cinxin · 3 years
Maverick Character Sheet: The Civitas
Commissioner Thornhill
Head of the Civitas Constabulary. He has occupied his position for twenty years and Commissioner Vale claims it's time he advocated it. While the ancient rivalry between the Constabulary and Metropol is alive and well, Commissioner Thornhill takes it to new heights by accusing Metropol officers of breaching their jurisdiction every week. Yet why should they, when entering the Civitas requires not only an ID but a letter from Commissioner Vale himself confirming the visit is not work-related? Is the effort even worth it?
Commissioner Thornhill hates the Magis with a passion. If this Magis is also a Metropol officer, he will make that magician's life a living hell (RIP Edgar).
Gerald Stiles
A port official overseeing local traffic. Back when Lucien still traded with the black market, Gerald was the customs officer Lucien bribed to let him and his goods through the Civitas. Their entire relationship can be characterized by mutual dislike. If Gerald's greed hadn't been so reliable, Lucien would have sooner found someone with a better personality to do business with.
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cinxin · 3 years
Maverick Character Sheet: Londinium Metropolitan Police
Commissioner Romaeus Vale
Sir Romaeus considers himself far more level-headed and tolerant than his predecessor and goes out of his way to be an ally to the Magis. That said, the man has his own reasons for supporting them. When people meet the Commissioner for the first time, they are struck by his mismatched eyes: one blue, the other jade green. Speak to him for even longer and you'll find he eschews tradition far more than is proper for a man of his class.
DCI Jones
Edgar's partner before his disappearance. Jones heads the Crime Unit at Division A and is junior only to the superintendent. He's known August since the latter was a boy and often struggles to view the magician as an associate rather than a son.
DI Dewitt
DCI Jones' current partner. He transferred to Division A from Division C after Edgar's disappearance. Coming from Clemente, Dewitt is more cynical than most officers but also more flexible with the law, recognizing that the measure of a crime depends more on the context than the act itself.
Sergeant Wolf
Division A's receptionist, he's the first person you meet when you enter the station and the person to take your call. The station house could not function without him. Knows everyone's coffee/tea order down to the number of sugar cubes.
DI Knowles
An inspector from Division B in Belcourt. Had the pleasure of arresting Lucien one time.
Sergeant Erik Daley
Was a mere constable with Division C when he met the Magis. Daley has a deep respect for August that the magician does not see—or would not see.
Constables Weller and Hobbs
Elijah Quincy has the displeasure of dealing with them every month. They are incompetent but the only two officers that Metropol can spare to keep an eye on Désavoue's residents. How to tell them apart? According to Eli, between the two of them, Weller had stolen all the brains. Hobbs, on the other hand, had stolen all the food. Metropol's best, indeed.
DI Disraeli
As an inspector of Division E, located at High Bank in Estière, Disraeli has the least favourable view of the Magis and will make his antipathy known. He is closer to Metropol headquarters than most officers and feels the pressure of the job on his back. He has high expectations, for himself and everyone else.
Division C: DI Tremblay, Superintendent Kendrick
Division F (Fleurine): DI Laurent
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cinxin · 3 years
Maverick Character Sheet: The Church of Saints
Father Abernathy
An amicable, witty old man, Father Abernathy had aspirations to be a comic once but realized a life of the cloth more suited his style. He has vowed to make August smile at least once per visit and has a joke ready for each occasion. His attempts have drawn more failures than successes, but that hasn't stopped him from trying. Father Abernathy is a rarity in the Church, for he hasn't let prejudice cloud his opinion of the Magis.
Bishop Solomon
An objectively good man, according to Father Abernathy, an opinion that August shares. That the Bishop is seemingly incorruptible makes him a useful ally to have in the fight against the Concorde.
Father Clemens
A flamen with aspirations to succeed the bishop. He is Warrick Smoak's overseer while in Albion.
J. Warrick Smoak
Formerly a flamen of the Church, Smoak owes the Church a great debt for saving his life. The Second Imperial Officer answers their call for help and leaves Ameritius for Britannia.
