cinnaminja · 4 years
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cinnaminja · 6 years
Shadows | 03
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◇ Link to Masterlist
◇ Chanyeol series: 01 | 02 | 03 | ?
◇ Genre: Vampire! AU, Slight Beauty & the Beast! AU, Angst
◇ Warnings: violence
◇ Summary: A ruthless vampire hunter, you’ve been raised to hunt and kill the creatures of the night, your heart barren of emotion. Until you encounter him, the one called Chanyeol. The one who brings your world crashing down.
◇ Word Count: 3.7k
Keep reading
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cinnaminja · 6 years
update.- 18.03.27
so like I had started a separate jongdae fluff imagine and was about to be done with it but the writing program I’m using decided to delete all of my progress and since there’s no reverse action and saves my progress automatically, all my work is gone :))))
I was supposed to have it uploaded today but it looks like I may have to delay it... I apologize, I hope this kind of thing doesn’t happen again, it’s so frustrating!! - cinna ♡ 
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cinnaminja · 6 years
My heart jumped when I saw the update for Stripped 😅 I'm really looking forward to how the story will progress! Is it selfish of me to request for another Chen scenario? If yes, then please ignore the request! (But if you are able to, feel free to go ham on the plot) But thank you for spending time to write because it really gives me a mood booster when I read your updates and it's a nice break from my everyday life 😊
thank you!! I’m glad you’re liking stripped ☺️ and I’ll take you up on that jongdae scenario, I think I have an idea in mind already huhu
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cinnaminja · 6 years
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cinnaminja · 6 years
Er… Guys… I’m getting a little concerned about JaponMignon guy.
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Can you see that, too?
This is going wrong on so many directions…
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cinnaminja · 6 years
2019 Oscar predictions
Best animated film: Hellshake Yano
Best documentary: Hellshake Yano
Best short film: Hellshake Yano
Best foreign language film: Hellshake Yano
Best cinematography: Hellshake Yano
Best film: hey guess what……. it’s fucking Hellshake Yano
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cinnaminja · 6 years
stripped (2) ; kim jongdae
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Words: +1.5k
Genre: Angst
Rating: T
Warning(s): Language, Mentions of abduction
{ part one | part two }
[ A/N.- this was long overdue... this was only supposed to be a sequel but I think this turned into an accidental series. they will be a part three to this because I hate cliffhangers just like the rest of you probably do. 
“Don’t cry again… I don’t like it when you cry. You’ll be fine with me! I’m a good person. I’ll be good to you. All you need to is—“ he leaned across toward me — “listen to me.”
The glint from our first meeting was now apparent in his eyes. You could see every bit of threat and emotion sparking intimidatingly. The warmth was gone. The friendliness was forgotten. The happy-go-lucky façade was stripped away to bare the core of sin.
This was Kim Jongdae.
It was strange seeing fear in a man that invoked fear. This was a sign of weakness and I wasn't sure if he knew it but if he did, he wasn't ashamed of showing it.
We had been standing in front of the door leading to his house for awhile now. His eyes were transfixed on the doorknob but he made no move to open it. He appeared to be pondering something extremely crucial as if whether he opened the door or not would alter his whole life. The hopeful side of me wished he was having an internal battle with his subconscious that guilt-tripped him for taking me against my will.
After what seemed like forever, Jongdae finally made up his mind and unlocked the door by punching in the passcode. I guessed he was back to his ironically cheerful self since he had gestured for me to go in first in a mock gentlemanly fashion; even so, I preferred this side of him over the raw and uncut version I witnessed earlier.
The inside was surprisingly well-kept. I wasn't sure what I was expecting from someone with a personality like a two-sided coin but it definitely wasn't a modern, warm looking environment full of pictures and souvenirs from different places. Two things I learned from Jongdae by surveying the interior was that he had money and that he had a solid social circle.
"Welcome to my humble abode," he said after he let me look around his living room. "I think we should go upstairs to my room because they might --"
"Jongdae, is that you?" A voice called from atop of the stairs.
An upbeat man with pink hair thundered down the steps with a visible frown that jutted out his bottom lip childishly. He wasn't aware of my presence yet judging at how he focused his attention onto Jongdae, who was now trying not to express how anxious he was feeling.
"Kim Jongdae, do you have any idea what I had to go through to cover your ass because that place you 'worked' at was hounding me over your sudden resignation?!" The pouty man exclaimed while throwing his hands up. "I had to make up the dumbest shit on the spot!! How they believed me I have no idea but for fuck's sake, at least warn me when you're gonna do something stupid!!"
