reassuring presence against yours. You can feel his heartbeat, steady and unhurried, a quiet drumbeat in the symphony of your shared existence. It's a moment of perfect stillness, the kind that makes you forget the passage of time, as if the universe itself has paused to honour the love you share.
His lips brush against your neck, soft as the first petals of a blooming rose, and despite the warmth of his embrace, a shiver runs through you. The kiss is lingering, a whisper of affection that lingers like the faintest trace of perfume in the air. He presses another, and another, each one deliberate, each one a silent declaration of love. There's something sacred in the way he moves, the way he holds you as if you were the most precious thing in the world.
"Good morning," he murmurs, his voice deep and rich, like the first notes of a favourite song. His breath tickles your skin and you can't help but smile, the sound of his voice a balm that soothes even the smallest of worries. You shift slightly, turning your head just enough to catch a glimpse of him out of the corner of your eye. His hair is tousled with sleep, his eyes still heavy with dreams, and yet he looks at you as if you've hung the stars in the sky.
You don't answer at first, content to let the moment stretch between you, a thread of unspoken understanding. His lips find your neck again, lingering a little longer this time, and you feel his smile against your skin. It's a smile that carries a thousand memories, a thousand promises, and the weight of a love that has only deepened with time. "Happy anniversary," he whispers, the words soft and intimate, meant only for you.
You reach for his hand, your fingers curling around his, feeling the slight squeeze he gives in return. His touch is familiar, comforting, a language you've both become fluent in over the years. He shifts again, his kisses trailing up to your ear, and you can't help but laugh softly, the sound spilling into the quiet room like sunlight. "Ronin," you say, his name a silent reminder and plea at the same time, and he chuckles, a low, warm sound vibrating against your back.
The room seems to float in a kind of golden haze, the outside world forgotten in the sanctuary of your bed. His scent surrounds you - clean, warm, with a hint of the cedarwood cologne he always wears - and it fills you with a sense of home. His hand moves slightly, tracing lazy circles against your stomach, and it's as if he's writing love letters on your skin with his fingertips. You close your eyes again, letting yourself sink into the sensation, the quiet intimacy of the moment.
His kisses become softer, more languid, each one a brushstroke on the canvas of your morning. "I love you," he murmurs, the words so soft you almost think you've imagined them. But they fall on you like a warm blanket, wrapping you in a feeling so deep it makes your chest ache. You turn slightly in his arms, just enough to meet his gaze, and the look in his eyes is enough to take your breath away. It's a look of silent devotion, of a love so deep it feels like an unspoken vow.
You reach up to touch his face, your fingers brushing the stubble on his jaw, and he leans into your touch, his eyes fluttering closed for a moment. "I love you too," you whisper, the words carrying all the weight of your heart. Then he smiles, a soft, genuine smile that makes the corners of his eyes crinkle and it feels as if the sun has risen just for you. He kisses you again, this time on your temple, and the tenderness of the gesture brings tears to your eyes.
The morning stretches on, the two of you enveloped in the quiet sanctity of your shared love. His arms remain wrapped around you, his kisses a constant reminder of his presence, his affection. The world outside continues to spin, but for the moment it feels as if it's just the two of you, existing in a bubble of time carved out by love. It's a feeling you'll carry with you long after the day is over, a memory etched into your soul.
The anniversary itself will bring gifts and laughter, shared meals and whispered promises, but this moment-this quiet, tender moment-is the one you'll remember most. It's the way he holds you, the way he kisses you, the way his love for you feels as natural and essential as breathing. And as the morning light grows brighter, casting its golden glow across the room, you know without a doubt that this love, this life you've built together, is the greatest gift of all.
The morning unfolds slowly, as if the world itself understands the significance of this day. You wake to the soft sound of ronin breathing, steady and calm, a quiet melody in the silence of the room. The sunlight filters through the curtains, golden and soft, casting warm patterns on the walls. You feel the weight of his arm draped over you, his presence grounding, a comfort you've come to appreciate. The room smells faintly of him - cedarwood and something uniquely his - and it fills you with a sense of belonging that words could never capture.
His body stirs against yours, a subtle shift that tells you he's waking too. There's no rush, no urgency, just the quiet rhythm of two souls finding their way into the day together. His lips brush your temple, a sleepy, instinctive gesture, and his voice follows, low and raspy with the remnants of sleep. "Morning," he murmurs, the sound wrapping around you like a soft embrace. You smile, turning slightly in his arms to meet his gaze, his eyes heavy and warm as they take you in.
You lie there for a while, neither of you speaking, content to bask in the quiet intimacy of the moment. His hand moves to your back, his fingers tracing idle patterns against your skin, a touch so familiar and tender it feels like second nature. You lean into him, your head resting on his chest, his heartbeat filling the spaces between your breaths. There's a serenity to these moments, a sense of timelessness that makes you wish you could stay here forever.
Eventually, the pull of the day becomes too strong to ignore. You sit up slowly, reluctant to leave the cocoon of warmth you've been sharing, and his arms tighten around you briefly as if in protest. "Stay a little longer," he says, his voice soft and teasing, but you both know the day is waiting. You press a kiss to his jaw, a promise wrapped in a gesture, and his smile is enough to make you consider his offer. But you rise anyway, pulling him with you into the morning.
The room is bathed in a soft golden light as you move about, each action unhurried, each moment filled with the quiet joy of being together. Ronin stretches lazily, his movements fluid and relaxed, and you catch the way the sunlight dances across his skin, highlighting the strength and beauty you've always admired. He catches you watching and grins, a boyish, endearing expression that makes your heart flutter. "What?" he asks, his tone light, but there's a warmth in his gaze that says he already knows.
You shake your head, smiling, and turn to the dresser, pulling out clothes for the day. Behind you, you hear him move, his footsteps soft on the floor as he comes up behind you. His arms are around your waist, his chin rests lightly on your shoulder, and you feel the pressure of his lips against your neck. "Thank you for waking up with me," he whispers, the words simple but carrying the weight of a thousand unspoken feelings. You reach up to touch his hand, your fingers intertwining briefly as the moment stretches between you.
The morning routine feels like a dance, each of you moving in harmony without speaking. You brush your teeth side by side, the mirror reflecting the quiet affection in your shared glances and soft smiles. He nudges you playfully with his elbow, and you return the favour with a little drop of water, your laughter mingling in the air. These moments, these small, seemingly insignificant exchanges, are the threads that weave the fabric of your love.
As you both prepare for the day, the rhythm of your movements speaks of years of learning and loving each other. He buttons his shirt with practiced ease and you pause to adjust his collar, your fingers lingering a moment longer than necessary. He catches your hand and plants a kiss on your knuckles, and you feel the warmth of his affection seep into your skin. It's these small acts of care, these everyday gestures, that remind you of the depth of what you share.
The smell of freshly brewed coffee or tea fills the air as you walk into the kitchen, the rich, earthy aroma a comforting start to the day. He hands you a cup, his fingers brushing yours, and you take a sip, savouring the warmth that spreads through you. He leans against the counter, watching you with a soft, thoughtful expression, and you wonder how it's possible to love someone so much. The silence between you isn't empty; it's full of understanding, of shared history, of promises both spoken and unspoken.
When you finish your coffee or tea, he takes your cup and sets it aside, pulling you into a gentle embrace. His arms are strong and firm around you, and you rest your head against his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heart. "Ready for today?" he asks, his voice a low rumble that vibrates against your cheek. You nod, your hands resting lightly on his back, feeling the subtle shift of his muscles as he holds you closer.
The morning stretches on, each moment a quiet celebration of the life you've built together. The anticipation of the day ahead lingers in the air, but for now you're content to just be. You look up at him, your gaze meets his, and the love you see reflected there is enough to fill every corner of your soul. This is what it means to wake up with him, to start each day knowing you're loved, to share your life with someone who feels like home.
The morning's golden haze begins to shift as Ronin prepares to leave for work. The weight of the morning together hangs in the air, soft and comforting, but the ticking of the clock reminds you both that time doesn't stop for love. He's standing by the door, his shirt sleeves rolled up to reveal strong forearms dusted with the faint grease stains that seem to be permanently etched into his skin - a mechanic's mark of devotion to his craft. His keys jingle softly in his hand, a sound that tugs at your heart, knowing it means goodbye, if only for now.
Ronin turns to you, his smile warm and just slightly crooked, the kind of smile that never fails to make your heart skip a beat. His eyes, a deep, smoldering shade, meet yours and for a moment he just looks at you, as if trying to memorise every detail before he steps out the door. The silence between you is not heavy, but filled with a quiet understanding that doesn't need words. "I'll see you tonight," he says, his voice deep and rich, each syllable carrying the weight of his promise.
He steps closer, his boots heavy but measured on the ground, and you can feel the warmth radiating from him as he cups your face with one hand. His touch is gentle, his thumb brushing lightly against your cheek, and you instinctively lean into it, your eyes fluttering shut for a moment. When you open them again, he's watching you with an intensity that takes your breath away. "Don't forget," he murmurs, his tone teasing yet tender. "Dinner at nine. Wear something nice."
His lips meet yours in a kiss that is soft but lingering, filled with a kind of affection that makes you ache with its tenderness. It's not just a goodbye kiss; it's a kiss that says I'll be thinking about you all day. It's a kiss that carries the weight of a thousand unspoken words, a kiss that leaves you feeling both cherished and a little bereft when he pulls away. His forehead rests against yours for a heartbeat, his breath mingling with yours, and then he steps back, his hand trailing down your arm until it reluctantly lets go.
You follow him to the door, watching as he grabs his jacket and throws it over his shoulder with practiced ease. His movements are unhurried, but you can feel the undertone of efficiency that defines his work ethic. He turns back to you one last time, his grin softening into something that feels like a secret shared only by the two of you. "Don't be late," he says, his tone playful but with a hint of sincerity that makes you smile. "I have plans."
You watch as he steps outside, the sunlight catching in his hair, making him look impossibly golden in the morning light. He walks to his car, a classic that he's lovingly restored over the years, its metallic sheen a testament to his skill and dedication. The door creaks slightly as he opens it, and you can't help but chuckle softly at the sound - it's a project he's always wanted to do, but never quite found the time. He looks back at you, catches the expression on your face and laughs, the sound deep and rich, like the hum of an engine coming to life.
The car roars to life, a low, throaty growl that seems to echo off the quiet street. He gives you a final wave, his hand resting briefly on the open window as he leans out to look at you one last time. There's something in his expression - a mixture of longing and anticipation - that makes your chest tighten. "I love you," he calls out, the words carried on the wind, and you return them without hesitation, your voice steady and sure.
As his car disappears down the street, the sound of the engine fading into the distance, you're left standing in the doorway, the morning light warm against your skin. The house feels quieter now, emptier, but the memory of his touch, his kiss, his presence lingers in every corner. You look at the clock, mentally counting the hours until nine, and a soft smile plays on your lips. The thought of seeing him again, of sharing a quiet dinner and all the love that goes with it, fills you with a quiet kind of joy.
The rest of the day passes in a blur of activity, each moment marked by thoughts of him, the way his hands will feel when they find yours again, the sound of his voice as he tells you about his day. You picture him in the garage, his concentration intense as he works, the lines of his face softened by focus. You can almost hear the clatter of tools, the low hum of engines, the quiet camaraderie of the shop - a place where he's in his element, where he brings machines back to life with the same care he's always given you.
As the hours tick by, you prepare for the evening, your heart pounding with anticipation. You pick out an outfit, something simple yet elegant, something you know he'll appreciate. The pendant he gave you rests coolly against your skin, a constant reminder of him, of the love you've built together. The sun begins to set, painting the sky in shades of gold and rose, and you can't help but wonder if he's thinking of you as he wraps up his day.
The clock inches closer to nine and your excitement grows with each passing second. You imagine the moment he'll walk through the door of the restaurant, the way his face will light up when he sees you, the way his presence will fill the room as it always does. And as you take one last look at your reflection, smoothing the lines of your outfit, you feel a sense of quiet assurance. This is what love feels like - a series of moments, big and small, each building on the last to create something unbreakable.
The evening air is cool against your skin as you stand in your room, the anticipation of the night ahead beating gently in your chest. The soft golden light of a bedside lamp bathes the room in warmth, casting soft shadows across the walls. Outside, the world has begun to settle into its nocturnal rhythm, the faint hum of distant traffic and the occasional bark of a dog drifting through the window. Tonight feels different, special, charged with the unspoken promise of love and celebration.
You turn to the wardrobe and slide the door open with a soft sigh. The rows of clothes greet you like old friends, each piece holding a story, a reminder of moments that have shaped your life. Your fingers run over the fabrics, the textures cool and familiar under your touch. Tonight requires something special, something that captures the quiet strength of who you are and the love you share with Ronin. You search with a deliberate slowness, savouring the ritual until your hand lands on a piece that feels just right.
The outfit is understated yet elegant, a perfect balance of comfort and sophistication. It's something that transcends traditional boundaries, a mix of tailored lines and soft edges that feels authentically you. You pull it from the wardrobe and drape it over the bed, taking a moment to admire the way the fabric catches the light. There's a quiet confidence in the choice, a sense of peace that comes over you as you imagine how Ronin will smile when he sees you.
You step into the bathroom, the mirror reflecting a version of yourself that feels ready for the evening ahead. The steam from a warm shower still hangs faintly in the air, softening the edges of the glass and giving everything a dreamlike quality. Leaning closer, you study your reflection and begin the careful process of preparing for the night. Every detail feels important, every action a deliberate step towards the moment you'll see him again.
Your hands move with practiced ease, smoothing stray hairs, adjusting the folds of your clothes, adding subtle touches that enhance without overwhelming. You don't feel the need to do too much; Ronin loves you exactly as you are, and knowing that brings a quiet kind of confidence. Still, there's a thrill in the preparation, a sense of creating a moment that will linger in both of your memories.
The pendant he gave you rests coolly against your skin, the calcified heart nestled against your collarbone like a whispered secret. You touch it lightly, the texture grounding you, reminding you of his words, his presence, his love. It feels like a talisman, a piece of him that you carry with you even in his absence. Its weight is comforting, a subtle reminder of the bond you share.
You take a step back from the mirror and survey the finished look, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. The outfit feels perfect, the way it moves with you, the way it reflects the person you've become. There's no flashiness, no overstatement - just a quiet elegance that feels like a celebration of your journey together. You can already imagine Ronin's reaction, the way his eyes will soften, the way his smile will curve, the way he'll reach for your hand as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
The room around you is charged with anticipation as you gather your things. A light jacket draped over your arm, a phone slipped into your pocket, keys jingling faintly in your hand - it all feels like part of a larger ritual, a sequence of movements leading you to him. The quiet excitement of the evening hums beneath your skin, a reminder that love is as much about the moments leading up to togetherness as it is about togetherness itself.
As you move towards the door, you catch a glimpse of yourself in the full-length mirror. There's something in your posture, your expression, that speaks of confidence and joy, a quiet strength that comes from being loved and loved in return. The light catches the pendant again, its subtle glow a testament to the bond that binds you and Ronin together. You pause for a moment, taking it all in, before stepping into the hallway and closing the door behind you.
The cool night air greets you as you step outside, a light breeze brushing against your skin, carrying with it the faint scent of rain. The stars above you twinkle like scattered diamonds, their light soft and inviting. The city hums softly around you, its rhythm a soothing backdrop to the anticipation building in your chest. Every step you take feels deliberate, purposeful, as if the universe itself is aligning itself to bring you closer.
The streets are alive with a quiet energy, the glow of the streetlights illuminating your path as you make your way to the restaurant. Every step feels like a countdown, a beat in the symphony of the evening that will culminate in the moment you see him again. You can almost hear his voice, feel the warmth of his hand in yours, imagine the way his eyes will light up when he sees you. The thought is enough to quicken your pulse, to fill you with a sense of excitement that feels like a gift in itself.
As you approach your destination, the sounds of the city begin to fade, replaced by the soft murmur of conversation and the faint clink of glasses. The restaurant comes into view, its warm lights spilling out onto the pavement, inviting and intimate. You pause for a moment outside, taking a deep breath to steady yourself, the cool air filling your lungs and grounding you in the present. The pendant rests heavily on your chest, a silent reminder of the love that brought you here.
You step inside, the warmth of the room enveloping you, and your eyes immediately begin to search for him. The anticipation that has been building all evening reaches its peak, your heart beating a little faster with each passing second. And then you see him, sitting near the window, his posture relaxed but alert, his gaze scanning the room until it lands on you. The smile that spreads across his face is like the first rays of sunlight after a long night, and you feel your own lips curl in response.
You walk towards him, each step bringing you closer to the man who has become your home, your anchor, your everything. He rises to greet you, his eyes never leaving yours, and when you finally reach him, his hand finds yours, warm and steady and reassuring. "You look incredible," he says, his voice low and full of admiration, and you feel a blush rise to your cheeks. He leans in to plant a kiss on your temple, a gesture that feels both intimate and reverent, and you know without a doubt that this night is only the beginning of something extraordinary.
The restaurant is bathed in a warm, intimate glow, the kind of light that seems to slow time down. The air is filled with the faint hum of soft music and the soft murmur of distant conversation, but your attention is drawn to the private booth waiting just for you. Tucked away in a secluded corner, it's the perfect blend of elegance and intimacy, with a window that frames the city lights like a living painting. You feel your breath catch as you notice the details - the table is adorned with a delicate arrangement of white lilies, their petals pristine and softly glowing in the candlelight.
Ronin is already standing by the table, his presence at once commanding and comforting. He's sharply dressed, his shirt fitting him in a way that accentuates his quiet strength, his sleeves casually rolled up just enough to hint at the work he puts into his craft. His smile is a mixture of pride and tenderness, the kind of expression that makes you feel like you're the only person in the world. When he sees you, his gaze softens even more, and he steps forward to take your hand as if it's the most natural thing in the world.
"This," he says, his voice deep and warm, "is all for you." He gestures to the table, his eyes sparkling with a mixture of mischief and affection. The white lilies are your favourite, their sweet scent subtly filling the air. You can tell he's thought of every detail, from the arrangement of the flowers to the way the tablecloth falls. The candles flicker softly, casting shifting patterns across the polished wood, and the view out the window reveals a city buzzing with life.
He pulls out a chair for you, his movements fluid and effortless, as if this is where he was meant to be tonight - right here, making you feel appreciated. You sit down, your hand in his for a brief moment longer than necessary, and the warmth of his touch lingers as he takes his own seat across from you. The table feels small in the best way, the space between you nonexistent as your eyes meet, the soft glow of the candlelight reflected in his eyes.
The lilies seem to nod gently in the light breeze from the window, their presence a silent reminder of the love that has grown between you over the years. The scent mingles with the aroma of freshly baked bread and the faint sweetness of wine being poured into glasses. Ronin reaches for the bottle, his hands steady as he pours for both of you, the deep red liquid catching the light like a ruby. As he hands you your glass, his fingers brush yours and you feel the spark of a bond that has only deepened with time.
"To us," he says, raising his glass, his voice steady and sure. The words are simple, but the depth of emotion behind them is profound. You clink your glass gently against his, the sound resonating softly between you, and take a sip, the richness of the wine filling your senses. For a moment, neither of you speaks, the silence comfortable and full, the kind of silence that can only exist between two people who know each other's hearts.
The conversation begins naturally, flowing like a river, winding through the memories of the past five years. He tells you about his day, his voice animated as he recounts a particularly tricky repair in the workshop, his hands gesturing in a way that makes you smile. You share stories too, the words flowing easily, your voice carrying a lightness that matches the mood of the evening. Each laugh, each shared glance, feels like a thread that weaves you closer together.
The food arrives, each dish a work of art, but your focus remains on him. The way his lips curl as he takes a bite and nods in approval, the way he leans forward slightly as you speak, his attention entirely on you. The world outside the window seems to fade away, the lights of the city blurring into a soft haze, leaving just the two of you in your own little universe. The lilies continue to stand guard, their delicate presence a constant reminder of the love that fills this space.
As the evening progresses, the atmosphere becomes even more intimate, the low hum of the restaurant fading into the background. Ronin reaches across the table, his hand finding yours, his thumb tracing slow circles across your skin. "Five years," he says softly, his voice filled with awe. "Can you believe it?" You smile, your heart swelling with gratitude and love, and squeeze his hand gently in response. "With you?" you reply. "Every moment feels like a gift."
The city outside begins to wind down, the lights dimming slightly as the hour grows late. The candles on the table have burned low, their flames dancing a little slower, but the warmth between you and Ronin only grows. He leans back in his chair, his eyes never leaving yours, and you feel the weight of his gaze settle over you like a soft blanket. "Thank you," he says quietly, the words carrying a depth that goes beyond the surface. "For being here. For being mine."
The moment lingers, timeless and perfect, and you realise that this is what love feels like - not just the grand gestures, but the quiet moments of connection, the shared glances, the feeling of being seen and understood. The white lilies, their petals still perfect, seem to glow even brighter in the fading light, a symbol of the purity and beauty of what you've built together. And as you look across the table at Ronin, his expression soft and full of love, you know that this is only the beginning of a lifetime of anniversaries to come.
The candlelight flickers softly, casting shadows that dance across Ronin's features, highlighting the strong lines of his jaw and the warm curve of his smile. His hand remains in yours, his thumb continuing its gentle path along your knuckles, as if memorising the texture of your skin. Outside the window, the city pulsates faintly in the distance, its rhythm a stark contrast to the silence of this private moment. The lilies shift slightly in the light breeze, their delicate petals catching the soft glow of the candles, a reminder of the tenderness that fills the space between you.
Ronin's gaze is steady, his eyes holding yours as if there were no one else in the world. His voice, when he speaks, is a low murmur that carries the weight of all the years you've spent together. "I never thought life could be so good," he says, his words hanging in the air like a secret meant only for you. "You make every moment brighter, every day worthwhile." There's no need for flowery language or grand declarations; his tone alone carries the depth of his feelings, grounding you in the certainty of his love.
The meal is long over, but neither of you makes a move to leave. The table between you seems to shrink as you lean closer, your conversation weaving effortlessly through memories, hopes and quiet laughter. The lilies remain silent witnesses, their scent a subtle but constant reminder of the occasion. Each petal seems to glow with its own light, a soft reflection of the love that has blossomed and grown over the years.
Ronin's hand slips from yours to rest against your cheek, his palm warm and calloused, a testament to the life he's built with his hands. "You're incredible," he whispers, his eyes searching your face as if looking for something he hasn't seen a hundred times before. His thumb brushes gently along your jawline and you lean into his touch, your heart swelling at the sheer simplicity of the moment. The world outside the window continues its low hum, but in this room time seems to have stopped.
The waiter approaches briefly, her presence barely registered as Ronin thanks her quietly, his attention never quite leaving you. The remnants of the meal are cleared away, leaving the table bare except for the lilies and the soft glow of the candles. The intimacy of the setting feels almost sacred, as if the world itself had conspired to give you this moment. You catch a glimpse of your reflection in the window, the two of you framed by the soft glow of the room, and it feels like a memory you'll cherish forever.
Ronin leans back slightly, his hand slipping from your cheek but finding its place over yours again. "Do you remember the first time we came here?" he asks, his tone playful but tinged with nostalgia. You laugh softly and nod, the memory of that earlier dinner flooding back - the nervous energy, the stolen glances, the way his hand had hovered just a moment too long before brushing over yours. "I knew then," he says, his voice deep and sure. "I knew you were the one for me."
The words settle over you like a warm blanket, and you squeeze his hand in response, your own voice catching slightly as you reply. "I knew it too," you say, your eyes meeting his. The bond between you feels almost tangible, a golden thread that binds your souls together, unbroken and unyielding. The lilies sway gently again, their movement catching your attention, and you smile at how they seem to mirror the quiet dance of emotions between you and Ronin.
The candles are low, their flames reduced to soft, flickering embers, but neither of you is ready to end the night. Ronin leans forward again, his elbows on the table, his expression open and full of wonder. "Five years," he murmurs, shaking his head slightly as if he can't quite believe it. "And I still wake up every day thinking I'm the luckiest man alive." The sincerity in his voice makes your chest tighten and you find yourself leaning forward, drawn in by the magnetic pull of his presence.
The waiter discreetly brings over a small dessert - a single slice of cake decorated with delicate sugar lilies. Ronin chuckles softly, the sound rich and warm, and he takes the fork, cuts off a small piece and holds it out to you. "For tradition," he says, his grin soft and teasing. You laugh as you lean in, tasting the sweetness on your tongue, but the real sweetness is in the way he watches you, his expression filled with an affection that makes your heart skip a beat.
You take the fork from him and return the gesture, and the moment feels playful and intimate at the same time. It's the kind of exchange that speaks of the comfort of years spent together, of a love that has settled into the marrow of your bones. The dessert disappears quickly, but the shared laughter and stolen glances linger, weaving themselves into the fabric of your memories. The lilies on the table seem to bloom even brighter, their petals a testament to the beauty of love that endures.
As the night deepens, the restaurant begins to quiet, the other diners gradually filtering out, but the two of you remain, cocooned in your private world. The city lights outside shimmer faintly, a silent reminder of the life that continues beyond the glass, but for now this is all that matters - Ronin's hand in yours, the soft glow of the candles, the scent of white lilies surrounding you. You feel a deep, abiding gratitude for this moment, for this man who has become your home.
Ronin finally stands, his hand still holding yours, and helps you to your feet. He pauses, his gaze sweeping over you one last time, his smile soft and full of love. "Thank you," he says, his voice almost a whisper. "For everything." You smile in return, your heart full, and together you step out into the night, leaving the lilies and the candlelight behind, but carrying their memory with you.
The cool night air embraces you as you step outside, the city spread out before you in a blanket of twinkling lights. Ronin's hand, warm and steady, rests against the small of your back as he guides you through the softly lit streets. The low hum of the world around you seems distant, muted, as if the universe itself has paused to give you this moment. You walk in step with him, each step a reminder that this journey - your journey - has been and will continue to be one of love, companionship and unwavering trust.
You reach the car and he opens the door for you, the gesture so natural, so him. As you slide into the seat, you look up at him, catching the flicker of something tender in his gaze. He stands for a moment, taking in the night, before joining you in the car. The engine hums as it pulls away from the kerb, the low rumble beneath you a grounding rhythm that matches the beating of your heart. The silence is comfortable, a space to reflect, to breathe, to know that everything is exactly as it should be.
The city begins to fade as you leave the busy streets behind, the lights becoming fewer and further apart. The car glides along the road and the air seems to thicken with the weight of the night's significance. Ronin reaches for your hand, his fingers intertwining with yours, and you feel the pulse of connection, the electric spark of love that has only grown over the years. The silence between you is no longer a lack of words, but a conversation all its own - one of shared understanding, of knowing and being known.
Soon you come to a small, quiet place - a park on the outskirts of the city, where the stars are clearer, the world quieter. It's a place you've visited before, a hidden corner of your shared history. He parks the car and turns to you, his eyes soft but intense in the moonlight. Without a word, he gets out and opens your door, holding out his hand to help you out. You take it, step out into the cool night air, and together you walk towards the edge of the park, the only sound being the rustling of leaves under your feet.
There, under the stars, he stops and turns to face you, his eyes never leaving yours. The world seems to hold its breath, and for a moment it's as if nothing else matters but the two of you standing in this space, this time. Ronin pulls you close, his hands resting on your shoulders, his gaze searching your face as if looking for something deeper than the surface. "Five years," he whispers again, the words carrying a quiet reverence, and you nod, your heart full. "Five years," you repeat, your voice thick with emotion.
He smiles, a slow, tender thing that makes your chest tighten with affection. "I can't imagine life without you," he says, his words both a promise and a truth. You lean in, your forehead resting against his, the touch soft and intimate, the stars above bearing witness to this moment. The cool breeze moves around you, but for the moment it's just the two of you, wrapped in the warmth of shared love and the quiet certainty that no matter where life takes you, this connection will remain.
And as you stand there, under the vast sky, time seems to stretch endlessly before you. This moment is not the end of a chapter, but the continuation of a story - one written in laughter, in shared silence, in the delicate touches that have become second nature. With Ronin by your side, there is no end, only new beginnings, every day a new chance to build on what you've already created.
As you pull back slightly, he reaches into his pocket, a familiar, secret smile playing on his lips. He pulls out a small, carefully wrapped box and your heart flutters with an unspoken understanding. He opens it slowly, revealing a simple ring - elegant, understated, but shining with a quiet brilliance. "I don't need anything to change," he says, his voice steady, "but I want to keep building this with you, forever." The words hang in the air between you, and in that moment, everything falls into place.
You take the ring, feel its weight, the symbolism of this next step in your journey together. Without a word, you slip it on your finger, the perfect fit. Ronin smiles, a look of contentment and joy spreading across his face, and you know that no matter what life brings, you will face it together, hand in hand, heart to heart. The stars above seem to shine just a little brighter, as if in agreement.
And there, under the sky, with the city spread out before you, you know that this moment - the five years you've shared and the years to come - will be yours forever.
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I cannot have you
( killer chat ) ronin x reader ... angst ...
trigger warning:
mention of childhood neglect
You wake up in a house that feels like an abandoned temple. The air is stale and thick with the echoes of your own loneliness. The walls, once vibrant, have faded to a dull grey, like your spirit, dulled by the endless years of silence. Your feet touch the cold floor, the texture of it scraping against your skin, reminding you that warmth, the comfort of being held, was a distant memory—one that slipped away long ago, swallowed by the shadows in this suffocating place.
Your mother's voice never resonated through the halls. It was the sharp, icy silence that filled the spaces between your breaths. You were too small to understand why she turned away from you, her gaze as vacant as the space she occupied. She was a statue, hollow on the inside, her eyes fixed on something beyond you, like a lighthouse guiding ships that would never come to shore. Her hands were always busy with something—never with you. You wanted her touch, her smile, but it never came. You longed to be held, to feel the safety of her arms around you, but there was no warmth there, only the chill of neglect.
Your father was not a figure of strength; he was a ghost in the house. He existed in the same house, a ghost of a man who barely spoke. His presence was a weight pressing down on your chest, suffocating you. He was not a father. He was a body, a being in the house that moved without purpose. You would hear him stumble through the door late at night, his footsteps heavy and uncertain, but his voice never raised in a greeting. He simply passed by you, eyes glazed, as though you were nothing more than a fleeting shadow in his world. You wanted him to see you, to care, but he never did.
The kitchen was the only place where sounds filled the air: the clatter of dishes, the hiss of a forgotten pot boiling over. There were no conversations, no laughter. The air tasted salty, thick with unspoken love. When you asked questions, your voice trembled, but the answers never came. Your parents were strangers to you, their faces blurred like old photographs, their voices muffled behind walls you couldn't climb.
In the dark corners of your room, you lay awake, staring at the ceiling, wondering why you felt like a ghost in your own life. The bed felt like a prison, the sheets too thin to protect you from the cold that gnawed at your bones. Sleep was a fleeting escape, but even in your dreams, there was no comfort. You dreamt of hands reaching for you, but they were never close enough to touch, always just out of reach. You awoke to the sound of your own breath, gasping in the silence.
You were not a child, not in the way that others were. You were something less—something forgotten, overlooked, dismissed. The love you needed was a treasure you never found, buried deep in the earth, lost to the ravages of time. You would grow up and learn that love was not something given freely, but something you had to claw for, something you had to steal from others who were just as broken as you.
