142 posts
for the tainted sorrow can't be remedied, and the sun sets...
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
chuuyasbbgxx · 2 years ago
Certainly, Asagiri didn't get it right
Dazai is everything but disciplined (RIP Kunikida)
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chuuyasbbgxx · 2 years ago
What do you think Chuuyas favorite food with wine is? (You said ask anyrhing and my brain went to this)
This is such an interesting question! Based on what I've learnt from those who consume wine, I guess he'd prefer something spicy or tangy, but at the same time, not too hard on the tongue. As of now I can't think of any such food though (my knowledge on cuisine out of my country, or even my own country, is really bad)
Thanks for asking, anon! Sending love you way ❤️
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chuuyasbbgxx · 2 years ago
Chocolate or candy?
It's hard to choose.....Mostly chocolate though!
like, if I'm feeling low, I prefer chocolate, while I like to have candies when my mouth is feeling lonely 😂
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chuuyasbbgxx · 2 years ago
ask me anything, im bored 🪄🔮🧸
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chuuyasbbgxx · 2 years ago
Hello? Can I ask for a request? Chuuya with a girlfriend whose tall, and gets a bit depressed because of being taller than normal for girls. Sweet and cuddly, and gives the best head massages to him during cuddle time?
Ever since you joined the Port Mafia, you have had a crush on Chuuya, but weren’t quite sure if you had a chance with him as you were considerably taller than him
However, things turned out much better than expected between the two of you, and before you knew it, the two of you were dating
Though Chuuya loves you for who you are and not what you do, he is pretty fond of the head pats you give him. Your fingers in his hair is all he needs when he has had a bad day at work, to melt into a puddle of warmth.
Chuuya knows what it’s like to be mocked and left out because of having unusual height, and he is certainly not going to accept it. If he ever finds anyone even staring at you for your height, the person will never be heard of again, I assure you.
During cuddles, Chuuya is the small spoon. Hug him tighter, press kisses gently at the back of his head, and he’ll be a blushing mess throughout the night, guaranteed.
He loves the hugs you give him - the very thought of his arms around you, head buried in your chest, gets him butterflies <3
a/n: forgive me if this is ooc, I was thinking of something else when I was writing this 😂
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chuuyasbbgxx · 2 years ago
gosh I've got so much to talk about, but I can't even say it here. my mind's bursting with fluffy thoughts <33
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chuuyasbbgxx · 2 years ago
** am working on some headcanons but for now, here's some song lyrics for you <3
Never need a bitch, I'm what a bitch need (Bitch need) Tryna find the one that can fix me I've been dodgin' death in the six speed Amphetamine got my stummy feelin' sickly
serotonin levels be so high with this song 💕
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chuuyasbbgxx · 2 years ago
dazai x reader with an ability that makes their poop explode
Warnings: scatophilia
Please? 🥺🥺
....requests are currently closed :( sorry
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chuuyasbbgxx · 2 years ago
HI pls don't use the term comfort person!! It's a term that is used to refer to the sexual slavery and serial r/pe of Korean women during WWII-
OMG I'm so sorry, I had no idea, I didn't mean it that way
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chuuyasbbgxx · 2 years ago
Totally random
Staying up late at night with friends is so much fun (it's 2:15 am right now and they're trying to keep me less sleepy, at my request) 🥹
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chuuyasbbgxx · 2 years ago
I am with you and all the others who are suffering. Take care
Sending love to all out in Iran, what is going on is cruel!
Ik this isn't my usual post, but this needs awareness.
If you aren't aware of what's going on:
A 22 year old Kurdish girl named Mahas Amini been brutally killed by morality police because she wasn't wearing her hijab right, and she WAS wearing her hijab, and sadly, this isn't the first time that police and government did something like this to people so Iranian people are protesting in the streets, police even shot a 10 year old little girl .
So please if you have a Twitter account or any social media account that you think might help, use the #Mahsa_Amini and let others know about what we're going through in iran, it's not only because this innocent girl got killed it's because we are tired of the government not caring about our human rights
They are also cutting off Internet in Iran so Iranians cannot share their voice online, so please bring awareness to this, protests are being very rough and Iran and its people are suffering! Please repost or reblog this for awareness!
Thank you for your time.
Tagging a few people so it can reach an audience through different blogs, so if I tag you please if you can reblog that would be brilliant
@mrsdostoevsky @ashthemadwriter @sips-tea-cutely @pussydrunkfyodor @miss-akutagawa @akira-rattan @allisonlol
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chuuyasbbgxx · 2 years ago
Sending love to all out in Iran, what is going on is cruel!
