Capoeira Pure Healthy
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clipsacademiaeu · 6 months ago
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International Capoeira Festival 2024 (Helinä Rautavaara in memoriam)2024
The International Capoeira Festival will respectfully honor the importance of Helinä Rautavaara with happiness due her effort to develop socio-cultural relationships between Finnish, Brazilian and African culture.
What to expect from our event.
We will have Capoeira workshops with Master Tate from the Raça Negra Capoeira Cultural Association from Fuerteventura-Spain, Treinel Emmi Angoleiras dos Sertão Helsinki and Professora Gaivota Grupo de Capoeira Angolinha Finland.
We also will have the opportunity to learn more about Brazilian dance culture with the dance Master Edson Souto and will have a special workshop with elderly group.
Our festival is very glad to present you the Samba Online band, that is one of the best samba bands nowadays.
Our festival is where all cultures come together and celebrate with safely and with lots of joy.
Pikku Huopalahden Nuorisotalo
Hilda Flodinin aukio 1, 00300 Helsinki
Helinä Rautavaara Ethnographic Museum
Siltakatu 11, Espoo
Viertola Koulun
Liljatie 201300 Vantaa
Pikku Huopalahden Nuorisotalo (04.10.2024 - 18-21)
18:00 Opening Ceremony
18:05 Guest and Masters’ presentations
18:15 Workshop/lecture with Master Tati
19:15 Workshop with Treinel Emmi
20:30 Capoeira Open Roda
21:00 Samba de Roda
Helinä Rautavaara Ethnographic Museum (05.10.2024 - 13-18)
13:00 Open Event At Museum
13:05 Historical context of Helinä Rautavaara legacy
13:10 A short guidance
13:45 Cultural Performances
14:45 Workshop with Professora Gaivota
15:45 Workshop with Professor Edson Souto (seniorijumppa)
16:00 Batizado and troca de cordões
16:30 Roda de Capoeira
17:00 Certification ceremony
18:00 Dinner with all participants
Viertola Koulun (06.10.2024 - 17-21)
17:00 Maculelê workshop
18:00 Samba Online
20:45 Thanks everyone
21:00 Closing Event
The festival shirts will be on sale at all event locations.
Price 30€
Entrance free of charge
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clipsacademiaeu · 7 months ago
Samba Reggae workshop on @taiteidenyo
Welcome my friends!❤️
Free entrance.
More information int he link below:
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clipsacademiaeu · 2 years ago
Linnanmäki Helsingissä 2023.❤️
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clipsacademiaeu · 2 years ago
Hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää kaikille!🇫🇮
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clipsacademiaeu · 2 years ago
Hei kaverit!
Matkustaminen on paljon hauskempaa, kun meillä on hyviä ihmisiä.
Kiitos paljon Anu Oksanen, Sanna Wellenius and Helena Pekkarinen.
Se oli hieno kokemus kaikki neuvot, tapaamiset ja haastattelut, joita meillä oli yhdessä.
Pysytään lujina ja vahvoina uskoen aina, että unelma on mahdollinen.
Kiitos, obrigado ja thanks paljon!
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clipsacademiaeu · 3 years ago
Capoeira is a sport that is part of the Afro-Brazilian-Indigenous-European culture, that involves martial arts, dance, musicality and handcrafts and it’s also an important source of culture of health, well-being and socialization.
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clipsacademiaeu · 3 years ago
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Joka vuosi Afrojazz Club goes Alppipuisto -tapahtumassa on nähty yllätysesitys ja tänä vuonna se on afrobrasilialainen capoeira roda! Capoeira on osa afrobrasilialaista kulttuuria – se on sekä kamppailulaji, tanssi että ilmaisukeino ihmisille. Tänä päivänä capoeiraa harjoitetaan jo yli 160:ssä maassa. Capoeiran nykyinen tavoite on edistää kaikkien harjoittelijoidensa terveyttä ja hyvinvointia.
Capoeira roda Afrojazz Club goes Alppipuisto -tapahtumassa ensi sunnuntaina, 10.7.
15:00 – 15:30 Summer Stagen (Lava II) takana
16:00 – 16:30 Amfiteatterin ympyrässä
Every year we have had a surprise act at the Afrojazz Club goes Alppipuisto, and this year it will be Afro Brazilian Capoeira roda! Capoeira is a part of Afro Brazilian Culture and is now considered a martial art, a dance and a form of expression for people. Today it’s practiced in over 160 countries. Capoeira currently aims to promote health and wellbeing for everyone who practices it.
