chrprtt-archive · 4 years
birthday spooks | chris & aubrey.
It was that time of year again where Chris’ favourite person on the entire planet was born. For years he’d always been excited for her birthday just for an excuse to celebrate her but ever since they were together he’d always made it his mission to make it the best day like she deserved. After knowing each other for eleven years, Chris was pretty certain he knew what Aubrey liked and what she’d enjoy and he had the perfect idea for her thirty-sixth birthday.
They were going ghost hunting.
Now, he wasn’t the biggest fan of spooky things but he’d grit his teeth and bear it just to make his wife happy. After doing some research and watching a few episodes of Buzzfeed Unsolved, he’d decided the Queen Mary was the perfect place to go. He hadn’t told Aubrey what they were doing or where they were going so as they pulled into the parking lot, he turned to her with a big smile on his face. “Not to brag or anything but I think this years birthday gift is the best one yet,” he unbuckled his seatbelt, shifting in his seat to look at her better. “Hope you’re ready to kick some ghost butt, babe. We’re going ghost hunting on that big ol’ ship over there,” he said, pointing to the massive ship in front of them. “Apparently it’s one of the most haunted places around so expect me to be crying like a baby by the time we’re done.” @aubreyplazahq​
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chrprtt-archive · 4 years
Lucky you had your son there. I don’t have any children. Its just me. Thankfully I realized though. Did you manage to get the emails back?
I have my wife, my son and two daughters but they’re only seven months old so they can’t really help my dumb ass do anything. They’re probably smarter than me, though. Do you not have any nieces or nephews on the younger side to help you out with those kinda things? Nah. I have no idea what happened to them. Those emails are gone forever.
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chrprtt-archive · 4 years
I am still getting used to all this video chat stuff. I mean, I can use phones and computers and stuff. But all this video chat things… let’s just say I was talking to a couple of friends on there recently and I could see them trying to get my attention. Turns out the whole time I was on mute. At least now I know to check that before I start talking again.
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Happens to the best of us, my dude. I’m just glad I have my son to help me out otherwise I’d be doomed. I mean, I accidentally deleted all my emails a couple weeks ago and I have no idea how I did that.
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chrprtt-archive · 4 years
We really are. So far we’ve hosted 4th of July, Halloween, and a wedding and they’ve all been pretty damn successful. If anyone hates it they can get right on out of our house. Yes! We’ll invite everyone, it’d be great to see Jenny again too. Who knew 5000 Candles In The Wind would be the real fountain of youth?
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Honestly, we should be hired to host every single party ever in the universe. We can handle it. We’re masters at it. If anyone hates it then we’ll shun them for the rest of our lives. Imagine being shunned by us? That wouldn’t be a life worth living. Andy Dwyer is obviously the greatest songwriter the world has ever seen. Sorry, Elton John.
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chrprtt-archive · 4 years
When they make the metals take a picture I wanna see. It better say “The best show ever made in the history of ever.” I know other shows have done reboots like that, but I know that you guys were in like 2016? 2018? I can’t remember. We need to play golf sometime, that would be awesome
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I’ll live stream the ceremony for you and only you. You know it will! I’ll even see if I can get the Queen of England to present me it. Obviously she’s a massive fan of the show. If she isn’t then what’s the point? I’ll quit everything and live my life in a cave. Though, to be honest, that is mine and the wife’s retirement plan. We ended in 2015 so it’s only been five years. I’d love to do more. Hell yeah, dude! Let me know when you’re free and we’ll go hit some balls.
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chrprtt-archive · 4 years
Who is your source? Let me talk to them. I think you’re just biased, Pratt. The day you get a new season will be the day High School Musical gets an after college years movie. … Should we go talk to higher ups?
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I can’t disclose that kind of information. My lawyer said so. It doesn’t matter if my lawyer is me, it still stands. Or, better idea, we do a Parks & Rec/High School Musical crossover movie. 
