Oh death what sweetness
To close my eyes and embrace thee
I wish to meet you but hope for awhile
I do not know what to do with my time
Im anxious for your company
Desperate for your touch
I wait with baited breath for my last blink
My last breath
And yet
I know that its far
I have always found life to be over rated
Sad to think that now but the misery of life comes with every step
Im young they say
But they dont see the years behind my eyes
I feel i have liveed a centrey and do not see how i can bear to live another
If it is my time embrace me into your sweet confort
Take my hand and lead me where i need to be
Let there be nothing after for i dont know if i can bear eternal life or damnation
Let it be dark
No dreams
No lights
Just me and the darkness inside
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To be a ghost
I Don’t need to die
I feel it
Every time i leave my home
I walk on the streets and feel unseen
I talk and go unheard
I scream and i am laughed at
Im angry and yet ignored
Its weird to think that one can be a ghost in ones home
In a friend group
But the truth stands always
I speak and yet i have no voice
I talk and am ignored
For my voice does not count
I am a whisper in a tornado
One hundred feet away from civilization
To feel invisible is the worst superpower ever
Its being there but feeling non existent
At times though being ignored feels is better than being alone
Oh how i wish to scream and be heard
Even if for a second
For its not everyday this ghost is seen
For its not everyday this ghost is heard
For its not everyday this ghost is happy
- Cipriano
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Why am i tired
I feel like im falling
Like if i stand still ill just topple over
Its wrong
Im young
But why does my body feel like its full of lead
I just wanna pay attention but i cant
Focus but its hard
And every time i try its like my vision blurs
My head hurts
And my body gives up
Im so tired
But not in the way i wanna die
I just wish for life to end
I open my arms to it
But im terrified
Not of death
Never of death
But of religion
Of what happens when i do die because of religion
I feel that im not ready
Or at least thats what i believe
Which is wrong cause i have accepted christ
But i still fell un ready un worthy
I know that if i die i probably wont go
Because i don’t believe i will
I wonder how it feels to feel worthy
To feel ready
To know 100% that if you die you have eternal life
But im not
Or at least i feel like im not
And that terrifies me
I think i would rather nothing than a kingdom
Its just to much pressure to try to get into a place that i don’t even know i want
I want love
I want warmth
But i also want solitude
And i prefer the cold
Who’s to say that eternal life is good
I feel that it could be difficult
To always live
To always exist
Im only 22 and im already so tired
Tired of life
Not of living
But just life
I want to jump forward
Or just end it
Um tired
Any way you can think of
I feel like ill probably always feel this way
And its terrifying to think that
I don’t want to live another 60 to 80 years like this
I feel like one more day is enough
Im tired of hearing the same things from people
I wanna start over
Disappear completely
And start over
But i cant
Because of fear
And because i still love the people around me
I wish i was cold like so many people think i am
But im not
Its just a face
A face from the closet of many
One that i cant throw out because if i do than ill crumble
I just want to give up
But im an optimist mixed with a realist
And i know that giving up will lead to more pain
Im literally hanging in there
Going through the motions
Always saying just one more day everyday
Always just get through the day
Or get through the week the month the year but in reality i don’t feel like i could get through the hour
Im tired
But not the sleepy kind
I dont feel like i can hold on anymore than i am
And i dont feel like the real me will be acceted by the people around me
And when i think of telling them i can only see the people i will lose
And its alot
There are few that I believe will stay and even then i doubt
Im told to find love
Im told why haven’t i found love
But they Dont know the truth
Im unlovable
And when i think of spending my life with someone it not the norm
But i cant disappoint
I cant shame
So even though i want someone
I can never have someone
Ive decided that to keep the people around me
I must give ip on love
Give up on finding my other half
Give up on finding anyone
I could be a nun if i wanted
A monk maybe
I mean im probably gonna be selobit till the day i die
Always putting people first
It sucks that my happiness
My peace
Is always second best
And thats sad i know that
But thats the only way i see
Leave myself suffer so others don’t
And maybe thats one of the reasons im so tired
Sometimes all i wanna do is love someone
But I’ve never done it and so i don’t know how to feel
I feel like ill never feel that
But then there are some days where i feel like its better that i don’t have someone to love
It means i don’t have anyone to disappoint
Im tired
And i give up
Life is hard
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Oh to love and be loved
By someone who would cherish every breath
Every word spoken
Every step taken
Every look given
To love someone so wholly that there comfort is all you want
That there happiness does not bring you envy but pure unadultered joy
That you may share in there sadness and anger
Become one
And love them with all you have
And hope that they will cherish and love you with all you are
For although you are two
In love you become one in everything
From happiness all the way to sadness
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You ever heard the saying
“when life hands you lemons,make lemonade”.
Translating losely to
if someone gives you a bad situation make it better.
But how do you make the death of a loved one better.
The answer is
you don’t.
There is no way to make a bad situation better.
There is only finding the light in the tunnel.
So how do you make a death better?
You look at the positives.
Thank god for the time you had with them
and hope that the memories you have of them can be preserved and passed down
so that they can never be forgotten no matter what.
Because the moment you forget
is the moment you lose them.
So focus on those happy memories
and try to remember them
so that they may never die,
instead living forever
in the memories of those left behind.
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Sometimes we believe that there is no end to life.
That the people that we love will forever be by our side.
And in a way they are always there,
in memories shared,
in gifts given,
in advice received,
and the most important one of all
the love shared.
We believe that no matter what they wont disappear
and then one day,
a day like any other
you open your eyes
and the person you thought would always be there for you
just isn’t anymore.
And so you cry ,
you scream ,
you ask god why they had to leave
not thinking that maybe that person leaving your life was a mercy.
Not for you of course,
cause who wants to lose someone,
but for them it can be a mercy
because just maybe they were hurting to much to stay.
In the end the only thing you can do is thank god,
because even though he took away someone so special
he gave you the honor and the privilege to spend time with that person.
To make memories
and love and be loved by them .
Letting them shape your life
and transform you into a better person
who after losing someone
will hopefully see
that in this life
the only thing we can do
is live.
Not survive,
every moment to its fullest
spreading happiness and love were ever you choose to go.
So that the happiness and love that the person gifted you
can be passed down through generations of people.
Sharing memories and keeping that person alive
through the stories told and the lessons learned.
So love,
and move forward,
cause thats the best any of us can do
in a place were darkness roams a light shines.
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Hey im here to tell you thats it’s ok to be afraid.
There is no courage with out fear.
Just like theres no dark without light,
no good without bad,
and no hero’s without a villan.
Life is full of opposites that need one another to exsit.
So be afraid because in your fear you will find the courage to move foward and face everything that is waiting for you up ahead.
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