Ik this isn't my usual post, but this needs awareness.
If you aren't aware of what's going on:
A 22 year old Kurdish girl named Mahas Amini been brutally killed by morality police because she wasn't wearing her hijab right, and she WAS wearing her hijab, and sadly, this isn't the first time that police and government did something like this to people so Iranian people are protesting in the streets, police even shot a 10 year old little girl .
So please if you have a Twitter account or any social media account that you think might help, use the #Mahsa_Amini and let others know about what we're going through in iran, it's not only because this innocent girl got killed it's because we are tired of the government not caring about our human rights
They are also cutting off Internet in Iran so Iranians cannot share their voice online, so please bring awareness to this, protests are being very rough and Iran and its people are suffering! Please repost or reblog this for awareness!
Thank you for your time.
Tagging a few people so it can reach an audience through different blogs, so if I tag you please if you can reblog that would be brilliant
@mrsdostoevsky @ashthemadwriter @sips-tea-cutely @pussydrunkfyodor @miss-akutagawa @akira-rattan @allisonlol
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chuuyasbbgxx · 2 years ago
characters: Dazai, Chuuya, Akutagawa warnings: mention of suicide word count: 546
Dazai loves you, and he loves double suicide, but when you are feeling like ending it all, he will not support it. He cannot believe that you, his reason for living, is feeling this way but he knows that it isn’t impossible for you to feel this way as you’re human too. His go-to activity when you’re feeling this way is to cuddle you, but only if you allow it. He’ll hug you softly, constantly whisper “I love you, y/n” in your ear, run his fingers through your hair, hold your hands and squeeze them lightly, kiss you on the forehead - you name it, he’ll do it. However, if you’re not comfortable with physical touch, he’ll try a different approach. He’ll spend time with you, talking to you about random things, joking in between (as always), doing the things you like. He won’t stop till you feel better. Nothing, absolutely nothing, makes his reason for living feel this way.
You’re everything to Chuuya, and watching you get emotionally weaker day by day as suicidal thoughts grow in your mind just gets him broken inside. He knows how you feel, he knows how horrible and wrong it is, and he knows how to help you feel better. Ever since the two of you have been together, he has been keeping an eye on the activities that make you feel happy, the things that he could do to get you distracted, your comfort food, and the upbeat songs on your playlist. He’ll spring to action with a plan involving all these, and most importantly, he’ll be there for you. He knows how important it is to have someone you can freely talk to about your problems, and as he loves you more than anything else, he’ll be your shoulder to cry on when needed, and he’ll comfort you when you’re upset. Nothing hurts him more than seeing you this way, and he will certainly do everything possible to make you feel better.
Akutagawa may not show it, but he has been noticing your declining mental health. He is willing to do everything in his power to change the way you feel, but unfortunately, he is clueless on how to help you. Whenever he sees you losing interest in the things that would usually cheer you up and keep you engaged, he mentally slaps himself for not being able to help you, but he soon figures out a way that he thinks will work. He’ll approach you when you’re feeling down, asking you if you need him to do anything, and if there’s any such thing, he’ll do it. Else, he will tell you about how much you’ve been a help to him - how you are the person who accepts and loves him for who he is, how you have helped him during his hard times and how you are always there when he needs help. He is indeed extremely grateful for everything you’ve done for him, and he expresses all this through his words and actions for you. He may not be the kind of boyfriend who would hold your hands or hug you usually, but if it’s going to make you feel better, then he’ll do it all. He just wants to see you happy always.
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chuuyasbbgxx · 2 years ago
Hey there! I was planning to get some manga/light novel (will be travelling abroad in two weeks' time so I thought I'll get it there) for Bungou Stray Dogs, what would be your recommendation? I haven't read any light novels so far and would love one with Chuuya <3 Please do share your recommendations!
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chuuyasbbgxx · 2 years ago
Hello! I saw you're taking request so can I request chuuya and dazai that are like on edge and are about to break down and their s/o comforts them, giving them words of affirmation and hugs and kisses then they start to cry both tears of joy and sadness?
Take your time and don't rush yourself, take care please and thank you 🥰
character: Chuuya genre: kinda angst to fluff
Chuuya was the kind of person who would pretend to be strong even when he is at his lowest, and you knew this too well. For the past few weeks, he had been rather tired and dull, and on being asked about it, he would not accept that he has been down lately. This hurt you a lot, for Chuuya was someone who was always there for you, and it only felt fair that you should be there for him when he needs it.
