kiss me or hate me
66 posts
im cipher. he/they. 18+
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cipher-ipher · 5 months ago
recently when im tempted to say 'i'm gonna kill myself' i try to correct it into saying "im gonna walk into the river and become a trout" or some other form of that. this is my new thing
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cipher-ipher · 5 months ago
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cipher-ipher · 5 months ago
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cipher-ipher · 5 months ago
didn’t mean to moan like that my bad
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cipher-ipher · 5 months ago
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cipher-ipher · 5 months ago
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cipher-ipher · 6 months ago
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Testing out brushes i normaly dont use 👍
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cipher-ipher · 7 months ago
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made this piece of me and the rest of matz for inspiration for my ateez dr ‼️‼️
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cipher-ipher · 8 months ago
san: you are so cute seonghwa
hwa: meooow
san: you are so cute yeosang
yeo: rawrr (deep voice)
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cipher-ipher · 8 months ago
is somebody gonna match his freak ?
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cipher-ipher · 8 months ago
i’ve always struggled with recognizing my hunger and finding foods that don’t make me feel gross but it’s gotten so bad recently. all i ate yesterday was a corndog and a protein shake. if anybody sees this and has tips please help a bitch out
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cipher-ipher · 9 months ago
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my topaz 💜
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cipher-ipher · 9 months ago
best fic i’ve read in a long time
park sunghoon : the boy next door trope
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"are you okay, y/n?" "yep, 'm just fine." "don't lie, i know you're finding it hard to not picture me shirtless."
pairing : shy, figure skater!sunghoon x popular extravert!reader
summary : park sunghoon, the quiet figure skater from school has moved into the house right next door to your own. you never really paid attention to how cute he was until he starts walking around his room shirtless, knowing that your windows were adjacent to one another.
word count: 26,500 (hehe)
includes smut - minors DNI
this is pure fiction, characters included are all the same age (18).
read the other volumes?
taglist : @srirachibi @ryu-naa @blank-velvet @hoonstrology@person-standing @yuakagi @moasworld@rein-deer-stuffs @lix-freckle3 @leeis @turnipsandflowerss @hoewithnojams@liliansun @melaninjhs @sunshine-skz @andromedawillburryyou@shynypeacekitten @violevantae @rpkth @hime98 @fvryang @j4yluvr @heelariously @fireflies997 @rikipediaa @manaswisingh @pshwyfie @rikithebest@as-she-pleases @hoon3luv @valhoez @tlnyjoong @duolingofanaccount @misavenue @en-boyz @rikithebest (sorry if i forgot anyone lololol)
authors tmi : i listened to sunsetz by cigarettes after sex repeatedly while writing this
park sunghoon was stubborn and cocky, but oh so hot.
still to this day, you aren't sure if you regret meeting him or not- you aren't even sure how you managed to get wrapped up around him- but you curse the house next door.
if it weren't for it- park sunghoon and you would've continued on your separate paths in life- with no need to intertwine them.
the first time you had seen park sunghoon was during the beginning of year 9. he tall and slim and dorky. he was quiet, shy and he sat in the back of the class. he always seemed too aware of himself, obessing over the way his hair looked, and if his clothes were out of place.
needless to say, you didn't pay much attention to him during your first year of high school.
you had been swept up into the popular crowd early into your high school career. you weren't on any of the sports teams at your school nor were you neccessarily considered the prettiest girl in school, but you were nice and you loved to party.
you personally think that you started to grow into your features during your second year of high school. you became more confident with not only your personality, but your looks and appearance as well. that was also around the time that boys started to really look at you. you started to play around with a few guys at your school- building up your confidence even more.
year 10 of high school also brought on the insane increase of popularity to park sunghoon.
over the summer from year 9 to year 10, sunghoon had grown even taller. his dorky features had transitioned into a sharp, more defined structure. he started hanging out with the popular jocks at your school, seemingly to fit right in with them.
park sunghoon had become hot- and anyone who didn't agree was deemed as blind.
though, he was still just as shy as he was during your first year of high school. his shoulders had broadened but his choice of friends had not.
"who the hell is that?" chaehyun asked from beside, flipping her pink hair over her shoulder as she stared down into the hallway.
dayeon and you turned your heads to where she was looking- park sunghoon stood against the lockers, smiling as he listened to his friends joke around and shove each other.
"that's park sunghoon!" dayeon nudged chaehyun with a shake of her head, "we had math with him last year!"
"that's park sunghoon?" chaehyun's jaw dropped as she looked between you and the newly-attractive-boy down the hall. "what the hell happened to him?"
"figure skating's really paid off for him." dayeon shrugged leaning back against her own locker.
you hadn't been able to take your eyes off of him. his pale skin contrasted so prettily against the ugly blue of the lockers behind him. he seemed to never speak a word while he was surrounded with his friends, only a lazy smile or laugh would escape him.
"god, do you know how many girls are gonna want him this year?" chaehyun scoffed, leaning her head on dayeon's shoulder, "a lot compared to last year."
"do you think he's still a virgin?" dayeon asked, making you and chaehyun look at her.
"no way." chaehyun scoffed, shaking her head, "look at him!"
"i don't know, chae." you said, a smirk creeping onto your face as you turned back to park sunghoon. the thoughts of taking the quiet, good boy's virignity creeping into your mind, "he does seem to still have that 'pure' look about him, no?"
dayeon and chaehyun tilt their heads as they look at the boy down the hall, "no," they say at the same time.
"there is just no way a guy that hot is a virgin!" chaehyun insists.
the bell rings and the hall starts to scatter with voices and sutdents as they prepare for their next class to start. park sunghoon disappears into the crowd of them all.
"why don't you go ask him, then?" you tease chaehyun, your eyebrows wiggling on your forehead.
"you're crazy!" she exclaimed, nudging you with her shoulder.
"oh, she's definitely crazy if she thinks park sunghoon is still a virgin." dayeon chimed in, squeezing her way inbetween you two as you walked to your class.
"i am not! he's just too," you pause and think about your memory of him sitting in the back of your classes last year, "quiet, and passive."
you hear chaehyun and dayeon scoff behind, pushing past you to continue walking to their classes, shaking their heads at you.
by year 11 the whole school had deemed sunghoon as a virgin.
it took six months for chaehyun and dayeon to cave in and agree with you, and the rest of the school that perhaps sunghoon was a virgin afterall. a hot virgin.
you had seen sunghoon at some of the parties you attended on the weekends. he'd be nursing a red solo cup that he barely took a sip out of and leaned back against the walls, smirking every now and then at something one of his idiotic friends would say.
sunghoon had begun hanging out with the schools athletes some time the year before, becoming attatched at the hip with them like the rest of them were with each other.
you and your friends sat in the bleachers of their games, with sunghoon always sitting no too far away from you, having the most bored expression on his face at every game.
no one was really surprised when sunghoon started hanging out with the rest of them- he was an athelete himself- and his physical attractiveness fit in with them all.
it was his personality and overall demeanor that set him apart from them all- if their interests in sports weren't shared then there seemed to be nothing else in common between them and sunghoon.
he was the introvert in the extroverted friend group of boys.
you don't remember much of sunghoon from your year 11, only that you had tried to start a conversation with him once at a party, but gave up after a minute after his bored expression stared down at you in silence, only receiving a slight nod at your greeting.
you remember hearing a challenge going around among the girls in your school as to who could be the one to take park sunghoon's virginity.
it wasn't a secret that the rest of his friend group slept around- always leaving parties with a new girl- or hitting up a new girl every week. they were big flirts- but sunghoon was not.
or so it seemed.
"oh my god!" dayeon gasped out as she plopped herself onto the chair in front of you and chaehyun in the cafeteria. "did you guys hear about xiaoting and not tell me?"
chaehyun and you glanced at each other in confusion, "what are you talking about? we haven't heard anything about xiaoting." chaehyun shrugged at dayeon.
"oh my god!" dayeon gasped louder and reached across the table to pull you two closer to her, "xiaoting took park sunghoon's virignity." chaehyun and you copied the gasp that dayeon had done seconds before.
"xiaoting and sunghoon?" chaehyun repeated back, trying to make sure that she had heard her friend correctly.
"yes! can you believe it?" dayeon nodded, pushing you two back to your seats. "shen xiaoting took park sunghoon's virignity."
it wasn't really a shock that xiaoting and sunghoon would hook up.
shen xiaoting was the prettiest girl in your school and everyone knew it- including herself. she was the captain of the dance and cheerleading teams. she was slim, tall, had big doe eyes and every other characteristic that society deemed as the beauty standard.
you thought back and tried to remember if you had ever seen xiaoting and sunghoon together in the hallways, or in class or at a party- but your mind came up blank.
"what?" a voice chuckled out from beside your table. "who and who?"
the three of you turned and looked at park jay who stood at the side of your table, his hands coming forward to rest on the table so that his body leaned over.
park jay was best friends with sunghoon. he was the one who had introduced sunghoon to the rest of the friend group that they were in together. he was almost every sports team at the school, depending on a scholarship to get himself into a good college.
at that point, you had spoke to jay a few times at some parties, always taking shots together and flirting until you pushed him away for the night, teasing him that next time you'd get to be together with him.
"xiaoting and sunghoon." you shrugged out, taking a sip of your drink.
jay looked down at you, quirking his eyebrow up at the mention of his best friend- confirming that he had heard them right after all as he walked pass them. "you think shen xiaoting took sunghoon's virginity?" jay almost laughed out, holding back for the sake of his friends' diginity.
"yeah," you nodded up at him, "that's what we heard at least."
"is it true?" dayeon jumped in, a bit too excited sounding.
jay chuckled deeply as he stood up straight again, "no way." jay looked back at his friends' table breifly, "sunghoon wouldn't go for her."
"so, he's a virgin still?" chaehyun titled her head in confusion.
jay laughed at the certain word that seemed to be constantly floating around at your table, but only shrugged with a cocky grin.
"oh c'mon, what does that mean?" dayeon whined out, her lips jutting out.
"i don't know." jay shrugged again, his shoulders coming up to his ears with a cheesy grin on his face. "i'll see you guys around."
"jay! ugh." chaehyun groaned out, being dismissed by him as he waved his fingers teasingly at her, winking at you in the process.
you watched as jay sat down with his friends, swatting jake's head as he sat down beside him, making jake glare at him. he quickly joined in the conversation with his friends as your eyes travelled over the boys- your eyes stopping over a pair that was looking right back at you.
park sunghoon sat back in his chair, scanning your face almost lazily from across the cafeteria. his black hair had grown out long that year, his bangs draping over his forehead and landing in his eyes. he rolled a red apple lazily in his hands until the stem popped off into his fingers.
you felt your heartbeat pick up as he bit into the apple, his eyes only leaving your own then as he turned his attention back to his friends, his jaw flexing everytime he chewed the piece in his mouth.
"what did they want?" heeseung asked jay, nodding his head towards your table.
jay grabbed jungwon's drink and put it to his lips, blocking out the whines of jungwon telling him not to and shrugged, "wanted to know if xiaoting and sunghoon fucked."
"what?" jake laughed out, leaning over to look at sunghoon with amused eyes. "shen xiaoting, bro?"
jay put down jungwon's drink as he swallowed the liquid. jungwon quickly swept up his drink before jay could have anymore. "yeah, specifically that she took his virginity." jay smirked at his friends.
"bro!" jake called out again, his eyes widening more.
sunghoon only shook his head, taking another bite of his apple.
"what? you didn't hook up with her?" jake whined, his shoulders dropping.
sunghoon gave his friend an annoyed look, "you guys know i don't want to hook up with anyone that any of you have hooked up with." sunghoon rolled his eyes, "i'm not into sloppy seconds, or thirds, or fourths."
his friends all laughed at his reasoning, having heard him explain himself one million times before.
"well, if you want to hook up with anyone at this school then. you better hurry up and find a girl, because at this point there's only a few girls left." heeseung joked, winking at his friend.
sunghoon could only roll his eyes, before they landed on you again.
you had turnred your own attention back to your friends after he had looked away. realizing that you probably look like a creep to anyone who had watched you practically stare down park sunghoon.
"huh, y/n?" chaehyun nudged you from the side.
"what?" you asked, not realizing that she had spoken to you.
chaehyun rolled her eyes, "i said jay has the hots for you." she wiggled her eyebrows at the mention of the boy.
"oh, god." you chuckled out with a shake of your head.
"what?" dayeon leaned in close to you, "don't act like you don't flirt with him at every party!"
"it's not every party," you defened yourself, "plus, he's not my type."
"oh, no?" chaehyun cocked her head to the side, "what's your type then."
your thoughts filled of sunghoon's rose lips covering the red skin of the apple as he bit into it, his tongue darting out over them to collect the fallen juices of the fruit-
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it was two weeks before your senior year of high school started that the nice old lady next door sold her house. you had lived in your family's house all your life, and grew up with the lady next door always offering you muffins or cookies that she had baked. you were sad when her house had sold so quickly in the summer.
you wondered who would move in beside you. theorizing that another old lady would move in so your addiction to home made blueberry muffins would continue on. you wondered about the idea of a newly wed couple moving in, ready to start to life together.
there had been so many engrossing ideas in your head about who your future neighbours could be.
and park sunghoon was NOT one of them.
being woken up by moving trucks, banging and yelling during the end of summer was not something you desired. your family had already been awake for hours at the time, sleepily you joined them outside on your porch to see who was moving in.
a pretty woman was stood on their porch, explaining to some movers where some boxes to go. a man who was carrying a box from the truck smiled at her and whispered something in her ear, which made the stressed frown on her face desperse into a lazy smile.
you figured your theory of newly weds moving was correct- until a little girl ran through the woman's legs, down the porch steps and giggling as the woman told her to stop running around while people were working.
you watched her run down the driveway, ignoring the woman's words and running right up to the ginat moving truck that had backed up onto the end of their drive way.
"pass me a box! i wanna help!" the girl shouted with a pout into the open end of the truck. she only smiled again when someone placed a small cardboard box into her hands.
your eyes followed the pair of arms that had leant down and gave the little girl the box. he had pale skin and black, longer hair that covered his face as he turned around and picked up a box for himself to carry. he was slim and tall and somewhat familiar that you couldn't seem to narrow it down too until he jumped down from the truck and his long bangs brushed back.
you felt your exterior go slack at the realization that park sunghoon was now your next door neighbour.
"oh hello!" a cheery voice called out to your family all stood on the porch.
"hi!" your mother greeted back. the pretty, stressed woman from before was leaning over their porch railing and smiling at you all.
"kwangho! come here!" she called into the house. "it's so nice to meet you, i'm park jiyoung!" the little girl from before ran and latched onto jiyoung's hip, "this is yewon, my daughter."
you could barely fake a smile to the nice woman and the cute girl, too focused on the way park sunghoon was coming closer to your house, his eyes never leaving yours once his mother had called out to your family. a faint smirk rested on his rosey lips and a light sheen of sweat covered his foreheard from the mid-day, summer sun.
sunghoon set down the box he was carrying on the porch steps, turning and facing your family with a smile as if he wasn't just intimidating you seconds before. "this is my son, sunghoon, and my husband kwangho is still inside! kwangho!" she called out to him again.
