chylakproject · 5 years
Market Analysis
Consumer Analysis
Competitive Analysis
Marketing and Communication Plan/Strategy
Primary Research
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chylakproject · 5 years
Final submission
In order to submit the project we met in Plexal after class and did it together two days before the deadline. 
Oliwia is going to Poland in a month and she will present the project to the Sales and Marketing Managers. In this way she will be able to meet in person the team we have been in touch for the past few months. We are planning to bring the project to life and continue to parter with Chylak in the future.  
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chylakproject · 5 years
Final presentation
For the final presentation we used the feedback from Stacia and other comments that we heard during the mock presentation. Unfortunately, Veronika was not able to attend the presentation, however we discussed the topics that had to be covered and practices together. Thus Veronika provided feedback to Oliwia on her presentation skills and content. 
Oliwia presented for around 15-20 mins and answered the questions smoothly. 
Veronika followed up as soon as the presentation was finished to find out how it went. 
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chylakproject · 5 years
Mock presentation
The mock presentation went well. We’ve been presenting for around 20 mins where we covered the steps of the project in detail. We answered the questions from Stacia, Chitra and Sabinna and other TEs. We used the feedback to reflect on our project. 
The comments and advises we plan to implement for the next steps of the project implementation after the unit will finish, including inventory management and fulfilling the demand. Furthermore we plan to explore the customer behaviour further through focus groups. 
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chylakproject · 5 years
Presentation prep
In order to make and prepare for the presentation we met after class in Plexal and created the slides that summarise the content of our project. 
To prepare and practice the presentation we met on Wednesday in the JPS Library where we polished the slides and prepared what we wanted to say. 
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chylakproject · 5 years
Veronika was responsible for finalisation of our Project. She used InDesign to visually present our project. 
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chylakproject · 5 years
2nd meeting with Stacia
During the second meeting with Stacia we discussed our progress so far. Stacia gave us suggestions about the PR. Instead of using existing PR agency we decided to consider using a PR Manager based in the UK. Furthermore, the meeting gave us more ideas on testing our plan. Thus we decided to complete a primary research asking customers about their shopping behaviour and preferences via an online survey. 
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chylakproject · 5 years
Phase 3 marketing and communications plan
As agreed Oliwia was responsible for marketing and communication plan of our project. Preparation of the plan started with brainstorming of the tools and methods we want to use that would be the most suitable for Chylak.
Oliwia started the marketing plan with the 4Ps analysis that included Product, Price (based on a pricing analysis by Veronika), Place (distribution channels that we decided to use including e-commerce, stockists and pop-up store) and lastly Promotion. For the last element we agreed to use PR, Social Media and Influencers. 
In April Veronika went home for a few weeks, thus in order to keep her informed about the progress of the project we had a Skype call. Through the conversation we discussed the marketing tools we decided to use and developed an idea of the QR codes as promotional tool. 
Finished marketing plan we decided to test with the potential customers based in the UK. 
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chylakproject · 5 years
As we agreed earlier Veronika did the in-depth pricing analysis that was a based for 4Ps of Marketing Mix completed by Oliwia
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chylakproject · 5 years
Phase 3 planning & brainstorming
In order to complete the phase 3 of our project we brainstormed the plan for the brand and its positioning in order to strategically create the marketing and communication plan. During that time we discussed most appropriate marketing channels including social media, and tools we could use in order to build strong brand awareness of the brand in the UK market.
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chylakproject · 5 years
1st meeting with Stacia
After completing the phase 1 of the project we met with Stacia. During the meeting we presented our initial project research findings, the Project Map and the GANTT chart. The feedback was very positive. Stacia gave us ideas on further development of the project and advised us to review the PEST Analysis after the Brexit. Furthermore she gave us advise on positioning of the brand.
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chylakproject · 5 years
Phase 2: Background research
In order to produce an in-depth analysis we started with an analysis of the UK market, which was completed by Veronika. She also did the PEST Analysis. We discussed that we will analyse the market however there will be changes that will need to be made after Brexit. 
Oliwia knowing well the brand analyses it using SWOT. The tool helped us to understand brands strengths, thus the USP and possible opportunities for further development of the brand in the new market. In order to finish the two models we spend two days in the CSM library. 
Veronika also completed competitor analysis that allowed us to visualise the market landscape and possible opportunities for positioning. This research was a base for the marketing plan for Oliwia in order to identify and compare the marketing and communication activities used by other brands and how Chylak can different itself. 
When Veronika was completing the competitor analysis, Oliwia focused on the Customer analysis. To completed she 
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chylakproject · 5 years
Team Agreement
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Oliwia & Veronika 
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chylakproject · 5 years
Phase 1
As soon as we got the agreement from Chylak on the project they are interested in we met in the library and discussed the goals of the project. 
We created the GANTT chart that outlined the steps of the project and helped us monitor the progress. We divided the steps into 4 phases and aimed to be proactive to make sure we complete the project being fully focused and committed.
The initial action plan helped us to split work as through dialogue we could agree what are the strengths and weaknesses of each of us.
We signed the Team Agreement with the aim to understand and be aware of the responsibilities and consequences of lack of commitment to the project. 
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chylakproject · 5 years
Agreement with Chylak
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chylakproject · 5 years
Secure agreement with CHYLAK
Aaker Chart
Consumer Analysis
SWOT Analysis
Marketing and Communication
Primary Research
PEST Analysis Market Analysis
Calculate market value of the handbags segment 
Financial Plan 
Layout of the project 
Website design
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chylakproject · 5 years
Initial Action Plan
Build international networks, improve communication skills, identify a brand to work with and establish a mutually beneficial relationship
Identify platforms for effective international collaboration.
Improve and then reflect on team performance vs agreed objectives and recognise future opportunities to work internationally
Improve our creative attributes, and identify and propose opportunities for individual growth to each other.
Market Analysis
Consumer Analysis
Competitive Analysis
Marketing and Communication Plan/Strategy
Financial Plan
Primary Research
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