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classylandangel-blog · 5 years ago
5 ongelooflijke dingen die je niet wist over Jean-Claude Van Damme
We hebben geweldige acteurs die al deel van ons uitmaken. De eerste waar we aan denken zijn zeker de grote Sylvester Stallone en Arnold Schwarzenegger , hoewel er nog veel meer zijn. Een van de meest geliefde bij het grote publiek is Jean Claude Van Damme . Hoewel hij niet meer zo beroemd is als in de jaren tachtig en negentig, doet hij nog steeds veel dingen en blijft hij werken. Zijn carriere kende ook een paar hobbels vanwege zijn verslavingen, die hij volledig heeft overwonnen. Hier zijn enkele dingen over Jean-Claude Van Damme die je zeker niet weet.
1 - Je kennis van vechtsporten
Als we erover praten Jean Claude Van Damme we kunnen niet stoppen met praten over zijn gaven voor vechtsporten. Hij begon heel jong toen hij nog maar tien jaar oud was, en dat was te danken aan zijn vader. Op een dag nam zijn vader hem mee naar een karateschool en diezelfde dag schreef hij hem in. Op twaalfjarige leeftijd sloot hij zich aan bij het nationale karatecentrum en trainde hij gedurende vier jaar, waardoor hij in het Belgische nationale karateteam kon zitten. Op zijn vijftiende deed hij al mee. Op zijn zestiende had hij al zijn zwarte band en dit was nog maar het begin.
De waarheid is dat we Jean-Claude Van Damme vooral zien als een acteur die goed kan vechten, maar de waarheid is ongelooflijker. In tegenstelling tot veel andere acteurs, heeft Van Damme een indrukwekkende carriere in de vechtsport achter de rug (zo veel als Steven Seagal is van streek ). Van 1976 tot 1980 behaalde hij 44 overwinningen en slechts vier nederlagen in karategevechten. Hij wijdde zich niet alleen aan deze krijgskunst sinds hij deze begon te combineren met Full Contact, waar hij ook deelnam aan toernooien.
In zijn Full Contact-wedstrijden had hij slechts een verlies tegen 18 overwinningen. Dit alles combineerde hij ook met bodybuilding. Hij deed het om zijn fysieke uiterlijk te verbeteren, maar hij nam ook deel aan toernooien van dit type. Hij won uiteindelijk de titel van Mr Belgium in een nationaal bodybuildingkampioenschap. Dit alles voordat hij zich wijdt aan acteur. Trouwens, tijdens het studeren van vechtsporten ging ze ook in ballet. Hij beoefende deze klassieke dans vijf jaar lang. Naar eigen zeggen was ballettraining zwaarder dan karate en Full Contact gecombineerd.
2 - Zijn begin in de bioscoop
In 1983 stopte Jean-Claude Van Damme met worstelen. Hij was gehypnotiseerd met de filmwereld en besloot zijn geluk als acteur te beproeven. In Belgie was dit beroep zeer beperkt, dus werd besloten om naar het filmparadijs te gaan, dat wil zeggen de Verenigde Staten. Het was met een jeugdvriend genaamd Michael Qissi en ze begonnen allebei het leven te vinden om acteurs te worden.
Van Damme werd ingehuurd voor kleine rollen waar hij niet eens sprak. Het was een begin, maar het lijkt erop dat hij niet de grote ster kon worden met waar hij van droomde. Hij was extra in films als " Vermist in actie" en " Oorlog en herdenking " waar hij de grote acteur kon ontmoeten Robert Mitchum . Het was in de film " Geef nooit op, geef nooit op " waar hij de aandacht begon te trekken als een slechterik met geweldige vaardigheden voor het gevecht. Hierdoor kreeg hij een rol aangeboden " Roofdier " naast Arnold Schwarzenegger . Wat ze hem aanboden, was de rol van buitenaardse jager, die Van Damme niet leuk vond. Het probleem is dat je zijn gezicht niet kon zien en je hem niet zou herkennen.
Het lot veroorzaakte een ommekeer in het leven van Jean-Claude Van Damme
Eindelijk was er een herontwerp van de Predator-outfit en werd Van Damme uit het project verwijderd. Het is ook niet iets waar hij zich zorgen over maakte. Ondertussen werkte hij nog steeds als ober in een restaurant, zodat hij kon leven tot hij de droomkrant vond. Het lot heeft het filmproduct gemaakt Menahem Golan en enkele vrienden betreden het restaurant waar de Belg werkte.
Jean-Claude Van Damme zag zijn kans om zijn gaven te laten zien en toen hij de kans kreeg, deed hij iets ongelooflijks. Voor de tafel waar Menahem Golan en zijn vrienden waren, maakte hij een complete roundhouse-kick zonder een enkele druppel van de soep die hij bij zich had op een dienblad te gooien. Golan besteedde aanvankelijk niet veel aandacht aan hem, maar een van de mensen aan tafel vertelde hem dat hij bijna in de film zat " Roofdier " met Schwarzenegger. Dit bracht de interesse van de producent terug en gaf hem uiteindelijk de hoofdrol " Bloedig contact ." Dit was de lancering van het sterrendom van Jean-Claude Van Damme.
3 - Drugsproblemen en psychische stoornissen
Er is veel gepraat over de verslavingsproblemen van de Belgische acteur. De waarheid is dat hij, voordat hij drugs gebruikte, al een probleem had dat de oorzaak was van zijn latere verslavingen. In 1998 werd bij hem de diagnose bipolaire stoornis gesteld, waarover ik vele jaren later openlijk spreek. Hij vocht het grootste deel van zijn leven tegen deze ziekte. Hij wist niet wat er met hem gebeurde, maar zijn meedogenloze stemmingswisselingen waren een teken dat er iets aan de hand was.
Juist om deze problemen van ups en downs in zijn karakter te kunnen dragen, wendde hij zich tot drugs. Jean-Claude Van Damme heeft het vaak gezegd en het is geen geheim. Hij was vooral verslaafd aan cocaine, waar hij wekelijks tienduizend dollar aan besteedde. Hij probeerde het vaak zonder succes achter te laten. Hij kreeg het eindelijk en vandaag is het schoon en volledig hersteld.
Hij had alleen een probleem met justitie en het was in 1999 dat de politie hem arresteerde wegens rijden onder invloed. Hij werd veroordeeld tot een boete van $ 1.200 en woonde bewustmakingsbijeenkomsten bij om dronken rijden te voorkomen. Ze hebben ook zijn rijbewijs voor drie maanden weggenomen.
4 - Spreekt geen Spaans maar begrijpt het perfect
 Jean-Claude Van Damme spreekt perfect Frans en Nederlands. Hij spreekt ook vloeiend Engels, wat hij naar eigen zeggen leerde door tekenfilms te kijken " De vuurstenen ." Wat veel mensen niet weten, is dat ze Spaans perfect begrijpen. De reden is dat hij als kind een huisvrouw had die lang Spaans thuis was. Hoewel hij heel goed Spaans verstaat, spreekt hij het niet vloeiend. Ze interviewden hem zelfs in Chili en alle vragen werden in het Spaans gesteld. Om het te beantwoorden, moest hij het echter in het Engels doen.