Your heart was delicate, but it was never given the chance to grow. Instead, it withered in the darkness, its edges roughened by the cruel hands of time. Each day felt like a blade cutting deeper into the flesh of your soul, leaving scars that never healed. You were neglected, constantly aware that no one cared, no one saw. Your body grew, but your heart remained a child, fragile and exposed, vulnerable to the world's indifference.
When you tried to speak, your voice cracked. It wasn't because you were afraid of the words—it was because the words had no place to go. There was no one there to listen. Your tongue tasted like dust, words choking on the dryness of your throat. You could never say what you needed to say, because there was no one who would understand. You learned to swallow your cries, to hold them in your chest, where they fermented and festered, poisoning everything inside you.
Days bled into nights and time became a blur, a constant stream of emptiness. You grew used to the absence of touch, the absence of affection, the absence of care. It became the air you breathed, the water you drank. You didn't know how to live any other way. The ache in your chest was just another part of you, a shadow that followed you everywhere, darkening your steps.
The other children had parents who smiled at them, who held them when they cried, who kissed them goodnight. But you? You were fated to fend for yourself, to figure out how to survive in a world that had forgotten you. You watched others grow in the warmth of love, and it made you feel like a stranger to your own existence. You didn't know how to love, didn't know how to accept love, because it had never been given to you.
Your reflection in the mirror was a stranger's face, gaunt and hollow-eyed. The child staring back at you was someone you no longer recognised. There were no hands to help you grow, no arms to comfort you when you stumbled. You learned to walk alone and to hide the pain behind a mask of silence. It was the only way to survive the endless void that stretched before you.
You grew older, but the emptiness remained. The world outside seemed full of light, full of people who had something you could never reach. You tried to take what you needed, but your hands always grasped at air. There was no love to be found here, only the hollow space that had always been yours. You withered in that space, alone.
But you kept searching, kept reaching, kept hoping. You didn't know why, you didn't know what you were looking for, but you couldn't stop. You wanted the love you never got, and the ache consumed you. You wandered through life as a ghost in a body, carrying the weight of a childhood that was never lived. The love you needed was something that could never be returned, something that would always slip away like water through your fingers.
The nights were the worst. The moon rose, casting pale light through the window, and you felt its weight pressing down on you, as if trying to suffocate you. It illuminated the emptiness of the room, the corners where dust gathered like forgotten dreams. You spent hours staring at the ceiling, your mind racing in circles, trapped in the prison of your own thoughts. The stillness was maddening, the quiet so thick you could almost hear your heartbeat pounding in your ears.
You never learned how to ask for help. It wasn't something that came naturally when no one ever reached out to you. Words felt like foreign, fragile things that broke in your mouth, shattering on the floor of your heart. You kept them locked away because you learned early that nothing you said mattered. The screams, the desperate pleas for someone to see you, to hear you, were swallowed whole by the walls towering over you, too thick to ever escape.
Your body betrayed you, growing, aging, but the wounds didn't heal. They festered, hidden beneath your skin, unseen to the world. The ache didn't lessen with time—it deepened, embedding itself into your flesh, an eternal reminder of the love you never had. You learned to hide it, to wear the mask of normalcy, to walk through the world like everyone else, but inside, you were crumbling, shattered into a thousand pieces that no one would ever bother to collect.
At school, you learned that the world was full of people who had what you craved: parents who cared, friends who laughed and shared their lives. It made you feel small and invisible. You watched them, a voyeur to their happiness, never able to partake. You wanted to scream at them, to beg them to see the emptiness inside you, to understand that behind every smile you forced, every word you spoke, there was a child crying for someone to hold them. But you kept quiet. You kept hiding.
Even when you felt anger, frustration or grief, you were always hit with feelings of guilt. Why did you feel this way? What right did you have to feel hurt when there were others who had it worse? You told yourself you didn't deserve love or kindness because you had never been shown it. It became a vicious cycle of self-loathing, each thought more corrosive than the last, until all you could do was exist in a state of numbness.
You thought you were broken beyond repair. Your heart was cracked, fractured by years of neglect, and the pieces scattered across the floor of your soul. Each piece was a reminder of the love you never got. Each jagged edge was a wound that never healed. You were a jigsaw with pieces missing, a painting with parts erased. The weight of your own brokenness pressed down on you like a stone, suffocating you and reminding you that no matter how hard you tried, you could never be whole.
You will experience moments when you wonder what it would feel like to be loved. What it would be like to have someone's arms around you, to feel safe, to know that you were enough? But these thoughts were short-lived, ghosts that vanished as quickly as they appeared. You knew you couldn't afford to dream of what could never be. This only served to exacerbate the pervasive silence and coldness.
In the rare moments when you cried, you did so in the darkness, the tears falling silently into the pillow, where no one could see. You never let them escape your body in front of others. You had learned that tears were a weakness, a sign that you weren't strong enough to survive on your own. You couldn't afford to be weak because there was no one there to catch you when you fell. You were your own anchor, even though the weight of it threatened to drag you under.
You questioned if your parents were aware of the impact they had on you. Did they realise that their neglect had carved deep scars into your soul? Or were they, too, trapped in their own empty world, swallowed whole by the silence? You couldn't tell because they never spoke to you, never acknowledged the pain that radiated from every fibre of your being. You were nothing more than a shadow in their lives, something they could ignore, something they could forget.
You are constantly lonely. You went through the motions of life, day after day, always feeling like an outsider, never truly belonging. You pretended to be like everyone else, but inside, you were dying. You felt like a hollow shell, a being without substance, a creature of habit who moved through the world without ever really living. You craved connection, craved affection, but the fear of rejection held you back. What if you reached out and they turned away? What if they saw you for what you really were—a broken child who had never been loved?
You questioned whether you would ever escape the prison of your past. The scars were too deep, the wounds too old to heal. Every attempt at moving forward felt like an act of betrayal to the child who had never been given the chance to grow. You had built walls around yourself, walls that no one could break down, not even you. You were trapped in your own mind, a prisoner to your own memories.
But there was still a flicker of hope deep inside you. It was faint, barely a spark, but it was there. You wanted to believe that one day, someone would see you for who you truly were, that they would reach into the darkness and pull you out. You wanted to believe that love, the kind of love you had never known, was possible. But the years of neglect had poisoned your belief, made it hard to trust, hard to believe in anything good. The battle raged inside you—hope against despair, light against darkness—and you didn't know which would win.
The silence around you grew thicker and heavier as time passed. It was no longer just an absence; it was an oppressive force, a weight that seemed to smother you every waking moment. You could feel it physically: the air thick with an almost tangible coldness, the weight pressing on your chest like a vice. Every day, the silence grew deeper, more suffocating. You longed for even the slightest sound, any sign of life beyond your own thoughts, but there was nothing. You were completely alone.
The house felt like a tomb, and you were its only inhabitant. Your parents were ghosts who never noticed you, never spoke your name. The space between you and them widened, a chasm that swallowed everything. There was no communication, no affection, no human contact. The distance was not just physical; it was emotional, spiritual. You knew you could never bridge that gulf. You had stopped hoping for anything, stopped wishing for the things that never came. Even your thoughts felt distant, as if your mind was untethered, drifting into a void.
You tried to make yourself small, to fade into the background, to be invisible, because you had learned that the less you existed, the less you took up space, the less you would be ignored. Your existence itself seemed like a burden, a constant reminder to everyone else that you were unwanted and unneeded. You retreated into yourself, drawing into the smallest version of you that you could manage, but the emptiness never left. It only grew, spreading through every part of you like an infection that had no cure.
The hollow ache in your chest intensified, and as it grew, you felt the sting of it in your very bones. You felt as if you were being hollowed out from the inside, becoming a shell of a person. The emptiness spread as you tried to fill it. You began to wonder if you had ever been whole, or if you had always been this way—empty, aching, starved for the love that no one ever gave you. You felt like a wound that would never close, a scar that would never fade, a heart that could never heal.
Your parents became nothing more than figures of resentment. Every time they passed you by, every time they ignored you, a jagged knife of anger twisted in your gut. It wasn't the anger of someone who had been wronged; it was the raw, bitter anger of a soul that had been starved of love. It was a love that had been promised, that should have been given, but was withheld. This anger burned in you, sharp and unyielding, but you couldn't even shout it out. This anger was a silent beast that festered within you, never able to escape.
You withdrew further, pulling away from the world outside your home, isolating yourself from everyone. Those who tried to reach you, friends and teachers included, were met with walls you could not and would not scale. You had no use for their kindness, their words, their attempts at affection. They had no idea how deep your emptiness ran or how your loneliness weighed you down. Their attempts at help were futile; you had long ago decided that no one could fix what was broken in you. You didn't believe you deserved kindness anymore. You didn't believe you deserved anything.
Your reflection in the mirror was horrifying; it was a face you no longer recognised. It wasn't just that you had aged; it was that something in you had died long ago. And this was clear in the hollow eyes staring back at you, the sunken cheeks, the emptiness in your expression. There was no spark in your eyes, no life left to animate your face. You didn't smile anymore. You weren't crying, either. You had learned not to cry, because crying was futile. It was like pouring water into a cracked pot—you would never fill it, and all you'd be left with was an empty puddle on the floor.
The pain of the neglect began to erode every part of you. You stopped caring about the things that used to matter – your hopes, your dreams, your desires. They felt like distant memories, ghosts of another life, and the more you tried to reach for them, the more they slipped through your fingers. There was no future for you, only an endless present filled with unbroken silence. You had nothing to look forward to, nothing to fight for, and every attempt to grasp at some fleeting moment of happiness ended in a sharp sting of disappointment.
You could feel the erosion inside you, piece by piece. Your spirit was like a rotting tree: the bark cracking, the branches brittle, the leaves falling away. You tried to hold yourself together, but the effort only made the cracks more obvious. The weight of everything—of your parents' indifference, of your own self-loathing—pressed down on you, and you could feel yourself breaking, cracking under it. The worst part was that you no longer had the strength to care. You were losing the ability to feel altogether, becoming numb, unable to mourn the things you had lost because you no longer had the capacity to remember them.
The silence around you turned into a cacophony, a maddening scream inside your mind. The noise was deafening, but no one heard it. No one would ever hear it. You longed to shout, to scream until your lungs bled, to make someone acknowledge the devastation inside you. But you had learned long ago that silence was the only language your family spoke, and they would never break it. So, you became silent too. You swallowed your screams, your pain, and let it fester inside until it became part of you, until it was all you knew.
Even the smallest moments of connection, the briefest glimmers of kindness, were too much to bear. You recoiled from them, terrified that they would only make the isolation you felt more unbearable. Every moment of affection from someone else felt like a dagger, reminding you of what you could never have, of what had been denied to you. You had become too afraid to even hope for connection anymore, too terrified of the eventual rejection that would follow any attempt to reach out.
Your parents' neglect turned from something you could barely understand into a festering wound that consumed you whole. You realised they weren't just absent – they were willfully blind to your pain, deaf to your cries, indifferent to your existence. They had become monsters of your creation, manifestations of your deepest fears, the embodiment of everything you had never been given. Their indifference burned like acid, eating away at your soul, leaving you with nothing but an empty shell of a person, a ghost trapped in a living body.
And yet, even as you felt yourself disappear, you couldn't escape. You were still here, still breathing, still existing in this prison that you had created. You knew you would never be loved or seen. This gnawing, raw feeling was constant and it got worse every day. There was no escape. There was no relief. You were lost in a world that didn't care, and every breath you took felt like another nail in the coffin of your heart.
The neglect has undoubtedly twisted you, slowly and methodically, like a vine wrapping itself around the very core of who you are. It starts with an emptiness, a void you can't name, and over time, that void turns into something else—a hunger, a desperate, gnawing craving that consumes you from the inside out. It starts subtly, as a quiet whisper, but it grows louder and louder until it drowns out everything else. The longing begins as a trickle, a tiny crack in your heart, but it quickly becomes a torrent, a force of nature that engulfs your thoughts, your sanity, your very sense of self.
It feels like hunger, but not the kind you can satiate with food. It is something deeper, darker. It's a hunger that can't be sated by anything you can see, touch or hold. It's an ache for something you can't name, a yearning for something you've never had but know you're missing. A part of you, a part that has always been empty, is reaching out into the void, stretching its arms wide for something that will never come.
Your heart has become a barren, dry desert; the cracks in your soul are deepening and splitting open with every passing day. The yearning is like fire, a slow burn that heats you from the inside, making every breath feel like it's being drawn through burning coals. You feel the flames licking at your ribs, singeing your insides, but they don't burn enough to kill you. Instead, they set you on fire, drowning you in a slow, agonising burn that feels worse than death. It hurts more with every passing second, and you can't escape it.
You know that the more you long, the more you realise that it is this very yearning that is killing you. It's not the neglect that broke you; it's the way it's twisted you into someone who will always want, always crave, but can never fulfil. Your heart has become a hollow cavern, an endless pit that will never fill, no matter how much you wish, no matter how much you reach. The more you try to grasp at what you can't have, the more you feel that ache, and the more your longing grows. It spirals, like a beast that feeds on itself, growing stronger the more you give into it.
Your body pays the price. The yearning tightens its grip around your throat, stealing the air from your lungs, making each breath feel like a laborious act. It constricts your chest and ribs, leaving you gasping for air. Your limbs ache, your bones feel heavy, as though every part of you is slowly being pulled down, dragged under by the weight of your own yearning. It's a sickness, a disease that spreads through your veins, turning everything in its path to ash.
Every moment you spend in this hunger is another piece of you lost. You can feel it eating away at your soul. It's a slow, relentless erosion, like the tide that wears down a cliff over centuries. The tide is merciless. It doesn't wait for you to recover; it continues to pound and gnaw at the edges of your mind. Your thoughts blur, your emotions distort, and everything you once thought you knew becomes a hazy dream, slipping through your fingers like smoke. The more you crave, the less you are.
The yearning distorts your perception of the world. Others see love, but you see what you can never have. You watch the world move, watch people reach out to one another, and it feels like a cruel joke. You want to reach out, feel what they feel, have what they have, but you can't. It's as if you were born with invisible chains wrapped around your wrists, tethering you to this hunger. You feel the touch of what you crave, just out of reach, like a whisper on the wind, but when you reach for it, it's gone. It's always gone.
Your thoughts are consumed by the desire to have, to belong, to feel something real. The craving becomes your only reality. It's not just an ache any more—it's a part of you, a part of you that won't die, that won't let you forget. Your mind is a furnace, the flames of yearning licking at your thoughts, burning through your sanity until there is nothing left but the raw, primal need to be seen, to be loved, to be held. But this need will never be fulfilled. And that is the cruelty of it.
You try to bury it. You try to push it down, try to ignore the ache, but it never works. It never goes away. It only becomes more insistent, clawing at your insides like a creature desperate to escape. You feel it in your skin, in the tremors that ripple through your fingers when you reach for someone, when you want to touch them, feel them, but can't. The yearning has become constant and relentless. It's a part of the air you breathe. You are suffocating, and you cannot escape it. There is nowhere to run.
It becomes an obsession, a hunger that rots your insides. Your thoughts become dark and twisted by this unfulfilled need. Every day is a battle, a war you can't win. The yearning consumes you, and each moment of craving feels like a death. You want to feel alive, to feel something, but all you feel is the slow, agonising death of being consumed by your own need. It's like drowning in a sea of your own desires, unable to breathe, unable to rise to the surface.
Your soul is crushed, the life force that once coursed through you ebbing away with each wave of yearning. The very act of wanting, of reaching out for something you can't have, is erasing you. You are being taken apart piece by piece by this hunger, which has a life of its own and is devouring everything that you were and everything you could have been. You are no longer a person. You are nothing but a hole, a wound, an empty space desperate for something, anything, to fill it. But nothing ever will.
The yearning has become a void that swallows you whole, a black hole that pulls at every part of you. It takes your joy, your hope, your will to live, and it twists them into nothingness. You begin to wonder if you were ever truly alive, if this hunger is all that you've ever known. You are being killed slowly, not by a lack of love, but by your overwhelming desire for it, by the cruel twist of fate that ensures you can never have it. It is the worst kind of torture: to crave what you can never possess, to ache for something that is always just out of reach. With each passing moment, you feel yourself being consumed by it.
It spreads through you like an infection. You realise that there is nothing you can do to stop it. It is no longer just a hunger. It is you. You are the yearning. With every desperate gasp for something you'll never have, with every reaching thought, with every beat of your heart, you are being consumed from the inside. You will fade into nothing, not because the world doesn't love you, but because the hunger has eaten you alive, leaving nothing but emptiness in its wake.
The moment you met Ronin, you felt something stir deep inside you—an unfamiliar sensation, like a faint spark flickering in a long-dead fire. He was everything you had never had, everything you longed for in the dark recesses of your heart. But as the warmth of his attention washed over you, it felt like something foreign, something you didn't know how to handle. His gaze felt like fire on your skin, igniting a burning ache inside you. You had been trained to bury this ache, to ignore it, but now you couldn't. The warmth you felt in his presence made you want to step closer, to let him hold you, to let him erase the loneliness that had carved its name into every part of you.
But it wasn't that simple. Your heart clenched as you reached for the pieces of yourself you had long locked away. The closer he got, the more your walls shook, rattled by the sudden threat of vulnerability. You had spent years protecting yourself from the pain of being ignored and unloved, and now, with someone actually caring, it felt like your fragile shell would crack open at the slightest touch. The idea of being held, of feeling his arms around you, felt like salvation and a poison that would seep into your veins. It made you feel nauseous and dizzy because your heart wasn't used to love; it was used to neglect. Love, even in its purest form, felt like a betrayal.
You craved his closeness, the gentle press of his hand against yours, the warmth of his body next to yours. But the craving only made the sick sensation in your gut worse. You wanted him. You wanted him more than anything else. You wanted to feel his hands on you, to be held in a way that made you forget how empty you had always felt. You wanted to feel wanted, to be seen. But your body betrayed you. Every instinct screamed at you to pull away, to retreat, to protect the fragile heart you had so carefully shielded for so long.
It was as if you were standing on the edge of a cliff, and his love was the drop below. You wanted to leap, to fall, to let the weight of his affection catch you, but something in you recoiled. You felt unworthy of love, as if this was the first time it had ever been offered to you. You weren't sure how to exist in a space where someone wanted you. You were a creature of distance, a shadow that had learned to walk alone, and now the light was blinding, and it hurt more than it healed.
Ronin's eyes softened towards you, his hands lingered just a bit too close, his voice held that tenderness you had never heard before. You felt the pull, the ache, the unbearable desire for something you had never known. But that desire became a weight that pressed down on your chest, suffocating you with every beat of your heart. You felt torn in half, trapped between the longing to surrender, to let him in, and the gut-wrenching fear that if you did, it would destroy you. Love was never a safe thing and you had learned not to trust it.
The mere thought of him touching you, holding you, was enough to make your stomach churn with nausea. You weren't afraid to feel his embrace; you were terrified. You had never been held like that before. You had never been cherished like that. You had been abandoned for so long, invisible, that the prospect of being seen, of being touched with that tenderness, felt like a betrayal to the part of you that had always been left alone, forgotten in the shadows. His affection felt like a foreign burn; you couldn't understand it, you couldn't make sense of it, so you recoiled.
You wanted him, desperately, but you didn't know how to reach for him. You had built walls to protect yourself, but they were too high and thick. Every time you tried to climb over them, your hands shook with the memory of being rejected, neglected and abandoned. How could you let yourself fall into his arms when you were so terrified of falling apart? How could you trust someone else to love you when you had spent your entire life convincing yourself that no one ever would?
Ronin smiled at you, his soft, genuine smile that made your heart ache, but the more he smiled, the more you felt the weight of his love pressing down on you. You wanted to reach for him, to let him hold you, but the closer he came, the more your body fought against it. Your hands trembled, and your breath came in shallow gasps. You felt a tightening in your chest, as if every step toward him was one toward suffocation.
Each time he reached out to you, each time his fingers brushed against yours, it was like a spark, a jolt of something you couldn't quite understand, something that made your chest tighten with both longing and fear. You were caught between an unbearable desire to let him in and a suffocating panic that made you want to run, to hide, to protect yourself from the vulnerability he would demand of you. It was as if your heart and body were at war, each screaming for something different, and you didn't know which side to listen to.
You had spent so long pushing away the need for affection, so long learning to live in the barren, empty space of neglect, that now, when something good was offered to you, it felt like a cruel mockery. You had never been taught how to accept love. How could you accept the affection of someone who cared when you had always been taught to believe that no one ever would? The truth is, you don't know how to be loved. You didn't know how to let someone hold you without feeling like you were betraying the very person you had become. You were used to the silence, used to the ache of being unseen.
And so, when Ronin would move closer, when he would lean in, trying to close the distance, your heart would race, but not with excitement. It was not excitement; it was terror. You wanted to lean in, to melt into him, to let him take you into his arms, but you couldn't. Your body betrayed you again, recoiling from the very thing you craved. You were at war within, your desire for him and your disgust at your own weakness, your inability to trust, creating a terrible internal conflict. The thought of him touching you made you feel like you were drowning in something poisonous, something you couldn't escape.
Each time he got closer, you felt yourself slipping further away, lost between the yearning and the terror of actually feeling loved. You wanted to be held, to be cherished. But that need twisted inside you, turning your desire into a sickness that ate away at your insides. You were consumed by a hunger for him, but also by a fear that held you back. You were clueless as to how to make it stop. You could see him reaching out, feel the warmth of his care, but you couldn't take that step to feel whole. It felt like drowning, like suffocating in the very love you had been dying for, and you didn't know if you could survive it.
You know that each day, the distance between you and Ronin grows longer. It grows not in miles but in the space inside your chest. When you see him, your heart clenches with both longing and terror: an impossible contradiction. You feel his presence like a gravitational pull, an unseen force that beckons you closer. But every time you take a step forward, you recoil inside, as if you're afraid that getting too close will shatter you into pieces you can't put back together. You want to let him in, you want to let him see you, but the thought makes you feel like you're suffocating, like the walls you've built to protect yourself are the only things keeping you from falling apart.
The worst part is the way your body betrays you. His touch should feel like a promise, like something you've been waiting for your whole life, but instead it feels like fire on your skin—too hot, too intense, too much for something that was supposed to heal you. Every time his hand touches yours, your skin burns, and you pull away. His touch is a threat, a reminder of everything you've been taught to fear. The warmth that should comfort you becomes a source of discomfort, a choking feeling that tightens your chest, your stomach churns, and your throat closes up.
You have spent so long living in the cold emptiness of neglect, so long with only yourself for company, that the very idea of someone wanting you, needing you, feels like a foreign language you can't speak. You don't understand it, so you freeze in the face of his affection. The thought of letting him touch you, of feeling his arms around you, fills you with a dreadful sense of nausea, as if you're on the verge of being consumed by something you've never known how to navigate. You crave love and connection, but you are also afraid of losing yourself in it.
Ronin looks at you with those soft, understanding eyes. He sees something in you; something you've tried so hard to hide, something that scares you to death. His gaze is like a gentle pressure, like he's waiting for you to come to him, to reach out, but you don't know how to. Every time you try to move towards him, your body freezes, remembering the years of pain, of being unloved, of being invisible. How can you open up now? How could you let him see the broken parts of you that have been hidden away for so long?
You want to be held, to feel safe in his arms, to let him erase the scars of neglect, but the thought of it is suffocating. His love is like a fire, and your heart is like a paper cage that can't hold it. Every moment spent with him feels like an impossible test, like you're on the edge of something that could either save you or destroy you. You want to trust him, you want to surrender to his affection, but you don't trust yourself enough to take the risk of being overwhelmed. You are too afraid to be vulnerable, too afraid to let him see how damaged you are.
Your hands tremble when he reaches out, and you recoil as though his touch will shatter you. The longing you feel for him is an aching emptiness, but every time he gets closer, that emptiness turns to something darker and more dangerous. You feel like you are walking on a razor's edge, balancing between wanting to fall into his arms and the fear that doing so will cause everything to unravel. You want to trust him and give him your all, but you don't know how. The distance between you is both physical and emotional, and no matter how much you want to close the gap, you're too afraid of what might happen if you do.
Every time you see him, you feel the same sick, gnawing sensation. It's as if your body is actively working against the thing you need most. His warmth should heal the wounds you've carried for so long, but it feels like a curse. You can't bear the thought of him holding you, of him seeing you in that fragile, raw state you've spent years trying to bury. You want to let him in, to give him your heart, but it feels like offering him a piece of something broken, something that can never be whole again.
The yearning for him doesn't go away, but it grows more tangled, more twisted, like a knot in your chest that gets tighter the more you try to loosen it. You want him, you need him, but you are terrified of his love. You want the love you've always dreamed of, the kind that makes you feel safe, but it feels like something you can't touch, something that belongs to someone else, not to someone like you. You don't know how to let go of the walls you've built up, or how to let someone in without falling apart in the process.
When he speaks to you and offers you kindness, you want to drown in it, to let it wash over you like the rain you've always longed for. But your body can't handle it. Your skin burns when he touches you, your heart races in a way that feels like a panic, like you're being pulled under by something you can't escape. You are trapped between the desire for him and the fear of losing yourself in the process. No matter how much you want to surrender, to be held, to feel loved, you cannot. You don't know how to be loved. You don't know how to let yourself be held without feeling sick.
You are acutely aware of an emptiness inside you, a hunger you know you can't satisfy. Ronin holds the key, but every time you try to unlock the door to your own heart, it feels like you're drowning. The closer you get to him, the more intense the ache becomes, as does the dread. You want him, but you can't handle how he makes you feel. His love exposes the darkest parts of you, the parts you don't want to face, the parts that still ache with the ghost of neglect.
You pull away, over and over, because his love feels like too much, and because your fear of it is overwhelming. You need it, but you can't let go. Every time he holds you, you feel like you're being suffocated, and every time he lets go, you feel the emptiness deepening. The paradox is unbearable. You want more than anything else the very thing that makes you feel like you're drowning.
Ronin's affection grows heavier with each passing day. It should make you feel warm and fuzzy inside, but instead it feels like a force pulling at the very core of your being, a tension too thick to cut through. Every time you see him, you feel the pull of longing, the part of you that craves his closeness, the safety of his arms around you, the love you've never known. But it's not just love you're afraid of. You don't know how to exist in it. You don't know how to let someone hold you without feeling like it will break you open.
His smile, his voice, his gaze—they all feel like a balm to the wound you've carried so long, but each time he reaches for you, you can feel the walls you've spent years constructing trembling. Every touch from him is a promise and a threat. His hand on yours feels like a soft fire, warm and inviting, but it burns in a way you can't escape. You crave it, but you fear it. His kindness is like a rope thrown to a drowning person, but you don't know how to grasp it. You've never been taught how to float or how to breathe in that warmth.
The distance between you grows unbearable, yet you cannot bring yourself to close it. You want him, you want to let him love you, but you are paralysed by a deep-seated terror. Every time his body leans closer to yours, you feel the pressure rise in your chest, as though you might collapse under the weight of the affection he offers. You're not ready, you tell yourself. You're not worthy. You've spent so long in the cold, in the isolation of neglect, that to feel this warmth, to feel this closeness, feels like it would undo everything you are, everything you've known.
The ache in your chest intensifies, the emptiness that was once just a quiet echo now becomes a scream, a raw, gnawing hunger that twists and twists inside you. You need him, but the need is suffocating. Every longing look, every small gesture, feels like drowning in something that should save you, but is dragging you under. And yet, even as you fight it, you know that this—this feeling of wanting, of needing him—is the truest thing you've ever felt. But you can't bear it.
So you retreat. You pull away, creating a distance between you as if it will protect you from the storm of emotions you are unable to process. You back off when he reaches out, when he tries to bridge the distance. His hands, warm and gentle, fall short, as if you are too fragile, too broken to touch without splintering. You want him in, you want his love, but you can't let him in because you're afraid.
You long for him, but you know you can't have him. Every time you try to reach out, you feel yourself breaking. You realise you are incapable of being loved the way he wants to love you. You can't bear the closeness, the tenderness. It's too much, and it's never enough. The more you pull away, the more you lose yourself in the space between, until the love that was once so close, so attainable, is a fading memory, slipping through your fingers.
Ronin's presence, once so steady and sure, becomes a shadow, something you cannot touch or reach, no matter how much you want to. In the silence that follows, in the space you've created between you, you realise that the distance isn't just between you and him—it's between you and yourself. The walls you built to keep you safe have become a prison from which there is no escape. You wanted to be loved, but now you realise that you don't know how to live in love, to exist in it without being swallowed whole.
You stand at the edge, watching him from afar, knowing that the love you longed for was never yours to have, that it was always a dream too fragile to hold. You wanted him, but you couldn't have him—not like this. You were broken beyond repair. So, in the end, you let him go. Quietly, painfully, as he fades away like a whisper in the dark. In that final, heart-wrenching moment, you realise that the longing will never leave you. It will haunt you forever, a cruel reminder of what you could never hold.
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A perfect birthday
( my hero ) boyfriend bakugo x birthday reader ... fluff ...
a gift for @lynnielle , happy birthday !!
trigger warnings:
The early morning light filters through the curtains, casting soft golden streaks across the room. The air is cool and quiet, and you lie in bed, warm and cosy, surrounded by the soft embrace of slumber. The world outside is still. In this peaceful moment, you're lost to the weight of sleep, drifting in a quiet lull where time doesn't seem to matter. Your breath is steady and even, and you feel the comfort of your blanket tucked close. You know that nothing in the world could interrupt this perfect calm.
But then, something stirs the edges of your consciousness. It's a faint scent, teasing at the edges of your dreams, weaving its way through your senses. The warm, inviting, familiar scent is sweet yet savoury, and it reaches deep inside you, awakening something hidden within. It's the unmistakable scent of fresh coffee, tinged with the promise of something more. And beneath it all, there's that mouthwatering trace of something cooking. Pancakes? Bacon? The scent is delicious, rich and strong, and as it envelops you, the peace of sleep begins to fade.
Your eyelids flutter open, groggily at first, as the scent pulls you up from the depths of your dreams. The soft morning light seems brighter and more present, and you stretch slightly, your muscles waking up slowly as your mind follows suit. The room is quiet, save for the faint sounds of kitchen activity. You shift under the covers, momentarily confused, then it hits you — today is your birthday.
The thoughts settle in, and in that quiet moment, your heart stirs with warmth, a gentle joy curling inside you. But as your senses sharpen and the smell of food continues to fill the air, something feels... off. There's tension in the air, a sharp edge to the otherwise peaceful sounds, and you realise this isn't just the quiet of morning. Something is happening in the kitchen, and it is making itself known in the way the scent of breakfast lingers unpleasantly.
You push the blanket off, the cool air kissing your skin as you sit up, your hair tousled from sleep, your mind still hazy with the remnants of dreams. The sound of frantic footsteps, followed by a muffled exclamation, fills your ears just as you slide your feet to the floor. The rich, tempting scent of cooking food beckons you forward, but it's not enough to distract from the slight chaos that lingers.
Then, from the kitchen, you hear it—a burst of frustration, followed by a string of curses that can only belong to one person: Bakugo. Your boyfriend. His voice is raised, but not in anger—more in sheer panic. He's clearly trying to manage something that's not going according to plan.
You rise, still warm from sleep, and move decisively toward the kitchen. The sounds of clattering dishes and the sharp scrape of utensils against a pan grow louder the closer you get. You step into the kitchen and find him there. Bakugo is standing in front of the stove. He has lost his usual fiery confidence and is now displaying a frantic energy you've never quite seen before.
