clarissaxpearce · 2 years
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from why be happy when you could be normal by Jeanette winterson
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clarissaxpearce · 4 years
This blog wants justice for black people.
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clarissaxpearce · 4 years
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Please make this go viral.
It is so important I don’t even care if you delete what I write here, just help it be seen. 
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clarissaxpearce · 5 years
Thought Wrong (Draco Malfoy x plus size reader)
Prompt; Draco Malfoy has always been trying to catch y/n’s attention. But she just thinks it’s another stupid joke for him and his friends to laugh about, but he proves her wrong.
Warnings; Cursing, plus size reader, body-shaming, cute shy and nervous Draco
l/n- last name y/h-your house
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You were walking down the hallway to your potions class, when you passed a group of slytherins, more importantly Draco and his friends. You noticed in the corner of your eye, that Crabbe nudged Draco’s shoulder and motioning towards you, as you passed by, causing Draco to shoot his head up and look at you smirking.
“Hey l/n!” Draco shouted and left his group of friends behind to walk with you.
“For the last time Draco my name isn’t l/n, it’s y/n.” You said as your turned your head towards him “And if you don’t mind I have to get to class.” You then began to walk faster away from him. You never really liked Draco, you always thought he was an asshole, and his efforts to get your attention was just a stupid joke with his friends. So you usually just came up with excuses to not talk to him.
Draco stopped walked and just watched you walk off and huffed “But I wanted to walk you to class.” he whispered to himself.
You got to your class a few minutes before it started. As you entered the classroom you saw your friend and walked over to the them. Then a couple minutes later Draco and his friends walked in. Draco sat at the table across from you, with Pansy.
Pansy began talking to Draco, but he ignored her and turned his head to look over at you sitting with your friend. He so badly wanted your attention but every time he tried to talk to you, you would just make an excuse up to leave. He was interrupted from his thoughts, by Professor Slughorn walking into the room.
“Good afternoon class, today we will be working in partners,” Everyone began to decide who they would work with but then Professor Slughorn interrupted “partners chosen by me.”  Professor Slughorn then began to call out names then he finally said yours “Mrs. L/n and umm,” Slughorn then began to look around the classroom to find you a partner, you also looked around the classroom to notice that only Hermione, Pansy, and Draco were the only ones left. Oh god please don’t be Draco you began to repeat in your head. “and Mr. Malfoy.”
You huffed and looked over at Draco who wasn’t giving his usual smirk but looking down at his potions book, blushing. Draco then walked over to where you were sitting and took the empty seat next to you. He still had his head down and was fumbling his thumbs. ‘Come on Draco, you can do this you just talked to her like ten minutes ago’ he thought to himself.  
“So…..” You turned towards Draco and he became nervous as you looked him in the eyes “Umm…. I’ll go get the ingredients.” You nodded your head and looked back at him. After waiting Draco came back with the ingredients.
“Ok so let’s start.” You both started making the potion. You were the main one really speaking, while Draco just nodded and gave some commentary. You both finally finished the potion. Slughorn then checked your potion, and was impressed by it. You began to pack your things in your bag but then you noticed Draco staring at you again.
“Not so cocky while your friends are around?” Draco then scoffed and looked down at his hands. “Don’t want them to know you might be friendly with the fat y/h?”
Draco raised his head so he was looking directly in your eyes. “What?” he said furrowed his eyebrows. That’s how you thought of yourself? Fat? He didn’t understand, he loved you and your body.
“Never mind.’' You shook your head. 
’'No, what is it?”
“You know exactly what I mean, I always see you and your friends making fun of girls cause they’re ‘overweight’, I wouldn’t be surprised if after class you and you friends made jokes about me.” You snapped.
“My friends do that, I don’t. And I would never let them hurt you.” You rolled your eyes. Then you thought about he never seemed to join in when they would make fun of those girls. You also realized you were the only 'bigger’ girl they didn’t make fun of. You dismissed the thoughts as Slughorn announced that class was over. You quickly left the class hoping Draco wouldn’t catch up to you.
“Hey l/n, um I mean y/n, we never finished our conversation!” Draco yelled down the hallway. You then turned around and began walking backwards.
“There’s no need to finish it!” You yelled back.