5 - De ongelooflijke advertentie voor Volvo
Wist je dat Van Damme een aankondiging deed voor Volvo zonder dubbelspel te gebruiken en dat het meer dan 85 miljoen views heeft? Alles wat u in de bovenstaande advertentie kunt zien, is echt. Hij is echt de Belgische acteur tussen twee vrachtwagens in een van zijn beroemde filmposities. Het was niet makkelijk en er was veel voorbereiding voor nodig. De timing moest perfect zijn en er waren bepaalde risico's. Toch nam Van Damme ze over en ging alles perfect. Uit nieuwsgierigheid werd de advertentie in Spanje opgenomen en in een keer gemaakt.
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classylandangel-blog · 5 years ago
Gym gurus on Instagram, part I: Ernest Dift
08/04/2017 - ANABEL LEAL
Unrestricted but disciplined, her passion for fitness has already seduced thousands of people
Around 250 million people use Instagram daily. The quintessential social network of influencers is experiencing its best moment with the rise of Instagram Stories, but if before models, fashion bloggers and celebrities monopolized the platform, now they give way to athletes, fitness lovers, bodybuilding or powerlifting, to create trend.
Daily workouts and healthier eating have rightly advanced to a life of posture and luxury. At we have had the opportunity to speak with five gurus of the gym and sports motivation, whose perseverance and discipline have already won thousands of followers on Instagram. In fact, you probably know them: Ernest Dift ( @Ernestdift ), Espe Workout ( @espeworkout ), Carlos Demattey ( @strongmantarrako ), Bea Allo ( @baby__beast ) and Miguel Jiménez ( @miguelfitgym ).
legs workout
 Ernest dift
Ernest Dift ( @Ernestdift ) has a virtual family of more than 200,000 people. He knows that “Instagram is the perfect showcase” and there he shapes his daily routine. And, although he does not consider himself an influencer, he confesses to us that he is aware that “before, the role model was the one that appeared on television, and now; however, he is the one on Instagram. ”
"I opened the account like everyone else, although it is true that when I started to focus on fitness I deleted the most personal photos and, to this day, what started as something personal is now my job, " says Ernest saying the view a few years back.
Despite being very young, this fitness boy has been training and shaping his body for years, obtaining results that are not inconsiderable. Of course, Ernest "training means much more than muscle" and highlights that "the physical result is only a reflection of your daily habits. "
Ernest does not talk about routines, but about a "lifestyle", where "it is important to have a little nutritional education and training." “ Exercise and nutrition are two pillars that go hand in hand, and they must be combined. Both are super important, especially for health ”, explains the athlete, who places special emphasis on the need to teach children at school the guidelines for healthy eating.
However, he acknowledges that " in terms of aesthetics, food does play a more important role because fat is what is going to make you more or less aesthetic, it is what is going to make your body look more like it is in its nature or essence of its forms ”. In this sense, Ernest does not hesitate to share his eating habits almost daily in the Instagram Stories.
As for the haters, Ernest reveals that he has and they are not few, but he knows that “you cannot like everyone, everyone lives their lives and has different mind maps, and if everyone likes you, it is that something is wrong. " In addition, he tells us that "many haters have started in 'hater mode' and then they have sent me messages saying that at first they prejudged me and now they have realized that they like what I do, that I am good people ... So that role It is the one I like, instead of hating them too, trying to open their minds and end up liking them. " 
He also acknowledges that there is a certain rivalry between followers of bodybuilding against those of fitness, for "the way they have (bodybuilders) to lock themselves up to see the world, for the restrictive diets and workouts they have to follow." An environment that, despite not being manifest, is breathed between Instagramers of both disciplines.
What is evident is the good character of Ernest Dift, a close, positive person, with an enviable will to excel and a more than remarkable gift for motivation. Without restrictions, but with discipline, his passion for fitness is contagious and the values ​​that move him have already seduced thousands of people. Youtube and Instagram have been his launching platforms, but his journey has only just begun, and this 24-year-old fit boy still has a lot to contribute.
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classylandangel-blog · 5 years ago
Functional training for life or sports performance
In this article I will try to guide you and clarify how our training should be if we have a specific objective or if we intend to improve our performance in sport specifically through the famous functional training. Are you ready?
 For both cases we must be clear about what the word “ transfer ” means in terms of training. When we talk about looking for our training to have a transfer, it is to mean that the exercises we do in our sessions have a concordance and can help us improve specific situations in our lives or in our sport. These exercises usually contain movements that are the same or similar, completely or in part, which we will encounter on a daily basis, always wanting to be efficient in search of results.
First let's start by talking about the famous functional training. Basically its meaning is to focus all the exercises for the improvement of a specific objective, for this it is necessary that they have a transfer as directly as possible. The functional training method is nothing new, it is something that therapists and recovery of injuries must be doing to improve the automatisms of repetitive movements in our lives, with the mission of doing them correctly and avoiding the risks that they may have. For example, a person who transports heavy bags or boxes every day, should perform exercises that will help him improve movement patterns in order to improve his movement and transport, in this case an ideal exercise would be "Farmer's Walk ”or the“ Paseo del Grajero ”and do it with different variants so that this point of variability helps us achieve improvements quickly and effectively.
small dumbbells
  In the usual gym routines we always find the same exercises for all people even if they have a different purpose. Why do a biceps curl with dumbbells being able to do a more complete exercise with which you work more muscle groups and also have a transfer to improve my craft? This is the idea with which the trend of functional training is born. Now there is a lot of material designed for these types of sessions such as fitball, bosu, TRX, Smashball, Kettleball ... with which you can make countless variants to design the exercises in an attractive way for users, being able and should also use free weights (dumbbells, bars and discs) are adequate, but technique comes first!
A common mistake is to think that functional training is only that carried out with our own weight as a load. But it is true that a person who does not lift a lot of weight in his life does not especially need to expose himself to heavy loads and that the exercises in which he must move his weight are perhaps more functional.
  When we talk about functional training for improving sports performance , we must put ourselves in a competitive context and thinking that the priority is to optimize results. The exercises in this case must have a high degree of transfer and specificity. The session designs should not ignore how important the weight with which you work will be, the time of each series, the muscles involved, the breaks and, notably, the speed of execution. The fitness coach knows the importance of these factors and cannot overlook any of them.
I emphasize that you have to create them with a focus on competitive performance. For example, in handball, the gesture of the pass in the central player is repeated a large number of times in a game, but for the player in the extreme position, this gesture occurs to a lesser extent, but on the other hand, his jump is more specific. and it matters a lot in your game. With this I want to make you see that each athlete has some movements to optimize depending on the sport and the specific position and on which our functional training should be based.
Should perform equally an athlete bodybuilding one Squat ( squat ) that a volleyball player? The answer is clearly no. In gyms the functionality of the exercise is usually overlooked, without really taking into account the repetitions, weights and speed of execution, they are simply governed by the classic strength training for bodybuilders, losing all or almost all the transfer to the gesture that we want to optimize.
In conclusion, we must be clear about our situation as people, what we are exposed to every day and what we need for our coach to design our sessions in the best way, and thus make them functional, which is definitely how the highest percentage of them should be. . Surround yourself with qualified sports professionals to do your routines and you can get your precious results.
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classylandangel-blog · 5 years ago
Fasting cardio: what is it and what are its benefits?