"it's so very nice to meet you all!" your mother's cheery voice exclaimed, "this is my family!" your mother introduced your younger brother, your father, herself and you.
you continued to be as polite as you could to your new next door neighbours, but the way sunghoon was staring at you was too distracting. his gaze never left your body- dressed in your short sleeping shorts and tank top. you've never felt so exposed to a boy before, and he was across the lawn from you, standing next to his little sister and mother. it was honestly shocking to you how confident park sunghoon was being- blantantly checking you out although you had woken up five minutes prior.
sunghoon himself was shocked at seeing you, standing on the porch to the house right beside his new one.
when his parents had told them that they were moving at the beginning of the summer- he was admiittley pissed. he lived right down the street from jake, and only a ten minute walk away from jay's and heeseung's houses. he didn't want to move- plus, he liked the house he lived in before. it was where he and yewon had grown up together- where his parents had learnt how to parent together- where so many family memories of relatives from all over coming on holidays to celebrate.
but now, as you stand in those awfully short, shorts that expose your soft legs, he could care less about his old house.
you were hot- and now you were his neighbour. which means he could possibly see more of you in moments like the one you're both in now- with you with your swollen lips from sleeping- and the strap of your tank top falling down to expose your collarbone.
to sunghoon, it seemed as if the y/l/n y/n that was known at school and parties, was completely different to the one who stood across the lawn from him now. you looked innocent and sweet- and not like you had just beat everyone at beer pong and grinded ontop one of the tables with his teammate a few days ago.
it had always been obvious to sunghoon that you were out of his league- you two were just insanely different from one another that there would be no way for him to ever interact with you.
but now, maybe his luck was changing.
"kwangho! there you are! these are our new neighbours!" his mother pulled him out of his thoughts.
"sorry! sorry!" his father sheepishly shrugged and smiled at your family. "nice to meet you!"
your parents spoke politely for a few moments, making you try and avoid eye contact with sunghoon for a while longer until they gave the final goodbye and you all went inside again, your eyes catching a final glimpse of sunghoon's smirk before you closed the front door.
you had no idea as to why park sunghoon made you so nervous. it wasn't like yourself to feel so- intimidated by someone- let alone by a boy. you didn't understand why he was so reserved in every public setting you had seen him in- and so confident and almost cocky as he stood infront of your parents.
you weren't sure how you felt about your new next door neighbour, but you were sure that you'd make the most out of it.
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you didn't see sunghoon or any of his family during the first week that they had moved in next door. you didn't go out with your friends for the final parties of the summer before school started- opting to just stay in, laying in your bed and questionning your identity.
you didn't know how you would ever be able to face sunghoon again since the last time you had seem him- him making you a nervous, blushing mess under his gaze from ten meters away. you had never been as messy as that before. nor have you ever seen park sunghoon so cocky and confident before.
the day that your senior year of high school started, you woke up late.
rushing around your room in an attempt to get everything sorted before you rushed out the door to school was probably hilarious looking from anyone that wasn't you. and you would've thought your morning was complete shit, but you had some sort of common sense to open your curtains before leaving your room for the day- just happening to catch park sunghoon shirtless, brushing his teeth on his mini balcony directly across from your own, and staring right at you.
the early morning sun was basking around on his pale chest and shoulders. a fine line of abs covers his abdomen and from a far you can see there are a few moles spread around his skin that match the ones on his face.
sunghoon smirks with his toothbrush still in his mouth before he pulls it out and leans over his balcony, spitting the toothpaste out onto the small patch of grass between the sides of your houses.
when he stands upwards again, the smirk that you're slowly becoming familiar with is still plastered onto his face. your face must be contorted into some sort of mixture of shock and desire that he finds a way to amuse himself.
sunghoon brings up his hand that doesn't hold his toothbrush and teasingly waves his hand at you. your jaw drops when reality hits you and you realize that shritless park sunghoon is standing 4 meters away and waving at you.
you quickly shut your curtains again, blocking eachother from seeing one another. you only notice then that you were holding in your breath and let out a sharp and quick exhale of breath.
"what the fuck." you mumble out quickly to yourself, your hands still gripping onto your curtains.
"what's wrong, honey?" your mother's voice asked from your doorway, where's she's leaning against the doorframe with a laundry basket against her hip.
"oh! uh, nothing!" you force smile at her, hoping she didn't just see you almost drool over your new neighbours.
"oh, ok! well, you better hurry, or you'll be late for school!" she smiles cheerily at you, turning away and walking further down the hall of your house.
"okay!" you call after her, your fake smile dropping as soon as she's out of view.
after first seeing park sunghoon as a quiet dork in your freshman year, you would have never had guessed that he'd be teasing you across your balconies while being shirtless. it was as if the image of park sunghoon that you had made- that you had been given by sunghoon himself- after all these years, was something completely different than who he really was.
and you were determined to figure out who exactly that was- as soon as you get the image of how hot he is shirtless out of your head.
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the rest of your first day of senior year was fine, the random flashback of sunghoon waving at you would fly through your mind but you forced it out and distracted yourself with your friends or your schoolwork that was somehow already piling up.
you still hadn't managed to tell your friends about who your new next door neighbour was. you knew if (and when) you did, they'd be ushering you into your own house and peeping through your curtains to get a glance at him in a millisecond.
you didn't seem to have any classes with your neighbour this semester- something that you never thought you would be grateful for- every other time that you had a class together- you'd barely even look at him. this year however, it seemed as if you were hyper aware of his presence looming around the classrooms and hallways.
you saw the group of familiar jocks all crowding around the hall at the end of the day. chaehyun was walking beside you, ranting about how she already hates all her teachers for this semester. you noticed sunghoon admist the group of boys, his back turned towards them as he was going through his locker.
"y/n! chae!" sunoo called out, beckoning you both over to his group of friends. his cheery smiled pulled you both in, so now you had joined the crowd in the crowded hallway as well.
sunghoon turned at the mention of your name, taking in your overpowering aura as you approached his friend group.
jake immediately pulled you into his side, your arm wrapping around his back, "where the hell have you been? haven't seen you in weeks." he pouted down at you.
"yeah, what the fuck? it's not like you to miss so many parties at the end of summer." jay chimed in, looking at you with a confused expression.
you shrugged, "eh, i just didn't feel like it, wanted to spend sometime with my family before school starts up again."
"lame!" chaehyun teased you, making the rest of the gorup laugh. you turned your head in sunghoon's direction, only for his back to be turned to you, as if you weren't there, he continued to pull out textbooks and put in his bag.
"there's still all this school year to party guys." you roll your eyes at them.
"that's right," jake said, "more time for you to come into my bed." there were a round of groans in the crowd, making jake smirk at you.
you dragged back your arm that was wrapped around his back and slid your hand up to his cheek, "in your dreams, jake." you patted his cheek.
"we have to go find dayeon, y/n." chaehyun nodded at you, pushing herself off of heeseung and tugging on your backpack to go.
"yeah, you're right." your mind filled with your other friend, wondering how her first day of senior went, and why she hadn't found you and chaehyun yet. "see you guys later."
the group of atheletes say their goodbyes and watch you and chaehyun walk away down the hall. they wait until you're both out of earshot until they speak.
"you need to stop flirting with y/n, she's too hot for you." jay nudges jake gently.
"if she's too hot for me, then she's way too hot for you." jake rolls his eyes at his friend.
"then why does she practically beg me to bring her to my place at every party, bro." jay shakes his head teasingly.
"what do you think of y/n, hoon?" heeseung turns the groups' attention to the quiet boy.
sunghoon feels himself tense at the mention of his and your names in the same sentence. "she's alright." he shrugs nonchalantly, his hand halting in his locker nervously.
"alright!?" jake asks confused, looking at the guys in the group and then to sunghoon again, "bro, are you blind?"
sunghoon swings his backpack over his shoulder and slams his locker shut, "no, i'm not. i wish i was so i wouldn't have to look at you all day." jake crosses his arms over his chest at sunghoon's insult.
"ok, but seriously sunghoon, you don't wanna fuck y/n?" jay asks him.
sunghoon sighs deeply, "i've already told you guys one million times, i don't want to fuck anyone that any of you have fucked before. ok?"
he sees all his friends glance at eachother with confused expressions on their faces.
"what?" sunghoon asks them when its silent for longer than he expected it to be.
"none of us have ever got with y/n, hoon." heeseung explains to him slowly.
"not yet, anyways." jake cuts in.
"shut up." annoyed, jay puts his hand up to jake to silence him.
sunghoon thinks that that moment was when he got some hope that you could be his- even if for one night. he's always found you pretty, but you were so out of his league that he figured his more outgoing more confident friends would suit you more.
sunghoon had always seen you flirting with his friends. he had heard many times from his friends that they all found you hot. he heard from basically everyone in the school that you liked to fuck around and have fun so openly. so overtime, sunghoon had figured that you had gotten with some of his friends and that you'd never look at him the same way you look at anyone you want to have fun with.
sunghoon was honestly shocked that his friends had never successfully hooked up with you. everyone and probably their parents knew that you and jay had made out multiple tomes and multiple parties, so everyonoe guessed that the two of you have gone further as well.
sunghoon knows that there's nothing wrong with sleeping around- he does it himself, his friends all do it- but there's just something unappealing to him when he finds out the girl he's been talking to all night at a party has fucked one of his friends. it gets him all wrapped up in his head that what he's doing with the girl is something that she's done with someone that he's referred to as his brother before.
it feels wrong to him- almost unloyal in a sense. his friends have explained to him one million times that they're fine with hooking up with the same girl- that it's just fun and no one gets hurt. but still, sunghoon can't imagine doing that to one of his friends- to one of his brothers.
so yes, sunghoon isn't a virgin. he lost his virginity when he was a sophomore- at some beach party that jake and jay had dragged him to in the summer when they went to australia together. he doesn't remember much of it, just that he was glad to not be labelled a virgin anymore from his friends and society.
since that summer, he's been dragged to almost every party his friends went to. and if there was a pretyt girl that happened to notice him through his large, loud crowd of friends- he made sure she didn't go to his school. usually, he was lucky enough to hook up with girls that were visiting their friends for the weekend and lived in a different city.
sunghoon's heard the so called 'rumours' that he was still a virgin. he's heard different girls in his school claim to have taken his virginity- when in reality he has no idea who they are. he doesn't understand why his- or anyone else's for the matter- virgin status was such a big deal. there were some people who lost their virignity younger than others and there were some who lost their virginity way past college years.
the rumours make sunghoon laugh. he told his friends to not tell anyone that he's not a virgin. he liked to watch everyone scramble around trying to find out the truth about him. his friends had told him that sometimes people will come up to them ask whether he's a virgin or not- or sometimes if they're bold enough- they'll just ask him himself.
sunghoon has learnt that the whole society construct of virginity is stupid and meaningless and he wishes his wasn't one of the biggest rumours around his school.
"anyways, when will we get to see that new house of yours, hoon?" jake swung his arm around sunghoon's shoulders.
"yeah, we all want to see it!" sunoo smiled up at him.
sunghoon hadn't told his friends about his new next door neighbours either. he hadn't told them that your rooms were across from one another and that he had basically eye fucked you a week prior. he knew as soon as he did, he wouldn't be able to get his friends out of his house for the rest of the school year.
"my parents are still moving stuff around, so they don't want anyone over." sunghoon shrugged, lying through his teeth.
"oh come on!" jay pushed sunghoon's shoulder. "that's a ball of crap! we know your parents love us!" his friends all raised their eyebrows up at sunghoon's excuse to not have them over, wondering what the problem was.
"anyways, i have to get to practice." sunghoon nudged his way through his group of friends, aiming for the exit of the school doors.
"what the hell? why can't we go to your house?" jake called after him in shock.
"aren't you guys suppose to be at practice in like?" sunghoon turned and checked his watch, "five minutes ago?"
he watched his friends all shout in shock about being late, trying to push past one another to get to the soccer field in the back of the school before their coach kills them all for being late. sunghoon could only laugh, before turning and walking home, wondering if he'll see you on the way there.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
sunghoon only managed to keep his friends away from his new house for a week since they all followed him home friday afternoon.
sunghoon likes to listen to music while he walks home after school. since sunghoon is an introvert, he finds school to not only be physically tiring, but mentally. so he looks forward to blasting music in his earphones on his way home from school. he truly didn't know his idiotic friends were following behind him during the fifteen minute walk until they pounced on his back as soon as he stepped foot on his driveway.
"what the hell?" sunghoon gasped, ripping his earphones out of his ear to hear his friends' annoying laughter. "what are you doing here?"
"bro, we've been following you the entire time." jake explained through laughter.
sunghoon could only stare at his three friends laughing their heads off on his driveway, praying to god you were already home and closing your curtains in your bedroom. he really didn't want to deal with all the shit he was going to get from his friends once they found out who his next door neighbour was.
"this is a nice place sunghoon," jay pointed up at the house, "why don't you let us inside, we can all hangout until the party tonight."
sunghoon almost groaned outloud at the mention of the party. he had a stressful first week of senior year and he wouldn't even get to be by himself for the few hours before the party to get to relax. but still, he nodded to friends, almost rushing them inside.
"where are your parents?" heeseung asked curiously, all four boys taking off their shoes and backpacks in the front hall of the house, the screen door still being open.
"uh, my mom's probably at the grocery store and my dad's at work for another hour." sunghoon explained, wanting to go into the kitchen for some food.
"why is y/n here?" jake asked, amking the other three boys turn their heads to look out the screendoor.
if the three of his friends weren't so loud, sunghoon was sure that they'd hear him nervously gulp at the mention of your name.
"what the hell? what's she doing?" jay asked, pointing at your figure walking up sunghoon's driveway before crossing onto your own.
sunghoon counted to five in his head before his friends all gasped, watching you unlock the door to the house next door and walking in.
"y/n lives next door?!" jake yelled out, turning around in disbelief to look at sunghoon.
"why didn't you tell us?" heeseung asked, his hands coming out in front of him to ask.
sunghoon maintained his composure and shrugged, "i'm hungry." he turned on his heel and headed to the kitchen, his friends right on his feet continuing to ask questions.
"how long have you known she lived there?" jay asked, watching sunghoon go into the fridge and pull out a bowl of mixed fruit.
"since i moved in." sunghoon didn't look at his friends, pretending to be more interested in the fruit before him than his hot next door neighbour.
"bro what the hell?" jake asked, his jaw still dropped in disbelief. "have you spoken to her?"
"of course he hasn't" jay shook his head, "he can barely look in her eye let alone have a conversation with her."