It was dinner and you were sitting at the y/h table. Thinking about what Draco told you. 'I would never let them hurt you.’ Maybe he was telling the truth, none of his friends ever picked on you. Then maybe you thought that this was probably some joke. Get you to fall in love him, but then for it to only be a sick prank in the end.
You started to get tired, so you told your friend you were ging to head up to the common room. What you didn’t noticed was the stares from a certain slytherian. As Draco watched you leave the great hall, he also got up from his table and followed you.
“Y/n!” You rolled your eyes hearing Draco’s voice, and ignored him. He then ran up to you to catch up with you “Hey.” he breathed. You turned your head towards him and glared.
“What?” You snapped.
“Well, I was wondering if I could take you out, like the next Hogsmeade visit or something?” You looked him dead in the eyes.
“Oh great maybe I could pick you up- wait what?”
“I don’t feel like spending my free time with you.”
“What? Why?”
“Cause I know that this is some stupid joke with your stupid friends. Get the fat girl to go on a date with you and embarrass her.”
“Would you stop calling yourself that?” Draco slightly yelled, you looked at him kind of frightened. “Is that what you think of yourself? Fat?”
“No but I know that’s how you and your friends see me.”
“Well you’re wrong,” He looked into your eyes “I think beautiful.” He mumbled the last part, but you heard.
“Excuse, but am I hearing this correctly. Draco Malfoy calling someone beautiful, that isn’t himself. I’m shocked.” Draco just rolled his eyes at you.
“Well you are.”
“Thanks. So is that supposed to make me change my mind cause it totally” Draco smirked “doesn’t.” Draco’s smirk turned into a frown, and you then began to walk away and to your common room.
“Wait please, y/n. If the date sucks than you can leave but please give me a try. I’ll-I’ll do anything.”
You stopped walking and turned around. He looked at you hopefully. “Fine. I’ll go on a date with you, but you have to promise me you’ll stop being a grade A asshole.” He quickly nodded and ran up to you giving you a hug. “Ok, ok it’s not that big of a deal.” you said as you started pushing him off of you.
“Thank you y/n so much. I promise you won’t regret it.” He then began to run in the opposite direction as you. You watched as he left, “Dork” you mumbled to yourself.
It was the next Hogsmeade trip, which meant you had your date with Draco today. Draco actually did keep your promise, he wasn't actually an asshole most of the time. But either way you were still expecting this to be a prank by him and his friends, but you were actually excited about it. You saw Draco standing in the courtyard and you walked up to him.
“Hey y/n. You loo-k beautiful.” Draco nervously said.
“I’m just wearing a sweater and jeans but thanks.”
“Yea-a.” He started to blush “Well um shall we go?”
“Yes of course.” You both then walked to Hogsmeade. When you reached Hogsmeade, you both walked to the three broomsticks.
When you arrived you went over to a table and Draco politely pulled the seat out for you.
“Umm I’ll go get us some butterbeer for us. I mean unless you don’t want butterbeer. I shouldn’t have assumed you wanted butter-”
“Draco. Butterbeer is fine.”
“Yes umm right. I’ll be right back.” You watched as Draco leave to go get you a butterbeer.
As he ordered the butterbeers he couldn’t help but notice how sweaty and nervous he was. As the bartender gave Draco the butterbeers, he began to walk over to you. Right before he reached your table he gave himself a pep talk. 'Alright Draco you can do this. You’re a Malfoy, you’re a natural at this.’ He thought to himself.
“Alright, umm here’s your butterbeer.” Draco set the drink in front of you, and he sat opposite of you.
To say the date was going ok so far would be an understatement, it was terrible. You and Draco sat there in silence, only saying a couple of things to each other. You just kept your head down looking at your drink, while Draco just stared at you with doe eyes. He was so focused on how pretty he thought you looked he didn’t really realize how awkward the date really was.
Then if the date couldn’t get any worse it did. A few girls from your house walked threw the door. They always made fun of your weight, but you didn’t really pay them any mind, even though sometimes their words did hurt.
“Hey y/n.” One of them said as the rest of the girls laughed. You just ignored it, but Draco could sense the change in your eyes.
“What? Is something wrong?”
“Nope.” You smiled at Draco.