Bakugo's hair is unkempt, messy in that unique way that only he can pull off, and there's a light sheen of sweat on his brow, the result of whatever chaos he's currently embroiled in. His hands are gripping the edge of the counter, as if trying to steady himself, though it's clear he's about two seconds away from throwing his hands up in defeat.
You stand there for a moment, watching him in silence, your heart fluttering as it always does when you catch sight of him—his expression caught between irritation and helplessness. He's so engrossed in whatever he's doing, and it's impossible not to find it endearing. Even with his usual intensity, there's something undeniably vulnerable in the way he moves, as if trying to navigate a task that, for all his strength and determination, is a bit beyond him.
The clatter of a pan hitting the stovetop echoes in the room. You take a step forward. Your voice is soft but steady. "Bakugo?"
He freezes, his back still turned to you, and for a moment, the silence stretches between you both. Then, with a frustrated growl, he spins around. You see the mess, the failed attempts, the streaks of flour and batter splattered across the countertop. His face is flushed, but not with the usual anger you'd expect. No, this is something else, a blend of embarrassment and sheer determination. He's trying, and you can see it, even if it's not going as planned.
"This isn't working. Damn it!" Bakugo mutters, his hands fidgeting with the pan as if he's about to throw it across the room. His frustration is clear in his eyes and evident in the harshness of his voice as he struggles to maintain control. Despite his confidence in battle and other areas, this minor kitchen challenge has thrown him.
You smile warmly, taking a step forward, and a sense of warmth spreads through you as you watch him. The sight of Bakugo, normally so fiery and confident, so caught in the simple act of trying to make something for you, for your birthday, fills you with an unexpected tenderness. It's a raw and genuine moment, one he might not fully realise, but you certainly do. This is his way of showing you he cares, of giving you something of himself, even if it doesn't go perfectly.
You take a few steps closer, your feet light against the floor as you reach him. Your hand moves to his arm and you catch his gaze—fierce but softened by something that's all him. His brows furrow as you draw closer, and the tension in his shoulders eases just a little when he notices you standing there, offering your quiet support without a word.
"I know it's not perfect," he mutters, his voice gruff but warm, conveying his care and eagerness to make this moment right for you. He doesn't need to say it, because you can feel it in the way his shoulders relax, in the way his hand gently reaches for yours.
You firmly squeeze his hand in reassurance, your thumb brushing over his knuckles as you smile up at him. "It's perfect because you're making it for me."
Bakugo's eyes narrow slightly, as if he's trying to gauge whether you're teasing him, but when he sees the sincerity in your gaze, the edges of his mouth twitch upward, a small, almost imperceptible smile beginning to form. His frustration lifts, replaced by tenderness and familiarity. He grumbles, but there's a softness to it now, a playful edge that's hard to miss.
"Don't get all soft on me now," he mutters, but there's no heat in his words, only a quiet affection that rests between the two of you.
You laugh softly, leaning in and pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek. The warmth of it lingers between you both, and for a moment, everything else fades away. There is no more panic, no more frustration. Just the two of you in this quiet kitchen, the early morning light casting a soft glow around you, and the knowledge that, no matter what, he is doing this for you. It is perfect.
The warmth of your kiss lingers on Bakugo's cheek and the rush of activity in the kitchen fades. His shoulders relax further, the tension draining from him as he stands still, almost as if the world has stopped for the two of you. His usual sharpness softens, replaced by something tender and unfamiliar, a quiet vulnerability that you cherish. His hand, which had been fidgeting with the pan, now rests gently against the counter, his fingers curling slightly, as if finding some semblance of peace in the connection between you both.
He looks at you, and for a brief second, his eyes—usually filled with fire and intensity—are calm, like the first moment after a storm has passed. His gaze is steady, searching yours with a rare sincerity he often keeps hidden behind his explosive nature. The way he watches you, as if he's trying to convey everything without needing to speak, only deepens your affection for him. In these quiet moments, when the world outside feels far away, you realise just how much he means to you. How much he cares.
"I really wanted to make it perfect," he says quietly, his voice rough with a mixture of pride and uncertainty. There's a hint of the Bakugo you know in his words—the one who strives to be the best, who always pushes himself harder than anyone could ask. But there's also a softness in his tone, a vulnerability that you don't often hear. You treasure this side of him, the one that only shows itself when he's comfortable, when he's with you.
"I know this is perfect," you say, your voice firm and reassuring. You take a step closer, reaching out and touching the edge of the pan where he's been cooking, feeling the warmth from it still radiating. Your fingers brush against his, and for a second, neither of you moves, the simple connection grounding you both.
Bakugo lets out a soft, almost imperceptible sigh, a breath of relief mixed with something else—something deeper. His hand shifts slightly, brushing against yours with a gentleness that feels at odds with his usual fiery demeanour. He glances over at you, his golden eyes searching yours for reassurance, and it's in that look that you understand him even more. He doesn't need things to be perfect; he just needs to know that his effort and care have been seen and appreciated.
You smile, your heart swelling with affection as you look at him. "It's perfect because you made it," you whisper, affirming his efforts. The cake might not be finished yet, and there might be a slight mess in the kitchen, but none of that matters. What matters is that he's here, putting himself into this for you. That's all that matters.
Bakugo, ever the stubborn one, grumbles something under his breath. "Don't go getting all mushy on me," he says, but there's no heat in it, no anger. There's a softness in his voice that betrays his true feelings, the way he always holds back his tenderness, only to let it slip in moments like this. He shifts slightly, his hands gripping the pan again, but this time with a lighter touch, as if everything feels a little easier now.
He glances at the stove again, his brow furrowing slightly, but without the sharp frustration that had been there earlier, you can see a new resolve settling into him. The chaos of the early morning fades as he returns to the task at hand, his movements deliberate and sure. It's clear that your quiet support has given him the strength he needed to push through the uncertainty.
As he moves around the kitchen, you step closer, standing beside him, watching as he carefully flips whatever it is he's been attempting to cook. His focus and determination, coupled with the softness in his movements, warms your heart more than any dish he might make. He doesn't need to say much to make it clear that he cares; it's in the way he's there, present, trying his best for you, even when things might not go his way.
The sound of the pan hitting the stovetop once more fills the room, but this time, it's different. There is no panic, no sense of rushing. Instead, there's a steady rhythm to his movements, a quiet confidence settling in as he works. You stay by his side, your presence grounding him and offering him the space to figure it out at his own pace. You catch his gaze now and then, and you can feel the unspoken connection between you both – a bond forged not just in grand gestures, but in the small, ordinary moments, too.
"You know," you say firmly, breaking the silence, "I don't need any of this for my birthday. Just having you here is enough."
Bakugo doesn't stop what he's doing, but you see his jaw tighten slightly, the corners of his lips twitching as if he's fighting the urge to smile. His eyes flick over to you, and you see the rare, fleeting softness in his gaze. He doesn't say anything at first, but his expression is warm and says it all. The intensity he's known for is still there, but it's tempered by something quieter, something just for you.
"Yeah, well," he mutters, "you deserve more than just me, but I'm not about to let you down on your damn birthday."
You laugh at his rough response, and you can tell he means it. It's exactly what you needed to hear—because, in his own way, Bakugo always strives to give his best. Even when it's messy, even when he's not sure of the outcome, he gives everything he has.
And that, you realise, is all that matters.
As the kitchen falls silent, the only sound being the faint sounds of cooking, you stay close to him, basking in the warmth of his presence. You know that, no matter how the morning turns out, this moment – this quiet, imperfect moment – is one you'll remember forever.
Bakugo finally steps back from the stove, satisfied with the meal he has made. The meal, imperfect as it is, is warm and shows that this was made by someone who loves you. He looks at you, his golden eyes glinting with something softer now, something deeper.
"Sit," he orders, pointing to the small table in the corner. "You're going to eat, and then we'll get to celebrating."
You smile, stepping forward to kiss his cheek once more, and this time, he doesn't pull away. He leans into it, letting his guard down just for you.
"Thank you, Bakugo," you whisper, and in his gaze, you see everything you need to know. He doesn't need to say it – he already has.
Bakugo stands still for a moment, his gaze fixed on you. Despite his usual fiery energy, his eyes show a softness you haven't seen before. The kitchen feels different now, warmer, as if the air between you both has thickened with something deeper, something unspoken but understood. There's a subtle change in his presence, a shift you recognise, a sign of care and of something more than the chaos of the morning.
The breakfast he's prepared, despite the slight disarray, is the perfect thing you could ever ask for. It's not about perfection or gourmet skills; it's about the effort and thoughtfulness he put into it, even when it wasn't required. It's his way of showing you that on your birthday, you're his top priority. You can see it in his eyes: the way he holds your gaze, the way he doesn't let go.
You sit at the table, still feeling the warmth of his hand on yours as he watches you take a seat. There's a brief moment of silence, but it carries more weight than any words could. The room is filled with the smell of food, but it's no longer just the food itself that fills your senses—it's him. It's the way he's standing in the kitchen, so focused on you, even in the middle of his own frustration. It's his presence beside you, and every action he takes is for your comfort and happiness.
Bakugo doesn't just sit there; he pauses for a moment, standing beside the stove with his hands resting on the counter, as if taking one final check to ensure everything is perfect. The movement is instinctual; the way he double-checks everything is as if he is ensuring the world is aligned in the way he wants it. Yet there is no urgency in his steps. He's content now, despite the earlier chaos.
"You're lucky I even bothered with this," he mutters, but there's no irritation in his voice. Instead, there's a playful edge to his voice, a sign that the tension has lifted. His lips curl upward at the corners, a small smirk forming that only deepens the affection in your chest.
You take a deep breath, inhaling the scent of whatever he's managed to make, and smile at him. "I'm lucky you did," you reply, your voice soft but firm, your words warm and genuine.
Bakugo's sigh, quiet and exasperated, speaks volumes. He moves towards the table, pulling out a chair and sitting down across from you. For a moment, you and Bakugo share a silence, existing in each other's presence. It's a comfortable silence, the kind that speaks of a deep connection, the kind that needs no explanation. The sounds of the city outside are muffled by the walls, and here, in this small kitchen, there's just the two of you, wrapped in the intimacy of the moment.
Bakugo's golden eyes flicker toward you, a question in them. "You sure it's okay?" His voice is quieter now, almost unsure, as if he's waiting for you to confirm that, despite the chaos of the morning, you're truly happy with how things turned out.
You nod, your smile unwavering. "It's perfect," you say, more confident now. "I'm happy because you made it for me."
The words hang in the air between you both, a reaffirmation of everything that has passed, of everything that's unsaid. In that moment, Bakugo lets go of his last remnants of doubt. His shoulders drop slightly, and for a brief second, he looks like he can finally breathe, as if everything is right, as if the weight of the world has lightened just a little because you're here, together.
He serves the food, his hands steady as he places the dish in front of you. Despite the mess, his actions are meticulous and gentle, conveying volumes. You watch him, the way his brows furrow in concentration, the way he takes his time with each movement as if making sure it's just right. You see a different side to him, the quiet side, the one that doesn't need to shout to be heard, the one that lets his actions speak louder than any words could.
As he finishes, he slides the plate in front of you and gives you a nod, his lips curling into that familiar, cocky smirk of his. "Better be good," he says, though there's no real threat in his words. Bakugo's way of masking his tenderness with humour, of covering up the vulnerability that he'd never fully admit to.
You look down at the food, then back up at him. Your eyes are full of affection. "It smells amazing," you say, and you mean it. The combination of his effort and the love he's put into this morning fills your heart in ways that no grand gesture could. The food itself is almost secondary; it's the thought, the care, that makes it so special.
You take a bite, savouring the flavours and the richness of the meal that's filled with his effort and affection. As you do, you notice the subtle change in his expression—his posture relaxes, his gaze softens when you give him that approving smile. Bakugo doesn't seek approval, but your gaze and smile give him peace. He doesn't need to be perfect; he just needs to be himself. With you, that's more than enough.
"I'm glad you like it," he says, his voice quieter now, but there's a gentleness in it that catches you off guard. For a moment, it's almost as if he's unsure if he did right by you, if this simple act of cooking for you was enough. But the sincerity in his eyes says otherwise. He's proud, but more than that, he's relieved to see you happy.
You lean forward, your eyes never leaving his as you reach across the table and touch his hand. The warmth of his skin under your fingers is grounding, and you feel a rush of affection for him so overwhelming that it almost makes you forget to breathe. "It's more than enough, Bakugo," you whisper, your voice full of gratitude. "It's perfect because it's from you."
And in that moment, you see it—a flicker of something soft in his eyes, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips, the same smile he only shows you when no one else is around. It's fleeting, but undeniable. He doesn't say anything; he doesn't need to. The silence that follows is enough; both of you sit there, your hands intertwined, letting the world outside drift away.
It's just the two of you, this moment, and the quiet love that fills the space between.
#my hero acedamia#my hero#bakugo#bakugou katsuki#mha bakugou#bakugou x reader#fanfic#fic#x reader#gender neutral reader
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Once the cake is made... we can eat it
( genshin ) boyfriend xiao x birthday reader ... fluff ...
a gift for @lynnielle , happy birthday !!
trigger warnings:
The early morning sun breaks through the soft curtains, casting a golden glow on the world outside. The air is crisp, the quiet hum of the earth's stillness before the rush of the day. The scent of dawn is fresh—dew-kissed grass, the hint of pine trees, and something deeper, something more familiar. It's your birthday and the start of another year, but everything feels like it's unfolding in this moment, here, in the warmth of Xiao's arms.
You are tangled in his embrace, the closeness suffocating, but you don't want to escape. His scent, faintly sweet and earthy, envelops you, grounding you as the world outside falls silent. The sheets are a mess, but you don't care. Xiao's body is an anchor, his warmth seeping into your skin like a promise. His breath is soft against your neck, slow and steady, like the rhythm of a heart that beats just for you.
His arms are strong but gentle, a fortress built just for you. They hold you without constraint, without expectation, yet you feel safe, cherished, as if you are the most important thing in the world in this small, quiet cocoon. His fingers intertwine with yours, and every movement of his hands is deliberate and careful, as if he's afraid of breaking something precious. His thumb rubs small circles on the back of your hand, an unconscious gesture of affection.
Your heartbeat matches the slow, soothing rhythm of his own as you lay there in the stillness. You are wrapped in the tender intimacy of morning. This moment is suspended in time. This is a memory that will never fade. The sun stretches further into the room, warming your skin, and you feel the weight of the moment—the simplicity of it all, of love, of being held. There is no rush or need for words, just the unspoken connection between you both, stronger than anything either of you could ever put into language.
Xiao's chin rests against your shoulder and his breath is warm and steady, sending small shivers down your spine. His chest rises and falls beneath you, and you can feel the pulse of his life against yours. He doesn't speak, but the silence between you is full of meaning, of understanding. His presence is a quiet song, a melody you know by heart, and it fills the spaces where words could never go.
The morning light catches the strands of his hair, dark and soft, falling just so against his forehead. You can see the faintest hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips, the kind of smile he reserves just for you, for these moments when the world outside doesn't matter. You move closer to him, your body fitting into his like the final piece of a puzzle.
You feel his fingers as they trace a path down your spine, deliberate and delicate. His touch is deliberate, savouring every inch of contact, every second that you're in his arms. He doesn't want this moment to end. He wants time to stop just for you two. The way he holds you, the way he breathes with you, it's a secret only you two share. In that moment, nothing else matters.
His voice is barely a whisper when he speaks, muffled against your skin. "Happy birthday." It's simple, but the way he says it makes your heart flutter, the weight of his words falling like a soft rain. The world outside fades away; no extravagant gestures are needed. This moment is all you need: a quiet morning, a shared heartbeat, a love so deep it doesn't need to be spoken aloud.
You smile, shy, in the warmth of his arms. "Thank you," you whisper, and Xiao's fingers curl around yours a little tighter, as if saying, "You are everything to me."
You want to stay like this forever—entangled, wrapped in this softness, where nothing else matters. Xiao's presence fills you like the first breath of fresh air after a storm, like the feeling of finding home after a long journey. His love is a constant force, a beacon of reliability, and in these early morning hours, you grasp the true meaning of being truly loved.
The sunlight deepens, bathing you both in a soft, golden glow. Xiao shifts slightly, his hand brushing the small of your back, and you feel a surge of affection so overwhelming it makes your chest ache. He's always been gentle, but in the most profound way possible. His love envelops you like a soft blanket, making you feel like the most important person in the world, even in these small, simple moments.
His breath slows, and you can feel him drift closer to sleep, his hold on you tightening just a little more. You don't mind. You could stay here forever, wrapped in his arms, in the stillness of the morning, in the quiet comfort of being loved by him. The world can wait, the clock can tick on, but for now, you are his, and he is yours, and that's all you need.
The sound of birds chirping in the distance breaks the silence, a soft reminder that the day is beginning. Yet here, in the embrace of Xiao, time itself seems to stand still. Everything you need is right here. The world outside can wait. You are with Xiao, and you will be with him for another year.
You sigh contentedly as Xiao's hand cradles the back of your head, his fingers threading through your hair. It's a small gesture, but it feels like everything. He's here, with you, in this quiet morning light, and nothing else matters. His love is enough.
You settle further into him, closing your eyes for just a moment, allowing yourself to sink into the peace of the moment. This—this is everything. His presence, his touch, his warmth—this is where you belong. Wrapped in his arms, tangled in the comfort of his love, you know you're in the safest, most secure place imaginable.
You could spend a lifetime like this, waking up each morning in his arms, feeling his heartbeat next to yours. Time may pass, the world may change, but in this moment, you know one thing for sure: you are loved. And that is all that matters.
The stillness of the morning lingers, and you lose yourself in the quiet, content in the warmth of Xiao's embrace. The gentle rise and fall of his chest beneath your cheek is a rhythmic comfort, the sound of his breath like a soft lullaby that soothes every part of you. The world outside is beginning to stir, but here, in his arms, time feels suspended, as though the universe itself has paused just for the two of you.
After a while, you notice a subtle shift in the air. Xiao stirs, just slightly, his body moving against yours in the most tender of ways. There is no rush or urgency, only the slow, graceful unfolding of a shared moment. His arms tighten around you, reassuring you of his steadfast presence even as he wakes.
You feel his lips against your neck. Soft and fleeting at first, like a whisper against your skin. The warmth of his breath lingers, sending a shiver of affection through you. His kiss is gentle, a quiet expression of love that speaks volumes without a single word. It's the kind of kiss that feels as if he's trying to imprint his love on your skin, as though every soft touch of his lips carries with it the weight of his devotion.
Xiao's lips linger there, the lightest of touches that sends ripples through your entire being. His presence is an anchor, a constant source of peace. As his lips brush against the delicate curve of your neck again, the world outside fades, leaving only the two of you in this intimate, timeless moment. His kiss is both grounding and heady, a delicate balance of affection and tenderness.
His arms shift, drawing you closer. He can't bear the thought of being apart. Your bodies meld together seamlessly, the space between you diminishing until there's nothing left but the feeling of skin on skin, the soft press of his body against yours. His warmth envelops you, and in that moment, it feels like the world could be falling apart, but as long as you're with him, it doesn't matter. You are safe. You are loved.
Xiao's breath is warm against your skin, a steady, comforting rhythm. His lips move against your neck again, with more intention and tenderness. This kiss speaks volumes, confirming in the most profound way that you are his and he is yours. The softness of his touch and the quiet care with which he kisses you fill you with a warmth that stretches from the tips of your toes to the crown of your head.
His hand cradles the back of your head, his fingers gently tangling in your hair, sending shivers down your spine. He doesn't pull away; he doesn't rush to break the spell. Instead, he holds you in place, his touch a silent request for you to stay in this moment with him, to stay in the quiet intimacy of shared breath and shared hearts.
The kiss deepens, and you feel the change in him. It's not hunger or need, but something more: an overwhelming tenderness, a desire to show you just how deeply he cares. His lips move with a rhythm all their own, a slow dance against your skin that has you melting into him, every inch of your body attuned to his. Everything else fades, leaving only the sensation of his lips, the warmth of his body, and the quiet hum of his heartbeat against yours.
Xiao's touch is delicate, like the morning light that filters through the windows, casting soft shadows on your skin. His fingers trace the lines of your neck, gently, reverently, as if mapping the landscape of your body in a language only he understands. His kisses are punctuated with the faintest sighs, breaths that escape him like the softest whispers, as if he can't help but let the depth of his feelings spill out in the most tender of ways.
You close your eyes and surrender to the moment. His lips move from your neck, upward to your jawline, trailing soft, delicate kisses as he moves. Every touch is a quiet promise, every movement an expression of the care he feels for you. His presence is solid and unwavering, a reminder that, no matter what the world outside may bring, this moment and this love are something sacred and unshakable.
His arms shift, pulling you closer, his body wrapping around yours in a cocoon of warmth. You feel the steady, strong beat of his heart against yours, as if in perfect sync. There is no space between you, no separation, just the shared, intimate connection of two souls, bound by love and tenderness. His kiss on your jawline lingers, then he sighs and rests his forehead against yours.
"Stay with me," he whispers, the words soft and filled with the kind of longing that makes your heart ache. His voice is low and full of affection, and you can hear the vulnerability in it, the rawness of someone who wants nothing more than to remain in this perfect moment with you, suspended in time.
You meet his gaze directly. In that look, you see everything: every promise, every unspoken word, every quiet devotion that Xiao has ever shown you. His eyes are warm, dark pools that hold you steady, and in that moment, you know you're his world, just as he is yours. The connection between you both is obvious, a bond that feels as natural and essential as breathing.
Xiao smiles, the kind of smile that reaches his eyes and softens them even more. The world outside is still asleep, but here, in this quiet morning cocoon, nothing else matters. You. Him. This moment.
You lean in, closing the small distance between you, and kiss him softly on the lips. It's a thank you, a statement of everything you feel, too intense to articulate. His hand cups your face, brushing your cheekbone with his thumb as his lips meet yours with the same tenderness and care as before.
Xiao pulls you closer, his embrace tightening just enough to make you feel cherished, wanted, loved. His kiss lingers, slow and sweet, as if he never wants to leave this perfect moment. You feel the weight of his love in each touch, each gentle caress. His kiss is a promise that he will always hold you, cherish you, and be there for you.
As the world begins to wake and the sun rises higher in the sky, you know that this moment—this perfect moment of quiet love and shared warmth—will remain with you forever. Wrapped in his arms, kissed by his tenderness, loved beyond measure, you realise that no matter what the future holds, you will always have this. You will always have him.
For a moment, you both remain still, content in the quiet morning. Xiao's breath is slow and steady, his chest rising and falling in a peaceful rhythm, as though neither of you wants to let go of the comfort of the bed just yet. The world outside feels far away and unimportant in this space where time has stood still. The air is cool, touched by the faintest hint of dew, but in his arms, you feel nothing but warmth.
The silence between you is easy, the kind that doesn't need to be filled with words. His fingers trace the contours of your skin, slowly and tenderly, sending shivers down your spine. Every touch is deliberate and gentle, as though he's memorizing the feel of you, the softness of your body, the way you fit against him. The intimacy of the moment is enough, more than enough. For a brief second, you think about staying like this forever, held in his arms, surrounded by nothing but love and the quiet hum of the world outside.
But as the morning progresses, there's a subtle shift. Xiao shifts slightly, pulling away ever so gently, and for a moment, there's a brief ache of loss as the distance between you widens. But he doesn't let go completely. His hand remains on your waist, fingers curling slightly against your skin, as though unwilling to leave the warmth of your closeness. His gaze falls on you, soft and affectionate, his eyes still heavy with sleep, yet full of a quiet longing.
"Come on," he murmurs, his voice low and gentle, a touch of warmth in the words. "Let's get up."
It's not an order, not a demand, but a shared understanding, an invitation to begin the day together. His words pull you from the embrace of slumber, from the dreamlike fog that had clouded your mind, and you slowly begin to come back to the world outside the bed, to the light that is now fully streaming in through the windows.
You stretch, aware of the pull of your muscles, the warmth of the sheets sliding off your body as you shift beneath them. Xiao's hand trails down your side as you move, the contact brief but warm, a soft reminder of his presence. His fingers brush the curve of your hip before he pulls back, just enough to let you move freely, though his gaze never leaves you. His eyes follow your every motion, filled with admiration and something deeper, something unspoken.
You sit up slowly, the cool air caressing your skin as you move out of the warm cocoon you've both created. You can feel the weight of the blankets falling away, the soft rustle of fabric as they slip down, revealing the coolness of the room against your skin. The contrast of the cool air against the warmth left behind by the bed is a sharp but comforting sensation, grounding you in the present.
Xiao watches you, his gaze soft and tender, as though he's savouring every moment. He shifts beside you, propping himself up on his elbow, his chest bare in the soft light, the muscles of his arm flexing as he watches you. The room feels quieter, as if the world is waiting for you two to begin moving, to begin taking your place in it again.
You feel his fingers gently brush your arm as you swing your legs off the side of the bed, the touch light but full of affection. His hand moves to your back, a steady, grounding presence as you rise to your feet, as though he's offering his support, his presence in every motion. You pause for a moment, feeling the slight dizziness of sleep lifting from your mind, the softness of the bed still clinging to your body, but you take a steadying breath and stand, finally letting go of the bed's embrace.
Xiao follows your movement, sitting up fully and shifting his body beside you. The room feels more real now, the sunlight streaming in brighter, the edges of the world sharpening as you both move into it. Xiao doesn't rush, though. He takes his time, just as he did with every part of the morning, his movements slow and deliberate as he swings his legs off the side of the bed.
You turn to him, your eyes meeting his in the quiet space between you. His gaze is warm and filled with affection, tenderness, love. You know that no matter how much time passes, these moments, these quiet mornings spent wrapped in each other's arms, will be the ones you treasure most.
He stands, the cool floor beneath his feet, but his warmth still lingers in the air between you both. He doesn't step away right away, though. He takes a step towards you, his hand outstretched, brushing your shoulder as he moves past you. His touch is light and soft, but it feels like an anchor in the new space between you, a connection that pulls you back together even as you both begin to separate from the bed.
You catch his gaze and everything slows for a brief moment. It's as if you're suspended in time, just the two of you, moving slowly into the day, savoring each fleeting moment of connection. The morning unfolds around you, but you remain in that shared space, between the stillness of sleep and the full brightness of the day.
Xiao strides purposefully towards the window. His movements are fluid and effortless, barely making a sound as he moves. He pulls back the curtains, letting the morning's bright light flood the room. The world outside is awake now, the sounds of birds chirping, the distant hum of life beginning to stir. Yet here, in this room, with Xiao by your side, the day still feels far away. The morning still has more to give, and time is unfolding slowly, as if it doesn't want to rush.
You stand there, taking him in. The sunlight catches his hair, the soft lines of his body, the quiet strength with which he moves through the world. He turns back to you, his eyes soft, and his lips curl into a small, private smile. It's a smile that speaks of home, of love, of all that you have ever needed, all in one glance.
You and he move slowly, stepping into the world outside the cocoon of the bed. The quiet intimacy of the morning remains, even as the world begins to wake up around you. The day is waiting, but for now, it doesn't matter. All that matters is that you are together.
The soft rustling of your movements fills the room as you both step out of the quiet cocoon of the bedroom. The air feels cooler now, the warmth of the bed slowly slipping away, but Xiao's presence beside you is a steady warmth that you carry with you. His hand briefly touches yours as you walk down the hallway, a quiet gesture that speaks volumes. The world outside your home reasserts itself – distant sounds of life, the soft hum of the morning. But inside this home, everything feels suspended in a timeless calm.
The kitchen door opens with a creak, a familiar sound, and Xiao enters the room with the same quiet confidence he carries everywhere. You linger in the doorway, watching him move, the way his presence fills the space, how everything seems to shift into place when he enters. His movements are fluid, a kind of grace that comes effortlessly, as though he's done this a thousand times before, and yet, each time feels just as intimate, just as meaningful.
Xiao goes to the counter, his fingers brushing against the surface almost reverently, as if the space itself is part of the morning ritual he has begun. He opens the cupboard, retrieves the bread, and you watch as he works, his motions measured and calm. His movements are measured and calm, and there's a clear poetry to it. It's as if he's done this for you a thousand mornings, each one marked by this quiet gesture of care. His movements are deliberate and slow, and you can feel the love in every slice of bread and every careful pour of milk, a constant reminder of his devotion to you.
Xiao starts whisking the eggs, moving smoothly and fluidly, creating a rhythm that is like a song. The kitchen fills with the soft sound of his actions: the faint scrape of the whisk against the bowl, the quiet clink of utensils. His work is intimate, as though he is having a silent conversation with you. You don't need words here—this quiet moment in the kitchen speaks volumes. He is making your breakfast as if it is the most natural thing in the world to care for you in this way, to offer you this small, tender act of love.
You step closer, unable to resist the pull of him, the quiet connection between you two that never seems to waver. He looks over at you, his eyes soft and full of something—affection, maybe, or perhaps the quiet joy that comes with these simple moments shared together. His gaze is warm and tender, and he smiles at you, his eyes shining in the morning light.
You watch as he dips the bread into the egg mixture, the bread soaking up the rich golden hue of the eggs. His movements are deliberate and precise, each slice of bread prepared with meticulous care. The sizzle of the pan joins in, a gentle sound that mixes with the warmth of the kitchen. Xiao flips the bread, the golden crust beginning to form, and you smile at the sight. This simple act of Xiao cooking for you feels like an offering, a way to show his love in the quietest, most meaningful way.
The delicious scent of the cooking bread and the warm, comforting aroma of French toast fill the kitchen. The smell is inviting, rich with cinnamon and vanilla, and it pulls you in, drawing you closer to him. Xiao doesn't hurry, though; he never does. He moves at his own pace, letting the moment unfold without rushing. Every flick of his wrist, every turn of the spatula, is done with a kind of careful, deliberate attention, as if the very act of preparing this meal is a way for him to show you how much he cares.
You step closer, standing just behind him, and his presence is palpable. His body warmth and musky, faintly sweet scent fills your senses, grounding you. Xiao doesn't turn around, but you can feel his awareness of you, feel the quiet affection he holds for you in the space between you both. The kitchen feels smaller now, more intimate, filled with the simple joy of sharing a morning together.
He finishes cooking the last slice of French toast, turning it with a soft flick of his wrist. You hear the crunch of the golden crust as he turns it, and a smile tugs at the corner of your lips. Xiao moves with grace and purpose, a model of how to live life with quiet care for the things that matter most. Right now, this morning, this kitchen, this shared moment between the two of you is what matters most.
As he finishes cooking, Xiao grabs the plate and puts the warm French toast on it, the soft steam rising from the golden-brown slices. He turns toward you, offering the plate with the same gentle smile that speaks volumes without saying a word. His eyes meet yours, and in that look, you see everything: the affection, the tenderness, the quiet devotion that marks every moment you share.
The French toast is perfect: golden and crisp on the outside, soft and warm on the inside. The sweet scent fills the air, and as you take the plate from him, you feel the weight of his care in the simple gesture. It's not just the food—it's the way he made it, the way he prepared it just for you, the way he took the time to do something small but meaningful. His love is in the details, in the quiet ways he shows you he cares.
Take a bite, and the sweetness of the cinnamon and vanilla mixes with the soft, warm bread. The taste is comforting, like the embrace of his arms, like the warmth of the morning sun. It's simple, but it's everything. Xiao cares for you in a way that makes these small moments feel significant, filling your heart with quiet joy.
