Falling, but where to?
2K posts
Hi there! My name is Clark Sawyer. I play guitar in Haven, or act in Something Damaged, but I'm currently in Dalton Asylum for P.T.S.D. and I.C.D. I'm trying to get better so that I can go home. (Yellow Risk) Tweets by @HavenClarkie
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
clarksawyerfallenangel-blog · 12 years ago
Clark sat quietly, knowing that the brothers had to work this out between them. He was tired, and he wanted a good night's sleep, but he knew it wasn't very likely, even with medication.
he hated being split up like this. It was bad enough when they moved him out of Mikey's room, but putting him in with a stranger? Ridiculous.
Miller Brothers (and Clark because reasons)
Jasper shrugged, a little prickly as to the response he got from Nathan. “Look-” he shook his head, trailing off.
Feeling horribly guilty, Jasper stood and wobbled a little, but managed to get a glass of water from the bathroom, downing it in one, and drinking a second, hoping to please Nathan or sober up or… anything. He didn’t care much anymore.
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clarksawyerfallenangel-blog · 12 years ago
"I think you've had enough." Clark told Jasper with a weak smile. "I have to go back to the room by the time they brings meds round, I need sedatives again now." He sighed, seriously pissed with the admins. "Apparently promises mean fuck all in here." He smiled a bit for Nathan, though he knew there wasn't much point.
Miller Brothers (and Clark because reasons)
Jas laughed softly. “S’a bit addictive, helps.” He rubbed at his eyes, laying against Clark and slowly settling and the older man ran his ahnds through his hair. All the while, Jasper watched his brother, concerned, even is his… condition. “Natty, sit? You’re sad.”
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clarksawyerfallenangel-blog · 12 years ago
Clark sat down, gently tugging Jasper to snuggle against him and stroking his hair gently. "Ssh, it's okay. I don't like my room mate at all, he called my guitar a piece of crap. How much did you even drink...?" He frowned, gently working his fingers through Jasper's hair, something he usually found very calming.
Miller Brothers (and Clark because reasons)
“M’sorry,” he mumbled quietly, pulling his knees to his chest against the wall, eyes scrunched up. “Din’t wan’ you to be bothered, shoulda just… shutit-” Jas mumbled quietly, eyes a little to blurry to be tear-free. 
He glanced at NAt, and suddenly felt a roll of nauseous guilt twist in his gut. “Natty.”
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clarksawyerfallenangel-blog · 12 years ago
Clark knocked firmly on Jasper's door, waiting for someone to come and open it for him. He hated the new keycard system, he felt like a prisoner. And he loathed his room mate already, they guy was an ass. He tapped his foot, waiting impatiently. "Open the door already you two! I want to hug Jas!"
Miller Brothers (and Clark because reasons)
Nathan snatched the bottle, taking a gulp and immediately dissolving into a coughing fit, half-laughing and half crying. “Oh my god, Jasper, if you’re gonna steal vodka, at least steal good vodka. That’s disgusting!”
He moved to sit on the bed simply because it was easier to breath sat up properly, and with that stuff burning his throat, he needed all the help he could get. “You won’t be able to kiss Clark until you’ve brushed your teeth and used mouthwash and stuff. He’s alcohol intolerant.”
He took another gulp of the vodka and instantly regretted it. “Oh my god, why am I still drinking it? Eugh.”
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clarksawyerfallenangel-blog · 12 years ago
(text) ... I've never heard of him.
(text) me neither. I'll be back on the sleeping pills, I guess.
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clarksawyerfallenangel-blog · 12 years ago
(text) so much for celebrities rooming with other celebrities or by themselves.
Apparently he's an actor. I've never heard of him and I'll wake him screaming.
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clarksawyerfallenangel-blog · 12 years ago
(text) most of us got moved down and you have a new roommate... Is Nat okay?
(text) No, he's not. He wants to... well. You know how he gets. I think he feels bad for getting me moved, more than getting moved himself. I don't even know who my room mate is. I asked for a single and they said no.
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clarksawyerfallenangel-blog · 12 years ago
Clark smiled for them, disappointed that Jasper hadn't bothered to turn up. He looked around to check everyone else was here, and blinked a little as he realized they were a blond short. "Is Jeff coming, Sinny? It's okay if not, just don't want to order or anything without him if he is coming."
He let Lily climb into his lap, petting her gently. It was a long time since he'd been with so many of his friends, and he was excited.
