chronon-active · 1 month
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Chroma Undulatione My contribution for #objkt4objkt open edition: ended: 49 editions minted. COLLECT
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chronon-active · 1 month
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chronon-active · 1 month
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chronon-active · 3 months
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chronon-active · 3 months
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22 notes · View notes
chronon-active · 3 months
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chronon-active · 3 months
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chronon-active · 3 months
it's time.
welcome to…
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okay, fuck it, i went too hard last year trying to post every damn day in april. this year, i am taking a break and inviting you all to join me in making too many insane posts for quantum break month.
yes, that means i will be giving out prizes to those brave soldiers who join me in posting about a nearly-dead eight-year-old fandom for an entire month. i cannot promise that they are GOOD prizes, but i WILL reward you for joining me in quantum break hell.
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you will notice i am starting on the second week of the month. this is because i have been renovating an office and am exhausted. i will not be taking questions at this time.
anyway, the 5th of april is the 8th anniversary of quantum break's release! if you post about quantum break on this day and send me a link to the post, i will draw you a tiny doodle on a post-it note of one of the quantum break characters.
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the week of april 7th - april 13th i have designated as ships week. this week, post about your favorite quantum break ships! for every shippy post you make (and send me a link to), i will put your name into a hat one time and then pick a random person (on the 30th) to recieve a ship certificate from robinboob, a parody website that sells "certficates" saying you "own" a certain ship. (to clarify, this is parodying nfts, but the money actually funds fandom-centric web development projects.)
(i already own certificates for jackpaul and paulcest. see below. but i'm sure you can come up with some fun new ships that i can buy for you ;3)
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the week of april 14th - april 20th is blorbo week. who is your quantum break fave? which of these characters do you want to squeeze like a stress toy? post about your fave this week, and for each post you send me, i will put your name into a hat once and randomly pick someone (on the 30th) to receive free art, done by me, of your blorbo.
(i have already drawn so many quantum break fanarts, and yet, there are still characters i have only drawn once or twice. if your fave is underappreciated, this is the week for you.)
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the week of april 21st - april 27th is plot week. gimme your meta, your theories, ramble about the plot points you love to hate or hate to love. for every plotty post you make and send to me, i'll enter your name in my little hat of names once and then pick a random person (on the 30th) to win either a copy of the secret history of time travel or quantum break: zero state, your choice.
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that's about it! general diclaimers: you can tag your posts with "quantum break appreciation month 2024" obviously (that's what i'll be doing) but the only way to guarantee i see them and count them is to send me a link. my askbox will be open all month for this reason. you're also free to join the quantum break discord server i run and send your posts there, if that's easier! i won't announce winners for anything until the 30th. if i can't get in contact with you to tell you you've won (ie via tumblr message, askbox, discord, etc) i will pick someone else.
also, full disclosure, yes, i am giving out prizes specifically because i am too tired to make a ton of posts myself. but that doesn't mean i won't try! (i'm not going to enter MYSELF into the hat for a prize though, that would be silly.)
anyway. happy quantum break month! go wild my friends!!
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chronon-active · 3 months
ive been writing this program to keep track of when you do day to day tasks like doing dishes/laundry. anyways my streak of “bugs in things i write manifesting as infinite loops of unexpectedly poignant user prompts” continues
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141K notes · View notes
chronon-active · 6 months
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chronon-active · 7 months
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chronon-active · 8 months
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chronon-active · 10 months
I'm running another Quantum Break fanwork challenge! And you (yes YOU) can join it, if you want!
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Fracture Day is coming up (the day that time breaks! hooray!) on October 8th/9th (weird canon discrepancies my beloved) and I wanted to do something fun for it! Sooooooo I'm running a BINGO challenge!
You can sign up to request a BINGO card anytime from Sept. 19th to Sept. 26th. I'll send everyone their cards on Sept. 27th, and then you'll have until Oct. 8th to finish your card! Winners will be announced on the 9th :3
The sign-up form can be found here, and the rules (and other various info) can be found here! Basically, when you sign up, you'll get to add a bunch of Quantum Break-related prompts to your own custom BINGO card, and then you have a little over two weeks to try to write, draw, and create things to fill those prompts and get a BINGO!
I'll be playing too, obviously. As an example, here's my card:
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I've sorted the prompts into three categories: Characters, Ships, and Tropes (and other miscellaneous ideas). When you sign up and request a card, you can choose what kind of prompts you want, and pick a few specific ones too, if you like!
What counts as filling a prompt? Basically anything, as long as you post it somewhere that I can see it! :3c Fic, art, meta, edits, fanvids, cosplay, anything goes! Your fics can be short drabbles or long epics, your art can be just a doodle or a whole painting, doesn't matter to me! I just wanna see Quantum Break stuff! That's the whole point of this challenge!
Aaaand of course, this wouldn't be a challenge if I wasn't offering some kind of prize. Yup, the first people to get a BINGO or a full card blackout will win something! You can check the info document (linked above) for specifics, but basically, it's these:
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Alright, that's all I got for now! Good luck everyone, I'll see you on Fracture Day! ;3
(Bonus: if you wanna join the Quantum Break Discord Server to chat with people and get ideas, I now have a permanent invite link set up for it! You can join here!)
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chronon-active · 11 months
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requested by tea-with-cinnamontoast 
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chronon-active · 1 year
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641 notes · View notes
chronon-active · 1 year
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What's that sound?
154 notes · View notes
chronon-active · 1 year
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