chronicastrolog · 2 years
11H reflections
okay. well here it is. that's me; in the red. you're probably wondering how I got here -
lmfao jk. anyway, I just finished my 11th house profection year and I was going to start writing about my 12H year, but I deadass just started it yesterday and feel like I'm better off reflecting rn than predicting.
I have a taurus 11h, meaning my timelord for the year was Venus. my 11h has Saturn & Jupiter in it, so the things I'm gonna be focusing on to aid in my reflections are the conditions of Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter in my chart, along with the aspects + house affairs.
(for those learning, I'll come back to this and link keywords with related posts)
the condition of my Venus is rough, and even tho I have my own debates on it, astrologically it's not in the best place lol. my Venus is in the third house, debilitated in virgo, squaring pluto, trining mars, trining Saturn, and sextiling my ascendant. (pretty bitches stand up)
my Saturn is in the 11th house, in taurus, squaring Uranus, trining my Venus, and sextiling my ascendant.
and my Jupiter is finding planetary joy in the 11th house, in taurus, squaring Neptune, trining mars, and opposing my sun.
throughout this entire year, I met multiple people in profection years with Venus as their timelords. the vast majority, actually. I spent an insane amount of time and money addressing my appearance, changing my look, and finally accepting what aesthetics are most important to me and my presentation. I came out with my gender, broke up with my partners, and started renting an art studio. I started processing sexual violence and trauma, and got a personal trainer. I lost a fuck ton of friends and relationships, and while that's a Venusian affair in and of itself, the 11h as the house of friends means this was already gonna be addressed in some way. I did get new friends though and reconnected with many of my old ones. I gained many new clients, swung intensely between having a lot of money and none at all, and was given an artist and activist grant that someone nominated me for right before the closing of this profection year. this entire year, love, beauty, aesthetics, money, friends, community, and work, have been themes for me. Venus showed up and showed out as my timelord, and pluto came with her all the challenges and lessons of a square. mars was right there adding rigor, energy, and even aggression sometimes with the ease and consistency of a trine. Saturn was present the entire time, rewarding me and pushing me and revealing himself.
on the topic of Saturn, I found that in every thing I just mentioned, I kept running into lessons and messages on consistency, hard work, and justice. I really had to confront my relationship to time and I started to think about elders and authority in my life. I was drawn to traditions and because the 11h is also about dreams and wishes, I found myself being asked to wish and dream with determination. very Saturnian shit; the trine Saturn makes to my timelord and its occupancy in profection house made him a huge presence in my life, and I began Saturn devotion in ways I've never considered before. I had a run in with my dad who I hadn't spoken to in years. I met up with him in Puerto Rico, where I'm from, and found that an interesting location to meet my dad (Saturn) in my place of origin (sextile ascendant). I felt a lot of pressure and dedication to my own leadership and particularly to any community efforts. it was incredibly depressing many times, and felt really dark, but there was always a small light that I know Saturn wanted me to work to pursue, and Jupiter was always there just asking me to believe, and maintain faith.
and that was probably the biggest lesson I learned this year, from the biggest planet in the sky - faith, belief, and trust. throughout every financial drought, I had to trust something would come back to me. through every breakup and friendship ending, I had to believe it was for the best and that better would come. when my community felt too small, and I felt like I had worked too hard already for its growth, I had to just have faith that expansion booms when the time is right. I felt spiritually deprived, diluted, and jaded for many moments, and then found myself quickly being called to believe anyway, and the act of believing itself would frequently move mountains for me. I learned how to see faith as an action (mars trine), and to dream anyway, even when it's hard or I feel confused and unsure (square Neptune). I really had to confront how much I don't believe in myself, and even more than that, how much I'm losing by not taking a chance on myself every time I can (opposing sun).
this year was difficult for me in ways I can't really get into because it simply doesn't compare to how generative, restorative, and progressive it was. I've been feeling stuck for a long time, and even though I'm in the same place, in the same body, still waiting on and working towards a lot of changes I want to see, I feel equipped for those things now and more excited, more hopeful, and more alive for it. it was a transformative setup for what I think is about to be a whole new year of chaos, brought to me by my scorpio mercury. I think the 11h is for wishing and hoping for the things that the 12h can start dreaming and manifesting.
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