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chrprtt-archive · 4 years
To hell with not bragging about it, you should brag! That’s definitely a huge accomplishment so you deserve to sprinkle that little tidbit into any conversation. I am unfortunately part of the small population that still hasn’t seen Parks & Rec yet, but I’m sure it’s as amazing as everyone says it is. Actually, I’m putting it at the top of my list of things to watch, and I’ll do my absolute best not to procrastinate on watching it. You sound like me these last few days - I haven’t left my couch other than to grab a snack or stretch my legs, but that’s just m y boredom and laziness getting the best of me. I hope you get that call you’re hoping for though, I’m sure your fans of the show would lose their minds – in the best way – to hear about a new season. Banana bread is the absolute best, isn’t it? I’m addicted to banana nut muffins, so much that I when I make my own I have to make like a bakers dozen or else I will devour them as soon as they’re out of the oven. So if you ever need the hook up on some good muffins, I’m your gal. Ahhh, not too much going on in my neck of the woods. I have too much time on my hands in between projects right now so I’ve been just hanging out, trying to enjoy it before life gets busy as hell again.
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Daisy, come on! I thought we were friends but you haven’t watched every single thing I’ve ever been in? Shame on you. Maybe I’ll have to go befriend a different Jedi. Aubrey knows Mark so watch out. I’ll replace you. Always good to be lazy, right? Especially after the last few years you’ve had. You’ve earned a good rest! If you ever need someone to come and annoy you just call me up and I’ll be there to provide all the entertainment you’ll ever need. You had me at muffins. Hook me up. I need them in my life.
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chrprtt-archive · 4 years
What?  How did I miss this happening?  I need to go watch it.  I did use to watch that show and I love your Andy.   He was the best.  I’m really glad you got to do that.  It’s a lot of fun to take a step back and revisit old ground.  What are you working on now after all that?  I’ll also petition for a new season.
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Go watch it! It’s a pretty fun episode and we raised a lot of money for charity doing it which is what makes me most happy. Thanks, man! I loved playing Andy. He’s probably my favourite character I’ve ever played. I have a bit of a break right now but I have a TV series coming up, Guardians of the Galaxy 3 and Jurassic World 3.
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chrprtt-archive · 4 years
I love being able to get back together with old cast mates. But I will be honest and say that I caught the Parks & Rec reunion and it was great. Just to see everyone together was bliss. I bet you all had a blast. If you’re still sitting on your couch this is my reminder to at least get up and walk around the couch only to sit back down again, give those joints a stretch. What’s good in the hood? Not a sweet thing. Constant cuddles with my dog but that’s it.
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Me too! I’ll do anything to see the Parks & Rec cast again. They’re basically family at this point and with us all being so busy it makes it hard for us to meet up but doing the new episode was really fun. I enjoyed being stuck in my shed. I’m not saying that it’s actually happened to me before but.... it might have. Good idea. My bones are getting old so if I don’t move then there’s no chance for me. Dog cuddles are the best, though! I cuddle our dogs when Aubrey is off doing witch things.
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chrprtt-archive · 4 years
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Ultimate Shipper Challenge ❤ [6/6] Current OTPs: Andy x April (Parks and Recreation)
April, you are the most awesome person I have ever known in my entire life. I vow to protect you from danger. I wanna spend the rest of my life, every minute, with you, and I am the luckiest man in the galaxy.
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chrprtt-archive · 4 years
Ever? Even bigger than the Super Bowl? Damn dude, though I don’t believe you that’s impressive. I watched it a couple days ago and it was hilarious. You need to do that more often, even if it’s like an Instagram series or anything on social media. As much as I’d love to stay on my couch, I can only do that for so long. I’ve been working outside with my tennis court that’s also a outdoor roller skating thing, I’m just that cool….or lame.
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You know it, dude. It sent ratings through the roof. They’re thinking about giving us all medals for making the best piece of television. All truths. No lies come from this mouth. I’d love to make more! I think we all would. Maybe eventually we will get another full season. I know there’s a high demand for it but it’s just figuring out the right storyline and getting schedules to line up. But, I’d clear my own schedule for that show. You’re cooler than me! I’ve been playing a lot of golf and that’s about it.
