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What Is Sand Blasting | Concrete Sand-blasting Equipment | Key Benefits
What Is Sand Blasting?
Commonly called abrasive blasting, grit or sand-blasting can be used to expose the aggregates inside a hardened concrete, giving it a rustic also attractive look, by eroding the surface layer.
There are four typical grades of abrasion, with each one producing a matt finish featuring textures varying from these resembling sand-paper (brush blasting) to more coarse textures…
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What Is Septic Tank | How Does A Septic Tank Work | Septic Tank Design based Per User Consumption
What Is Septic Tank?
A septic tank collects and treats wastewater in a property that isn’t linked to the mains sewer system and is, thus, most commonly used in rural areas.
The term ‘septic’ means’infected with microorganisms’; the tanks contain bacteria that break down organic waste.
The inclusion of a bacterial treatment mechanism would be the difference between a septic tank and a cesspit,…
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#Design of Septic Tank#Septic Tank Construction#Septic Tank Design#Septic Tank Diagram#Septic Tank Drawing
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What Is Inverted Beam | Advantages of Inverted Beam | Purpose of Inverted Beam
What Is Inverted Beam?
The Inverted beam is a reinforced concrete beam, different types shape of beam-like I beam, T Beam, L beam, etc.
So, the height of the Inverted beam is the same as the normal height of a beam, as may be noticed in as per below fig. Inverted beams are popular and form an essential part of modern reinforced concrete framed structures.
Lastly, strict and rigid architectural…
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How to Building Construction Process Step by Step
In this article, how to work Building Construction Process Step by Step.
Building Construction Process two main parts divided as below.
1. Pre-construction Steps:
2. During Building Construction Steps:
The above main parts in sub-parts. These sub-parts related his construction possess.
Sub Building Construction Steps with Main Building Construction 1. Pre-construction Steps:
In this building…
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#building construction#building construction process#building under construction#construction building#construction of building#construction work#house construction steps
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Building Estimation Step by Step In Excel Sheet
Dear friend, we work building quantity calculation in manual in a paper, So now going we area in how to Calculate in Excel use a long wall and short wall method.
Because of this method, very easy all methods like Centre Line Method & Crossing Method. And mostly Billing Engineer and Quantity Surveyor use this method.
In this article, we calculate step by calculation as below.
Following Quantities…
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How to Find House Construction Cost
How to Find House Construction Cost
Any house construction work started before need some basic detail like before staring work completion. How much cost requirement in house construction.
Here, Before construction, we calculate two types of construction cost
1. Basic / Ruf / Lumsum Calculation
2. Final Calculation
Basic / Ruf / Lumsum Calculation
Basic / Ruf / Lumsum Calculation is before start…
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#construction calculator#construction cost calculator#construction cost calculator india 2018#construction cost calculator india 2019-2020#construction cost calculator online#construction cost estimator#home construction cost calculator#house construction cost#house construction cost calculator#house construction cost calculator excel#how to calculate construction cost per square feet
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What Is Slab Beam / Hidden Beam / Concealed Beam | Advantage and Disadvantage
What Is Slab Beam / Hidden Beam / Concealed Beam?
The hidden beam is a reinforced concrete beam, also knows as a different name also like that, a Concealed Beam, and a Slab beam provided within the depth of supporting slabs.
So, the depth of the hidden beam is the same as slab depth, as may be noticed in as per below fig. Concealed beams are popular and form an essential part of modern reinforced…
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Why Hairline Cracks in Concrete | Type of Cracks in Concrete
Why Hairline Cracks in Concrete ?
Hairline Cracks in concrete are extremely common but often misunderstood. Once an owner sees a crack in his slab or wall, especially if the concrete is relatively new, he automatically assumes there is something wrong.
This isn’t always this case. Some types of cracks are inevitable. Best that a contractor can do is try to control the hairline cracking.
This is…
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23 Different Types Cements Available in India and As Per IS Standards
1. Type: Ordinary Portland Cement 33 Grade
1. Used up to M20 Grade of Concrete
2. Used in Plastering, Flooring, masonry.
Features: Low Compressive Strength Low Heat of Hydration leads to lesser cracks
Reference Indian Standard: IS:269
Remarks: The availability of higher grades of OPC in the market impacts the usage of 33 grade OPC as these days, 43/53 grade OPC is normally used…
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IS 516:1959 Most Important Point (Method of Tests For Strength of Concrete)
As Per Is 516: 1959 Sampling of Material In Lab
A representative sample of the materials of concrete for use in the particular concrete construction work shall be obtained by careful sampling.
Test samples of cement shall be made up of a small portion taken from each of a number of the bag on the site test samples of aggregate shall be taken from a larger lot by quartering.
As Per Is 516 Cl 2.6.1:…
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What Is Development length | What Is Development Length of Bars
What Is Development length?
Length of development of reinforcement bars. A growth length can be defined as a length of reinforcement (bar) that must be embedded or projected into the column to establish.
Reason for providing the length of development
Develop a secure bond between the surface of the bar and the concreteso that any failure due to slippage of the bar does not occur during the final…
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What Is Rolling Margin | The Procedure of Rolling Margin
What is Rolling Margin?
Rolling margin is the difference between the actual weight of round bars (Reinforcement) Vs. Theoretical weight of round bars.
This theoretical weight of round bars pick in IS Codes.
IS Codes 1786: 2008( High Strength Deformed Steel Bars and Wires for Concrete Reinforcement, Fourth Revision), this picks in Table-1 Nominal Cross-Section Area and mass, ( Dia Bars: 4mm, 5mm,…
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What Is Camber in Road | Types of Camber | Advantages of Camber in Road
What Is Camber in Road?
It’s mostly found in the highways the median part of the road surface is elevated with regards to the edges. This slope from the diagonal direction is known as the Camber.
The purpose of the camber is to drain out the rainwater from the road surface around the edges.
Camber is the slope provided to the road surface at the transverse direction to drain off the rainwater out…
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What Is Grouting | Type of Grouting | Advantage of Grouting

What Is Grouting?
Grout is usually a mixture of cement, sand, and water or chemicals that are used to fill gaps.
They are used in repairing concrete cracks, filling seams and gaps in tiles, gaps for sealing and waterproofing, and for soil stabilization.
It is also used to give additional strength to the foundations of load-bearing structures. The grating is basically a process of injecting a…
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Carbon Steel vs. Stainless Steel | What Is Carbon Steel | What Is Stainless Steel
What Is Carbon Steel?
One of the trendy and widely used construction materials in the world contains steel. Steel are many types, and carbon steel is one of them.
Steel, which contains over 0.8% of carbon, can be classified as high carbon steel. This particular steel is approximately very hard and brittle. So it is likely to break smoothly when it is used inappropriately.
Also, read: Estimation…
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Estimation for Building Works | Centre Line Method | Long and Short Wall or Out and in to in a method
Estimation for Building Works
The quantities of various items such as earthwork in excavation, foundation concrete, brickwork in foundation and plinth, brickwork in the superstructure, etc. can be estimated by any of the following three methods
1. Centre Line Method
2. Long and Short Wall or Out and in to in a method
3. Crossing Method
1. Centre Line Method
In this method, calculate the total…
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Bar Bending Schedule Formulas As Per IS:2502-196 | Unit Weight of Steel Bars
What Is Bar Bending Schedule?
Bar bending is calculating steel quantity that calls bar bending schedule. The preparation of bar bending schedules is one of the final stages in any concrete design following the preparation and detailing of the working drawings.
Whereas the procedure is generally straightforward, it does require a certain amount of calculation which can readily be carried out with…
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