Are you trying to eliminate fat and you don't get the results you expected? Are you an early riser and like to train in the morning? Do you do intermittent fasting or are you one of those who gets up without hunger? If you meet these requirements, fasting cardio may be a good option for you.
This type of training could make your body use the accumulated fat for energy and thus be able to achieve changes in your body composition.
What is fasting cardio?
 lying tricep press
Fasting cardio consists of cardiovascular exercise without prior intake of any type of food. Normally, it is done in the morning after a fasting period of the last 6-10 hours. Although there are people who rely on fasting cardio to lose fat, others see it more difficult.
Next, we'll look at the evidence for and against fasting cardio, allowing you to decide if it's worth trying.
Why does fasting cardio burn fat?
 During exercise, carbohydrates are the body's main fuel source. After carbohydrate intake, the body has glucose (building blocks of carbohydrates) in the bloodstream and muscles for energy.
A long and intense cardio session burns the available glucose and then begins to burn the stored energy (muscle glycogen).
Weight is lost when more calories are burned than consumed, which is why we do cardio. However, concentrating on burning fat instead of carbohydrates (the body's preferred energy source) can be tricky.
The fasting cardio theory says that you have to work at a less intense level so that when glucose is not readily available to your body, it begins to break down stored fat for energy. 1 It can be difficult to achieve balance for the body to burn stored fat as a fuel, rather than stored muscle glycogen.
What are the benefits of fasting cardio?
 1. Helps burn fat accumulated - source of energy
Normally, people decide to try cardio on an empty stomach because of the belief that exercising without having previously consumed food forces the metabolism to adapt. However, the type of exercise and intensity also affect how the body decides to supply your workouts.
Ideal conditions for burning fat include not having recently consumed glucose (fasting for the last 4-8 hours) and not training at an intensity high enough to damage / degrade muscle tissue.
2. It is complemented by intermittent fasting
If you do intermittent fasting, which is basically having a limited time per day to consume food, you will surely train in the morning during the fast. Although there are many types of intermittent fasting and research on its benefits and side effects is underway, fasting cardio complements this type of diet well.
3. You can do it right when you wake up
One of the best benefits of fasting cardio is that you can save yourself the time you spend eating before training. As a general rule, you have to wait about 30 minutes after food intake before starting the training. This means that if you have to train at 06:00 in the morning, you have to finish eating at 05:30 and wait until 06:00 to train.
Thanks to fasting cardio you don't have to worry about getting up earlier to eat, not even a protein shake. You just get up, train and you will eat when you finish training.
Fasting Cardio for Fat Loss / Weight Loss
 So does it really work to lose weight and fat? As with many other bodybuilding strategies and sports in general, it depends. Although the research supports the idea that more fat is burned without carbohydrates in the digestive system, it can be difficult to have enough energy to carry out your running, cycling or elliptical training. one
If your goal is to push yourself hard or do long, intense aerobic workouts, your body may not function optimally if it has to focus on breaking down fat for energy. Also, this can lead to muscle breakdown.
If, on the other hand, you do aerobic exercise at a low to moderate intensity, fasting cardio will only be a small adjustment in your day to day. In fact, you can do it even if you are one of those people who find it difficult to get out of bed early, simply doing the cardio 6 hours after your last meal, for example between the noon meal and dinner.
As long as the pre-workout meal has been digested and absorbed, blood insulin and glucose levels should be low enough that the body is forced to draw on fat stores for energy.
Studies have shown that training on an empty stomach on a regular basis allows the body to increase its efficiency in burning fat for long-term fuel. 2 If cells do not have glucose to obtain the energy they need, they are forced to adapt to obtain it by another means. This means that they will use fat as an energy source, as long as you train with the appropriate aerobic intensity.
Is fasting cardio safe?
 In general, unless you have problems with blood sugar control that can make exercising without eating before unsafe, fasting cardiovascular exercise at a medium-low intensity is safe for most people. one
Typically, most training plans feature light cardio days known as "active rest" or "active recovery," which is a good opportunity to try fasting cardio.
On the other hand, if what you want is to do HIIT (high intensity interval training), long distance races, swimming or bicycle races, it is best to schedule this type of training at the moments with an adequate diet.
Normally, this type of intense training requires additional nutrition during its execution, in addition to a pre-workout meal high in carbohydrates. Long-term aerobic exercise places such high demands on the muscles that they need glucose (carbohydrates) and stored energy (in the form of glycogen), which must come from adequate nutrition in the days and weeks leading up to training.
Research has shown that proper nutrition before training is key to optimizing performance in exercises such as weight lifting and other high intensity short exercises. one
If you exceed the recommended low intensity (about 50-60% of your maximum heart rate) while doing cardio on an empty stomach, you run the risk of burning muscle instead of fat during training, plus you may not be able to do it correctly.
Is fasting cardio right for me?
 How can you assess if it is the most suitable for you? If you are trying to achieve changes in your body composition or want to lose those last few extra pounds, it may be a good time to try it.
In addition to doing your daily workouts, adding fasting cardio to your daily routine at a low to medium intensity could be the boost you need to achieve results.
As with any type of training, keep track of your sensations during and after training so you can adapt and discover what works best for you.
Gentler exercises that slightly increase your heart rate are the best options for fasting cardio, such as: light elliptical, yoga, pilates, light cycling or light jogging. More intense workouts not only exceed the proper heart rate to burn fat, but can also cause dizziness or weakness without a previous meal.
When might fasting cardio not be recommended for you? Anyone with problems with blood sugar control (diabetes or hypoglycemia) or who has to eat first thing in the morning due to any other medical condition should speak to their doctor before doing cardio on an empty stomach.
If you feel hungry after fasting cardio for the rest of the day, you could end up overeating and all your effort would be worthless. In fact, some studies found that subjects were unsuccessful for this very reason. The time and type of food you eat after training can help you avoid it, so choose foods high in protein and fiber to feel more satiated.
Normally, burning fat for energy without consuming carbohydrates can lead us to desire a higher caloric intake to replenish, so you will have to choose the post-workout food carefully (and quickly) and take adequate nutrition during the rest. of the day. Make sure to consume plenty of protein in case your muscles are overly stressed due to fasting cardiovascular exercise.
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classylandangel-blog · 5 years ago
Drugs, infidelity and a creepy murder: the most brutal bodybuilding crime in the world
American Craig Titus and wife Kelly Ryan were saved from the death penalty. She already regained her freedom and he could do it in 2026
"I knew Craig very well. Had he been normal, he wouldn't have done this.  He wasn't that crazy. Drugs caught up with him. Recreational drugs had something to do with it. For a long time, I admired what he did with his career. He was an image in bodybuilding, "said Jay Cutler, a colleague of Craig Titus,  after learning about the horrifying tragedy that occurred on the morning of December 14, 2005.
A love story between the bodybuilder of the moment and the fashionable fitness girl turned into an ordeal when both starred in a shocking murder that took the life of Melissa James, the third in discord, who was found burned in a red Jaguar.