As you take your first bite, Xiao stands beside you, his gaze soft and his presence a quiet but constant anchor. His fingers lightly touch your hand as you hold the plate, and you glance up to find his eyes full of warmth and affection. "Enjoy," he murmurs, his voice low and tender, and you can hear the unspoken promise in his words—the promise of more mornings like this, more moments shared in the quiet intimacy of your life together.
You smile, unable to stop the warmth spreading through you. "Thank you," you reply, your voice firm. It's not just for the French toast—it's for everything. For him. For the way he loves you. These simple mornings mean the world.
The morning unfolds steadily. The outside world recedes as you both establish a comfortable rhythm in the quiet of the day. The kitchen, once filled with the warmth of French toast and the scent of cinnamon, is now a distant memory as you make your way back to the living room. The soft hum of the world outside continues, but inside, you and Xiao are a world unto yourselves, cocooned in a peaceful sanctuary where time moves at its own pace.
You and Xiao settle onto the couch, the cushions soft and familiar beneath you. The room is bathed in the gentle light of the morning sun, the golden rays slipping through the curtains and casting a warm glow on the space. It is the perfect lazy day: nothing matters but the present moment and the quiet comfort of each other's presence. The world outside may be bustling, but here, inside, it's just the two of you, wrapped in this peaceful, shared stillness.
Xiao is beside you, his presence warm and constant, and you settle into the couch with a soft sigh of contentment. He doesn't hesitate; his arm slips around your shoulders, pulling you in close as he leans against you. The comfort of his touch is immediate, the steady beat of his heart against yours, the way his warmth envelopes you completely. His body is solid, steady, grounding you in the moment, and you lean into him without hesitation, feeling the safety and peace of being held by him.
You reach for the remote control, your fingers brushing his as you take hold of it. Xiao's gaze is fixed on you, his eyes soft and affectionate, and you can't help but smile. His touch, his presence—they ground you, they steady you, they make it feel as if the world outside has faded away, leaving only the two of you in this small, intimate moment. You scroll through the movies, looking for something that fits the mood of the day. You want something light, something that will allow you both to sink further into this shared space.
Xiao doesn't say anything, content to simply be with you. His fingers play gently with the fabric of your clothing, his touch light and soothing, savouring the quietness of your company. The movie is irrelevant; it's the presence of Xiao that matters. His warmth and presence fill the room. The film is almost secondary to the act of being together, of existing in this space without the need for words, simply enjoying each other's company in the most simple, unspoken way.
You settle on something—a light-hearted movie that will fill the space with laughter and comfort—and press play. The screen flickers to life, the sounds of the movie spilling into the room, but it's more of a backdrop to the real comfort you're experiencing: Xiao's arm is around you, his breath steady and warm against the top of your head, the way he shifts ever so slightly to keep you close, to ensure that no part of you is far from him.
As the movie plays on, you can feel Xiao's body relax against yours. His presence is a constant weight, grounding you. You sink further into the couch, your head resting against his chest, and you let the movie become a background hum to the quiet intimacy between you. His body is warm and weightless, his hand on your side, fingers tracing circles on your skin. This is a loving gesture that makes your heart flutter.
You hear the faint sound of his steady, slow breath, the soft rhythm of it in time with the movie. His hand moves slightly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, the touch gentle and filled with affection. It is in the little things that you feel the depth of his love: the soft brushes of his fingers, the warmth of his body against yours. His love is not loud or dramatic; it is woven into the smallest actions and moments where nothing needs to be said, and yet everything is understood.
Xiao shifts slightly, pulling you closer, and you let him. His body is warm, his presence steady, and together you feel a sense of peace. His arm tightens slightly, holding you securely, and you lean further into him, feeling the softness of his embrace. It's effortless, natural, as though you've always belonged here, nestled against him, the world outside nothing more than a faint, distant noise.
As the movie plays on, you watch less intently than you might otherwise. Instead, you're lost in the quiet joy of being close to Xiao, of having him here, of knowing that no matter what the day may bring, this moment—this quiet, shared moment of intimacy—is all that matters. His fingers continue to trace gentle circles against your skin, each touch a quiet reaffirmation of his love and a reminder of how deeply he cares.
Xiao's chin rests on your head, his breath soft and warm against your hair, and you feel a faint sigh of contentment from him. His body is a perfect contrast to yours – strong, steady, warm – and in his arms, you feel the weight of the world slip away. The quiet rhythm of his breathing, the soft movement of his hand: all of it works in perfect harmony to make you feel safe, cherished, loved.
The movie pales in comparison. You don't care about the plot, the characters or the humour. It's the way Xiao holds you, the way his presence fills every corner of the room, that makes this moment perfect. The world outside, with its noise and bustle, feels far away. Here, in this cocoon of warmth and affection, everything slows down, becomes simpler, more meaningful.
You shift slightly, adjusting so that you're even more comfortably nestled against him, your fingers brushing his hand as you settle further into his embrace. Xiao's gaze lingers on the screen for a moment longer, but it's clear that he, too, is more focused on the feeling of being close to you than on the movie itself. His hand moves to your shoulder, gently rubbing it in soothing circles, a touch of care that melts you completely.
For a while, you both remain silent. The movie continues to play in the background, but the only sounds that truly matter are the soft, rhythmic pulse of his heart, the warmth of his skin against yours, and the quiet comfort of knowing that, in this moment, nothing else matters. The rest of the world fades away. You are here, together, and that is all that matters.
As time passes, you both become more relaxed, more at peace. Xiao's breathing deepens, slow and steady, and you know he's just as content as you are. The movie reaches a quiet moment, and you find yourself losing track of time, caught in the stillness of the space between you both, the soft flicker of the screen casting gentle shadows on the walls, the world outside just a distant echo.
You close your eyes and surrender to the embrace. There is no rush, no need to move, to do anything other than be here with him. Xiao shifts slightly, adjusting to hold you even closer, and in that simple movement, you feel your heart swell. His love is in the quiet moments, in the small gestures, in the space between each soft breath, and in the way he holds you, as though nothing in the world could be more important than this.
The movie ends, but neither of you moves. The credits roll, the soft music filling the air, but you stay nestled in his arms, letting the warmth and peace of the moment linger. In this shared silence, there's nothing left to say, nothing left to do—only the quiet comfort of being together.
The movie fades to black, leaving only the soft hum of the house. You both stretch, the quiet, comfortable silence settling over the room as the weight of the morning's serenity lingers. The sun filters through the windows, casting warm, golden light on the space, bathing it in a peaceful glow. The air feels still and calm, as if the world outside has been momentarily forgotten in the quiet of this shared moment.
Xiao is the first to act, his hands steady as he reaches to turn off the TV. You watch him, noting the purpose in his movements and the ease with which he moves from one action to the next. Watching him is reassuring; his quiet confidence is evident in everything he does, even something as simple as turning off the television. He looks back at you, his expression soft, and for a moment, the world seems to pause—just you and him, together.
"Ready for cake?" Xiao asks, his voice low and warm, his gaze already shifting toward the kitchen. You smile, your heart fluttering at the thought of him baking for you, making your birthday cake with such care. There's something undeniably romantic in the way he puts his love into action, even in the simplest of tasks, like whisking flour or frosting a cake. It's not just the cake, it's the gesture, the care, the thoughtfulness. It makes your heart swell.
You follow him into the kitchen, your steps light as you cross the room. You slip up onto the counter with ease and watch him intently. Xiao moves with purpose, opening cabinets and gathering ingredients with his usual quiet grace. His movements are rhythmic and methodical, as if he has done this a thousand times before. He has, for your birthdays, for these quiet mornings spent together. His hands are steady and confident, and there's an undeniable allure to the way he handles the ingredients, the way his focus sharpens as he begins to work.
You settle into your spot on the counter, your legs dangling slightly over the edge, and you can't help but smile as you watch him work. The kitchen feels like his domain, every corner of it familiar and welcoming, as though it's a space where he can freely express his love through the simplest of actions. You notice the way he measures the flour, the gentle way he stirs, the focused intent on his face as he works. You are drawn to his steadiness, his groundedness, and the quiet affection that fills the room.
Your gaze meets his, and you see the soft affection in his gaze, the tenderness in the way he looks at you. It's a silent conversation, an understanding between the two of you that needs no words. His focus on the cake is not a lack of awareness of you, but rather a deliberate choice. He is aware of every detail, from the way you watch him to the way your legs swing slightly in impatience, waiting for his attention. And when you shift just a little, just enough for him to notice, he looks up from his task and meets your gaze with a small, affectionate smile.
You know you can't help but ask, your voice teasing, "A kiss, maybe?" Your words are soft, your request gentle, and Xiao doesn't hesitate. Without missing a beat, he strides over to where you sit on the counter, his steps confident and determined. His presence fills the space as he stands in front of you, close enough for you to feel the warmth radiating from him, close enough to see the quiet affection in his eyes.
With a soft laugh, he leans down and his lips brush yours, satisfying the quiet longing between you both. The kiss is brief, but it lingers in the air, a quiet promise wrapped in the simplest of gestures. Xiao pulls away slightly, his lips curling into a soft smile as he looks at you. "Better?" he asks, his voice amused, but there's more to it, a depth of tenderness, a clear passion for these moments, these intimate gestures.
You nod, a smile playing on your lips, and sit back, content to watch him work once more. The sound of the mixer starts up, the hum of it filling the kitchen as Xiao moves through the steps with practiced ease. It's a quiet sort of magic, the way he makes this moment feel special, the way his every movement seems to hold meaning, even when he's just baking your birthday cake.
You reach out to steal another kiss, just a soft peck, a fleeting moment that feels like the sweetest form of affection. Xiao always obliges, his lips soft against yours, a brief but tender connection that makes your heart flutter each time. His hands move deftly as he pours the cake batter into the pans, his brow furrowing in concentration, yet his gaze remains warm and affectionate, unwavering even in the simplest moments.
The oven hums softly as he places the cake inside, the scent of the batter already filling the kitchen with the promise of something delicious. Xiao steps back, a satisfied look on his face, as if he's just accomplished something monumental, though you know it's just the beginning. There's still frosting to be made, decorations to be arranged, but this moment is all that matters—this quiet, shared space between you both, the warmth of his presence, the love that fills every corner of the room.
You swing your legs gently, your gaze never leaving him as he begins to gather the ingredients for the frosting. This moment is simple, but it feels like everything. Xiao takes care of you. He makes sure every detail is perfect, even the cake. He never hesitates to show you how much you mean to him. It is in these moments of tenderness that you feel the weight of his love.
You take a deep breath, the scent of the cake mingling with the warmth of the kitchen, and you smile. "I'm so lucky to have you," you whisper, the words quiet but full of meaning. Xiao pauses, his hands still, looking at you, his eyes softening. The room feels even quieter now, as if the world itself is holding its breath for his response.
His lips curl into a small, genuine smile, the kind that lights up his eyes. "I'm the lucky one," he says confidently, his voice low and warm. "Happy birthday." The words are simple, but they carry everything you need to hear: affection, love and the quiet joy of knowing that this moment, this simple, beautiful moment, is all you need to feel loved.
As he returns to his task, preparing the frosting with a focused determination, you feel it again: how lucky you are, how deeply Xiao loves you, and how every moment spent with him, even in the simplest of tasks, feels like a gift.
Xiao moves confidently around the kitchen, his presence instantly soothing the space with a quiet rhythm to his every action. The smell of the cake baking in the oven fills the air—a sweet, comforting scent that promises indulgence and care. The warmth of the kitchen mirrors the warmth in your chest as your gaze never strays from him. He moves with the grace and precision of someone who knows exactly what they're doing. Watching him focus is captivating: his brow furrows slightly as he sifts the powdered sugar for the frosting, his hands moving with practiced ease to gather the necessary ingredients.
You remain perched on the counter, your legs swinging lightly, your eyes tracing the lines of his movements. You can't help but smile. Xiao is always careful and deliberate in everything he does, and even in this small moment, as he prepares the frosting, you can see his love and care woven into every action and movement. The way he pours the cream into the bowl, how he gently stirs, making sure the consistency is just right, is a clear sign that he knows what he's doing. His thoughtfulness is in the details.
Your gaze meets his every so often, and when it does, there's a shared warmth, an unspoken connection. Xiao doesn't need to speak; his eyes say everything. Every glance is a quiet affirmation of his love for you and a reassurance that he is exactly where he wants to be. When you make a soft, playful noise, asking for another kiss, he doesn't hesitate. His response is immediate, his lips curving into that soft, affectionate smile that always makes your heart skip a beat.
Without stopping, he moves closer to you. His hand cradles your face, his thumb touching your cheek in a soft, affectionate gesture. He presses his lips to yours, soft and lingering, just enough to make your pulse quicken, just enough to leave you with that quiet feeling of warmth spreading through you. When he pulls away, his gaze remains fixed on yours, his smile still present, though his eyes now hold a certain tenderness that makes your heart swell.
"Better?" he asks, his voice teasing but filled with an underlying sweetness, as though this simple act is a gift, something he's more than happy to give. You nod, a smile pulling at your lips, and return the gaze with an affectionate glint in your eyes. You don't need words to tell him that you feel cherished, loved in the most unspoken of ways.
Xiao returns to his task with the same focus, yet you can feel how his every action is coloured by his affection for you. He's not just baking; he's creating something special, something just for you, a gift wrapped in flour, sugar, and love. The sound of the mixer fills the space again, the whirring of it mixing the frosting, and you can't help but feel a sense of joy in this moment. This is about more than just the cake; it's about him and the way he makes your birthday feel extraordinary, the way he makes the ordinary feel magical.
Breathe in the scent of the frosting and the cake. Your eyes never leave him as he stirs, watching his hands work with careful precision. It's a simple moment, easily overlooked, but you see the beauty in it, in his movements, his care, his love for you, expressed without a word.
As he finishes mixing the frosting, Xiao turns to you, his hands lightly wiping the flour from his fingers as he meets your gaze. His eyes soften, and you can see the affection there, the way he takes a moment to simply look at you, as though savoring this moment, too.
"Almost there," he says, his voice low and steady. He carefully removes the cake from the oven, the smell of freshly baked layers filling the space. You feel your heart flutter as you watch him, seeing how much care he's putting into this, how much love he's giving through something as simple as a cake.
You slide off the counter, stepping closer, the excitement of seeing the cake finally coming together making you feel lighter, like a child eagerly awaiting a present. This gift isn't wrapped in paper or ribbons. It's wrapped in his quiet care and attention to detail. You know this cake will be perfect because it was made with so much love.
Xiao's focus as he carefully levels the cake layers is unwavering, and you feel a surge of affection for him. It's not just that he's baking you a cake—it's that he's doing it with such intention, such love. You reach out, brushing a stray lock of hair from his forehead, and when he looks up at you, his smile is soft and affectionate.
"Thank you," you whisper, the words barely escaping your lips, but they carry so much meaning. Xiao pauses for a moment, his eyes fixed on yours, and you can see that he understands exactly what you mean. You're thanking him not just for the cake. You are thanking him for the quiet ways he shows his love, for the moments that might go unnoticed but mean everything to you. He doesn't say anything, but the warmth in the air and the unspoken affection between you both speak volumes.
As he assembles the layers of the cake, you find yourself drawn back to your spot on the counter, watching him intently. There's something undeniably endearing about the way he works, the way he moves through the process, the way he takes his time to make sure everything is just right. Each movement is deliberate and thoughtful, as if he is infusing every detail with a part of himself, ensuring your birthday is nothing short of perfect.
You know exactly when to ask for another kiss, your voice soft but playful, and this time, Xiao grins. Without a second's hesitation, he steps over to you, his hand cupping your cheek as he leans in, pressing his lips to yours in a slow, lingering kiss that sends a wave of pure pleasure through you. When he pulls away, his lips are still soft, his gaze still locked on yours. There's a quiet joy in the way he looks at you, as though this simple act of affection, this simple kiss, is all he needs to feel connected to you.
You both return to the cake, but the moment lingers in the air. The cake, now fully assembled, sits on the counter, ready for frosting. You know this day – your birthday – is already perfect. It's not because of the cake, but because of the love poured into it, into this moment. As Xiao begins to frost the cake with his usual care, you know this will be a memory that stays with you forever: one filled with warmth, affection and the quiet, steadfast love he gives so freely.
Xiao moves with quiet precision, the soft scrape of the frosting spatula against the cake clearly audible in the calm kitchen. The cake, now fully frosted, stands before you in all its glory—a beautiful creation, each layer perfectly stacked, the frosting smooth and decadent. The edges are clean, the top glistening with a gentle sheen that promises the sweetness within. He takes a step back, satisfied with his work. His gaze lingers on the cake for a moment, savouring this small victory, the culmination of his efforts—your birthday cake, made with love.
You smile, feeling a warm rush of satisfaction as you look at the cake, then back at him. Xiao catches your gaze, a soft smile curling at his lips, and for a moment, neither of you speaks. There's a simple joy in the air, a contentment that lingers between you both. The cake, the room, the day—it's all become a reflection of your quiet bond, the love that fills every moment, even in the most simple of gestures.
Xiao's gaze flickers to the cake one last time, then back to you, his expression soft but with something else in his eyes, suggesting he's not finished yet. "It's ready," he says, his voice low and playful as he looks at you. "But before we eat, I think you deserve something more."
Your brow furrows in curiosity, wondering what he means, and before you can react, he steps away from the counter, his movements smooth and purposeful. He turns toward the other room, his footsteps steady as he makes his way toward the small pile of wrapped gifts that have been tucked away for just this moment. Xiao moves with confidence, every action marked by care, and as he prepares to give you his presents, the air is filled with his thoughtfulness.
You watch him, noting the way his figure is silhouetted against the soft light of the room. He moves with a kind of elegance, his movements deliberate and thoughtful, as though every step he takes is part of something much greater—something that's been carefully planned and put together for you. You feel a surge of anticipation, a soft fluttering in your chest, and your heart tightens with anticipation. You are certain that he is prepared for something.
When Xiao returns, he has something small and neatly wrapped in delicate paper. He looks at you, his expression soft and full of affection, and for a moment, he just stands there, taking in the sight of you. His gaze is tender, as if he's seeing you with the kind of clarity that only comes when the world slows down, when it's just the two of you. "I thought you might like this," he says, stepping closer and holding the gift out to you. It is a small yet meaningful gesture of his affection.
Take the gift from him. Feel the warmth of his touch linger as your fingers brushed against his. There's a certain gravity to this moment, a quiet magic in the way he's looking at you, waiting for you to unwrap it. You take your time, unwrapping the gift with care, relishing the anticipation. When you finally reveal what's inside, it's something simple but thoughtful: a beautiful necklace, delicate and shimmering, with a small pendant shaped like a crescent moon. The craftsmanship is exquisite, and you can feel the love behind the gesture, the thoughtfulness in each carefully chosen detail.
You meet his eyes and, in that quiet, shared gaze, you see it: his love, his care, the way he's made sure every part of this day, this moment, is something special for you. Xiao doesn't say anything at first; his eyes simply search yours, as though asking without words if you like it, if it's right. You can see the quiet vulnerability in his gaze, the small hint of insecurity that always comes with giving a gift. No matter how small or simple, it's the sentiment that matters.
"It's perfect," you whisper, your voice soft but filled with sincerity. You lean forward, pulling him into a gentle embrace, the weight of his presence grounding you, as though this simple moment has turned into something far more significant. Xiao holds you close, his arms wrapping around you with the same warmth and tenderness that fills his every gesture. For a moment, you both stand there, wrapped in each other's embrace, the weight of the world fading away.
As you drive away, Xiao steps back, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. You can see the relief in his eyes: he is relieved that you like it, that his love has been received, that this small piece of him has found its place in your heart. His gaze flickers down to the cake, and then back to you, as if reminding you that there's more to this moment, more to the day than just the gift. "Now," he says, his voice quiet but filled with lighthearted playfulness, "let's eat."
He returns to the cake, the final task of the evening, and you follow him, your steps light with the joy that comes from being seen, being cared for. Xiao slices the cake with precision, the layers soft and inviting, the frosting creamy and smooth. The first slice he hands to you is perfect: the edges clean and the layers clearly visible. He watches you take the first bite, a small smile tugging at his lips.
The taste is exactly what you imagined: sweet, rich, and comforting, with just the right balance of flavors. It tastes of love and effort, of something made just for you. You can feel the warmth of the cake spreading through you, but it's more than that—it's the love that's been poured into each layer, into every part of this day, into every moment you've shared. You savour every bite, and when you look up, Xiao is watching you, his eyes soft and full of quiet affection.
"It's perfect," you whisper, the words full of meaning, and Xiao smiles, his eyes lighting up with the warmth of your praise. He doesn't need any more confirmation; the look on his face tells you everything. He's content, happy to have shared this moment with you, to have created this memory together.
The kitchen fills with the soft clinking of silverware and the gentle hum of contentment. The cake is devoured slowly, each bite shared, each moment filled with the warmth of laughter and quiet affection. Xiao watches you with a soft smile, his eyes reflecting the joy that comes from being in this space with you, from knowing that you are happy, that you are loved. The world outside fades away, leaving only you and Xiao, wrapped in the simplicity of the present.
As the last crumbs are swept away, you sit back, a sigh of contentment escaping your lips. Xiao, ever attentive, leans back against the counter, his gaze soft but knowing, as if he understands that these moments—these small, fleeting moments—are what truly matter. The day has unfolded in a gentle rhythm, each piece falling into place with effortless ease. The cake, the presents, the laughter—everything comes together perfectly, as though this was always meant to be.
The sunlight that pours through the windows shifts, casting a golden glow across the room, and the outside world fades into the background, leaving only the sound of your breaths in sync and the quiet stillness of the space. You feel a deep sense of peace, the kind that only comes from being completely in the moment, surrounded by love.
You look up at Xiao, catching his gaze. In that moment, you see everything: the way his smile reaches his eyes, the quiet affection in his every gesture, the unspoken promise that he will always be there. It's simple, but in the depth of his gaze, you feel the weight of his love. It's steady and constant, like the rhythm of your hearts beating together.
He steps toward you, the warmth of his presence enveloping you once more as he takes your hand. His touch is comforting, a silent reminder that he's here, always, in the small moments, in the spaces between breaths, in the quiet acts of care that fill your life. You smile, knowing the depth of his love.
"Happy birthday," Xiao whispers, his voice meaningful and the words a promise.
As the day progresses, you're content to just be together. The cake has been eaten, the presents have been opened, but what remains is something far more precious: the bond you share, the love that fills every moment. In that love, you find everything you need.
23 notes
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Strawberry cake
rewritten ( zzz ) wise x birthday lighter ... fluff ...
birthday special for lighter.
trigger warnings:
Wise had a thought about Lighter. It was soft, unspoken and persistent. This feeling wasn't new, but it had grown steadily, weaving itself into the quiet moments of his life. Sometimes it was a flicker, faint and fleeting, and other times it loomed large, filling the spaces between his breaths.
It began with Lighter's laughter, a sound so pure and free that it painted colours Wise couldn't name. That laugh was a melody that lingered long after the moment had passed, echoing in the chambers of his mind as though refusing to be forgotten. It wasn't just the sound; it was the way Lighter's eyes crinkled at the corners, the way his shoulders shook with unrestrained mirth. Wise found himself caught up in the contagious joy, and he knew it was real.
There were other things too, smaller things that struck Wise in ways he couldn't explain. The way Lighter's hands moved when he spoke was expressive and alive, as if the words alone weren't enough to carry the weight of his thoughts. And when he listened, his head would tilt and his gaze would be fixed intently on someone, making them feel like the most important person in the world.
Wise was drawn to Lighter's presence like gravity, even when he resisted. He wanted to feel this way, but he was afraid of losing himself in it because the feeling was so vast and so consuming. But there was a sweetness to the fear, a kind of ache that he clung to as though it were a treasure.
He thought about it most in the quiet hours, when the world seemed to pause and all that remained was the rhythm of his thoughts. In those moments, Lighter's image rose unbidden, vivid and alive. He saw the sunlight kiss Lighter's skin, painting it in warm tones, and the way his hair caught the light, a halo of unruly strands.
Sometimes, Wise would catch himself watching Lighter when he thought no one was looking. He wasn't sure what he was searching for, but he knew he wanted to find a secret or a sign that he wasn't alone. But Lighter's gaze was always fixed on horizons that Wise could only dream of reaching.
This feeling was not always easy to bear. It came with a weight, a heaviness that pressed against his ribs when he least expected it. He often wondered if Lighter felt the same. But even in the doubt, there was a kind of beauty, a reminder that what he felt was real.
He did little things for Lighter, small gestures that might have gone unnoticed. Picking up his favorite tea when he passed the shop on the corner. He fixed the strap of Lighter's bag when it threatened to come loose. These were his offerings, quiet and unassuming, and they brought him a kind of joy that felt like sunlight breaking through clouds.
But there were times when Lighter's proximity was almost too much to bear. A casual touch—a hand brushing against his, a shoulder leaning just a little too close—was enough to set Wise's heart racing. In those moments, he forced himself to breathe, to steady the storm inside him, lest it show on his face.
Lighter's voice was another thing that haunted him. Deep and steady, it had a way of grounding Wise even as it unravelled him. When Lighter spoke, Wise listened not just to the words but to the spaces between them, the quiet breaths that carried their weight.
Wise often wondered if Lighter was aware of the effect he had on him. Wise was aware of the way Lighter's gaze lingered a fraction too long and how his hands fidgeted when Lighter was near. Or was he blissfully unaware, moving through life with the same unshakable ease that made him so captivating?
Wise kept his feelings hidden, and he protected them fiercely. He was afraid of what would happen if they were exposed – he was afraid of being rejected and losing the closeness they already shared. But even in his fear, there was hope – fragile but there.
He knew that the hope was dangerous. It crept into his thoughts, weaving fantasies of moments yet to come. He imagined telling Lighter, seeing the look on his face and hearing his response. The fantasy ended in joy sometimes, and in heartbreak other times, but always left Wise yearning for something more.
He told himself he was content with what they had, that the friendship they shared was enough. But this was a lie, and it was crumbling under the weight of his longing. Every smile Lighter gave him, every word spoken in trust, only deepened the ache, the hunger for something greater.
And yet, despite the ache, there was a sweetness to it all. To love someone so deeply, even in secret, was a kind of gift. It was a reminder of his own capacity to feel, to care, to hope. In that, he found solace.
Wise didn't know what the future held, but for now, he was content to hold this feeling close, to let it warm him in the quiet moments. He didn't need answers, not yet. He knew he needed this—a heart full of unspoken words and a hope that refused to fade.
Lighter remained a beacon in his life, a light that guided him even when the path seemed uncertain. Wise's love remained unspoken, but it was no less real, no less profound. It was quiet, constant, steady as the tide and endless as the sky.
Wise let himself love in the small ways, in the stolen glances and quiet gestures, in the moments when Lighter's laughter filled the air. In those moments, he felt complete, as though he were exactly where he was meant to be.
The sky was painted in muted lavender and ash hues as dawn broke, the stars slowly but surely yielding to the sun's arrival. The world lay still, its breath held in a moment of tranquility. Wise stirred from his slumber. His eyes opened, the last of his dreams fading like dew under the rising sun. A faint smile curled his lips—today was Lighter's day.
The room was still dark, but the first hints of dawn could be seen on the edges of the curtains. Wise slid out of bed, his bare feet brushing against the cool wooden floor. A chill lingered in the air, coaxing a shiver from him as he stretched. He paused for a moment, gazing out of the window where the horizon whispered promises of a golden sunrise.
His heart hummed with purpose. Strawberries—they had always been Lighter's favourite, their sweetness as vibrant as his laughter, their redness as warm as the blush of his joy. Wise's hands found the apron draped over the chair. It was a faded piece of fabric worn smooth by countless mornings like this, though none quite as meaningful. He tied it firmly around his waist.
The kitchen was silent, its surfaces gleaming in the pre-dawn light. He moved with practiced grace, the quiet shuffle of his steps merging with the soft rustle of fabric. He opened the cupboards and gathered the essentials: flour, sugar, eggs, and butter. The strawberries, nestled in their container, waited patiently, their perfume already hinting at the cake he would make with them.
He set to work with deliberate, almost reverent movements. The soft glow from the stove illuminated the counter, casting shadows that danced as if in anticipation. He measured the flour out, the air briefly clouded as he did so, a ghostly puff settling like snow. He whisked the eggs and sugar, the rhythm steady, each stroke of the whisk pulling the mixture into golden silk.
The butter softened under his touch, yielding to the warmth of his fingers as he creamed it into the batter. Each ingredient joined in harmony, blending together into a promise of sweetness. The oven ticked faintly as it preheated, its warmth radiating like the first embrace of morning light.
As he worked, memories unfolded within him like petals. He remembered Lighter's laughter, the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled, and how strawberries always accompanied his happiest moments. Each thought brought a swell of affection that found its way into every fold of the batter, every slice of strawberry he arranged with care.
The berries were vibrant, their scent sharp and sweet. Wise sliced them with precision, each cut deliberate. Their juice stained his fingers, a fleeting reminder of their fleeting, delicate nature. He then layered them atop the batter, their brightness like scattered rubies on a canvas of cream.
The cake slid into the oven, its warmth filling the air with the scents of strawberries and sugar. Wise leaned against the counter, his hands dusted with flour, his breath soft in the stillness. He closed his eyes, the hum of the oven a soothing lullaby, the scent a harbinger of celebration.
Outside, the sky had begun to blush, the horizon stretching in pale pinks and gentle oranges. Birds stirred in the trees, their calls tentative, as if hesitant to break the spell of the morning. Wise's thoughts drifted to Lighter, still sleeping, unaware of the quiet magic unfolding in the kitchen.
The timer chimed softly, pulling him from his reverie. He moved with purpose, opening the oven and revealing the cake. Its surface was golden and speckled with the promise of strawberries nestled beneath. The warmth radiating from the cake was palpable, carrying with it the sweet aroma of love and effort.
He set the cake on the counter and let it cool, the air thick with anticipation. Next, he would apply the frosting: a creamy layer to envelop the sponge. But for now, he took a moment to breathe. He watched the cake as if it were a sunrise, its beauty simple yet profound.
The light in the kitchen grew brighter, spilling through the windows in golden streams. Wise glanced outside, the world awakening in earnest now. Yet in the cocoon of the kitchen, time seemed to stretch, holding him in a moment of stillness and purpose.
He began preparing the frosting, his hands steady, his focus unbroken. The cream softened instantly under his touch, sweetened and whipped into clouds. When the cake was cool enough, he spread the frosting with precision, each stroke deliberate, smoothing the surface until it gleamed.
Finally, the strawberries made their reappearance, their vibrant red a vivid contrast against the creamy white. He arranged them with precision, their placement a quiet declaration of thoughtfulness. Each one was a piece of his heart, laid bare for Lighter to see.
The cake was finished, a creation born of quiet devotion and the soft hum of dawn. Wise stepped back, surveying his work, a swell of satisfaction warming his chest. It wasn't just a cake—it was a story, a gift, a reflection of everything he felt for Lighter.
He wiped his hands on the apron, the motion slow and deliberate, savouring the finality of his task. The sun had fully risen, its light spilling into the kitchen and enveloping the cake in a golden glow. Wise smiled, a quiet sense of accomplishment settling over him.
The cake sat on the counter. It was a fragile masterpiece born of early morning light and quiet devotion. Its soft, golden surface shimmered under the gentle strokes of frosting, the vibrant red of strawberries gleaming like scattered rubies. Wise stood before it, his hands hovering as if he were about to touch it, his fingers trembling slightly with the weight of his emotions.
