clouddoodlemod · 8 years
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Peppermint Bark: Welcome to La Primavera Café ! I um.. Hope you’ll enjoy your stay with us ! Feel free to ask us anything ! 
Characters from left to right: Cherry Cola, Latte Arte (kajeaynart), Marmalade Star, Sugar Snow (conflitdecanard), Peppermint Bark, Sugar Plum (moonwish).
Feel free to ask these lovely ponies anything guys ! You may also come and take a seat at the café, you might enjoy the variety of drinks and pastries during these cold days ~
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clouddoodlemod · 8 years
The GoFundMe is up! If you’ve been following me for a while, you know all about Spock… and you know how much he means to me. I’ve been struggling with a lot of personal stuff lately… and I don’t like talking about it on social media. So having this come out of the blue… is a lot.
I’d appreciate anything you can give and if you can’t, reblogs are also a huge help! You guys worked magic two years ago when Spock was diagnosed with Iris Melanoma. Maybe we can work that magic again.
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clouddoodlemod · 8 years
Any of you who have a DA account out there, I’ve created a group rp group which is like a school for magical creatures :3 Go check it out? And maybe join?
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clouddoodlemod · 8 years
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I may not ship Twicord romantically but I certainly love their friendship!
From MLP: FIM Comic #49
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clouddoodlemod · 8 years
Need help burying my uncle
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My uncle, Walter Sharp III, has passed away along with his wife Gina on Christmas Eve. 
You can find the article about it here: http://www.rivervalleyleader.com/news/article_b6248008-ca1c-11e6-8959-63f45b01ec1a.html?mode=jqm
It was a terrible car crash that left them both in pieces, and there wasn’t even enough of them to properly normally identify. My mother drove all the way out from Georgia to Arkansas to identify him from tattoos he had, and was able to do so.
She learned that it’s gonna take $4000 to bury what’s left of him, but that is only part of what’s needed, since there’s also his wife, whom is another $4000, and then $2000 in extra fees. We need $10,000, but $400 at least really soon for a down payment on my uncle’s burial.
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My mom started a GoFundMe account to try and get help in the efforts, since we don’t have the money to handle this right now. They will allow payments over time, but we really need $400 right now.
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That, and it would really help to have some money to help care for his kid, Mayne Sharp. He is my cousin, and now he’s orphaned and has to come here with us. We are his only family, and we can’t financially handle him right now.
Please, please help! 
Again, the GoFundMe link is here: 
https://www.gofundme.com/walter-sharp-iii-and-family https://www.gofundme.com/walter-sharp-iii-and-family https://www.gofundme.com/walter-sharp-iii-and-family
please reblog this post and spread the word!
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clouddoodlemod · 8 years
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Spike: “Hm? Oh, looks like Twilight’s set up her Butterfly Camera again- Seems like she didn’t turn it off this time..”
“Goodness- It’s been quite a while since we’ve seen you all- Years actually- Lots of things happened since your absence, Lots of things… Some terrible, some good.. But mostly terrible.. We try to make the best out of everything now..”
“If you’re wondering where Twilight is, she’s resting right now…”
“I should wake her in a little bit…”
“I’m sure you all have many questions- I guess you can ask me things until I wake Twilight~”
((Welcome to the Reboot of Psychotic Twilight! Spike will be answering questions regarding anything that you’re curious about! We’ll see Twilight in a few posts, don’t worry!~))
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clouddoodlemod · 8 years
I’ve stopped submissions for a while so I can catch up on the OC reviews people have sent in! I’ll reopen them when I do!
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clouddoodlemod · 8 years
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A bit of a project I have going. His design still need a bit of refinement, but this is Dr. N.Balm. 
Hello friend! 
I love the look of this character, the look of him and his name scream scientist or doctor and I love that. His cutie mark is unique and different (kind creepy in a way!) but I like that! Its brilliant!
