clever-beets-moved · 5 years
{ I’m taking a leap and moving this blog to it’s own main (With the same old url!) for convenience! Please don’t worry, I won’t be dropping any threads! I’ll simply be reblogging from here from now on! 
Just to reiterate, the new blog is here! Refollows would be much appreciated! }
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clever-beets-moved · 5 years
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you did this, i am only the vessel used to create this fucking garbage
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clever-beets-moved · 5 years
Here’s Bede, hair somewhat contained by a headband as he stirs pastry dough of some sort...
It’s filled with all sorts of finely chopped spicy berries, INCLUDING the seeds. And yet, the smell is nothing but sweet. Uh Oh.
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clever-beets-moved · 5 years
What type of soul are you?
You Are a Traveler Soul
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You're a thrill seeker who loves to be active and on the move. You love to wander: between places, ideas, and people. A good communicator, you're a nonconformist and interested in the world. You are an explorer, a good storyteller, and a true dreamer. Because you're always on the move, you can be a bit fickle. It's difficult for you to make personal commitments. Don't be so quick to ignore emotional issues and problems. You're much more intuitive and psychic than you think. Souls you are most compatible with: Retrospective Soul and Dreaming Soul
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clever-beets-moved · 5 years
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Gigantamax Bede
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clever-beets-moved · 5 years
Bede rips his eyes from the news as his phone vibrates. A text? Bewildered and grave, he opens it.
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Fine. Fine, he types with somewhat trembling hands.
It wasn’t fine. That much is obvious.
Fine or not, he has some work to do.
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clever-beets-moved · 5 years
A complete Alcremie collection? Honestly, what does he take him for?
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clever-beets-moved · 5 years
pinkrival replied to your post ““Why restrict ourselves to specific types when anyone with sense knows...”
bend any spoons with your mind lately altiss??
“Oh, come off it. I can like other types of Pokémon without having to train them.”
Altiss crosses his arms stubbornly with a huff.
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“I haven’t, but it’s not for lack of trying. But, when I manage to learn how, you’d best keep an eye on your silverware.”
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clever-beets-moved · 5 years
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“Why restrict ourselves to specific types when anyone with sense knows that all Pokémon are good.”
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clever-beets-moved · 5 years
The fairy type turned her head towards the trainer and his pokemon, she almost looked amused at the Mawile’s reaction. Smart one, but not surprising. Fairy types could always tell the difference. Humans however lacked that. But the respect was duly noted.
The faux Sylveon nodded in greeting, by no means were they in her way, in fact this individual has piqued her curiosity… Enough that a soft voice entered Bede’s mind, it seemed powerful, and was quite…. odd coming from what appeared to be a sylveon. Maybe it was special?
“No need to apologize. Seems I wasn’t the only one out for a walk, but I do not mind. I find it more interesting this way.“
The manner of speech was oddly formal, something about the voice seemed ancient and knowing, with a hint of mischief.
Bede’s eyes widen at the sound of her voice, havin not expected a verbal answer of any sort. He’s quick to regain his composure, however, which leaves him to mull over the situation. One so clearly powerful and almost primal in sound... Bede isn’t foolish. He’d learnt more than enough from his training and from Ms. Opal to tell that whoever this Sylveon is, she is far more powerful than he’d previously surmised.
He’s beginning to understand Venus’ reaction. He dips his head respectfully, trying his best to swallow a sort of nervousness creeping into his chest.
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“Indeed... Its not very often I find myself in the company of someone so... dare I say, regal, as yourself?”
