Or be rectangular prism
665 posts
Ari Wow. 21. Queer. Mixed. Prefer to be referred to as: "Ari." N. Virginia born, NoVA&Cali raised. Into Feelings&Thoughts. trigger warnings: i take accountability for the fact that i have not done tws in the past. i will from now on be conscious of putting "tw: [content that may be triggering]" before posts that i think need that. i will also put those into the tags for use w/ things like savior. please let me know a preferred system for you/tw's that i do not do that you need and/or want.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
cleanlinez-blog · 7 years ago
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Comic from 4-13-2014
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cleanlinez-blog · 12 years ago
Outkast -Chonkyfire
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cleanlinez-blog · 12 years ago
What I wonder is if, when they're talking about the student exchange they say s-exchange (like actually say s ) or if they just call it sexchange
It is pronounced "sex change"
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cleanlinez-blog · 12 years ago
Black Power Mixtape for homework? Word.
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cleanlinez-blog · 12 years ago
Here are some open-ended questions that the [I'm]Possible crew thought up for folks to respond to. Respond to as many as you want in whatever length you want; we're looking for folks to share their story and will include responses in the zine. All responses are anonymous.
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cleanlinez-blog · 12 years ago
A woman-of-color who writes poetry or paints or dances or makes movies knows there is no escape from race or gender when she is writing or painting. She can’t take off her color and sex and leave them at the door or her study or studio. Nor can she leave behind her history. Art is about identity, among other things, and her creativity is political.
Gloria Anzaldúa, Making Face/Making Soul: Haciendo Caras — Creative and Cultural Perspectives by Women of Color  (via jalwhite)
We at [I’m]Possible highly recommend looking into reading works written and editited by Gloria Anzaldúa. A page on Voices from the Gaps gives information on Anzaldúa and her works: “Gloria Anzaldúa, a self-described ‘chicana dyke-feminist, tejana patlache poet, writer, and cultural theorist,’”
Some links below to get started
Making Face/Making Soul: Haciendo Caras
Borderlands/ La Frontera
This Bridge Called My Back: Writings By Radical Women of Color
(via impossiblewm)
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cleanlinez-blog · 12 years ago
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cleanlinez-blog · 12 years ago
i say to science
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cleanlinez-blog · 12 years ago
so stoked for this! if you have anything you've written/drawn/made, or something you've been thinking of doing please consider sending it in here! we'll make internet-accessible PDF versions as well as mail copies to folks who want a hard copy.
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For and by folks who identify as POC, Queer/LGBTQ, and POC&Queer.We are completely submission-based, independently run zine looking to creatively share and create spaces where we are all seen, heard, and acknowledged as valid. Accepting all forms of submissions (drawings, writing, photos, collages, mixed media, anything you want). Anything pertaining to your experience, life, identity, or thoughts is welcome!
Submissions can be made to this tumblr:
facebook: I’m_Possible Zine
by mail: CSU 0111 PO Box 8793 Williamsburg VA 23187
We strive create a permanent safer space for POC people, queer/trans people, and those at the intersections of identities. This space is created by you, me, and all of us; to start, we want to collaborate in creating a conversation, resources, and thought centered around POC and queer folks, as well as providing a venue for us to voice our pushbacks and contradictions to how we are (mis)represented in media and treated in society. 
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cleanlinez-blog · 12 years ago
Queer/trans/poc zine project to create safer visible spaces in impossible places. Accepting all submissionsssss. Spread the word. (Im)Possible Zine
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cleanlinez-blog · 12 years ago
tw: triggering/transphobic language
how do i get people to stop calling the "student exchange" (campus convenience store) a shortened name of ""
all i've ever been able to do it stare, pause for too long of a time, push my yelling internal self aside, and mask up to respond.
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cleanlinez-blog · 12 years ago
check out the website at and see if they're gonna be in your area or if there's anything to volunteer for. I met one of the main folks who work on this and they're good people
Oh wow oh wow oh wow. There are a lot of videos and I don’t really have time right now because homework but omg this project is great.
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cleanlinez-blog · 12 years ago
conversations in
content/trigger warning: discussion about war, violence
during big events at my school, we have event-staff come in. today I met a person who was tasked to sit outside the room, which was attached to our main office, where the performer and crew were changing/hanging out. they were super nice, soft spoken, honest, and inquisitive. they asked me about students at the school here after working the closing shift at swem library and seeing the mass of people leaving at 2am. they then told me about where they went to college, UofR and then VCU. and then they told me about the time that they spent between those two schools. less than a week after they withdrew from UofR because of finances, they received a draft letter from the US army to serve in the Vietnam War and served for three years. I tried not to ask too many questions nor let my mind wander about with curiosity on the subject and spent more energy listening. They opened up about some things that I never could have imagined, their own experiences, the people they knew, their thoughts on why the draft letter came so soon after their withdraw from the institution of UofR. After about thirty minutes, they paused and looked at me and said, "This is the most I've ever talked to anyone about it. That part of my life is completely over."
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cleanlinez-blog · 12 years ago
Aaron carter in my building today for a concert. 
As I read about the construction of the idea of race for my class, Aaron Carter walks by in his underwear singing with a makeup case in hand from the bathroom. Okay.
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cleanlinez-blog · 12 years ago
again: send film to Tribeca Industry Meetings via this link:
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Dear White People (2012)
DEAR WHITE PEOPLE follows the stories of four black students at an Ivy League college where a riot breaks out over a popular “African American” themed party thrown by white students. With tongue planted firmly in cheek, the film will explore racial identity in “post-racial” America while weaving a universal story of forging one’s unique path in the world. 
Trailer — Info — Donate
Help send the film to the Tribeca Industry Meetings vote here.
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cleanlinez-blog · 12 years ago
Donate to good people and good things if you can!
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Oh hey, I’m late to the game this time around, but I’m finally on a team and I’m fundraising for abortion access (for RRFP)! I need your monetary help!
—-> Please donate to my team! <—-
Oh! And if you can’t donate, you’d better reblog!
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cleanlinez-blog · 12 years ago
Whitecismaledudeprivvy stares and whispers and gestures and vibes and aggression. Not into it.
I’m just tryn to listen to live music and do work in a nice space. Are you lookin at my me or the James Baldwin books on my table or the masks you apply to me or what what what.
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