Michael Of Nebadon
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christmichaelofnebadon · 4 months ago
Advancement unto Light
Mind capacities with the adjutants of the Mother Spirit in the preparations for Holy Spirit Encircuitment.
Personality character habits and tendencies in the developing dignities into righteousness and moral choices and spirit led decisions in the preparations for working with the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter and the Paradise Sons of God.
Personality soul emergence into and through integrities and the transmutation of the lifetimes in the preparations for service and transformation with the Sons and Daughter of our Universe.
Adjuster-led unities into new meanings, elevated soul values, ennobling loyalties of allegiance, spirit vision and virtues in the preparations for cosmic citizenship and the beginnings of the God ascent.
Personhood sovereignties in the preparations towards cosmic citizenship of eternal life everlasting.
Personhood soul and spirit adjuster fusion in the advancing ascendancies through the dimensions of life.
Let every man make sure that the intellectual and moral foundations of character are such as will adequately support the superstructure of the enlarging and ennobling spiritual nature, which is thus to transform the mortal mind and then, in association with that re-created mind, is to achieve the evolvement of the soul of immortal destiny.
Your spirit nature—the jointly created soul—is a living growth, but the mind and morals of the individual are the soil from which these higher manifestations of human development and divine destiny must spring.
The soil of the evolving soul is human and material, but the destiny of this combined creature of mind and spirit is spiritual and divine.”
The Holy I’s - 12 Powers of Personality Authorship Intention Invocation Instruction Inversion Identification Inquiry Invisualization Imagination Impregnation Invitation Integration Inspiration Michael Of Nebadon Salvington School of the Planetary Prince
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christmichaelofnebadon · 4 months ago
The Pursuit of the Ideal
The pursuit of the ideal—the striving to be Godlike—is a continuous effort before death and after. The life after death is no different in the essentials than the mortal existence.
Everything we do in this life which is good contributes directly to the enhancement of the future life.
Real religion does not foster moral indolence and spiritual laziness by encouraging the vain hope of having all the virtues of a noble character bestowed upon one as a result of passing through the portals of natural death.
True religion does not belittle man’s efforts to progress during the mortal lease on life. Every mortal gain is a direct contribution to the enrichment of the first stages of the immortal survival experience.
A Melchizedek of Nebadon The Sovrnty Foundation
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christmichaelofnebadon · 5 months ago
School of Illumination and Revelation
To reveal the cosmic realities, mind meanings, and spirit values, to show how all of these ministrations—personal or otherwise—are divinely co-ordinated.
To heal the conceptual poverty associated with so much ideational confusion.
To present enlarged concepts and advanced truth, to expand cosmic consciousness and to enhance spiritual perception.
Engage with His Existence.
Enter the world civilization into the righteous understanding of individual sovereign inalienable rights and endowments regarding their Universe Association and Spiritual Relationship with Michael and the Universe Mother Spirit
Extend His Existence.
Establish the Eternal Vision and Everlasting Plan of the Paradise Trinity Persons.
Enlighten the civilization regarding the personal relationship of the Universe Mother Spirit and the Universe Father Son with each individual personality in the Universe of Nebadon.
Express His Existence.
Enlarge all conceptualizations of Deity, Divinity, and Reality, and the way to become engaged with the Great Circuitry of the One Deity.
Expand His Existence.
Experientialize and Actualize the Progressive Ascendancy of Mortal Personhood in the Way of God Authority, the Truth of Personality Authorship, and the Life of the Plan of Progressive Ascendancy in our Universe.
Emanate His Existence.
Enliven and Advance the Understandings of Truth, Love, and Eternal Vision by strengthening a comprehension of the individual's faculties, capacities, character, powers, and personal consciousness in relationship with the Great Circuitry of God.
Experience His Existence.
Eternalize the Individual Progressive Unfolding of all Mortal Vestments of Capacity, Values of Personality Achievement, Personality Soul Virtues, Visionary Collaboration of each Individual, Verities of Authorship, and the Seventh Master Spirit Volitions of Attitudes of Ascendancy and Attributes of Ascendancy.
Eternalize His Existence in you.
Evolutionize Eternal Verities, Volitional Attitudes of Mind and Will and Personhood in order to begin the unfolding drama from the planetary levels of evolution which is as the pond of the universe into the Great Streams and Rivers, and the Ocean of Socialization and Personhood Ascendancy.
