clairefinch4144 · 11 months
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clairefinch4144 · 11 months
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clairefinch4144 · 11 months
Hi guys today was good. it rained whoot whoot and rain is my fav i love it so much it was such a vibe. it is finally starting to feel more like winter and i really love that. but anyways today was good. still stressful but whatevrrrrrr the days gonna keep going… had lunch w some cool people. lowk the hours i’ve been getting of sleep before world level driven me coo coo bananies but now i’m like wow that was a restful night and it’s literally 6hrs but i’m feeling great. that’s the weird part abt this quarter. id describe today as a day or reflection. idk maybe it was just the rain.
food: chipotle & bagel & rende
sleep: 6hrs
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clairefinch4144 · 11 months
This week for self care, I’ve decided to prioritize my academics. This is because I have three quizzes coming up and a test next Tuesday so I have a lot to focus on. I also made sure to hang out with my friends outside of this club and I made sure to call my parents to talk to them about it. How may we just be going and about what I’m excited for the future. Another thing I’ve been doing to prioritize my mental health is thinking about how we are going to be going home very soon for Thanksgiving and I really can’t wait to start spending more time with my family and seeing them after this long time apart. furthermore, I went to the gym with my friends and it was very fun because I got to run on the treadmill and I ran 3 miles so it was very chill but it did show me how out of shape I was which kind of sucked but it felt so good to run because I felt so much clearer in my head and I really miss it and I can’t wait to get back to practice. We’re gonna be way more consistent at it because running is one of my favorite things in the world and I really wanna get back to it. I love working out with friends because it makes it so much more fun. I wish I could still run outside but unfortunately it gets so dark so quickly and I’m too afraid to run at night but running on the treadmill is still nice. Nevertheless, I’m really grateful for the time that I have prioritized spending on my friends, my family working out and my academics. Also, I'd like to wish everyone a happy early thanksgiving and I hope you all eat lots of mashed potatoes and spend an amazing holiday with your loved ones!
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clairefinch4144 · 11 months
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clairefinch4144 · 11 months
A doctor has the final say to make decisions regarding patients. They have the opportunity to look over and monitor patients, understand the history of peoples medical past, prescribe medication to patients, and provide patient health plans to better them in the future. Furthermore, a doctor can be a M.D. which is a medical doctor or a D.O. which is a doctor of Osteopathic Medicine. There are a variety of different kinds of specialties of doctors such as anesthesiologists, cardiologists, dermatologists, emergency medicine physicians, neurologists, OB/GYN’s, and a lot more. Depending on speciality will indicate how long the education will take but in general it takes about seven to ten years of education. Furthermore, doctors make on average about $200,000 a year. There are various types of doctors such as primary care physicians, specialists, and surgeons. A surgeon's role is to make a diagnosis and create a plan to treat these diagnoses; once the plan is in place, the surgeon will then perform and operate on the patient. Surgeons have to be very calm and precise in high pressure situations. Furthermore, a primary care doctor oversees the basic care of a patient. This is a very interesting position for individuals who want to have the final decision within a patient's care; furthermore, the individual has to be prepared to go to school for a long time with a lot of long hours. The happiest physician specialties are these: Plastic surgery, Public health and preventative medicine, and orthopedics. Furthermore, individuals will enjoy this position if they are very passionate about the healthcare field. It is a very long process but can be very rewarding. Individuals should only go into this field if they are prepared for the many years and challenges that it will bring for one to get to their goals.
