clearlyafandomblog · 4 hours
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lol this is so true. and also really cool in a way i could never explain to anyone who isn't Like This
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clearlyafandomblog · 4 hours
as someone who has worked jobs with some retail/customer service component for 8 years, let me just say:
prolonged fighting over who pays is obnoxious. do not do that. nobody but you thinks it's cute
one back and forth "no, I've got it!" "no, me!" is acceptable. but folks I have literally had grown, middle-aged men KNOCK THINGS OFF THE COUNTER at the museum ticket desk in the midst of a totally unnecessary battle royale to reach the card reader
they were laughing. I was not
and even if you're not going that insane, your server or sales associate or whatever is tired. they just want SOME form of payment. and the longer you drag this out, the longer the interaction takes. all we want to do is get you through our line and on your way in the fastest manner possible
decide who's paying in a QUICK and CALM fashion. pay. move on. this isn't some quirky Bit to anyone around you; you're just holding up the flow of the interaction
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clearlyafandomblog · 4 hours
2024 is the year we stop “consuming” and go back to “reading/watching/listening to/playing” things
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clearlyafandomblog · 4 hours
As I grow older I feel my capacity to understand that Miss Piggy is not a real person reached a peak in my adolescence and is now on a steady decline. I watched a Wendy Williams interview and there's this part that's like "can we get a ring cam!" and Miss Piggy shows her bling and I'm just like fuck she's so iconic. Miss Piggy who are you wearing? Miss Piggy have you ever considered running for office??
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clearlyafandomblog · 4 hours
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i really want to get a shrimp tattoo and i cannot get this one incredibly specific scenario out of my head
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clearlyafandomblog · 4 hours
"I don't like the fandom content this person posts!"
Then unfollow them.
"I'm not following them, but they're in all the tags!"
Then block them.
"I blocked them but all the people I follow reblog their posts!"
Then unfollow those people.
"But I like their other content!"
Then add the person's username to your blocklist.
No. Stop. Listen. You cannot control what other people post or how they interpret your favorite characters or what ships they like. All you can control is your own actions and your public responses. Block them, filter out their username, then post your own stuff to carve out a space for yourself and people like you in your fandom. You will be a million times happier if you focus on what you're doing and what you enjoy instead of on the people you don't like.
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clearlyafandomblog · 4 hours
idk I find quite often with people interacting with wild animals you do kinda have to be the 'fun police' as an advocate on behalf of the wild animal
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clearlyafandomblog · 4 hours
Favorite wikipedia article of the year: the majestic Grass Mud Horse
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Bonus Ai Wei Wei
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“Covering the middle” can be rearranged into the similar sounding “Central Committee,” which is the name of the chinese government.
Covering the middle — 挡中央 Dǎng zhōngyāng
Central Committee — 中央党 Zhōngyāng dǎng
So “Grass Mud Horse covering the middle” would be “fuck your mother, Central Committee.”
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clearlyafandomblog · 4 hours
being an online weirdo is fucking awesome because you get to befriend other online weirdos. just now saw a sexual motorcycle post and i was like "hey i'll send this to my buddy, The Motorcycle Fucker" and sure enough it was a smash hit
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clearlyafandomblog · 4 hours
This disney princess and her Pixar baby are UGLY AND STINKY. you HAVE to give her a MAKEOVER or she'll DIE without a MAN. WOOPIES I clicked the POOP SMEARER instead of the SHOWER and now she's UGLIER. Now they're in a FREEZING BARN you must SAVE them. OOPIES I clicked the WATERING CAN instead of the FIREPLACE and now they're ENCASED IN ICE. I'm sure glad that they're in there and we're out here and they're in there and he's the sheriff and we're in there and shes out here and we're out there and they're in there. CAN YOU DO BETTER. PLAY GARDENING KING IMMEDIATELY!!
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clearlyafandomblog · 4 hours
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clearlyafandomblog · 19 hours
news article has a poll that asks when was the last time you used cash and i just. froze. i really don't remember when was the last time i used cash
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clearlyafandomblog · 19 hours
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clearlyafandomblog · 19 hours
I do love how quietly influential Homestuck has been on a generation of animators because it means sometimes I'm just watching a tv show and I have to pause and ask "hey. is that Dave Fucking Strider in the background?"
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clearlyafandomblog · 19 hours
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clearlyafandomblog · 19 hours
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clearlyafandomblog · 19 hours
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