cinderadelne · 2 years
Ya know what's fun to do? Givin people the time in weird formats
It is currently 4:-05 PM
15.91666667 UTC-6
66.31944444% diurnal
0.4084901434 Julies
e^(133πi/12) o clock
cos(0)+i*sin(0):cos(2π/3)+i*sin(2π/3) PM
One of these days imma figure out how to give the time in Mercator projection. In the meantime somebody please figure out how to put the time in matrix multiplication form I need this to curse my timeline plz
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cinderadelne · 4 years
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cinderadelne · 4 years
*forms a rat king with my mutuals*
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cinderadelne · 4 years
the answer to “why would you hide this in the tags” is almost always “i respect OP’s time and notification feed”
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cinderadelne · 4 years
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Would you guys like me to post more recipes inspired by cottagecore? Please let me know ^_^
Rose lemonade syrup
Cottagecore meat pie (Original content)
Creamy vegetable soup
Chewy oat cookies
Spiced sugar cookies
Orange Cake
Cheddar biscuits
Apple butter
Cozy Wildrice Soup
Amish White Bread
Caramel apple cider recipe
Forest Porridge
Roasted butternut squash
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cinderadelne · 4 years
I want someone to really want me. Make a big deal about me, tell me I’m on your mind way too fucking much but you kinda like it. Make it completely obvious that I’m the person you want. Tell me you can’t wait to see me; show me how you feel so I can feel it too. Make me feel something I’ve never felt before. Tell your friends about me & I’ll tell them about how you make butterflies swam my stomach. Want me as much as I want you.
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cinderadelne · 4 years
If the grinch has “garlic in his soul” doesn’t that just make him Italian?
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cinderadelne · 4 years
My friend was wondering if anyone has a
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that he could borrow.
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cinderadelne · 4 years
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i present to you…. a souless clay bust of Flo the progessive lady
Submission and caption by the-almighty-coral
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cinderadelne · 4 years
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found him at a thrift store in Colorado
Submission and caption by kangaroddy
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cinderadelne · 4 years
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A good sweet Coconut boi
Found at a goodwill in Indiana.
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cinderadelne · 4 years
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cinderadelne · 4 years
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Christmas baking ~
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cinderadelne · 4 years
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cinderadelne · 4 years
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cinderadelne · 4 years
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It’s that time of the year !
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cinderadelne · 4 years
Be the type of person that can walk into any room and instantly change the vibe. Be the source of good vibes, and let it spread.
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