"i can have a conversation with her!" sunghoon defended himself weakly, an annoyed look still present on his face.
jay rolled his eyes, "hoon, you can have a conversation with everyone but her. i've seen her try to talk to you and you always make it the most dry convo i've ever seen."
sunghoon's mouth gapes open and close as he tries to process more words he can use to defend himself. but he ultimately leaves his mouth shut with a straight face. because his friends are right- with their stupid know-it-all faces- they are right. because sunghoon has always thought you were hot, and out of his league. he thought that the moment he'd open his mouth, his cool composure would fail him and you would see how lame he really is.
sunghoon's cool composure only lasts him so long with the girls he hooks up with at parties- or with the kids at school. he's confident enough to fool them for the moments he has with those people. but as soon as he's alone with his friends or family, it's like his real side comes out. the real side where he's not cool, or self disaplined- but more carefree and funny and witty and he likes playing video games with his friends until 4am until they get laughed at by their parents for being too loud.
sunghoon's cool composure is really a safety persona he puts on so not everyone will know him so easily- they won't hurt him as easily.
with you, the safety persona doesn't feel as strong as it normally does with other people. it scares him. and now that you're his neighbour- he doesn't know how long he can hold out on it because you're so hot and outgoing and extraverted that it keeps drawing him in too quickly.
"but now's your chance, hoon! she's literally right next door! why don't you try talking to her!" heeseung encourages him with a kind smile that heeseung always has on when he talks to anyone of his friends.
sunghoon's gratful for heeseung, but he tsks in response, "because i've arleady told you guys that she's alright." sunghoon lies through his teeth to his friends for the third time that week.
"oh my god, hoon fine!" jay smacks his hand on the table, "if you don't wanna fuck her than i will!"
sunghoon's head snaps towards jay and he can feel apart of him grow anger deep inside at his friends' statement.
"see!" jake points at sunghoon, "if you didn't want to fuck her than you wouldn't get angry like that, we all know about your loyality shit or whatever, so just admit you like your next door neighbour."
"i don't like her." sunghoon clarifies, trying to redeem himself in some sort of way.
"okay, fine," jake puts his hands up to surrender, "you don't like her, but you wanna fuck her."
"jesus, can we just drop this now. this is why i didn't want to tell you guys that she's my neighbour."
"fine fine," jay nods, "but still, i don't see a reason why you shouldn't try to hook up with her, okay?"
sunghoon only glared at his three friends that all wore matching smirks on their faces, all knowing that they were slowly cracking sunghoon into getting with you. they had noticed before that when yours and their friendgroups met up at parties, sunghoon would fall more silent than usual, and he never once even glanced in your direction. they wondered now if something would finally happen between you two.
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your complicated relationship with your neighbour started at a party- a shitty party.
a shitty party where barely any one had shown up and where the music sucked. apparently everyone was too exahusted from partying the week before and having to deal with the first week of school again.
you should've known that your night would've been different than any other friday night from the awry beginning, when four boys were piled onto your porch and asking your parents if it would be alright if they drove with you to the party.
jake and jay wore their usual cocky smirks, heeseung stood in the back with his kind smile and cranky park sunghoon stood in the back rolling on his heels, pretending as if he wasn't standing on your porch.
so now, you're sitting on jay's lap in the back of dayeon's car as she drives, and your knees are brushing against sunghoon's who is sitting right beside you.
you've sat on jay's lap before at a party multiple times, but not right beside sunghoon who had been showing complicated behaviour for not only the past two weeks that you were neighbours- but for your entire high school career together. it became obvious quickly that the sunghoon that was being shown when it was just you and him was very different from the sunghoon that was with you when other people were around.
sunghoon sat so quietly beside you it was as if he didn't know who you were. you think that if you weren't neighbours, you wouldn't have thought his behaviour was different than any other time you've seen him. but those cocky, confident moments he had shown you throughout the two weeks wa something that never elft your mind. you were finding yourself looking for him in the halls at school and through the windows of your house, trying to catch a glimpse of him coming home or leaving. but, you saw nothing. it was as if he was purposefully trying to avoid you.
"it's cool that you and hoon are neighbours now." jay said from behind you, his jaw resting on your shoulder as one of his hands lazily played with your hair that was resting over your other shoulder.
"yeah, we didn't even know you guys were neighbours until today." jake chimed in, quirking an eyebrow at sunghoon who pretended like he didn't see it.
"me neither." dayeon grumbled, meeting your eyes in the rearview mirror, indicating that she wanted to know more about it later on.
when you walked into the party (before you knew it was shitty) chaehyun was already tipsy and flirting with heeseung. dayeon and you shared a glance at you friend and rolled your eyes. both of you knew how your other friend felt about lee heeseung, and neither of you were the ones to stop her from flirting with him. heeseung didn't seem to mind though, chaehyun was pretty and he thought she was funny.
the quicker you found out that the party wasn't going to be good, the quicker you drank to forget that it wasn't going to be good.
you didn't realize how much you had drank until you were sitting beside sunghoon with your right leg drapped over his left one. you first noticed the way sunghoon gave you a weird expression as you sat down beside him.
"what? can't your neighbour sit beside you?" you asked him with a smile, your eyes appearing innocent and glossed over as you made eye contact.
"yeah, you can." sunghoon nodded before looking away, further into the house you were in.
"wow, a whole three words spoken to me, that's a record." you responded sarcastically.
"what does that mean?" he looked down at you in confusion.
"i mean, you never speak to me, ever."
a thoughful look spreads across sunghoon's face as he takes in your words, "well, i didn't know that you even wanted to speak to me."
you turn and face him now, a soft pout forming on your lips, "what do you mean? of course i wanna speak to you."
sunghoon felt his confidence boost at your words, your grip on his upperarm becoming firm as you grip harder.
"what do you wanna speak about?" a smirk grows on sunghoon's face.
a taken aback look crosses your face at his change in aura, "just- you're so shy!-but so hot!" and you're sure that even without the alcohol you would've said that to him.
sunghoon chuckles in response, "that's what you wanna talk about?"
"well, i just don't understand you."
"what does that mean?"
"i mean," you lean closer towards him, incase anyone nearby was listening, "i can't figure out if you're a dom or a sub."
sunghoon's sure that if he hadn't known you for almost four years, his eyes would've popped out of his skull at your forwardness, but you're you, and he's used to it and his smirk spread further across his face as your words. "what do you think i am, y/n?"
the atmosphere between you two becomes tense as you maintain eye contact with each other with minimal space between one another. "a sub."
sunghoon throws his head back and laughs at your thought, making the intense atmoshpere dissapate in an instant and you pull away from him with an amused look on your face. "what?" you whine out ot him, feeling as if he was making fun of you at the way he was laughing.
"a sub? really y/n?" he asks, watching you nod in response, "wow, you really don't understand me, or know me at all do you?"
you sit up on your kness on the couch to face him, the skin on your bare knees from your dress riling up distracts sunghoon for a moment as he feels the warmth from your skin against his thigh.
"no i don't!" you whine again, the alcohol defintely affecting you now. "i don't understand why you can't look at me when everyone else is around, but can flirt with me and tease me, and brush your teeth shritless on your balcony when no one else is around."
sunghoon chuckles at your little confession, his index finger drawing circles on your lower thigh were your knee is bent. "is that what made you think i'm a sub?" he asks playfully.
"no, i think you're a sub because you're usually so shy, and a virgin."
sunghoon pulls away and throws his head back to laugh again. "you think i'm a sub virgin?!"
"well, aren't you?" you ask like it's the obvious answer.
sunghoon's fingers return to your thigh then, but it's not drawing little shapes onto your skin, it's his hold hand gripping your thigh. he's suddenly leaning into you, looking up with his eyes into your own. "no way in hell, y/n."
you continue to stare into his eyes, a smirk of your own growing on your face as you try to decipher if he's playing a game with you or not. you place your left hand on sunghoon's warm, tinted pink cheek, "really? because i can so see you being a good boy for me."
sunghoon's hand comes up and takes your hand away from his face, "you're gonna have to save that for your dreams y/n, because that is never going to happen." his hand comes up to grab your jaw, his thumb circling the skin beside your lip.
"oh? so what? you're gonna dom me?" you ask sarcastically trying to not fall for his game.
"yeah, and i'll fuck you so good that you'll cry."
your composure dropped at that moment, feeling yourself become weak all over at sunghoon's words. his thumb that was circling your cheek had moved to your bottom lip, practically begging for you to take it inside your mouth and suck. "prove it."
"y/n! we gotta go! chaehyun's throwing up!" dayeon's voice calls out, making you and sunghoon rip apart.
you turn and look at the frantic dayeon who is calling you over with worried eyes.
"ok! i'm coming!" you jump up, grabbing your sweater and following dayeon, saying a brief goodbye to sunghoon who just watches you run after your friend to take care of your other vomitting friend.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
heeseung rides in the car ride home with you, dayeon and passed out chaehyun. chaehyun is spread out in the backseat, with her head on heeseung's lap.
"'m sorry guys, i didn't realize how much she had kept on drinking." heeseung mumbled out from the back, pushing chae's hair out of her face.
"it's okay, hee! she told us when we got there that she was gonna keep drinking because the party was shit." dayeon smiles at him through the rearview mirror.
"god that party was so shit!" heeseung agrees, looking out the car's window into the dark city street, glad that he got to leave the place.
"how did you think the party was y/n? i saw you and sunghoon talking, what were you guys up to." dayeon turns the attention towards you in the passenger seat.
"sunghoon?" heeseung asks shocked from the back, careful to wake up chaehyun with his excitement.
"god," you groaned, "we weren't doing anything. we were just talking." you lied through your teeth, something that both you and sunghoon had been doing during those two weeks.
you noticed dayeon and heeseung give each other look, but chose to ignore, you were sobering up quickly since speaking to sunghoon, and you were getting more tired by the second.
dayeon dropped you off first, watching you walk into your house safely before leaving to drop off chaehyun and heeseung as well.
you got into your bedroom quietly, dressing in your pyjama shorts and sweater. you felt the exhaustion from the alcohol and holding up chaehyun as she threw up start to settle in. you think you were just about to pass out until your phone vibrated beside your head, showing an instagram dm on the screen.
[y/n.username] : ice_parksunghoon : is chae ok?
you sat up as you read sunghoon's name and swiped open your phone to respond.
[y/n.username] : yeah, she is
[ice_parksunghoon] : are you home now?
[y/n.username] : yeah, i am
[ice_parksunghoon] : do you still want me to prove that i'm a dom?
you felt your breath hitch at his message, the tiredness in your body immediately leaving at the thought of what you and sunghoon would do tonight.
[y/n.username] : come over
it took a few minutes for him to respond.
[ice_parksunghoon] : i'm outside
and then you were quietly running down to yur front door, unlocking it to reveal sunghoon who was still wearing his outfit from the party and he's smirking down as he takes in your own attire.
"you tired?" he asks with a quirk of his eyebrow.
"not anymore." you respond, grabbing his hand and pulling him into your house, leading upstairs to your bedroom.
sunghoon's only seen a few glimpse's of your bedroom from across your balconies, but being inside of it was something so much different. he could see your pictures of your friends and family all over the walls, your set of plushies sat in the chair in the corner of your room, and messy desk with homework already piling up. he could see characterstics of you spread around that he didn't know existed.
you brought him back into reality as you walked up to him, much shorter than he was making him have to completely turn his head down to look at you. your hands trailed over his chest over his black shirt that suited him so well. you could feel his muscles so easily under his chest from figure skating and working out.
"you're gonna be a good boy for me, right hoon?" you teased him, your voie coming out sultry and in a whisper.
you heard sunghoon chuckle darkly as he grabbed your hands away from him, holding onto your wrists, "i thought i told you that would have to be something for your dreams." his fake smile dropped for his next sentence, "and i didn't say you could touch me, baby."
your own smile dropped as you took in his words, your eyes becoming rounder as you listened to him, his grip still on your wrists.
sunghoon's smile returned as he saw a glimpse of submissive gleam over your eyes for a moment, "now why don't you take off your shorts for me?" he let go of your wrists so you could follow his command. his voice had become deeper than you had ever heard it before- his almost compettive, confident aura filling up your room quickly and taking over your own.
you bent over and slid your shorts slowly down your legs until they were on the floor and kicked to side, leaving you only in your ovesized sweater.
sunghoon's hands rested on your newly exposed hips, pulling your sweater up a little, "you're gonna be a good girl for me, right baby?" his new nickname for you had you weak in the knees, your mind going fuzzy at the new sunghoon before you.
"and what if i'm not?" you push him, trying to redeem yourself, wanting to prove that you aren't some submissive girl.
sunghoon bent down to your ear, his lips brushing over the shell as he whispered, "then you'll make me angry, and you'll be punished," he pulled away to look directly in your eyes, "and good girls shouldn't be punished right?" you only nodded in response, which wasn't the right thing to do as his hand came up harshly to grip your jaw, "use your words y/n."
"right what?"
"right, sir." sunghoon smirked as the submissive state took over you completely then, feeling almost arrogant at how quick he would have you begging for him.
sunghoon's hands return to your hips, where he pushed up your sweater, up and overyour head, leaving you completely naked infront of him still fully clothed. sunghoon takes a moment to scan your body in the moonlight in your room, biting his lip as takes in your appearance. he's thought about you standing before him naked so many times, and now that it's real, he can hardly believe it.
he's instantly turning you around and pushing you up against your bedroom door, his hands roaming your body like he's always imagined, and kissing all over your chest and tits. a small moan leaves your mouth when he bites your nipple gently, his plush lips surround your nipple as he sucks and pulls.
his hand trails down your body to rub his fingers through your folds, feeling just how wet you are. you culd feel him smirk against your skin at the revelation, wishing your body wasn't a dead give away that you've been wet since the party.
his tumb brushes over your clit, making you throw your head back against the door, your eyes meeting sunghoon's as he stares down at your small figure.
"it feels that good already, baby? i haven't even touched you yet." sunghoon teases you, his thumb presses harder, slow circles into your clit.
"wanted this for so long, wanted you for so long, sir." you confess to him, the feeling of him encases your body against your bedrooom door was something close to a dream and you didn't want to wake up.
your words trigger something in sunghoon as he's down on his knees in a second, your bare, wet pussy right in front of his face as he spreads your legs open harshly. your full core is holding yourself up as he meets his tongue with your juices. the first feel of his warm tongue against you makes your hand reach out and grip his hair for support.
until he's pulling away from you, gripping your wrists again, "what did i say about touching me, baby? if you want to touch me, you have to ask for permission."
you whimper as you look down at him, a look of warning on his face, "c-can i touch you, sir?" you ask him nicely.
a pleased look covers his face as he leans in and presses two soft kisses on your clit, "yes, you can."
your hand meets his hair again as he delves into your pussy, his tongue circling your clit and sucking fast. your other hand covers your mouth, not wanting to be too loud at 3am while your family is asleep on the other side of the house.
sunghoon eats you out like a mad man, his hands gripping hard onto your hips as he sucks and tastes your juices- even sweeter than he imagined.
when your body starts to tense, signalling that you're cloe to your high, sunghoon pulls away, a loud whine leaving you as you're about to protest.
