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cliffdidanelvis · 8 months ago
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cliffdidanelvis · 1 year ago
Hi everyone, this is my fundraiser for a standing wheelchair. If you didn't know I have a rare disease called Multiminicore Disease and things are worse. I'm not walking anymore and my symptoms are worse, my independence has taken a hit so it's time to move into the power wheelchair arena. I'm trying to fund a wheelchair that will do me for now and in the future with my disease being progressive. The Balder F290 will combat some of the worse symptoms, keep me active, independent and involved in society. Anything helps and if you could share it far and wide.
I go into more detail in the gofundme link but if you know me I never ask for money and this wheelchair costs 24k. It may as well come with 24karat gold rims.
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cliffdidanelvis · 1 year ago
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Aaron Taylor-Johnson, in Outlaw King
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cliffdidanelvis · 1 year ago
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Aaron Taylor-Johnson at London Film Festival 2018: Netflix's Outlaw King premiere like or reblog if u use
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cliffdidanelvis · 1 year ago
What (or who) elves think can destroy Middle Earth?
Sauron and the one ring
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What (or who) can really destroy Middle Earth? And some 🐈 as well.
Halbrand on the raft
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More Halbrand in the raft
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Halbrand with his bracers
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Halbrand in that armor
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Halbrand in that Elven tunic and silver torque
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And yes, Halbrand in that dark evil-again cloak. This one though can legitimately destroy Middle Earth
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cliffdidanelvis · 1 year ago
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cliffdidanelvis · 1 year ago
I find it very interesting to look at how different it feels when Padme and Luke both say "There's still good in him" just based on the context and lead-up to that line for both characters and why audiences might view the characters differently because of it despite the intentional parallel.
Let's start with Padme. Yes, Padme's dying words are intended to parallel her son's line from Return of the Jedi and we know that she ultimately ends up "right" about there still being good in Anakin. But the context of Padme saying this gives a very different tone to that scene.
Because Padme is a character who actively tries to pretend that Anakin has no darkness in him at all despite repeated evidence being shown and told to her that he DOES simply because it's more convenient for her to do so.
In Attack of the Clones, Anakin straight up tells her he believes in dictatorship and Padme's response isn't to be disgusted or report him, but to just decide that he must have been making fun of her because it's a lot easier than dealing with the reality that the guy who is supposed to be taking care of her is in fact a fascist. And then just a few days after that, Anakin screams in Padme's face that he just massacred an entire village of people down to the last child because he sees them as animals and her response is to decide that this is just a totally normal response to trauma rather than, again, being disgusted by it and reporting him. And of course that movie ends with her deciding to marry him, despite knowing he's a murderer and a fascist and that this is against the rules for BOTH of them.
In Revenge of the Sith, there's an entire scene where Padme and Anakin sit there joking at each other about how love blinds you. They're joking around and you can see the scene as just a sweet little nonsense scene if you choose to, but it's also very intentionally foreshadowing a lot and has the subtext of the thing that is going to destroy both of them in a few days. When Obi-Wan comes to Padme to ask her about where Anakin is and tells her about what Anakin's done, Padme's response is to deny it. She argues that Anakin would never kill children, despite the fact that she knows he HAS killed children before. And then she lies to Obi-Wan, obstructing his ability to figure out the truth about what happened to his people or to gain justice for the genocide that was just committed against them. And her next response is to go find Anakin so that she can ensure he escapes any consequences for what he's done while still insisting that he hasn't done anything wrong at all.
So when Padme says "There's still good in him" it comes with the context of Padme spending two entire films refusing to actually see Anakin for who he actually is. It comes after MULTIPLE scenes of Padme rejecting the reality that Anakin has darkness in him that he is fully capable of acting on. Sure, she's not wrong that there's still good in him, but the line feels more like Padme just continuing to pretend that Anakin didn't just commit a genocide and bring down the Republic rather than Padme being right about Anakin. It doesn't sound like "Yes, I know that he's done a million terrible things, but I have hope that he can still make the right choice if we approach him the right way" and more like "He was probably just brainwashed or something, he didn't REALLY mean to genocide an entire people."