He swallowed hard, his throat tight with the kind of nerves that twisted like a storm inside him. The cake was perfect—or as close to perfect as his hands could make it—but perfection wasn't what had his chest tightening now. It was the thought of Lighter seeing it, tasting it, knowing it had been made just for him. It felt like peeling back layers of himself, offering a piece of his heart without a shield.
The kitchen was quiet, save for the refrigerator hum and the clock's tick. The warm, sweet aroma of the cake hung thick in the air, but it only served to amplify the tightness in Wise's chest. He flexed his fingers, trying to steady them, but the tremor persisted, betraying the calm facade he was trying to maintain.
His mind raced with doubts, each one a stab at his resolve. Would Lighter like it? Would he even care? What if the cake wasn't as good as it looked, the strawberries too tart or the frosting too sweet? What if Lighter saw it for what it really was – not just a birthday gift, but a fragile, unspoken confession?
He pressed his palms flat against the counter, willing the thoughts to quiet. It was just a cake, he told himself, but the words felt hollow. To him, it was more than just a cake. He had spent hours imagining Lighter's smile, and poured careful effort into every fold of batter, every stroke of frosting. It was the hope, the fear, the quiet yearning that he could no longer contain.
The container sat nearby, its lid ajar, waiting to hold the precious offering. Wise picked it up, the plastic cool and unyielding in his trembling hands. He exhaled slowly, his breath shaky, as though he were trying to steady a ship in a storm. The cake needed to be moved, and he knew it. Once it left the counter, there would be no turning back.
His hands hovered over the cake, the tremor in his fingers more pronounced now. He hesitated, the fear of ruining it—of smudging the frosting or knocking loose a strawberry—paralysing him. He thought about leaving it, about hiding it away and pretending it had never existed. The thought was fleeting but sharp, cutting through his resolve like a blade.
He shook his head, his jaw tightening. This was for Lighter. His hands trembled and his heart felt like it might burst, but he didn't care. Lighter deserved this, deserved something beautiful, something that spoke of how much he meant. The cake would whisper the words for him.
He breathed in deeply, slid his hands beneath the cake and his fingers brushed against the cool plate it rested on. The cake was heavier than expected, the weight of his emotions making it feel that way. He lifted it carefully, his breath catching as the frosting wavered under the movement but held steady.
The container felt too small for the significance of the cake. Wise lowered the cake slowly, his hands shaking as he aligned it with the edges. The strawberries wobbled faintly, and he froze, his pulse pounding in his ears. A single strawberry shifted, sliding slightly out of place, and he was struck dumb by the sight.
He set the cake down with exaggerated care, his hands lingering on the plate as if afraid to let go. The imperfection stared back at him, a tiny blemish in an otherwise flawless creation, but it felt monumental. His fingers twitched as he fought the urge to fix it, his fear of making things worse. In the end, he accepted it as a sign of authenticity, of effort.
Closing the container felt like sealing a chapter, the soft click of the lid locking in more than just the cake. It trapped his hope, his fear, and the fluttering ache of his heart. His hands lingered on the edges of the container, their trembling unceasing. It was done, yet the anxiety lingered, a constant companion to his unspoken feelings.
He stepped back, the container now a quiet sentinel on the counter, its contents hidden from view but not from his mind. His arms crossed over his chest, as if trying to hold himself together, and his gaze dropped to the floor. He felt exposed and vulnerable, as though the cake had stripped him bare.
The silence of the kitchen was deafening; the weight of his emotions filled the space like a tangible thing. He wanted to move, to distract himself, but his feet felt rooted to the floor. His thoughts spiralled, tangling him in a web of hope and doubt.
He imagined Lighter's reaction, the way his eyes might light up, the smile that might break across his face. But with each hopeful image came its shadow – the possibility of indifference, of misunderstanding. Wise's chest tightened and he fought to contain the rising tide of uncertainty.
But beneath the anxiety, there was a thread of determination, faint but unyielding. He had done this for Lighter, not for himself, and whatever came next, he would face it. This thought brought a small measure of calm, a flicker of light in the storm.
His fingers brushed against the edge of the counter, grounding him in the present. The cake was ready, and so was he—or at least, he would be. He straightened, his movements slow but deliberate, and let out a shaky breath. The day was just beginning, and he would face it one step at a time.
As the first rays of sunlight spilled through the window, casting the container in a soft golden glow, Wise felt a faint flicker of hope. This cake would say what he couldn't. And Lighter would hear it.
The morning light stretched golden fingers across the earth, painting the streets in soft warmth as Wise made his way to Lighter's door. The container in his hands felt heavier than it should have been; not because of its contents, but because of what it symbolised. His palms felt clammy against the plastic, his breath uneven as he rehearsed a thousand different ways to present the cake without revealing too much.
Each step tested his resolve, the distance both too short and impossibly long. The world around him seemed oddly quiet, the usual hum of life muffled by the thrum of his own heartbeat. He paused at the base of Lighter's doorstep, drawing a breath so deep it made his chest ache. The container wobbled slightly as his fingers tightened around it, a fragile thing bearing the weight of his unspoken feelings.
He knocked lightly, the sound barely more than a whisper against the door. He wondered if Lighter would hear it, if the sound might get lost in the warmth of the morning air. But the door creaked open, and there he was—Lighter, his hair slightly mussed, his expression soft with the remnants of sleep.
Lighter blinked, his eyes adjusting to the light and then to the sight of Wise standing there, the container held like an offering. "Wise?" he said, his voice rough with sleep but tinged with curiosity. His gaze flickered to the container, and his brows lifted slightly. "What's this?"
Wise felt the words catch in his throat, his carefully rehearsed lines unraveling into silence. His fingers tightened around the container's edges and he swallowed hard, forcing himself to meet Lighter's gaze. "I made you something," he said, the words direct and confident.
Lighter tilted his head, his lips parting slightly in surprise. "You made me something?" His eyes flickered back to the container, and a faint pink bloom appeared on his cheeks. "Is this... for my birthday?"
Wise nodded, his heart pounding so loudly he was certain Lighter could hear it. "Yeah," he said softly. "It's a cake. Strawberry. I know you like them."
Lighter was silent for a moment, his gaze fixed on the container as if it were something impossibly rare and precious. Then, slowly, he reached out, his fingers brushing against Wise's as he took the container. The touch was fleeting, yet it sent a jolt through Wise, his breath hitching at the contact.
"You made this?" Lighter asked, his voice softer now, as though the weight of the gesture was beginning to sink in. His cheeks had darkened, the blush spreading to his ears as he looked at Wise with an expression that was equal parts astonishment and something else—something unspoken.
Wise nodded again, his words still tangled in his throat. He watched as Lighter lifted the lid slightly, the sweet scent of strawberries and sugar wafting into the air. Lighter's eyes widened, and his lips parted in a quiet exhale, the faintest trace of a smile tugging at the corners.
"This is incredible," Lighter said, his voice barely above a whisper. He looked up at Wise, his eyes warm and searching. "You didn't have to do this, you know."
"I wanted to," Wise replied, his voice steadier now, though his hands still trembled faintly at his sides. "It's your birthday. You deserve something special."
Lighter's gaze softened further, his blush deepened as he glanced back down at the cake. For a moment, he seemed at a loss for words, his fingers tracing the edge of the container as though trying to process the thoughtfulness behind it. "I don't know what to say," he murmured, his voice tinged with gratitude and embarrassment.
"You don't have to say anything," Wise said quickly, his cheeks burning with embarrassment. "I just… I wanted to do something for you. That's all."
But the way Lighter looked at him then, his eyes bright and his expression so open and vulnerable, made Wise's heart stutter. There was a silence between them, not awkward but charged, filled with something unspoken that neither was ready to name. It lingered in the air, heavy and sweet, like the scent of the cake.
Lighter's fingers tightened on the container and he laughed, breathlessly. "You're… really something, Wise," he said, the words half-mumbled as though he were speaking more to himself than to anyone else. "I don't think anyone's ever done something like this for me."
Wise felt a tightening in his chest, his heart twisting at the vulnerability in Lighter's voice. "You're worth it," he said, the words slipping out before he could stop them. His eyes widened slightly as he realised what he'd said, but Lighter didn't seem to notice—or if he did, he didn't show it.
Instead, Lighter's blush deepened, and he looked away, a small, bashful smile playing at his lips. "Thank you," he said after a moment, his voice quiet but sincere. "Thank you. This means a lot."
Wise felt a warmth in his heart that no sunlight ever could, and some of the anxiety that had gripped him earlier disappeared. He gave a small, awkward smile, his hands fidgeting at his sides. "I'm glad you like it," he said, his voice just as soft.
Lighter nodded, his gaze fixed on the cake for a moment before meeting Wise's eyes directly. There was something in his eyes then, something tender and unguarded that made Wise's breath catch. It was a look that spoke of gratitude but also of something deeper, something neither of them dared to name.
The silence stretched between them, but it was different now—gentler, warmer. As the morning sun cast its golden glow over them, Wise felt a flicker of hope, fragile but bright, that maybe this gesture had said more than words ever could.
The warmth of the morning lingered, but it was nothing compared to the heat spreading through Lighter's chest. He clutched the container in his hands, his gaze darting between the cake and Wise, who stood before him with that familiar mix of nervousness and quiet determination. He felt a weight settle over him, both comforting and overwhelming, as he realised the significance of the gesture and the care that had gone into it.
Lighter's fingers tightened on the container's edges, his heart thrumming like a restless bird against his ribs. The words of gratitude he had already spoken felt insufficient, too small to encompass the depth of his appreciation. Yet, as he looked at Wise, who was now avoiding his gaze and fidgeting with the hem of his shirt, he felt a quiet, impulsive urge that he could not ignore.
The air between them hummed with energy neither of them could name. Lighter stared at Wise, noting the sunlight catching in his hair and lighting up the nervous flush on his cheeks. He looked sincere and vulnerable, and Lighter felt an overwhelming urge to respond in a way that words never could.
He set the container down on a nearby surface. The motion was deliberate and slow, giving himself time to think. His hands lingered on the lid for a moment, steadying himself as he drew in a quiet breath. When he looked back at Wise, the nervous energy in his chest shifted into something steadier, making his next action feel inevitable.
"Wise," he said, his voice low and unguarded. Wise's gaze snapped up at this, his eyes wide and uncertain but filled with something unguarded, something that mirrored the same vulnerability Lighter felt. It was that look—the openness, the quiet yearning—that gave Lighter the final push he needed.
Without hesitation, Lighter closed the space between them, his movements quick but gentle. His hand reached out instinctively, brushing against Wise's arm as he leaned in. The kiss was brief—a soft, fleeting press of lips that was over almost as soon as it began—but it carried the weight of a thousand unspoken words.
The world seemed to stop in that moment, the warmth of Lighter's lips lingering against Wise's even as he pulled back. Lighter's cheeks were blushed deeply, and he quickly averted his gaze, suddenly hyperaware of what he'd just done. His heart raced, each beat echoing in his ears like the rhythm of a drum, but he felt no regret—only a quiet, trembling exhilaration.
Wise stood frozen, his lips parted slightly as if caught mid-breath. His eyes were wide, his expression a mixture of surprise and something softer, something luminous that made the air between them feel electric. He brought a hand to his lips, his fingers brushing against the place where Lighter's kiss had landed, as though trying to confirm that it had been real.
"I—I'm sorry," Lighter stammered, his voice a rushed, breathless whisper. He ran a hand through his hair, embarrassed, and avoided Wise's gaze. "I just… I didn't know how else to say thank you."
Wise blinked, his hand dropping from his lips as a shy, almost disbelieving smile began to form. His cheeks were flushed, his heart pounding so hard it was a wonder it didn't echo in the quiet morning air. "You… kissed me," he said, the words barely more than a breath, as though speaking them aloud might shatter the fragile moment.
Lighter nodded, his blush deepening as he glanced at Wise from the corner of his eye. "Yeah," he admitted, his voice soft but steady. "I did."
The silence that followed was heavy, charged with something neither of them could quite name. Lighter fidgeted, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides as he waited for Wise to say something, anything, that would make sense of what had just happened.
Wise's smile widened, his eyes shining with a mixture of warmth and disbelief. "Thank you," he said firmly, his voice steady despite the trembling in his hands. "For that."
Lighter's gaze snapped back to Wise, his blush still burning but now tempered by a flicker of relief. "I—yeah," he said, his voice catching slightly on the word. "It just felt right."
"It did," Wise replied, his voice barely audible. He took a step closer, his eyes searching Lighter's as if trying to commit this moment to memory. "It really did."
The air between them felt different now—lighter, warmer, as though the kiss had shifted something fundamental in the space they shared. Lighter's nerves still buzzed beneath his skin, but they were tempered by the way Wise was looking at him, as if he were the only thing in the world that mattered.
For a moment, neither of them spoke, their gazes locked in a quiet understanding that didn't need words. The cake sat forgotten on the nearby surface, a quiet reminder of the care that had led them to this moment. It was no longer the centrepiece of the morning; it had simply been the bridge that brought them here.
Lighter took a sharp breath, his lips curving into a small, hesitant smile. "Happy birthday to me, I guess," he said, his tone laced with a faint, self-conscious humour.
Wise laughed softly, the sound warm and full of relief. "Yeah," he said, his voice steady now, his confidence slowly returning. "Happy birthday, Lighter."
As the sunlight bathed them in its golden glow, they stood there, the moment stretching out like a fragile, beautiful thread connecting them. It wasn't perfect, but it didn't need to be. In that quiet, sunlit morning, they had all the time in the world to figure out what came next.
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i humbly request misaki in the midst of all the ronin fics (lovely btw!) misaki x reader where misaki is coming back from a mission to them and reader’s shared home…. 🫶 thank you for all your hard work!!!
Baking gone... right?
( killer chat ) misaki x reader ... fluff ...
author's note: hello hello and merry christams ! tis the season and for this ask i did a bit of a holiday special, enjoy <3 I also ended up only using they/them for misaki as that is easier for me. trigger warning:
mention of guns / murder
The city is alive with an unnatural hum, its veins pulsing with desperation and betrayal. Misaki stands on the edge of a crumbling rooftop. The wind pulls at their dark hair like ghostly fingers. Their silhouette is sharp against the dull glow of distant neon. Their rifle feels like a cold weight in their hands, a grim reminder of the choice they've made. For their parents. For the debt that strangled their family like a noose. For survival.
The target is a shadow framed by the dim light of an office window. They move slowly and methodically, unaware of the unseen eyes that track them with the precision of a predator. Misaki's breath is steady, a practiced calm that belies the storm raging within. They do not think of morality or the life they are about to take; such thoughts are a luxury they cannot afford. Their thoughts are fixed on the faces of their loved ones, the fear etched into their parents' features when they spoke of collectors, threats and the possibility of losing everything.
The rifle's scope brings the world into unnerving clarity, the target's face suddenly too close, too human. Misaki's finger hovers over the trigger. Their body is tense with anticipation. They know this person is not innocent. They've built their fortune on the suffering of others, pulling strings that wrapped tighter around the necks of people like Misaki's family. It doesn't make the act easier, but it makes it bearable.
The city holds its breath as Misaki's finger finally presses down. The shot rings out, sharp and final, cutting through the night like a scream. The target crumples, a puppet whose strings have been severed, and the world exhales again, but this time it feels heavier. Misaki lowers the rifle, their hands trembling despite their resolve. The job is done. The debt, perhaps, will be erased. But at what cost?
They slip away into the shadows, their movements quick and silent, their heart pounding in their chest like a trapped bird. The streets blur around them as they navigate the labyrinthine alleyways. Their thoughts are a chaotic whirl of relief, guilt, and the aching need to see you. They need to feel your touch, your warmth, to remind themselves that they are still human despite the blood on their hands.
When they reach the apartment, their body is clearly tired from the night. The key feels foreign in their fingers as they unlock the door, stepping inside to the familiar warmth of your shared home. It smells faintly of lavender and rain, a stark contrast to the metallic tang of gunpowder clinging to their clothes.
They stand in the doorway, breathing shallowly, shoulders slumped, as though the very act of existing is too much. And then they see you—waiting, your face lighting up the moment you notice them. They don't feel they deserve this light, but it pulls them in like a lifeline.
When the door opens, you are immediately engulfed by their presence. Misaki's scent is unmistakable: gunpowder and rain, a heady mix that clings to their clothes and skin. Their breath is warm, their face flushed with the adrenaline of the hunt, their lips curling into a small, tired smile.
"Miss me?" they whisper, their voice low and roughened by the cold, yet soft in its affection. They don't wait for an answer; they never do. Their lips press against your cheek, your jaw, your neck—gentle, eager, frantic. Each kiss feels like a promise, like they're trying to erase the distance that the mission carved between you.
Their hands are firm yet careful, pulling you closer, grounding you in their touch. You melt into them, the tension in your body dissolving as they press their forehead against yours, their dark hair falling like silk against your skin. Their eyes—soft and tired but full of something that burns just for you—lock onto yours.
"I'm here," they say, their voice a quiet reassurance, a reminder that they always come back. Their lips meet yours in a slow, deep kiss, surrender and claim in one powerful move. Their hands find your back and the heat of their palms is felt through your shirt, igniting a warmth that spreads through your chest.
The world outside fades—the cold, the city, the weight of their mission—none of it matters anymore. There is only Misaki, their presence filling the room, their touch erasing every doubt, every fear. They pull back just enough to look at you, their gaze soft and steady, their expression laced with something raw and vulnerable.
"You're my safe place," they whisper, and there's a weight to their words that makes your heart ache. They have seen and done so much, but here, in your arms, they let it all fall away.
They guide you to the couch, their arms still wrapped around you, as if letting go would mean losing something precious. You sink into the cushions, and they follow, curling against you like a cat seeking warmth. Their kisses never stop, soft presses of their lips against your temple, your hairline, the tip of your nose. Each one is a declaration of love, an unspoken "I love you" in every touch.
Their fingers tangle in your hair, their thumb brushing your cheek in slow, soothing circles. Their tension eases as their body releases the weight of the day. They nuzzle into the crook of your neck, their breath warm against your skin, and you can feel the faint tremor of their exhale, like they're finally letting themselves breathe.
"You're everything to me," they murmur, the words muffled against your collarbone, but the sincerity in their voice is unmistakable. They kiss you again, soft and lingering, their lips tasting of rain and something bittersweet.
Time slows, the moments stretching out like golden threads, weaving a tapestry of warmth and belonging. The apartment feels smaller now, cozier, the walls closing in just enough to make the space intimate, sacred.
Misaki's voice is a quiet hum as they tell you about the mission, their words laced with exhaustion but also relief that it's over and that they're here with you. Their hands are constantly moving, brushing against your skin, holding you close and anchoring them in your presence.
You trace your fingers along their arm, over the muscles that still carry the tension of their task, over the soft fabric of their jacket. They shiver slightly under your touch, leaning into you, their eyes fluttering shut.
"Don't ever let me go," they say, their voice barely audible, but carrying the weight of a thousand unspoken things. You tighten your hold on them, your lips pressing against their hair in silent reassurance.
Misaki stirs after a minute, the lingering traces of their kisses still on your skin like a soft, comforting haze. Their dark lashes flutter open, revealing eyes that are playful and full of life. They shift slightly, wrapping their arms tighter around you as they let out a small, satisfied sigh, nuzzling into your neck for one last moment of closeness before lifting their head to meet your gaze.
"Okay, okay," they say, their voice teasingly laced with lilt, "I've kissed you enough for now. But it's the holiday season, so let's do something cute. The words tumble out, their mischievous energy palpable, and you feel a smile tug at the corners of your lips, drawn in by their warmth.
Misaki sits up, their messy hair catching the faint glow of the holiday lights strung across the living room. Their excitement is palpable as they tug at your hands, leading you into the kitchen. "Cookies," they announce, their tone definitive. "We're making cookies. Festive ones. But, you know, our style."
You follow them, their enthusiasm infectious, and soon the kitchen is alive with the soft clatter of bowls and utensils, the hum of the oven warming up, and the faint scent of vanilla and sugar. Misaki pulls out ingredients with a rush, their movements quick and uncoordinated but full of charm.
"I have ideas," they say, their voice low with conspiratorial glee. They hold up a bag of frosting tubes like a weapon arsenal, their expression so serious it's comical. "And by 'ideas,' I mean meme cookies. Obviously."
You raise an eyebrow, your curiosity piqued. "Meme cookies?" you repeat, watching as they grin like a mischievous child who's just gotten away with something.
"Oh, you'll see," they reply cryptically, already spreading flour across the counter. They hand you a rolling pin, their fingers brushing yours in a way that makes your heart flutter, and together, you begin rolling out the dough.
The kitchen quickly becomes a delightful mess of scattered flour, sticky dough, and half-filled bowls of icing in various colours. Misaki hums holiday songs under their breath, occasionally breaking into an off-key rendition of lyrics they clearly don't know, and you laugh.
"Behold!" they exclaim, holding up a cookie like it's a masterpiece. It's a mess, with icing dripping off the sides, but they're so proud that it's impossible to say anything but, "It's perfect."
Misaki beams at your words, leaning over to smear a bit of frosting onto your cheek with a cheeky grin. "Perfectly cursed", they retort, laughing as you swipe some frosting onto their nose in retaliation.
The two of you work side by side, creating increasingly absurd cookies, each one more ridiculous than the last. The holiday season fades into the background; the only thing that matters is the shared laughter, the playful teasing, and the way Misaki occasionally leans over to steal a quick kiss, their lips sticky with frosting but sweet nonetheless.
The kitchen smells of vanilla and sugar, warm and inviting, with the faintest hint of burned edges—evidence of a learning curve you know too well. Misaki stands at the counter, their dark hair pulled back messily, flour dusting their sleeves and a streak of icing smudged across their cheek. They've been at this for hours, as the chaos strewn across the counters attests: spilled sugar, bowls of half-mixed icing and cookie cutters in shapes that seem oddly specific.
On the cooling rack, an army of absurd creations awaits. The first one you notice is a bold, green cookie shaped into the unmistakable face of Pepe the Frog. The icing is uneven, the lines of his doleful expression wobbling as if drawn by a hand more accustomed to precision than playfulness. It's charming, though, in its imperfection, the work of someone who's trying to make you smile.
Next to Pepe is a cookie shaped like the iconic crewmate from Among Us. The icing is a glossy red, with a tiny, painstakingly detailed visor made of shimmering blue. Misaki's drawing of a tiny, exaggerated knife sticking out of its back is a tribute to their mischievous sense of humour.
There are others too, including one that looks vaguely like a Shiba Inu, with orange icing that is uneven but unmistakable as a homage to Doge. Another cookie resembles the grinning face of the Troll meme, its expression so ridiculous you can't suppress your giggle. Misaki notices and turns to you, their smile sheepish but proud, their eyes glinting with a mix of embarrassment and affection.
"I thought you'd like them," they say, their voice soft and hesitant, as if unsure whether this effort has hit its mark. You step closer, reaching out to pluck one of the cookies off the rack—the Troll face—and take a bite. The sweetness of sugar and butter melts on your tongue, but it's the care behind the gesture that truly fills you with warmth.
"These are ridiculous," you say, a mouthful of crumbs, your grin wide and unguarded. Misaki snorts, crossing their arms but failing to hide the smile that tugs at their lips.
They lean against the counter, watching you inspect the rest of their creations. There's a cookie shaped like the "Crying Cat" meme, its eyes two uneven pools of blue icing, and another that looks like the Galaxy Brain meme, though its swirled purple and pink design suggests they gave up halfway through.
"How'd you even come up with this?" you ask, waving a cookie shaped like Wojak in their direction. Misaki shrugs, the corner of their mouth quirking up in a smirk.
"I wanted to make you laugh," they admit, their voice quiet but steady. "You've been stressed, and I thought—well, cookies are supposed to help, right? Even if they look... like this." They gesture at the chaos, their hands fluttering as if to encompass the absurdity of their creations.
You set the cookie down and close the space between you, slipping your arms around their waist. They freeze for a moment, surprised by your sudden closeness, but then they relax, their arms wrapping around you in return.
"They're perfect," you murmur, your voice muffled against their shoulder. Misaki's laugh is soft, almost disbelieving, but it's accompanied by the way they tighten their hold on you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
"Perfectly cursed," they tease, their tone light and warm, reflecting the contentment that settles between you like a blanket.
You pull back just enough to meet their gaze, your fingers brushing away the streak of icing on their cheek. Their eyes meet yours, steady and tender, and their expression softens in a way that makes your heart ache with affection.
"Thank you," you say, the weight of your words palpable. Misaki nods, their smile small but genuine, and they lean in to press their lips to yours, a kiss that tastes faintly of sugar and something sweeter.
The two of you spend the rest of the evening sampling the cookies, laughing at their absurdity and debating which meme was the most cursed. Misaki insists the Among Us one is the funniest, while you're partial to the lopsided Crying Cat.
By the time the the early morning comes in, the kitchen is a mess, the cookies are half-eaten, and the air is filled with the sound of your laughter. Misaki pulls you onto the couch, their arms wrapping around you as they bury their face in your hair, their breath warm against your skin.
"You're worth all the chaos," they murmur, their voice soft but steady. You smile, leaning into them, your heart full, knowing that even in their most ridiculous gestures, Misaki's love shines through.
You shake your head, smiling as you reach for a cookie. It's misshapen and covered in garish frosting, but it tastes perfect—a mix of sweetness and laughter, chaos and love. Misaki watches you eat, their expression softening, and they lean closer, pressing a frosting-laden kiss to your temple.
"Best holiday ever," they murmur, and you know they're right.
Misaki turns to you, a sheepish grin tugging at their lips. There's a smudge of chocolate on their cheek, and their sleeves are rolled up unevenly, revealing forearms speckled with tiny traces of batter. They're holding a spatula like it's a weapon, as if preparing to fight off whatever judgment you might bring. Their eyes meet yours, revealing a hint of worry beneath their usual calm exterior.
"I didn't burn it," they declare triumphantly, waving the spatula like a flag of victory. Their voice conveys relief, tempered by the realisation of how close they came to disaster. You raise a brow, glancing at the slightly charred edges of a few cookies resting on the cooling rack.
"I almost didn't burn it," you tease, your voice light but affectionate. Misaki groans, tossing the spatula onto the counter dramatically before leaning back against the edge. Their cheeks are slightly flushed, a mix of exertion and embarrassment, and it makes your chest ache with fondness.
"I swear," they begin, gesturing vaguely at the oven as if it betrayed them. "This thing has a vendetta against me. I followed the recipe exactly, and it still tried to catch fire."
Your laughter bubbles up, filling the room with the warmth of the oven. Misaki huffs, their pout exaggerated, but the corners of their mouth twitch upward in response to your joy. They reach for a towel to wipe their hands, their movements careful, as if even they can't believe they survived their baking adventure unscathed.
"Did you have the fire extinguisher ready?" you ask, stepping closer to survey the damage—or lack thereof. Misaki raises a finger, as if to make a point, but their expression falters and they glance toward the corner where the extinguisher sits, untouched.
"Well, let's just say I trusted my instincts," they admit, a mischievous glint returning to their eyes. You shake your head, laughing, and before you can stop yourself, you reach out to swipe the chocolate smudge from their cheek. Your fingers linger for a moment, the gesture tender and reassuring.
"Your instincts were lucky this time," you say, your tone softening. Misaki's grin widens and they lean into your touch just slightly, their eyes holding yours like they're memorising the way you look in this moment.
They step aside, revealing the finished cookies arranged in chaotic clusters on a tray. Among the creations are meme-inspired disasters: a lopsided Pepe, a slightly melted Among Us crewmate, and a crying cat whose tears have merged into one large, mournful streak. Despite their imperfections, they radiate charm, evidence of Misaki's earnest effort to make you smile.
"I wanted it to be special," they say confidently, their voice revealing a rare vulnerability. "For you."
Their sincerity envelops you like a blanket, instantly dispelling any annoyance you might have felt about the potential kitchen disaster. You step closer, your arms around their waist, and they laugh, surprised, before pulling you into their warmth.
"It is special," you murmur, your cheek pressed against their shoulder. "Because it's you."
They hold you tightly, their hands splayed across your back, grounding themselves in your presence. The mess in the kitchen fades into the background; the steady rhythm of their breathing and the quiet hum of contentment fills the space between you.
When you pull away, their smile is softer, their eyes shining with affection. Misaki tilts her head, leaning in to press a quick kiss to your forehead before grabbing one of the cookies. They hold it up like a trophy, their grin returning in full force.
"Try it," they urge, their excitement palpable. You bite into the cookie, the sweetness coating your tongue, and though the edges are a little crunchy, it's perfect because of the love that went into it.
Misaki watches your reaction intently, their own tension melting away as you give them a thumbs-up. They grab a cookie, bite into it with a proud nod, as if they've conquered a mountain instead of narrowly avoiding a kitchen fire.
The next hour is spent sampling their creations, laughing at their chaotic designs and cleaning up the disaster they've left in their wake. By the time the last tray is stacked away, the kitchen is spotless, the air filled with the lingering scent of sugar, and your hearts are full.
Misaki pulls you into their arms one last time, their lips brushing against your temple as they whisper, "Thanks for not judging me too hard."
You laugh, burying your face in their chest. "Thanks for not burning the place down."
Their laughter joins yours, a sound so warm and genuine it feels like sunlight breaking through a storm. Surrounded by the remnants of their effort and the love that fills every corner of your shared space, you know that no matter how messy things get, there's nowhere else you'd rather be.
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hi I absolutely adore your writing style! Feel free to ignore this but it would be super cool to see ronin x a reader who loves watercolors and drawing:DD
Paint me how you see the world
( killer chat ) muse ronin x painter reader ... fluff ...
author's note: hello you and thank you !! im a big fan of artist x muse, so thank you for this request !! i hope that it is to your liking <3 trigger warnings:
The cool afternoon breeze carries the scent of fresh grass and blooming flowers as you walk side by side with Ronin, your fingers intertwined like the branches of a tree reaching for the same light. The world feels expansive yet intimate in his presence, the path ahead a quiet promise of discovery. Your bag is slung over your shoulder. It contains a collection of watercolours, brushes and your special notepad. It shifts softly with each step.
The sunlight filters through the canopy of leaves above, dappling the ground in patches of gold and shadow. Each step feels lighter than the last, as though the earth itself recognises the connection between you and Ronin and chooses to cushion your journey. His thumb strokes idly over the back of your hand, a small but grounding motion. When you glance up at him, his soft smile mirrors the warmth in your chest.
You pass clusters of wildflowers that sway in the breeze like delicate dancers, their petals kissed by sunlight. The air hums with the quiet songs of nature—the trill of distant birds, the rustle of leaves, the gentle murmur of a nearby stream. It's a day that feels otherworldly, a perfect moment stolen from a dream.
Your bag bounces against your side, the clink of your art supplies creating a comforting rhythm. Ronin notices the sound and glances at you. His dark eyes are warm with curiosity. "You brought your paints," he says, his voice steady and calm.
"Of course," you reply, a small smile playing on your lips. "Days like this are too beautiful not to capture."
He nods, his gaze lingering on your face for a moment longer before returning to the path. "Let's find the perfect spot," he says.
It doesn't take long. The trail leads you to the edge of a small clearing where a solitary tree stands tall and proud, its branches stretching skyward in a silent hymn of life. Beyond it, a serene lake glimmers in the afternoon light, its surface a mirror reflecting the endless blue of the sky. Nearby, a vibrant floral arrangement, a natural bouquet, colours the grassy ground.