The group of girls stood right behind your table and you could hear them whispering. 'Omg you totally have to go over.’ 'He’ll totally forget about her once he sees you.’ When you heard those things you got nervous. What if one of them comes over here and he leaves you. Even if the date wasn’t going that great, you still didn’t want him to leave.
You watched as one of the girls of the group walk up to your table and sit next to Draco. You also watched as Draco didn’t even notice the girl sitting next to him, he was still staring at you. You all just sat there for an awkward second before the girl cleared her throat to get Draco attention. He looked over at her and then to you. You just rolled your eyes and shook your head.
“Ummm do I know you?” Draco asked the girl you let out a small chuckle.
“Well not really, but I wanted to get to know you.’' She flirted while undoing a button on her uniform, exposing more of her chest.
’'I didn’t know if you realized but we’re kind of on a date.” Draco then turned back towards you.
“Who? With this cow?” The girl laughed and you just looked back down at your drink, smiling a bit.
“What did you call her?” Draco then stood up from his chair, the girl just looked up at Draco frightened.
“Draco just let it go.” You muttered trying to pull in down back in his seat by his shirt.
“No, no what did you call her?”
“A cow and you know it’s true.”
“Don’t call my girlfriend a cow you fucking bitch!” You looked up from your drink, eyes wide. You then saw Draco pick up his butterbeer and throw it in the girls face, then slamming the empty glass on the table. Your jaw dropped to the floor and you started laughing. Draco then took his jacket from the back of his chair, grabbed your hand and dragged you outside.
“That was fucking awesome!” Draco grinned and laughed.
“Thanks, she deserved it.” You realized you were still holding Draco’s hand, you were about to pull away from it, but then Draco pulled you into him.
You looked into his eyes as he looked into yours. “You know Malfoy I didn’t realize I was your girlfriend.” You raised your eyebrows.
“I just said that to make it more dramatic.” You laughed.
“Sure you did.” You then grabbed Draco’s collar and pulled him into a kiss. He pulled back from the kiss and he rested his forehead against yours.
“Listen I’m sorry this date sucked.” You looked at Draco.
“It was actually wasn’t that bad, you threw your butterbeer on some girl.” You both began to laugh “And don’t worry about, you just owe me a second date.” You said as you winked at him and began to walk up to the castle.
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clarissaxpearce · 5 years
some of y'all didnt grow up as the person nobody has a crush on and it really shows
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clarissaxpearce · 5 years
I’ve been asked so many times to make an updated Masterlist and I’ve decided to just stop being lazy and get it done! Happy reading everyone! Requests are always open and appreciated!
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-One Shots
Falling Apart - Angst // “I don’t know what the fuck I’m supposed to do!”
You’re My Favorite - CEO!Shawn // Smut // “Tell me baby, what should I do with you?”
Mornin’ - Fluff // “I don’t ever want to leave you again.”
Caretaker - Fluff // “No need to ever thank me, baby. I just want you all better again.”
I’ll Gladly Remind You - Fluff // “You’re so smart. Did you forget that? Because I’ll gladly remind you of it.”
Deep as the Ocean - Fluff // “We should settle down here.”
Thirty-Nine Weeks - Dad!Shawn // Fluff // “I know you wanna get out of there, princess, but you have to wait just a little bit longer.”
Don’t Give Yourself Away - Smut // “You have no idea what I’m about to do to you.”
Help - Badboy!Shawn // Angst & Fluff // “I don’t believe in love”
Love From Beyond - Ghost!Shawn // Sadness // “Through the static, only two seconds long, he said “I love you.”
Breakup Season - Angst & Fluff // “I can’t care about my girlfriend or my relationship?”
Feelings - Fluff // “I will kiss you.”
Hickey Prank - Angst & Fluff // “what is on your neck?”
Taste of Your Own Medicine - Angst // “Hope it was worth it.”
No Deal - Badboy!Shawn // Angst // “Don’t fucking touch her!”
Official - Fluff // “Just kiss me already.”
First Time - Fluff & Smut // “That was magical.”
Late News - Angst // “Were you planning on keeping me out of my child’s life?”
Time of the Month - Fluff // “Ill be in the living room waiting to give you a nice back massage.”
Teasing Games - kinda smutty? // “Why are you doing this to me?”