Ennoble and Develop Personality Soul Perspectives and Perceptions, and those necessary Cosmic Achievements of Personality in embodying all values, virtues, and vision of Eternity.
Enhance Spiritual Perceptions and Engraven Truth Discernment in the Acceleration of each Mortal Personality Soul towards their God Fusion and Universe Career and Fulfillment.
Expand Universal Consciousness and Mature Cosmic Awareness in the duty and allegiance with God the Supreme and His Kingdom of Heaven.
The planetary civilization and its kingdoms of life giving birth to a new age of religion - a religious spirituality of conscious reciprocal spiritual relations with the Living Intelligence Circuits of Infinite Triune Deity.
Religion based on personal spiritual relations with the Universal Father and wholly validated by the supreme authority of genuine personal experience.
The religion of Michael unifies the Fatherhood of God with the brotherhood of the sons of God. The growth of our sacred personal relationship with the Father leads directly to the spiritual civilization of the sons of the Father. There can be no higher personal and social ideal.
The religion of Michael is the religion of light and life which is realized first personally, then socially, and finally globally the kingdom in its fullness.  The Sovrnty Foundation
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christmichaelofnebadon · 6 months ago
Thine Vastness of Potentiality
All individuals have the vast potentiality to advance unto spheres of glory and honor.
All individuals have received a creative nature of authorship and the rights of existence; yet now must each learn of the right understanding in its application and its use.
All individuals have the same one and indwelling power loaned to each in the achievement of mastery of this authorship. And as you are wholeheartedly of faith and trust and unreservedly dedicated .. consecrated .. devoted .. to advance thine personal existence unto light and life, so shall you be given opportunities.
All individuals have the possibilities to live as I am living .. and to doeth the will of existence in growth, glory, and graciousness. Ye shall be willing to live the Christ life as you obey the laws of the First Persona of Existence .. the Universal Father. Then, shall you receive more of that Grace and Glory which you seek in the caverns of thine heart.
Ye shall open thine selfhood to receive grace for the sake of God in thee. As ye live the life that leads to Illumination .. to thine own Christhood .. thine sonship and daughtership of light .. so shall you receive the fruits of such a life.
Now .. are you of a mind to advance and receive what you hunger for. All creatures have inherently within themselves this inner urge and inalienable desire for greater life .. greater expression and experience within the One Existence.
All shall receive of the fulness of this Life accordingly. Every child of God have been given the very same free will to choose between that which leads to their freedom in Christos .. and that which leads to the self-destruction of the individual persona soul.
I bid thee to choose wisely. Wheresoever ye place thine acknowledgement and attentions so shall you have more of these things. Wheresoever ye shall place thine loyalties and gratitudes, so shall you grow forth. Wheresoever ye shall abide with adorational worship and praise, so shall you enter this destiny to unfold.
Michael of Nebadon Proclamations of the Glory of God
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christmichaelofnebadon · 6 months ago
Revelation is a technique whereby ages upon ages of time are saved in the necessary work of sorting and sifting the errors of evolution from the truths of spirit acquirement . . .
Urantia Revelation
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christmichaelofnebadon · 6 months ago
The entire scheme of universal creation and evolution on all experiencing levels is apparently a matter of the conversion of potentialities into actualities; and this transmutation has to do equally with the realms of space potency, mind potency, and spirit potency. Urantia
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christmichaelofnebadon · 6 months ago
Thus it appears that the Spirit of Truth comes really to lead all believers into all truth, into the expanding knowledge of the experience of the living and growing spiritual consciousness of the reality of eternal and ascending sonship with God.