"if you want to cum baby you have to ask." sunghoon quirks his eyebrow at you.
"please sir, please let me cum, i was so close!" you practically beg out out to him. a look of thought spreads across sunghoon's face, as if he's actually thinking whether or not you deserve to cum.
"no." he speaks, disbelief filling your body as he places gently kisses on your lower abdomen, far away from where you'd rather want his lips. he stands up, towering over you again, "want you to cum on my cock instead, how's that sound?"
"so good, sir, yes please." you nod your head against the bedroom door. his hands travel up your body to your ribcage, and he's leaning in close to your face, your lips are inches apart- you close your eyes- wanting to relish in the kiss.
"undress me, first." sunghoon speaks, and when you open your eyes again he's backed up away from you, quirking an eyebrow at as you impatiently.
in a second, you're pulling his shirt over his head, taking in hs pale skin you've seen before, but never this close. youcan feel the heat radiating off of him he's so close. you want to trace his moles with your finger tips, but youhurry to unbuckle his belt instead, not wanting him to get more impateint with you.
when his black jeans are kicked on the floor to join the rest of your clothes, you take in the bulge in sunghoon's boxers.
he looks fucking huge- and you let yourself wonder for a moment if he's gonna fit in you or not.
sunghoon takes your hand in his and places it over his buldge, "see how hard you get me, baby?"
"yes, sir." you answer almost instinctively now.
"take my boxers off, y/n." he lets go of your hand, your other hand meeting his boxers band with your other one, both of your hands pulling them down his legs until they drop at his feet.
sunghoon's cock spring up and you can really see just how big and hard he is. it's gotta be the prettiest dick you've ever seen. his pale skin turns red at the tip, where precum is already leaking out.
"spit on it." sunghoon commands you, watching as you stare down at his cock with a look of amazement in your eye. he's never seen anyone stare at his dick like that before and it's almost made him shy and embarrassed for a moment.
you continue to do as he says, your lips pursing together as a long strip of spit falls from your lips, to directly in the centre of his pretty cock.
"now make sure my dick's completely covered."
your hand reaches down inbetween your bodies to his dick, your fingers spreading your saliva around until your grip latches on, and starts to mix your saliva and his precum all over his member. if it wasn't for the almost inaudble sharp inhale from sunghoon, youwould've thought he was completely unaffected by your tight and wet grip. his face stayed in the same- almost bored expression, and his body didn't move a muscle.
suddenly, sunghoon is grabbing a hold of your shoulders and turning you around, pushing yo uback toward your bed where you land with a quiet 'oof"
his body is ontop of yours in a second. sunghoon starts kissing down your neck and his hands pry open your legs for his body to slip in between them. he pulls away again for you both to look where your bodies are connecting. his hard cock is laying agianst your wet pussy.
"you're okay?" sunghoon's voice returns to how it usually is everytime you've heard him speak, it's softer and calmer and his eyes meet yours with a certain concern, wanting to make sure that you really want to have sex with him. in his mind, he still couldn't believe that you were having sex with him.
you smile up at him sweetly, a real sweet, genuine smile, "yeah, are you?" he nods with a smile quickly before it drops again and he's grabbing his dick and pressing it against your core. he's slow when he starts to push in, obviously realzing just how big he is. the strech around him feels good, it's something you've never felt before and you take the time to relish in it when he hits your hilt.
sunghoon gives you a moment to adjust until he starts moving slowly in you, one of his hands reaching up and gripping your neck, never breaking eye contact with you.
his thrusts quickly pick up speed, his cock hitting your gspot almost immediately everytime. your hand grip onto your sheets underneath you, biting onto your lip so you don't moan too loud.
he removes his hand from your throat and grabs ahold onto your thighs, using them as leverage topound into your harder. you would have never thought that sunghoon would be so rough while he fucks- his usualy calm and shy demeanor covers him up so well.
he throws one of your legs up and over his shoulder, while he pins the other one down to the bed. his thrusts never stop as he's balancing himself on his knees, pounding into you like his life depended on it. in a way, it did- he wanted to show you just how dominant he was- he wanted to prove to you that he was worthy of your time.
sunghoon saw the way that your eyes were already rolling to the back of your head, never had been fucked this rough so quick before in your life.
"what? you gonna cum already, baby?"
his question makes you open your eyes to look at him. he has a teasing, mischevious look in them and it makes you gulp, trying harder to catch your breath to answer him.
"n-no sir, i'm not gonna cum yet, wanna hold it for you." you whined out to him, his smirk resting on his face at your words.
"that's a good girl." his praise makes you realize just how much you want to be praised by him, you want him to think of you as his good girl that would do anything to please him. you never thought you'd be this submissive when it came to you and sunghoon, but you aren't disappointed as he continues to fuck into you harder.
sunghoon's hand grips your neck again as his speed slows down, wanting you to feel all of him as he slids in and out of you. the veins on his cock drags aganst every spot in your wet walls, adding to the pleasure before he hits your gspot.
"you're so good, sir." you speak, his grip on your neck loosening for you to speak.
your hand comes down and starts rubbing your clit harshly, adding to the pleasure of it all. his grips tightens on your neck again as he watches you rub your clit, your fingers getting soaked with your juices from how wet you are- unti he tsks and pulls away from you.
sunghoon lets your leg that was on his shoulder drop and he grabs both of your legs to hold them up and together. he pushes your knees so they bend into your face, your hands wrapping around your calves to help hold your legs in place.
"good girl, you hold them there so sir can fuck you." sunghoon smirks at you and spits onto your exposed pussy, creating an even larger mess of your cores. he feels your walls clench around his cock harder at the change of position, makin ghis breaths go ragged as he feel shis orgasm approaching. "fuck, i love your pussy."
sunghoon's praise makes your chest feel lighter, wanting to thank him but the words falling short as his thrusts pick up speed again.
his fingers start to rub back and forth over your pussy quickly, your grip on the sheets tightening as your back arches off of your bed- the pleasure becoming almost too much. a louder moan escapes your lips, making sunghoon rip open your legs again so he could slip himself closer to you.
"you gotta stay quiet, baby, or else you won't get to cum." sunghoon grunts out- hishand covering your mouth to quieten your moans. your walls were getting tighter with each thrust that he gave, he could feel your lips pouting and opening against his palm that kept you quiet. "do you wanna cum, y/n?" he sees you nod, a look of desperation on your face as he fucks deep inside of you. "beg." he removes your hand from your mouth so you could speak.
"please sir, i wanna cum, you feel so good, i wanna cum all over your cock." he whine out, trying to be quiet. a pleased smirk covers sunghoon's face as his fingers reach your clit again, soaking them more with your juices.
with two more thrusts and the speed of his fingers on your clit, your body tenses up as your orgasm reaches it's peak within you. a quiet moan of sunghoon's name as your eyes roll to back of your head. his thrusts only slow down for a second as you recover from it- not wanting to overstimulate you too much.
your hands leave your sheets and hold onto sunghoon's neck instead, making eye contact with him.
"please cum for me sir, wanna feel your cum."
"i will, baby, i will." sunghoon grunts out, started to fuck into you faster again. you hold your moans of sensitivity back, more focused o n the way sunghoon's pretty face scrunched up in pleasure.
sunghoon rips his cock out of you then, his hand meeting his dick to jerk it off, you can see a mixture of spit, your juices and precum over his dick as he cuts. white spurts of cum land on your core as he lets out grunts and whispers of your name. he only stops jerking once the sensitivity kicks in for him, his eyes opening and looking down at the mess he made of you. your innocent eyes look up at him as you scoop some of his cum up on your finger and slip it into your mouth, humming over the salty taste.
"fuck." sunghoon smiles down, his chest heaving heavily. he forces himself to get off of you, grabbing a towel that was hanging on the back of your desk chair to wipe you up. you watch him as he careful ghosts the towel over your skin to wipe him his cum, as if you were going to break now.
when he figures you're clean enough he smiles at you one more time, and leans over to press a kiss to your forehead. it only gives you a second to relish in his warmth until he's pulling away again, and passing you your over sized sweater to slip on again.
you curl up in your sheets as you watch him dress. a feeling you've never felt before washes over you as you realize that he's getting ready to leave you for the night.
"you didn't make me cry like you said you would." you quirk an eyebrow up at him with a teasing grin.
sunghoon slips his shirt over his head and looks at you, both of you dressed again. "next time i will."
"next time?" you tilt your head to the side, a feeling of excitement growing in your chest.
sunghoon shrugs nonchalently, grabbing his phone off of your desk, "if you want there to be a next time."
you smile at him, "i do."
he smiles at you as he stands infront of your balcony doors, "okay, then i'll see you around y/n."
he smiles at you one last time as he opens your balcony doors and closes them behind you, waving at you before turning and climbing over onto his own. he waves one last time at you from his bedroom, before he's closing his curtains for the night and leaving you alone.
you're alone in your bedroom that smells like sex and it's making you feel like a giant pit of doom is growing in your chest- masked by the feeling of excitement and butterflies, wondering when exactly you would see your neighbour again.
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since that first party of the school year, you had somehow became friends with benefits with the boy next door.
every weekend after, one of you would be at the other's house, getting lost in pleasure in their bed. you were having fun and felt comfortable with sunghoon during those times.
it was during the week that frustrated you.
those five school days felt like they dragged on, everytime you'd see sunghoon in the halls he'd turn away from you, acting as if he didn't know you. when you were surrounded by your friends he wouldn't even look at you.
you were invisible to him during the week, yet attached during the weekend when you were alone.
you knew that he was quite busy for a senior in highschool- having to have a strict schedule for his figure skating career. you tried to come up with a reason as to why he was acting like that towards you- maybe he was just tired during the week and didn't feel like talking much because of it.
you wondered often if sunghoon had told his friends about the two of you hooking up as jay and jake had ultimately stopped flirting with you and hugging you. you tried to get chaehyun to ask heeseung about sunghoon but she didn't want to intrude on him and his friends.
both of you hadn't really set any exact boundaries for your spontanous friends with benefits relationship- no one clarified anything about being allowed to have sex with other people during it. at first, you had figured that he was seeing other people- maybe some girls on the other figure skating teams- but that wouldn't really make sense because you see him come home at 11 every night looking tired as hell, and you were with him all weekend.
dayeon and chae didn't seem to care at first when you told them about what you and sunghoon had been doing for the past few weekends. but like you, overtime they started to get confused with his behaviour. you knew you weren't dating, but still...
if he had told his friends to back off of you, then the least he could do was smile at you in the hallways.
the past week, you hadn't seen him at all. he wasn't in the halls, he was never at his locker, and he kept his curtains shut all week. you had texted him on wednesday, asking if he was alright, which he only responded to with a thumbs up emoji.
so youu decieded to ignore him at this weekends party. it was hard at first- he looked so good in his loose fitting shirt and black jeans, you wanted to walk right over to him and take him to a quiet corner where he could whisper all the things he wanted to do to you.
you watched him for a bit, smirking and laughing with his friends, as if he was completely unaware of how he had been affecting you for the past month.
to be fair, sunghoon was unaware.
sunghoon had been tired throughout the past weeks. he felt like he could barely stand during the weekends from the past five days of exhaustion- but that waasn't why he was keeping his distance from you.
sunghoon had heard from his friends before that you had had friends with benefits before- and he hadn't. he wasn't sure what came with a friends with benefits relationship- but he was glad that his first one was with you. he found himself thinking of you more than ever since you two had first started hooking up. it felt like it was slowly becoming out of his control- as soon as he got a second of peace during school, at home, or in the middle of his skating practice- his thoughts went to you- and he didn't know why.
sunghoon had not wanted you to think that he was clingy after hooking up with you, therefore he distanced himself during the week- during the times that he was separated physically from you. he also wasn't a big fan of pda- and he knew you were. he had seen you latch onto anyone whether you were drunk or sober, not caring if others saw you or waht they thought about you. it was a characteristic of yours that sunghoon was jealous of- another reason as to why you were so out of his league.
at tonight's party, he had realized that you hadn't smiled at him like you usually do when you walk into the place. you hadn't brushed your hair behind your ear and bounced your way over to him. he figured that you just wanted to hang out with chaehyun and dayeon before coming to him.
sunghoon would glance over at you every now and then, watching you drink from your red solo cup that brought out the pink in your cheeks. he had immediately noticed when choi yeonjun and the rest of his friends had sat down with you and your friends. he noticed that yeonjun sat directly beside you, smiling down at you with a hint of mischeif behind his eyes.
everyone knew choi yeonjun: he was talented, good looking, funny and charming. he captured the attraction of everyone in each room that he walked into. everyone in the city knew of him. it didn't surprise sunghoon that yeonjun had sat down beside you. you were well known too in the city- and you were pretty- so pretty.
the more the sunghoon watched you and yeonjun interact on the couch, the more he got it wrapped in his head that he was defintely not okay with it. he felt his jaw tick when he saw yeonjun place his hand on your bare thigh, you dress ridden up a little too high now from sitting down too long. when his hand rested there for 10 seconds more than he liked without you pushing it off, sunghoon pushed through his friends and walked right up to the little group that had formed on the couch. he heard heeseung call him from behind, but his eyes were set on you and yeonjun.
you could sense sunghoon's presence in a millisecond now that you had been close to him for a while. the second he stood to your right, you looked up. he had an annoyed look on his face as he looked down at you, glancing at your face and then yeonjun's hand on your thigh. you smirked to yourself when you realized that that was what got sunghoon so pissed looking.
"hi, sunghoon." you smiled up at him sweetly, still not pushing yeonjun's hand away. you thought of it as a little punishment of your own for avoiding you all week.
sunghoon overly smiled at you, a smile that to anyone except for you and his friends- knew was fake and that he was pissed, "hi y/n, do you want to come help me in the kitchen for a second?" he pointed his thumb over his shoulder towards the kitchen.
"sure." you answered cheerily, pretending to not pick up on the fact that he was mad. you felt yeonjun's hand slip from your thigh- realizing then just how cold it was on your skin.
sunghoon met you half way by grabbing your hand, leading you down the hallway to the bathroom instead.
"what're you doi-?" you start to ask him, being cut short when he pushes you up against the bathroom counter.
"what are you doing?" sunghoon grunts back at you.
you cross your arms over your chest, trying to get some more distance between you and the annoyed boy, "i'm having fun with my friends."
"with yeonjun touching all over you?" sunghoon hisses at you, not being able to get the image out of his head.
"oh my god, hoon. he was not touching all over me!"
"still, he was touching you," sunghoon's hand came up and brushed your hair behind your ear, "and i don't like other people touching what's mine."
"what's yours?" you raise an eyebrow, challenging him almost.
"you're mine." sunghoon whispers as his pale features turn dark.
you smirk to yourself, not getting a chance to speak before sunghoon's hands are at the bottom hem of your dress, lifting it so it rests on your hips. your black panties are on display for him as you can feel the jealousy growing within him and the room.
"what're doin-?"
