The reason Buddy helped Chase in Cinderfella isn't because he had a change of heart, or because he likes Chase- it's because he has to keep up his intimidating demeanor.
Originally he threatened him with "you better not come back into any book ever" but what does that really mean? Besides pranking or insulting him what can he actually do to Chase if he comes back? He already knows he'd lose in a fight (see ep1), and he doesn't know how to find Chase irl. So if Chase lost the bet and came back, nothing would happen.
And then Chase would know he's all talk and not scary and he really wants Chase to think he's cool :(
Alternate theory: If Chase leaves, Buddy has no one to pay attention to him. So Chase losing the bet would not benefit him either way.
Buddy Headcanons Chase Headcanons
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Dale never wanted to be a doctor either. He just went for the financial security.
His true passion was to open up a pizza shop.
Dale Headcanons
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Prunella's dad will look like this
Prunella Headcanons
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simon is married to two people called ezra and likey. they are in the happiest relationship known to the planet earth
Simon Headcanons...
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Chase: *singing*
Buddy: *covers ears* Shut up, your horrible!
Chase: *bows* I'd like to thank my favorite person on the world......Alastair
Buddy: *Uncovers ears and slams Alastair against the wall* HE IS MINE YOU SON OF A BITCH
Chase Headcanons Buddy Headcanons
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Deacon has chicken scratch “doctor” hand writing
Deacon Headcanons
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Teddy draws waffle abs on himself.
Teddy Headcanons
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Cinderella Boy Last Week of October Challenge
October 25: Coffee
October 26: Pumpkin Carving
October 27: Horror Movie
October 28: Cuddles
October 29: Fear
October 30: Cold
October 31: Costumes
Join now!
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Buddy can play the violin
Buddy Headcanons
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Deacon Headcanons
Deacon secretly wants to buy figurines but his mom won’t let him since she thinks they’re too “tacky”.
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Buddy was never sick because the ex libris use a little of narratonin on the members with some symptoms so they won't take a day to rest and get the amount of narratonin back or more
Buddy Headcanons
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Chase was being intentional when he made the "Does ex libris keep you locked up and never feed you?" comment.
Buddy's outfit in Beach Boys was the first one that could not cover up how skinny he was, and Chase made it a point to try and bring it up later. He wasn't joking and accidently guessed right, he was trying to bring it up in the most lighthearted way possible.
Chase Headcanons
Buddy Headcanons
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Deacon Headcanons
Deacon would cry to Toy Story 3.
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Chase Headcanons
Chase eats things he shouldn’t. He once ate his science project out of pure curiosity.
#cinderella boy#cinderella boy headcanons#cinderella boy webtoon#headcanons#cinderella boy webtoons#chase headcanons#totally not projecting haha#Yes. I ate my science project.#Was it edible? That’s what I was trying to see.
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Buddy wears eyeliner
Buddy Headcanons
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Chase Headcanons
Chase definitely set his homework on fire once. Whether it was intentional or unintentional is entirely up to you.
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