lines...rhymes...puns...oh so much fun...metaphors...humor...ironies and everything in between
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Cindy Lee Loucks went on a quest for a treasure chest knew there had to be one out there for me wished for fame all would know my name from a chalice i would sip be diamond dripped have money beyond belief ride in a limousine i would be the scene toasted as queen crazy myself i almost drove searching for a jewel filled trove imagine my surprise when i found the key and delight when it fit me no diamonds or gold only mind heart and soul a treasure chest full of bounty priceless
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Cindy Lee Loucks
see you in dreams smiling at me still feel you breathe so close but out of reach things left unsaid repeat in my head what could i say to ease the pain couldn’t find the words to heal the hurt when you were here slowly disappeared barely see your face vanished without a trace miss you everyday that you’ve been away silence never ends like an old friend keeps me company in the hours of wee clock ticks down won’t be long now see you soon between light and the moon until then comforted by the space left behind
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Cindy Lee Loucks
shackled to a capsule solitary confined for what’s behind living hell like a six foot cell back and forth pace in a nowhere race a fraud a fake turn the phony into bank remove the chains write the pain into play expose the pose mine pure gold get early parole from the hole bottom scrapes great escape make an earn from being the burn record expunged paroled pardoned bail paid for those long ago days
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Cindy Lee Loucks
magicians sleeve make believe dealt card queen of broken heart circus freak diversion deceit master of disaster mistress of distress sleight glove vanishing dove reality distortion disguise contortion deviate red herring bait pure gold fortunes told rained tears shifted gears magic trick secrets slipped outrun illusion boogeyman charlatan tiger chained indelible stain circumvent big top tent break away last hand played ace of spades
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Cindy Lee Loucks make my own rules run on rocket fuel don’t need gas kicking ass front of the class breaking ceiling glass rubber meets road not dragging brass going for gold gonna take command be in demand in short supply just me myself and i want my time better get in line not a face in the crowd to me kings will bow be received by queens to the city get the keys lightning in heels thunder i’ll steal gotta be Andre De Grasse wanna keep up with me balls to the wall full throttle not stalled straight to the top cream of the crop no flash in the pan or an also ran leaving the pack not looking back don’t wanna be in vogue call me a rebel a rogue life’s wheel not a spoke gonna run my own show be a lone wolf
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Cindy Lee Loucks went on a quest for a treasure chest knew there had to be one out there for me wished for fame all would know my name from a chalice i would sip and be diamond dripped have money beyond belief ride in a limousine i would be the scene toasted as queen crazy myself i almost drove searching for a jewel filled trove imagine my surprise when i found the key and delight when it fit me no diamonds or gold only mind heart and soul a treasure chest full of bounty priceless
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Cindy Lee Loucks
night inversion silent excursion wings spanned hearing enhanced shadowed cave sound waves echo location good vibrations darkness engulfed emitting pulse change form parasitic swarm radar vision fighter pilot precision exterminate recreate virtual feast beauty in the beast deep sleep rise bitten once twice shy light blind ravenous appetite vampire’s kiss metamorphosis thirst for life resurrecting bite
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Cindy Lee Loucks
said go ahead and leave that forever you’d be with me to tell the truth not over you instead of moving on keep playing our song thought it would be so easy but when i’m with other guys i see you in their smile isn’t fair to compare just seems you’re always there been on my mind since i said goodbye meet someone who’s cute you’re in the room too can’t escape image of your face think i hear your voice above the noise try not to but have no choice said go ahead and leave that forever you’d be with me promised you’d be back guess you got the last laugh it’s like eating my cheerios with your ghost sharing the bedside stand with your hologram to tell the truth getting used to you kinda hope you stay keep me company another day
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Cindy Lee Loucks
up...up trampoline can’t feel my feet under me defying laws of gravity don’t look before i leap think before i speak gonna do whatever�� i please no ceiling or floors that’s what walls are for if ignorance is bliss i’m giddy with it yes i might slip don’t give a flip rather rely on tarot cards than not follow my heart have less than a full deck still place bets only dealt one hand play it when i can truth or dare more fun than solitaire don’t have a spade Jill of all trades queen of none don’t wanna feel caged may burn bridges jump nonetheless put all eggs in one basket blow it like a leaky gasket don’t need a jewel lined casket have my say do life my way eyes can roll not gonna fold