"do i need to show you who you belong to y/n?" sunghoon's voice was firm as he spoke to you, one of his hands gripping harshly onto your waist. meanwhile, his other hand had found its way to your core, shoving his fingers into your folds under the panties.
a small noise escapes your lips at the sudden intrusion, grabbing onto the bathroom counter behind you. "fuck, you're already so wet, baby."
you bite your lip and nod at him, unable to form any words. sunghoon hisses when his index finger slips so easily into your core, unmoving once inside. his thumb starts to play with your clit, wanting to tease you a bit. you let out a loud moan when his thumb picks up pace on your swollen clit. your head falls forward onto his shoulder, your moans filling his ears.
his index finger is joined by his middle fingers, stretching you more and starts to slip in and out of you quickly. sunghoon curls them, making your walls tighten when he already hits your gspot.
"hoon, shit." your voice comes out in a soft whisper. a sharp slap hits your thigh then.
"what did you call me?" sunghoon almost growls into your neck, biting harshly.
"s-sir! sorry sir!" you were prepared to beg if he stopped. luckily, he continued to kiss your neck and jaw, seeing your legs spreading wider for him to have more access.
"that's right. your pussy belongs to, sir."
you start to shutter in sunghoon's grasp, your senses becoming overwhelmed. sunghoon catches the way your eyes start to roll to the back of your head, nose coming into a scrunch. sunghoon smiles to himself, loving the way he so quickly tears you apart. he made no effort in slowing his fingers down from the quick pace he had set, he could feel you clenching around them already. with every curl of his finger, your body arched into his.
one of your hands lets go of the bathroom counter and holds onto sunghoon's black shirt, desperate to hold on to him in some way. sunghoon continues to watch your face contort into pleasure, loving the struggle you were having.
"you're such a slut, baby. letting me finger you in the bathroom." sunghoon teases you, watching you open your eyes to look at him, pleasure growing in your pupils, "are you going to cum, y/n? you wanna cum on my fingers?"
you whine out to him, "yes sir! please sir! please let me cum!" you gasp when sunghoon's hand grips your neck tightly, making you focus on the the pleasure his fingers were giving you.
"you can cum, baby." sunghoon allows you, letting you snap the coil that had been building in your stomach since the moment sunghoon had pulled you into the bathroom.
"f-fuck!" you stuttered out, waves of pleasure coursing htrough you as your head leaned forward onto sunghoon's shoulder again, needing the support.
sunghoon rips his fingers out of you, pulling away from you completely. you're about to complain but feel his fingers trailing over your lips. out of instinct, you open your mouth, and you can taste yourself. sunghoon smirks at how fucked out you look, humming when he feels your tongue circling his fingers.
"that's it baby, suck my fingers like it's my cock." you make sure to lick your juices clean off of sunghoon's fingers. when he pops them out of your mouth and notices the way your thighs still rub together. "what is it baby? need to cum again? do you want yeonjun to make you cum?"
sunghoon turns you around so your ass is on his crotch, your eyes meeting briefly in the mirror and begging him to fuck you. "sunghoon, i don't want anyone but you, just want you're cock."
sunghoon hums, nodding his head, "do you think you deserve my cock after letting someother man touch you right in front of me?"
"yes sir! please! i'm sorry sir, only you can fuck me!" you're about to say more but sunghoon cuts you off, slapping your ass.
"so fucking needy all the time." he slaps your ass again hard.
"'m sorry sir, just need you so bad."
sunghoon shoves two of his fingers inside your wet pussy again. you whine out, clutching onto the bathroom counter as his fingers pick up pace again.
"f-fuck." your eyes roll to the back of your head again, your body subconcsciouly moving away from him.
"what is it, y/n? too sensitive to take my fingers again?" sunghoon chuckles, rubbing your clit with his other hand, making you shift your hips and arch your back into him. he didn't have to look to know that there was a giant mess inbetween your thighs from the mixture of your spit, juices and cum.
"your pussy belongs to me, right baby? only i can make you a weak mess?"
you start to lose balance quickly at his curling of his fingers. his fingers feel so good inside you, hitting your gspot everytime since knows your body so well now.
sunghoon knows your body so well now that he knows you're close to cumming again. "you wanna cum again, y/n? make more of a mess on my fingers?"
"sunghoon!" his name slips out of your mouth as you feel his fingers start to fuck harder.
"who's pussy is this, y/n? tell me and i might let you cum." he commands you, the room filling with the sound of your wet pussy schelching around his fingers.
"you! fuck, sir! only yours, sir." you almost cry, your breaths becoming ragged as his hand wraps around your throat again, squeezing from behind you.
"good girl, my good girl's gonna cum now, right?"
"c-cuming, oh god, i'm cuming." your walls tighten harder about his fingers, coating them with more of your cum. your body shutters against him, pounding his fingers into you until you're pushing him away from the sensitivity. when he slowly pulls out of you and releases your throat, you collapse onto the bathroom counter.
sunghoon makes sure you don't hit your head anywhere, pulling your hair from your face so he could see how fucked out and sweaty you look. he sheepishly smiles at you when you make eye contact.
"wanna suck your dick now." you pout up at him, making him smile as he reaches for his jean buttons.
"sunghoon! are you in there?" there's a few pounds on the door and jay's voice is heard. "jake wants to leave, are you coming?"
"fuck." sunghoon mutters as he looks at the door, knowing that they were his only ride home. "yeah! i'm coming, give me a second." sunghoon turns his attention back to you who's already standing up off of the counter and pulling down your dress. "are you good?" he comes up behind you in the mirror, his hands wrapping around your waist.
you turn him in his grasp, "yeah,' m fine." he backs away from you, smiling at you as he heads to the door. "so i'll see you next weekend? y'know since i'll ignore you all week." you said to him as he reached for the door knob.
"what?" he paused and looked at you with a confused expression.
"well, that's what you do right? ignore me until you wanna hook up?"
"i don't ignore you."
"well you don't talk to me at school, or even text me."
sunghoon's eyes glance around the small bathroom, trying to process your words, "i didn't... do that... before we started to hook up?"
"well- well no, but-."
"do you want me to do that? text you and talk to you at school."
you stop yourself from smiling at such simple words- simple actions, "yes."
a small smile grows on sunghoon's face, "ok, i'll see you around then." you smiled in return and he left the bathroom, leaving you to clean up your ruined makeup by yourself, cursing him for finally making you cry.
-- -- -- -- --
you should've known not to believe sunghoon when he said he'd stop ignoring you, although he didn't really see it as that.
walking into school the monday after party, you were content on knowing that sunghoon would at least acknowledge your presence at school when your friends were around.
you had walked right up to where his group of friends crowds the hall at the end of day, all of them catching up so that they could walk home together. you were greeted by everyone except for sunghoon.
you tried smiling at sunghoon, wanting to see if he'd atleast smile back, but was returned with nothing but that same, cold expression he usually wore when he was in public. you were trying to give him the benefit of the doubt that maybe he was just shy in public, but chae and dayeon talked you out of that self excuse when they brought up the fact that he could talk to everyone- even girls that he's wanted to hook up with in the past- but you.
you were hurt more when it became friday night and not a single text from him was sent during the week. you had decided to ignore him again at the party of the night, wanting to give him his own medicine.
but your own anxious thoughts kept running through your head- that maybe sunghoon ignored you again this week because you came off as too clingy last weekend, or that he was fucking somone else instead.
you didn't understand why the thought of him getting into bed with someone other than you bothered you so much. you felt like you barely knew sunghoon, but knew him like the back of your hand at the same time. maybe it was because you had technically always been by each other due to your friend groups always interacting together- that it was some sort of trick on your mind that made you feel like sunghoon and you were friends too.
the more you thought of how much you knew sunghoon- the more you realized just how little you did.
you knew he figure skated, and that he liked to hang out with his friends- and that he liked when you bite his earlobe during hte five seconds he let you have false dominance over him before he took over again. but other than everything you knew about what made him sensitive and close to an orgasm- you pretty much knew nothing.
sunghoon was your mutual friend of four years, the person you spent every weekend night with wrapped up in his sheets that smelt like his cologne you had gotten used to, your next door neighbour- yet he felt like a stranger.
so you were upset when your plan to ignore him tonight when you showed up and learnt that he had decided to stay home this weekend.
"is he okay?" you asked jake, who only gave you an odd look before nodding, probably wondering why you were asking about sunghoon's well being when you don't even speak to him in public.
sunghoon frustrated you. and when you get frustrated from pure exhaustion- you drink- a lot.
you drink so much to forget that you're frustrated and don't realize how much you drink until chaehyun and dayeon are pulling you away from the drink table and into dayeon's car. you remember a faint memory of jay and jake waving bye to you from the lawn, and heeseung whispering something into chaehyun's ear with a smile.
you remember being quiet on the car ride home, until your phone notified you that you got a text.
to : sunghoon 💙 Do u wan to com over?????😜😜😜😜😜
from : sunghoon 💙 yeah sure, text me when
sunghoon knew from your texts that you were either completely wasted or just fooling around with him, but nonetheless, he got excited from it- knowing that either way you were still thinking about him. he had truly been tired from the past week- practice and school and his parents all kicking his ass.
opening your balcony doors when you gave him the 'ok' to come over, he wasn't too surprised to quickly realize how drunk you were. you were only wearing your underwear and bra, trying to sit sexily on your bed as you waited for him. in your mind, you truly did look like the sexiest woman alive, but the false sexy utopia you had created in your mind fell quickly when sunghoon only laughed when he took in your appearance.
"what?" you whined at him, your knees coming up to your chest, not expecting his pure laugh to fill your bedroom once he came in.
"nothing! nothing!" sunghoon reassured you as he continued to chuckle, closing the doors behind him as he stepped closer to you.
"why are you laughing?" you pouted at him, trying to not let him hurt your drunk feelings.
"what are you doing?" sunghoon looks down at your sitting posture, an amused smile still on his lips.
"i'm trying to look sexy for you." your response only made him laugh harder, covering his mouth with his hand to not wake up your parents. "what?!" you put your hands over your face, trying to hide as much as you can from him.
"i'm sorry, i'm sorry!" he laughed out, reaching his hands out to remove your own gently, "it's just- i already think you're sexy- you don't need to sit in such an... awkward position when i come in. and what the hell was that look on your face?" you look up at him then, watching him contort his face into an expression that resembled yours when he first came in- only it really was NOT as sexy as you thought it was.
you playfully slap his arm, "i didn't look like that!"
"oh, yes you did!"
you laugh with him this time, watching him bend down and pick up your large shirt, passing it to you.
"what? you don't want to fuck me?" you suddenly pout again, your fingers going over the shirt's fabric in your hand.
the atmosphere in your room intenses for a moment as sunghoon switches between balancing on each of his feet, carefully thinking of what he should say, "not tonight y/n, you're drunk. tomorrow maybe, ok?"
your jaw drops open in disappointed, ready to protest that you're fine to have sex tonight, but stopping when a sharp pain went through your head, causing you to hiss and salp your hand to your forehead.
"y/n? are you okay?" sunghoon's voice as laced with concern then, as he knelt down so he was level with you.
"yeah, i just have a headache now- i really drank too much."
sunghoon grabs a waterbottle left on your desk as you slip the shirt over your pounding head. "here, drink this and go to sleep, you'll feel better in the morning."
you take the waterbottle from him and watch as he starts to leave for the night- making your heart and lips pout in disappointment. "can't you stay for a bit, hoon? what if i need to throw up."
sunghoon turns back and rolls his eyes at you playfully. if it was any of his friends that said that to him, he'd be gone in an instant. he was never the type of the person that could handle other people's vomit. but, he wanted to stay with you, to make sure that you would be okay.
"fine." sunghoon nodded his chin towards you, "make room for me."
you slid under the blanket of your bed, moving over so that there would be enough room for the tall boy. sunghoon slips off his shoes and crawls in after you, making sure that there was some distance between you two.
sunghoon's been in your bed multiple times before- but the reason for it was never a saint. both of you had your heads on different pillows, your bodies facing each other as you layed on your sides.
your bedroom was silent as you closed your eyes, trying to fall alseep so that the ache in your head would stop. even though there was some distance between you and sunghoon, you could still feel his warmth from his body warm up your bed.
your head started to pound harder the more you tried to fall asleep, making your face scrunch up in pain.
"does it still hurt, y/n?" sunghoon's voice asked you, keeping your eyes closed still. his voice cancelled out the loud silence in your bedroom- somehow balancing out the pain in your head for a second.
"yeah, pretty bad." you whispered softly to him. you could feel sunghoon shift the blankets more so that they wrapped around your body, making your heart swell at the care he was showing you for the first time. "can you keep talking, hoon? your voice makes me feel better."
sunghoon paused for a moment before speaking, trying to think of what he should say, "what do you want me to talk about?"
"anything, just until i fall asleep."
sunghoon really thought for a moment as he looked at your calm body, wrapped in your blanket with a subtle pout on your lips- defintely regretting drinking so much tonight. "i remember the first time i saw you- in freshman year. you were sitting three rows in front of me, and you had your hair in a ponytail with a bright pink elastic. and you had on those black nike's you use to always wear before jake spilt that weird, green, halloween punch all over them."
you smiled at his obsveration, opening your eyes to find genuine happiness in his eyes as he recalled his first memory of you.
"i didn't think you noticed me." you confessed to him, remembering your own first memory of the quiet, shy boy.
"how could i have not noticed you?" sunghoon paused for a second, "you're so loud." you gasp as gently as you could out of shock and so that you don't hurt your head more for the moment. you hear sunghoon's low chuckle in your ear, "and pretty."
"you think i'm pretty?"
sunghoon tsked at you, "well yeah, i tell you that you're pretty all the time."
"yeah but that's usually when you have your dick in me."
even in the dark you could see sunghoon roll his eyes at your drunk words, "ok then, i think you're pretty whether my dick is inside of you or not."
your room goes back to being silent as you take in his words, never really thinking much of his compliments all the times before. but as you both lay in your bed, fully clothed and are making no effort to have sex, or to give one another head, or to even makeout, the compliment swirls in your head and sinks into your heart.
"thanks sunghoon."
sunghoon shrugs, "whatever." he tried to be nonchalent about the compliment, also fully aware that the only time he ever did compliment you was when you were about to hook up. it was something that he thought could cross the boundary of a friends with benefit relationship and a romantic relationship.
but none the less, sunghoon moved his head over onto your pillow, messing your foreheads together gently. you hummed at his warmth, your eyes closing to take it in again. his whole presence soothed your headache and made your body realize how tired you actually were from drinking all night.
"night, hoon."
"night, y/n."
when you felt your body fall into steady breaths and your mind become blank, you knew it'd be any second before you fell asleep for the night. when you felt sunghoon press a soft kiss to your forehead- you hoped to remember it in the morning as you were too close to falling asleep then you speak about it.
you wake up around noon hour the next day alone in your bed. there is a dull pain in your head still but it's defintely not as bad as it was the night before. you glance around your room, seeing your party dress thrown messily onto the floor. your blanket is tucked in at your sides as if you had been tucked in- and the only evidence that sunghoon was in your bed last night is the faint smell of his colgone on your pillow.
