45 posts
I like various fandoms particularly HP and anything by Cassandra Clare
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clary-rose-blog · 6 years ago
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This beautiful girl is 8, she loves to read, maths, sports and watching movies. She is strong-willed and knows her own mind, she is kind and caring and always looks out for those who struggle.
As I said she is 8 and yet she has been called names and tormented for months by a boy and nothing done, it became physical, nothing was done until she retaliated finally told me so I intervened, she had told me little bits, wasn't serious enough for me to phone the school as I encourage independence-including speaking to a teacher about what appeared to be a minor issue. It transpired that she had told staff a few times when it became physical and the boy lied when asked, was believed so that was the end of it. She has also been told by a man she respects and who is a role model that a boy did something to her partly because he’s a boy and “you know what boys are like”.
As her mother I try my best to set a positive example and show her examples of both sexes doing great things. I expose her to things which challenge the gender norms, I do not allow her to be discouraged by others-it took 2 years if her asking the boys in her class to let her join in when they play football but she plays now.
How can we expect change in adults if at 8 boys are learning from the adults around them that it's ok because they are boys and that what they say happened will be taken as the truth. They are 8. My daughter now tells if someone hurts her at school again but she was disillusioned already. In the other situation I was there when it was said but unfortunately to gobsmacked to respond, as soon as we left and I ensured I had heard correctly I made sure she realised boys will be held to the same standards as girls and that sensei was wrong this time.
All parents need to start teaching this stuff before 8, I need to be more proactive, if she gets given such crap as "oh boys will be boys" again I will challenge it and if she is not believed by a member of school staff over a boy again I will create hell.
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clary-rose-blog · 6 years ago
Through the darkest times there is light, the right path for you may be the hardest. It would have been easier for Diana to leave behind the shadow world, for Harry to not stand up and fight, for Riley to have given up trapping. It could have been safer if Emma said no, Tessa could have become someone new and lived a thousand safe and lonely lives, Magnus could have turned Will away and not be so entangled. Every one of these actions lead to a beautiful story, one of love and mostly involving saving the world. I may never save the world but if I can be as brave and take the hard path I will succeed.
This week has been horrible, I lost an uncle unexpectedly. It puts everything in perspective, we all need to be more George, explore the paths untrodden, speak to someone you don't know, and spread the laughter and love.
The world may be a darker place but those left behind will shine the light and being many will learn to make it brighter.
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clary-rose-blog · 6 years ago
I been through a lot, so really all I got is just to stay pissed off
Paramore-rose coloured boy
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clary-rose-blog · 6 years ago
So today I took my daughter to movies for juniors, cheap day out 💪 and because she is mine and I am who I am we went for a browse in Waterstones. She read some lovely books, asked for harry potter Lego, a ravenclaw version of one of the books and suggested I get the Hufflepuff one so happy child.
While she was reading-and she knows the books I like so where to find me-I went to the section I love. And here's the best bit of my day! They had a FREE chapter of queen of air and darkness, cue me being lost reading it and trying not to cry in the shop, actually can't wait!
Must be organised with this assignment as it's due the 10th and no way am I waiting to read this book!!
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clary-rose-blog · 6 years ago
Can I just put this on as my soundtrack and use it to find someone who will then understand and help me with what I need
Also feeling some love for this just now
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clary-rose-blog · 6 years ago
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#fontcandy @easytigerapps #whimsicalillustration #cassandraclare #theinfernaldevices
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clary-rose-blog · 7 years ago
Soo much to do but it feels like a perfect night to curl up with a book in my comfies on my window ledge but I don't know what to read, considering something by Cassandra Clare but I don't think I'm ready to get as emotionally involved as I will. Need to order the next books in the edge series. Still got gormegast trilogy to finish. My "to read" list is huge so should start on it but Clares books and the potter series feel like home so maybe start my annual rereading of potter. I'm so indecisive especially with books!
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clary-rose-blog · 7 years ago
This is soo more real that purely personality based sorting
We might have misunderstood Hogwarts Houses for years
I have a theory that the valued quality of each of the four Houses isn’t really about the personality of its students.
The valued quality of each of the four Houses has to do with how they perceive magic.
Stick with me a second: Hogwarts is a school to study magic. Magic as Hogwarts teaches it can be seen as many things: a natural talent, a gift, a weapon, etc.
So how you believe magic should be used will both reflect your personality and change how you handle that power.
“Their daring, nerve, and chivalry set Gryffindors apart,” Gryffindors perceive magic as a weapon. Gryffindors tend to excel in aggressive forms of magic, like offensive and defensive spells, and they are good at dueling. But a true Gryffindor knows that the power is a responsibility, and so they must always use their powers to stand up for what’s right. They are the sword of the righteous, which makes them as good at Defense Against the Dark Arts as they are at combat magic.
Hufflepuffs believe that magic is a gift and that the best gifts are to be given away. Hufflepuffs, “loyal and just,” would naturally abhor the idea of jealously guarding magic or using it to hurt someone else. So Hufflepuffs share their magic to benefit of Muggles, like the Fat Friar, to protect the overlooked, like Newt Scamander with his creatures, or to oppose those who would use magic to torment and bully, like the Hufflepuffs who stood with the DA and the battle of Hogwarts.