Brother Isaac
A Church Undertaker who holds the Executioner's blade. Like all Undertakers, Isaac is garbed in charcoal grey robes and wields a Magis Artifact. Because of his towering size, he carries the Executioner's blade as a normal sword rather than as a claymore. He observes assists Smoak while he's in Albion.
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cinxin · 3 years
Maverick Character Sheet: The Crown
Queen Catherine Aurelia II
Britannia's current monarch and the Crown Magis' commissioner. She is sometimes called the "Ice Queen" due to her platinum blonde hair, ice-blue eyes, and frosty manner. Her propensity to go off on long tangents is the reason August avoids answering her summons as often as he can.
Claudius Aurelius III
The previous king and an avid chess player. Despite his daughter's relationship with the Magis, he is on good terms with August. They had frequent chess matches in the past. Although August has yet to beat him, Claudius claims that August is the only one who has ever come close.
Goes by Claude in the city.
Sébastien Aurelius II, the Prince of Arlington
Currently abroad strengthening alliances with other nations. Crown Prince Sébastien is reasonable by nature and far more approachable than his mother the Queen. Some say he takes after his grandfather in character but there's no denying he has Catherine's intellect. Him, alone, she has a soft spot for.
Sir John
One of the Crown Guard, the Royal Family's bodyguards. John is often seen accompanying Claudius on one of his many forays into the city, much to the guard's eternal grief. Because of his lidded eyes, he looks perpetually exhausted—which most reckon he is. John holds a Magis Artifact called the Hangman's noose.
Sir Arthur
Known by his salt-and-pepper hair. Another Crown Guard with access to an Artifact. He wields the Artifact called the Lunatic's mask.
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cinxin · 3 years
Maverick Character Sheet: The Icarus
Joseph Avery
The quartermaster of the Icarus, trusty and dependable. As the last member of the original crew, he dared not part with the ship and begged Lucien to save her before she went to the scrap yard. He is also, now, the last member of the present crew yet to part, as Lucien was forced to lay off most of them. He acts like Lucien's grandfather more than an employee, so much so that Lucien took his surname as his moniker.
The first sailor Lucien recruited to man the Icarus and the ship's First Mate. Curtis was hired for his experience as well as his muscle. He was a sailor in the Navy until he punched his commanding officer in the face for making what he opined 'a terrible decision', and then was subsequently discharged for his honesty and left to fend for himself on the streets without a reference or a pension. Suffice to say, he was in sore need of coin when Lucien found him.
When Lucien met him, Rémy was but a humble fisherman from the southern coast of Albion having some trouble making ends meet to support a family of seven (his wife, four children, and his elderly mother). Despite his general lack of it, Rémy had a great love of coin and ventured into the underworld advertising his skills because he'd heard there was profit to be had in illicit enterprise. Besides his great skill climbing the ropes, Rémy is a terrific cook.
Called the Scourge of the Britannian Navy, Pierre sought employment with Lucien because, you guessed it, he needed money. Pierre once plundered and pillaged in the name of the Britannian Empire, and then when he was ironically robbed by the same empire of the pay he was owed, he turned to piracy in a vengeful show of contempt, stole back what was his, and went on to harass the Britannian maritime for several years before a table of Navy admirals decided they'd had enough of his targeted terrorism and sent out a newly-commissioned, state-of-the-art war galleon to sink his ship. They'd hoped to kill him, but he miraculously survived and, rather than seek revenge on the Navy for trying to assassinate him, retired to the peace and comfort of occasional employment, accepting the odd job to put food on the table but nothing as fast-paced and perilous as pilfering Navy ships on the high seas. Pierre said he was done being a menace. Bedeviling the Navy just wasn't what it used to be. Lucien hired him because he'd been a fan of Turncoat Pierre for some time.
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cinxin · 3 years
Maverick Character Sheet: House Sinclair
Gareth Sinclair, the 12th Earl of Lénore
The new head of the Sinclair family, after his father's death. Formerly a lieutenant-colonel in the army, an incident left him disillusioned with the military and he came to occupy his father's seat in the Sénat while the late Mordecai Sinclair took care of his ailing wife. Gareth now holds the seat permanently and battles the Concorde on the law and politics front. He is Lucien's eldest brother.