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clairefinch4144 · 11 months
This quarter has been incredibly challenging, and pushed me in ways that I didn’t think was possible. It made me give up control of some things that I had always needed to be a part of my life and allowed me to be more spontaneous. It showed me that even though I don’t know what’s always going on and even though I don’t have a plan for everything, everything will work out in the end. It was really hard at first because I had to give up a lot of my time and space that I needed prior to this I used to be very introverted and needed time to recharge my social battery. but through this quarter I’ve been able to charge my social battery while being with other people. It also proved to me that I’m more capable than I thought I was. It showed me that I can rely on other people and I can ask for help whenever I need. It also helped me notice the people who were there for me the most and I got to see how strong of a support system I had. Whether that be from the friends I made at the beginning of the school year at the transfer community, my family who I would call crying for being so stressed out, or my friends in the club, who supported me through it all. I’m eternally grateful for all these people because I honestly couldn’t have done it without them and it really showed me how much anything is possible when you do have support and people who care about you in your corner. Although this quarter push me to the limit, I am very grateful to it because I have learned a lot about myself and that I can’t handle this kind of stress and even if I can’t, there’s other people who help me through it and that is a lesson I would not have learned otherwise.
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clairefinch4144 · 11 months
christmas list peepz
1. new running shoes
2. normal sneakers that are comphy & cute
3. jacket hecka granola vibes like that cute colorful patagonia jacket thing
4. hiking shorts hecka granola vibes again
5. low rise vintage wide leg jeans; or just low rise baggy pants in general
6. normal more basic everyday tops - aritzia vibes
7. cute camera
8. over sized cute jacket like carhartt vibes or like rory gilmore vibes
9. yarn spinner (something that makes your yarn untangled and so u can spin it into a new ball)
10. some cool pieces of art - ceramic or painting
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clairefinch4144 · 11 months
hi peeps
tonight is gonna be a weird one. what did i do today. i don’t be en know def have to study. hella korean to do. need to study. cry cry. poekgiieid okay i also ate yummy food and hung out w my friend it was pretty awesome saucey ! thank u everyone words stuff and tofu bags huhhhhh randomness. listening to simon and garfunkel hella vibeyyyy musica asffff - totally super awesome rad vibes super illness yeah omgggg whattttt shannon tell us a joke “um what does the cat say when it’s in pain” “meOW” hella funny shannon. i’m w her rn always
food: noodles & bagel
sleep: 5 hrs
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clairefinch4144 · 11 months
hi everyone ! rah rah rah. today was very stressful chasing down deadlines and just tryna survive out here. day by day. you know that song they teach u like “inch by inch row by row gonna make this …… something something….. all it takes is a rake and a ho and a piece of fertile ground” yk that song? kindergarten song. that’s what i’ve been feeling like just tryna survive. also do u know when people surpass your expectations like your like wow omg i wasn’t expecting this you’re so awesome versus the very disappointing side where it’s like ohhh naurrrrrr that is not funnnn yeah it sucks but also on the other hand when they surpass your expectations it’s a great feeling. so right now i’ve been feeling both. a sense of disappointment and a sense of excitement and confusion. i am also slightly living in this exsistential shame spiral. lowk tho feel like i’ve been here many many many times before. but i am having mega regrets and mega embarrassment but like ahg i guess it’s okay. maybe? at least i’m like still going ish like i’m trying. that is progress i think. anyways this is the ramblings of a mad man speaking in different tounges who is delirious for not speaking to man in 37 years from being lost at sea. goodbye and goodnight.
sleep: 5 hrs
food: burrito & bplate
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clairefinch4144 · 11 months
hiiiiii what’s uppppp everyoneeeee today i’m with ellieeee and we’re studying. i’m planning for my classes but realizing i literally have no clue what i’m doing and i should’ve definitely talked to a counselor but whatever we’ll figure that out tomorrow even though my enrollment period is at 9:00 am brah brah blehhhh ughhhhh soooo tired and have so much hw to do that’s the thing abt english classes is you have sm assignments. ppl are playing mario kart rn and it’s hella distracting bc i wanna play helllaaaaaaaa right now instead of organizing classes and doing homework but whatever dawgggg. i’m hellaaaa hungry. blah blah
food: bagel & ramen & cookie
sleep: 7 hours
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clairefinch4144 · 11 months
hi everyone! happy wednesday! to me it doesn’t feel like wednesday it feels like thursday. do u guys think this quarter has gone by fast or slow? would love to know heheheh. you know when you keep thinking of a moment over and over and can’t stop cringing about it because same. i’m having that right now. i’m also soooo full i feel like blehhhhh but that’s okay. but tonight has been okay. idk if that’s in comparison to others but yeah. i have two korean quizzes one on thurs one on fri both of which i do not anticipate passing. but whateverrrrrrr. i luv my friends and food and sleep. goodnight.
