christiankalambaie · 4 years
Judgement was pending on the jews
Threatened to die in that kingdom of Persia
Yet in the house of the king
there stood a queen of Jewish origin; Esther
Who finally understood - she had ber the key
Of her people salvation
She said if I die, I will die - If I perish,I will perish
Still I will go see the king
he is the one that has chosen me
He has given me his very name
No I am just not like anybody else
Arise bride of Christ
Dressed with you best robe
Let the world know
You have recognized
You are just not like anybody else
Arise bride of Christ
Set your standard high
Let the world know
You have recognized
You are just not like anybody else
Judgement is pending in this earth
Ready for destruction anytime soon
Yet in the house of the king
there stands a queen of a gentile origin
Who finally understands
she has the very key of immortality
She says - she won’t die - she believes
She won’t perish - she declares
For she is the bride of the King of Kings
He is the one that has chosen her
She even has his very name
Not she is just not like anybody else
Chorus x2
Arise bride of Christ
Dressed with you best robe
Let the world know
You have recognized
You are just not like anybody else
Arise bride of Christ
Set your standard high
Let the world know
You have recognized
You are just not like anybody else
He has found a resting plaice in you
You’re just not like anybody else
Beyond this flesh there is a connection because
You’re just not like anybody else
Arise arise
You’re just not like anybody else
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christiankalambaie · 5 years
At Goshen
They had all gathered
Obeyed the very instruction
given by the Angel
A vindicated prophet too
And then the death angel
came to pass on the outside
Killing every other first born
that was found in Egypt land
Tho the scream of terror
reached the Jews in goshen
Yet they kept their peace
Knowing - it was time
For their emancipation
At goshen we are -
In Jesus Christ we hide
Behind the door -we stand
We know The blood has been applied
Let the death angel pass
He will pass over us
He will pass //
He will pass over us
He will pass //
He will pass over us
Don’t you worry and don’t you cry
If you think you are full of flaws
Just remain inside the house
make sure the blood has been applied
This judging time is not for you
but of pharaoh who has held you
In bondage for so many years
in suffering for a long time
It’s a time of rejoicing -
the Lord is breaking all of your shackles
To let you go free - to that city
beyond the sky
- [ ]
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christiankalambaie · 5 years
A force never seen before capo 4c
While this world is going down
And all the nations are breaking away
There is no news coming our way
Suggesting is getting any better
We have prophecies taking place
Oh yes people are so scared
But for this Bride - standing now
There will be a way of escape
It will sweep anytime from now
It’s a force never seen before
That will change this mortal body
To free those that love Jesus
Like birds freed from a cage
They will Fly high in the sky
To another dimension
They will be free - forevermore
We are indeed in this third exodus
From Goshen to Canaan ‘s land
Let the plagues fall on this country
The token has been applied
Pharaoh must let God’s people Go
For there is a journey for us to take
A translation - as prophesied
From the earthly to our heavenly home
It’s will sweep anytime from now
It’s a force never seen before
That will change this mortal body
To free those that jesus love
Like birds freed from prison bars
They will Fly high in the sky
To another dimension
They will be free - forevermore
Chorus 2
It will sweep anytime from now
It’s a force never seen before
It will change every fiber of your body
For those believing and expecting
A dimensional change will occur
By the grace and love of Jesus
Flying to another dimension
I will shout - free - flying away
I will shout - freedom - translating away
I will shout free at last
To another dimension