My mouth was agape the entire time he spoke. Jongdae resigned from the place my dad worked at? I knew he was lying to me when he said that they let him out early for working hard but I had no idea he actually resigned.
"I'm sorry, Baek, I forgot," he side-eyed me as he replied to his friend's outburst.
'Baek' scoffed. "You better be. I could've thrown you under the bus and told them all about your creepy habits. You owe me BIG."
He turned on his heel, ready to walk away from him smugly, but he froze when he finally laid his eyes on me. He pointed straight at me and looked back and fort between me and Jongdae with shock evident on his face
"Who is... Is she... Did you -- oh my god," he stuttered. "It's her!"
"Yes now please tell me Minseok isn't here right now because if he is, you might want to lower your fucking voice so he doesn't find out."
He stared at me but directed his voice back at him. "He isn't here right now but you're so lucky he isn't"
I took a step back out of instinct when he approached me. Jongdae's friend assessed me from all angles and gave an approving nod.
"Keep your distance, Byun Baekhyun,"  Jongdae warned.
Baekhyun gave me a wide grin and stuck out his hand as if I was a guest in his home.
"Nice to meet you, Dae's lady, I'm one of Jongdae's best friends, Byun Baekhyun!" He leaned forward slightly, "Not to scare you or anything but you're screwed when Minseok gets here but don't worry! I got you and that loser's ass over there covered."
I stared at his outstretched hand in thought. This guy was an accomplice to Jongdae's crime. He lacked common sense and a subconscious just like him and for some reason, I expected him to be as creepy as he was seeing that they lived together. The curling smirk, the shining eyes glinting with fake promises... it's no wonder that they got along so well. They were alike.
Suddenly I was afraid of the third person they mentioned. Would he be like them too?
"I'm not touching you," I hissed out.
Baekhyun retrieved his hand, placing it over his heart instead in faux hurt.
"Ouch! The queen bee stings! Dae didn't tell me you were a feisty one."
"You think I'd sit back and let you two fuck me over?" I glared at him. "I'm not like those girls in the movies. I refuse to throw myself at your feet."
Jongdae's gaze on me hardened. There was an unspoken threat swimming in his eyes and I was reminded of how he told me to 'behave' before he shoved me in his car.
Baekhyun on the other hand let out a hearty laugh.
"Oh man, this is amazing!" He wiped away his nonexistent tears. "You're definitely better than I was hoping for, I like you."
He held up two thumbs. "Welcome, new housemate"
Just as he said this, the beeping sound of the lock pad outside was heard from inside the house. Panic erased Baekhyun's grin and fear settled on Jongdae's face.
"Fun's over, we need to go upstairs," Jongdae rushed as he went to me and steered me to the staircase.
The pink fluffed man stopped him. "Wait, it's better if he knows now because I can't be there for you when he bursts in your room to clean sees the ladybug over there trying to climb out the window"
"Baek, please not now! Maybe in a few hours when he isn't so --"
"Isn't so what?"
All three of us turned to find a blond man dressed in a black-suited business outfit. His sharp eyes glanced between Jongdae and Baekhyun who was trying to shield me away from his view.
"Tired!" Baekhyun blurted out. "We know how tired you get from work so we wanted to get out of the way and let you relax."
The one called Minseok clutched his jacket in his hand. "That doesn't matter because I clearly see the woman cowering behind you two.
"I don't know what I was expecting to see when I got Baekhyun's text about how Jongdae resigned from his mediocre job, maybe Baekhyun half-dead with Jongdae trying to kill him but it sure wasn't another mouth to feed" -- he sighed -- "The two better explain why Jongdae's weird obsession is here before I make sure both of you are half-dead"
Baekhyun shoved the brunet forward, urging him to explain.
Jongdae cleared his throat. "You know that job was only a source to get more information about her. I found a chance to get this whole thing over with so I decided I didn't need to be there anymore."
Minseok crossed his arms. "Still doesn't answer what I asked you"
"I'm getting there," he said. "This is the result from that chance I took. You know how impatient I can get so I quit, followed her and then kidnapped her"
The intimidating blond took in his words as he focused his eyes on me. He did a mini assessment like Baekhyun did but how he raked his gaze over my figure made me feel minuscule and beneath him.
