christopherchacex ยท 11 months
chace: as long as it's the good sandwiches. i have a taste for the finer things in life - it's my kink. chace: that might just make me even more popular on the internet. you know people are actual freaks. scares me tbh.
Ry: Spandex, sandwiches and scones. Well, I'm 50 shades of horny. Ry: If this doesn't happen I will start that rumor that you fucked a porpoise for real xoxo gossip girl
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christopherchacex ยท 11 months
the show came out at the right time, tbh. the aesthetic and the story just worked, even if a lot of it ended up not making any sense. dan as gossip girl? get the fuck out of here with that, lmao. if everyone else from the original cast came back, i'd do it. it'd be something we'd have to do together or not do at all. it wouldn't work otherwise. right, i always forget that you're not american since you do a great job with the accent. how's the fam? a little bit of a work and a little bit of play, a perfect balance.
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yet everyone fucking loved it. there's a reason the OG is one of the most beloved series out there. would you even come back to gossip girl if given the chance? i should be back in NYC by then. decided to extend my stay in scotland and visit some family. you going to the big apple for work or something else?
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christopherchacex ยท 11 months
chace: good idea, daddio. no one can come between our love that way. i vote we go put one of those love locks on a bridge in napa valley. to make sure everyone knows how everlasting it is. chace: both of you have gone on a real journey with it. people react differently and it takes awhile to process. a whole human being neither of you planned for is on the way. chace: she loves you, so i already knew that. glad you're on the same page now, it'll help moving forward. how much baby shopping you've already done?? if that kid doesn't have a full wardrobe by the time they're born i would be shocked. are you going to find out the sex or waiting until birth?
miles: we need to carve our initials into a tree, that way i know our love is real and forever. miles: no it really is, and especially since we thought she was just feeling off because a stomach flu was settling in...not a whole ass human being. so, i didn't blame her for reacting the way she did. it just threw me for a real whirlwind. miles: she's made it very clear that she doesn't hate. which was all i needed; there are moments when i think she can do much better. we have and after finally getting over the shock, we're both excited and nervous for this new chapter.
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christopherchacex ยท 11 months
chace: sometimes it's a matter of a right person and wrong time and sometimes there's no excuse for fumbling it, like with me. chace: i'm sure it won't take much, breathing in her immediate vicinity will probably be considered an offence. i don't think she cares for me at all.
Zayn: third times the charm, or something like that. maybe that's where gigi and i went wrong - too many times. Zayn: don't fuck it up again, dude. bella will probably come for ur manhood.
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christopherchacex ยท 11 months
chace: superhero brunch date?? please and thank you, that's a must now. i hope that means we're going to dress up as deadpool and the deep. let's just hope we can find a restaurant where we won't get kicked out of.
Ry: Blake told me you guys were meeting up soon so I wanna know when we are having a superhero brunch date also? | @christopherchacex
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christopherchacex ยท 11 months
chace: not a fan of this newfound separation and it reminds me how dumb i was thinking i could spend the rest of my life without you. chace: please, you're the cutest when you talk about her. you got that momma glow and she's the most important person in your life. did she have fun at grandparents, tho? chace: sounds like the best result when you're traveling with a toddler. the fam is good, i'm in dallas right now and i'm being used as a guinea pig for all of candice's new thanksgiving recipes. safe to say, i don't hate it. babe, i always want to talk to you so call me whenever and i'll answer.
g: two days apart and i'm suffering!! got far too used to the luxury of being with you 24/7 these last few weeks. g: cried so much that i went to bed with ice eye patches on. thanks for listening to me whine about it all week. i know the reunion was happening but wow that was hard. never doing that again. g: it went smoothly. slept on the ride over then spent the rest of it with my girl. how's LA? did you go see your family? i'll call you again tonight when she's asleep if you're up for it?
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christopherchacex ยท 11 months
[text: @livelyhills] you making me pick? you are evil, as much as i would like to go for a night out with a friend i just got back to my babies and i am not letting go any time soon, so lunch with four kids?
[ text ]: i hate making decisions, so when i can make someone else decide for me i'm doing it. lunch with the kiddos it is. what's the best kid-friendly restaurant in NYC?
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christopherchacex ยท 11 months
[text: @livelyhills] is this a catch up and drink or bring the kids so you can meet the last addition to my soccer team?
[ text ]: which one do you want it to be? you wanna have a mom's night out on the town with an old friend and plenty of cocktail? i'm in. or if you want me on there running after your babies, i'm good with that as well.
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christopherchacex ยท 11 months
chace: i know and i respect it. chace: i'm not going anywhere. i've messed it up twice, there's not going to be a third time. i can't imagine my future without her.