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Cindy Lee Loucks
slither in the blind changing shape in time rearranging in the berm tadpole losing it’s squirm dragging from the rough to hop on the bluffs head out of the hudge taking cues from nature’s nudge breathe in formation pure oxygen back to seeds root through weeds can’t explain the genesis magic twist of a chrysalis wings beat back against encasing sac total rebirth to air from earth as a moth made of partial cloth metamorphosis incomplete regress repeat growing backbone stand on own babble to talk crawl to walk trickle to stream thought to realized dream transformation key
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Cindy Lee Loucks
wanna be a mystery writer weave web like a spider pencil a catch 22 channel Ann Rule author crime stories true create brilliant disguise underworld spies type up a thriller on a serial killer drop hints for discovery clues for recovery quote lines from a criminal mind cause fear and spellbind a goose bump horror leaves yo wanting more write such a fright keep myself up at night a chilling paperback about a real crackerjack links to resolve cases unsolved puzzle pieces to fit title it SICK
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Cindy Lee Loucks what if you knew wasn’t gonna come to you wait a long time for no reason or rhyme not sure before nothing to fear anymore all write then grab paper and pen goals unrealized in print come to life remembering dreams will get you into stream going back to the old will put you into flow nostalgic for the past share so it will last ponder the universe put it into words don’t have to search far it’s in your heart doesn’t have to be profound tears of a clown something that makes you laugh an inspiring photograph expose what you don’t want others to know hidden gems are the real you want to show have to believe to see it become reality only regret things not tried use that as a guide look to the child within for a place to begin don’t hesitate magic to be made on a blank page glow us away with what you have to say
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Cindy Lee Loucks
bon voyage veiled mirage ill fated journey bottom feed on a sea of grief against wind disorientation force of gale took out sails no line or reel sinking heel deliverance far...far distance missing plank dropped sank morning sky warning sign landslide changing tide chance in hell tolling bell rogue wave saving grace tossed aside tilled through needle’s eye rode white horse last resort swam like a gator under radar faced gallows treaded shallows stormy weather plucked the feathers sand bar washed away tar final heave ahead full steam flag raised time space erased shifting shape mermaid about turn lantern burns red lit night house with a light
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Cindy Lee Loucks
have moves for YouTube in my living room name is Cindy Lee represent sixty pretend i’m Cardi B drive a Bentley fake it til i make it tried to shake it put a slip in my hip got told hey you too old over the hill hard to swallow pill see others breaking through billions of views looked easy to me posted some poetry when it was done followers numbered one never cause an avalanche rap like Chance pull down gold or be a Chanel West Coast guess i’m just being ridiculous wanna be relevant but have no talent don’t act or sing do much of anything can’t dance like Beyonce have one foot in the grave other on a banana peel but that’s not how i feel still want my name in public domain it’s Cindy Lee represent sixty pretend i’m Cardi B drive a Bentley have moves for YouTube in my living room
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Cindy Lee Loucks
wanna be a mystery writer weave web like a spider pencil a catch twenty two channel Ann Rule author crime stories true create brilliant disguise underworld spies type up a thriller on a serial killer drop hints for discovery clues for recovery quote lines from a criminal mind cause fear and spellbind a goose bump horror leave you wanting more write such a fright keep myself up at night with pen in hand bag the boogeyman a chilling paperback about a real crackerjack links to resolve cases unsolved puzzle pieces to fit title it SICK
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Cindy Lee Loucks like things left to fate be surprised by what awaits if you’re into karma might ask you on a date like the heat lying on a beach if you like the sun might be the one don’t like the dark rooms cold or stark if you like it bright might be mister right like sitting by the fire swinging on a tire if you like no shirts required might be my heart’s desire like chocolate souffle listening to Michael Buble if that puts you in the mood might be my dude like love songs all night long if like breaking dawn might not be mister wrong like the sound of rain against the window pane if you are the same might take your name like movies that scare me under the blanket head buried if you like it spooky too might have to marry you so what floats your boat things you like to do cuz you never know might like them too
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Cindy Lee Loucks
scrambled fried toasted diced ground down no stalk found bleached drained lost in maze fissures and splits served with grit hard egg borrowed begged great fall hit the wall shell broke whole grain golden yolk pieces and bits made an omelette rise n shine time to dine
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