Slytherins are the opposite: they believe their magic is a treasure that they have been entrusted to protect. The Slytherin fascination with purity, with advantage, with cunning and secrecy–all of which were perverted by the Death Eaters–comes from the idea that people with magic in their veins have been given something special that it is their duty to protect at all costs. And perhaps they aren’t entirely wrong: power in the wrong hands can be dangerous. And power interfering at will with Muggle affairs is a gross presumption that could turn the course of history. Though the series shows some of the worst that Slytherin can be, “evil,” is not a natural Slytherin tendency. “Cautious,” is.
Ravenclaws believe that magic is an art form, one that is beautiful and should be appreciated and studied for its own sake. If “wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure,” then asking what magic is for is useless. It’s more important to immerse oneself in magic for its own sake. Ravenclaws push the boundaries of magic to see if they can, hence Hermione’s spell experiment on the DA coins being dubbed a Ravenclaw quality, but like Luna Lovegood in the pursuit of extraordinary creatures: they can also be content to plumb the depths of what already exists.
So while you can see where personalities will overlap over Houses, perhaps in Sorting we should be asking ourselves less what we think we are and more what we think we believe. 
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clary-rose-blog · 8 years ago
Harry Potter and How the Scene Should Have Gone
Umbridge: Mr. Potter, do you expect to be attacked in my class?
Harry: Yes.
Umbridge: What?
Harry: Well, I mean, I'm running four for four.
Umbridge: Mr. Potter-
Harry: Quirrel tried to choke me out.
Umbridge: Mr. Potter-
Harry: And Lockhart tried to wipe my memory.
Umbridge: Mr. Potter-
Harry: Of course, Professor Lupin didn't mean it. He just forgot his potion, but still, totally went werewolf on me.
Umbridge: MR. POTTER-
Harry: And then Moody turned out to be an escaped Death Eater in disguise.
Umbridge: POTTER!
Harry: So, yeah, I figure it's 100% you'll attack me in June, 50/50 you'll try to kill me, with a 25% chance of an Unforgivable curse.
Harry: (Turns to Hermione)
Harry: Did I get the math right?
Hermione: Yes.
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clary-rose-blog · 8 years ago
Not every character needs to be in a romantic relationship reblog if you agree
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clary-rose-blog · 8 years ago
❤️wish they had more Ron in the film and book Ron not the less intelligent film version
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Tell those spiders, Ron. Right, yeah. Tell them. I’ll tell them…
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clary-rose-blog · 8 years ago
Aftermath of lord of shadows-spoilery
I am soo looking forward to the next book but also dreading it a little, I know the family, the whole family Emma, Kit, Diana and of course Christina included to will go on but I'm heartbroken. I don't want them to have to admit it's real, to wake up and briefly forget Livvy is gone and have to relive it again. I don't want to see the brutality of the Dearborn family and the Cohort in their attempts to take over the institute after this tragedy. I only hope the Blackthorns have the strength to fight it as the consequences of that happening are to dreadful to think about. I can't imagine how Ty will go on, Livvy could read him best and could calm him before he reached possible melt down, the rest of his family love and understand him and thank goodness he's met Kit but he is going to be so lost. And what if he has to spend time with other shadowhunters and they realise how different he is, he is amazing and perfect but shadowhunters are so backwards in their views if anyone who's not neurotypical. I want to kidnap them all wrap them up in love and give them cups of tea and homecooked food 😢
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clary-rose-blog · 8 years ago
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Soo I bought the special edition 🤗 out of stock in local store so train ride and a day out it was so could get it but now it's mine 😍 soo worth it 💛💜 💔
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clary-rose-blog · 8 years ago
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Ty, voicing all of the bookworms’ thoughts
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clary-rose-blog · 8 years ago
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So next time you think you can distract yourself from your insecurities by victimizing a girl, think again. She may be me and I fight like a girl.
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clary-rose-blog · 8 years ago
❤️ this, my daughter's favourite snack, either this or a peanut and nutella sandwich. Still find it odd and enjoy she is now old enough to make it herself!
Hi Cassie! I loved LoS so much! Thank you so much for it. It was heart-wrenching, but oh so wonderful to be back in my favourite world again. Just one question - peanut butter and Nutella toast? Pg 437, "... Julian said, spreading peanut butter and Nutella on his toast." Was this introduced to Julian by the kids? Did you eat this as a kid? Is it like Reese Peanut Butter cups on toast? Did he not know what peanut butter and Nutella was and just decided to combine them? Anyway, thanks so much!
My friend Holly Black is a fiend for peanut butter and Nutella toast. A FIEND. I may also find it odd, but I was probably literally writing that scene while in a house in Cornwall watching her scarf down peanut butter and Nutella, and it is the nature of writers to magpie up details from real life and put them into our fiction. :-)
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clary-rose-blog · 8 years ago
This ❤️💛
I just finished Lord of Shadows
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