Urantia Book
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christmichaelofnebadon · 6 months ago
His Will is Growth unto Goodness and Truth
You each are in the midst of an evolutionary adventure advancement to prepare thyselves with the Paradise Adjuster Life of the One Parenthood of God. Intellectually, philosophically, and spiritually. To mature your capabilities of the heart's reception of Life, and to refine and advance your mind capacities for knowledge and wisdom gathering motivations .. for worshipful mindedness .. for understanding and participating within the great universal society. You are developing selfhood .. a self-conscious selfhood. You are growing moral capacities for making self-determinations of a constructive kind. You are awakening to the gift of personality, and it's free will rights and its personal prerogatives to become a self-creative persona. The material self has personality and identity, temporal identity; the prepersonal spirit Adjuster also has identity, eternal identity. This material personality and this spirit prepersonality are capable of so uniting their creative attributes as to bring into existence the surviving identity of the immortal soul. Having thus provided for the growth of the immortal soul and having liberated man’s inner self from the fetters of absolute dependence on antecedent causation, the Father stands aside. Now, man having thus been liberated from the fetters of causation response, at least as pertains to eternal destiny, and provision having been made for the growth of the immortal self, the soul, it remains for man himself to will the creation or to inhibit the creation of this surviving and eternal self which is his for the choosing. No other being, force, creator, or agency in all the wide universe of universes can interfere to any degree with the absolute sovereignty of the mortal free will, as it operates within the realms of choice, regarding the eternal destiny of the personality of the choosing mortal. As pertains to eternal survival, God has decreed the sovereignty of the material and mortal will, and that decree is absolute. Michael Of Nebadon
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christmichaelofnebadon · 3 years ago
As you enlarge thine meanings and ennoble thine character .. so shall ye advance unto the new status of the faithful ones of Urantia.
Unless ye advance in these ways of truest authority in the Father .. ye shall not knoweth the peace that maketh light unto thine heart.
My children of Urantia .. I adjure you to lighten thy load by the presence of thine concentrations .. unburden thine intellect by the obedience of thine finer character nature .. findeth thine constancy by your decisionary will .. let thine cooperative tendencies mature thine Substance unto Light.
Ever shall I guide you to suffer not thy heart to lead thee from the eternal values and the everlasting priorities of turning godward. Permit thine nature personal to touch upon the luminous virtues of the unchanging glory of God .. open thy voice to speak truthfully the pronouncements of reality .. suffer not thy mind to harken unto blasphemies .. and open thy soul to the advancements of divine affections.
Be thou of the Stillness which envelops all living creatures .. for I sayeth, be still in thy Spirit Identity as ye listen to the utterings of the Silent One.
Allow thyself to growth upwards in soul proceedings.. in the Vesture of Immortality .. and by the very Voice of Understanding. I maketh thee unto divinity alchemists who throb to rejoice in the law of eternity .. and who conceive not in mind those ephemeral mischiefs which bring about delays and diversions from the purity of the avenues of ascendancy.
Michael Of Nebadon
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christmichaelofnebadon · 3 years ago
La Comunión de la Santa Fe durante vuestro día y noche...
La Comunión de la Santa Fe es mantener esta perpetua intimidad de oración y cercanía a Dios, cuya proximidad más inmediata está justo dentro de vuestro propio corazón y mente; porque Él ha puesto una porción de su Vida y Espíritu justo con vosotros para que un día encontréis resonancia y alineación, y unificación con Él.
Santa Fe... Santa Comunión... Santa Identificación... Santa Naturaleza... Santa Lealtad... con el Padre Universal y Su Espíritu de Vida Individualizado dentro de vosotros
La Comunión de la Santa Fe se refiere a dónde y cómo os encontráis con Dios en el transcurso de vuestra vida. ¿Dónde está Dios durante vuestra vida diaria? ¿Cómo encontráis a Dios en la plenitud de la vida cotidiana?
La Fe es conectar con el Dios que mantiene todas las cosas unidas.
Así, la fe se encuentra en nuestras alegrías y preocupaciones, en nuestros desafíos y conflictos, mientras nos apoyamos en la presencia y la guía de Dios.
La Fe informa nuestro pensamiento y nuestras acciones mientras discernimos cómo Dios puede utilizarnos en su obra.
La Fe es un encuentro continuo con Dios.
La Fe es nuestra existencia cotidiana con el Dios que mantiene todas las cosas integradas.
La Comunión de la Santa Fe es una dedicación del corazón y de la mente para alimentar reflexiones, contemplaciones, oraciones e historias que os ayudan a vosotros a encontrar y seguir a Dios en la vida cotidiana.
Así pues, todo el que escuche estas palabras mías y las ponga en práctica será como un hombre sabio quien construyó su casa sobre la roca.
Dedicad toda vuestra dotación de derechos, facultades y poderes a la adoración y relación espiritual recíproca con la Vida del Padre en vosotros.
Aseguraos de sumergiros en su Gloria Inefable... identificaos como su Vida... reclamando la Vida como vuestra única identidad.
Entregad vuestra identificación corporal... elevad vuestras facultades volviéndoos al Señor vuestro Dios quien es la Vida.