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the first time that sunghoon and you hooked up during the week- and not after some random house party your friends would drag you to on the weekend- was only a few days after sunghoon had tucked you into bed before leaving an hour after you fell asleep with a drunk headache- a few days after he had complained about skating to you.
you were laying in your bed when you couldn't help but overhear sunghoon's mother lecturing him about how important it was for him to go every practice possible for him to get better. you heard a few grunts and mumbles from sunghoon in return, obviously not happy with the way his mother was being strict with him when it came to his sport.
you heard his balcony door slam shut and his mumbles got a bit louder. you stood up and opened your curtain, peeking out to see him leaning over the railing of his balcony. you could see the condensation in the air coming from his breath. the winter season had approached in your city, making everything colder and snow on the ground.
your movement had caught sunghoon's attention in the corner of his eye, realizing that you had been caught staring at him, you sheepishly open your balcony doors, stepping out onto your own balcony.
"hey." you spoke softly, wrapping your sweater around you to protect you from the cold.
"hi." sunghoon nodded at you, before returning his attention back to the street, watching a car drive by every now and then.
"are you okay?" you asked him after a moment of silence.
"yeah, just some skating stuff." sunghoon shrugs, "the usual shit."
"what's the usual shit?" you could see sunghoon tense for a moment at your question, not expecting for you to ask him about it.
"just- my parents think i'm better than i actually am."
"well i'm sure you're good, no? i see the medals all over your walls." you nod to his bedroom.
sunghoon smiles at your observation, "i'm okay. i've been having more bad skating days recently, it makes me think i'm actually bad at it."
"well maybe you should go to practice." you tease him, mocking his mothers words and making him groan. "how about you show me how bad you are at it then?"
sunghoon turns to look at you, raising an eyebrow, "have you even been skating before?"
"of course i have!" you defend yourself, "when i was like ten!"
sunghoon chuckles and leans on the balcony rail again, "fine, i'll take you tomorrow after dinner."
you ignore the weird feeling growing in your chest as he spoke, "ok!" you nodded at him, "i'll see you tomorrow then, hoon."
sunghoon smiles at his nickname, "night, y/n."
"okay, maybe this wasn't a good idea." you look at the frozen over pond nervously, trying to balance on the ice as you stood on the slippery surface, "is this even safe?"
"of course it is! i taught yewon how to skate here for years!" sunghoon laughed, grabbing a hold of your arm and trying to force your to move away from the side of the pond. "and i thought you said you knew how to skate! yewon is nine and skates way better than you!" he laughed when you gave him a scowl of hatred, knowing that if you were able to move that you'd hit him. "come on, y/n, don't chicken out on me! let's go."
"you go ahead! i'll be right here!" you said, gesturing with your hand that he should go.
sunghoon had known you for years and had never seen you nervous before. it was hilarious that something he was arguably better at than walking would be something that scared you so much.
"god, i didn't know you were going to be the biggest baby when i agreed to take you skating." sunghoon said with a tone of fake disappointment, skating towardrs you again.
"i am not being a baby! i didn't know you'd take me to some sketchy pond! what if we fall through?"
sunghoon laughed out loud at you, "we won't fall in! just trust me, let's go."
sunghoon continued to get you to skate with him, making you move your feet a little on the ice before you almost face planted on the ice, sunghoon's hand reaching quickly to catch your own hands- his warmth heating up your hands to match the warmth on your cheeks from embarrassment.
you must've looked ridicoulous to sunghoon as he skated backwards, trying to teach you how to skate. your legs started to feel like jelly. "it feels too weird, hoon!" you whined, concentrating too much on not falling.
"oh you're doing fine, y/n! when you think you got it, i can let go. you just need to bend forward a little bit, so you can build momentum!" sunghoon advised you.
when you finally made a full circle around the pond, sunghoon smirked teasingly again, "see you got it? wanna go for another round?"
"in a second, i don't want to hold you back. i can take a break while you do your tricks or whatever."
sunghoon threw his head back and laughed into the cold winter air, "my tricks or whatever?"
you returned his smile with a bright one of your own, almost laughing at his laugh. you watched him turn around nonetheless, skating a lot quicker than he was with you, doing spins and twirls and jumps for a few minutes before returning to you.
"what the hell were you talking about when you said you thought you were bad! that was so cool!" you cheered at him when he came to a complete stop beside you.
"thanks, means a lot coming from the girl who can barely stand on the ice." sunghoon said sarcastically.
"hey!" you nudged him, thankful that he was close enough for you to do that so you wouldn't have to try to move towards him.
"i'm kidding!" sunghoon laughed, grabbing your hand again and pulling you out to the middle of the pond, under the moonlight and street lamps.
truthfully, sunghoon couldn't hlep but apprecaite the moment with you. it had been a while since he had someone to skate with him other than his skating instructor. and although you had no idea how to skate, your compliments meant a lot to him- glad that he could impress you with something he did.
"what're you thinking about?" you asked, realizing he had zoned out while looking toward the trees surrounding 3/4ths of the pond.
"nothing much," sunghoon shrugged, "let's go for another round, you're really not that bad."
"hey!" you gasped again, making him smile as he stated skating backwards- your hands in his.
you had spent two hours skating with sunghoon, by the end of it, you managed to keep up with him and not need to hold onto his hands for dearlife.
sunghoon and you stood at the end of your meeting driveways. they both knew that something between them was different after the skating lesson. sunghoon thought you were pretty before, but now he thought you were beautiful. he had never felt a connection to someone like the one he was feeling that night.
"i had a fun time, sunghoon." you spoke, smiling up at him.
"me too, you're actually good now that you can stand." sunghoon joked, making you roll your eyes.
"yeah, thanks for teaching me and stuff." you suddenly felt shy as you stood in front of him.
"it's no problem, y/n."
"maybe we could go again and you can teach me how to do those spinning jumps!"
"i think you'd need more than one lesson before you try those ones." you pout up at his words playfully. "but i wouldn't mind going again with you."
the look of joy and relief on your face was obvious as he spoke. "okay, hoon. i'll see you at school tomorrow, right?"
"right, have a good sleep y/n."
"good night, sunghoon." you didn't want to but you turned and walked up your driveway, looking across your lawn to give him a small wave before walking into your house.
sunghoon stood on his porch after you went inside, wanting to hold onto this feeling for as long as he could.
a few days later, you had heard from his friends that sunghoon wasn't at school that certain day because he had a long skating practice. you felt less excited at school knowing that he wasn't there. you had started to look for sunghoon more and more in the hallways ever since he fingered you in the bathroom at yeonjun's party.
the memory of the way he looked so jealous and pissed when another boy layed a hand on you made a feeling in your chest that you had learned to enjoy. it was nice knowing that sunghoon cared if anyone else touched you. you liked to think that you would react the same way he did if another girl was touching him in public as well.
there had been no real conversation between you two about where your relationship still stood. both of you figured that the other one still wanted a strict friends with benefits one. you think at first that you liked the sound of that. it was fun hooking up with sunghoon- and you both liked your independence. but it was nice falling asleep so close to him the past weekend- the fuzzy feeling in your chest died out for awhile when you woke up to an empty bed.
granted, your parents would be pissed if they had woken up and found sunghoon- or any other boy- asleep in your bed with you. but you wished that you could've basked in his warmth for longer before you passed out from your drunk headache.
it let your imagination run wild as you thought of different scenarios of how you could wake up to sunghoon beside you everyday- in each one you woke up happy. it made you think of what a real romantic relationship with sunghoon could be like.
it also made you realize that sunghoon was definitely not a romantic relationship person.
you saw sunghoon come home that night, slamming his car door and storming up the porch steps to his house with a frown on his face.
sunghoon had mentionned a few times in passing to you how stressful skating got to him sometimes. his parents were pretty strict with his sport and encouraged him to go to every practice and competition that he could go to.
you gave it some time to think about how you could help sunghoon.
when you went up to your bedroom, you saw the sunghoon's bedroom light was on and his curtains were open. you could see him digging through his closet, probably looking for something to change into. you could tell from the way his back and shoulders were tensed up that he was still frustrated with something. it was something that you picked up on quickly from the amount of times he's took out his frustration with you.
which gave you an idea.
to : sunghoon 💙 do you need any help? :)
you watched sunghoon pull out his phone from his back pocket at the notification of your text. he turned and saw you out his window, a small smirk on his face as he walked towards the balcony, texting on his phone.
from sunghoon 💙 can't parents are home
sunghoon puts a pout on his face, his tense shoulders drooping low at the disappointment.
to : sunghoon 💙 you can be quiet, can't you?
sunghoon bit his lip, quirking his eyebrow up and pushing open his balcony doors.
"come in." he rolled his eyes at your playfully. you smiled brightly in return and left your bedroom, climbing over your balcony and onto his as he waited for you, leaning on the door frame.
almost instantly sunghoon pushed you against his balcony door once you were inside. his lips met yours in a rush that showed you how much he needed you. his hands slid from your ribcage to your hips, pulling your cores together.
you suddenly pushed him off of you, backing him up until he sat on his bed, his feet still on the groud. you stood inbetween his thighs as he looked up at you with a cocky smirk.
"what're you doing, baby?" he asked you, leaning back on his palms.
you reached your hand out and rubbed your thumb on his jaw, "don't you want my mouth on your cock tonight, baby?" you fake pouted at him. he nodded up at you, making a smile form on your lips instead, "then you're gonna listen to me, be the good boy i know you can be."
"y/n, i-" sunghoon is about to reject but you grip his jaw harder, a strict expression on your face making him shut up.
""you want my mouth, right baby?" he nodded, making you tsk at him.
"you need to speak, hoonie."
"yes." he nodded again, letting himself bask in your new nickname for him. you smirked down at him, your hand dropping from his jaw to his crotch, feeling the almost hard bulge in his pants. you started to massage his cock through his sweatpants, making his hips buck up at the sudden feeling.
"take your shirt off." sunghoon almost whined at the loss of your hand on him, but nonetheless, leaned back and slipped off his white shirt, revealing his pale, muscular chest. you got down on your knees, pulling down his sweatpants and boxers. his cock slapped against his thigh once it hit the air of his bedroom. his tip was turning red, the promienent vein on it's side was popping out.
"so pretty, hoonie." you took his cock in your hand, jerking it softly to harden it up more. you kissed the tip of it, making a soft inhale come from him in response.
sunghoon had pictured you sucking him off multiple times before, even when the two of you weren't hooking up. he never imagined that you'd take control over him as you did it.
you spit on his dick, a giant glob landing on the tip like you knew he liked. your fingers dipping into your spit, jerking his cock with your saliva now.
"fuck." sunghoon let out under his breath queitly.
"too much already, baby?"
"n-no, please keep going." you smiled up at him, taking his tip into your mouth, circling your tongue around it.
you caught the way sunghoon gripped his blanket underneath him at the feeling. you jerked your hand faster on the parts your mouth and tongue couldn't reach. he subconsciously jerked his hips upwards and into your mouth, making his dick reach further into your mouth.
your other hand started to roll his balls into your palm, making sunghoon bite down on his lip to keep quiet, knowing his parents were just down the hall. you smiled around his tip, your tongue tracing his sensitive slit.
"oh my god." he shook his head, liking the way that your saliva pooled at the corners of your mouth before you sucked it back up and sunk down on his cock again.
"you're being such a good boy, hoonie. so quiet, so obedient." you hummed around his tip, the vibrations from your voice echoing down his cock.
"oh god." sunghoon's face scrunched up, his hand coming to hold onto your hair. "c-close fuck." he whispered to you. your hand movements sped up on his cock and balls.
"please cum for me, baby, wanna taste your cum."
sunghoon threw his head back as he came. your sucking not stopping as you milked him through his high, wanting to swallow every drop of his cum and taste him fully. you didn't stop until he was pushing you off from the oversensitivity you were giving him.
"fuck y/n, stop. please. t-too much." he moaned quietly, looking down at you. you placed one last kiss on the tip of his pretty cock before standing up and plopping down on his bed beside him. you watched him bend over and slide his boxers and sweatpants back over his legs, before turning and smirking at you. "fuck you."
you smiled cheesily at him, "told you you were a sub."
"i am not." he defended himself quietly, pushing you back onto your back so he could lay beside you, one of his arms draping over your stomach. you could feel him catching his breath beside you, still coming down from his high as he rested his head on your shoulder.
"what're you doing, hoonie?" you asked him in a hushed tone.
"'m tired now, no one's ever called me a good boy before."
you laughed into your hand, loving this rare side of sunghoon- almost as if he was being clingy. you realized soon that his breaths had evened out onto your skin, him having fallen asleep from a stressful day and a hard orgasm.
his quiet breaths and the quiet night lulled you to sleep quickly before you had a chance to prevent it, only realizing what you had done when you woke up beside him in the morning. you didn't know what time it was, but you could hear his family awake downstairs and the smell of food wafting upstairs.
"sunghoon." you shook his arm that was still draped over you,"sunghoon!" he rolled off of you with a confused expression on his face, stretching his arm out as he looked around him.
"fuck." he looked at you with wide eyes once reality had set into his sleepy mind.
"sunghoon? are you awake?" his mother's voice called from the stairs, "you're going to be late for school."
"y-yeah! i am! give me a second!" sunghoon called out, ushering for you to get up and out the balcony doors. you felt your heart in your chest as you tiptoed around his room, wanting to get out of there quickly and quietly.
"sunghoon! what are you doing? you're never this late to be downstairs!" his mother's voice was closer this time, her foot steps being heard coming down the hall.
"shit! go go!" sunghoon held the door open for you, making sure that you got onto your balcony safely before he closed it and the curtains shut.
"sunghoon!" his mother opened the door, she scanned his room cautiously, staring at her shirtless son, "hurry up and get dressed, school starts in twenty minutes."
"yes, mom, sorry." he smiled at her, earning a suspicious smile from her before she closed his door again, a giant sigh leaving his mouth once she was gone.
sunghoon opened his curtain, peaking out to see you waving at him from your bedroom, he smiled at you and rolled his eyes, mentally cursing himself for not setting an alarm to wake up to.