Too personal - Angst // “I’m an artist. This is the kind of stuff that I write about.”
Horrible People - Kinda smutty // “I want you.”
Brielle Mendes - Dad!Shawn // Fluff // “Daddy can’t stay long, but I’m here now, babygirl.”
Out In Public - Smut // “You’re gonna have to keep it down baby, or I’m gonna have to stop.”
Bittersweet - Angst & Fluff // “I just wanted to make sure you had everything you needed.”
Undying Love - Angst & Fluff // “Right love, wrong timing. That’s all it is.”
Harsh Banters - Angst & Fluff // “See the highlights in my hair? Different, huh?”
Late to the Met - Angst & Fluff // “Id rather be late because I’m with you than spend the entire night without you.”
Sex Blurb - Smut // “Who makes you feel this good?”
A Dangerous Duo - Angst, Fluff // Criminal!Shawn // “You might end up giving me a run for my money If I’m not careful.”
Left Unsaid - Angst // “Ill never forgive you, or him!”
Livestreams - Fluff // “Do you guys like Y/N? I love her.”
Late Night Surprises - Fluff // “You’re not dreaming, baby.”
Our Secret - Angst & Fluff // “Im so sorry we can’t go out to dinner like a normal couple.”
We’re Not Alone- Angst // “I know you love this house, but it’s not ours. It belongs to whatever the hell is here.”
Moving On - Angst // “There’s nothing that we can do to repair the damage.”
Angels - Angst, Sadness & Fluff // “You’re not dead! You can’t be dead!”
Surprise! - Fluff // “Well Mrs. Mendes, Mr. Mendes, I have good news and bad news.”
On Stage Proposal - Fluff // “Honey, will you please come up here so I can do this properly?”
Good Morning - Smut // “I’m gonna marry this girl one day.”
Breaking Point - Angst // “Don’t think I ever truly loved you.”
Unpopular - Angst & Fluff // “I let you do this to me for a reason. I’m not blind to it.”
One Night Stand - Fluff // “I’m going to find her.”
-Last Two Weeks- Collegeboy!Shawn
Part 1 - Fluff // “I have a good feeling about this project.”
Part 1 - Angst & Fluff // “You’ll never be put through that ever again.”
Part 2 - Angst & Fluff // “ill be right next door. I’ll know if anything was to happen.”
Part 3 - Angst & Fluff // “why do you want to make sure you keep me safe?”
Part 4 - Angst & Fluff // “You said you’d never hurt me. I believe you.”
Delicate Flowers -Badboy!Shawn
Part 1 - Angst // “Do I make you nervous?”
Part 2 - Angst // “You’ve been protecting me?”
Part 3 - Angst & Fluff // “When it’s safe, I’ll tell you everything. I promise.”
Part 4 - Angst // “What exactly were you protecting me from? Yourself?”
Part 5- Angst, Fluff & Smut // “I’m doing this for you.”
Let Me Down Easy
Part 1 - Angst & Fluff // “I just can’t get over you.”
Part 2 - Angst // “I just thought maybe you’d wake up and love me too.”
Part 3 - Angst & Fluff // “You’re leaving?”
Part 4 - Angst & Fluff // “Just save your words. I’ve heard them all before.”
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clarissaxpearce · 5 years
There’s a lot of angst in here, but underlining fluff as well if you’re into that roller coaster ride of emotions like me. Enjoy!!
The moment you stepped into the condo and slammed the door you made no attempts to hide the anger that had been brewing within you that you had to keep bottled up for the cameras that seemed to be focusing solely on you and Shawn.
You kicked your shoes off and let them slam against the wall, huffing as you made your way into the kitchen and retrieved a bottle of wine from the fridge. Your hands were shaking as you poured the liquid into the glass, filling it up to the rim instead of the suggested amount.
Shawn’s eyes were trained on you, his brows knitted as he watched you from across the room, leaned up against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. You took large gulps of the wine hoping that it would act as a reliever but when it failed to immediately do so, you filled the glass again.
Shawn stared at the wine being poured into your glass, his eyes following it to your lips as you tipped your head back and took it all down your throat, and again, went to pour yet another full glass, until his strong voice stopped you in your tracks.
