clicksnapsave · 5 years
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clicksnapsave · 5 years
Lots happened in 2019. I finally bit the bullet and quit my previous job which had become toxic. It was a relief and huge weight off my shoulders. Went on my first solo trip to Europe. Went to multiple weddings in Toronto, went to LA, went to Vancouver a few times and started a new gig in SF
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clicksnapsave · 6 years
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I learned to shuck oysters at tamales bay
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clicksnapsave · 7 years
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Trip to Taiwan with my cool parents
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clicksnapsave · 7 years
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A great party organized and treated entirely by Steven. Escape the room here was super fun
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clicksnapsave · 7 years
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Birthday puffs
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clicksnapsave · 7 years
Woke up at 5am
And had a panic attack. After that cried in bed and woke up Steven ...I felt inconsolably empty, depressed and filled with anxiety. What is this job doing to me? I already drafted my resignation letter, I should just pull the trigger. But I’m a shameless slave to steady income and the comforts of a secure job
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clicksnapsave · 7 years
I'm too weathered to go on shoots. The lack of sleep kills me! And interestingly, most friends have made the observation that I'm usually sick or get sick during production. It was nice that steven finally joined and got a chance to leverage my work perks though!
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clicksnapsave · 7 years
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Saved money by individually buying and arranging my own bouquet. Take THAT FarmGirl Flowers. Lol kidding, I still love FarmGirl but they're just too expensive on a regular basis.
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clicksnapsave · 7 years
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Cool donut/Google pop up shop in Hayes Valley. I won a google mini!
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clicksnapsave · 7 years
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San Francisco has been home for just over a year. I am blessed and my heart feels full ❤️
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clicksnapsave · 7 years
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Ice Cream Museum. Swings have always been my favorite thing on the playground. I feel an exhilarating sense of freedom when I'm floating back and forth. Gravity pulling me back down is ok, because I know I'll just soar back up again.
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clicksnapsave · 7 years
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Feeling more grown up when we treat our parents to the finer things in life! I feel like they never splurge and have sacrificed so much for my sister and I. They're frugal, careful with their money and rarely treat themselves to anything special. While I have the extra income I want to make up for all this - they deserve nothing but the best
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clicksnapsave · 7 years
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Hood to Coast 2017 was my biggest running accomplishment to date. 11.5KM, 9KM and 8.5KM
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clicksnapsave · 7 years
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Sea to Sky hike
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clicksnapsave · 7 years
Being punctual and showing up at the time already agreed upon is a sign of respect. Unless there was something out of your control, it's important to me (and I'm sure to others too) to honor those times.
I'm currently waiting for my friend to pick me up from the airport. While I'm grateful he is coming to pick me up, I am a bit annoyed because when I texted him that I landed, he literally just went "oops I just woke up, coming in 15.. it's only a 15 min drive from the airport lol" and didnt apologize. I haven't been back to Portland in a year and it's the one time I'm back for the race. I just feel it was so disrespectful.
I'm not trying to be ungrateful, it's just that we discussed the time I would land the night before. I sent him my itinerary two weeks ago. I shared with him my flight details. He knew the whole time, yet somehow it slips his mind to set an alarm or be punctual? Unrelated to this, I have an uncomfortable feeling that staying with him will be very frustrating. He's going to want to do things I don't have time/want to do. I told him upfront I have a lot of team commitments and people flying from Asia I need to prioritize. I planned this trip with them for over a year.
An apology for being late would have been okay. And he didn't even do that.
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clicksnapsave · 7 years
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Family in town! Mom's birthday :)
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