Craig Titus was not the best in his sport.  In just over 30 bodybuilding tournaments, he achieved just two first places (NPC Houston in 1988 and US NPC in 1996), and participated twice in Mister Olympia (In 2001: 12th and in 2002: 11th). His outgoing personality led him to be the emblem of 20th-century bodybuilding. Today he is 53 years old
Kelly Ryan, eight years younger, was a wonderful cheerleader at the University of North Carolina, and later, while taking part in testing to become a cheerleader for the Los Angeles Lakers, she began to take an interest in fitness, and the bodybuilding environment changed her. life. Today he is 46 years old
"Craig Titus saw Kelly Ryan competing on stage in a fitness contest, and he knew from the moment he saw her that he was in love with her," said American writer Glenn Puit to "Snapped."
back push-ups
She tried to get away from him by learning of his record: In 1995 he pleaded guilty to distributing ecstasy and in 1997 he was sentenced to 21 months in prison for violating his probation by using steroids. But the muscular man's insistence was such that both ended up falling in love, getting married and moving to Las Vegas in 2000 as the couple of the moment. According to CBS News, they were "stars in the world of professional bodybuilding."
Until then everything was perfect. They posed in magazines, competed at events, promoted products, and their popularity increased as did their fortune. Their success led them to buy a mansion, a luxurious car (in her name) and even hire a personal assistant: Melissa James.
Melissa was a Florida dancer who met the couple during a contest in Panama City Beach. The relationship was so good that he was offered to work at his Las Vegas home. But what she didn't know was that drugs, alcohol, and parties were commonplace in the Titus' home.
The Floridian worked there until December 14, 2005, when the police found her burned and wrapped in charred cloth in the trunk of a red Jaguar burned in the middle of the desert.
There were no fingerprints. Making a facial recognition was practically impossible, but detectives were able to quickly identify the owner of that luxurious car by the license plate: Kelly Ryan. They found his address and went there immediately, but the couple was no longer in town.
The next day, Megan and Jeremy Foley, two key witnesses gave their testimony. The couple, a friend of Kelly and Craig's, confessed that on the same night of December 14, they had been invited to their home.
It was with them that Kelly broke down. He revealed to them that he had broken out with Melissa after learning that she was in a relationship with her husband. The discussion became physical and the bodybuilder had to step in and side with his wife. He hit her and she kept fighting until he decided to strangle her.
After that statement, the Foleys scared the place, but before, Craig gave him a bag assuring them that in a few days he would go to remove it. Inside were duct tape and a Taser. Seeing the news of the burned car they contacted the police.
Nine days later, in what CBS News called "a manhunt," Titus was arrested in a Boston suburb and transferred to Las Vegas on multiple charges in a "media show."
According to them, Melissa had died of an overdose and they panicked at not knowing what to do with the body. They burned his body and left the city because they were concerned about the repercussion that this "unfortunate" death could have on their professional careers.
However, after several expert reports at her home and on the victim's body, prosecutors found that an electric weapon was fired on her up to five times and that there were remains of morphine on her body. In addition, marks appeared on the neck that alleged suffocation or strangulation with a cloth or wire. Despite that, coroners were unable to determine what he died of.
On March 29, 2006, Kelly and Craig pleaded not guilty. The evidence against him was concrete and, if he were to go to trial and found to be lying, he would receive the death penalty. Two months before the trial, on May 30, 2008, and to avoid such an end, the Titus accepted the murder charges in Las Vegas.
On August 22, 2008, the 43-year-old bodybuilder (back then) was convicted of second-degree murder, kidnapping, and arson. His sentence ranged from 21 to 55 years.
Kelly Ryan, her partner, received between 6 and 26 years in prison for cover-up. On October 24, 2017, he received probation after spending almost nine years behind bars. During his stay in the Las Vegas jail, he divorced Craig.
On December 23, 2026, the American bodybuilder could also receive probation. By then he will be 61 years old.
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classylandangel-blog · 5 years ago
 Arnold Schwarzenegger's psychology
 Bodybuilders have known about the importance of psychology for a long time, the entertainment industry too. Policymakers scoffed at the potential of psychology, but quickly became true adherents. Everyone knows that Arnold was almost always naturally focused, directed, confident, organized, and goal-oriented; he was lit from within by a very rare and invaluable flame of success.
Arnold quotes in his book "The Education of a Bodybuilder" that this unique gift is responsible for much of his success in bodybuilding.
french press exercise dumbbell
Everyone asks Arnold how he gained his Mister Universe with only five years of training; Arnold replies that he started by looking at the difference between him and the other bodybuilders.
–The biggest difference was that most bodybuilders did not believe that Arnold would be the winner
–They had a vague idea of ​​how they wanted to look like someday, but deep down they doubted that they could really have that physique. That destroyed them
That was always Arnold's base: "If you are training for nothing, you are wasting your effort."
Unlike the dreamers of today, who share their visions of future glories, Arnold had the ability to focus his gaze on the here and now to wrap his mind with what was happening at that time, and this happened because he perceived that each moment is like a block that will be built in the future.
 For young Arnold, that meant concentrating on his own muscles even when he wasn't training.
Arnold Schwarzenegger quotes about it:
–My mind was always in contact with my body
–I continually felt my muscles
–I always had a mental record of what the training of the day would be like, before going to train, that not only helped me train; it was really like a meditation
–While I trained, I fixed my thoughts only on my muscles, as if I had transplanted my mind to the muscle tissue itself
–Only by that energy, that thought, I could send blood to the muscle. I felt that
Once Arnold entered the gym, the seriousness and focus were for him as if he were entering a company to try a business meeting. However, Arnold observed that this was not the case for many of his colleagues, whose concentration could be on other things, including taking over the environment surrounding the weight room.
 Arnold's intensity on competition day was something of a legend. He regularly spoke of his ability to psychologically shake his opponents, much shown in the movie "Pumping Iron".
In some cases, it was that ability to not only believe, but also to know that he would win in a competition that actually led him to victory, but Arnold attracted victory with his essence, with his psychology.
Just like what happened in 1970, when he won the first of his seven Mr. Olympia titles, defeating his enemy Sergio Oliva in the process.
The year before, Sergio had done something to Arnold that had never been done before; he psychologically shook Arnold through his monstrous presence, making Arnold believe he was inferior at the time. However, after a whole year of intense work in the gym, Arnold not only radically changed his physique, but did the most important thing; it also restored his confidence enough to challenge the then “Myth”.
Sergio “El Mito” Oliva
Backstage at the competition, Sergio was doing his warm-up training and Arnold kept his eyes on him. He didn't even make a move; he just stood in front of him watching.
Arnold followed every movement he made with his eyes; Then Sergio stood up and looked at Arnold to see if he was going to start preparing as well, then at that moment Arnold perceived that Sergio felt shaken and that it would be time to defeat him.
There are countless examples of the ways in which Arnold Schwarzenegger used the power of positive thinking to achieve his goals, both in bodybuilding and outside of sport. And Arnold continued to use this philosophy to realize many of his dreams including film or politics.
 Arnold is a true and pure winner and losing was never an option and never will be.
There is always room in your life to think about more, go beyond limits and imagine the unimaginable, and this could easily be said by Arnold.
He described his mental programming when training biceps. He quotes in a part of his book: "I remember that when I went to train arms, I did not like to think of limits, like being 56 centimeters and ready, on the contrary, I imagined my arms growing to fill the entire room."
 Great men seem to agree on one thing to succeed in life, they think like a winner, letting motivation guide their actions, but they never generally think in fear.