"I see"
"There are no bruises, I checked," Baekhyun spoke up. "Well um, except for her wrist..."
I held up my wrists and saw a ring of purple going around my right wrist. A deep sinking feeling pitted my stomach when I realized it was from when Jongdae dragged me out of the mall in his iron grip. The mark of his hand was imprinted on my skin.
"That's careless, Jongdae"
"She was fighting me," he mumbled.
Minseok rubbed his temples. "You don't hurt things you like, especially not people"
"...I know"
"Okay. Why don't we have dinner first and then we can talk about this mess?"
Baekhyun already made a bee line to the kitchen so he could avoid having to witness Minseok's silent rage. His voice was called, "What does the lady like?"
I stayed silent.
"I'm making whatever we have, okay? If she doesn't like it, don't kill me."
I grumbled. "What makes you think I'll eat?"
Jongdae glanced behind me. "You'll eat"
'...I guess I'll eat'
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cinnaminja · 6 years
great news for people that liked stripped!! 
I’m currently working on a part two for it now that I’m on spring break! I know I promised it awhile back but I got swamped with college and adult stuff that it didn’t give me time to start it but fret no more, I opened up a draft for it and it should be available in a couple of days if I work diligently.
for those that haven’t read stripped yet, now’s your chance to read it before I get the sequel up!! it’s a jongdae angst fic based on a slightly disturbing dream I had, you can read it right here
anyway thank you for supporting my writing and please anticipate stripped p. 2 !! - cinna ♡ 
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cinnaminja · 6 years
Hi hi hi! I wanted you to know i like the Minseok series so far!!! It's so cute and its what my type of humor is! I reallly REALLY love it! Your writing is amazing!
ahh thank you!! I really appreciate this!! I’ve had this idea for quite awhile now, I’m happy you like it!!
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cinnaminja · 6 years
warmth (2) ; kim minseok
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Words:  +1.1k
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Cat hybrid AU
Rating: T
Warning(s): Mentions of abduction, Language, Crude humor
{ part one | part two }
“I don’t think you understand. I’m not asking you to adopt me because I want to only fuck you,” – he scratched the back of his neck shyly – “I want you to be my mate”
My heart fluttered for a second before I placed my hand over it as if it was going to control it. Easy there, I couldn't be feeling moved by his words just because I have an inexplicable craving for love and affection just like the horny cat across me. This wasn't some sort of story where person A jumps in the arms of person B because person B said some pretty words.
"Wow, you had me there for a second," I chuckled. "For a moment there I thought you were really telling me that you wanted me to be your mate"
He wasn't laughing with me. In fact, his gaze hardened and his jaw was set like he was restraining himself from knocking some sense into me.
"Did you think this is a joke? I literally threw myself at your feet before I came in."
"Actually, you were sitting down already. Wait, was that a pun--"
Minseok groaned out loud. Now he was the one feeling frustrated.
"Look, guy, " I started, "I know you're extremely annoyed right now but this is how I cope in stressful situations, especially one where it involves a random hybrid that professes his love to me and expects me to just to take him in with no questions asked.
"Have you ever thought about I feel about this? I don't know you and I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've actually ever seen you in my entire life so I'm not sure why you think I'm going to go with the flow here. If anything, I'm trying my hardest to wrap my head around that this is actually happening to me and that I'm not in some freaky dream that involves my internal issues"
"This isn't the first time you've seen me"
Pause. "What?"
He took a deep breath. "I said this isn't the first time you've seen me."
"Sure sweetie," I rolled my eyes. "Is this the part where you say I appeared in your dreams or some dramatic bullshit like that?"
He stared down his mug in silence, mulling over his next words.
"Your mom kept me over at your house after she rescued me from being herded"
"The fuck? How would you know about my--"
"She worked for the HRA"
Oh. Oh.
When I was younger, my mom was a proud worker for the Hybrid Rescue Association, or the HRA; it was a small unknown group at the time when the government had no idea that the black market was conducting terrible roundups. She was hardworking and compassionate woman, someone I looked up to dearly, with a fiery determination to end the herding in our city. Every morning, she would go out to the leader's house to discuss plans or conduct a rescue mission and every night, she would return with a tired smile and a story.
