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Lewis Mumford - On The City (Part 01) The City Heaven And Hell
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Ernesto Sabato · La crisis del hombre de hoy
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circumferences · 5 years
The Moody Institute of Science film explores the nature of sound in the deep sea.  The film charts the early use of undersea hydrophones to listen to sounds beneath the sea, and the invention of sonar at the 6:00 mark. At 6:17, hydrophones at Chesapeake Bay are shown in 1942, used for national defense, detecting croaker fish. At 7:58, Moody Science explorers are seen getting into a deep sea diving suit to record the first ever underwater sound motion picture.  At 10:00, the University of Rhode Island's  Narragansett Marine Laboratory is seen, cataloging hundreds of sounds made by different species using a spectrograph. At 13:40, dolphins are seen performing at Marineland, and a study shown of a dolphin's ability to distinguish items underwater is made using sonar. At 20:30, humpback whales are seen producing underwater calls. At 22:54, a Nagra or similar tape recorder is seen being used in the field to record underwater sound in the arctic. 
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circumferences · 5 years
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Sección de corte de “Mark Twain Tree”, in the American Museum of Natural History
 El conservador del museo marcaba en sus anillos una selección de eventos de la historia de la humanidad. Su nacimiento en el año 550 d. C. hizo de Mark Twain un contemporáneo de Justiniano, emperador del Imperio Romano. Cuando "Mark Twain" fue derribado en 1891, la gigante Secuoya tenía 1.341 años de edad (joven en comparación con el Presidente), y medía 331 pies (100,9 m) de alto y 90 pies (27,4 m) de circunferencia en la base. 
Fuente: Pinterest
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circumferences · 5 years
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Los inuit, los yupik, así como otros pueblos del Ártico, llevan utilizando las mismas lentes de protección durante miles de años. Estas gafas de nieve están hechas de cualquiera de los materiales que les brinde el remoto Ártico, siendo la madera a la deriva, los huesos de animales, el marfil de morsa y las astas de caribú las opciones más usadas. También se han encontrado ejemplares realizados con la vegetación de los pastos marinos.
Estas gafas están talladas para adaptarse a la cara del usuario, con un gran surco cortado en la parte inferior donde descansan sobre el puente de la nariz. Para que no se caigan, utilizan una correa elaborada con piel de morsa o tendón de caribú. Las hendiduras horizontales talladas en la zona de los ojos tienen la función de reducir la cantidad de luz entrante y, por tanto, reducir el resplandor de la nieve.
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circumferences · 5 years
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The Art of Noises (Italian: L'arte dei Rumori) is a Futurist manifesto written by Luigi Russolo in a 1913 letter to friend and Futurist composer Francesco Balilla Pratella. In it, Russolo argues that the human ear has become accustomed to the speed, energy, and noise of the urban industrialsoundscape; furthermore, this new sonic palette requires a new approach to musical instrumentation and composition. He proposes a number of conclusions about how electronics and other technology will allow futurist musicians to "substitute for the limited variety of timbres that the orchestra possesses today the infinite variety of timbres in noises, reproduced with appropriate mechanisms".[1]
The Art of Noises is considered by some authors to be one of the most important and influential texts in 20th-century musical aesthetics.[2]
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circumferences · 6 years
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Lee Miller. Portrait of Space. Siwa, Egypt. 1937
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circumferences · 7 years
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Anaïs Boudot ph. (Metz, France 1984) Eclats de la lune morte
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Altimetría - Principios Básicos
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circumferences · 8 years
Arvo Part - Salve Regina
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circumferences · 9 years
"Mr. Tompkins Inside Himself" is based on the book, "Mr Tompkins Learns the Facts of Life" by George Gamow. It was produced by Igor Gamow and directed by Stan Brakhage.
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Ana Amélia Dutra - 91 anos
A música portuguesa a gostar dela própria
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Lore Krüger. Fotogramm. 1942
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Nikola Tesla demonstrates “wireless” power transmission in his Houston Street laboratory in March 1899. Unknown Photographer.
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circumferences · 9 years
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Eva Rubinstein
Boy and shadow
Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 1973
From Eva Rubinstein
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