“I think that’s enough.” He growled and your eyes averted to him, teeth gritting behind your lips as the events of the night creeped back into your mind.
“Trust me, you want me to drink this.” You declared as you tipped the bottle and poured another glass, bringing it up to your lips and glaring at him as you rebelliously tipped it back and took more of the red liquid down your throat.
Keep reading
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clarissaxpearce · 5 years
incomplete list of ordinary things that are intimate when u do them for/with someone u love:
-unbuttoning or unzipping clothing
-putting on their necklace
-any hair touching at all
-giving them a bite of your food and u feed it to them off ur own fork
-catching their eye from across the room
-picking fuzz off their clothing
-cooking together and standing over the same pan while you stir and they add things
-sitting in the same room working on different things together in silence
-teaching them how to do something
-doing something for them bc their hands are full
-grocery shopping together
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clarissaxpearce · 5 years
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Eek… I didn’t post any original content today so here… Have a pic Daveed and Anthony getting ready for me Hamilton.
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clarissaxpearce · 5 years
Fic updates coming soon– I’m on vacay so my laptop time is limited but I promise. 😉 In the meantime…. Soft!Anthony in a cozy sweater is dreamy.
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clarissaxpearce · 5 years
alexander: you’d never seen a bastard orphan more in need of a break
everyone in ‘say no to this’: have a fucking kitkat then alexander
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clarissaxpearce · 5 years
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clarissaxpearce · 5 years
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like father, like son
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clarissaxpearce · 5 years
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clarissaxpearce · 5 years
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via Giphy
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clarissaxpearce · 5 years
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clarissaxpearce · 5 years
Angel Kisses
Pairing: John Laurens x reader Word Count: 1,380ish T/W: Fluffy smut! A/N: For Anon’s request: “You and other attractive people have freckles on your face, unlike me. Mine are in stupid places like my shoulders and my…. (reader gestures to breasts) and other places!” and John begins kissing readers freckles and smut ensues. Awww, yes, freckles! I love this! Tags: @justfangirlingaround
You woke up to the sound of your roommate Alexander, yelling at the T.V. as you stretched in bed you heard his friends chime in with a couple ‘come on’s’ and ‘no way’s.’ Smiling to yourself and shaking your head you looked over at the alarm clock which read 10am. Sliding the sheets off, and getting out of bed you tossed on a t-shirt along with some comfy shorts. You’ve known the guys since you were little and didn’t really care what they saw you in. Alex and you lived together, but the only time you two hitched up was in high school, so you weren’t worried at all. They were all just flirts, except John.
There was always something endearing about John. He was always there for you when you broke up with some boyfriend and he was the sensitive one. When you really thought about it, he was exactly the kind of guy you wanted, you just didn’t know if he felt the same. You always thought he just saw you as a friend and nothing more. In a way it was heartbreaking, but you pushed it aside and continued with your day walking out to the kitchen. There was a collective ‘hey!’ when you came into sight of the guys. You just waved a hand and smiled. 
“Hey y/n, how was the date last night?” Alex called from the couch. 
“Ugh, he was obnoxious and weird,” you poured your coffee,” which is a bummer cause he was really cute.”
“Well…did you play the freckle card?” Alex raised an eyebrow. 
You tilted your head and turned around to stare Alex down. Pursing your lips out of frustration, he turned to see you glaring at him and asked ‘what?’…like he did nothing. 
“You- you have freckles?” John turned around asking shyly. 
“Oh, does she ever,” Alex laughed, staring at the video game intently.
“Honestly, Alexander!” you tossed your hand up, rolling your eyes. 
“But…you don’t have any on your-” 
“Yeah, I know you and other attractive people have freckles on your face, unlike me. Mine are in stupid places like my shoulders, thighs and…” you gestured a hand in front of your chest smirking sarcastically, “and other places.”
You dropped your hand to your hip and took a sip of your coffee. John’s eyes lit up as soon as you began describing your freckles. Now he was curious and slightly turned on at the fact that you had something in common with him. He just imagined how beautiful those little spots probably looked scattered across your body. Ever since high school he had the biggest crush on you, but never asked you if you liked him because you dated other guys and talked about other people. He was just too shy.
“Now that that’s out there,” you said staring directly at Alex, “I’ll be in my room.”