I will be free forevermore
To my heavenly home
I will be free foreverermore
To my heavenly home
I will be free foreveremore
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christiankalambaie · 5 years
Une force jamais vue avant
ce monde s’effondre peu à peu
Et les nations se disloquent
Il n'y a aucune nouvelles Suggérant
Que la situation peux s’améliorer
Nous avons des prophéties qui s’accomplissent
Oh oui les gens sont effrayés
Mais pour cette epouse debout maintenant
Il y aura un moyen de s'échapper
Elle surgira d’un moment à l’autre
une force jamais vue avant
Qui changera ce corps mortel
libérer ceux que Jesus aime
Comme des oiseaux libérés d'une cage
Ils voleront haut dans le ciel
Vers une autre dimension
Libèré- pour l’éternité
Nous sommes en effet dans ce troisième exode
De Goshen au pays de Canaan
Que les fléaux tombent sur l’Égypte
Car le signe a été appliqué
Pharaon - laisse partir le peuple de Dieu
Car il y a un voyage qui nous attend
Une transformation - comme prophétisé
De la terre à notre maison céleste
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christiankalambaie · 5 years
Victorious ( new )
Victorious - I will always be
For my God is fighting for me
Victorious - though the enemy Be great
We know - we've received greater faith
Victorious - when we lift our hands and praise
Jehovah -Our faith He will raise
Victorious - He'll deliver in your hands
The chariots and all the horsemen
I used to wonder in my heart (God's fighting for the saints)
I had many questions in my heart (God's fighting for the saints)
How do the Saints used to overcome (God's fighting for the saints)
My God has given me an answer today (God's fighting for the saints)
I understand - He is fighting for the Saints (They will always be victorious )
Gods fighting for the saints - (They will always be victorious ) 2x
How was Goliath killed by David (God's fighting for the saints))
Just with a simple sling in His hands (God's fighting for the saints))
God Almighty came down on the scene (God's fighting for the saints)
Directed that stone straight to his head (God's fighting for the saints)
I understand -He is fighting for the saints (They will always be victorious )
Gods fighting for the saints - (They will always be victorious ) 2x
How did Moses overcome Egypt (God's fighting for the saints)
After that mighty burning bush experience (God's fighting for the saints)
almighty God came down on the scene (God's fighting for the saints)
To fight for Israel deliverance (God's fighting for the saints)
I understand -He is fighting for the saints (They will always be victorious )
Gods fighting for the saints - (They will always be victorious ) 2x
The Mighty Angel came down in this day (God's fighting for the saints)
To break the seals for you and me Gods (God's fighting for the saints)
We have seen our names in the book (God's fighting for the saints)
Now we know - we will bypass the grave (God's fighting for the saints)
I understand -He is fighting for the saints (They will always be victorious )
Gods fighting for the saints - (They will always be victorious ) 2x
Victorious - victorious - victorious
Victorious - victorious - Victorious
Against the odds - victorious
here I am standing -Victorious
By his grace - victorious
By his Love - victorious
By His word - victorious
I am victorious - victorious
The word is made flesh - victorious
Because of Him - victorious
he is fighting for you you - victorious
I will bypass the grave - victorious
because he is fighting for me - victorious
He broke the seals - victorious
And I have seen my name - victorious
Victorious - I will always be
For my God is fighting for me
Victorious - though the enemy Be great
We know - we've received greater faith
Victorious - when we lift our hands and praise
Jehovah -Our faith He will raise
Victorious - He'll deliver in your hands
The chariots and all the horsemen
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christiankalambaie · 5 years
Litomba nini oyo kozala ndeko ya makila
Na mokonzi ya bakonzi