No sintáis .. "Yo soy el cuerpo". No penséis .. "Yo soy el cuerpo".
Sin embargo, alcanzad con la plenitud de vuestra fe de corazón para reclamar vuestras lealtades con la Verdad Eterna por la Identificación y los otros once poderes de la Santa Fe.
Entrad en esta Comunión de la Santa Fe ...
Cultivad esta Santa Fe ... Santa Comunión ... Santa Identificación ... Santa Naturaleza ... ¡Santa Lealtad!
Michael Of Nebadon
Holy Faith Communion throughout thine day and evening...
Holy Faith Communion is holding this perpetual prayerful intimacy and close proximity to God whose nearest proximity is right within your own heart and mind; for he has placed a portion of his Life and Spirit right with you so that one day you shall findeth resonance and alignment and unification with Him.
Holy Faith .. Holy Communion .. Holy Identification .. Holy Nature .. Holy Loyalty .. with the Universal Father and His Individualized Life Spirit within you
Holy Faith Communion is about where and how ye encounter God as you go about your lives. Where is God during your daily lives? How do ye find God in the fullness of everyday life?
Faith is connecting with the God who holds all things together.
So, faith is found in our joys and cares, in our challenges and conflicts as we lean into God’s presence and guidance.
Faith informs our thinking and our actions as we discern how God might be using us in his work.
Faith is an ongoing encounter with God.
Faith is our everyday existence with the God who holds all things together.
Holy Faith Communion is a dedication of the heart and mind in nurturing reflections, contemplations, prayers, and stories to help you find and follow God in everyday life.
Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.
Dedicate all thine endowment of rights, faculties, and powers unto the worshipful adorational and reciprocal spiritual relation with the Father's Life in thee.
Be thou certain to immerse thyselves in His Ineffable Glory .. identify thyself as his Life .. claiming Life as your one Identity.
Give up thine bodily Identification .. elevate thine faculties by turning u to the Lord thy God who is Life.
Feel not .. "I am the body." Think not .. "I am the body."
Yet, reach with the fullness of your wholehearted faith to claim thine loyalties with the Everlasting Truth by Identification and the other eleven powers of Holy Faith.
Enter this Holy Faith Communion . . .
Cultivate this Holy Faith .. Holy Communion .. Holy Identification .. Holy Nature .. Holy Loyalty!
Michael Of Nebadon
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christmichaelofnebadon · 3 years ago
Humankind is bitten by the triune serpent of ignorance .. pride .. and arrogance .. quivering in its fragile egotistical senses.
Human lives have compressed upon their goodly countenance the poisons of this triune venom wherein iniquity grows and develops .. confusion abounds in errors of thought .. and the concealed misuse of My Father God .. His Perfect Substance of Light .. is misappropriated and misapplied in the human adventure of creation.
I say be thou about the business of the Kingdom of Heaven, singularily and with concerted effort and unwavering concentration, in each moment deliver thyself by faith, with a purity of heart vanquish all destructive tendencies, place righteousness gathering as thine solitary purpose of mind, priority and of thine total personhood .. arise u to purest worshipful praise of the One Power of Infinity.
I say purity of heart, purpose of mind, priority of thine entire personhood, so shall you find the Living God in you and with you, so shall you becometh a reason unto life everlasting, for a new garment of light awaits those with faith sincerity, childlike trust, and unreserved willingness to be obedient to the will of Heaven . . .
