Clary sat on the fountain of the girls bathroom, gazing with boredom until a shadow loomed over her... 
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Jenny made her way through the halls. She was never a great sleeper. Actually, she labeled herself as a insomniac years ago. Hearing a soft curse she wondered a bit closer to the maker of said noise. When she did actually come up to the small redhead with a lockpick in hand, she cleared her throat and tapped her shoulder. “Sorry to interrupt. Have you tried a charm. It might be a bit easier than some muggle trick.”
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“It’s an enchanted lockpick, obviously.” She said when she saw that it was just a student and in fact not a dementor or something other. “If you think you can do it better, you’re welcome to try. I can’t seem to get this damn door open.” 
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“Shut it or you’ll get us both caught!” Theo yelled in a hushed whisper as he glared at the redhead before him. He thought no one else knew about this place and he couldn’t afford for anyone else to know.
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“What are you doing here?” She hissed when he uncovered her mouth, “I thought no one knew about this...”
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It was midnight and the castle was silent, all but Clary who stood over a locked door fumbling with a lockpick to attempt to get inside. Dammit she was told there was interesting stuff in here, but if she was caught on this floor of the castle she would be skinned alive. In her anguish she barely heard the soft footsteps behind her and opened her mouth to scream when a hand touched her shoulder...
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Alec nodded but his attention was turned back to the boys, “Who do you think’ll win?” Alec asked curiously, he knew it was his job as prefect to break up fights but as long as the two were out of any teachers prying eyes he didn’t care. The paper birds now circling around Clary’s locks in a similar manner to a daisy crown.
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“Well the Ravenclaw one looks feisty, but the Slytherin is about two times his size, I’m putting my money on the Slytherin.” 
“Hey shouldn’t you be splitting this up mr. prefect?” She added. 
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“Charlie. Bradbury,” she said in reply, holding her hand out to shake.
She accepted the hand and shook it slightly, “So, tell me your secrets.” She leaned back on the wall of the castle.
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Despite herself, Charlie had to laugh at the girl’s joke. “No, I get online and hack things to relax. It sound strange, but it helps.”
“Hack things? Could you hack my bank account, I overspent last month on books.”
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Charlie almost didn’t hear the girl, she was so caught up in her head. She managed to force herself to pause, though, and she turned to face the other girl. “I wish I could. Even crappy wifi is better than nothing.”
“Why do you need to update your twitter account?” She joked, with genuine curiosity though, “#Castingmagicwithmywizards #Magicexposed.” She smirked at her own humour. 
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Charlie sighed. “I didn’t. I went to support Hugglepuff. Which is why…” she gestured to her robes. “I really thought that Slytherin might play fair.”
“I thought they played very fair, but we’re all entitled to an opinion. I’m Clary, you are?”
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Alec sat in one of the courtyard alcoves a trail of small enchanted origami birds following the tip of his wand as he stared absentmindedly out across the yard at a group of boys who were most likely going to start fighting in the next few minutes, with mild curiosity he wondered who the better fighter would be. He snapped out of his daze his eyes flickering towards the figure casting a shadow into his alcove, “Oh, Hello.”
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Clary approached Isabelle’s brother quietly and gave him a gregarious smile when he turned, “What’s going on?” She asked with plausible interest, following his gaze to where two students looked to be about to fight. She clapped her hands together cheerfully, “Alright, just in time for the show.” She sat down next to him without an invitation. 
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Charlie huffed as she walked back to the castle, dragging her feet as she crossed the yard from the Quiddich field. That match had been a total bust. Anyone with eyes could see that Hugglepuff should have won! She sighed and leaned against a nearby tree. Oh well. There were plently more matches. She turned her head and was surprised to see someone staring back at her.
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”Why so disappointed?” She asked the female in Hufflepuff attire with a small smirk, “I thought it was a very fair match.”
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“There are, like, no computers here at all. What’s up with that?” Charlie muttered, walking down the hall, heading back to her dorm. Even in the library, there was a noticable lack of Muggle technology. Which really sucked for her, because she went online to relieve stress.
She was leaning on the wall as a redhead walked past muttering to herself and couldn’t help but eavesdrop. “You’re a wizard, magic yourself one.” She joked a little sarcastically, “Besides, the wifi is crap here...” She sighed to herself.  
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There had been a brief second Faye was left alone, alone from the ‘fakes’ and the ‘wanna bee’s’ but also alone from her ‘friends’. she enjoyed the metaphorical quietness for a while and watched all sorts of slytherins walk by talking with each other about the game, when she heard a familiar voice calling for her name. ‘there goes my little peace and quiet’ she whispered annoyed before turning around to smile.
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“Don’t let me disrupt you.” She chided with a hint of sarcasm, “I was just looking for a place to sit. All of these kids running around in oversized capes carrying textbooks twice their head size are making me nauseous.”
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She extended her hand politely, “Clary Fray. Yourself?” 
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