You were busy with some paperwork at the Mafia base one afternoon when you heard your subordinates talking among themselves about Chuuya leaving work early that day. It was a rather alarming news for you. Chuuya, who is dedicated to his work more than anything else, who finds comfort in it more than anyone else, left early for the day?
Something wasn't right.
Immediately, you requested for the rest of the day off and headed to the place you two called home.
Chuuya didn't expect you to be back home early like him, and when he heard you call out his name from the main door at four in the evening while he was resting in bed, he was surprised. He didn't understand why you would be home hours before your shift ended.
"Chuu," you say as you enter the room to find him curled into a ball on the bed, facing the opposite wall.
"Please leave me alone," he said, and something about the way he said it told you that he didn't actually want you doing that.
You sit on the bed and place your hand gently on his shoulder. "I'll be here if you need anything, okay?"
"I thought I told you to leave."
"I know you need someone with you now, and I'm most definitely not going to leave you alone."
Chuuya made a sound of disapproval, but didn't shake your arm off himself.
An hour passed as you sat there with him on the bed.
"Chuu," you began, when you decided to ask him about it. "What is it that's troubling you?"
Chuuya shifted slightly from his position but didn't utter a word.
You slowly caress his hand, waiting patiently for a response.
"I'm...I'm tired of it all," he finally said. "Tired of doing the same thing every day, tired of trying to act like it's okay, tired of bottling things up like it doesn't affect me- I'm tired of it all."
"You need a break," you say slowly. "I understand how you feel, you badly need a break. How about I ask Mori-san about it, hmm? He'll agree for sure. I mean, you work so hard day and night, sacrificing everything dear to you, you certainly deserve a break."
"You don't have to-"
"Of course I don't have to," you say, which shocks him internally. "I want to, I need to. Why? Because you mean so much to me. Because you were always there for me. Because I love you more than anything else."
You can feel him shake a little and hear him sniffle a little, which breaks you.
You pull him into a soft yet warm hug, and he buries his head into your shoulders, crying softly.
"Thanks, y/n," he says slowly. "I needed the hug and your words." He pulls you closer to himself, and you kiss his forehead. “Shh, it’s alright now.”
a/n: I got way too late with this one :( sorry, also, I'll try getting the Dazai one done soon.
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chuuyasbbgxx · 2 years ago
Wanna be nosy… here’s your chance.
0:Height 1:Virgin? 2:Shoe size 3:Do you smoke? 4:Do you drink? 5:Do you take drugs? 6:Age you get mistaken for 7:Have tattoos? 8:Want any tattoos? 9:Got any piercings? 10:Want any piercings? 11:Best friend? 12:Relationship status 13:Biggest turn ons 14:Biggest turn offs 15:Favorite movie 16:I’ll love you if 17:Someone you miss 18:Most traumatic experience 19:A fact about your personality 20:What I hate most about myself 21:What I love most about myself 22:What I want to be when I get older 23:My relationship with my sibling(s) 24:My relationship with my parent(s) 25:My idea of a perfect date 26:My biggest pet peeves 27:A description of the girl/boy I like 28:A description of the person I dislike the most 29:A reason I’ve lied to a friend 30:What I hate the most about work/school 31:What your last text message says 32:What words upset me the most 33:What words make me feel the best about myself 34:What I find attractive in women 35:What I find attractive in men 36:Where I would like to live 37:One of my insecurities 38:My childhood career choice 39:My favorite ice cream flavor 40:Who wish I could be 41:Where I want to be right now 42:The last thing I ate 43:Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately 44:A random fact about anything
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chuuyasbbgxx · 2 years ago
character(s): Dazai, Chuuya warnings: none
I'll pray for you, because Dazai is definitely someone who'll join your friend in roasting you. He'll never hurt you intentionally, of course, he'll just mess with you. Oh, and the roasting doesn't stop when you friend leaves. It follows you home 💀 If he ever accidentally hurts your feelings, he'll stop it immediately and apologise. He loves you more than anyone and anything else, and he would never want to hurt his reason for living.
Chuuya would absolutely lose his mind if someone roasted you ever so playfully. Poor guy doesn't understand what roasting is, and he really doesn't see why your friend should be doing that to you. However, if he notices you're okay with it and it's not affecting you in a bad way, he will not interfere. But at the slightest sign of your discomfort, he'll spring to action. No one hurts his darling, after all, even slightly.
a/n: my friend @ajal-is-better-than-ananya has been roasting me and my friends and that's what inspired this :) honestly loved it and I'll miss roasting and getting roasted by him. also, requests are currently closed as I need to get my life together! Sorry ^^ I also have some pending works :((
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