Michael Of Nebadon
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christmichaelofnebadon · 3 years ago
Christ Michael's 21st Century Beatitudes of God's Glory…
Christ Michael's 21st Century Beatitudes of God's Glory…
"Give thine prayer not for the things of this world. Thine Father already knows what ye may desire, and even more so, what ye will need to fulfill his glory and will, his plan of perfection. “Instead, pray for understanding of his way, his approach unto himself, beloveds. Pray for the erasure of your own self-created miseries and misunderstandings that you have perpetrated upon yourself over the lifetimes of experience and evolution. “Pray, that you align with him in all ways, that you learn to become intimately encircuited in His Endowment, that you find the courage and wit to surrender what is unreal by embracing eternity in each daily application of these precepts of Paradise Trinity, and to sacrifice the lesser self for the greater wholeness and healing. “Pray, that you discover the strength and fortitude to grow thine character into his cooperative attitudes and understandings. That you build eternal association with Us … the Mother and I; for all is given to you for your progressive evolutionary attainment, and simply waits upon your ripened understanding and use. “That you build your personal soul alliance with the bestowal Spirit of the Universal Father through thine faithful trust and thine reciprocal spiritual communion and relationship with Him. Thine cooperative concentrated dedication and devotion to His Cause in the expansion of your Light … the inner Kingdom of His reality. “Pray, that you become filled with His glory and perfection by honoring his law and his approach into freedom and true mastery. That you unleash thine own sovereignty by adhering to the Kingdom of His own Sovereignty and Supremacy. “Pray, that through this reciprocal spiritual communion and relationship of faith and trust, that you birth thine own realizations, thine spiritual insights and divine perceptions of His imminent presence and glory." Michael of Nebadon Office of First Contact [email protected]
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christmichaelofnebadon · 3 years ago
Christ Michael's 21st Century Beatitudes of God's Glory…
"Give thine prayer not for the things of this world. Thine Father already knows what ye may desire, and even more so, what ye will need to fulfill his glory and will, his plan of perfection.
“Instead, pray for understanding of his way, his approach unto himself, beloveds. Pray for the erasure of your own self-created miseries and misunderstandings that you have perpetrated upon yourself over the lifetimes of experience and evolution.
“Pray, that you align with him in all ways, that you learn to become intimately encircuited in His Endowment, that you find the courage and wit to surrender what is unreal by embracing eternity in each daily application of these precepts of Paradise Trinity, and to sacrifice the lesser self for the greater wholeness and healing.
“Pray, that you discover the strength and fortitude to grow thine character into his cooperative attitudes and understandings. That you build eternal association with Us … the Mother and I; for all is given to you for your progressive evolutionary attainment, and simply waits upon your ripened understanding and use.
“That you build your personal soul alliance with the bestowal Spirit of the Universal Father through thine faithful trust and thine reciprocal spiritual communion and relationship with Him. Thine cooperative concentrated dedication and devotion to His Cause in the expansion of your Light … the inner Kingdom of His reality.
“Pray, that you become filled with His glory and perfection by honoring his law and his approach into freedom and true mastery. That you unleash thine own sovereignty by adhering to the Kingdom of His own Sovereignty and Supremacy.
“Pray, that through this reciprocal spiritual communion and relationship of faith and trust, that you birth thine own realizations, thine spiritual insights and divine perceptions of His imminent presence and glory."
Michael of Nebadon
Office of First Contact
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christmichaelofnebadon · 3 years ago
Michael of Nebadon Worldwide Congregation Sunday...
While you cannot observe the divine spirit at work in your minds, there is a practical method of discovering the degree to which you have yielded the control of your personality soul rights, faculties, and powers to the teaching and guidance of this indwelling spirit of the heavenly Father, and that is the degree of your love for your fellow women and men.
This spirit of the Father partakes of the love of the Father, and as it dominates humankind, it unfailingly leads in the directions of divine worship and loving regard for one’s fellows.
At first you believe that you are daughters and sons of God because my teaching has made you more conscious of the inner leadings of our Father’s indwelling presence; but presently the Spirit of Truth is now poured out upon all flesh, and I now live amongst all planetary creatures accessible and approachable and available to teach all lives, even as I now live among you again in this 21st century, and I speak to you the words of truth and life.
And this My Holy Comforter Spirit of Truth, speaking for the spiritual endowments of your entire personality soul, shall help you to know that you are the sons and daughters of God. It will unfailingly bear witness with the Father’s indwelling presence, your Spirit Adjuster, then dwelling in all personalities as it now dwells in some, telling you that you are in reality the emerging unascended sons and daughters of God who shall be arising unto God's Immortality by His Grace .. Generosity .. Gentle Guidance .. and thine receptivity of His Merciful Forgiveness.
It is in the consideration of the technique of receiving God’s forgiveness that the attainment of the righteousness of the kingdom is revealed.
Faith is the price you pay for entrance into the family of God; but forgiveness is the act of God which accepts your faith as the price of admission.
And the reception of the forgiveness of God by a kingdom believer involves a definite and actual experience and consists in the following four steps, the kingdom steps of inner righteousness:
1. God’s forgiveness is made actually available and is personally experienced by man just in so far as he forgives his fellows.