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clever-beets-moved · 5 years
                ❝ oh, it was. ❞ bede replied, without so much as a moment of hesitation.      ( the implication being he did it simply to be a little brat — which was true. ) ❝ just as it’s obvious who i am. you have eyes, do you not? ❞ he tilted his head, gaze drifting over the other’s form. it was as much to get a good look at him as it was to make a point.
               even if bede managed to miss the hand drifting toward his pocket, the tension in the air felt thick, like a heavy sheet draped across his shoulders. as much as the gym leader wanted to believe he was capable of generating such a terrifying presence, he didn’t think it was purely his doing. or rather, it was more his being there that caused the other such distress. ❝ you must be new to this. ❞ bede observed, extending a hand to the curious fairy types. one tiny morelull took the opportunity to settle down comfortably in his palm.      ( for the briefest of moments, a gentle smile played upon the boy’s lips. )
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                ❝ i could introduce myself, but i have a feeling that would become confusing rather quickly, don’t you? ❞ it was both common sense and also a subtle way to protect himself, if he was dealing with a fae. ❝ typically in these kinds of scenarios, i choose to go by oberon instead. ❞ oberon, the king of the faeries. standing there in the middle of glimwood tangle, surrounded by fairy type pokemon, the name seemed more fitting than ever.
                ❝ what about you? ❞ oberon continued, inclining his head at the other. ❝ a word of advice? if you choose to linger in the forest, you’re going to want a nickname sooner or later. perhaps something that alludes to your musical talents? ❞ a playful jab.
Bede had certainly been annoyed with himself before, but never in such an odd context. Oberon... He’s no stranger to what that means, and it only serves to make him more frustrated as he admits to himself that he absolutely would call himself a name like that. He opts to let the jab slide, remaining quiet for only a quick moment. Lucky for him, he has a name in mind that rarely sees use nowadays.
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“You can call me Altiss.”
The reply is to-the-point, carefully worded as Ms. Opal had taught him to be when introducing himself.
“You’ll have to pardon my misgivings about this; I don’t typically do well with reflections. So then... do you make a habit of following odd singing voices into the Tangle, or do I have the pleasure of being the first?”
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clever-beets-moved · 5 years
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{ Rosie here with her millionth blog. Like/Reblog if you’d be interested in interacting with an indie Gloria from Pokemon SWSH! OC and Crossover friendly! }
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clever-beets-moved · 5 years
Ouch. Talk about fighting words. Confident though he may be, there was little room to not be a little sore after something like that. 
“I think I know a place we’ll both like.”
Far flung from the bustling cities they’d both been to up to that point, a gentle late morning sun caressed the serene verdant landscape. The older women and men of Postwick, though clearly breaking a sweat tending to their crops and cattle, offered them both friendly smiles and well wishes while younger neighbors stared in disbelief that a gym leader would visit their tired town…
It was a bit of a stroll before Hop lead Bede to their destination: a humble home arena. He stood on the end with his back to the respectable two-story home, taking a deep breath. Then a light slap to get him focused.
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“…Right, then. You ready?”
The rest of the train ride went by in relative silence; a fact that Bede was all too happy about, considering the company he was all but forced to keep. Once they finally get to Wedgehurst, Bede follows behind Hop in a leisurely pace that directly contrasts the other trainer’s much faster gait.
Bede remains carefully impassive as he walks through the town and into Postwick, making sure to keep an eye on Hop as he runs ahead and all the while offering polite nods in return to any odd greeting he receives. Eventually the two make it to what Bede can only assume was Hop’s home, seeing as he dashed past the gate without hesitation.
Bede’s eyes scan over the surroundings, taking particular notice of the well-kept garden next to the arena that Hop stands waiting in. It’s after another second or two, mostly out of teasing for the other impatient trainer, that Bede strides over and takes his place across from Hop, fishing a great ball out of his pocket and tossing it to his other hand with flawless grace. 
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“Always. Let’s get on with it.”
Bede-r Rivals?