If you are a bodybuilder starting to train, you can even imagine being Arnold; You must emulate the aspects of him that you admire the most, just like he did with Reg Park.
Imagine how he would act or react in a certain situation. The best way to take advantage of the power of positive thinking is to follow in the footsteps of the great thinkers throughout history and some who did an excellent job transforming their dreams into reality, as Arnold Schwarzenegger did.
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classylandangel-blog · 5 years ago
Dennis Velásquez «Bodybuilding is a lifestyle, not a fashion
The human body is always in constant change and in constant movement, in short, in evolution. The movement of the body and the stress it receives will result in physical changes that will depend to a certain extent on the consistency and the load of stimuli in the different parts of the body.
By Editorial MiamiDiario
In recent years, bodybuilding has been booming and there are more and more athletes practicing this sport. The increase has also been marked in women, in whom there is great quality of competitors, also showing great discipline when it comes to getting on the stage.
This sport is generally based on anaerobic exercises and consistent in training. It is an activity that is usually done in gyms, where sometimes you train up to twice a day.
vitamin b6 bodybuilding
Bodybuilding is a physical activity aimed at the maximum development of muscular hypertrophy (of the visible musculature) of the human being. From this point of view, it shares certain methods and skills with other sports, although its purpose is notoriously different.
To achieve this hypertrophy, skeletal muscle mass has to be regulated by the balance of protein synthesis and its degradation, increased by physical activity induced by exercise, causing greater activation of protein synthesis, resulting in muscle hypertrophy (Ito et al., 2013).
Muscle rest is a vital process for the process of muscle hypertrophy. Muscle grows when we allow it to get enough rest so that it recovers from the stress and tension you suffered in training. Various studies suggest at least 72 hours of rest for each muscle, in conjunction with a daily sleep between 6 to 8 hours.
Not only is size or muscle hypertrophy important for success in this sport, it also works with other components such as: muscle definition, muscle symmetry and muscle details.
In MiamiDiario we talked with the bodybuilder, Dennnis Velásquez who gave us his impressions on this activity:
How were your beginnings?
From an early age I began to be curious in this art of how to achieve a body through exercises to achieve harmony and symmetry, it was when I dedicated myself to weights as such, inspired by certain bodybuilders of the past, over time I was motivated and wanted enter the competitions.
How many hours of training?
The training was from Monday to Friday each section was divided by body muscles, routines and repetitions vary as the event approaches, the checkup by the coach is at every moment to see how we were evolving, the weight in this case the Pounds was of utmost importance for the category to be entered; before the arrival of the event the training became more intense as much the repetitions as the series, the rest was only one day before the event.
 What is the diet to have?
As for the diet was a total of six 6 meals a day, the amounts were handled by ounces.
When I woke up in the morning I was fasting cardio and my first meal was protein, 8 egg whites and 1 glass of oatmeal at breakfast, then every 3 hours were the other meals, for example the 2 second mid-morning meal were 4 ounces of fish and 5 asparagus; That meant that it was between the hours of 9:00 and 9:30 a.m., then the lunch hour that was based on 4 ounces of chicken and 3 ounces of rice, between 12:00 and 12:30, then we went to the fourth, between 2:30 and 3:00 pm, during that hour we could have the training or it could also be done in the morning, then we had the fifth meal, and then the last meal was just fish 3 ounces or tuna and 3 asparagus.
In which category do you participate?
In the Men over lightweight, Men open lightweight.
What have been your best results?
My most significant results were: the national Open City Garden championship (Venezuela), then the last of the year 2018 that were on November 25 At the NPC South Florida, place James L. Knight Center, where I achieved first place in the category , Bodybuilding Championships Men Over 40 lightweight, first place Bodybuilding Championships Men Novice, 1st place Bodybuilding Championships Men Open Lightweight, then on November 15, 2018 NPC SOUTH FLORIDA MIAMI HOLIDAY CLASIC, place The Westin Fort Lauderdale Beach Resort achieving 1st place Men Open Lightweight, 1st place Men Novice Lightweight, 2st place Men Master 40 and one of the most important to me in my bodybuilding career was the Novice Men Bodybuilding Overall Winner.
What are the next competitions?
For now we only have 1 competition for the date of July 20, 2019 Miami florida
What are the expectations for the competitions in 2019?
A competition for the pass to professional in this case the PRO IFFB
What have been the biggest sacrifices you have made in your life in order to become a bodybuilder?
For me there have been many, more when you sometimes put your physical integrity at risk, avoiding injuries but giving everything for everything and achieving your goal.
They say that bodybuilders are narcissists, what do you think of this?
In my opinion I don't think so, but nowadays the possibilities are seen in some as a fashion and it could be happening.
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classylandangel-blog · 5 years ago
CrossFit: we interviewed Fernando Díaz-Rullo, the Fittest in Spain nutritionist Fabián Beneito
Dietitian expert Fernando Díaz, nutritionist at Fittest in Spain Fabián Beneito, tells us the secrets with the diet of CrossFit athletes.
Fabián Beneito , the new Fittest in Spain, has a nutritionist who plans his diet, Fernando Díaz-Rullo, who advises crossfitters, athletes and individuals when it comes to losing weight, gaining muscle mass, treating food intolerances ... Expert In advanced and high-performance sports nutrition, its clients include more than 600 crossfitters such as Damián Martínez, Elena Carratalá or Beneito himself. Some players of the Spanish women's rugby team or the ironman Juan Miguel Esteban also count on their advice.
"To take the sports nutrition of my athletes I go far beyond the conventional standards. I always apply scientific rigor in everything I do and I fight against the misinformation that there is about supplements, for example. Your industry manipulates a lot and controls many courses Officials of the IFBB (International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness). In these seminars they do not teach how to nourish correctly, quite the contrary. They propose diets that create deficiencies and then sell you supplements that solve the deficiencies that they are creating for you. " Fernando does not bite his tongue and stresses that our magazine does not belong to this type of manufacturers "like others ...".
upper chest exercises
But ... how does Fernando organize the feeding of the stars of CrossFit? "My diets are always personalized, so it varies a bit depending on each athlete."
The keys to nutrition of an elite CrossFit athlete
1- The calorie intake does not have to be very high, it depends on each case
"Beneito, for example, takes 7,300 calories a day, but I have other female clients who only take 2,800. Carratalá or Elia Navarro now take 4,700, which is outrageous for a woman. If they improve their metabolism, I put more on them. Such as diets high-performance, accelerate and improve the metabolic state of patients. And over time, their metabolism becomes more demanding. Beneito took 6,700 three months ago, but in a review he lost two kilos and saw that his caloric expenditure had increased, so that I increased his calories by 10 percent. And Diego Jiménez, another very good crossfiter, started with me weighing 75-77 kilos with 1.72 meters and now weighs 10 more, takes about 5,500, he is a very strong athlete. "
2- Drink a lot of milk
"This is one of the common patterns in all my athletes: drinking a lot of milk if their digestive system is perfectly healthy compared to lactose and others. But not only milk, but also other dairy products such as yogurts, cheeses, butter, cottage cheese ... That It comes from classic bodybuilding, from the time of Arnold Schwarzenegger, when they drank a lot of liters of milk. Fabi takes about three liters a day of whole milk. Why is milk consumption not so much promoted in fitness now? because then they sell them whey protein. And that protein is milk powder, they are not isolated whey proteins. It would be impossible because it takes 150 liters of milk to get a kilo of whey protein, and if it were real, it would be around 100 euros a kilo ... It would not be profitable come on.