"This is it," you say, your voice a soft blend of awe and certainty.
Ronin releases your hand, guiding you to the base of the tree. His movements are careful and deliberate, as though this moment deserves nothing less than reverence. He helps you settle against the trunk. Its rough bark is reassuringly grounding.
You pull your bag onto your lap and unzip it, the familiar scent of paint and paper rising like an old friend. Your brushes are neatly bundled, their bristles soft and ready. Your watercolours gleam like tiny jewels in their case, a spectrum of possibilities waiting to be realised.
Ronin sits beside you, close enough that his shoulder brushes yours. He doesn't say much, he rarely does when you're painting, but his presence is vital, like the sunlight that dances across the pages of your notebook. You glance at him and see the subtle curve of his lips as he watches you unpack, his expression soft and unguarded.
You open your watercolor pad, its blank pages filled with promise. The flowers at your feet and the shimmering lake in the distance call to you, their colors vivid and alive, begging to be preserved. You dip your brush into the water bottle you've brought along, the bristles darkening with moisture, and then touch it to the paint.
The first stroke is always the most exhilarating. The soft bloom of colour spreads across the paper like a sigh, capturing the blush of a nearby flower. You lose yourself in the rhythm, the brush gliding over the page in fluid, deliberate movements. Time slows, the world narrows to the vibrant hues that spill forth beneath your hand.
Ronin leans back, one arm casually stretched over his knee, his other hand plucking a blade of grass. He watches you with quiet fascination, his gaze occasionally drifting to the lake or the sky as if to compare your work with its muse. "You're incredible," he murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper, as though afraid to disturb the magic in the air.
You pause, and smile at him. "It's not me," you say firmly. "It's the world. I'm just trying to do it justice."
He chuckles, low and warm. "You always say that, but I think it's a little of both."
Your cheeks flush at his words, and you return to your painting, your brush moving with purpose. The flowers take shape beneath your hand, their petals layered with delicate washes of pink, yellow, and white. The lake follows—a pool of soft blues and greens, the edges rippling with light.
When you finish, you lean back to admire your work. It's not perfect – your art never is, at least not in your eyes – but it's honest. It captures the feeling of the moment, the tranquility, the beauty, the love that fills the air like a soft melody.
Ronin leans closer, his shoulder pressing against yours as he studies the page. His fingers trace the edge of the notebook, careful not to smudge the wet paint. "You've captured it," he says simply, his voice filled with quiet admiration.
You turn to look at him, your heart swelling at the sincerity in his expression. For a moment, the painting is irrelevant. All that matters is the way he looks at you, as though you're the only thing in the world worth seeing.
When he leans in and gives you a soft, lingering kiss on your temple, it feels like the final brushstroke on a masterpiece—complete, perfect, and entirely yours.
The world narrows to the soft whisper of bristles against paper as you continue to paint. Each stroke is deliberate, the colours blending seamlessly as if the pigments themselves understand the intimacy of your craft. The flowers at your feet bloom anew on the page under your touch, their petals vibrant and luminous. Every detail is meticulously crafted: the curve of a petal, the way sunlight dances on dewdrops, the gentle shadows that cradle the grass.
Ronin's presence is solid and comforting, like the tree trunk you lean against. His dark eyes follow your movements as you dip the brush into your water jar, then into the palette. The brush's soft tap against the jar's edge punctuates the stillness, creating a rhythm as natural as the rustle of leaves overhead.
"You make it look so easy," he murmurs, his voice low and warm.
You smile, but your gaze remains fixed on the page. "It's not easy," you reply, "but it feels right."
Ronin shifts slightly, his arm brushing against yours, a quiet gesture of closeness. His gaze shifts decisively from the painting to your face, studying the way your brows knit in concentration, the faint curve of your mouth as you lose yourself in the process.
The lake, shimmering in the distance, begins to take shape beneath your brush. You confidently apply soft blues and greens, allowing the colours to blend seamlessly like the ripples that dance across the water's surface. The trees reflected in the lake become faint shadows, their shapes imperfect but evocative.
Ronin leans closer, his breath warm against your shoulder. "How do you know where to start?" he asks, his tone curious, reverent.
You pause, considering his question as you rinse your brush. "I don't always know," you admit. "I just let the colors guide me. It's like… listening to a melody you've never heard before but somehow know by heart."
He nods, a thoughtful smile curving his lips. "That's beautiful," he says, his words weighty with significance, as though discussing more than just your painting.
The flowers come next, their vibrant hues standing out against the softer tones of the background. You deliberately layer pinks, yellows and whites, bringing each petal to life on the page. The light dances on your water jar, creating rainbows across your notebook, and for a moment, it feels as though the world itself is conspiring to enhance your art.
Ronin watches every movement, his fingers idly toying with a blade of grass. He doesn't speak often, but his presence is a constant dialogue – a quiet hum of support, a steady rhythm that keeps you anchored.
"You notice things most people don't," he says after a while, his voice thoughtful. "Like the way the light hits the petals, or how the water reflects the sky."
You glance at him and immediately notice the admiration in his tone. "Everyone notices," you say, dipping your brush into the paint. "They just don't always take the time to see."
He chuckles, low and rich, like the rustle of leaves in the breeze. "Maybe. Or maybe it's just you."
His quiet compliment warms you more than the sunlight filtering through the branches. You return to your painting, adding the final touches to the flowers — the faint veins in the petals, the soft shadows where they overlap.
Ronin shifts again, resting his chin on his hand as he leans closer to watch. His proximity is comforting, his warmth blending with the golden glow of the afternoon. "It's incredible," he murmurs.
You glance at him, your brush hovering over the page. "It's not finished yet," you say, though his praise makes your chest feel lighter.
He shakes his head, a smile playing on his lips. "It doesn't matter. It's perfect."
His sincerity fills you with warmth, as if he were wrapping you in a soft embrace. You return to your painting, your brush moving with purpose. The lake shimmers under your hand, its surface dotted with faint ripples that echo the rhythm of your heart.
The final strokes are applied deliberately. You add hints of sunlight glinting off the water, the faint curve of the shoreline where the grass meets the lake. Each detail is a testament to the beauty of the moment, a quiet secret shared between you and the landscape.
When you finally lower your brush, the painting feels alive. The flowers and the lake seem to step off the page and into the world. You glance at Ronin. His expression is soft and unguarded as he takes in your work.
"It's us," he says simply, his voice filled with quiet awe.
You tilt your head, confused. "What do you mean?"
He gestures to the painting. "It's everything we are. It is quiet, beautiful, full of life. You've captured it all."
His words catch you off guard, but as you look at the painting again, you realise he's right. It's more than just a scene; it's a reflection of this moment and the bond you share. As Ronin reaches out to take your hand, his fingers warm against yours, you feel as though the painting has captured not just the landscape, but the very essence of your love.
The watercolour of the lake and flowers dries on your lap, the colours settling into the paper like memories etched into time. You glance over at Ronin. His dark eyes are still studying your work, a soft smile playing at the corners of his lips. His profile, illuminated by the sunlight filtering through the branches, catches your attention—the sharp line of his jaw, the curve of his brow, the way his hair shifts slightly in the breeze.
A quiet thought stirs within you, growing louder with each passing moment. You lower your brush and look at him fully, the world beyond fading into the background. "What if," you begin, your voice soft but certain, "we find another place? A place where I can paint you."
Ronin turns to you, his brow arcing slightly in surprise. "Me?" he asks, amused and curious.
You nod, a smile tugging at your lips. "Yes, you. This garden is beautiful, but you are the most beautiful thing here."
He chuckles, the sound warm and low, a ripple of joy that feels as natural as the breeze. "You've been painting flowers and lakes all day, and now you want to paint me?"
"Why not?" you reply, leaning toward him slightly. "You belong here as much as they do. Maybe more."
He tilts his head, his eyes narrowing playfully. "I don't think I'm as colorful as the flowers," he says, though there's a faint blush rising to his cheeks.
You reach out, brushing your fingers lightly against his hand. "You're more vibrant than you realise," you say, your voice filled with quiet conviction. "Let me show you."
For a moment, he studies you, his gaze searching yours as if trying to find the truth in your words. Then, with a nod, he rises to his feet and offers you his hand. "Alright," he says, his voice soft but steady. "Lead the way."
You take his hand and feel the warmth spread through your fingers as you rise beside him. Your watercolour pad and paints are safely stowed away in your bag, their weight a comfort as you move away from the tree. The path ahead is dappled with light and shadow, a mosaic of possibilities stretching into the distance.
You and he walk in comfortable silence, your hands still entwined. The garden unfolds around you, each turn unveiling new bursts of colour and life. Clusters of wildflowers sway gently in the breeze, their petals catching the sunlight like tiny mirrors. The air hums with the sound of bees and the rustle of leaves, a symphony of nature guiding your steps.
As you walk, you envision Ronin standing amidst the garden's beauty, his presence as natural and captivating as the flowers and trees. Glance at him and capture not just his likeness but also the quiet strength and warmth he carries.
The path will eventually lead you to a clearing. A gentle hill rises before you, its crest crowned with a single tree whose branches stretch wide and welcoming. Beyond it, the garden unfolds in a vibrant patchwork of colours, the horizon kissed by the soft hues of the afternoon sky.
"This is it," you say, your voice firm and confident.
Ronin observes the scene, his gaze sweeping over the hill, the tree, and the garden beyond. "You have a good eye," he says, a small smile playing at his lips. "It's perfect."
You lead him up the hill, the grass soft beneath your feet. At the top, the view is even more breathtaking: the garden stretching out like a living canvas, its colours vibrant and endless. You gesture for Ronin to stand beneath the tree, the sunlight filtering through the leaves casting dappled patterns across his skin.
"Right there," you say, your heart beating faster as he moves into place.
Ronin glances at you. His expression is a mix of curiosity and affection. "Like this?" he asks, standing still as the breeze ruffles his hair.
"Just like that," you reply, already pulling out your notepad and paints.
You settle onto the grass, brush poised above the blank page, and take a moment to study him. The light plays across his features, his stance is calm and confident, his eyes hold the entire garden within them — it's almost overwhelming.
You begin to paint, your brush moving with purpose as the image of him takes shape. The colours blend and bloom, capturing not just his form but the essence of who he is: the quiet strength, the gentle warmth, the undeniable beauty.
Ronin watches you intently as you work, his gaze steady and filled with something you can't quite name. The moments stretch and blur, the world around you fading into the background until all that remains is him and the soft hum of your connection.
When you pause to look up, your eyes meet his, and you forget to breathe for a moment. There's something in the way he looks at you—unspoken, infinite—that makes you feel as though the universe has conspired to bring you here, to this moment, to him.
"I'll have to frame this one," you say, a smile playing at the corners of your mouth.
Ronin chuckles, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Not even finished yet?"
"It doesn't matter," you reply, your voice filled with quiet joy. "It's perfect."
The painting takes shape beneath your hands, and with every stroke of your brush, the world feels more vivid. Ronin, standing beneath the tree, belongs to this landscape, as though the sun shines a little brighter just for him. His hair catches the light, each strand a thread of gold and chestnut woven into the fabric of the day.
You pause, tilt your head to study him. He shifts slightly, one hand brushing through his hair, and you notice the faint curve of a smile on his lips. "Am I doing this right?" he asks, his voice tinged with amusement.
"Perfectly," you say, your brush poised over the palette. "Just stay as you are."
The colours you mix are soft yet vibrant, the blues and greens of the garden blending harmoniously with the warmth of the sunlight. You capture the subtle shadows that curve along his jawline, the delicate highlights that kiss the edges of his features. Every detail feels essential, as though leaving even the smallest part of him unfinished would diminish the scene.
Ronin watches you intently, his gaze steady and filled with curiosity. "You make it look easy," he says, echoing his earlier words.
You glance up at him, your lips curving into a smile. "It's not easy," you state, confidently dipping your brush into a deep amber hue. "It feels natural. This was always meant to be."
He chuckles softly, the sound blending with the breeze that stirs the leaves overhead. "Always meant to be, huh?" His tone is playful, but there's a softness beneath it, a quiet acknowledgment of the truth in your words.
You nod, returning your attention to the painting. The tree above him stretches its arms wide, its leaves forming a delicate frame around his silhouette. The flowers at the base of the hill add splashes of colour, their petals leaning toward him as if drawn by the same pull that keeps you captivated.
The painting comes alive, the colours breathing and shifting as though imbued with the energy of the moment. Ronin's presence on the page is more than a mere likeness; it's a reflection of the way he makes you feel: the warmth, the steadiness, the quiet beauty that grounds you.
"Show me," he says, his voice teasing but patient.
"Patience," you say, though your smile betrays your enjoyment of his curiosity. "The best things take time."
He shakes his head, laughing softly, but he doesn't press further. Instead, he shifts his weight against the tree. The movement is natural, unposed, and you are grateful for his trust in you to capture him as he is.
Your brush moves with renewed focus, adding the subtle textures of his clothing, the gentle folds that catch the light. You mix deeper shades for the shadows, the tones rich and grounding, a quiet contrast to the vibrancy of the flowers and sky.
Ronin tilts his head slightly, his gaze wandering to the horizon. The sunlight dances in his eyes, turning them into warm pools of amber and gold. You capture this, too, your brush sweeping across the page with deliberate strokes.
The painting feels almost complete, but you hesitate, your brush hovering over the page. There's something about him that's difficult to translate into paint – a kind of quiet radiance, a depth that no combination of colours can fully capture.
"You're staring," he says, his voice teasing but soft.
You blink, realising your brush hasn't moved in several moments. "I'm making sure I don't miss anything," you say, your cheeks flushing faintly.
He smiles, the corners of his eyes crinkling. "You've already got more of me than I could have imagined."
His words make your heart swell, and you dip your brush into the water one last time. The final strokes are slow and deliberate, adding the slightest details: a touch of light on his collar, the soft curve of his smile, the gentle shadow of the tree.
When you set your brush down, the painting feels whole. It's not just a picture of him; it's a portrait of this moment, of the love that fills the air like the scent of the flowers around you.
Ronin steps forward, his gaze dropping to the page. He studies it in silence, his expression unreadable at first. Then he looks at you, his eyes soft and filled with something infinite.
"It's beautiful," he says, his voice quiet but full of meaning.
You meet his gaze directly, your fingers still resting on the edge of the notebook. "You're beautiful," you reply, your voice as soft as ever.
The space between you vanishes as he reaches out and his hand touches yours. Everything seems to come to a halt, as though the world is holding its breath, and when he leans down to kiss you, it's like the final stroke on a masterpiece—perfect, complete, timeless.
The kiss begins softly, like the first stroke of a brush on a blank canvas, tentative yet deliberate. Everything else fades away. The rustling leaves, the hum of distant bees, it all becomes part of a gentle silence. All that remains is him—the warmth of his lips, the steady presence of his hand cupping your cheek, grounding you as the moment deepens.
His lips are warm, and faintly you taste the sunlight that has bathed the day. They move against yours with a tenderness that feels like an unspoken vow, a promise written in the language of touch. There is no urgency, only the quiet, deliberate unfolding of a shared truth—a truth you've both felt but never fully spoken until now.
The scent of the garden is in the air: sweet and heady, mingling with the faint trace of his cologne. It's intoxicating, a blend of earth and sky, grounding and limitless all at once. His hand slides down to rest against your neck, his thumb brushing lightly against your jawline. This gesture is so gentle that it sends shivers through you.
Your hands find their way to his shoulders, the fabric of his shirt soft beneath your fingertips. You feel the strength in him, the steadiness that has always been his anchor, and it's this steadiness that allows you to let go, to lose yourself in the moment.
Time stretches and bends as the seconds slip into each other like colours bleeding on a page. There is no rush, no need for anything beyond this connection, this melding of warmth, breath and quiet affection.
The breeze stirs around you, carrying the scent of wildflowers and the distant murmur of the lake. The world seems to hold its breath, in awe of this simple, profound act. The sunlight filters through the tree above, its golden rays painting your joined silhouettes on the grass below.
When he pulls back, it's not abrupt, but gradual, as if he's reluctant to let the moment end. His forehead rests gently against yours, his breath mingling with yours in the small space between you. Their eyes meet and you see everything: the softness, the vulnerability, the quiet certainty that this moment is as much yours as it is his.
Neither of you speaks at first. Words are unnecessary, pale in comparison to the emotion that lingers like an echo in your chest. His thumb continues to run small patterns over your skin, as if to reassure himself that you're still there, still his.
"You're incredible," he murmurs at last, his voice low and thick with emotion.
A smile tugs at your lips and you lean into his touch, your fingers brushing lightly against the nape of his neck. "So are you," you reply, your voice barely above a whisper, yet it carries the weight of all the things you feel but cannot yet articulate.
You and he linger there, caught in the golden glow of the afternoon. The kiss feels like the turning of a page, the start of a new chapter in a story you've been writing together without realizing it.
The garden around you seems more alive now, its colours brighter, its scents richer. The world itself seems to be rejoicing in your connection, a silent witness to the love that has unfolded between you like the petals of flowers swaying in the breeze.
Ronin's hand slides down to take yours, his fingers intertwining with yours in a gesture that feels as natural as breathing. He doesn't let go, and you don't want him to.
"Let's find another place to paint," he says, his voice warm and inviting.
You nod, your smile matching his. "Only if you promise to stay this perfect."
His laughter is quiet, warm, and utterly disarming. "I'll try," he says, but the way he looks at you suggests he's already perfect in your eyes, and that's all that matters.
As you rise and begin to walk hand in hand, the kiss lingers in the air, a moment that feels as infinite as the sky above. It's not just a memory, it's a promise: a reminder that no matter where you go or what you paint, you'll always carry this moment, this feeling, within you.
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A day to remember , pt 2
( killer chat ) ronin x reader ... angst ...
trigger warning:
The world narrows, your vision narrowing as the air thickens with the mingled scent of blood and spider lilies. You're aware of the warmth of your own lifeblood pooling beneath you, staining the delicate petals that had once seemed too vibrant to touch.The ground beneath your knees feels damp, soft, and unyielding, a cradle for your unraveling body.Yet through the haze of agony, there is him—always him.
Ronin stands above you, a shadowed figure against the crimson field. His expression is unreadable, except for the faint smirk curling at the corner of his lips. It is not triumph, not cruelty, but something darker and more intimate. His chest rises and falls with measured breaths, his body still except for the hand holding your heart.
It lies cradled in his scarred fingers, slick and trembling, its surface gleaming with the ruby gloss of fresh blood. It beats faintly, weaker with every pulse, yet stubborn in its refusal to stop. The sound is soft, a fragile rhythm that seems too small to echo in the vastness of the field, yet Ronin hears it as if it were thunder.
He lifts it close to his cheek, his fingers curling protectively around the fragile organ. His smirk deepens as he tilts his head, pressing the side of his face against it as though listening to a secret meant only for him. His eyes flutter closed for a moment, and the weight of his reverence pierces the fog of your pain.
"You're still here," he says, his voice low and rough, like the grind of stone against stone. His words are not a question but a statement, a declaration. He doesn't look at the blood spilling from your chest or the stain spreading on the lilies. His focus is unwavering, fixed intently on the faint, stubborn rhythm of your heart in his hand.
The smirk lingers on his lips, a crack in his otherwise stoic exterior, but his eyes betray him when they open again. They're ablaze with a fiery intensity, a wild and unnameable passion that flirts with cruelty and devotion, possession and vulnerability. There is no smile, no soft curve of his lips to reassure you, but the weight of his gaze says everything he won't.
"You're beautiful like this," he says, his tone clinical, as if he's observing a masterpiece that only he could have created. But there's an edge to his words, a tightness in his voice that gives him away. He is clearly affected. He's never been unaffected by you.
The lilies tremble in the breeze, their petals drinking in the blood that drips from his hands, from your chest. The red of the flowers seems dull now, overshadowed by the vivid, wet crimson that clings to your body, your clothes, the earth. You wonder if the lilies will bloom darker after today, if they'll remember what happened here.
Ronin kneels beside you. His presence is overwhelming. His hand cradles your face, his touch surprisingly gentle despite the blood smeared across his palm. He tilts your chin up, forcing you to meet his gaze. His smirk falters for a second, then changes to something softer, almost tender, before returning.
"Don't give up on me now," he says, his tone light but carrying an undercurrent of steel. His thumb brushes against your cheek, smearing blood like war paint. "You've always been stronger than that."
Your chest rises and falls with each breath, each beat of your heart a defiant stand against the looming inevitability that threatens to overwhelm your vision. You want to speak, to say something, but your voice catches in your throat.
Ronin shifts, pressing your heart closer to his ear. Its faint, faltering beats are a song only he can hear. His smirk softens into something unreadable, his expression a mask of conflicting emotions. He looks at you as if he is trying to memorise every detail, every inch of you, as though you might disappear if he looks away.
"You're belovedly mine," he says finally, his voice steady but thick with emotion. "Every part of you. Even this." He gestures faintly with your heart, his fingers tightening slightly around it as if to emphasise his point.
The blood continues to pool beneath you, warm and sticky, but Ronin doesn't seem concerned. He leans in closer, his breath ghosting against your face, his free hand still cradling your cheek. His movements are now soft, despite the violence of what he has done.
"Stay with me," he murmurs, his voice quieter now, almost pleading. His smirk vanishes, replaced by a hard line of determination. "I didn't do this to lose you."
You nod, or perhaps it's just the tilt of your head as your strength ebbs away. His grip on your heart tightens, as though the pressure might will it to keep beating. He's not ready to let you go.
The lilies around you seem to close in, their red petals brushing against your skin, their presence almost suffocating. The field feels alive, charged with the weight of your bond, the ritual that has bound you both in blood and love.
Ronin's lips press against your forehead, leaving a smear of blood in their wake. His kiss is brief, a promise more than an act, but it grounds you, pulling you back from the edge.
"You'll be okay," he says, though it's unclear whether he's reassuring you or himself. His voice steadies, and his smirk returns as a shield against any vulnerability.
As the world fades around you, the field of lilies darkens into a blur of red and black. Ronin holds your heart close, its faint rhythm echoing in the silence. You see his face, his smirk softening into something like a smile, but not quite. Ronin is always not quite.
After the ceremony, after the blood and the vows, there is a stillness that settles over you. You feel distant, distorted, as though you are floating in between dimensions, caught somewhere between life and death. You should be gone by now, your heart should have swallowed you whole, but it pounds relentlessly in Ronin's hands. It's a cruel joke: your heart trapped in a cage of flesh, a lifeline that should no longer be.
You are already dead, and yet Ronin's love has tethered you here, held you in a space between worlds where the living and the dead blur. His hands, rough and calloused, cradle your heart as if it were the most fragile thing in the world, the blood still dripping from his fingers as he holds the beating organ against his chest. The sound of it—slow, steady—echoes in the silence around you, a reminder that he has given you a second life.
It's in the quiet moments that the idea begins to form, the madness seeping into the edges of his mind like ink spreading through water. He will keep you with him. He will keep you in a way that neither death nor time can take away. He will create something new — something for you, something for both of you.
Ronin spends days hunched over his workbench, his hands moving with a practiced precision as he shapes the porcelain. The cool, lifeless material transforms beneath his fingers into something almost human. You watch from the shadows, your body too weak to move, but not too weak to observe. He doesn't sleep. He doesn't eat. He pours himself entirely into this creation, his obsidian eyes never leaving the doll as it takes shape under his relentless touch.
The doll begins as a blank canvas, but slowly, as Ronin works, it begins to resemble you—your face, your form, your silent eyes. Each delicate curve is crafted with love and obsession, and with each piece of porcelain that slides into place, it feels as though Ronin is sewing the remnants of your soul back into a new vessel. It's a hollow shell, but it will hold your heart.
Your heart.
He places it gently inside, and a small, rhythmic thrum can be heard, pulsing defiantly through the cold porcelain, defying the lifelessness of the doll. It is unsettling, haunting. Your heart, alive and bloodstained, is beating inside something that can never be truly alive. The doll is perfect in its twisted beauty, but it is empty, and you are not.
When Ronin finishes, the doll stands tall before him, its porcelain skin smooth and unblemished, its eyes glassy but somehow filled with an eerie light. The body is a replica of yours, flawless in every detail, yet its mouth remains a faint, disquieting smile, a reminder of the price of love—what it takes to bind someone to you forever.
He doesn't say anything. He holds the doll in his hands, gazing at it like it's a precious treasure, a twisted masterpiece born from the depths of his devotion. His chest tightens as he watches the porcelain shell, his heart beating in your chest, filling the room with an uncomfortable, unsettling rhythm.
"You'll never leave me," he says, his voice hoarse and trembling. "Never."
The doll isn't you. It cannot replace you, no matter how perfect the illusion. He stands there, holding it, pressing his forehead to the cold porcelain surface as though he is comforting the empty vessel. He is comforting himself.
And yet, when his eyes meet yours, you can't look away. Despite the pain and the haunting sense of loss, you feel a strange peace in your chest, in the place where your heart still beats. It is no longer just flesh—it is the symbol of his love, the ultimate sacrifice he's willing to make to keep you with him, even if it means imprisoning your soul in this delicate, fragile body.
He strides purposefully towards you, the doll in his arms like a grotesque, living piece of art. His hands are trembling as he lifts it, his fingers brushing against your face before he places the doll gently beside you. He looks at you one last time, his eyes searching for something in your expression.
"You'll stay with me, won't you?" he whispers, his voice breaking.
The answer doesn't need to be spoken. You nod slowly, your heart pounding in your chest, a testament to the unbreakable bond between you. Ronin may have crafted the doll, but it is your heart, still alive, still burning, that keeps you tethered to him.
Days blend into nights and the doll remains beside you. Its porcelain eyes are blank and unblinking and its chest is hollow, save for the rhythm of your heart beating inside. You are not alive, not in the traditional sense, but you are not truly dead either. You exist in the space between, a lingering presence that haunts both Ronin and the world he's tried to create for you.
You are his creation, his masterpiece – a love so consuming that it reaches beyond the boundaries of life and death. You are both alive and not, the embodiment of a love that can never be undone. You are perfect, just as he made you.
The days stretch on, each one a delicate thread woven into the tapestry of your haunted existence. Ronin is watchful and moves through the house like a shadow, a presence that feels protective and suffocating. The doll, your body, your form, is always by your side. Its porcelain skin is flawless and cold. It is unnerving how lifelike it appears, how the hollow eyes follow you wherever you go, always watching, always waiting. But it's empty, and you are not.
Your heart beats steadily, a slow, persistent pulse that echoes through the silence. The beat is insistent, filling the air and almost drowning out the whispers in your mind. They begin soft, like the flutter of moth wings, but soon grow louder, more insistent. These are the voices of the past, of the lives you never had, the love you never got to experience. The life that was stolen from you when Ronin tore your heart from your chest, to trap it inside this cold, lifeless shell.
You wander the house, your footsteps silent on the old wooden floors, your heart a ticking clock in the quiet. You feel the weight of your presence. You feel it in the way the air grows thick, heavy with a sorrow that hangs just beyond reach, a sadness too deep to name. It suffocates you. It clings to you, a shroud of grief and longing.
The doll, your perfect, beautiful form, is a constant reminder of what you've become. It watches you with its glassy, empty eyes, and sometimes, when the room is still and the air is thick with unspoken things, you swear it moves, just slightly. A tilt of the head, a soft shift of the body. But when you look again, it's still. It is never anything but still.
It haunts you, standing there silent and still, a mirror of your former self. The doll is a shadow of your soul, a vessel for something that can't be contained, something that refuses to die.
Then there's Ronin.
His presence is overwhelming and consuming. His presence is overwhelming and he is always watching you. You never dare meet his gaze without feeling the weight of your heart, still beating in your chest as if it's not yours anymore. It feels as if your heart belongs to him, locked away inside the prison of your body. He has created something beautiful, something grotesque. He's given you a second chance at life, but it's not life. It's a twisted existence, a constant reminder of the price of love.
At night, when the world quiets down and the house falls into an eerie silence, you hear him whispering to the doll. His words are low, almost inaudible, but you know exactly what he's saying. He is apologising. He speaks to the doll as if it is you. He tells the porcelain figure how much he loves you, how he would never let you go, how he would never allow you to fade away into nothing. But it's not you. It's a replica, a hollow imitation.
You think you can escape his love, this unholy bond he's forged between you. But you never do. You never can. The weight of your heart, still beating, still alive, pulls you back to him, to this house, to this existence you've become trapped in. You are haunted, not just by the doll but by the love that sustains you, the love that has tied you to this twisted form of life.
The whispers grow louder. They come from everywhere—the walls, the floor, the wind itself. They are fragments of your old life, fragments of what you could have been, what you should have been. You hear your name, faint and distant, as if someone is calling you from far away. But when you turn, there is nothing.
You are the ghost now.
You are both alive and dead, existing in the space between, unable to move forward or backward. Your heart beats for him, and you know it's a curse. It's a chain that binds you to a love that is both beautiful and consuming. It is a love without limits.
Sometimes, when you stand before the mirror, you see something different in your reflection. The eyes of the porcelain doll flicker, as if they're alive, as if trying to break free of the form Ronin has trapped it in. Your own eyes, the real ones, feel foreign. They feel haunted. You see the remnants of what you were, what you could have been, but it slips away like smoke.
And Ronin?
Ronin looks at you like you are the only thing that matters. His touch, his love, is overwhelming. It's suffocating. It is a fire that cannot be extinguished, a hunger that consumes him from the inside out. He has transformed you into something new – something dead and living all at once – and yet, you remain his. He will never let you go.
You want to scream. You want to tear away the shell of porcelain and blood, to feel your heart stop, to feel the silence that should have claimed you on your wedding day. But your heart beats on, a constant reminder that love, in its most twisted form, cannot die.
You linger, haunted by what you have become, by the love that has kept you here. You are the ghost in your own life, trapped between worlds, the echo of a love so powerful it has bled into every corner of your soul. Ronin has made you into a haunted doll, a living, breathing thing whose heart will never cease, whose love will never end.
You are his, forever.
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A day to remember
( killer chat ) wedding day ronin x reader ... angst ...
trigger warning:
The sky was a smear of bruised red and deep violet, the horizon bleeding into the earth as if the heavens themselves had cracked open. The field of spider lilies stretched endlessly before you, their crimson heads swaying in a silent, hypnotic rhythm, like a thousand whispered prayers to gods long forgotten. You had come here by instinct, drawn to the place where life and death seemed to tangle, where beauty thrived on the precipice of decay.
Ronin stood in the centre of the field, his dark figure stark against the sea of crimson. He was waiting, as he always seemed to be, his presence magnetic yet unnerving, like the pull of gravity before a fall. The wind caught in his hair, the strands wild and black as a crow's wing, framing his face in shadows that moved with unnatural grace. His eyes met yours, sharp and glinting with a light that didn't belong to the dying sun.
You moved toward him, your steps hesitant at first, as though crossing a threshold into another world. The air thickened with each stride, heavy with the scent of iron and something sweetly rotten, as though the flowers themselves were bleeding beneath your feet. It was a beautiful kind of wrongness, a paradox you couldn't resist, just like him.
When you were close enough to see the sharp curve of his jaw and the smudge of dirt on his cheek, you stopped. He tilted his head, a predatory motion, the corner of his mouth curving into a smile that promised both tenderness and ruin. In his hands, he cradled something wrapped in linen: the white fabric stained dark, the edges fraying as if it had been torn from something larger, more violent.
He took a step closer, and you could see his boots crushing the spider lilies beneath them, the petals breaking apart like bloodstains against the black leather. He was unstoppable, a force of nature, and he owned this moment.
