clmbls · 11 years
Stealing is bad karma
Although I am no longer active on Tumblr, some people still are and kindly warned me that several of my gifs had been posted with my signature cut off and no link back to my original post or tumblr.
Stealing is bad karma. Reblogging is the way to go!
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clmbls · 13 years
I don't like this place much anymore. I've barely been around and I don't miss it, so I guess it's my cue to drop it. See you on Twitter, if you're there; if not, it was nice meeting you here!
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clmbls · 13 years
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clmbls · 13 years
Only english people use "l'esprit d'escalier". We never use that in French. In fact, I'm pretty sure 99.9% of the population has never heard of it.
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clmbls · 13 years
Merry Fringemas!
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clmbls · 13 years
Finals are over!
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clmbls · 13 years
So this week is my last week of uni before a well deserved 2-weeks-long break. It's also filled with...finals.
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So go ahead, spam my ask box, I won't even be there to rant and moan about it. I'm lying, I always make a little happy dance whenever I get a message.
Good luck to those of you who also have to endure exams. If you're not going through that right now: I hate you.
See you all in a few days! 
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clmbls · 13 years
Once someone gives this to you have to pass it to at least 10 people that are amazing and deserve to know it. Nothing happens if you don't send it, but is always nice to share love ♥
Julien, you just made my day! 
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clmbls · 13 years
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clmbls · 13 years
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clmbls · 13 years
Send me an English word and I'll write it down in my native language.
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clmbls · 13 years
Let's dunham the votes!
Best Overall Series of 2011: Vote for Fringe
Best Dramatic Actor: Vote for John Noble
Best Dramatic Actress: Vote for Anna Torv
Favorite Smarty-Pants: Vote for Walter Bishop
Everytime we win a poll, we give them another reason to renew Fringe by showing them that we’re still here and ready to support the show!
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clmbls · 13 years
365 days challenge : day 79
day 79: why do you feel as though people judge others
I don't know, I guess it's in the human nature to assess the other beings of its specie and take a guess as to whether befriend then or not?
What matters is what do you judge people on. What the criterias are...
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clmbls · 13 years
365 days challenge : day 78
day 78: would you rather people be honest with you, even if it’s something not good, or lie to you to make you feel good
Honesty, even if it hurts, if the right choice. Lying will only work for a while, but the truth always comes up anyway.
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clmbls · 13 years
365 days challenge : day 77
day 77: what gives you every day inspiration
Nature, mostly. I wake up to the birds singing because I'm lucky enough to live out of town. I open my window and see the sun rising behind the mountains, the sky pink and orange. That is inspiring. 
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clmbls · 13 years
365 days challenge : day 76
day 76: how do you feel about going green
I am going green and it feels really good. There's still a long way to go, but I'm heading there, and it really means something. 
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clmbls · 13 years
365 days challenge : day 75
day 75: what is one of the best dreams you have ever had 
I never told this to anyone, but I had a really great dream not so long ago. He and I were travelling the world, meeting great people, and it was summer and we lived in swimming suits on the beach and it was awesome. And I was in love - or I think I was, because it was a new feeling. But then they say what we see and feel in our dreams are made up from our own experiences, so how can that be possible?
Anyway, I woke up and felt...happier than ever for a few days. And I secretly hoped to go back to that dream, but that never happened. *sigh*
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