Christian Witch
9K posts
I'm Amy. Im a Southern Swamp Witch with a side of Cottage and Kitchen Witch. This is my religious blog. Feel free to ask questions. Spell Blog with all my old and new spells is
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christowitch · 2 days ago
Things that remind me of the Trinity:
Saw this going around and it looked fun.
Light scattered through tree leaves
Acrylic paint
Watercolor drying on paper
Spilled ink
Blinking text bar at the beginning of a blank page
Wood working
Iron nails
Dust kicked up on a dirt road
Holy Spirit:
Hearth fire
Thick blankets
Smell of rain after a hot summer day
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christowitch · 11 days ago
“if you cast a spell on them to feel compassion for those they have hurt.. then that will be less detrimental coming back into your life” how do you do this?
Whatever you send out will come back threefold so if you send out a spell to give someone compassion then compassion will return. I usually just write my own spells to work in these type things
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christowitch · 22 days ago
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Imbolc (Candlemas), Feb 1-2. The first glimmer of spring.
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christowitch · 22 days ago
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Imbolc (candlemas)
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christowitch · 22 days ago
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Imbolc, St. Brigid's Cross (Candlemas), Feb 1-2
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christowitch · 29 days ago
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Alittle prayer/charm for those that are shopping for cute winter boots….
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christowitch · 1 month ago
I am all but disappointed, repulsed, and frustrated with the path our nation is heading towards.
The power-centered, unchecked, dictatorship.
A God-less yet God-named nation.
When the Bible speaks of taking the Lord's name in vain, it means to justify these God forsaken actions in Christ's name. In God's name.
I hope that those who find their medium in magic, writing, music, spirituality, and more can continue these practices.
Not only to help themselves, to free and see past the lies they'll feed us, but to help your people and communities see it too.
Write your stories.
Make your spells.
Create that song.
And read these if you ever feel down: John 10:10-11, Matthew 6:24-25, Mark 11:24-25
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christowitch · 1 month ago
What can I do… I’m just one person…
There is plenty that can be done.. in the next 4 years things can get real bad so it’s best to go ahead and prepare.
Time to read up on homesteading, herbalism, survivalist style books. Learning about what herbs and plants will help fight off infection and fevers will save more lives than you think. You may end up being the witch in the woods where they travel for tonic by the end of it. Learn to make what you can at home. Out in the public may not be very safe so it’s best to limit our time.. also I can’t imagine groceries will get cheaper so it may end up being cheaper to own a chicken and make your own bread. “ what if I can’t own a chicken”… then make friends with someone who can and work out a barter system, you give bread, they give egg, we all survive the winters. Right now is the time to stock up on seeds and such at your local stores and plan yourself a garden. A lot of plants don’t mind pots so even if you only have a balcony it can still provide for you.
Now after all is read and planted and baked… remember that there will ALWAYS be people in need. So if you have an over abundance of something please give it away to others not as fortunate as yourself.
“ this sounds like fear mongering and an extreme reaction”
God I hope it is.. I really do. I hope none of these skills EVER come into being needed… BUT.. it’s better to be prepared for the worst than to be caught off guard.
If anyone has any homesteading tips, bread making recipes, or gardening plans please reblog and spread the knowledge!
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christowitch · 1 month ago
3 If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound[b] words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, 4 he is puffed up with conceit and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy craving for controversy and for quarrels about words, which produce envy, dissension, slander, evil suspicions, 5 and constant friction among people who are depraved in mind and deprived of the truth, imagining that godliness is a means of gain. 6 But godliness with contentment is great gain, 7 for we brought nothing into the world, and[c] we cannot take anything out of the world. 8 But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content. 9 But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.
1 Timothy 6: 3-10
The world is so scary right now. But these are NOT people of Christ. They do not follow his teachings. They skew the Bible and use it for gain.
In a world of false prophets..
Now is the time to be a true follower of Christ.
But know that you will be hated, persecuted and considered evil. You are not. Do not let them cause you to falter.
Feed the hungry, help the poor, give what you can and above all else.. Love..
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christowitch · 1 month ago
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Snow Day at the Cottage.
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christowitch · 2 months ago
“Can I pray for you?” Or “Will you pray with me?”
This is less common among strangers, and typically done by someone who is genuinely well meaning, possibly not very well grounded in reality, but nonetheless!!! It’s intrusive. And inappropriate. But it’s worded in such a way where you may feel like an asshole for refusing.
So instead, just tell them:
“And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward.” —Matthew 6:5
Because praying, like religion in general, is a private choice that no one should be pressured into.
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christowitch · 2 months ago
How do I know if I should give up? My spells never work, I haven't been chosen or approached by any deities, and I just feel like I'm not really a witch. Is this just impossible for some people?
Oh honey....listen, come sit by me for a second.
What you're feeling? This is totally normal. And just about every witch I've ever talked to has felt something similar at some point in their practice, including me. Success in spellwork is not a requirement for being a "real" witch, although it is nice when it happens. Contact with deities isn't a necessity either.
