cici-ramos · 3 years
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Cecillia Ramos - Summer Equinox Fair Outfit @acadiahqsinspo
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cici-ramos · 3 years
It was terrible.
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cici-ramos · 3 years
“Ay, Cici!” Damien called out, cupping his hands around his mouth to make his voice echo down the hallway once he spotted his sister. He ran to catch up with her, swiftly zig-zagging between the other students walking through the hall. “What’s up, girl? How’re your classes going?” he asked, throwing an arm around Cecillia, walking besides her. 
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In their own little world Cici flinched when they heard Damian’s voice echo through the hall though she would adamantly deny it. People glanced around to find whoever was being called to. She smiled, it was their first day of middle school all over again. “Cielo.” They spoke with a cheeky grin. Easily matching their paces together. “Speaking of my classes. Mimi meet Pancakes.” Still walking they maneuvered their side bag in front of her and a small furry head of a Pomeranian puppy popped out. “I’ve only had him for half a day but if anything happened to him, I would murder everybody.”
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cici-ramos · 3 years
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[ BELISSA ESCOBEDO, TWENTY-TWO, DEMIGIRL ]. who just got accepted? oh, it’s just the new student [ CECILLIA RAMOS ]. [ SHE/THEY ] is originally from [ OAKLAND, USA ] and they’re apparently a [ DHAMPIR ]. did you hear their focus is [ ANIMALS ] ? that’s probably how they got in. they remind me of [ BRIGHT CLOTHES AND DRESSES, REFUSING TO APOLOGIZE FOR YOUR PASSION, FRESH BREAD AND RICH SOUP, TOUGHNESS IN A TINY PACKAGE ] ​
Triggers: Brief mentions of death
full name: Cecillia Rosarita Ramos
nickname(s): Cici, Celery
Hometown: Oakland, USA
age & DOB: 22, February 14th
gender: Demigirl
pronouns: She/They
species: Dhampir
occupation: Student (Animal specialty)
relationship status: single
sexual orientation: Lesbian
positives: Jovial, Dependable, Humanitarian, Witty
negatives: Mischievous, Stubborn, Rebellious, Dauntless
Cecillia was born in Oakland, California alongside her older brother and raised by their grandparents. Though her brother practically raised her as well. 
Their parents died protecting their wards when Cecillia was still a baby and to this day she barely remembers either of them. Only knowing about them through stories from her grandparents. When she was younger her feelings about her parents were complicated, to be honest they’re still complicated but in a more positive way.
They learned young how to take care of the house especially doing the cooking and cleaning. Cici wished to ease the burden on her grandparents and her brother, both out of love and out of guilt. The latter feeling they keep repressed.
Cecillia has a knack for juggling multiple things at once. School, studying and homework, after school clubs, and even a part time job were all things she did her best to keep up with when she hit 16. Though her part time work was just walking their neighbor’s dogs each day after school. Their love of animals began here.
Soon they would volunteer at the local animal shelter. Cici realized that she had a way with animals. Like a lightning bolt striking her twice they had the inspiration to take her schooling towards animal care. Particularly an animal trainer and/or a vet. 
At least that was her plan and they had begun to prepare to head off to college when her invite to Acadia Academy finally came to her. Cici had heard tons of things about the Academy from their brother and had initially dreamed of attending before. Yet Cici thought about declining the invite since they already had a plan in motion, but after more research she found out as a Dhampir she could specialize in Animals. Including magical creatures!
She accepted and had headed to the academy almost instantly. And so far she’s loving it!  
regenerative healing
enhanced senses
night vision 
danger intuition
animal whisperer
Ward (0/1): Cici is relatively new to Acadia Academy and she hasn’t done much combat training. But that doesn’t stop the school from assigning her a ward to protect! Even if Cici is super against the idea, taking care of a dog is one thing but a person? Too much responsibility too fast for them. She views their guardian/ward relationship as more of a super besties type relationship currently.
Friends: New school, new people, so much potential for tons of new friends! Cecillia is a social butterfly and intends to make friends with those she gets along with. 
LOVES giving people nicknames! Will forget what someone’s actual name is and just refer them by their nickname (She calls Damian ‘Mimi’ or ‘Dalmatian’, the latter cause when they were a baby Cici always called Damian that since she couldn’t say his name.)
Doesn’t know much, if any combat. Her go to is using her strength to yeet people who are being mean
The way to someone’s heart is through their stomach. Cici learned how to cook young to help out her grandparents and she loves to cook for her loved ones
Due to her animal specialty Cici has been tasked with taking care of and training a puppy, who is lovingly named Pancakes and he goes with her everywhere. [XXXX] Should they do well she will be able to begin learning to train magical creatures as well.
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cici-ramos · 3 years
“I want to know why you’re scared.”
"Pfft! I'm not scared! Just a teensy itty bitty bit nervous. And who wouldn't be when they're attending a whole new school? Besides I'll yeet anyone who tries to scare me. My current record is fifteen feet and I aim to double it."
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cici-ramos · 3 years
“I want to know what your hobbies are.”
"Cooking! I learned from my abuelita when I was small and I've been out cooking Ramsey since. I take any chance I get to cook! Mostly for myself and Tenacious D, but once I make friends here I'll cook for them too!"
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cici-ramos · 3 years
🌺 “I WANT TO KNOW…” Prompts
A collection of random “I want to know…” sentences.
For Multimuses: Please Specify Muse(s)
“I want to know more about you.” 
“I want to know where you’re from.”
“I want to know what you do.”
“I want to know what you like.”
“I want to know what your hobbies are.”
“I want to know who your family is.”
“I want to know who your friends are.”
“I want to know what makes you happy.”
“I want to know what makes you sad.”
“I want to know what makes you angry.”
“I want to know why you’re hurt.”
“I want to know who hurt you.”
“I want to know why you’re scared.”
“I want to know what love is to you.”
“I want to know who you loved.”
“I want to know who you hated.”
“I want to know why you run away.”
“I want to know why you stayed.”
“I want to know why you left me.”
“I want to know why you care.”
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