Stella Sinclair
Mother to Gareth, Michael, and Lucien, and wife to Mordecai Sinclair. She has been ill for some years and is slowly recovering. She is known throughout Londinium for her elegant and inventive fashion sense, though, due to her illness, she has seldom attended parties and gatherings of late.
Alice Higgins
Head maid of the Sinclair manor, she is confidante to both Lady Stella and Gareth. She grew up with the Sinclair sons and knows them better than anyone. She is the go-between for Lucien and Gareth, who wish for their association to remain secret from their adversaries.
Michael Sinclair
The middle brother. Solicitor by profession, since his father's death he has moved to Lénore with his wife Diana Locaine to manage the Sinclair estate. Kind and generous by nature, he becomes a force to be reckoned with in the courtroom.
Diana Locaine
Called "strange" by Lucien, Lady Diana is fascinated with scientific analyses and experimentation, to the point where explosions and toxic spills are a common occurrence. Blunt, scattered, and focused all at once, she is the person Lucien fears most in the world (second to August). How can a person obsessed with scientific rigour be so unpredictable?
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cinxin · 3 years
Maverick Character Sheet: Skelter Grove
Elijah Quincy
The current leader of the Skelters, a Caledonian gang based in the slums. Eli has a connection to August that neither wishes to discuss with others. He harbours a desire to better the lives of the people he protects and has big plans for his district. But the reputation of Désavoue is a gross thing to overcome.
Eli's second-in-command, as well as messenger and courier. Allan can find his way into any place without being detected and is even better at finding people.
James (Jimmy)
Skelter Grove's eminent fighter. There is no one he can't defeat.
Vincente (Vinny)
The Skelters' negotiator. Can talk his way into, and out of, anything.
Oswald (Oz/Ozzy)
Physician and technician, Ozzy is good at fixing things and people.
Skelter Grove's quartermaster. Has a perfect memory. The business will literally grind to a halt without him.
The leader of the runners, Skelter Grove's second army. Has no filter, but his loyalty is unquestioned.
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cinxin · 3 years
Maverick Character Sheet: Lethe House
Isabel Lang
The madam of Lethe House and purveyor of information. Her network of Eyes, Ears, and Hands carry secrets from all over the city and arm her with the knowledge to sink all of Londinium into scandal. Her knowledge comes at a price, so be prepared to pay it.
The patch that covers her left eye suggests a painful past, but she refuses to speak of it. That is the one secret she will not sell.
Beatrice (Bea)
One of the girls working for Isabel. She is hard-working and honest, though a little naive.
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cinxin · 3 years
Maverick Character Sheet: Magis and Allies
August Maverick
The last magician in Albion. Those who know the Magis say August is more suited to work in the criminal underworld, but there's no question he gets the job done. Due to his unpopular methods and personality, August has a contentious relationship with almost every institution in Londinium, including the one he works for.
Lucien Avery
August's employee, a former black market trafficker, and captain of the merchant vessel, Icarus. Lucien comes from a distinguished family but is forced to cut ties with them after they discover his illicit activities. He has admired August for a long time but has his work cut out for him getting August to reciprocate.
The Magis' reliable chamberlain. Wilfrid was formerly a physician and soldier (in that order) and helped Edgar raise August after adopting him. He tries to protect August to the best of his ability, having failed to protect his friend.
Edgar Maverick
He does not remember who he is. All he knows is his name and the boy with the raven hair. He must discover the truth at all costs.
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cinxin · 3 years
Maverick: synopsis
August Maverick becomes Londinium's only magician after his mentor, Edgar, vanishes, but he doesn't believe the disappearance was an accident. Over years of searching, one name appears again and again: Concordia, the Concorde, a secretive organization that August decides to take on after evidence surfaces that they are conducting dangerous experiments on insomnii, the creatures Magis are cursed to hunt. With a bishop dead and Londinium on the brink of crisis, August and his allies must find Edgar and stop the Concorde before the city is overrun.
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