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ciairvoyant · 3 years ago
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           𝐏𝐔𝐓 𝐈𝐓 𝐓𝐎𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐃𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐆𝐄𝐓?        private, independent and selective horror game based multimuse, featuring muses from danganronpa and your turn to die! written by jupiter. ( a.c )
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ciairvoyant · 3 years ago
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moving hiro back to @truethes​ !!
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ciairvoyant · 4 years ago
sentence starters: random shit i’ve said and thought about saying, part 2. ⤿   texts edition! tw: death, guns, murder, religious references, some suggestive prompts
[ txt ] oh yep. that body pillow with a picture of me taped to it
[ txt ] are you!!!! proud of me!!!!!
[ txt ] doing hot girl shit (messaging my grandparents)
[ txt ] i want him/her/them to fall in love with me so i can fuck up his/her/their life a little out of misplaced spite
[ txt ] we’re stopping the dragonfuckers from having their way with the world
[ txt ] i love you with my entire heart but i swear to god this next breath will be your last
[ txt ] help i think ive accidentally fallen in love with someone i dont know because im lonely and i may or may not get over it by tomorrow
[ txt ] personality cancelled. i kin [name] now
[ txt ] bottom pride
[ txt ] DAMN who is SHE???
[ txt ] listen. important women are so important
[ txt ] you like [name]? wow gws
[ txt ] so im understanding that people like uh…….. men who work out….. furrie..s…..
[ txt ] do you ever just get gaydar but for kinnies?
[ txt ] i specifically took out the tone indicator to cause unrest
[ txt ] found a piece of a hash brown under my left tit so yeah, life is worth living again.
[ txt ] pro gamer moments: waking up at 3am in a cold sweat wondering when your life went to shit
[ txt ] im feeling some typa way (stressed. tired)
[ txt ] [name] got dumped and ididnt feel like being emotionally available so i ghosted him/her/them for four days
[ txt ] you ask for help from he who pushed you into the depths to begin with?
[ txt ] we live each day to forget about naughty boss.
[ txt ] it makes me want to shoot everyone. with a gun.
[ txt ] on one hand i’d be like “watch anime with me” but on the other hand. really? would i infect you like that?
[ txt ] oh to be the organic goddess dressing she carefully measures out onto a spoon and lightly drizzles onto her kale and avocado salad
[ txt ] the things i do for my youtube subscribers, i stg
[ txt ] at WHAT point do you take off your shirt for a picture
[ txt ] i think if i were to put my gender in words, it would be manchild
[ txt ] im like no this isn’t that one app that has some book called “mean girls are back” and you can’t go to prom and you die ugly and unloved if you don’t pay $43.99 usd
[ txt ] how else are we going to establish the love story if stalking isn’t a part of the agenda
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ciairvoyant · 4 years ago
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Stupid idiot Another stupid idiot
Being best friends
not ship art I just like clingy touchy feely besties and they definitely are 😗🛐
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ciairvoyant · 4 years ago
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let yasuhiro have his burger 2020
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ciairvoyant · 4 years ago
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Sunny boy
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ciairvoyant · 4 years ago
Glass Animals - Gold Lime
another favourite lesser known track of mine. gold lime was released in august, 2015. it’s a cover of ‘gold lion’ by yeah yeah yeahs with sampling of erykah badu’s ‘the healer’.
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ciairvoyant · 4 years ago
But as bad as it was, I learned something about myself … That I could go through something like that, and survive.
Nicholas Sparks (via thoughtkick)
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ciairvoyant · 4 years ago
its probably just me but something about hiro’s features always seems so soft ...
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ciairvoyant · 4 years ago
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ciairvoyant · 4 years ago
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just a heads up that i’m gonna go a bit canon divergent and basically say hiro’s treatment of sakura, especially after her death, isn’t canon here ... he definitely doesn’t refer to her as ‘ ogre ’ the entire time he knows her and generally respects her for her abilities beyond her talent, she lets him eat cake batter out of the bowl and he does free tarot readings for her every thursday. 
the only thing i’ll take as almost canon is probably the events in chapter 4 where he lashes out in self defense. though he chooses to retaliate in such a matter because he genuinely believes his life is in danger and after chapter 3, he’s been tricked over again.