You walked off shaking your head. John got up from the couch and walked down the hall to your room. He stood in the doorway until you invited him in. His breath began to quicken as he saw you sifting through your dresser drawer in shorts and a cute bralette. John spotted a couple dark little circles on your stomach and shoulders. You noticed him staring at them. 
“Weird aren’t they?” you returned to the drawer, in search of a specific shirt, “I’ve always hated them, they look so cute on everybody else, but oh no…not me.”
“Well…I like your angel kisses,” John stuck his hands in his pockets and looked down.
“My what?” You turned to him, laughing a little. 
“When I was little, I got made fun of for my freckles, so I used to try and cover them up with anything I could,” John shrugged, staring at his feet, “but then my mom, before she died, told me I had nothing to be embarrassed about because freckles are just,” he looked up at you, “angel kisses.”
Pausing for a moment you rested your hands on your dresser drawer, letting go of the shirt. You pulled back some hair that had fallen in front of your face. Walking over to John, you ran two fingers along his cheekbone. John shifted his eyes looking past you, then back at you. He wanted so badly to kiss you, and he knew that it would happen if he looked into your gorgeous eyes especially with the way you were biting your lip and smiling as you traced your hand along his cheekbone and then to his jawline. His heart began to race as you followed the trail of his freckles down to his neck. 
“The angels must have really liked you,” You smiled, fingertips slowly tracing down his neck, “I can understand why.”
Your words got John’s attention as he looked down at you studying the freckles along his neck. You smiled a little more and closed your eyes, at the feeling of John’s fingertips moving across your back. His hand was a little shaky as you looked up into his golden eyes. He flinched his hand back as you brought your other hand to rest on his chest. He wanted you so bad, but just wasn’t sure and he wanted to be sure before he did anything. You laughed a little and closed your eyes for a moment, wondering if this was actually happening. 
“It’s okay John,” you whispered opening your eyes to meet his, “I’ve wanted this too.”
He rested a hand on the small of your back, rubbing your side with his other hand. You brought your hands up to hold his jawline before kissing him softly. His lips fell perfectly in synch with yours, you reached your arms around his neck, pushing yourself closer to him. John’s arms came around you. After so long both of you finally had each other. His kiss became more passionate, but you pulled away. 
“John, the door.” You reminded him.
He left your embrace briefly, closing and locking the door. John took off his shirt before returning back to you. You giggled a little this time as he wrapped his arms around you once again. He dipped down to kiss you, sliding a hand hand under your lace bralette. You broke the kiss and pulled the lace over your head, tossing it to the side, pressing your chest against John. He let out a shy moan at the skin on skin contact. Deepening the kiss you lightly rocked your hips against his. Before too long you were undoing his belt buckle, stripping yourself along with him down to nothing, falling back onto your bed. John rested himself on his palms, scanning his eyes across you.
“What?” You rubbed his shoulders, ghosting your fingertips against his skin.
“It’s just,” he started, biting his lip, “I can’t understand why you don’t like your freckles, they’re just beautiful.”
He dipped down to kiss your collarbone, “Here,” he kissed your breast, evoking another giggle from you, “and here,” he moved down to your stomach, “and here” John gently spread you legs kissing a little freckle on your inner thigh, deciding to linger on that particular area a while longer. 
“John!” you laughed, and he came back up to you. 
He pressed a kiss against your lips and you tangled a hand in his curls. With you clinging onto him, he gently pushed into you. Moaning, you leaned your head back against a pillow, John began to kiss at your neck softly. You rocked your hips in rhythm with his as you whined his name. The atmosphere was absolutely magical as the two of you made love with the passion of true lovers finally finding each other. He held and kissed you in adoration as you clung onto him reaching your peak. You leaned your head into his shoulder as you gasped a little. He held you close to him as he soon came undone. 
You wound up tangled together under your covers, cuddling closely. You rubbed your fingertips up and down his forearm gently as he pressed a kiss to the top of your shoulder from behind you. His lips moved up to your neck, stopping and closing his eyes to take in the mesmerizing smell of your hair. You felt his chest rise and fall against your back as you smiled to yourself, finally in the arms of your one true love. John peppered your shoulder with kisses, touching every freckle.
“Angel kisses,” you thought, “how fitting.”
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