To be a real witch, you just have to decide that you are one and practice some form of witchcraft, whatever that means to you. What's most important is that you feel fulfilled by what you're doing, even if that means taking a break from casting just to rest or reflect or research. Sometimes it's hard to feel that connection and fulfillment, especially if things are frustrating or don't seem like they're working, or if you don't really have a community connection to pull you through, but that does NOT mean you're in any way a failure or not a real witch. It just means you've hit a slump.
Let me offer a little advice that might help.
If you're having trouble with your spells, try new methods. Review what you've done before, mark down what doesn't work, and try it another way. See if you can close some loopholes or approach a problem from a different angle. Don't be afraid to start small! SO much of witchcraft lives in the little things we do, and it's not necessary to put all your proverbial chips into big all-or-nothing spells and rituals. It can be as simple as stirring a blessing into your tea or setting your protections when you lock your door. Record what you do and look back at it later. I think you might be surprised by the results.
As for deities, if there's someone you'd like to venerate or work with, there's nothing stopping you from reaching out first. Make an overture, make a petition, say a prayer, put out a little offering. You can do all of these things without being "chosen" or dedicating yourself to a deity. It's perfectly fine to just offer a little praise and thanks or to ask for help when you need it. You don't need permission to say hello. (And I'll let you in on a secret - most witches who venerate deities or work with them? Aren't "chosen" or approached by anyone. YOU can be the one who chooses.)
If you're feeling like you have no spark or motivation, you might try returning to the things that inspired you to take up witchcraft initially. See if that reignites anything, or maybe inspires you to try something new. If you need somewhere to start, there's a tag marked "Advice for Beginner Witches" on my blog with lots of tips and ideas. Also, talk to other witches! Sometimes an outside perspective might help move a block or provide fresh ideas.
Hope this helps! If you have more questions, please feel free to reach out!
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christowitch · 2 months ago
It can also depend on the deck. My shadowscapes deck doesn’t have reversals but the meaning for each card tends to be a wider explanation to encompass those sides as well. I also know people who only read the major arcana or just the minor arcana. How you read your tarot is entirely up to you.
i just saw a tiktok comment about how reading without reversals is like getting fake compliments from someone….and this is why you don’t get info from tiktok cause??? in what world is it required to use reversals when you have multiple conflict cards in the deck (most of the swords suit is dedicated to this) that are able to tell you whats going on?
and i say this as someone who uses reversals…literally do whatever you want these people talk just to talk 😖 they don’t even be saying shit fr
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christowitch · 2 months ago
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Blessed Yule/Winter Solstice ❄️
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christowitch · 2 months ago
When you’ve been on here as long as I have.. you learn some very important things…
1: try your best to avoid Christmas and Easter on tumblr. It doesn’t matter if they are Christian holidays that have legitimate reasonings for their placements, they won’t care.
2: a lot of pagans and witches come from a very harsh Christian upbringing and will fight you to the death to make sure you know that your Christian holy days are actually pagan… even if it means erasing the actual pagan holidays in the process.
3: keep the holidays separate so that you can respectfully acknowledge them so they don’t get lost amongst each other. But you will still be evil bo matter which holiday you celebrate. Cheers.
4: you can defend the Christian side of things from the mountain tops. Christians will still dislike you and think that you need to be saved and will waste their time trying to bring someone who already worships Christ back to Him.. why? No one knows.. they just feel compelled.. maybe it’s Satan, or a hero complex.
I could keep going but once you go through a couple years of everyone regurgitating the same misinformation you get desensitized.
Okay. Welp that’s enough online harassment! If you are gonna harass me then you are gonna have to say it with your chest. If you are gonna question my faith question it with your chest!
I can’t believe a freaking Christmas post got this out of hand yet here we are. DMs are off for the foreseeable future and Asks are off anonymous. I get a decent amount of really sweet DMs and asks, some of which are genuinely asking for resources, so I feel bad but I can’t take this anymore and I want to have a peaceful Christmas.
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christowitch · 2 months ago
I’m gonna start keeping a white board that’s just like “Days since I’ve been called a heretic”
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christowitch · 2 months ago
It’s time for….
12 Magical Nights!
What you need:
13 slips of paper
A pen
A bowl or jar
A journal
Tarot cards.
A candle
A safe space to burn things.
What you will do:
Write down one thing you want to happen or want for yourself in the coming year on each piece of paper.
Fold the paper and place in the bowl.
Each night from the 21st-the 1st you will light your candle and take a scrap of paper (no peeking) and burn it. Then shuffle your tarot and pull a card. The card on each night will be your card for the month of the up coming year. Write it down and see what it says for the year.
When you get to the last night you will have two scraps of paper left. Burn one and then open the last one.
The other wishes have been sent to whom or wherever to handle while this last one.. the last one is up to you. Think of it as your resolution. It’s your goal to achieve while the universe works on the others.
Have a happy Yule my loves!
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