 Without knowing much about him, his initial design looks great! The colours are good and his mane matches quite well and his eyes look look on him.If I could suggest something though, attempt to make him look a little more unique? Maybe add some kind of accessory or maybe even a different STYLE of mane? You could even attempt to give him a little bit of markings?
 But he’s still lovely the way he is! But good luck with him, I hope to see him in action!
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clouddoodlemod · 8 years
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For the OC review I can give his backstory if you would like to know more about him :)
Sorry for the late reply on this! Christmas and all! But I’ll reply to this along with the other few that were sent!
You character is a cutie! The scarf is a lovely idea for him, it looks cute and his mane is something different, you don’t really see many characters with that kind of style!
 But the one thing that bothers me about this character design is those markings, you told me in PM that they appear as he grows, but its kind of confusing and distracting to look at. I have no problem with markings on ponies, but the way this one flows is a little strange?
 If you’d like to keep them like this, I would suggest making the black colour of the markings a little lighter, a light grey or something so it would blend in a little more and make it look a little more natural. 
 But I would recommend you try and use a different way of putting these markings? The way the markings connect from the face, down the head and neck and down the body doesn’t really look right? Perhaps you could make the markings go across the eyes and then do a separate one across the body? I’m assuming he’s inspired partly by a badger?
So look at these badger markings, I think the eye markings would look great on him! 
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But try not to make the markings go all the way down the neck in lines, when the eyes go down past his ears, try and made a line down his BACK to his rump rather than down his sides. That way it would look more natual and you could attempt to even add some to his legs to mimic the dark legs of the badger?
Its up to you what you choose! What a cute character though and I love his cutie mark!
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clouddoodlemod · 8 years
Merry Christmas.
This is a bit late in replying, but to you too! Merry christmas to everyone! I hope you all had a great day!
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clouddoodlemod · 8 years
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inspired by dat tumblr classic, discord style, tho.
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clouddoodlemod · 8 years
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I heard y'all were doing horse reviews! So I guess I might as well throw my horse at ya! His special talent is acting!
This pony is cute! I’m assuming she’s a paint splash kind of pony with the grey splashes on her coat? Although this is still cute, its a bit of a strange design to match with her mane and tail, it doesn’t seem to quite fit for me?
His mane is different, which is good, I’ve not seen many pony designs with the colours working that way (not doing highlights or dip-dyes) but if you keep the mane, I think you should think about either getting rid of that grey or changing it somehow?
Perhaps you could switch the colours, make his mane colour grey and the splashes white and see how that looks? You could even try making that grey a little lighter, or maybe find another fitting pastel colour to suit with his mane and use that?
 His cutie mark is brilliant! I’ve seen a lot of drama and acting pony cutie marks and they often use the happy and sad masks but putting a little opal between them to fit in with his design is good! But the colour of that gem is a little light, I can see you’re trying to fit it in with his mane but I don’t fully think thats necessary? You could try and simplify the colours in it a bit, make it stand out a little more on that rump of his, otherwise it would blend in against him and next to those two faces it doesn’t seem to fit there in its current state?
 The eyes stand out very well too, I’d say you can try and add/change something to match with them, but the way they work with his other colours is nice! 
Very well done on this character! What a pretty boy! 
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clouddoodlemod · 8 years
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This is Azimuth. She’s a crystal pony cartargrapher with an insatiable thirst for adventure. Since being in a thousand year slumber with the rest of the Crystal Empire, the changed world around her only adds to that thirst.
Art by wishdream.
Such a CUTE pony! Oh my gosh!
I can see that you’ve got a very good pony first off, right off the bat! Her colours work well and although bright, it works well and I’m very happy to see a crystal pony that isn’t all glitter and glitzy for a change.
 I really love how her hair matches with her cutie mark colours, maybe you could attempt to try and make it a little bit lighter in shade to closer match it, but if not, it can still work brilliantly the way she is.
