cigs-after-s3x · 3 months
i love deleting everything related to him. looking back at it, it was never love. we were both lovesick.
i'm happier now.
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cigs-after-s3x · 6 months
i was so much happier before i started dating, and i was still a suicidal wreck back then.
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cigs-after-s3x · 7 months
my birthday's in a week but i'm killing myself today
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cigs-after-s3x · 7 months
this bitch about to hang itself 👍
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cigs-after-s3x · 7 months
i'm actually so tired of my dumb fucking brain.
i hate how i overanalyze everything. i hate how other people make me happy. i hate how i'm so reliant on them. hate how much control they have over me. and every time i think i'm getting better or try helping myself, one interaction with them sends me spiraling all over again.
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cigs-after-s3x · 7 months
took a lot of pills today. hoping i don't wake up tmrw
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cigs-after-s3x · 7 months
in my sleep for 16 hours a day era
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cigs-after-s3x · 7 months
it feels so nice not being clean.
i don't have anyone's expectations to live up to anymore. i don't have to feel bad for ruining any streak. i don't have to resist any urges.
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cigs-after-s3x · 7 months
where tf do i have to go to feel like punching/scratching myself is also a valid form of self-harm? media only shows cutting. songs only reference cutting. pictures only show cuts. and just saying "all self harm is valid" isn't enough for my fucked up brain.
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cigs-after-s3x · 7 months
well, today has been utter shit.
from me realizing i don't really love my boyfriend as much as i should to my mom tipping me off.
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cigs-after-s3x · 7 months
actually. feel free to message me if you're depressed, suicidal, and have anger issues because same (/gen. anyone can feel free to message me, actually. i'm pretty chill.)
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cigs-after-s3x · 7 months
fuck my mom. fuck my boyfriend. fuck my grandma. fuck everyone. i'm so fucking done.
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cigs-after-s3x · 8 months
reminder that even when things feel like they're getting better, they never are. nothing ever changes.
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cigs-after-s3x · 8 months
was almost 11 days clean of self harm until today. i want to kms
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cigs-after-s3x · 8 months
you ever suck so much at conversing that your boyfriend prefers to talk to ai whilst on the phone with you? (im gonna kms)
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cigs-after-s3x · 9 months
im such a fucking idiot
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cigs-after-s3x · 9 months
all i wanna do is surprise him with a suicide note as a new years present
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