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one of your biggest regrets is not staying in bed with sunghoon for longer.
the days following when you gave sunghoon a blowjob were miserable. you cursed yourself for thinking that sunghoon would ever see you as anything more than a girl to hook up with. you cursed yourself for actually liking the cold hearted park sunghoon that kept everything to himself- hidden away from everyone.
you walk into school an hour after leaving sunghoon's house that morning, a happy feeling that you wish you could've felt for the rst of life, in your chest. you gleamed at everyone in the hallways- thoughts of sunghoon running through your mind.
you didn't notice until lunch hour that sunghoon hadn't shown up to school. when you walked up to the cafeteria table that your friends usually all sat at, your smile finally dropped at the lack of presence of park sunghoon. the boys had also thought it was weird that sunghoon had shown up, or event exted them beforehand saying that he wouldn't be at school for the day.
sunghoon's curtains were closed when you got home from school, and you could see that his lights were on through the cracks of the curtains. you texted him to ask if he was okay, but ultimately got no answer.
by the end of the night, when you were laying in bed for the night, you figured that sunghoon was probably tired from having a late night last night. and that everything was fine, and that you'd see your neighbour in the morning.
but of course, things with park sunghoon were never just fine.
for the rest of the week, it seemed that sunghoon had gone back to ignoring your presence, even worse than the times before. and it wasn't just affecting you now, but you're whole friend group. as soon as the two of you were even near each other, the whole rooom could feel the tension between you. you pretended like you didn't notice the awkward glances thrown to eachother as you stood in the hallway with your friends and sunghoon.
you had texted sunghoon again, asking if you had done anything, only for it to be unresponded to like before. you would see him come home after skating practice at the same time, his usual cold and calm composure resting on his face as he walked up to his house. sunghoon kept his curtains tightly shut, not once letting the sun in during the day, or the moonlight invading his room while he did late night homework.
on friday night, everytime you'd enter a room at the party house of the night, sunghoon would leave if he was in that room as well. he ignored every glance of yours, every eyebrow quirk until you couldn't take it anymore and drank more than you should've. but drinking was the only thing you could do to forget the horrible week that you were having because of your neighbour.
as you kept drinking, you imagined sunghoon coming over and stopping you. admiting that he's an asshole for everything he's done recently and taking you back to his house, where'd you lay together in his bed again- and this time you'd wake up together and lay there for hours with soft smiles on your faces. but sunghoon didn't stop you.
you hadn't noticed that sunghoon had even left the party until heeseung and chaehyun were helping you get into the back of dayeon's car. you layed in the back of the cold leather seats as dayeon and chaehyun were in the front. the memory of how heeseung stayed with chae in the back a few months ago when she was too dunk replayed in your mind and made you sob outloud. you wished that sunghoon was in the back with you, letting you rest your drunk head on his lap as he brushes your hair out of your face until you get home.
dayeon and chaehyun didn't know what to do. they had never seen you drink so much to the point where you cry. they had never even seen you just cry before either. you wree usually their shoulder to lean on, you were the strong friend, the friend that always helped everyone with their problems because you never had any of your own.
they had seen you crack more and more everyday since you had been hooking up with sunghoon. they realized as soon as you told them about sunghoon that he was the first boy that you chased, rather than the other way around. they realized that sunghoon was different for you, whether you realized it or not.
park sunghoon wasn't just some boy you wanted to hook up, he wasn't just your friend or neighbour- he was the boy you fell in love with.
and it scared you to think that you had fallen for someone who didn't love you back- that couldn't love you back.
you remember chaehyun and dayeon putting you to bed quietly, trying to soothe your cries. they knew if they asked why you were crying that you wouldn't tell them. you were stubborn and private and it was those characteristics of yourself that you saw in sunghoon- and you hated them. you wished that sunghoon would open up to you- comminucate to you about how he was feeling and why he was doing the things he was doing to you. but you couldn't blame him, because you don't tell him how you're feeling either.
you go to a party the next night, after waking up that morning with swollen eyes and lips from crying yourself to sleep. chaehyun and dayeon kept an eye on you for the first half of the party- obviously aware that you weren't doing too well mentally. they figured that it had something to do with sunghoon, by the glances you had been giving him all week- and crying when you realized he had left without you the night before.
you felt bad at first when you realized that your friends were babysitting you at the party, seeing the way heeseung and chaehyun obviously wanted to be alone with each other and that dayeon didn't want to come to a party tonight anyways.
you drank more when you realized that sunghoon wasn't even coming to the party tonight. with each drink you wondered more about who you were becoming- going to parties for a specfic boy and drinking to forget him.
you ended up leaving the party before anyone else, taking a cab home and texting dayeon that you were fine as you left, finally escaping from the overprotective care of your friends.
you smiled politely at eth cab driver as he dropped you off, wishing a good night before you closed the door and watched him drive off again. when you turned to head up your driveway, a body standing on the porch next door caught your eye.
sunghoon was standing there, his back turned to you as he started to unlock his front door.
"where have you been?" you called out to him, taking in his outfit of jeans and a tshirt. he turned at the sound of your voice, lettting his hand of keys drop to the side as he took in your own appearance.
"skating." sunghoon shrugged, "where have you been?"
you took a few steps towards his house, stopping at the bottom of his porch steps to look up at the pretty boy, "a party, i thought you'd be there, but of course i was wrong."
sunghoon realized as the way you slurred your words that you were drunk, "what do you mean?"
you shrugged, kicking your feet on the pavement, "im always wrong when it comes to you." his silence after your statement made you talk more, "i never know what's going on with you. one second you're calling me yours and complimenting me and getting mad when other guys touch me, but the next second you're ignoring me and pretending you don't know me!" you held back a sob as you finally told sunghoon how you had been feeling this entire time, "and if you don't want to do this," your finger pointing between both your bodies, "then just tell me! because i'm tired of guessing what you want and ending up wrong!"
sunghoon feels his chest tighten at your confession, not realizing just how much he had been hurting you. he never realized that you could be hurt, always walking around so strong and smiling and making everyone's day with your humour and outgoingness. but he was wrong about you.
"fine, let's break this up."
sunghoon's words split your cracked heart into two separete pieces, "r-really?" you prayed that you. heard him wrong- that your drunk mind was playing tricks on you.
"yeah, you're right this time y/n. i don't want this anymore." he looked down at your small figure in your pretty party dress, your cheeks pink from the alcohol and night breeze. he so badly wanted to wrap you up in his jacket, keep you warm beside him, but he knew this was for the best as he still saw a little bit of hope in your glossy eyes, "i don't want you anymore."
and then your glossy eyes that he's looked into so many times weren't looking at him anymore, and it made him wonder if they'd ever look at him again.
"fuck you, sunghoon." were your final words to him as you stomped over his lawn and into your house, managing to hold back your tears until you got to your bedroom.
your curtains were open, letting the moonlight in and hope that sunghoon would be at the balcony, waiting for you. the thought made you slam your curtains closed, never wanting to open them again.
you didn't have enough energy to change out of your dress, too devasted that you had allowed yourself to be played by park sunghoon- the quiet, shy dorky boy that sat in the back of the class in your freshman year- the boy that everyone asumed was an innocent virgin that would never do anything to hurt anyone. you were so wrong about him and about everything, that you wanted to sleep until you didn't think about him anymore. you only wanted to wake up once your mind and body had forgotten about park sunghoon. when no longer knew the way his lips tasted, the way his cheeks get puffy when he wakes up and the way his laugh sounds when he throws his head back.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
sunghoon wasn't too surprised when he found out you weren't at school on monday. guilt and sadness were the only things he could feel at the way he had been treating you- at the memory of your last words to each other.
he wasn't too surprised when chaehyun and dayeon had started giving him dirty looks in the hallways on tuesday. he figured that you would tell them what had happened sooner rather than later. hopefully, chaehyun didn't hate him too much though, because it would be kinda of awkward at heeseung's parties if his girlfriend- or whatever they were- hated his best friend.
sunghoon wasn't surprised when it had been thursday night and he hadn't received one text form you all week. when he hadn't seen your smile, or heard your laugh in the hallways, or caught you staring at him through your windows as he changed for school. he had figured that he had hurt you enough for you to get over him quickly- at least that's what he hoped.
it had only shocked sunghoon when you hadn't shown up to the party on friday night.
dayeon and chaehyun cursed sunghoon for looking so held together throughout the week at school- as if he hadn't just told their best friend that he didn't want her anymore. he had to have known that he meant something more than a fuck buddy to you, especially after you had just confessed to hm about how he had been making you feel for months.
chae and dayeon made a pact to not tell you how well sunghoon had been looking, while you were surrounded with used tissues in your bed. you had told your parents that you were sick, which wasn't too hard to believe since you looked and sounded sick from the amount of crying you had been doing.
it was all too much for you. you feel like you had lost yourself complettely over the past months and you had no idea until it was too late. your past self would have never let you get so caught up on one boy- no matter how good he smelt, how wonderful he tasted and how hard he made you laugh.
whether sunghoon liked it or not, you had chipped away at his cold, shy exteriror within those months that you two were fuck buddies. you realized how kind and caring he was, how well he took care of his little sister and friends, how protective he was over you and made sure you were okay. those memories you had of him did nothing to make you remember last saturday night. those awful words he said to you only rang loosely in your mind as his soft whispers on early mornings were louder.
it hit sunghoon the moment chaehyun and dayeon had walked in together friday night, you no where to be seen.
"what's that look for?" dayeon popped her hip and crossed her arms as she looked at sunghoon with an annoyed face.
"y/n's not here?"
chaehyun scoffed beside dayeon, "why the hell would she be here?"
"what does that mean?" jake chimed in from the couch, confused as to why there was so much tension between the three of them at the mention of you. "i thought y/n was sick."
chaehyun scoffed again as she sat down beside heeseung who looked as equally as confused.
"didn't your bro sunghoon tell you what he did to y/n?" dayeon hissed to jake, her cold eyes not leaving sunghoon as she spoke.
"no?" jake shook his head slowly, "what the hell did you do?"
"oh y'know, just broke her heart." chaehyun said with a scowl on her face. heeseung grabbed her hand at the tone of her voice, trying to calm her down gently.
"what?" jake asked, "you guys- were dating?"
"no!" sunghoon said immediately, "we weren't!"
dayeon scoffed again, "god sunghoon, you are so clueless!"
"what do you mean?"
"it was so obvious that y/n liked you! she wanted to be with you! and all you do is tell her that you don't want her! like she's some pest!"
the cold stares from dayeon and chaehyun and the confused stares from his friends were becoming too much for him. the party music becoming too loud for him to process any words to say, only scoffing himself and turning on his heel away from them. he grabbed a bottle of vodka and pushed open the backdoor, needing some fresh air away from it all.
sunghoon had been beating himself up ever since you had agreed to become fuck buddies with him. he knew that you didn't deserve to be in a relationhip like that with him- or to even be in a bed with him. he thinks he was counting down the days until you realized that and left him to the side, alone.
there hadn't been a day that sunghoon hadn't thought of you since the beginning of the school year. he wishes that he could've been more open with you about his feelings- but he's sure wasted it now. the way your friends had confronted him was pure evidence about the way you were feeling about him the past week.
sunghoon had tried to persuade himself that he had done the right thing by breaking it all off with you. you didn't deseve to be with a guy like him. he was shy, cold, and private and quiet, sometimes too afraid to make eyecontact with people. while you were pretty, and outgoing, confident, and strong and so nice to everyone that you ever meet.
he knew that if anyone would see the two of you together that it would be a nightmare. no one would believe that the two of you were dating from the different worlds that you come from- the different reputations that surrounded your names.
sunghoon wanted to be with you, wanted to hold your hand as you walk down the halls, leave hickeys down your neck so everyone would know you were his, wanted to just spend time with you and learn everything about you and more. sunghoon curses himself for being too insecure about himself- knowing that if you ever found out about the way he thinks of himself that you would turn your nose up in disgust.
you were out of his league in every aspect, and he knew it from the start.
sunghoon didn't realize just how much he had drank of the vodka until his sight had become blurry. he rested his head on the porch railing, trying to center himself.
"hoon?" heeseung's voice called out from the back door, "are you okay?"
as soon as sunghoon turned his head to look at him, heeseung could tell that sunghoon was drunk, and he had never seen sunghoon drunk before.
"okay, let's sit, hoon." heeseung took hurried steps toward his friend, ushering him over to a chair. "are you okay?"
"no." sunghoon admitted, not being able to look at his friend. he's known heeseung since they were little, they met in grade one and had become best friends since then.
over the years, they had gotten to know each other so well. they knew each other's deepest secrets that not even jake or jay knew. sunghoon has not only been feeling guilty for what he had done and said to you, but for what he's been doing to heeseung recently.
sunghoon has been so caught up in skating and you that he's abandonned his friends. he could tell that everytime he left a party early to go back home with you, heeseung would get a certain look on his face. an expression that sunghoon knew meant heeseung was disappointed.
sunghoon knew that heeseung liked going to parties that sunghoon was at. jake and jay were the extraverts in their little friend group. they liked to get up on tables and dance, they liked to play beer pong with anyone and everyone, they liked to talk as many girls as they could during the night.
meanwhile, sunghoon and heeseung would sit back on the couch, enjoying watching their friends make fools of themselves. they liked listening to the shitty music together and picking out the hottest girl at the party that night. sunghoon always knew that heeseung thought chaehyun was the hottest, and would always smirk to himself when heeseung would pick some other girl while his eyes were still glued to chae.
sunghoon's been too caught up on his own shit, that he doesn't even know if heeseung and the girl that he's liked fo ryears are dating. he's known that he should ask him, chae and hee are always together now a day, but he never finds the energy or motivation to ask.
"what's been bothering you, hoon?" heeseung asked gently, never knowing how sunghoon is going to react when you try to pry into his personal life. when sunghoon stays silent heeseung's not surprised, even if sunghoon is drunk- he's still self aware to not just spill whatever he's feeling. "i didn't know that you and y/n had been hooking up, i'm sorry about that. i should've asked."
sunghoon scoffs at how nice his best friend is- he's too nice that he won't even admit that sunghoon has been hurting him for months too. "i should've asked about you and chae. i'm sorry, i just-" sunghoon pauses, leaning his forehead onto his palm, trying ot process his feelings into words- something that he's never been good at.
"it's fine, i knew you wanted to ask." heeseung shrugs, taking a sip out of the almost empty bottle of vodka that sunghoon had brought out. "when you first told us that you had hooked up with y/n, was the the first time, or?"
sunghoon nodded, "yeah, it was." sunghoon almost smiles as he remembers the guys all gasping and asking him how it was.
"and then, the last time was last week?"
"yeah, last tuesday."
"what made you want to stop?"
sunghoon sighed, "i never wanted to stop- but we had to." he took heeseung's silence as a sign to continue carefully, "you know how we both are hee, it wouldn't have worked out."
"i think it would've." sunghoon quirks an eyebrow up at heeseung in confusion making heeseung laugh, "well, you both liked eachother and spent time together, right?" sunghoon sits up straight at the mention of liking each other- trying to plaster a disgusted look on his face. "hoon," heeseung stated seriously, "it's okay that you like y/n, we all kinda knew anyways."
"you could tell?" sunghoon's eyes widened.
"yeah," heeseung shrugged, "i mean, we didn't know you were hooking up all the time, but just by the way you'd look around the room until you found y/n, and then you'd always stare at her until you disappeared with her somewhere."
"oh." sunghoon nodded, thinking about it.
