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** Permission to post it was granted by the artist Please, rate and/or bookmark her works on Pixiv too **
Artist : めいこ
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Clear Route Pixels
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For my next set of pixels, it’s the Clear Route! The first two Clears are official sprites, but the others are my edits of previous sprites, and they’re all free to use! If you use them, please give credit/a link back!
Individual pixels under the read more!
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I was asked by sinnerdarker for Clear with a fuurin bell - it would probably remind him of jellyfish :>
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i havent taken cosplay selfies in a while
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so i bought and styled a shiroba wig
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i am clearao trash
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Never on Clear anymore....Poor little Clear -hugs him- SORRY
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Zero - Who was your last text from?
One - What/who is your icon?
Two- Your relationship status?
Three - Have you ever lost a close friend?
Four - What is your current mood?
Five - What’s your brother(s)/sister(s)names?
Six - Where do you wish you were right now?
Seven - Have a crazy side?
Eight - Ever had a near death experience?
Nine- Something you do a lot?
Ten - Angry at anyone?
Eleven - What’s stopping you from going for the person you like ?
Twelve - When was the last time you cried?
Thirteen- What are you really good at ?
Fourteen - What do you think about when you are falling asleep?
Fifteen- What were you doing yesterday at 10pm?
Sixteen - Do you prefer light or dark hair on the opposite sex ?
Seventeen - Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Eighteen - What is/are your favorite band(s)? .
Nineteen - What are you doing right now?
Twenty - Who do you trust 100% right now?
Twenty one - Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
Twenty two - Heavy metal music?
Twenty three- Who Was the last person you hugged.
Twenty four- Is there anything you’re hiding from someone?
Twenty five - Who are you thinking of right now?
Twenty six - What should you be doing right now?
Twenty seven - What are you listening to?
Twenty eight - You need new jeans. Quick where do you go?
Twenty nine - Who was the last person who yelled at you?
Thirty - Do you act differently around the person you like?
Thirty one - What is your eye colour?
Thirty two - Who was the last person to make you laugh?
Thirty three - Who was the last person to make you angry?
Thirty four - Hello Kitty or dora?
Thirty five - Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
Thirty six - Hug anyone of opposite sex in past 24 hours?
Thirty seven - One thing you want right now?
Thirty eight - Will you fall in love in the next few months?
Thirty nine - What does the 5th text in your inbox say?
Forty - Are you worried about the future?
Forty one - Are you happy with life right now?
Forty two - Are you currently jealous?
Forty three – Who's your best guy friend?
Forty four -Do you forgive or forget?
Forty five - What do you miss the most about elementary school?
Forty six - Favorite Disney Channel show ?
Forty seven – Who’s 3 of your best girl friends?
Forty Eight - What are you looking forward to?
Forty nine - Does anyone like you right now?
Fifty- Lyrics to the song you’re listening to?
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accidental affection
send me ✗ for my muse to fall on yours and land on top of them
send me □ for your muse to fall on mine and land on top of them
send me ♕ for your muse to get dared to kiss me
send me ♢ for my muse to get dared to kiss yours
send me ♫ for your muse to catch mine singing in the shower
send me ♩ for my muse to catch yours singing in the shower
send me ♡ for your muse to drunkenly confess feelings to mine
send me ☽ for my muse to drunkenly confess feelings to yours
send me △ for my muse to get trapped in a small closet with yours
send me ❅ for my muse to cuddle up next to yours while asleep on the couch
send me ❥ for your muse to cuddle up next to mine while asleep on the couch
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Describe me in three words. I can only publish, not respond.
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Send me a "♥" for my character's reaction to YOURS accidentally blurting out "I love you".
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Send me "♥" to see how my muse reacts when your muse suddenly kisses them.
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Bonus: Add a bit of tongue action.
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The NSFW Meme List
Send in * for my muse’s reaction to yours slapping mine on the ass
Send in ♔ for my muse’s reaction to yours pushing mine up against the wall 
Send in ✺ for my muse’s reaction to yours pulling mine up over their shoulder
Send in  √  for my muse’s reaction to yours blindfolding mine
Send in $ for my muse’s reaction to yours groping mine
Send in ☏ for my muse’s reaction to getting sexted by yours 
Send in ☼ for my muse’s reaction to yours sliding their hand up mine’s thigh
Send in ✆ for my muse’s reaction to yours propositioning them for a good time
Send in ✘ for my muse’s reaction to a booty call
Send in ⁇ for my muse’s reaction to walking in on yours while bathing
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★: A peck on the cheek. ☮: A peck on your forehead. ✈: A barrage of kisses all over your face. ☢: Several licks on your ear. ♛: One kiss upon your hand. ✖: A hickey on your neck. ♥: A kiss on your lips. ☠: My fist to your kisser.
Who wants kisses? Drop me a symbol!
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Colours Meme
Deep Red - I’m in love with you. Red - I love you. Pink - I think you’re cute. Blue - You’re amazing. Rose - You’re pretty Purple - You’re hot. Plum - I would fuck you. Violet - I would date you. Aqua - I could stay on your blog for hours. Lavender - You are my tumblr crush. Orange - I want to get to know you. Tangerine - We have a lot in common. Amber - I wish you would notice me. Cream - I don’t talk to you but I really love your blog. Beige - I don’t know you at all. Yellow - I don’t like your blog. Green - I don’t like you. Olive - I think you are unattractive. Brown - I hate you. Grey - You scare me. Black - Delete your tumblr. White - FACEBOOK/MSN/other means of contacting you PLEASE
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