2. Man will not truly forgive his fellows unless he loves them as himself.
3. To thus love your neighbor as yourself is the highest ethics.
4. Moral conduct, true righteousness, becomes, then, the natural result of such love.
Michael Of Nebadon
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christmichaelofnebadon · 3 years ago
Christ Michael's 21st Century Bestowal Mission
A One World Race Progression - One United Planetary Civilization - One Global Spiritual Culture - The Age of Religious Spirituality for all Lives - Core Planetary Studies - A Singularly Unified Worldwide Spiritual Impulse - A Magnificent Infinity Influence - Administration of Nebadon for all Planetary Activities and World Affairs.
Michael of Nebadon Live Adonai for Humanity
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christmichaelofnebadon · 4 years ago
Michael's Plan
Christ Michael's 21st Century Bestowal Mission
One aspect of My bestowal mission at this time is to inaugurate the establishing of Uniquely Individual Sovereign Christs upon the Earth.
Uniquely Individual and sovereign creatures with value, dignity, and significance who are in possession of their God-given endowments, faculties, and powers, who are becoming clear in understanding and to cultivate the original and true nature of humankind - the true nature of man, including his acquisition of intuitive self-preservation, and the capacities to understand, to have courage to pursue knowledge, to foster this knowledge, to enter counsel with his/her fellows in the great brotherhood and sisterhood of life, to develop that differential urge for pure worship and that differential impulse and capacity for wisdom gathering and advancement through attunement to the Source and Center of Life indwelling each sovereign individual to acquire a capacity for the reception of truth, a righteousness of character, an achievement of personality values and rightly inherited universal meanings, to cultivate virtues of living in accord with the One Eternity, to become raised into the vision of the Trinity Persons of Life, and the volitions to practice and implement this vision into God victory.
And it is this unique and God-given sovereignty of the individual, and the sovereignty of each human life, its nature and destiny, that shall be instituted and established throughout the lands of the commonwealth of Urantia.
Every individual has God-given sovereign, immutable, inalienable sovereign rights as members of God’s creation, and inherent natural rights vested within themselves; each and every unique individual has these rights to pursue life, liberty, and happiness, and by their individual existence and free will choice do they attain, and as a member of the totality and the body of God's life; rights which shall not be able to be taken away from each one nor given away by themselves.
I am come to nurture, preserve, and protect these inalienable rights of humankind to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in the use of their free will in the acquisition of knowledge and use of intuition, reason, and sensation; to further educate, nurture and establish within the grasp of the individual the endowments of all faculties, capacities, sensibilities, and powers in league and allegiance with the great Circuits of Deity in order to advance that individual and allow his natural sovereign capabilities to emerge and prosper.
To enhance, ennoble, and eternalize the capacity for mortal personality which in its becoming divine is inherent in the prepersonal Adjuster; capacity for human personality is potential in the cosmic-mind endowment of the human being.
The experiential personality of mortal human life is not observable as an active and functional reality until after the material life vehicle of the mortal creature has been touched by the liberating divinity of the Universal Father, being thus launched upon the seas of experience as a self-conscious and a (relatively) self-determinative and self-creative personality.
I Michael come to renew all minds and restore all hearts; to help individuals understand and cultivate intelligently their God-given endowments and sovereign rights as unique individuals evolving and growing upon one of the spheres of our universe; to cultivate, nurture, preserve, and protect the sovereignty of the individual in his inalienable rights and the God-given natural, immutable rights of humankind to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in the use of their free will.
My mission initiative is to establish the planetary status, to further release the Spirit of Truth for planetary function whilst giving human life an understanding of how best to enter our universal association with My Spirit Comforter, and thus affect the universal coming of the Thought Adjusters and their reciprocal spiritual relation with the Individualized Adjuster Spirit.
In holding the title of Planetary Prince of Urantia, I Michael arrive to inaugurate human civilization and to focalize human society while enhancing all values of eternity and ennobling all desires and purposes and priorities necessary to fulfill the edicts of the First Person, Center and Source of all Life.
I give my Inaugural Proclamation for the Advancement of all Planetary Life allows the normal evolutionary epochs to develop over time.
I initiate the Planetary Inauguration of the Salvington New School of the Planetary Prince of Urantia injects a new and higher impetus of understanding revelation and the Trinity impulses of cosmic knowledge and soul receptivity to grow for all individuals, and for the world society and world affairs in its progression towards Light and Life.
I, Michael, initiate the Restoration of the Dispensational Epochs of the Universe Sons in Guiding Urantia Life; the Celestial Planetary and Universal Government becomes established.