food: rende and ackerman
sleep: 10 hours <- helllll yeah bc i accidentally fell asleep in my bad when i was suppose to be studying!!!!
featuring injured charlie
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clairefinch4144 · 11 months
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clairefinch4144 · 11 months
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clairefinch4144 · 11 months
I feel like this week I’ve been trying to prioritize my self care more because I’ve been trying to focus on my academics and mental health. I’ve done this by taking a step back from things that I’ve been overly involved in. I am trying to look at the positives but I kind of got a not so great midterm score today so I’m feeling even more stressed but on the other hand I also got a good midterm score for my other class. So instead of focusing on the bad I’m going to try to focus on the good. Anyways in terms of mental health I am feeling quite stressed but that’s simply because I'm feeling very behind. Honestly, it’s my own fault because last night I had a bunch of plans to do a lot of different work that I need to get done but I accidentally fell asleep at 10 o’clock. Although I ended up getting 10 hours asleep, I also lost 10 hours of catch-up time. Since trying to prioritize things like mental health, sleep and academics over my other commitments, I’m realizing now more than ever that these are things that I need to do in order to feel good in my life. So, even though I do not have a lot of time today, and I need to write an essay, study for two quizzes that are both on Thursday and Friday, and turn in assignments, I will be going on a run because running always clears my mind and always makes me feel better. I know that right now I feel like a run is the last thing I want to go on but it’s definitely the one thing that would make me feel like I’m not throwing up from anxiety. Furthermore, I swear I never used to cry like this before but now I swear I’m crying at least once a day. Maybe that’s an over share but that’s truly how it’s been. I do really appreciate the network of people that have been a part of my life lately and how much they are really helping me prioritize myself and my mental health. Furthermore, how they are really helping me through the stress of this quarter. I also am really grateful for my family because I’ve been able to talk to them this week and hear from them. It’s really good to catch up with him because I have really missed him since being here and since my mom travels so much it’s difficult to find a time when we’re both available. I think the goals for me this week is to call my brother because I haven’t spoken to him since August so it would be nice to catch up with him. Number two call my father to see how he’s doing because I haven’t spoken to him in a few weeks now too. Also, this weekend I really want to go spend time with my friends who live in the transfer dorms and spend one calm afternoon but I don’t know if it would be possible but I really hope so. One of my friends in the transfer dorms is a runner so I hope that we can go to run this weekend and go get some yogurt after. all in all, even though this week was very emotionally exhausting and super overwhelming, I feel like it has really made me realize how grateful I am for the people I have in my life.
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clairefinch4144 · 11 months
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clairefinch4144 · 11 months
today: i woke up and actually got to sleep in- more than i have in weeks on the school days. it was truly so nice. now i am currently procrastinating and it is sooooo bad but it’s okay we’ll get on it soon enough i hope. i’m really looking forward to thanksgiving break and seeing my fam and eating some yummy potatoes. even though my fam is very anti thanksgiving but i lauve it. i also need to start eating my vegetables because i swear my diet has become so bad. like what happened to fiber because i don’t know her anymore. maybe tomorrow i’ll try to go on a run or do something a bit more healthy lol. but not going to lie i am pretty sore today……. anyways i’m going to try to study now. thanks for listening or reading i guess. question when you read these posts do you hear me saying this or is it just your own voice saying this stuff? anyways random thought but there you have it.
food: candy (duh) salad pasta
sleep: 8hrs 🥳
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