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clever-beets-moved · 5 years
               in hindsight, following a strange voice in glimwood tangle on little more than a whim wasn’t one of bede’s brightest ideas.      ( it ranked just below destroying a widely beloved historical site in terms of awful things he had done on impulse. ) opal had taken great care to teach him the rules of dealing with magic and fae, drilling them into his skull with the kind of ferocity even his academy instructors had failed to match. yet it didn’t take the teachings of ballonlea’s resident fairy type expert to realize this was a bad idea.
               it was just something about the song, he supposed. and perhaps that was the intention — to draw him in like bait on a fishhook, tossed out to sea for the first hungry soul to take a snap at it. in a strange way, bede felt like he could empathize with the music.      ( maybe that scrap of empathy was what he hungered for. ) he wanted to find the source. even if it was a bad idea, even if it was downright dangerous. curiosity had a way of getting the better of him like that. thankfully, doing so was rather easy.
               a figure leaned against a tree — their silhouette was the first thing the gym leader noticed as he drew near, picking silently through the tangle’s flora. human looking, then. not that it gave him much to go on; the fae took many forms, after all.
               then he realized there was something familiar about the figure. no, more than familiar — they were one in the same.
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               oh? well, this was bound to be interesting.      ( it wasn’t his first time dealing with one of the tangle’s reflections. ) unable to help himself, bede lifted his hands to clap. it wasn’t entirely sarcastic — though wasn’t was the keyword. even other versions of himself weren’t free from falling victim to his mischievous impulses. ❝ am i interrupting something? ❞ obviously.
Bede hadn’t thought much of the slight rustle of the underbrush. Surely it was just another Pokémon passing by or joining the five or so that were sitting around to listen to him. 
If the quiet scattering of all but a few of the bolder fairies didn’t prove him wrong, the clapping certainly did the trick. Bede stiffens, song cutting off rather abruptly as his cheeks take on a shade to match his coat. It’s all he can do to hope the darkness of the forest helps to hide that fact.
Embarrassment very quickly makes way for apprehension, however, as he turns his head to see who it was that had so rudely intruded... only to be face to face with what was unmistakably himself. He remembers Opal speaking about the odd and possibly dangerous sorts of things he may see deep in this forest, but...
He’s not sure if he’s more upset over being caught singing or being caught unprepared. A hand moves subtly to rest near his pocket, near his Pokémon. Just in case. He watches a few curious Morelull float over to investigate the familiar stranger before finally speaking up.
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“I would have thought that much was obvious. Who... are you?”
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clever-beets-moved · 5 years
They’re close to the same age; no longer children, but still young enough that they ought to be celebrating lives yet to lead, futures of endless possibility. And yet, they carry the weight of ages, of a past that wouldn’t stay buried and a present that demanded more than any child should have been asked to give, their futures thrust upon them by prophetic design. You have been chosen. I tell you, this is where you belong. Rue’s dwelled more than once on the strangeness of - not their generation, exactly, but their season, a road to the Champion Cup that detoured and dead-ended and tangled. The way that everyone involved with it was touched, changed in ways that no other crop of challengers will likely understand.
Bede moves on and she follows, glancing down only briefly, to make sure her feet are in the right place for setting off. After that, her gaze returns to what’s above her, around her, her own hands finding their way to the tree, to bark that seems like it should be as ancient as the world itself, though she knows it can’t possibly. How long had this taken? It would have been aided by Fairy magic, no doubt, but even with that…
A world within a Gym within a world. An indoor sky, that puts any trick of strung lights or glow-in-the-dark plastic stars to shame.
She listens, nodding rather than speaking, so that her own voice won’t cover up the story. It’s less, perhaps, that the concept isn’t fitting, than that it simply needs to fit better with its ultimate goal. So many of Opal’s questions had involved guesswork and good luck. This one requires true knowledge. “Alright,” she agrees, taking that forward step herself. A hand comes up, hovering near those rising lights. Is she meant to touch them, or merely speak? “That one’s Fighting, of course.”
It’s only natural that she would get that one. It was one of the most basic questions after all. As Rue’s hands approach the lights, they dart in opposite directions, one down the left path, and one on the right. They stop at a point just beyond her reach, fluttering playfully. It seems Bede’s comment about ‘pursuing the answer’ was a little more literal than expected. Noting Rue’s answer, Bede turns to the left, regarding the pink light denoting her answer. He pauses for a moment, more so out of dramaticism rather than actual hesitation, before taking a step forward.