Capoeira roda at Afrojazz Club goes Alppipuisto next Sunday, 10th of July!
15:00 – 15:30 Behind Summer Stage (Stage II)
16:00 – 16:30 Amphitheatre Circle
#capoeira #afrojazzclub #alppipuistonkesä #kulttuurikameleontit
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clipsacademiaeu · 3 years ago
Capoeira Class with ePassi
For beginners
Every Saturday
Time 9-10
Starts: 13.8.22
Ends: 3.12.22
Terasitalo Ruskeasuo
Welcome everyone!
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clipsacademiaeu · 3 years ago
Bom dia, tarde e noite galera!
Please, subscribe yourself in our event.
7.10. - 9.10. Siltakatu 11, FI-02770 Espoo, Suomi
Sejam todos e todas muito bem vindos e bem vindas!
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clipsacademiaeu · 3 years ago
Vamos que vamos galera.
Treinar para melhorar, manter ou não perder a forma é sempre uma excelente opção.
Desejo a todos e todas um dia maravilhoso!
Axé total ����🏾❤️👍🏾💪🏾🤸🏽‍♂️🦶🏿☀️
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clipsacademiaeu · 3 years ago
The Suomen Capoeiraliitto want to thanks everyone that made part from our FunAction and Nut-liikunta project.
Thanks galera and see you soon in the summer!
Grateful 🙏🏾❤️🤸🏽‍♂️💪🏾👍🏾🇫🇮🇧🇷
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clipsacademiaeu · 3 years ago
Olá galera!
A Capoeira do Brasil está na revista Hyvä Elämä.
Lá vocês podem conhecer um pouco da minha história e também de como a capoeira pode nos proporcionar uma vida mais saudável.
Muito obrigado ao nosso amigo repórter Jouni Suolanen, nossas amigas Heini Li e Maa Nispruh Shambhavi e agradecemos também a toda redação da Revista Hyvä Elämä.
Kiitos erittäin paljon❤️🙏🏾💪🏾☘️😊❤️
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clipsacademiaeu · 3 years ago
Bom dia pessoal!
Venham participar das nossas aulas de Capoeira para iniciantes. Aulas para adolescentes, jovens e adultos em Pikku Huopalahden Nuorisotalo.
A cidade de Helsinki está oferecendo totalmente gratuito!
Sejam todos e todas muito bem vindos e bem vindas!
Desejo um excelente dia pra vocês !
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clipsacademiaeu · 3 years ago
Olá galera, boa tarde! Como estão vcs? Vamos de mais benefícios para nossa saúde através da Capoeira. Deus abençoe a cada um de vcs 🙏🏾❤️👍🏾🎉🤗🥰
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clipsacademiaeu · 3 years ago
Good morning guys ,
We are going to important exercises to improve blood circulation.
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clipsacademiaeu · 3 years ago
Alô galera!
Nessa nossa primeira atividade no Youtube iremos fazer 30 minutos exercícios para mantermos nossa saúde em forma utilizando elementos básicos da arte Capoeira mesclados com samba e dança afro.
Brasil 7:00 am
Finlândia: 12:00 pm
Totalmente grátis!
Colabore com nosso Projeto.
Pix, deposito ou transferência bancária.
CLIPS ACADEMIA EUROP FI81 5780 4120 0908 39
Sejam todos e todas muito bem vindo e bem vindas.
Maiores informações:
Hello guys!
In this our first activity on Youtube, we will do 30 minutes exercises to keep our health in shape using basic elements of Capoeira art mixed with samba and afro dance.
Totally free of charge!
Brazil 7:00 am
Finland: 12:00 pm
Collaborate with our Project.
Pix, deposit or bank transfer.
CLIPS ACADEMIA EUROP FI81 5780 4120 0908 39
Welcome everybody!
More information:
Hei kaverit!
Tässä ensimmäisessä Youtube-aktiviteetissa teemme 30 minuutin harjoituksia pitääksemme terveytemme kunnossa käyttämällä Capoeira-taiteen peruselementtejä sekoitettuna sambaan ja afrotanssiin.
Täysin ilmainen!
Brasilia 7:00 am
Suomi: 12:00 pm
Tee yhteistyötä projektimme kanssa via
Pixin, talletuksen tai pankkisiirron kautta.
CLIPS ACADEMIA EUROP FI81 5780 4120 0908 39
Tervetuloa kaikille!
Lisää tietoa:
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clipsacademiaeu · 3 years ago
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Olá galera,
Venham participar da nossa brincadeira onde as culturas se encontram para celebrar o Natal.Sejam muito bem vindo e bem vindas!
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