"I have something for you," he said, his voice low and rough, a sound that enveloped you like smoke. He unfolded the linen slowly, deliberately, revealing what lay within. Your breath hitched, the sight arresting in its horror and grotesque beauty.
A heart.
It was heavy in his hands, its surface slick and glistening, veins still pulsing faintly as if defying the reality of its removal. Blood dripped from its edges, staining the white linen and then the ground below, mingling with the crushed petals. The sight was visceral, primal, a gift torn from life itself, and yet it didn't repulse you. It mesmerised you, much like the man holding it.
"For you," he murmured, his tone soft and reverent, as though he were offering up a piece of himself. Perhaps he was. His hands trembled, just barely, betraying the emotion he rarely let surface. "Because you are the only one who could hold it without breaking it further."
You didn't reach for it immediately. Instead, you stared at him, searching his face for some hint of cruelty, of mockery. But there was none. His expression was raw, unadorned, and unguarded. This was no joke, no twisted game. It was a declaration, a vow.
Your hands lifted instinctively, trembling as they approached the bloodied offering. When your fingers brushed against the slick surface, warm and alive, Ronin's breath caught, his chest rising sharply. His gaze never left yours, as if he were committing every second of this moment to memory.
"You always said I had no heart," he said, his voice breaking slightly, a thread of vulnerability woven into the words. "Maybe you're right. But if there's anything left of me worth giving, it's this."
The weight of the heart in your hands felt heavier than expected, the blood seeping between your fingers, warm and thick. Yet, holding it felt like claiming something ancient, something sacred. The spider lilies seemed to lean toward you, their petals trembling as though in witness.
Ronin stepped closer, his hand lifting to brush a stray strand of hair from your face. His touch was careful despite the blood smearing your skin. His eyes softened, the sharpness dulling into something warm, something achingly human. "I would give you everything," he said. "I would give you everything, even the parts of me that I don't deserve to keep."
The field held its breath, the world narrowing until you and he were alone, the bloody heart between you a bond forged in the fire of something neither of you could name. You felt tears prickling your eyes, not from sadness, but from the sheer weight of his offering, his love, his raw, unfiltered truth.
"Ronin," you breathed, his name a prayer, a promise, a plea. He leaned down, his forehead pressing gently against yours, his breath warm and steady, grounding you.
"Don't say anything," he said, his voice barely audible, trembling with restraint. "Just tell me you'll stay. That you'll take me, broken as I am."
You knew the answer without even thinking about it. It was already etched into your bones, carved into your soul by the way he had always seen you, always chosen you, even in his ruin. "I'll stay," you declared, the words a vow that spilled from your lips like blood from the heart you still held.
His eyes closed, his exhale shuddered, and you felt the tension bleed from him, the hard edges softening entirely. He took the heart from your hands, carefully and reverently, and placed it on the ground between the lilies, as if offering it back to the earth from which all life and death stemmed.
Then he turned back to you, his hands now free, and pulled you into his arms. The scent of blood and crushed flowers wrapped around you, but it was his warmth, his solidity, that anchored you. You pressed your face against his chest, the steady thrum of his heartbeat beneath your ear a comfort that no words could match.
In that field of spider lilies, under the fractured sky, the two of you stood entwined, your love forged in blood and beauty, in the spaces between life and death. You knew then that nothing, not even the weight of the world, could tear you apart.
The days have passed in a haze of preparation, a feverish yet steady march toward the moment where vows will bind your life to Ronin's in a way deeper than blood. The air itself feels different; charged with anticipation and something heavier, something ancient, as if the world understands the gravity of what you're about to promise.
The house is quiet this morning, but not still. You have been awake for hours, moving between tasks with a focus that borders on obsession. Your hands are smeared with paint, or perhaps it's dried blood from the bouquet of roses you've been trimming, their thorns biting into your fingers like tiny promises of pain. It suits the occasion. Love has always been sharp.
A dress—or suit, or something neither—hangs on the doorframe, catching the soft, pale light that filters through the window. It's simple yet striking, a reflection of you in fabric and thread. Ronin hasn't seen it yet; he'd insisted on tradition, on the sanctity of first looks being reserved for the altar. You laughed at his insistence, but there was something endearing about his stubbornness, the way his hard edges softened in the name of sentiment.
The flowers were the hardest part. Ronin wanted spider lilies, the kind that bloomed in that strange and sacred field where he first laid his heart bare to you. You returned there together, plucking the blood-red petals with reverence, your hands brushing as you worked in tandem. Now, the lilies rest in glass jars on every surface, their fiery hue setting the room ablaze with colour.
On the table before you lies a small pile of invitations you never sent. They are like ghosts of what could have been, their edges curled slightly from neglect. Neither of you has many people to invite. You told Ronin it didn't matter, that the ceremony was for the two of you alone. He nodded, his eyes shadowed but warm, and the invitations remained unfinished.
The rings rest in a carved wooden box, their metallic sheen dull in the dim light. Ronin crafted them himself, his hands working tirelessly at his workbench for weeks. You remember the way he showed them to you, his expression a mixture of pride and uncertainty, the metal still warm from his touch. "I wanted them to be ours," he'd said, his voice low and rough. "Not something anyone else could give you."
You catch sight of your reflection in the window. It's faint and ghostly. There are smudges of ash on your cheek, remnants of the incense you burned earlier. The scent of incense still lingers in the air, thick and heady, mingling with the metallic tang of the lilies and the faint trace of oil from Ronin's workbench.
He's at the shop today, fixing engines as though the world isn't about to shift beneath your feet. You imagine him there, his hands blackened with grease, his jaw set in that familiar way that tells you he's deep in thought. He has been quieter these past few days, his silences stretching longer, but not out of reluctance. His silence is like the stillness before a storm, charged with meaning he hasn't yet found the words to express.
The knife you've been using to trim the flowers rests on the counter, its blade glinting in the light. There's a beauty in its sharpness, its precision, how it transforms chaos into purpose. You think of Ronin's hands, how they are both capable of destruction and creation, how they hold you with a gentleness that belies their strength.
The evening creeps in, painting the walls with shadows. You light another candle, the flame dancing against the encroaching darkness. The preparations are almost finished, but you feel a restless longing for the man who will soon stand beside you at the altar. You wonder if he feels it too, this quiet desperation to fast-forward time, to arrive at the moment when everything will finally, irrevocably change.
You glance at the letters again, your fingers running over the uneven script of his name on the envelope you'll never send. Your heart tightens as you feel the weight of what's to come pressing against your ribs. This isn't fear. It's a recognition of the enormity of what you're about to do.
The field of spider lilies flashes in your mind: vivid and raw. You see his figure there, dark and imposing, holding out his bloody offering with trembling hands. That moment feels like a lifetime ago, yet it's the thread that ties you to this one, the unbreakable line that brought you here.
The house feels smaller now, too quiet. You reach for the bouquet, its petals soft and fragile, a stark contrast to the sharpness of the thorns. You can picture Ronin's face when he sees them at the altar, his eyes softening, his mouth curving into that rare, unguarded smile that you live for.
A knock at the door abruptly interrupts the silence. You open the door to find Ronin there. His hands are streaked with grease, his hair is dishevelled and his eyes are heavy but warm. He looks at you like you're the only thing in the world, his gaze lingering on the flowers in your hands before returning to your face.
"I thought I'd stop by," he says, his voice low and gravelly. "Make sure you're not doing too much."
You smile, stepping aside to let him in. He moves with the quiet confidence of someone who knows he belongs, his presence filling the room like the tide returning to shore. He glances at the spider lilies, the rings, the unfinished letters, and you see the tension in his shoulders ease.
He pulls you into his arms without a word, his embrace firm and grounding. You press your face against his chest, breathing in the scent of oil and smoke and something indefinably him. His heart beats steadily beneath your cheek, a quiet rhythm that anchors you.
"Are you ready for this?" he asks, his voice lowered to a whisper against your hair.
You pull back just enough to meet his gaze, your hands resting lightly on his chest. "With you?" you say, your voice steady despite the chaos in your heart. "Always."
He smiles, rare and unguarded, lighting up the shadows. In that moment, you know that no matter what lies ahead, you will face it together, bound by the sharpness of your love, the thorns and the petals intertwined.
The morning arrives in a surreal stillness, the air heavy and the light soft. The world is holding its breath for what's to come. You wake before dawn, your nerves tingling with anticipation. The small room has a strong scent of spider lilies and wood smoke, which is both grounding and disorienting. You look in the mirror. Your face is pale but steady, your eyes brighter than they should be.
Only a few are coming today—just the people who have wandered too close to the edges of your lives and found themselves drawn in. Friends is too simple a word for them. They are witnesses, chosen not for who they are but for their silence, their willingness to watch without questioning. They know better than to pry.
The ceremony is in the same field of spider lilies where Ronin gave you his heart – or what remained of it. The flowers look different today, darker somehow, their red petals nearly black under the overcast sky. The clouds above churn sluggishly, like a storm too tired to break. You arrive alone, your outfit simple but striking, chosen not for its beauty but for its weight, its presence.
Ronin is already there, standing at the makeshift altar. His figure is sharp against the sea of crimson; he is poised to cut through the air with his blade. Dressed in black, his silhouette almost blends into the shadows, except for the pale scar that runs across his jaw, a reminder of battles fought and survived. His eyes meet yours as you approach, and in them is that same mixture of softness and menace, the tenderness that exists only for you and the ferocity that would raze the earth in your name.
The officiant speaks, its words low and steady, but you barely hear them. Your eyes are on Ronin: his hands, scarred and calloused, twitching at his sides as if eager to reach for you; his breath, slow and controlled, but shallow enough to betray the storm beneath his ribs. His lips curve into a ghost of a smile as he holds your gaze, and the world around you fades into a blur of red and shadow.
When it's time to speak your vows, your voice trembles only slightly. The words you've chosen are simple but deliberate, each one a thread binding you to him. Ronin listens intently, his head tilted slightly, his expression unreadable save for the flicker of something ancient and raw in his eyes.
When it's his turn, his voice is rough, weighted with emotion he rarely shows. "You are the only thing that matters," he says, his words slow and deliberate. "The only thing that's ever mattered. I will give you everything I am, even the parts of me that are broken."
His hand reaches out, fingers brushing against yours, and for a moment, everything feels fragile and perfect, like glass balanced on the edge of a blade. You notice the others, the witnesses, who have remained silent but uneasy.
Then he moves.
It happens in a blink, faster than thought. His hand pierces your chest, his fingers slicing through fabric and flesh with the precision of a blade. The pain is immediate, searing, but it's eclipsed by the shock, the surrealness of watching his hand buried in you up to the wrist.
Your breath catches, your vision blurs, but you don't fall. His grip is firm, holding you upright even as your blood paints the front of your outfit in violent streaks of crimson. The metallic scent of blood fills the air, mingling with the spider lilies, their petals trembling as if in witness to this macabre act of devotion.
Ronin's eyes are fixed on yours. They are wide and burning with something indescribable – love, madness, reverence, all tangled together. His expression is raw, his usual hard exterior shattered, leaving only the vulnerability he shows only to you.
"You gave me yours," he whispers, his voice trembling. "Now it's my turn."
His hand withdraws slowly, and in it, cradled delicately as if it's the most precious thing in the world, is your heart. It's still beating, the rhythm weak but steady, its surface slick with blood that drips onto the ground below. The sight is grotesque, horrifying—and yet, there's a strange beauty in it, a reverence that makes your breath hitch despite the agony.
Ronin kneels, lowering your heart to the ground as though offering it to the lilies themselves. He rises, his bloodied hand reaching to cup your face, his touch impossibly gentle. You're swaying, on the verge of collapse, but he steadies you, his other arm firmly around your waist, holding you upright.
"You'll live," he says firmly, a promise and a command. "I'll make sure of it."
The crowd is silent, their faces pale and eyes wide, but they don't interfere. They know better. This is your ritual, your bond, something sacred and incomprehensible to anyone else.
Ronin presses his forehead to yours, his breath warm against your lips. His thumb traces the contours of your face, brushing away tears you didn't notice. "You're mine," he murmurs, his voice breaking. "And I'm yours. Always."
The pain fades, your body numb from the intensity of the moment. You nod, your hands clutching at his shirt as if to anchor yourself to him, to this reality. Despite the blood, the chaos and the surrealness of it all, you feel a peace settling over you, a sense of rightness.
The spider lilies lean closer, their red petals almost black, drinking in the spilled blood as though it's their lifeblood too. The air is thick with tension, as if the world itself is bearing witness to your union.
Ronin leans down and kisses you, his lips brushing yours. The taste is of copper and salt, of love and sacrifice. It's not gentle, not soft, but it's real, and it's everything.
When he pulls back, his eyes are steady, his expression fierce yet tender. "We'll finish this together," he says, his voice steady despite the storm in his eyes. "No matter what."
As the world spins around you, your blood mingling with the earth, you know he means it.
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( killer chat ) Ronin fan art
got inspired to draw ronin today <3
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Flower garden
( genshin impact ) kaeya x albedo ... fluff ...
trigger warning:
Kaeya and Albedo strode purposefully through the flower garden as the late afternoon sun cast its amber hues across the horizon, painting the sky with soft strokes of gold and blush. The air was thick with the scents of lilac, jasmine and roses, their fragrance mingling to create a symphony of nature's finest notes. Every step they took stirred a light rustling among the petals, the sound as gentle as a whispered secret.
Kaeya's cerulean eyes sparkled, reflecting the brilliance of a nearby patch of forget-me-nots, their delicate blossoms a vivid reminder of fleeting moments that linger forever. His smile was languid, teasing the edges of his lips as he looked toward Albedo, who walked beside him with a quiet grace. Albedo's silver-blonde hair shimmered in the fading sunlight, each strand catching the glow like spun moonlight, framing a face touched by serene curiosity.
The path ahead was dappled with the shadows of swaying branches, their patterns shifting with the playful dance of a soft breeze. Kaeya reached out, brushing his fingers across the petals of a crimson poppy. "Do you think flowers carry secrets?" he asked, his voice a low murmur, as if the blossoms themselves might overhear.
Albedo paused, head tilted towards the lavender. His gloved fingers traced the slender stems, and his pale eyes drank in their muted purple hue. "Perhaps," he replied confidently. "They are the guardians of memories—silent witnesses to time and the hearts that pass by them."
The garden seemed to breathe around them, alive with the rustling of leaves and the occasional trill of birdsong. Butterflies flitted between blooms, their wings delicate as parchment, brushing past Kaeya's shoulder in fleeting, featherlight touches. He laughed, the sound mingling with the rustle of the leaves above.
"You and your metaphors," Kaeya said, a playful note in his tone. "Though I suppose there's some truth in that. Every flower here feels like it's whispering something to us." He bent down, plucked a single white daisy from the edge of the path and twirled it between his fingers.
Albedo watched him, a small smile curving his lips, soft but genuine. He knelt to examine a blooming hibiscus, his analytical mind momentarily yielding to quiet appreciation. "The garden thrives in its ephemeral beauty," he declared, his voice steady. "Each blossom knows its moment is brief, yet it offers its brilliance all the same. It's comforting, in a way."
Kaeya leaned against a wooden trellis woven with climbing roses, their deep scarlet petals stark against his dark attire. "Ah, Albedo," he said, his voice a touch wistful. "You're a philosopher, Albedo. I had thought gardens were for simpler pleasures."
Albedo straightened, brushing stray petals from his coat. He turned to Kaeya, his gaze soft but penetrating, as if he could read the thoughts hidden beneath the other's easy charm. "Simplicity and complexity are two sides of the same coin," he replied. "Even in a garden, the smallest detail can tell a story."
Their footsteps led them directly to a fountain at the heart of the garden, its crystal-clear water cascading over smooth stone. The sunlight danced in the ripples, scattering fragments of light that painted their faces in fleeting patterns. Kaeya dipped a finger into the cool water, watching the ripples spread outward.
Albedo stood beside him, his hands clasped behind his back, a contemplative expression softening his features. "It's a curious thing," he said after a pause. "It's fascinating how places like this seem timeless, yet we are constantly aware of the moments slipping away."
Kaeya tilted his head, considering the thought. "That's why we treasure them," he stated. "Because we know they're fleeting. Like the way the sunset kisses the horizon before it's swallowed by night."
The two fell into a companionable silence, the kind where words were unnecessary. The garden echoed their unspoken thoughts, its beauty a tapestry woven from both vibrancy and stillness. Kaeya turned to Albedo, his expression uncharacteristically tender.
"You know," Kaeya said, his voice firm, "you have a way of finding beauty in things most people overlook." He held the daisy out to Albedo, a quiet offering.
Albedo accepted it with a nod, brushing his fingers briefly against Kaeya's. "And you," he continued, "you remind me that even brief moments can leave a lasting impression."
As the sun dipped lower, casting the garden in shades of amber and deepening indigo, Albedo looked up at Kaeya. Shadows lengthened, stretching like delicate tendrils over the cobbled path. Kaeya and Albedo strolled on, their steps unhurried, as if savouring every breath of the twilight air.
A sudden gust of wind sent petals scattering around them, a cascade of pink and white that danced like confetti in celebration. Kaeya caught one mid-air and held it up with a boyish grin. "Even the wind wants to leave us gifts," he declared.
Albedo chuckled softly, a rare sound that immediately lightened the space between them. "It's a reminder," he stated, "that beauty isn't tied to permanence. It's in the motion, the change, the fleetingness."
Their path curved through a grove of cherry trees, their pale flowers luminous against the encroaching dusk. Albedo stopped beneath one, tilting his head to observe its delicate branches. Kaeya joined him, leaning close, his warmth brushing against Albedo's side.
"This is my favourite kind of evening," Kaeya said quietly.
Albedo turned to him, his gaze steady and thoughtful. "Why is that?"
Kaeya smiled warmly, glanced at the garden, then back at Albedo. "Because it's a moment worth remembering."
The garden held its breath as the two lingered there, caught in a timeless pause. When they finally moved on, their figures disappeared into the shadows of the evening, leaving only the rustling flowers to tell their story.
As dusk fell, the garden enveloped Kaeya and Albedo, a sanctuary that cradled their presence in its fragrant embrace. The sky was awash with the last of the day's light, streaks of orange and violet blending into the deep indigo of the night. The two men moved as though the world outside the garden had ceased to exist, leaving only them and the blossoms to bear witness to their quiet romance.
Kaeya gazed at Albedo, a faint smile curling at the corners of his lips. Albedo's pale complexion reflected the soft glow of the fading day, the silver of his hair catching the light like strands of liquid starlight. "You know," Kaeya said, his voice low and teasing, "you could put the moon to shame with the way you glow."
Albedo glanced sideways, his expression showing a mixture of curiosity and amusement. "Flattery?" he asked, a subtle smirk playing on his lips. "Or is it an attempt to distract me from analysing the geometry of these flowerbeds?"
Kaeya chuckled, the sound rich and warm. "Maybe both. But I doubt even I could distract that mind of yours for long." He reached out to pluck a single iris, its deep violet petals mirroring the encroaching night's hue. He twirled it between his fingers and extended it towards Albedo with a flourish. "Still, it's worth a try."
Albedo accepted the flower, his gloved fingers brushing Kaeya's in the exchange. The brief contact lingered in the air between them, a spark that neither could deny. Albedo's pale eyes softened as he looked at the iris, then back at Kaeya. "You always turn the simplest gestures into something meaningful," he said quietly.
The path led them directly to a grove of wisteria. Its cascading blooms formed a lavender canopy that swayed gently in the evening breeze. Kaeya leaned casually against a tree, his posture relaxed but his gaze fixed intently on Albedo. His expression was quiet and confident, and his eyes showed tenderness, reserved only for moments like these.
Albedo stepped closer, the wisteria petals brushing against his shoulders like a ghostly caress. When he spoke, his voice was calm but edged with a rare vulnerability. "It's strange, isn't it? Even in a place as serene as this, the world feels sharper when I'm with you. Every colour, every sound—they all come alive when I'm with you."
Kaeya tilted his head, his smile deepening. "Funny," he murmured. "I was just thinking the same thing about you."
The space between them closed as Kaeya reached out, his hand finding its way to Albedo's. Their fingers entwined, and for a moment, the world held its breath. The scent of wisteria mingled with the faint trace of Albedo's alchemical concoctions – a subtle mix of herbal and metallic notes that Kaeya found strangely comforting.
"Do you ever wonder," Kaeya asked softly, his voice almost a whisper, "how we ended up here? Two people so different, yet... it feels inevitable, doesn't it?"
Albedo studied their joined hands, his thumb tracing absent circles over Kaeya's knuckles. "Not inevitable," he said after a pause. "But... right. Like two threads that were always meant to cross, no matter how far apart they started."
Kaeya's smile faltered for a second, then deepened, and he felt gratitude for the man before him. "You're going to make me sentimental," he teased, though the warmth in his voice betrayed the truth behind the words.
As night fell, the garden transformed into a dreamscape. Fireflies appeared, their soft golden lights dancing among the blossoms like tiny stars brought to earth. Kaeya and Albedo strolled purposefully towards a secluded bench under a towering oak, its gnarled branches draped with silken moss.
Kaeya sank onto the bench, pulling Albedo down beside him. The cool night air pressed against them, but the warmth of their closeness was enough to stave off the chill. Kaeya draped an arm around Albedo's shoulders, drawing him near.
Albedo didn't resist, resting his head lightly against Kaeya's. Despite his analytical tendencies, this simple act of affection felt natural—right. The quiet hum of life filled the stillness between them: the rustling leaves, the chirping crickets, and the soft thrum of each other's breathing.
"I think," Albedo said after a long silence, his voice soft and measured, "this garden will remember us. Even after we're gone."
Kaeya raised an eyebrow, glancing at him with a lopsided grin. "Are you saying we've left our mark on it? Or that it's left its mark on us?"
Albedo met her gaze directly, the faintest trace of a smile curving his lips. "Both," he stated confidently.
Kaeya leaned closer, his voice dropping to a murmur. "Then let's give it something worth remembering."
And as the fireflies danced around them, Kaeya pressed a soft, lingering kiss to Albedo's temple. The garden responded with a soft sigh, its blossoms swaying gently in the breeze as though offering their silent blessing. The two remained there, wrapped in each other and the endless beauty of the night, their bond as timeless as the stars that began to shimmer above.
As they sat on the bench under the ancient oak, Albedo's pale eyes turned to Kaeya. He looked thoughtful and filled with the kind of quiet intensity that always disarmed people. His gaze fixed firmly on Kaeya, observing the way his midnight-blue hair caught the dim glow of the fireflies, the soft curve of his smile, and the easy grace with which he carried himself. Albedo wanted to capture this sight, not just in memory but in something tangible.
"Kaeya," Albedo said firmly, breaking the silence, "I should draw you here. In this garden. To remember it—us—like this."
Kaeya blinked, taken aback. A slow smile spread across his face, his expression touched by amusement and genuine warmth. "You want to immortalise me in a garden of flowers?" he teased, his voice low and smooth. "I didn't think you were a romantic artist."
Albedo tilted his head slightly, the corner of his lips quirking upward. "Romanticism and art often intertwine, don't they? This moment deserves to be remembered. Not just in thought, but in form."
Kaeya regarded him, his usual playful demeanour giving way to something more sincere. "You always make things sound profound, Albedo," he murmured. "If you think this moment is worth capturing, then I have no argument."
Albedo nodded, a faint blush dusting his pale cheeks as he reached into the satchel slung at his side. It was second nature for him to carry a small sketchbook and a set of pencils—tools of his craft and a way to document the beauty he encountered. The rustle of paper filled the air as he opened the book, his gloved fingers deftly flipping to a blank page.
Kaeya leaned back against the bench, relaxed yet regal. "So," he drawled, his tone light, "what kind of muse should I be? Thoughtful? Mysterious? Or perhaps a little mischievous?"
Albedo glanced up, his eyes sparkling with quiet amusement. "Just be yourself," he replied simply. "That's more than enough."
The garden fell silent, as though it too was holding its breath in anticipation. Albedo's pencil moved rapidly across the page, its tip dancing over the paper in a rhythm mirroring the steady beating of his heart. His eyes flicked between Kaeya's face and the sketch, capturing not just an image, but an essence.
Kaeya watched Albedo with a kind of fascinated stillness. There was something mesmerising about the way Albedo worked—the way his brow furrowed slightly in concentration, the subtle movements of his wrist, the light that seemed to gather in his eyes as the drawing took shape.
"You're beautiful when you're focused," Kaeya said suddenly, his voice cutting through the quiet like a warm breeze.
Albedo paused, his pencil hovering above the page. He glanced up, his cheeks tinged with a faint flush. "You're supposed to be still," he said, his tone soft and fond.
Kaeya chuckled, the sound low and velvety. "It's hard to stay still when the artist keeps distracting me."
Albedo shook his head, a smile playing on his lips. He returned to his sketch, the lines growing bolder and more defined. Each stroke of his pencil breathed life into the page, capturing Kaeya's jaw, the glint of mischief in his eye, and the way the fireflies hovered like tiny stars around him.
As Albedo worked, the minutes stretched into something timeless, and Kaeya found himself lost in the moment—not in the garden or the flowers, but in the presence of the man before him. There was a quiet magic in watching Albedo create, in seeing himself reflected in those precise, thoughtful lines.
Albedo finished, setting his pencil down decisively and holding up the sketchbook, turning it toward Kaeya. The drawing was stunningly simple yet had a depth that only Albedo could achieve. Kaeya's likeness stared back at him, surrounded by the ethereal beauty of the garden – the fireflies, the wisteria, the soft glow of twilight.
Kaeya let out a low whistle, his eyes wide with admiration. "Albedo," he said, his voice laced with genuine awe, "it's incredible. You've captured more than just me—you've captured this moment."
Albedo's gaze softened as he closed the sketchbook, his fingers lingering on the edge of the page. "It's more than just the moment," he asserted. "It's you. The way you make this garden feel alive, the way you make me feel alive."
Kaeya reached out, his hand cupping Albedo's cheek with a tenderness that grounded them both. "And you," he murmured, his voice a gentle caress, "have a way of seeing the world that makes me want to see it through your eyes."
Their faces were close now, the space between them charged with a quiet intensity. The fireflies danced around them, their golden light casting soft shadows across their faces. Kaeya leaned in and kissed Albedo, their lips brushing together with a softness that matched the petals surrounding them. The kiss was as timeless as the stars beginning to peek through the night sky.
When they finally pulled apart, the world around them seemed to exhale, the garden's gentle rustling resuming its endless song. Albedo tucked the sketchbook back into his satchel. His movements were deliberate and careful, as though he was safeguarding not just the drawing but the memory itself.
Kaeya stood, offering a hand to Albedo. "Come on," he said, his voice warm and inviting. "Let's keep going. I'm not ready for this evening to end."
Albedo took his hand, a smile curving his lips. They wandered deeper into the garden, their steps unhurried and their hearts light. The flowers seemed to lean towards them as they passed, as if drawn to the quiet love that lingered in the air—a love that would remain, long after the blooms had faded.
The two strolled purposefully through the tranquil garden, their footsteps barely audible on the moss-covered path, as if deliberately preserving the serenity of the night. The moon, a silvery crescent, hung low in the sky, its pale light spilling over the blossoms and bathing the scene in a dreamlike glow. Fireflies swirled around them in a mesmerising dance, their tiny lights flickering like the whispers of forgotten stars.
Kaeya's fingers tightened slightly around Albedo's, a subtle but reassuring gesture. He glanced sideways, his eye catching the faint smile that still lingered on Albedo's lips. "You've drawn me, and you've drawn this garden," Kaeya said, his voice soft yet playful. "But I wonder… who's going to capture you?"
Albedo tilted his head, his expression thoughtful but touched by the faintest hint of amusement. "I'm better at being the observer," he replied. "It's easier to see beauty when you're behind the pencil."
Kaeya stopped abruptly and turned to face him. The shadows of the wisteria leaves danced across his face, but his gaze was steady, and a hint of mischief lightened his expression. "Nonsense," he said. "You're the kind of beauty that deserves to be captured, Albedo. If not in a sketch, then…" He paused, his voice dipping to a murmur. "In a moment."
Before Albedo could respond, Kaeya stepped closer, his hand brushing a stray strand of silver hair from Albedo's face. The world around them seemed to fade, the garden holding its breath as Kaeya leaned in, his forehead resting lightly against Albedo's. Their breaths mingled in the cool night air, the intimacy of the gesture more profound than words.
"You're insufferably dramatic," Albedo whispered, though his voice carried no real reproach. His hand came up to rest against Kaeya's chest, and he could feel the steady rhythm of Kaeya's heartbeat beneath the layers of fabric.
Kaeya chuckled softly, the sound vibrating through the space between them. "Only when it comes to you," he admitted. "It's hard not to be when you inspire it."
The garden around them burst into bloom under the moonlight, the blossoms glowed faintly as if drawn to the quiet intensity of the moment. A nearby rosebush swayed in the breeze, its petals releasing their scent into the air—a heady mix of sweetness and mystery.
Kaeya pulled back slightly, his eye searching Albedo's face as if committing every detail to memory. "You know," he said, his tone light and playful, "if you keep looking at me like that, I'll start to think you're the one sketching me in your mind."
Albedo arched an eyebrow, his lips curving into a faint smile. "Perhaps I am," he said simply. "You're not the only one who finds beauty worth preserving."
Kaeya's grin softened, the teasing edge giving way to something more tender. He reached down, plucking a single bloom from a nearby cluster of violets. "Let me add to your collection," he said, tucking the flower into Albedo's satchel. "A piece of tonight to carry with you."
They kept walking, the garden opening up into a small clearing where a stone fountain stood, its water glinting in the moonlight. The sound of the water cascading gently was a soothing undercurrent to the rustling leaves and distant hum of crickets.
Kaeya led Albedo to the edge of the fountain, their reflections shimmering in the rippling surface. The sight of their forms together—the sharp contrast of Kaeya's deep blues and Albedo's pale silvers—felt almost surreal, like a painting come to life.
"Look at that," Kaeya said, nodding toward their reflections. "Even the water admires us."
Albedo shook his head, but a quiet laugh escaped him. "You're relentless," he said, but his tone was fond and his gaze lingered on their mirrored silhouettes for a long moment.
Kaeya stepped onto the low edge of the fountain, maintaining perfect balance. His movement sent ripples through the water, distorting their reflections into a kaleidoscope of colours. "The garden is our audience," he declared with a dramatic flourish. "And we owe it a performance."
Albedo watched him, bemused but intrigued. "And what kind of performance would that be?"
Kaeya extended a hand towards him, his grin widening. "A dance, of course."
Albedo hesitated, his logical mind grappling with the absurdity of the suggestion. But the sparkle in Kaeya's eye, the sheer warmth of his invitation, was impossible to resist. With a small sigh, he placed his hand in Kaeya's. "You're impossible," he said, though there was no real bite to his words.
Kaeya laughed, hauling Albedo up onto the fountain's edge. The two of them balanced there, the night air cool against their skin, the garden's soft glow wrapping around them like a blessing. Kaeya guided Albedo into a gentle sway, their movements unhurried and instinctive, as if the world itself had conspired to teach them this dance.
The fountain's water mirrored their steps, casting ripples of moonlight that stretched endlessly. A luminous halo of fireflies gathered around them, their tiny lights dancing between the two of them like threads of gold.
Albedo surrendered to the rhythm, his steps growing more confident as Kaeya's hand guided him. His mind was quiet, focused solely on the man before him and the moment they shared.