One night instead of coming home with a story to tell, she came home with a cat boy in her arms. I remembered blinking up at her in confusion as I hugged my stuffed rabbit tightly in my arms, listening to her tell me very carefully that he was going to stay over for a couple of days and that he meant no harm to the both of us. I was okay with it but I didn't see him much around the house in those two days because my mother would take him with her to work. The only time I had ever interacted with him was the same night he arrived and he said that my toy rabbit was cute and I embarrassingly returned it with "your kitty ears are cuter."
When she didn't come with the boy with what would've been his third stay, she explained joyfully that he was reunited with his parents and sealed this story with her signature "and they lived happily ever after."
But now the very same boy that complimented my toy was in front of me and he looked like he was far from that happy ending that she called it.
"You were supposed to be happy," I breathed out. "She said you were happy."
He sighed. "Maybe for some time I was but things change."
"What changed then?"
"When I grew older and I was incapable of locating my mate when it was my time for ten long years"
Minseok stood up and he went around the table to my side. He knelt down picking up my hand like before and held up to his cheek. His eyes stared into mine while trying to convey all the emotion that he had been holding back for a long time.
"No matter how hard I tried to forget, I couldn't stop thinking about the rescuer's daughter. Even when I spent hours listening to grownups talk about my parents, I thought about you and your stuffed rabbit and how you slapped yourself for calling my 'kitty ears' cute thinking you said something wrong. How is it that we had so little interaction yet I spent years yearning for something like that to happen to me again? And  then I moved in the neighborhood and saw grownup you baby talking a cat and playing around with it... I'm a realist, I don't usually believe in fate but this one time I will.
"You don't have to accept me now. I'll give you some time to let you get used to me being back in your life but at least let me stay with you while it's happening. Please let me live with you for awhile and if you don't fall in love with me, I will move out. I promise."
He closed his eyes and nuzzled his cheek further into the palm of my hand.
Feeling his warmth and purrs against my skin, the same fluttering feeling that I shook off earlier returned but this time stronger. Sympathy made my heart pound hard against my rib cage and I knew then that I couldn't just let him go like this. Mother would advise me to listen to heart; listen to sympathy.
"...All right"
Minseok's eyes snapped back open. "Really? You're okay with it?"
A blush warmed my face at seeing the joy glow from him.
"Yeah, yeah, you can stay in the mean time to see if anything happens.
He leaped up and almost threw his arms around me before I held out a hand to stop him and made a tutting sound.
"BUT we will set some ground rules that way we don't get ourselves too excited, okay? We're doing this mom's way but we're also doing it my way."
A mischievous grin curled on his lips. "Should I call you mas-"
"Rule number one, no m word or p word calling"
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cinnaminja · 6 years
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cinnaminja · 6 years
warmth (1) ; kim minseok
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Words:  +1.1k
Genre: Fluff , Slight crack, Slight angst (?), Cat hybrid AU
Rating: T
Warning(s): Mentions of abduction, Language, Slight suggestive themes, Crude humor
{ part one | part two }
[ A/N.- dun dun dun!! cinna returns!! I was supposed to write a continuation to the jongdae imagine I had up but I wanted to have this up in time for minseok’s birthday! I’m not sure how long this will be, maybe a small series of 3-4 parts? anyway I’ll let you know, I hope you enjoy this :3c ]
It was hard to express how I was feeling when I opened my door to find a blond cat hybrid sitting cross-legged on my welcome mat and staring at my with his big dark brown orbs. I always had an affinity for animals to the point I would take it upon myself to love and care for them but he wasn’t no ordinary animal so you could probably imagine the look of shock and awe contort my face when I saw him.
Hybrids weren’t exactly animals nor were they human either. They were their own race born out of nowhere, not from the foulness of bestiality contrary to popular social media belief. Most of them had a humanly lifestyle and did everything a regular person would do: eat edible human food, go to school, get a job, wear clothes, etc.
However, one thing that stopped them from being completely homo sapien was that they possessed animal qualities. If you were a dog hybrid (or more scientifically, homo canis), you couldn’t stop yourself from growling when you were mad nor wagging your tail when you’re happy. If you were a fish hybrid (homo antigonia), you would have to have live off a special device that resembled headphones or a collar that had water (fresh or salty depending) so you could live on land. It was this “beastly” behavior that separated them from humans and which fueled racism among both races.