The moment he moves, the light visibly tenses before rocketing ahead in a subtle zig-zagging pattern, the light on the other side following suit. It isn’t long before the both of them disappear around the tree’s trunk, and Bede, feeling no particular sense of urgency himself, keeps to the side of the path as he moves forward in case Rue or any of her Pokemon were more of the chasing type.
At the end of the path, just around the curve, is a round, empty platform. A thick branch acts as a ramp leading up to the next tier of platforms, with the lights nowhere to be found. Upon looking past the branch, there’s no sign of the right path at all, despite the fact that it clearly appeared to wrap around just the same as the left path did. Naturally, Bede acts as if that abnormality was nothing out of the ordinary, speaking idly as we walks up the branch.
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“Well done. Of course, that’s just the first question. If you get the question right and follow the correct light, you’ll be led down the path that leads up. Let’s see if you can get the next one...”
The next set of platforms is notably higher up than the last: easily about 30 feet above the ground with the only hint of that being the glimpse through the braids of the platforms. Bede makes it a point to not look down. As they move up, the spores in the branches shift from a golden color to a light blue. Like before, Bede turns to Rue in the middle of the branching paths.
“Now that you have an idea how this works, let’s not waste any time. How about the second question? 'It's common knowledge that the time of day has an impact on Milcery's evolution. In order to get a Salted Cream Alcremie, would they need to spin during the day or at night?'”
As he speaks, the lights make their return, shining a little brighter than they had a few moments ago: first the pink, and then the gold, just as they did for the first question.
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clever-beets-moved · 5 years
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Whether it be melodies that give you inspiration for your muse or songs that get you into the writing mood  — Pick 10 songs you find to give you the urge, the drive, or the creativity to write for your muse!
[Lemon Boy] - Cavetown   〈❝ It's actually pretty easy being nice to a bitter boy like him, so I got myself a citrus friend. ❞〉
[We're Alive] - Cavetown   〈❝ Actually, you know what? The way things are isn't good enough... ❞〉
[Hello My Old Heart] - The Oh Hellos   〈❝ Hello, my old heart, how have you been? How is it being locked away? Don't you worry, in there you're safe. And it's true, you'll never beat, but you'll never break... ❞〉
[Are You Satisfied?] - Marina and the Diamonds   〈❝ I was pulling out my hair the day I got the deal, chemically calm. Was I meant to feel happy that my life was just about to change? ❞〉
[A Soft Place to Land] - Waitress   〈❝ When your breaking point's all that you have, a dream is a soft place to land... ❞〉
[ALONE] - Jonathan Young   〈❝ Bending or breaking, giving or taking, trying to prove that I've grown... Kicking and screaming, wish I was dreaming, tell me I'm not alone! ❞〉
[Pity Party] - Melanie Martinez   〈❝ Maybe it's a cruel joke on me. Whatever, whatever... Just means there's way more cake for me. Forever, forever... ❞〉
[Shatter Me] - Lindsey Stirling   〈❝ If I break the glass, then I'll have to fly. There's no one to catch me if I take a dive. ❞〉
[888] - Cavetown   〈❝ Thinking in figures of 8 and it's easy, 'cause I know what it adds up to. Every day is the same, but you gave me a brand new set of numbers! Life's in a different colour... ❞〉
[Good For You] - Dear Evan Hanson   〈❝ And you say what you need to say, and you play who you need to play. And if somebody's in your way? Crush them and leave them behind! ❞〉
tagged by: @pinkrival tagging: @hopskipnjump​ , @rusty-memory​ , @skullgruntdana​ , Anyone else who feels like snatching this up~
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clever-beets-moved · 5 years
❤️ "Wow, it's Gym Leader Bede! You're looking fine today."
He’s less than thrilled to have to compliment Hop to his face, but there’s nothing to be done for it since his knee-jerk response just now eliminated any opportunity for stalling. Bede sighs, perhaps a little too heavily.
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“You have the resolve of a Riolu and the energy to match. It’s almost infuriating how much you can fight and overcome without giving up. Honestly, I doubt much of anything out there could keep you down for long.”
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