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chrprtt-archive · 4 years
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I… haven’t watched it yet. Don’t judge me too harsh. I’ve been a little busy but I will get around to it eventually. Wow there’s gonna be a permanent mold on the couch in the spot you’ve been sitting for so long. Hope you’re comfy though. Ooh, banana bread does sound really good. And I just got some bananas last time I went shopping. I’m doing alright, just hanging out. I may or may not have went to visit my parents just so I could use their pool the other day. 
...wow, Demi. I thought you were cool but I guess not. Go watch it right now then tell me how much you loved it. The sooner they give us a new season then the sooner I’ll get up but until then my life is on this couch. Make yourself some banana bread! We’ve been baking a lot in our house lately. Well, I watch Aubrey while she does because neither of us trust me using the oven. I’ve nearly burnt the house down on many occasions so it’s safer for me to stay away. I don’t blame you! I’d let you use my pool but you haven’t watch the new episode yet so you’re banned.
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chrprtt-archive · 4 years
I feel like we owe it to ourselves and our cast to throw this party. Amy and Nick are the only people we really care about, lets be real here. I guess it’d be nice to see Adam and Rob though and Retta’s been threatening to kill me since she hasn’t met the twins yet. Do we invite the whole cast or just the main group of us? I’m just picturing Billy yell talking at the twins and I’m fine with it, but they may not be. If we don’t do a real version of 5000 Candles In The Wind we’ll all die.
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We all know we’re the best party planners out there. It’ll be the party of the century that nobody else is allowed to. We’ll go live on Instagram so they can feel like they’re involved. We’re nice like that. Let’s invite them all. I want to yell with Billy and call Paul ‘Bobby Newport’ all night long. You’re right. We’re on our last legs and that song will bring us back to life.
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chrprtt-archive · 4 years
I believe it, not only is it the best show ever but the reunion episode was by far the best thing I’ve seen recently. I don’t google shit anyway, dude so your word is all I have to believe in. I’ve paid my tributes, I promise! I believe that too if only because Aubrey sent me a picture of it. She’s worried about you. You should really get off the couch and eat something besides banana bread. I’m not up to much, just waiting for HBO Max to launch so I can see how good my new show does. So you know, I’m just a mess trying to distract myself right now.
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You’re welcome for us gracing you with the best piece of TV ever made. Everything I ever say is the truth, Anna. I would never tell a lie. I’m never moving ever again. This is my life now so NBC better get their shit together and give us a new season so I can get back to a normal life. No, I’m only eating banana bread for the rest of my life.
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chrprtt-archive · 4 years
Not to brag or anything but I heard the Parks & Rec reunion got the highest ratings of any TV show ever. Don’t look it up, just trust me. If you didn’t watch it then go do it right now and don’t talk to me until you’ve paid your tributes to Lil Sebastian. For real, it was such a blast getting back with that cast. I’m sitting by my phone waiting for someone to call and tell me we have a whole new season. I haven’t moved from the same spot on the couch since Thursday just staring at my phone. This is my permanent spot now until it happens. As long as someone keeps bringing me banana bread then I’m good. What’s everyone up to these days? What’s good in the hood? @hchqstarters​
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chrprtt-archive · 4 years
Finally got the studio in my house sorted out. And the first thing I did was finish off the song I had started. It wasn’t one of my own. It was one that my father recorded years ago. It feels great being able to do that. Especially after me and my cousins did something similar before with different songs our fathers had recorded.
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That’s awesome! Good for you. I wish we had a studio because I’d love to sing and do all that kind of stuff but I’ll stick to movies. Nobody wants to hear this voice unless it’s singing about horses on a TV show.
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chrprtt-archive · 4 years
How’d you feel about throwing a party and inviting the Parks & Rec cast? I miss them and I think it’s about time we had an in person reunion. It’d be nice to catch up and introduce them all to the twins. I know Amy and Nick came to the wedding but we all need to get together and do a real life version of 5000 Candles In The Wind. @aubreyplazahq​
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