Zayn: i'll do anything to protect khai. Zayn: i know she's the best mum. you don't gotta tell me twice. if you fuck it up again then we're going to have some real issues. gi deserves the best.
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christopherchacex ยท 11 months
chace: yes, to both guesses. figured this was easier than going through her. chace: hey, i get it. you want to protect your daughter and i respect that. i don't expect you to just trust my word, i'm willing to prove it too. chace: i'd agree with that, she's an angel in every single way. i want a future with her but we're taking it slow, especially with khai in mind. she's the best mom and she is her number one priority.
Zayn: Iโ€™m assuming this is chace and therefore u got my number from Gigi or something
Zayn: Iโ€™m going to need more than your word, dude. Khai isnโ€™t going to meet anyone that has a record of coming and going.
Zayn: itโ€™s easy to love Gigi, itโ€™s more complicated when thereโ€™s a child involved and my duty is to khai, always.
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christopherchacex ยท 11 months
i don't know about that. we did every pairing and pretty much every storyline, so i'm not sure how fresh it would've been. plus, it wouldn't have been as sexy and provocative as the reboot. that's HBO's bread and butter and why change when it works? i'm rolling into new york later this week, so let's meet up for brunch one afternoon. cecconi dumbo's in brooklyn is the best spot in the city for it.
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as much as i loved our reboot, they might've hit gold if they followed the OG cast as 30 year olds instead. bet that wouldn't have been cancelled. yeah, HBO really ran with the nudity and made sure it was front and center. typical from them though. holding you to this, man.
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christopherchacex ยท 11 months
happy birthday, lovely. i was meaning to come say hi in scotland and chat in person but that whole week got away from me. it was some sort of a time warp, it was monday and all of a sudden, it was suddenly sunday and i had no idea how that happened. how did you spend your day? tell me you at least had some cake, because otherwise that would just be tragic. / @stonefms
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christopherchacex ยท 11 months
chace: um, this is probably gonna get awkward but what the hell, time to rip off the bandaid. chace: gigi told me you wouldn't be comfortable with me being around khai yet and i absolutely respect that. i'm not trying to push any boundaries here, so i thought maybe we should meet first? chace: my track record ain't great but i'm in love with gigi and i'm not going anywhere unless she tells me go. you have my word, dude. / @hillszayn
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christopherchacex ยท 11 months
private: miles told me the good news. congratulations. i'm really happy for you two. happy enough that i'm willing to let go of my claim on him. begrudging but still. how're you feeling? you excited to be a mama?
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Miles has always been mine, you fool. Even when he was just my best friend. Enjoy being second fiddle for life, C.
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christopherchacex ยท 11 months
chace: just always know that you're my one true love, everyone else comes in second. always here for an ego boost too, babe. chace: it's a big adjustment, for the both of you. especially since it wasn't something you'd expected and planned together. nerves, hormones, insecurities, she was probably going through a myriad of emotions in that moment. it's not easy when your whole life is changing. chace: baby daddy, you've never been a douchebag for a day in your life. that's not in your dna and i don't think she'd ever think it either. have you guys had a real talk now?
miles: i can't really say that i'm mad at you for that, but i hope you two had fun at least. even if it was without me. whew, thank you for reminding me that you still love me. i needed that right now. miles: thank you! it was definitely an unplanned pregnancy. i know it might of shocked her to the core, and of course, i understand she might be going through a lot of emotions. it just made me feel some type of way when she fled. when we were in Paris for the party everything started off fine, and by the end she left. since then though, we finally got together and she finally told me everything. miles: she really thought i was going to leave her because of it. do i give off a douche bag vibe?? maybe that's why she was so scared to tell me.
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christopherchacex ยท 11 months
chace: have i managed to win you over by now or is there still some work left to do? chace: lemme know so i can plan ahead. chace: hope you made it back from scotland without much trouble, izzy xo.
bella: ย [ read ]
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christopherchacex ยท 11 months
c: i'm risking being cheesy as hell here, but god i miss you already. c: how was the reunion with your girl? how many tears were shed? you've never been away from her for that long. c: the trip back to NYC going smoothly with her dad? i'm landing back in LA in a few hours, so if you're free after she goes to bed, give me a call? i don't wanna blow up your phone when you're with family.
g: made an entire career out of it. i'll save the extra scandalous ones for you though. g: we're killing it so far. i mean, this 2 week+ streak of not fighting ? so proud of us. g: you're missing out. nothing beats getting a candy apple then walking around while hocus pocus plays in the background. might have to save it for next year considering this scotland trip is coming up fast. @christopherchacex
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