And this then directly foils Luke later on.
Because when LUKE says it, it comes with the context of the entire character journey Luke has been going through over the last 2.5 films. Luke's had to learn to accept his OWN darkness and face his own worst fears about his heritage and what he could become. He's had to face the reality of losing the people he cares about and seen the consequences of what happens when he lets arrogance and fear blind him. Luke has had to accept that Darth Vader is a part of who he is, he's not infallible, he could fall to darkness just like his father did if he isn't careful. But this comes with the ability to recognize that this could mean that Darth Vader might yet be able to turn around and make the opposite choice. If Luke has the ability to fall, Darth Vader has the ability to rise. Luke knows that it's always about making the right choice, and while Darth Vader has made a LOT of bad choices, it doesn't mean he can never make the right one. Choosing to believe that Darth Vader could still have goodness in him is a result of accepting that Luke has darkness in himself, too.
So when Luke says that there's still good in him, there's no attempt to pretend that Anakin hasn't done monstrous things. Luke really can't pretend that Anakin didn't do them, he's literally stood there and watched as Anakin did some of them. He's down a hand for the rest of his life because of Anakin, he'll have to live with the evidence of what Anakin is capable of forever. He CAN'T sit there and pretend that Anakin didn't do those things the way Padme could, it isn't possible for him. For Padme, Anakin will always be "that little boy from Tatooine," just like she says in Attack of the Clones. But Luke knew Darth Vader first, he's known the villain and the monster longer than he'll ever know Anakin Skywalker. Even when he figures out how to reconcile that these two people are the SAME person, he doesn't know enough about Anakin Skywalker to be able to pretend that Darth Vader didn't do the things he's done. Luke says that there is still good in him with the full awareness that Darth Vader has made a LOT of horrific choices in his life. There's never any attempt to try to convince himself or anyone else that that isn't true.
He sees Anakin in the full truth of who and what he is. He knows EXACTLY what kind of darkness Anakin has in him and is choosing to believe he can still make a better choice ANYWAY. Unlike his mother, Luke knows who Anakin is, he's never been given another choice.
That's why Padme comes off as wrong about Anakin while Luke is right even though they both say the same thing. The line doesn't MEAN the same thing to both of them and the audience can pick up on that because both of them have had several films' worth of context letting us know that.
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cliffdidanelvis · 1 year ago
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Charlie Vickers as Clem Hart in The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart (2023)
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cliffdidanelvis · 1 year ago
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Thanks to the Best of Charlie Vickers Twitter we got new promo pics of Charlie as Clem from "The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart"!!! :D Still can't get over how he looks about 15 years younger than his actual age when he's clean-shaven and can still play a teenager and it looks right. LOL
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cliffdidanelvis · 1 year ago
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cliffdidanelvis · 1 year ago
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cliffdidanelvis · 1 year ago
Clone trooper shit
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cliffdidanelvis · 1 year ago
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cliffdidanelvis · 1 year ago
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cliffdidanelvis · 2 years ago
I can't wait for the next series
all the girlies talking about Barbie & the Eras Tour healing their inner child meanwhile 10 yr old me would have SCREAMED witnessing the making of Mordor & the forging of the 3 rings
not to mention seeing Aragorn’s ancestors & like the actual Man™️ who will one day cut the ring from Sauron’s hand like WHAT??
seeing Halbrand save Elendil??? like bb u just ensured ur own doom 😭
I know it’s not canon but Gandalf’s first encounter with hobbits??? which explains his undying love for them???? Insane
And the galadriel backstory???? which adds so much more to her temptation with the ring?? wow
elrond being friends with durin & seeing khazad-dûm in its prime???? WOW
My inner child is SO happy rn
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cliffdidanelvis · 2 years ago
Happy Pride! 🌈
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cliffdidanelvis · 2 years ago
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ANDOR episode 9 + tumblr/reddit comments
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