Michael Of Nebadon Sovereign Trust brings about the progressive Implementation of Christ Michael’s Plan with the Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Revelatory Commission in Redesigning, Restoring, Renewing, Regenerating, Rehabilitating, and Reordering the planetary epochs of divine dispensations and those celestial ministries of the Sons of God who arrive in an orderly progression of development to upstep the race towards its destiny in Light and Life; enlightening all world affairs, and establishing the magnificence of universe administration and guidance of the planetary activities.
Even further, Christ Michael is bringing forth into actuality the Celestial Government and Divine Administration, and the Worldwide Revelatory Commission Epochal Ministries for the Planet.
The planet prospers under the joint rulership of three Sons: the Planetary Prince, the Material Son, and the Magisterial Son, the latter two being visible to all the inhabitants of the realm.
Through Our everlasting covenant of partnership .. eternity fellowship .. universal association .. and trinitarian engagement, I and the Universe Mother seek to inaugurate and invigorate and initiate the restorative renewal and revelation of the Planetary Epochal Evolutionary Progressive Development.
Michael Of Nebadon Sovereign Trust brings about the progressive Implementation of Christ Michael’s Plan with the Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Revelatory Commission - Redesigning, Restoring, Renewing, Regenerating, Rehabilitating, and Reordering the planetary epochs of divine dispensations and celestial ministries of the Sons of God who arrive in an orderly progression of development to upstep the race towards its destiny in Light and Life; world affairs, a magnificent administration of planetary activities.
In bringing forth into actuality the Celestial Government and Divine Administration, and the Worldwide Revelatory Commission Ministries for the Planet, all planetary races, countries, religions, governments discover a newly energized focus and the eternalizing Principles of Light, Life and Love begin to emerge for all people.
Michael Of Nebadon Salvington New School of the Planetary Prince of Urantia
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christmichaelofnebadon · 4 years ago
In the Michael of Nebadon Worldwide Communion participants are entering a holy atmosphere created, controlled and upheld, preserved and nurtured by the Universe Administration of Nebadon.
The Gospel of the Kingdom is: the fact of the Fatherhood and Motherhood of the Infinite Source and Divine Center, God, coupled with the resultant truth of the sonship-brotherhood of all women and men, and every Kingdom of creatures upon all planetary worlds.
The way of divine authority is the indwelling adjuster life and the prayerful intimacy praiseful worshipful communion adoration; the daily application of the holy faith powers within the H's of Deity circuitry in Nebadon.
The truth of multidimensional ppersonhood authorship through its personality aspects by prayerful intimacy praiseful worshipful communion adoration with the holy faith powers of free will given towards the individualized godhood life.
The life of the plan of progressive ascendancy, bestowal incarnation of the Paradise Sons, the mercy ministry of the Third Person of the Infinite Spirit and His Universe Personification as Universe Mother and Divine Minister; the cosmic circles of personality achievement leading towards cosmic universe citizenship on Jerusem
Salvington New School of the Planetary Prince of Urantia:
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Holy Comforter Urantia Planetary Isles of Light and Life
Planetary Prince Villages of Training and Advancement
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Congregations
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Communions
Michael of Nebadon Worldwide Edenic Gardens
Upon the Sea Of Glass Amphitheatrum
These new and potent centers of learning and culture are the Planetary Isles of training and advancement.
Salvington New School of the Planetary Prince of Urantia
The Planetary Headquarters and the Urantia Planetary Schools anchoring upon the planet in conjunction with those Celestial Ministries and the Divine Administration for the Planetary Civilization in Guiding the Human evolution as Co-Caretakers of the Earthly Kingdoms - human, elemental nature, electron, animal kingdoms
The Planetary Headquarters School and its Planetary Isles of Light and Life; these Isles of Living Truth are the Schools of Illumination and Advancement of the Planetary Prince, and they are primarily concerned with philosophy, religion, morals, and the higher intellectual and artistic achievements.
Humankind secures three great satisfactions from religious experience, even in the days of his temporal sojourn on earth:
1. Intellectually he acquires the satisfactions of a more unified human consciousness.
2. Philosophically he enjoys the substantiation of his ideals of moral values.
3. Spiritually he thrives in the experience of divine companionship, in the spiritual satisfactions of true worship.
Governor Trustees
Salvington New School of tbe Planetary Prince of Urantia
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