Pizzas | Haven
After several hours in the infirmary the day before, Mikey was feeling a lot better, but he still felt a little sick and weak.  He hated feeling off for their get-together, but at least they’d understand if he left in the middle to go lie down or take a nap.  Besides, the reaction to the meds could’ve been a lot worse; he wasn’t going to miss out on hanging out with Haven again.
Mikey took his time getting to Clark’s room so that he wouldn’t exhaust himself or make himself sick again. And when he did get there, he knocked once before entering.  ”Hey…”
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clarksawyerfallenangel-blog · 12 years ago
Pizzas | Haven
Clark hadn't let himself get excited about the pizza-date with his band mates, as he was too used to things interfering at last minute now they were in the Asylum. It was almost impossible to make plans with more than one person at a time, let alone a whole band. As it was, Corey wouldn't be attending.
The blond had asked Nathan to leave for a few hours, and had made the room as comfortable for three extra people as he could.
There was nothing left to do but wait.
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clarksawyerfallenangel-blog · 12 years ago
Clark finally fell asleep, though not as deeply as he would have liked, arms wrapped around Reed to reassure himself that everything was fine, he was just sleeping in a different room...
Checking Up | Reed & Clark
Clark nodded, hugging Reed close and starting to sing quietly, one of their acoustic songs that kind of worked with just a voice. He hoped that the song would help him to relax too, he didn’t fancy the idea of a sleepless night.
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clarksawyerfallenangel-blog · 12 years ago
Clark nodded, hugging Reed close and starting to sing quietly, one of their acoustic songs that kind of worked with just a voice. He hoped that the song would help him to relax too, he didn't fancy the idea of a sleepless night.
Checking Up | Reed & Clark
Clark snuggled down, gently tucking Reed into his arms and making sure they were both fairly comfortable. “Do you want me to sing, or just snuggle you? Jasper likes if I sing.”
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clarksawyerfallenangel-blog · 12 years ago
Clark snuggled down, gently tucking Reed into his arms and making sure they were both fairly comfortable. "Do you want me to sing, or just snuggle you? Jasper likes if I sing."
Checking Up | Reed & Clark
Clark nodded and pulled out his phone, sending a message to the nurse asking her to bring his Meds to Reed’s room, before sending a text to Jasper too. “I apologize in advance if I wake you up screaming or something, I haven’t done it in a while but knowing my bad luck, it’ll happen tonight.” he told Reed.
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clarksawyerfallenangel-blog · 12 years ago
Text | Jaslark
C: hey Jassy x Staying with Reed tonight b/c he's upset, will you check if Nat's okay to be alone? Love you x
J: Yeah, I will x I hope Reed's okay :( Love you too :) x
C: Trouble with Spencer :/ He'll be okay
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clarksawyerfallenangel-blog · 12 years ago
Text | Jaslark
C: hey Jassy x Staying with Reed tonight b/c he's upset, will you check if Nat's okay to be alone? Love you x
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clarksawyerfallenangel-blog · 12 years ago
Clark nodded and pulled out his phone, sending a message to the nurse asking her to bring his Meds to Reed's room, before sending a text to Jasper too. "I apologize in advance if I wake you up screaming or something, I haven't done it in a while but knowing my bad luck, it'll happen tonight." he told Reed.
Checking Up | Reed & Clark
“Of course.” Clark moved to sit by Reed, gently pulling him close. “Do you want me to stay all night, or just for a little bit? I don’t mind staying, but we’d have to tell a nurse so they bring my meds here instead of to my room. And maybe get Jas to stay the night with Nathan or something.”
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clarksawyerfallenangel-blog · 12 years ago
"Of course." Clark moved to sit by Reed, gently pulling him close. "Do you want me to stay all night, or just for a little bit? I don't mind staying, but we'd have to tell a nurse so they bring my meds here instead of to my room. And maybe get Jas to stay the night with Nathan or something."
Checking Up | Reed & Clark
Clark hugged him close. “I’ll stay, okay? I promise. Though I might have to leave when it gets to curfew, at least to take Lily back.”
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clarksawyerfallenangel-blog · 12 years ago
Clark hugged him close. "I'll stay, okay? I promise. Though I might have to leave when it gets to curfew, at least to take Lily back."
Checking Up | Reed & Clark
“Okay.” Clark nodded. “We’re both busy on Friday, but apart from that, just call any time and I’ll drag Jasper over, okay? We can go to the art store, like we planned.” He let Reed get up, and stood himself. “Do you want me to stay, or go?”
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