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ciairvoyant · 4 years ago
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Playing nice, Playing fools
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ciairvoyant · 4 years ago
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i need a hiro
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ciairvoyant · 4 years ago
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this verse actually begins multiple years before hope’s peak, back when hiro was in his first year of his repeated year of highschool and way before he meets any one of his soon to be classmates.
one morning, he prepares his usual series of predictions, two of them appear to be his usual, day to day kind of predictions ( the sun is going to stop shining at 11am tomorrow, the dishwasher back home will stop working on sunday night because you forgot to unload it properly ) but the third ... hints to something essentially disastrous: hope’s peak class 78 is going to be involved in a series of murders set to destroy ever last piece of hope the entirety of humanity has in the sake of their own grief and despair. 
while at first, he’s willing to write this off as simply a fluke, or random interjection from his thoughts at the time. he has a similar one the next day, and the day after that .... ultimately until this points to two weeks. it becomes clear that such a prediction is looking a surefire way to come true. so hiro makes a choice: to try and stop this for once and for all.
hiro chooses to make himself repeat his school years multiple times, in order to secure himself to be part of the same year as such a class ( even if this means joining hope’s peak’s aforementioned reserve course ), but luckily recieves a prediction that he, in fact, will be scouted for the ultimate clairvoyant of the same class and year. he keeps track of the forums predicting the other students said to be scouted for hope’s peak, and tries his best to learn their likes and dislikes. he meets up with sayaka’s manager again and tells him that giving her more leeway will certainly create better music and a lifestyle for her, he meets up with an underground gambler, asking him if he’ll reconsider trying to beat his next opponent. he attends an anime convention, asking fujiko yamada if she’s willing to truly put her work above her brother, and meet kanon nakajima to tell her that her cousin does appreciate her and that truthfully he wants her to be happiest with someone who will truly appreciate her in an attempt to fix everything he deems as a risk from such a bulletine board.
despite this, his predictions remain the same. even after he takes one step onward,  meeting up with the postman rumoured to deliver the ultimate lucky students mail to ask them to make an important deal out of it so the lucky student feels special. trying to question jin kirigiri about his relationship with his daughter and being firmly rejected. his predictions remain the same even after he joins hope’s peak after that, making his damned best to ensure that everyone gets on in good terms, resolving as much conflict as he can ( obviously some pieces are a lost cause, but- ) in fact, the moment the tragedy hits, it gets worse. 
one night him and leon stay up late because neither of them can sleep, and when leon asks him to give his prediction, hiro sees a vision of his execution. he follows kiyotaka to help out with his early morning chores and ends up opening a door for him only to have a vision that it’s his body there, laying dead on the floor rather than before him. he calls junko mukuro in midst of a vision of seeing her getting impaled by spears, his own hand smaking a bottle against sakuras head in the midst of a talk about strength with her. each of these leading up to a series of events in which he feels he cannot control. 
except, there is one thing he manages to change: in his prediction of her death, he opens mukuro up to the reality earlier that junko will ultimately betray her, no matter what. and in the night in which everyone essentially has their memory wiped, she tells hiro she won;t wipe his memory, as long as he plays pretend that he’s dead so that they can get the upper hand on junko when the time comes, and hides him up in the morgue under the pretence he has passed away, giving him the headmasters key in order to get back down and overcome for now. 
the killing game begins as planned without hiro, but it’s with his and mukuro’s plan that they manage to stop the first motive being aired on that day. instead, mukuro taking centre stage for her and junkos plan much earlier than expected, while junkos distracted - it’s hiro who breaks in the headmasters office and essentially shoves junko out in order to stop the killing game, obviously believing himself the victor, he doesn’t see the door that closes in behind him, or the screen that greets him straight away.
junko still betrayed her twin sister for the despair, and mukuro ikusaba’s unfortunate death despite all he did to change it haunts hiro in a way he didn’t expect ... 
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ciairvoyant · 4 years ago
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship
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ciairvoyant · 4 years ago
kinda makes me feel sad when i think about hiro’s talent and how much he’s most likely seen. like, all canon predictions aside, it took him three series of murders before he finally recieved a prophecy to know that there would be no more murder in a killing game, but before that would’ve most likely had to meet the entire group following predictions that confirm motives to be true, or even just knowing that someone is going to betray someone else that time. while his divinations would never have given him the names / people / places ... its harrowing to know that something is definitely going to happen and you can only watch it, see it in real time. know that when you wake up the next morning someone is going to be gone. 
but i think the worst thing is, the fact that even if the tragedy or the killing games never happened, the opportunity to see bad news would never stop. sure enough, over the years he’s been the kind of person to sell a good fortune for money, but that doesn’t stop him holding someones future and seeing something horrible. discovering what kind of horrors that await them and still try to create a positive spin on it. there’s probably been times where he’s tried to warn people, such as telling them not to avoid a certain something or simply just being kinder to those they meet but in reality he most likely hears it all turns out in the same again because people dont believe him.
hiro’s got the ability to change certain parts of the future, but it comes back to the person who he’s telling his fortune to. he’s a clairvoyant, he can’t control the future.
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ciairvoyant · 4 years ago
hiro still going on vacation with his mum. iconic.
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