Some humans that worked in the black market would abduct hybrids off the streets to sell off to the rich and abusive or keep for themselves as pets/slaves. (That was why the term “pet” when used toward a hybrid was considered a slur). Numerous cases of search and rescues came back with a hybrid severely beaten and psychologically traumatized because of the horrific events they had to go through. Institutions and organizations were formed all across the world to help out the captured hybrids and help them get back on their feet. The term “hybrid herding” was coined by the government and as of two years ago, anyone caught in performing it was sentenced to life in prison or death.
Ever since then, the herding had reduced significantly but there were still underground groups that tried to kidnap hybrids behind the government’s back. As long as there were people that were sick enough to want them, the herding would probably never stop.
Despite the illegality of it, there were a small bunch of hybrids who didn’t mind taking on the pet lifestyle. If you were to put a percentage on it, it would be about 3.7% of the hybrid population. These hybrids often would hide it from the world view in fear of discovery (and kink shaming because that’s basically what it was, a kink).
“So are you going to stop staring at me and let me in or are we going to be here all day?”
I snapped out of my daze.
“Um, hi,” I waved awkwardly. “Before I let you in, or if I decide to uh let you in, why are you… here exactly?”
The cat hybrid jumped to his feet. He wasn’t that tall actually, maybe a little under average height. I didn’t want to say it out loud but his size made him seem more adorable than he was.
“I want you to adopt me”
I blinked once. Twice. Did I hear that right? Did he just say…
“Excuse me?”
His sharp eyes glinted with determination as he gently took both of my hands in his. A small blush dusted his cheeks pink and he repeated himself sterner than before, “Please adopt me”
Yup, he said that. Here was one of the 3.7%.
“Sorry but what in the actual fuck?!”
“Okay, let me get this straight. You want me to adopt you even though you already have a house just a few doors down because while you took a walk, you saw me play with a stray cat and you supposedly fell in love with me? And suddenly your weird kink told you to skip introductions and be a creep by asking a complete stranger to adopt you?”
He put the coffee mug I gave him to drink down. “It’s not a kink, it’s a lifestyle”
“A lifestyle that’s illegal!!”
“Not if I give consent to it”
“Jesus Christ, you’ve got to be kidding me,” I rubbed my face in frustration.
What was happening? Was this even real? Was this some sort of freaky dream? I gave myself a pinch and yelped at the sudden pain. This was not a fucking dream.
I sighed. “At least tell me who you are”
The cat hybrid smiled at me. “Kim Minseok, age 28, Korean and proud Aries. I like coffee, cleanliness, soccer, cats, jokes, the number 99, and you”
I scoffed at his attempt to flirt. Smooth, real smooth.
“Mr. Kim Minseok,” I tried to even out the tone of my voice. “Are you aware that you’re asking me to be your m word and for you to be my p word?”
Minseok ran his hands through his light hair, his cat ears twitching atop his head.
“I know what I asked for. I know what I want.”
He leaned across the kitchen table with a feline smirk curling on his lips. The amount of space between our faces was gradually closing as he glanced down at my lips.
“I want to be yours,” he purred.
“Oh my god, you’re in heat!”
Some hybrids, particularly those feline and canine hybrids, would go through a period where they feel a strong urge to mate. In this time, their preferences of mate would go out the window and everyone was open to them. These hybrids often would plan ahead of time to avoid this carelessness and find “the one” to mate with through all their heat periods. Although, sometimes it would get to their heads and cause infidelity and unwanted babies but that’s a whole separate conversation one that we humans all would know of.
I backed away from him. “Don’t you have someone to mate with? I’m not the homewrecker type.”
“You don’t have to worry about that,” he said. Sadness flashed in his eyes for a brief moment. “There’s no one waiting back at home”
My heart clenched. Was he… lonely?
I shook my head to dismiss any guilt from settling. He might be using this to manipulate me into having sex with him. He could be lying for all I knew but the glint in his eyes, they told a different story.
“I don’t work like that either,” I stated firmly.
“I don’t think you understand. I’m not asking you to adopt me because I want to only fuck you,” – he scratched the back of his neck shyly – “I want you to be my mate”
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cinnaminja · 7 years
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beef or chicken?
like/reblog if using
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cinnaminja · 7 years
Hi! I was wondering if there was going to be a part 2 to stripped, I don't normally read these kinds of scenarios but I really got attached to it haha
!!!! hi I’m glad you liked it! I’ve been thinking about adding a part two in now ‘cause someone earlier also wondered the same thing so maybe I will!! please look forward to it some time this week ✨
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cinnaminja · 7 years
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cinnaminja · 7 years
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© charming xiumin
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