3- Four macronutrients
chylomicrons, which are formed by mixing cholesterol, lipoproteins, and fatty acids. As they are not soluble in water, they cannot be transported through the blood but through the lymphatic system, which is much slower and less efficient. And when they get to the cell, they can't move alone either, and they need carnitine to transport themselves. And they don't rust in the mitochondria because they are very large, so they go to the peroxisomes, which break into two-by-two bits of carbon, and that produces energy. This is why fats produce a lot of energy very slowly and inefficiently, which are only suitable for prolonged, low-intensity exercise. And for high intensity exercise they are not suitable. For an elite athlete, they need either fast absorbing carbohydrates like marathons or short and medium chain triglycerides, It is a fat that produces a lot of energy, about 6.8 calories per gram and if they are soluble in water, they do not need bile or everything else that I have mentioned. They go through the blood system from the liver and when they reach the cell they do not need carnitine or break down, they burn directly in the mitochondria. They are all advantages, they are almost as efficient as carbohydrates and produce the same energy as fats. And this is one of the reasons why I produce such good performance in athletes. they are almost as efficient as carbohydrates and produce the same energy as fats. And this is one of the reasons why I produce such good performance in athletes. they are almost as efficient as carbohydrates and produce the same energy as fats. And this is one of the reasons why I produce such good performance in athletes.
4- Look at the body composition
"This point is also essential, since a very low percentage of fat is sometimes not highly recommended for performance and can detract from your energy. In the case of ironman or triathletes it can harm them. When they are well defined they do not yield the same Okay, although crossfitters have very low fat percentages because they do a lot of body weight exercises like chin-ups , burpeesor jumps into the drawer, then the less ballast they have the better. I seek a balance between the maximum amount of muscle and strength, the minimum ballast, but always favoring performance over aesthetics. Normally they have between 10 and 12 percent of body fat, not around 5 or 6. Beneíto should be around 10. The important thing is maximum performance and not being handsome. But there are others that their metabolism is faster and they look very defined, around 5, 6 or 7 percent.
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classylandangel-blog · 5 years ago
Coincidences and causalities of playing in the NBA and dying at fifty
Roy Tarpley's death on January 9, 2015, did not surprise anyone. At fifty, Tarpley had long struggled with liver problems, no doubt the product of his years of excess during the 1980s and early 1990s. A Dallas Mavericks star who made it to the Western Conference Finals in the 1987/88 season and stayed one game away from eliminating the Magic Johnson Lakers, Tarpley always had that "damn player" aura earned from suspensions. and suspensions for alcohol and drug abuse
Recalling his figure, Norm Sonju, general manager of that magical team that brought Tarpley together with Derek Harper, Rolando Blackman, Mark Aguirre, and Sam Perkins, could not avoid referring to the use, according to him, very widespread, of cocaine, not only in the NBA but in professional sports in general. The talented center had to twice leave the best league in the world to land in Greece with a checkbook blow and was still forced to beg for Asian minor leagues in his later years. He always gave the feeling that he could eat the world but he never put in the effort or the discipline necessary to achieve it.
His death, so young, I say, was interpreted as the toll to be paid when the sheep strays. kathy martinez
More surprising, to be sure, was the news of Jerome Kersey's passing. Kersey was not known a bad life before, on the contrary: he was an excellent professional, versatile forward converted occasionally to power forward in the Portland Trail Blazers that reached the finals of 1990 and 1992, he fulfilled a more physical role in Los Angeles Lakers and was happy to even win a champion ring, already a veteran, in 1999, with the San Antonio Spurs.
Kersey was a sensational athlete, fast for his stature and of consolidated prestige in the league. He entered the hospital for a routine knee operation and the following week he died in that same hospital from a pulmonary clot. The official version was that the clot had formed in the thigh during the operation and had traveled through the body to the lungs, killing it. These types of complications are relatively common in patients with circulation problems, but it was still a tragedy: Kersey was fifty-two years old and the attending physician, Dr. Lewman, did not rule out that the clot was even before the operation. "It is common in sedentary people," he said.
Two deaths of legendary players in the late 1980s and early 1990s in less than a month were shocking. Both had very different explanations, but they were striking in a league not used to dealing with the premature death of their former players. According to official statistics from the United States Government itself, the age expectancy for men in that country is 77.4 years. Although the number drops to 67 among elite athletes and reaches a dramatic 58 years among NFL players - a figure later nuanced by the prestigious statistics blog -, the NBA presents encouraging figures, with an average survival set at 81 years.
Taking into account that excessive height and the weight that this type of constitution usually carries are already negative factors in themselves, it is a hopeful figure and seems to show that, despite exceptions such as the aforementioned Tarpley, the former NBA player tends to take care of himself and to lead a healthy and long life. Or at least that had happened so far, because just ten days after Kersey's death, another star from the 1990s passed away without even turning forty-nine: former New York Knicks player Anthony Mason.
Heart attacks outside and inside the field
Mason's carelessness had been evident in recent years. Gonzalo Vázquez, probably the best NBA analyst we have in Spain, has already pointed out in an article how "difficult to surround" Mason was. In his time as a Knicks and Hornets player, he stood out on the contrary: he was a fibrous player, very muscular, relatively agile for his height, which allowed him to occupy the position of point forward, that is, a forward who can make the base functions at certain times, directing the team's attack from outside and then going to the low post and doing the dirtiest work.
Mason had his NBA glory moment, as Starks, Ewing, McDaniels, and company when the Knicks were one pitch away from winning the 1994 championship against the Houston Rockets. The rest of his career was of a fairly high standard for what was expected of him when he came to the league as 53rd in the draft in 1988, but without the brilliance, he has been given after his death. A good player with serious limitations who fulfilled his role.
The overweight that Vázquez alluded to in his article took him up to 158 kilos for a man who barely exceeded two meters. On January 23, 2015, fat as a demon, he appeared smiling in a YouTube video to undergo an interview about his career. It was hard for him to breathe so his diction left a lot to be desired but it wasn't a pathetic image either, of a WWE fighter completely out of steroids. Just over two weeks after that surgery, on February 11, Mason was admitted to the hospital for a routine check-up of heart problems that had been tormenting him for years. Just before entering the test he suffered a massive heart attack.
  In his last seventeen days of life, Mason had to undergo four open-heart operations, some improvement, and one last relapse that killed him on February 28.
Heart disease is relatively common among elite players. Some have paid for it with their lives even when they were active, such as Reggie Lewis, a Celtics player who died in the summer of 1993 after having collapsed months earlier in a playoff game. Something similar happened in 2011 to Robert «Tractor» Traylor, the immense 130-kg center who, after a more than dignified NBA career, decided to retire in Puerto Rico, despite taking with himself a significant overweight and an aortic operation performed in 2006. Hank Gathers or Jason Colliers are other names to add to this list of unexpected victims.