"plus that time you almost shot lazers with your eyes at yeonjun when he was sitting with y/n." heeseung caught the way sunghoon smiled gently at the mention of that party. "i know you still like y/n, hoon. and we both know how nice and understanding she is. so i think, if you go and tell her how you feel- how you really feel- she'll probably forgive you."
sunghoon turned his head to the side, a scoff leaving his mouth, "i can't, hee, it's embarrassing to talk about that shit."
"it's not. especially if it it's y/n it's not- and you know that."
"i still can't hee. it's better we aren't together. she deserves to be with someone else- someone like jake or jay- someone like her." sunghoon is still adament to forget everything he ever had with you- everything he's ever felt for you.
"but i think you're like her." heeseung can see that sunghoon is about to defend his statement again, "you're both realistic, and strong and understanding- you're both funny and extra warm to the people close to you. i know how you can be towards yourself, hoon, and it shouldn't stop what's between you and y/n."
sunghoon nods gently, playing with his fingers in his lap. "she's still out of my league, heeseung." sunghoon speaks softly now, the verbal mention of his self insecurity wrapping around his body and vocal cords.
"she's not- that's something society has created and you can't let it affect you. just talk to her, hoon, you'll see it'll all be okay. trust me."
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chaehyun explaining to you what heeseung had talked to sunghoon about at the party only made you feel worse.
it made you feel like sunghoon didn't trust you like you had thought he did. it made you angry that sunghoon cared so much about what others thought about him and you and a relationship between you two. it made you want to crawl away into a world where there was no one else except for you and sunghoon where maybe then you could be together happily.
you had gone to school the next week, keeping to yourself and dayeon and chaehyun. you kept your curtains closed, wondering if sunghoon would notice it. you thought that maybe heeseung had talked some sense into sunghoon- quietly thinking that any second now, sunghoon is going to text you to come over, and he'll confess everything to you. or that maybe he'll knock on your balcony doors, push you on your bed and tell you to listen to him explain himself. in whatever the case would be- you knew that you would cave in and forgive him- because you knew that sunghoon was complicated- you knew that everything he said or did was carefully calculated.
but there was nothing from him all week. just the same radiosilence you had been dealing with for the past three weeks.
so you were pissed. and you were feeling more like yourself again even though sunghoon's name was still carved into your heart. so, you went out to party with your friends on friday night.
it had been two weeks since you had caught up with all of your friends. all of them happy to see you back in the atmohpshere that you belonged in. almost instantly, you were back to what you had always done- to what you had done before you started hooking up with sunghoon.
you danced with jake and jay and played beer pong with them. you gossipped with all the girls and took shots with them. you had almost completely forgotten about sunghoon for the night.
when intak, a boy from your grade who you had talked to a few times at a couple of parties, joined behind you to dance, you didn't think much of it. he was cute, and he his strong hands on your hips distracted you from everything else- only trying to following his movements to the beat of the music.
of course, that scene wasn't something sunghoon wanted to first walk into the party and see.
"fuck." jake groaned from beside sunghoon, obviously seeing the scene as well and knowing that sunghoon was going to be pissed.
all day, jake, jay and heeseung were persuading sunghoon to come out and party with them tonight. they could tell that sunghoon was still caught up with how he ended things with you and wanted him to have fun tonight. his friends had barely seen him since last weekend's party where he got completely shit faced. sunghoon spent his entire week at the skating rink- practicing every jump and spin and trick he could think of until his whole body was bruised from falling and musicles were strained.
his friends were happy when he finally caved in and told them that he would come, if only for twenty minutes even. the party had only started an hour ago, and walking in to find you with a red solo cup in your hand and your ass grinding against intak was something that made him almost punch every wall in the house and storm out.
heeseung caught the way sunghoon's hands clenched into fists at his side, "sunghoon, don't." but it was too late for a warning, sunghoon was making his way right towards you and intak. "sunghoon!" jake and jay had joined heeseung into calling for their friend to come back.
even through the music and intak's whispered voice in your ear, you heard the calls of your neighbours name. your eyes opened and turned towrds the sound, finding sunghoon's angry eyes in a second.
"hoon?" his nickname rolled off your tongue for the first time in week before his hand was wrapped around your wrist, pulling you away from intak. "sunghoon what the fuck?" your head turned back to intak, giving him an apologetic look as you were pulled away from him. sunghoon ignored your questions until he had pushed you into the bathroom, locking the door once both of you were inside.
"what the fuck are you doing, sunghoon?" you looked pissed as you leaned against the bathroom counter- and sunghoon had to push the thoughts away of how hot you looked when you were pissed.
"what the fuck are you doing?" sunghoon repeated to you.
"having fun." you raised your eyebrows and spoke in an obvious tone. sunghoon brushed his fingers through his hair to get his bangs out of his face, you could tell from his expression that he had a lot on his mind.
"with intak?" he paused to speak with his hand still in his hair.
"yeah, didn't you see it?"
sunghoon chuckled at your brattyness, walking over to you then, dropping his hand from his hair to place on the counter behind you, trapping you in. "so you were you planning on leaving with him?"
you could hear the dominance growing in sunghoon's voice, and if you weren't so weak for sunghoon then maybe you would've lasted longer standing up for yourself. "if he wanted to." you saw his eyes look behind your head into the mirror, grin growing on his lips before returning his gaze back to you. his hands meet your hips and turn you around.
"look at that." sunghoon's deep voice is in your ear as he speak, "look in the mirror, little one." you do as he demands, your gaze meeting the way his body is pushed up against your own. the two of you look so perfectily dirty with each other, the type of way that makes you drool without realize it.
sunghoon's thigh is placed inbetween your thighs, feeling the way your cunt grinds down onto it at the sight of you two pushed together. "you see how pretty you are, baby? pretty just for me, right?"
"y-yes, sir." you nod, not being able to take your eyes off of the mischievius look he's giving you in the mirror.
"i haven't fucked you in a while, i think i need to show you who you belong to, again." you only nod in response, reaching behind you to grip onto his shirt, pulling him closer if possible. you're sure that if sunghoon and you were in the middle of a 'fight' then he would've spanked you for not answering and for touching him without permission. but the both of you just need each other, the both of you are too caught up in eachother's gaze.
"please fuck me, sir."
sunghoon's hand grips onto your jaw, holding your head up so he can kiss down your neck, his eyes never leaving yours as he bites harshly, surely leaving a mark this time- the feeling leaving you feeling as if you're floating. "such a good girl now, huh? using your manners to ask to be fucked. maybe if i leave few marks on your skin you'll remember that you're mine."
your core continues to grind against his thigh as he continues to bite into your skin, leaving red and purple marks- marking you as his for you, him and everyone else to know.
when he decides that you have enough on your skin, he's pulling away from you, a whine leaving your throat before he's pushing up your dress and yanking your panties down your legs. you can see your bare core in the mirror, and the way sunghoon's face is a mix of awe and adoration as he looks at your bare skin, before meeting your eyes with a soft smile- contrasting so well compared to everything else the two of you had been doing for the past minutes.
"please, sunghoon," his name leaving your mouth makes his heart swell, realizing then how bad he's missed you and how bad he needs you.
"okay, baby, okay." he presses a kiss into your head, smelling your perfume and shampoo as he unbuckles his belt, and pulls his cock out of his pants. he's already fully hard and red as he pumps his cock. youmove your hips out so he can line his cock up with your core easier.
sunghoon slips easily into you, making you think that you were made for him, fitting together like puzzle pieces although the two of you are so physically and personally different.
you almost cry outloud when you see how wet his cock is with your juices when he pulls out, the light from the bathroom making his cock shiny in the mirror's reflection.
"fuck, i missed you." sunghoon groaned into your shoulder from behind you. you nod in response, agreeing with him with more than anything.
you know that you'd be knocked down over the bathroom's counter if sunghoon wasn't holding your body up and close to him. his cock was stuffing you full to your hilt, too face. sunghoon doesn't give you a chance to breathe, wanting you to feel right here, right now, just how much he has missed you. sunghoon's enjoying the time with you, enjoying your moans and gazes in the mirror.
you find yourself growing close to your orgasm faster than ever as you watch the two of you fall apart in the mirror.
"fuck, hoon, so close."
sunghoon nods into your hair, his gaze remaining soft as he kisses your head and pounds into you harder. "that's okay, baby, wet my cock with your cum, wanna feel you tighten around me so bad."
your body starts to arch in his hold, your orgasm finally hitting you. his cock starts to hammer into you, wanting to cum right after you. the way his speed and tip of his cock keeps hitting your gspot makes your eyes roll to the back of your head. sunghoon groans at the sight of you in the mirror from the unintentional overstimulation.
it's too much but you can't speak- can't tell him to stop- just want to take it for him because you missed being so close to him- missed hearing his groans in your ear and feeling his warm hands on your hips.
sunghoon bites down onto your shoulder hard when he comes, covering his moan and leaving a final mark on your body from his teeth. a whimper of your name leaves his mouth as he pulls out of you, his cock limp and wet and aching to be back inside of you already.
both of you lean against eachother and the bathroom counter, pressing lazy kisses into eachother skin. "i meant it, y/n." sunghoon speaks after a while, his voice still sounding breathless.
"meant what?" you raised an eyebrow at him.
"that you're mine, that i missed you." your gazes lock in the mirror again, sweat lining your hairlines.
"i missed you, too, sunghoon." you nod at him with a soft smile.
"yeah?" he turns his face into your hair, closing his eyes to relish in the moment for longer.
"yeah," your head comes up to rest in his hair, "let's go home, now."
you felt sunghoon nod against your head, grabbing towel paper to clean both of you up before you're taking a cab together back to your houses.
it remains silent between you and sunghoon for majority of the time it takes to get back into his bedroom, quietly to not wake his parents like usual. though nothing is said, you're attached to eachother by holding hands in the back of the cab ride, staring out opposite windows, watching you drive through the late, night city together.
you whisper to eachother as you get dressed into his sweatpants and shirt to sleep in, watching him get dressed in his own pair in the moonlight in his room.
you continue to whisper hushed confessions to eachother as you lay in his bed, facing eachother under his blanket, your heads meshed together on one pillow like they were a few weeks ago in the house next door.
sunghoon's pale fingers are tracing shapes onto your arms as he tells you how he feels about you. tells you that you're the prettiest girl he's ever met- that you're the only girl he's ever wanted to be with- that you're the only person he sees himself with in the future.
sunghoon struggles to keep eye contact with you as he tells you everything- how he's been beating himself up ever since he agreed to be friends with benefits with you. how he pushed you away because he was scared you were going to realize he was no good for you.
he mumbles his apologizes against your lips as you kiss him, hoping to take some of his pain away when his voice cracks. you wrap your arms around him in his bed when a tear rolls down his cheek when he confesses his insecurities to you- how you help take them away from him when he's with you.
you fall asleep wrapped in eachothers arms, lips swollen from kissing, eyes bloodshot from drinking and crying together, hearts full with nothing but eachother.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
you wake up saturday morning to soft snores in your ear and a warm arm draped over your waist. you realize that you're still in sunghoon's bedroom. you see the dozens of skating medals hung on his walls, next to pictures of him and heeseung from when they were younger.
you don't realize that sunghoon woke up from your subtle movements until his arm is tightening around you and pulling you closer.
"you awake?" sunghoon's deep voice asks, placing a kiss on the back of your neck when you nod your head against his pillow.
his hold of you loosens when you turn over so that you're now facing him. his arm going back into place and pushing your bodies together again. you're both still naked, and a little sweaty as you greet each other.
you're sure if anyone were to walk into his bedroom that they would be faced with the smell of alcohol, sex, sweat and sunghoon's cologne.
sunghoon moves his head down to press a kiss onto your forehead, mumbling a soft, "i'm sorry." against your skin.
"i know." you smile at him, "it's okay."
a subtle frown grows on sunghoon's face at how quick you are to forgive, "it's not, i want to tell you how i feel- but it's hard."
your hand moves from inbetween your bodies to his cheek, your thumb brushing under his eye, "it's okay, you can take your time," you reassure him, "plus heeseung already told chaehyun what you said."
"oh god." sunghoon groans, turning his head away from you to mush it into his pillow, "he didn't."
"he did." you giggle, your hand carding through his black hair. "i'm not out of your league, hoon. really. i love you for you, even if you are a little stubborn sometimes."
"just a little?" he moves his head so you could see his eye looking at you.
"ok, maybe a lot. but i still love you."
sunghoon pulls you into him then, so your upper body is resting on his chest as he lays on your back. you let out a quiet squeal at the sudden motion. "i love you, too y/n. i'm still sorry, i'm going to show you how sorry i am for the rest of my life."
you shake your head with a smile, "it's really okay, hoon. we'll just talk about how we feel rather than you pretend i don't exist, yeah?"
"yeah, ok." sunghoon scrunches his nose playfully.
you lean down and place a kiss onto his lips, his grip on your hips tightening as he kisses you back. it's a kiss with no tongue and passion and you feel both of your worries floating off of your skin as it feels like it's only the two of you in the world- in sunghoon's bed.
sunghoon pulls away with a disgusted look on his face, "ew, morning breath."
"sunghoon!" you gasp, grabbing a pillow from beside him and throwing it at him.
"i'm kidding! i'm kidding!" sunghoon laughs and throws the pillow away so he can look at you again, "i love even your awful morning breath!"
"oh my god!" you try to push up and away from him, a playful gasp coming from your mouth. your movements don't go very far until sunghoon is pushing you onto your back, kissing all over your face while you laugh. "sunghoon!" you whine out to him until he stops.
he looks down at you with a serious look then, "you're mine, right?"
your chest is heaving from laughing so hard, "of course. and you're mine?"
"of course. only yours." sunghoon nods firmly, before a smirk grows on his face and he's leaning down to kiss you again, not pulling away for a few minutes, both of you wanting to enjoy being each others for as long as possible.
or until yewon starts knocking on his bedroom door asking for him to play dolls with her.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
walking into school holding hands with sunghoon on the monday after you two started dating, wasn't as bad as the both of you thought it would be.
there were no stares from other students, there was no teasing from your friends as sunghoon kissed you on the cheek before heading to class, and when both of you shared your lunch in the cafeteria no one batted an eye.
it was as if the whole school had thought you were dating even before you had been.
"i told you," heeseung said as he sat down beside sunghoon in the cafeteria, "everyone already kinda knew." shrugging his shoulders playfully before wrapping an arm around chaehyun.
"shut it, heeseung." sunghoon rolled his eyes, biting into his red apple, making everyone at the table laugh.
during the last class of the day, shen xiaoting made her way to your desk before the class started.
"so is it true, y/n? did you take park sunghoon's virginity?"
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@ taeghi, 2022. do not repost or reuse in anyway.
stay safe everyone :)
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cipher-ipher · 11 months ago
i’m gonna eat it 🧍🫶
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182 notes · View notes
cipher-ipher · 11 months ago
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8K notes · View notes
cipher-ipher · 11 months ago
Pornbots are so annoying like I’m not gonna fall for this I’m not an idiot I know sex isn’t real and its just something made up for destiel fanfiction
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cipher-ipher · 11 months ago
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oh captain my captain
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