 I do think her eyes could do with a change in colour though, or you could add/change an accessory on her to match with them? I would have thought a yellow or blue would go well? The big clip in her hair seems to be a bit of a distraction, maybe you could make it smaller? Or you could make it look like a badge of somekind, it would fit in with her design, I’m struggling to see if its a leaf or a pearl hairpin of somekind? 
 I do love this pony, a very good pone with a great and interesting talent!
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clouddoodlemod · 8 years
Here is my one of OC’s information in the link, if you want to review it.
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A VERY interesting design and concept for her! Reading her information and such is a great original way of thinking of things. I haven’t seen anything like that before in a changeling design.
 Her design is good, she still looks like a changeling and has a few small changes in her own way that shows she’s separate from the others we’re used to seeing. I know its hard to design an original changeling character and with her being a Queen, it may have given you some good leeway to make a few changes.
Her colours are good, though I’m having a little issue with her wings and her eyes, the pink is a bit of a distraction from the rest of her which goes all together really way! Though I still think the pink is good touch, so maybe you could try and dull the pink a bit? Make it darker or something along those lines to make it go well with the rest of her body colour scheme? The dark purple and pink work really nicely with each other, bare that in mind!
Another thing about her eyes, she has double pupils in there? Its awesome, but since both pupils/iris’s are the same size, its a little confusing. Try and separate them or try and make one smaller than the other. Just so people can identify they’re still eyes.
Her mane is nice too, still keeping with the changeling design, its a lot more flowing than any other changeling hair though? So try and make it look regal but a bit tatty too? But I’m confident that if you don’t change it, it would still work well with her look!
 Very good changeling! An interesting concept! Again, its up to you if you would like to change anything. She’s a great design!
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clouddoodlemod · 8 years
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I’d love thoughts on Ren’s design!! I’ve submitted Ren to a few places that do review worta things but I’ve never gotten any responses thus far XD
Here’s Ren’s character page if you want some facts on them as well? http://askponyren.tumblr.com/ren
First glance, I don’t get that much of the SHOW mlp style, but more of like an anime style, but I still think thats pretty cool and upon reading their info, they’re a very different pony design!
I do like your colour scheme, its not too subtle, its not too in your face but its okay. The hairstyle is different and makes your character unique and they don’t need any accessories to tell you they’re yours, which is thumbs up to you!
 I don’t see a cutie mark though? I don’t know if this is on purpose because of his origins or I just missed something, so maybe think of something cool that fits him and its always nice to have a nice accent to the eyes, so try and fit some of that gorgeous purple in there!.
 I can see you’ve go something written there saying ‘can make any shape’ does this mean he uses magic, his own body or is it something that his kind can do? You could consider giving him a unicorn horn to make these features more understandable and if he’s really alien in a pony body, having a horn would make him ‘blend in’ with this kind of power he has? Right? Its up to you friend!
 Well done! Also, love this art style!
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clouddoodlemod · 8 years
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okay anyways, these guys are $20 each.  Their new owners will receive this file unwatermarked, the transparent single of the pony and the transparent cutie mark!
Please let me know if you’re interested <3 Take home a new baby today!
Cinnamon Cocoa: OPEN
Powder Snow: OPEN
Eggnog Spice: OPEN
Peppermint Stick: OPEN
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clouddoodlemod · 8 years
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For the OC review.
Sorry I haven’t got to this until now but I’d be happy to give you a review!
I can say at first glance that your character looks good! The colours aren’t to in your face and she seems to have a good colour scheme. I can’t stay much about her though because I don’t have any info on her, but judging by her cutie mark, she’s a mechanic, clock worker or something along those lines?
 The only thing I could suggest you try to improve her a little bit is her mane! Although its name and simple, it does have that whole ‘rainbow dash style’ kind of vibe to it, maybe you can try and make it look more unique to your pony! If she works hard, put it up into a ponytail? Maybe tying it up with an accessory that matches her eyes? (A bobble, hairclip?) But in the end, its up to you!
Really cute character! Well done on her, she’s wonderful! I hope this review helped!
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