Other players were luckier and their problems were caught early. They are called "Zipper Brothers", an association that helps integrate into a new life those professionals who have had to abandon the sport overnight due to their heart problems. Among them, illustrious names such as Fred Hoiberg or Chris Wilcox, plus others who did manage to return to play after a time such as Channing Frye, Ronny Turiaf or Jeff Green.
The appearance of three cases of sudden death in a row forced experts to look back, but back, as we said, there were not so many antecedents, or not at least among players with an established career: in 2007, Dennis Johnson, legendary base of the Boston Celtics, during his heyday in the 1980s, passed away at the age of fifty-two from a heart attack while coaching the Austin Toros in the D-League, the second division, so to speak, of American professional basketball. A year later Kevin Duckworth passed away, the center of those Blazers in which Kersey excelled for almost a decade. Both Johnson and Duckworth shared a certain physical abandonment, something common when you leave the discipline of elite sport. In fact, the center was over 150 kilos on the day of his death, at just forty-four years old.
This was not the case of Orlando Woolridge, star of the Bulls and Lakers in the eighties and who went through European basketball in the nineties to end his career. Woolridge died at the age of fifty-two after suffering his second heart attack in less than a year, the result of chronic heart disease diagnosed shortly after retirement. Nothing this time pointed to physical abandonment but we did have a dangerous past: in 1988, Woolridge was removed from the NBA for a few months due to problems with cocaine use, the drug that, according to Norm Sonju, was at ease in the league during that decade.
The flexible anti-doping policy of the NBA and the complaint by Derrick Rose
Death, even the coincidence in time of several deaths, does not need a reasonable explanation. No one can assure that every athlete who dies before or around the age of fifty has had relationships with steroids or cocaine or other types of substances such as growth hormones. Another thing is that you have to investigate the years that some experts call the «wild, wild West», that is, the last eighties and the first nineties.
The problem is not doping in the strict sense of the word but the lack of awareness in the major professional leagues that the use of certain substances could be fatal to health. Steroids invaded the world of football, baseball - the cases of Mark McGwire, Barry Bonds or more recently A-Rod, the Yankees star - are still in memory, they continued to wreak havoc on wrestling professional, where the joke "if you don't test positive for steroids, you can be fired" became popular and, logically, they had to be part of the preparation methods of certain NBA players, especially when the game got dirtier, harder, more physical, in the early nineties.
The league's stance on the matter has been expected in a company obsessed with the good name of its brand: denying everything. When Congress, alarmed at the avalanche of steroid abuse cases in the MLB and NFL, called the commissioners of the four major professional leagues in 2005 and asked them about their anti-doping policies, Stern not only denied the use of anabolics or steroids in the NBA but resorted to the usual mantra in this type of sports: "No one would take those drugs in a game where what matters is speed and agility."
It is a huge bullshit but we hear many times, also applied for example to football. Doping substances, as well as anabolics, steroids, or growth hormone, generally associated with bodybuilding, weightlifting, or professional wrestling monsters, not only make you stronger but also aid in your recovery. In any case, even if they only made you stronger and helped you gain muscle mass, how can you deny that this is vital for a center who has to defend his hoop and attack the opponent against moles of 120 or 130 kilos? How to claim an alleged "loss of speed" when steroids have been the favorite substance of hundred-meter runners for decades?
Little and little is said about the anti-doping policy of the NBA. For example, in Europe, it is often insisted on the topic that the American teams that participate in the Olympic Games do not pass controls. It is a lie. They pass them like any other athlete who is under the control of USADA and the IOC. The problem is precisely when they are not under that control, that is when they are under the protection of their own league. After the Congress bluff, Stern installed a random checks policy ... that could only be done to rookies. The other professionals only had to go through a couple of controls, usually in the preseason, and on notice.
After the BALCO case and the Lance Armstrong scandal NBA changed its policy again in 2011: All players — novice or not — currently have to go through four random checks during the season and two during the summer. Considering that these controls are only for urine - the players' union has for years opposed blood controls as they are considered "invasive" - ​​that the chosen ones do not have to report their whereabouts, so they must be notified with long enough to be able to clean any prohibited substance from your body, and that many substances such as EPO, growth hormone or certain types of steroids are not even detectable in the analyzes, the surprising thing is that there are players who still test positive: since 2000, yes, only ten, including two Europeans - Hedo Turkoglu and Nick Calathes—  and only one real star, Chris Webber, who received a five-game ban in 2004.
According to Lloyd Baccus, the league's chief medical officer in 2005, in the six years prior to his appearance before Congress there would have been as many as twenty positive cases "condoned" by the commissioner, according to Baccus as being primarily "pseudoephedrine" intake, a substance found in a large part of the flu that are sold over the counter in supermarkets in the United States. The identity of those twenty amnesties did not come out at any time.
In the change, at least facing the gallery, of the NBA's anti-doping policy, two factors aside from the Armstrong case had to do: on the one hand, certain journalists such as Henry Abbott, from ESPN, began to investigate and ask for clarification. Without generalizing, without blaming anyone for free, simply highlighting the obvious: if these substances are in all sports, they improve performance and there are cases of players who have tested positive even in third-world controls ... it is illogical to think that they are isolated cases.
On the other hand, in May 2011, the official ESPN magazine included an interview with Derrick Rose, newly named MVP of the league, in which he rated the steroid problem with a seven out of ten and clarified: «It is a problem huge, we need this to end as soon as possible and we all compete on equal terms ». The interview had taken place in November, so Rose was caught on the wrong foot, in the middle of the playoffs, and could only issue a somewhat confusing statement in which she denied having made those statements and later admitted that if by any chance the had done would be because he had not understood the question well. The NBA and Miami Heat captain Dwyane WadeThey immediately went out to the media to give the same version: "We have never seen anyone or heard of steroids in this league."
The latest cases: Christian Welp and Jack Haley
We were in that debate when on March 1, 2015, a fourth former NBA player from the 1980s and 1990s died of a heart attack on Hood Canal, near Seattle. It was the German Christian Welp. Because of his nationality and having played almost his entire career in Europe, Welp's case was treated as a European issue, removed from American problems, but that approach is not exact: Welp came to the NCAA as a teenager thanks to the recommendation of Detlef Schrempf and remains the highest scorer in the history of the "Huskies" at the University of Washington.
Chosen in the first round of the draft by the Sixers, Welp's NBA career was anecdotal for a serious knee injury that forced him to return to Germany at age three. Still, he always felt like an American. As I said in an interview: «I play in Germany, but I live in Seattle, I feel like Seattle. I catch a flight to Europe the day before training starts and return the day after the season ends. My life is here ». The circumstances of Welp's death coincide neither with previous drug abuse of any kind nor with marked physical neglect. He was fifty-one years old.
As if four deaths in two months were few, on the sixteenth day came the fifth and until the last moment: that of Jack Haley, the charismatic player of Bulls and Lakers among other teams. Haley was also an inside player, like Tarpley, like Duckworth, like Welp and like Kersey at the end of his career. He was never anything like a star, but he gained a certain prestige as a charismatic, happy man, among those who "make up a team." He was featured in video clips and movies during the 1990s, waved the towel during the season when the Jordan Bulls and Pippen set the record for victories in seventy-two games and was known primarily as Dennis Rodman's "babysitter ."
