cindthia · 2 days
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Student and teacher :3
I imagine Cam as the kind of woman who mastered multiple martial arts, so now she has this huge compendium of moves that makes her semi-unstoppable.
Good thing Gideon, specialized in boxe and having a degree of "beating your childhood enemy", it's on her way to learn all her secrets~
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cindthia · 1 month
Pyrrha Dve the woman that you are…
New mini animatic on my YouTube channel! Also the comic version under the cut :)
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cindthia · 2 months
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give gideon a parental figure!!! and please let it be pyrrha
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cindthia · 2 months
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I love @ooctlt and wanted to give it a try! Ty for letting me steal them for a little bit, they are all yours again
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cindthia · 2 months
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Different practice doodles
Ianthe ended up looking like she has a chicken leg arm. Yum!
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cindthia · 2 months
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Different practice doodles
Ianthe ended up looking like she has a chicken leg arm. Yum!
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cindthia · 3 months
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Sketchin' and thinking about best character, Camilla Hect
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cindthia · 3 months
Character idea- a medium runs an antique store and helps ghosts who haunt old objects move onto the after life. One of these ghosts haunts a 1950's rotary telephone and the medium is able to talk to her through the phone specifically but this ghost refuses to move on. Obviously they're lesbians.
Also there's a poltergeist who haunts the store and is just a pest that knocks shit over. The medium never sees the poltergeist (because ghosts can choose to allow her to see them) and so she thinks he's just an annoying pest. Turns out the poltergeist is a ghost cat just doing cat shit.
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cindthia · 3 months
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Small art gift for @admiraldora who chose the awful teens as a motif. Had a lot of fun looking up their scenes again and figuring out their overall appearance and outfits.
JM always being in awe of Gideon's biceps are the cutest and funniest moments. I can only imagine how often she she gawks at Gideon in secret and inspects her own muscles in front of the mirror in the fourth's room.
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cindthia · 3 months
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In the original draft of Gideon, Harrow doesn’t say ‘Oh, I have hurt your heart,' she says ‘Oh, I have rustled your jimmies.' She says that purely because that’s what my brain thrust into my hand and I liked the way it sounded. Carl said, ‘You can’t put that in a novel’ and suggested ‘hurt your feelings.' I compromised and we ended up with ‘hurt your heart.'
wake up babe, new tazmuir interview just dropped.
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cindthia · 5 months
(An alternate version of Cam and Gideon’s first meeting if Gideon somehow managed to be even gayer)
The cavalier from the Sixth fought like no one Gideon had ever seen. It was a marvel to watch. A distracting marvel.
Gideon was watching the way the gray-clad girl’s hair moved as she fought, whipping around in a way that Gideon would find difficult to manage, when all of a sudden her rapier was out of her hand.
The other girl moved closer and closer until Gideon’s back was pressed into the wall. Suddenly, there was cold steel against her throat as the Sixth cavalier held a knife to her neck, face mere inches away from Gideons. The hand with the gauntlet was pinned to the wall by her head.
Gideon was sure she could get away without too much trouble. This girl was smaller than her, and likely trained for speed over raw strength. She could break out of the hold and maybe even get back to her sword.
Or she could, if it wasn’t the fact that this was a situation out of her fantasies. Having a body pressed so close to her that she could feel the warmth, having a face so close that she could feel heavy breath tickling her cheek.
It was a very nice face to be so close to, Gideon observed. Smooth, light brown skin, a large nose with a downward tilt, a strong jaw. Her lips—wide, soft looking, a prominent upper lip—were set in a firm line and her intense eyes—slightly hooded, the color of dusty earth, lined by thick dark eyelashes—glared at Gideon.
When she spoke, it was lower and darker than it had sounded when she was talking to her necromancer. “Why were you following us?”
Gideon desperately wanted to say something suave. Hoping to get a glimpse of your sweet face, baby. Was that suave? That was something the characters from her magazines might say but she felt like it might not be received well under these circumstances.
She was saved by the voice of the necromancer. “Camilla. Let her go.”
Suddenly Gideon was free and the girl—Camilla—was back by her necromancer’s side before Gideon could catch her breath.
She was pretty sure she imagined the gangly young man whispering to his companion. “Was I interrupting something, Cam?”
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cindthia · 7 months
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some team 69 bonding
for @corvidcorgi, who asked for “69 cav vs cav arm wrestling competition… Pal and Harrow take vastly different approaches to being a one-man hype squad.”
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cindthia · 7 months
apocalypse wrapped
you killed 1.5 billion cows!
you were responsible for the death of all your friends!
your top stream was on june 10th, 2028, in which a corpse flipped off PETA! it had 20.8 million views!
you resurrected the earth as barbie!
you murdered zero billionaires and every member of the working class!
you made catholicism woke!
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cindthia · 7 months
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pov you’re in your girljock bf’s unbelievably shitty college apartment and she’s the most beautiful girl in the universe
bonus no text box version so u can bask in the glow of messy nightstand, emotional support gatorade squeeze sport bottle glory:
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cindthia · 8 months
Ahhhhh gorgeous
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the grand lysis of palamedes sextus and camilla hect
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cindthia · 8 months
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"Camilla had been crouched down, wiping her knives on one of their jackets. ... One of her eyes was a pale, pearlescent grey; the other one of her eyes was a deep, cool stone colour."
New Rho (Nona the Ninth) Camilla Hect photo & cosplay: @featherbreak
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cindthia · 8 months
camgidehark please.. please. its a desert
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rough housin’
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