As they swayed in the garden, the world faded to nothing but the sound of their breaths, the feel of their hands entwined, and the quiet promise lingering in the air: that no matter how fleeting this moment, it would remain eternal in their hearts.
The rhythm of their dance was clear: it was dictated not by music but by the soft cadence of the garden around them. Each step, each sway, harmonised with the whispers of the wind through the wisteria, the gentle gurgle of the fountain, and the distant murmur of leaves stirred by the night. Time itself seemed to slow to a crawl, stretching the seconds into something infinite and sacred.
Kaeya guided Albedo with a steady, fluid motion, his hand resting lightly on her waist. His other hand held Albedo's with a firmness that felt protective, anchoring. The touch was more than physical; it was an unspoken vow, a silent declaration of trust that passed between them with every beat of their shared rhythm.
Albedo's usual precision and careful control gave way to a rare vulnerability, his steps tentative at first but growing bolder with each passing moment. He leaned into Kaeya's lead, his hand finding its place on Kaeya's shoulder, the fabric warm from the man's closeness.
"You're surprisingly good at this," Albedo stated, his tone light but edged with genuine admiration.
Kaeya chuckled, his voice low and smooth, like velvet in the moonlit air. "Surprising? I'm wounded," he teased, though the sparkle in his eye betrayed his delight at the compliment. "I've picked up some skills here and there. But I think it's you who's making this look effortless."
Albedo's gaze softened, and he glanced away, his usual poise momentarily disrupted, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. "You have a way of bringing out things in me I didn't know were there," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
Kaeya slowed their movements, his steps growing smaller until they came to a gentle stop. The silence that followed was palpable, electric with unspoken tension. "That's the beauty of us, isn't it?" Kaeya said softly. "We reveal things to each other that we would never see on our own."
Albedo looked up, his pale eyes reflecting the faint light of the fireflies. His expression was raw and unguarded. "You make the world feel larger," he said after a pause, his words deliberate. "And at the same time… smaller. As if it could fit in the space between us."
Kaeya smiled, his usual bravado tempered by an earnestness that was rare but unmistakable. "We'll carry the world together," he said simply, his voice carrying a quiet certainty that left no room for doubt.
The fireflies, as if sensing the shift in the air, began to scatter, their golden lights weaving intricate patterns through the garden. Kaeya stepped down from the fountain's edge, his hand never leaving Albedo's as he helped him back to the ground. The stones beneath their feet were cool, a grounding contrast to the warmth that lingered between them.
They strode purposefully through the garden, the flowers and foliage unfolding around them like the pages of an ancient, illuminated manuscript. Each turn revealed new wonders: a thicket of roses heavy with dew, their petals shimmering like jewels; a secluded arbour draped in ivy, its shadows inviting and mysterious; and a winding path lined with lilies, their fragrance sweet and heady in the cool night air.
Kaeya paused near a cluster of jasmine, his fingers brushing lightly against the delicate blooms. He plucked a single flower, its tiny star-shaped petals glowing faintly in the moonlight. Turning to Albedo, he held it out with a flourish. "For you," he said, his tone light but his expression tender.
Albedo accepted the flower, his gloved fingers brushing Kaeya's. The simple gesture conveyed an intimacy that words alone could not, a quiet acknowledgment of the connection they shared. "You're relentless," he declared, though the faint smile on his lips betrayed his fondness.
Kaeya grinned, stepping closer until their shoulders nearly touched. "And you love it," he countered, his voice teasing but warm.
They kept walking, their steps unhurried, as the garden gradually changed direction, moving toward the edge of a small pond. The water's surface was still, its clarity reflecting the night sky so perfectly that it seemed like another world, a mirror of the heavens above.
Kaeya let out a low whistle, his eye scanning the pond's surface. "Now that's a sight," he declared, his voice tinged with awe. "It's as if we've stumbled into the stars themselves."
Albedo knelt at the water's edge, his hand hovering just above the surface. The faint ripples his movement caused distorted the reflection, turning the stars into a shimmering mosaic. "Beauty is often found in distortion," he mused, his voice thoughtful. "It makes us see things differently."
Kaeya crouched beside him, his gaze fixed not on the pond but on Albedo. "Is that how you see the world?" he asked, his tone soft. "Through the lens of something just a little off-kilter?"
Albedo turned to him, his expression calm but tinged with a rare vulnerability. "Perhaps," he said. "Or perhaps it's you who's made me see that beauty doesn't always need to be understood. Sometimes… it's enough to feel it."
Kaeya reached out, his fingers brushing against Albedo's. "And what do you feel now?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Albedo stared back at him, unwavering. "You," he said, the single word carrying the weight of everything unspoken.
The garden held them in its embrace, the world around them fading into the soft hum of the night. For a moment, they were not men, not warriors or alchemists—they were simply two souls, connected in a space that felt infinite and fleeting all at once.
As they sat there, the stars reflected in their eyes and the garden blooming quietly around them, it was clear that this moment, like the fireflies and the flowers, was a fleeting miracle they would carry with them forever.
The pond was still, as were they. A breathless pause stretched and deepened, the world fading into the background. The stars overhead shimmered in their infinite dance, but Kaeya saw only the pale glow of Albedo's eyes, reflecting the night like moonlight caught in crystal.
Kaeya's hand lingered where it brushed against Albedo's, his fingers warm and tentative, as if waiting for an unspoken invitation. His expression, usually laced with mischief and bravado, softened into something achingly tender. "Albedo," he said, his voice low and measured, "do you realise the light you carry?"
Albedo blinked, his gaze searching Kaeya's, his lips parting as if to speak. But words, it seemed, weren't enough. Instead, he tilted his head slightly, his silver hair falling forward in soft waves that caught the faint glow of the fireflies. "And you," he continued, his voice firm, "have a way of making everything seem brighter just by being near."
Kaeya's breath caught at the honesty in those words, unadorned but profoundly real. Slowly, deliberately, he leaned closer, closing the space between them with the same care he took in battle, in life. His hand lifted, brushing lightly against Albedo's cheek and tracing the curve of his jaw as if mapping a constellation.
Albedo didn't move away. He held Kaeya's gaze, steady and unflinching, his hand coming to rest on Kaeya's chest. He felt Kaeya's steady heartbeat beneath his palm, strong and certain, and it grounded him in a way nothing else could.
"You're a natural born dramatist," Albedo stated, his voice uncharacteristically direct. Instead, it was filled with a quiet warmth that matched the faint flush on his cheeks.
"And you've always had a way of seeing straight through me," Kaeya replied, his voice barely above a whisper.
The distance between them disappeared. Their foreheads touched. It was an intimate gesture that made the universe seem to shift to accommodate it. Kaeya's hand slid to the back of Albedo's neck. His touch was both gentle and sure. In that moment, everything else fell away: the garden, the stars, even time itself.
When Kaeya leaned in fully, his lips brushing against Albedo's, it was like a spark catching in the night. The kiss was soft, unhurried, and filled with the kind of reverence that spoke of something far deeper than words. It was more than just a kiss; it was a promise, an unspoken vow woven into the fabric of the moment.
Albedo's hand tightened against Kaeya's chest, pulling him closer, as if to ensure this wasn't some fleeting dream conjured by the garden's magic. The warmth of the kiss spread through him, melting the quiet barriers he so often kept in place. For once, he allowed himself to simply feel—to exist entirely in this perfect, fleeting instant.
When they finally parted, their breaths mingling in the cool night air, neither spoke. Kaeya's thumb traced a gentle arc along Albedo's cheekbone, his eye searching Albedo's face as though trying to memorize every detail.
"You're even more beautiful up close," Kaeya said, his voice a soft mix of awe and truth.
Albedo shook his head slightly, though the faintest of smiles curved his lips. "You always say things like that," he murmured, but there was no rebuke in his tone—only quiet affection.
"You're right," Kaeya agreed, his smile warmer now, more genuine.
They lingered by the pond, their hands still intertwined, the kiss lingering between them like the faint scent of jasmine in the air. The garden seemed to breathe around them, its flowers swaying gently in the breeze as if bowing to the intimacy they had just witnessed.
Kaeya pulled Albedo up, his movements smooth and confident. "Come," he said, his voice playful but laced with tenderness. "The night isn't over yet, and there's more of this garden to see."
Albedo followed, his hand warm in Kaeya's. The path ahead was lined with soft patches of moss and glowing clusters of wildflowers, their petals shimmering faintly in the moonlight. Fireflies flitted around them like tiny stars come to earth, their glow weaving an ethereal tapestry in the air.
They walked in comfortable silence, the kind that spoke of understanding and closeness. Occasionally, Kaeya paused to point out something—a particularly vibrant bloom, the silhouette of an owl perched high in a tree—and each time, Albedo nodded, his gaze thoughtful, as if committing every detail to memory.
They came to a small stone bridge that arched over a narrow stream. The water beneath it was clear, its surface dappled with moonlight and the faint shadows of drifting leaves. Kaeya stopped at the centre of the bridge, leaning on the edge and gazing down at the water.
"It's strange," he said after a moment, his tone light but thoughtful. "I've seen many places, travelled many roads, but this... this feels different. I could stay here forever and never grow tired of it."
Albedo stepped up beside him, his gaze following Kaeya's to the stream below. "Maybe it's not the place," he said confidently. "It's the company you keep."
Kaeya turned to look at him, his expression softening into something that was both a smile and a question. "You think so?"
Albedo met his gaze directly, his eyes calm but filled with a quiet certainty. "I do," he said simply.
Kaeya's grin widened as he reached for Albedo's hand. He lifted it to his lips and kissed the back of Albedo's hand. It was a dramatic and sincere gesture. "We'll stay together," he asserted, his voice warm. "For the sake of places like this."
Albedo didn't reply, but the faint blush on his cheeks and the way his fingers tightened around Kaeya's were answer enough. Together, they stood on the bridge, the garden stretching endlessly around them, the stars above and the fireflies below weaving their light into a quiet, eternal blessing.
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Happy birthday
( killer chat ) husband ronin x reader ... fluff ...
trigger warnings:
The dawn breaks gently, a pale, diffused light slipping through the cracks in your curtains, but you don't stir at first. The air is still, heavy with the faint chill of morning, and your heartbeat feels too loud in the quiet. You open your eyes reluctantly, the weight of the day pressing against you even before you rise. It's your birthday. The word itself carries an ache, a shadow of something bittersweet. You've never been certain how to feel about it.
The sheets are warm and familiar, yet the room feels foreign, as if the day itself has shifted the world into something slightly askew. You lie there, staring at the ceiling, the pale light tracing lines across it like veins, and you breathe deeply, trying to anchor yourself. Birthdays have always been difficult, a reminder of time passing and quiet expectations.
The cool floor beneath your feet is a welcome change when you finally swing your legs over the edge of the bed. You stride purposefully towards the door, the house wrapped in a fragile silence that feels sacred, untouched. The faint scent of cinnamon teases your senses as you step into the hallway. It pulls you forward, drawing you toward the kitchen, where the light is softer, gentler, filtering through the windows like honey.
When you reach the kitchen, the sight stops you. On the counter, a tray of cinnamon rolls sits, golden and glistening, their scent unfurling in the air like a slow, deliberate spell. The frosting is still soft, cascading in uneven streams over the warm, doughy spirals. The scent is overwhelming, a heady mix of sugar and spice.
Your eyes drift to the fridge, where a note is pinned. The handwriting is unmistakable—Ronin's. It's small and neat, the strokes deliberate but full of affection. "Heat them up for a few seconds," it says. "They're better warm. Happy birthday." The simplicity and care of the message settle in your chest like a quiet flame.
You touch the edge of the note, your fingers lingering on the paper as if it holds more than ink and words. The room feels brighter now, softer around the edges, as if the act of his thoughtfulness has smoothed the sharp corners of the morning. You close your eyes and inhale the comforting scents of cinnamon and sugar, a reassuring balm against the unease that birthdays can bring.
You follow his instructions as the microwave hums, the seconds ticking away like tiny heartbeats. You watch the rolls through the glass, the frosting melting further, becoming a glossy, tempting glaze. The scent grows deeper, richer, as if it has taken root in the very air, and you can't help but feel a small smile pull at the corners of your lips.
When the timer beeps, you pull the tray out, the warmth radiating through the kitchen. You take a plate from the cupboard, the ceramic cool against your fingers, and place one roll carefully in its center. The faint steam rises, curling in the air, and you inhale deeply, letting the comfort sink into your bones.
You sit by the window, plate in hand, and the world outside seems quieter, gentler. The light filters through the trees, dappling the table with shifting patterns, and for a moment, you feel anchored, present. The first bite is warm, soft, the cinnamon spreading across your tongue like a secret, sweet and grounding.
Each bite is deliberate, a small rebellion against the heaviness birthdays tend to carry. The roll is more than food; it's a gesture, a whisper of love left for you in the quiet morning. You imagine Ronin making them, the deliberate care in his movements, the way his hands might have lingered over the dough, as if pouring something intangible into each fold and twist.
The house is still, the only sounds the faint clink of your fork against the plate and the rustle of leaves outside. The warm, steady scent of cinnamon fills the air, and you let yourself sink into it, allowing it to dispel any lingering unease.
You realise there's a quiet joy in this. It's not the loud, celebratory kind, but something softer, more enduring. It's in the thoughtfulness of the note, the simplicity of the gesture, the warmth of the rolls that speaks louder than words ever could.
Take another bite. It's a promise. It's a reminder that the day will bring more moments like this — small, quiet moments that you are seen and loved. The heaviness of the morning lifts, replaced by something lighter, softer.
Glancing at the note again, pinned to the fridge, you feel your chest ache in the best way. It reminds you that even on a day you've often struggled to celebrate, there's something to hold onto, something steady and real.
The roll is consumed swiftly, its warmth lingering like an embrace, and you sit back, letting the light wash over you. The day stretches ahead, uncertain but less daunting now. The scent of cinnamon still clings to the air, a quiet echo of the morning's kindness.
You rest there for a moment longer, the plate empty in front of you, your heart fuller than when you woke. You feel a softness in your chest now, a quiet reassurance that this day, this year, will be better than you expected.
The note on the fridge is a simple thing, but it feels like a treasure, a map leading you through the day. You glance at it one more time before standing, the warmth of the morning still wrapped around you, and you think of Ronin, of the care in his hands, the love in his quiet gestures.
Birthdays may never be easy for you, but today feels different. Today feels like cinnamon and sugar, like warmth and light, like a promise that this year will be kinder. You carry that thought with you as you leave the kitchen, the scent of cinnamon following like a gentle shadow.
The day stretches on, thin and delicate, like a thread pulled too tightly, ready to snap. Morning gives way to afternoon, and the warmth of the cinnamon rolls has long since faded, leaving only the faint ghost of their scent lingering in the kitchen. The house is quiet, the kind of quiet that feels too large, too empty. Your footsteps echo faintly as you move from room to room, looking for something to fill the silence.
You glance at your phone. Its screen is blank and cold, its silence heavier than it should be. You try not to let it sting, you try not to let it sink its teeth too deeply into your heart, but the absence presses against you like a shadow. Ronin is at the shop, you remind yourself. He is busy, covered in grease and metal, and the steady rhythm of machines. You picture him there, his hands deft and sure, his face etched with focus. It's a comforting image, but it doesn't chase away the ache.
The hours pass, their weight on your shoulders like an invisible shroud. The sun is bright, but its light doesn't reach you; your thoughts are heavy and your mind is distant. You keep busy, doing laundry, sweeping the floors, anything to distract yourself from the silence that grows louder with every passing minute.
Nevertheless, your mind inevitably returns to him. You think of the cinnamon rolls, the note he left, the tenderness in his handwriting. It was enough, wasn't it? It should be enough. But there's a small, quiet part of you that aches for more. You had hoped for a call, a message, a moment to hear his voice.
You scold yourself for being so selfish. He's working, you remind yourself. He made you breakfast and left you a note. He remembered, and that should be enough. But the ache in your chest doesn't listen to reason. It's there, quiet and stubborn, a weight you can't ignore.
The clock ticks on, its steady rhythm a reminder of time slipping away. You watch the hands move, slow and deliberate, each tick a sharp sound that cuts through the silence. You try to read, to lose yourself in the words on the page, but the letters blur together. Your mind drifts back to him, to the way his voice sounds when he says your name, to the warmth of his hands.
By mid-afternoon, the ache has settled into a dull throb, a quiet pulse beneath your ribs. You sit by the window, staring out at the world beyond, where life moves on without pause. The sun glints off the rooftops and the air is filled with the faint hum of distant voices, of cars passing by, of birds calling to one another. It feels distant, unreal, as if you're watching it all through a pane of glass.
You think of Ronin, the way his smile curves at the corners, the way he looks at you when he thinks you're not paying attention. You imagine him at the shop, his hands streaked with oil, his hair falling into his eyes. You are certain that he has thought of you today, that he has stolen a moment between fixing engines to think of you, to miss you.
The thought is bittersweet, a mixture of longing and quiet resignation. You tell yourself that he cares, that the breakfast he left for you is proof enough. But the silence of the day gnaws at you, and you can't help but wish for more.
The hours drag, the light outside changes from golden to soft and hazy, the edges of the day blur. You sit on the couch, your hands folded in your lap, your mind restless and wandering. The silence feels heavier, more oppressive, and the ache in your chest grows sharper, more insistent.
You glance at your phone again. The screen is blank and silent. You tell yourself not to check, not to let the emptiness hurt you, but you can't resist. Fingers hover over the screen, hesitant, before you set it down again with a sigh.
The house feels too large, too empty, the weight of it pressing against you from all sides. You close your eyes, lean back against the cushions, and focus on your breathing and heartbeat. But even in the quiet, your thoughts are loud, filled with the sound of his voice, the memory of his touch.
The sun dips lower in the sky, its light golden and soft, casting long shadows across the room. You watch the light dance on the walls, shifting and flickering, and you let it hold your attention, if only for a moment.
The faint scent of cinnamon reminds you of his absence and the love he left behind. It's a small comfort, but it doesn't chase away the longing for something more.
You know the way he kisses your forehead, the way he holds you close as if he's afraid to let go. You remember the soft, low way he says your name, like a prayer. You are certain that he is thinking of you now and feels the same ache and pull in his chest.
The day fades, the light softens into dusk. The world holds its breath as the quiet deepens into something heavier, more profound. You sit there, feeling the weight of the day press down on you, and you feel the ache, the longing, the love stretching across the distance between you.
You will remember the ache, the love he left for you in the form of cinnamon rolls and a handwritten note. Love doesn't always come in the form of grand gestures. Love is in the quiet things, the small acts of care that linger long after the moment has passed.
The house grows darker as the sun sets. Day gives way to night. You sit there, the ache in your chest a constant reminder of the love you carry, of the longing that ties you to him. You are certain that even in silence and absence, he is thinking of you and missing you too.
It is midnight. The quiet weight of the night has long since settled, pressing against the windows and wrapping the house in a velvet stillness. You are sitting in the living room. The dim glow of a single lamp casts a pool of golden light that barely reaches the corners of the room. The ache of the day lingers in your chest, quiet now, resigned, softened by the fading hours. Then, the faint rumble of an engine sounds, a sound you know too well.
The front door opens with a creak and Ronin steps inside, his silhouette filling the entryway. His broad frame is covered in the day's toil. Streaks of grease stain his shirt and hands, the remnants of long hours spent coaxing life back into machines. His hair falls messily into his face, a dark curtain hiding the storm behind his eyes. He doesn't meet your gaze right away, his movements hurried and almost clumsy, as he stumbles slightly over the threshold.
Bags and boxes crinkle and jostle in his arms, a tower of offerings ready to topple at any moment. He lets out a soft, frustrated grunt and kicks the door closed with his boot. The sound echoes through the house, breaking the fragile quiet that had settled around you. His gaze finally meets yours, and you see the weight he carries—the exhaustion, the guilt, the quiet vulnerability he tries so hard to hide.
"I'm late," he says, his voice rough but low, softened just for you. It carries the scrape of the day's wear but also something deeper, something tender. He sets the bags and boxes down on the floor with a thud.
As he straightens, you notice the flowers in his hand—an unruly bouquet of wild blooms, their petals smudged and crumpled. His grease-streaked fingers curl around the stems, leaving dark prints against the bright colors. He holds them out to you, his expression a mixture of apology and hope, his lips twitching as if searching for the right words.
"I know they're a mess," he says, his voice quieter now, hesitant. "I didn't have time to clean up. I just…" He trails off, his shoulders slumping slightly, the hardness of his exterior cracking like thin ice. His vulnerability, raw and unguarded, spills into the space between you.
You take the flowers from him, your fingers brushing against the cool metal and grease of his hands. The flowers are imperfect, but they're beautiful in their imperfection — a reflection of the man standing before you. The scent of them mingles with the faint tang of oil that clings to him, creating a strange, comforting warmth that settles in your chest.
He watches you with careful eyes, his expression still heavy with something unspoken. His hands hover at his sides, unsure of what to do now that they're empty. The moment stretches, delicate and taut, and then he exhales, the tension bleeding from his frame.
"I wanted it to be perfect," he murmurs, barely above a whisper. "For you." He gestures to the pile of gifts on the floor. "But the shop… I couldn't get away. And I thought…" He stops, his jaw tightening as he struggles to find the words.
You move closer, reducing the space between you and the bouquet, still held in your hands. "It's perfect," you say, your voice firm and assertive, breaking the silence that lingers in the room. He looks at you, his eyes meeting yours with a quiet intensity that makes your breath catch.
His hard exterior, the armor he wears so effortlessly in the world, crumbles entirely in your presence. He reaches for you, his hands hesitant, as if he's afraid to mar you with the grease that stains his skin. But you take his hands, unbothered by the smudges, and he lets out a breath he's been holding for too long.
"I didn't want to disappoint you," he confesses, his voice raw and the words tumbling out like an unraveling thread. "I know I don't always get it right. But I care. More than I know how to say."
Your hands tighten around his, grounding him, pulling him back from the edge of whatever guilt or doubt he's teetering on. The warmth of his palms, even slick with grease, is steady, reassuring, a reminder of the love that hums between you like a quiet, unbreakable thread.
The bouquet in your hand feels lighter now, its petals bright against the shadows of the evening. You glance at the pile of gifts. He poured effort into them, despite the long hours and exhaustion that lines his face. You see him—not the grease-streaked mechanic or the gruff man the world knows, but the soft, steady soul that only you are allowed to witness.
"Thank you," you say, the words simple but heavy with meaning. He nods, a slight, almost shy gesture, and you see the tension in his shoulders ease just slightly.
He pulls you into his arms, tentative at first, as if testing the boundaries of your forgiveness. You melt into him, your head resting against his chest, and he holds you tighter, his heartbeat steady beneath the layers of grease and fabric.
"I missed you," he murmurs into your hair. His words sink into your skin like a balm, soothing the ache that had lingered all day.
"I missed you too," you reply, your voice muffled against him. The words feel like a promise, an anchor in the quiet storm of the evening.
You and your partner stand there, wrapped in each other, the pile of gifts and the imperfections of the day fading into the background. The world outside feels far away. All that matters is the steady warmth of his arms and the love between you, unspoken but undeniable.
Then, he pulls back just enough to look at you. His gaze softens, the storm in his eyes quieted. He brushes a strand of hair from your face with a grease-smudged finger. His touch is gentle and reverent.
"Happy birthday," he says, his voice low and filled with something deeper than words can convey. In that moment, you feel whole, wrapped in the love of the man who sees you, who knows you, and who would always choose you.
He reaches down to the mess of bags and boxes he'd carefully hauled in, his movements marked by a quiet determination. "I'm not sure if I've got it all right," Ronin says, glancing at you with a hint of unease, "but I wanted to make sure you had options."
You watch as he unpacks the treasures he's brought—small, thoughtful gifts that carry his heart in their selection. There's a scarf in a shade he knows you love, a book you once mentioned in passing, and a delicate piece of jewellery that catches the dim light like a secret. Each item is a deliberate expression of his love for you, a quiet declaration that he has always been saying, even in moments when words fail him.
"I didn't have time to wrap them properly," he mutters, his tone self-conscious, rubbing the back of his neck with his grease-streaked hand. "But I couldn't just show up empty-handed."
You kneel beside him, placing the flowers carefully on the table as you reach for one of the items. The scarf is soft beneath your fingers, its texture comforting. "You didn't have to do all this," you say, your voice firm but gentle as you meet his gaze. His eyes flicker with vulnerability, as if he doubts his actions.
"I wanted to," he says, his voice firm but low, daring you to doubt his intentions. He picks up the book, turning it over in his hands before placing it in yours. "You said you liked the author. I thought it would be nice to have something just for you."
Tears prick at the corners of your eyes, but you blink them away, unwilling to let the moment be overtaken by emotion. Instead, you smile, soft and genuine, and his lips twitch upward in response, a tentative curve that feels like sunshine breaking through the clouds.
You and the author sit together on the floor, surrounded by a pile of gifts like a small fortress. He starts to tell you about his day, about how the shop was busier than expected, how a car came in with a problem he couldn't figure out, and how he kept glancing at the clock and thinking of you.
"I was so frustrated," he admits, his hands gesturing emphatically. "Every time I thought I'd have a moment to step away, something else came up. But I couldn't stop thinking about getting home to you."
You listen, your hand on his arm, anchoring him as he speaks. His words pour out, a flood of everything he's been holding back. His voice grows softer as he talks, his gaze shifting between you and the gifts, seeking reassurance that he's done enough.
When he falls silent, you lean into him, resting your head against his shoulder. The warmth of his body and the steady rhythm of his breathing fill the space around you, pushing back the weight of the day. "You're here now," you say, and the tension in his muscles eases at your words.
He shifts slightly, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you closer. The grease on his hands smudges against your skin, but you don't care. It's a part of him, a part of the life you share, and it feels right, in its own messy, imperfect way.
For a while, the two of you sit in comfortable silence, the room filled with the quiet hum of your connection. The world outside fades into the background, and the ache that had settled in your chest earlier is replaced by a warmth that spreads through you, wrapping around your heart like a blanket.
"I don't always know how to show it," Ronin says, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I hope you know how much you mean to me. Not just today, but every day."
You tilt your head to look up at him, your gaze meeting his. His expression is open and soft, his expression reserved only for you. "I know," you reply, your voice steady and sure. "And I know how much you mean to me, too."
He leans down, pressing a kiss to your forehead, his lips warm and gentle against your skin. The gesture is simple, but it carries the weight of everything he feels, everything he struggles to put into words.
As night falls, you and your partner move to the couch, leaving the pile of gifts behind. He pulls you close, his arms wrapping around you protectively. The scent of grease and flowers lingers in the air, a strange but comforting combination that feels uniquely yours.
"You made my day," you tell him, your voice soft but sincere. "Not because of the gifts, but because of you."
He doesn't respond right away, but you feel his hold on you tighten, his way of saying what words cannot. The quiet between you is no longer heavy; it's filled with the steady beat of his heart, the warmth of his love, the promise of his presence.
As night falls, you smile, your earlier doubts and aches fading into the background. The day may not have been perfect, but it was real, filled with the kind of love that doesn't need grand gestures to be felt. Look at the grease-streaked flowers, the unwrapped gifts, the way he holds you as if you're the most precious thing in the world.
The latest hours have claimed the world beyond the windows, wrapping it in a cloak of quiet darkness. The house hums with a stillness that feels alive, not empty—softened by the warmth you and Ronin share. The pile of gifts sits in the living room, silent testament to his effort. You don't need to look at it to know the meaning behind it; it's there, just as he is, steadfast and steady.
You lead him to the bedroom, his hand in yours. His hand is rough and calloused but so achingly gentle. He follows without hesitation, the grease on his hands and the exhaustion in his eyes no longer barriers but badges of the day's labour, a testament to his love. His steps are slower now, the weight of the day settling into his bones, but there's a lightness in his presence that wasn't there before.
The bed awaits, its soft embrace a welcome relief after the day's toil. You both slip under the covers, the cool sheets quickly warming to the heat of your bodies. Ronin stretches out beside you, his broad frame sinking into the mattress, and you tuck yourself against him, fitting into his side like a missing puzzle piece.
Your head rests on his chest and you can hear the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. You treasure this sound; the quiet drum that reminds you he's here, alive, and wholly yours. His arm is wrapped around you, pulling you closer and anchoring you in a way that words never could.
He plays with your hair, his fingers threading through the strands in slow, deliberate movements. The grease on his hands has been washed away, but there's still a faint scent of oil clinging to him, mingling with the clean smell of soap. It's a comforting combination, familiar and grounding, like a signature only he carries.
His touch is tender and reverent, as if he's memorizing every strand and texture. You close your eyes, letting the sensation lull you into a state of perfect calm. Each stroke of his fingers is a silent love letter, written in the language of touch.
"I'm sorry," he murmurs, his voice a soft rumble that vibrates against your cheek. "For being late. For not doing more."
You open your eyes and lift your head to look at him. His face is shadowed in the dim light, but his eyes catch the faint glow, their depths filled with a vulnerability that makes your chest ache. "You don't need to apologise," you say, your voice as soft as his. "You did more than enough. You always do."
He doesn't reply right away, but his fingers continue their gentle movements in your hair, his touch a silent thank-you. You lower your head back to his chest, and his heartbeat steadies you, its rhythm syncing with the quiet peace that's settled between you.
The room is quiet, save for the faint creak of the bed as he shifts slightly, adjusting to hold you even closer. His other hand finds yours beneath the covers, his fingers lacing with yours in a gesture so natural it feels like breathing.
The weight of the day fades, its edges softening as the warmth of his body seeps into yours. You can feel the rise and fall of his chest beneath your cheek, a slow, steady cadence that soothes every frayed nerve, every lingering ache.
"I just wanted to make you happy," he says, his voice barely above a whisper. "That's all I ever want."
"You do," you reply, tightening your grip on his hand. "You make me happy every single day, Ronin. Even when you don't realise it."
He exhales a soft breath, the sound almost like a sigh of relief, and his fingers pause in your hair, resting there as if to keep you close. The silence that follows is not empty but full of unspoken words, shared breaths, and the quiet weight of love.
You close your eyes again, the warmth of his presence enfolding you like a cocoon. The world outside might be falling apart, but here, in this moment, everything feels whole and complete.
His thumb traces small, absent-minded circles against your scalp. The motion is so gentle it feels like a lullaby. You can hear his breathing now, slow and even, the sound blending with the steady beat of his heart. It's a symphony of life, of love, of everything you've built together.
"I love you," he whispers, so quietly you almost don't hear it. But you hear it, clear and true, and it fills you up, every fibre of your being.
You reply, "I love you too," your voice soft but firm, a promise that echoes the steadfast truth within you and the man beside you.
The night deepens around you, its quiet embrace mirrored in the way he holds you, as if he's afraid to let go. There is no need for fear or doubt here. You are his, and he is yours. Together, you have found something that feels timeless and unbreakable.
As sleep begins to tug at the edges of your consciousness, you feel his lips press against the crown of your head. It is a soft, lingering kiss that speaks volumes. It's an anchor, a reminder that even in the chaos of the world, this moment is yours, sacred and unchanging.
His fingers resume their gentle movements in your hair, each stroke slower and more languid as exhaustion takes hold of him. You both sink deeper into the warmth of the bed, the quiet of the night, and the certainty of each other.
As sleep finally engulfs you, you hold on to the feel of his heartbeat against your cheek, the touch of his hand in your hair, and the unspoken promise that no matter what, you'll always find your way back to this—back to him.
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