Rodman and Haley had met in San Antonio and immediately became close friends, with what that means. Haley, more cerebral and more practical than Rodman, was instrumental in convincing the erratic Bulls rebounder that it was not a good idea to leave the 1996 final against Seattle after Game Five. "Imagine the party you're going to miss" was the argument that convinced the "Worm", who went to nineteen rebounds - eleven in attack - nine points and five assists in the sixth game, which gave the Bulls the quarter of its six rings.
Haley was a public relations and still was at fifty-one, when again a heart attack ended his life. Always smiling, in shape, he seemed the furthest thing from the figure of the former professional player who consumes himself after retirement and ends up looking like homeless in the skid row of Los Angeles. His death was traumatic due to the enormous affection that fans and colleagues kept for him ... and due to the accumulation of tragedies. The debate was already adjourned.
Coincidence or causality? Research, at least
Five deaths in two and a half months are many, which is beyond doubt. It deserves an investigation. Gonzalo Vázquez himself commented the other day on Twitter: «Things are so fine right now that we are only one death away from breaking ties. As it is". Far from the intention of this article to blame the dead for their own misfortune. It would be unfair and accelerated. However, it is advisable to be cautious and investigate exactly what happened in those years of the late eighties and early nineties, when the drugs advanced far beyond the medicine itself and the control of the authorities was practically nil.
All in all, the NBA maintains its prestige and an enviable life expectancy. No one wants this to end like WWE, where the data is chilling: Thirty-two of his fighters have died before their fiftieth birthday of heart attacks or drug overdoses so far this century, including the former player of Argentine basketball Jorge «El Gigante» González. If you witnessed the television phenomenon that was the Pressing Catch in Spain in the early nineties, surely you remember El Último Guerrero, Terremoto Earthquake, British Bulldog, El Poli Loco, Mr. Perfecto, Randy Savage, Dino Bravo or Bad News Brown. Twenty years later, they are all dead.
Discounting WWE, Pro wrestling magazine puts at two hundred and seventy-eight the professional wrestlers who have died so far this century, almost the same as in the entire previous century, with peaks of thirty deaths per year, as in 2007, or thirty and one in 2009, an incidence seven times higher than in the other American professions.
The NBA has never been WWE, we agree on that. Premature heart attacks not only affect athletes, but we also agree on that and there are the unfortunate cases of Moncho Alpuente and Pedro Reyes in less than a week. The irresponsible thing, however, would be not to investigate, not to look back on the years in which these players stood out and find out to what extent certain substances became too common a support, not just for cheating but as something normal, which It takes everyone, and it wasn't even penalized by the league itself.
Perhaps that will prevent this bleeding from continuing or perhaps this bleeding has already stopped and will not be repeated because it was all a huge coincidence. Hopefully, we are facing the second option. In any case, an investigation into this is never unnecessary.
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classylandangel-blog · 5 years ago
Children and elite sports. Success at any price?
Pheerapoon, an 11-year-old Thai boy weighing just under 25 kg, is dedicated to professional boxing. His training consists of more than 500 abs daily, hundreds of push-ups and several kilometers of running. Despite his young age, he has already suffered two broken ribs, a fractured fibula and numerous injuries.
Sport is not always a safe space for children. When they acquire the tone of competition, they are often required to train beyond their physical and emotional capacities . The Thematic Night deals with child labor exploitation . Could it be said that children who aspire to be part of the sports elite do "a job"? natalia trukhina before
Celia Brackenridge, president of the International Organizing Committee of the 2012 International Convention on Sport, in statements to states that “for many children it could be considered a job because they are required to behave as adults and are under great pressure from part of their coaches and even their own families. ” Instructors become the managers of these young athletes' lives by imposing rules and obligations on them, while parents often become the real danger to their children by trying to realize their dreams through them, or worse , benefit economically with your efforts.
"His training consists of 500 abs a day, hundreds of push-ups and several kilometers of running "
According to the Save The Children report , Children in Competition , children under 9 do not differentiate between the concepts of effort and capacity , which implies that they believe that you can only win through effort and that losing is the consequence of not trying enough. This is reflected in the case of Zhang Huimin, a girl who, at just 8 years old, ran 3,550 kilometers in preparation for the 2016 Olympic Games. The father assured that "he never complained of tiredness."
Daniel Rhind, psychologist awarded the Research Award in Sports Psychology tells us that "in sports culture, the attitude " without pain, there is no gain " is typical, but it is vitally important to adapt the training to the child's age so that the child don't get hurt. ” Brackenridge confesses that she is especially concerned about the sports norm that estimates "10,000 hours of training to reach the top in elite sports", something that in her opinion can lead to physical and emotional problems for young people.
"Zhang Huimin, a girl who with only 8 years ran 3,550 kilometers "
Informal sports games and activities have long been considered vital to a child's healthy development. In recent years, there has been a drift towards professionalism in competitive sports, which has become a commercialized practice where the important thing is "to win at all costs" . Arguably, the tipping point came with the appearance of the "elite athlete boy" in the 1970s, characterized by the perfect score of gymnast Nadia Comaneci, just 14 years old, during the 1976 Olympics.
Training regimes
The report published by UNICEF , Violence in sport , estimates that sports regimes have broken into the informality of street games with a single objective: to maximize competitive success. Early specialization has become almost a necessity for anyone seeking international sports recognition. Children who compete in organized sport lack authority and are excluded from decision-making; their voices are silenced by coaches and parents, and sometimes even by other top athletes. They become the object of violence when they do not comply with the wishes of those "authority figures".There are times when it even turns into a tragedy, such as that of 17-year-old sumo wrestler Takashi Saito, who was killed by his coach from a blow to the head with a bottle.
Sport, political and economic interest
The multiple benefits, the cultural importance and popularity, make sport an important political and economic priority for governments. An example of this is what happens with gymnastics in countries such as China and Eastern Europe where "girls are exploited to win Olympic medals," Ahmed Kalouaz , author of the book Je prèfére qu´ils me , told statements to croient mort ( I prefer they think I'm dead) , about the trafficking of child soccer players from Africa to Europe.
"Countries are often filled with national pride and young athletes are considered scarce assets, so they end up exploiting them, " says Celia Brackenridge. This is the case of Richard Sandrak, a boy who started bodybuilding at just two years old. After his appearance in numerous television programs, he ended up combining his sporting facet with that of an actor.
"The young athlete has to support abusive practices in silence "
The "hazing" as an access card
As well as in some military organizations, brotherhoods and fraternities, private schools and police forces, the so-called “hazing” also have a place in the initiation of sport. The newcomer is subjected to tests and dangerous activities as a condition of entering the team. Hazing can include harassment, drug or alcohol use, verbal, physical or emotional abuse, humiliation, degradation and even sexual abuse .These rituals are used so that only the best become part of the group and the weakest are left out of the selection. The young athlete has to endure abusive practices in silence as a price to pay for being welcomed into the team. Often authority figures like coaches add to hazing.
As a friend, loneliness
Overwhelming dedication to sport can lead to a loss of key childhood experiences like socializing with friends and family . Celia Brackenridge assures that “most athletes are happy to make certain social sacrifices to reach the peak of success but if their parents or coaches force them to live in a certain way then they are isolating them from the rest. In fact, many retired athletes have confessed to having to catch up on society, politics and education once their sports career has ended. ”
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