Nkolo n'a ba nkolo
Mokeli ya lola pe na se
Ye nde akela mokili oyo po ete
Nga na konzwa awa na se
Apesi nga nyonso - pe tango ekoki
n'a senga ba droits n'a nga
Nyonso nyonso oyo eza ya nga x3
Nyonso ye akufelaki n'ekulusu
Nyonso amemelaki nga n'a ngomba sunset
Nasili kokutana na nzambe na nguya nyonso
Na mwa nkuku muke
Esika amonisi nga sekele nyonso
Sikoyo nayebi nyonso oyo eza ya nga
Tina Koswana eza lisusu te na moto te
Natelemi neti mwasi na ye
Pe na kosenga nyonso nga nabungisaka
Kobosana esalaki ete na bosana
Identité N'a nga ya solo
Kino ba Angelu oyo bayaki na ngomba
Na lobangu penza
Kozongisela buku oyo - buku ya lisiko
Namoni kombo na nga-
Pe nga nayebi ete na kolonga liwa
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christiankalambaie · 5 years
Shalom Ejala
Soki omoni monama emonani na lola
Kobanga te nvula eko noka te
Soki omoni monama ebimi na mapata
Sepela sepela
Kimia ezala
Shalom Shalom
Soki omoni lipata na kembo kuna na lola
Kobanga te nzela à kanana rmonani
Soki omoni likunzi ya moto awa na se
Sepela sepela - kimia ejalà x2
Shalom Shalom
Soki omoni monkonzi abimi na mapata
Kobanga te lisiko ono ebelemi ye
Soki omoni yesu ajingami na banjelu ee
Sepela sepela kimia ejala
Sepela sepela kimia ejala
Shalom Shalom
Sepela sepela kimia ejala
Sepela sanjola kimia ejala
Sepela kumisa kimia ejala
Sepela tonda Shalom ejala
Sepela sepela kimia ejala
Sepela sanjola kimia ejala
Sepela kumisa kimia ejala
Sepela tonda Shalom ejala
Shalom Shalom
Sepela sepela Shalom
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christiankalambaie · 5 years
Yesu asalaka ya minene x6
Tuna nga nini - tuna nga sango
Tuna n'a yebisa yo
Tuna nga nini - yaka koyekola
Tuna nga - nga nayeta yo
Lola etikali polele ( polele x2)
Nzambe na nguya nyonso atiki Lole (lole x2)
Akiti awa na se pe apanzi sekele (sekele x2)
Nyonso ekomi se polele
Nga n'a yo tozwi ebele ebele
N'a mitema tozwi ebele
Tuna nga nini - tuna nga sango
Tuna n'a nga nga nayebi sa yo
Tuna nga nini - belema pembeni
Tuna nga nako teya yoo
Mwanje na sambo asili kobelela'ee
Asakoli ebele - ebele
Maye malobi Ye ekomi pole - pole
Molili ekeyi - po mwinda epeli ee
Nga n'a yo baponami tosepeli eee
Mitema etondi nesengo ebelee
Tuna nga nini - tuna nga sango
Tuna nga n'a yebisa yo o
Tuna nga nini tuna nga Sango
Nzambe n’a nguya nyonso aye kofanda na motema
Nzambe n’a lola akoti na motema
Mokili ekotala pe ekoso sola te
Tata n’a nga tokomi mokooooeeeee
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christiankalambaie · 5 years
Tango Ya Bomoko
Tango ya bomoko
Tokomi na tango ya Kosangana
Tokomi na tango y'a bomoko
Tika mobali atika baboti n'a ye
Pe ye akangama n'a molongani na Ye
Bango bafanda seko na seko
Pe moko te akabola oyo nzambe asili kosangisa
Nga pe lokola - tala mokonzi y'a lola
Yesu Ye moko
Asepeli n'a bomoto n'a nga y'a kati
Aponi nga - Aponi nga
Atiki kembo na ye- pe akiti awa n'a se
Kosangana na molongani na ye
Aponi motema ete ye
Afanda afanda afanda
Akonzwa Kati na nga
Nzambe Ye moko
Aponi afanda n'a motema - motema oya nga
Na mipesi - mombimba n'a nga
Papa zwa nga sala na nga
Oyo yo olingi
Lokola Luta aponamaki n'a boaz
Lokola esther balingaki Ye n'a mokonzi
Tala Rebecca asepelisaki izaake
Bango bakomaki se moko
Ngai pe lokola - n'a kamwe nakamwe
Bandeko na Nga maloba ezangi nga
Pona nini nga - n'a mitali namoni nakoki te
N'a mitali na moni n'a bongi te
Na tangi mabunga n'a nga ebele
Kasi yesu alobi - yo nde yo nde yo nde
Nga naponi se yo se yo se se yo se yo
Nalingi yo nde yo nde
Nalingi yo nde
Nzambe zwa nga zwa nga x5
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christiankalambaie · 5 years
Ako Yanola
Mokolo nini oko consoler motema na nga
(Consoler - Papa toucher nga )
Mokolo nini ango okoyanola ngai Nkolo
(Consoler - Papa toucher nga )
Mokolo nini lokola mokolo wana oyanolaki Yobo
Mokolo nini oko consoler motema na nga
Mokolo nini ango okoyanola ngai Nkolo
Mokolo nini lokola mokolo wana oyanolaki
Mokolo nini oko consoler motema na nga
Mokolo nini ango okoyanola ngai Nkolo
Mokolo nini lokola mokolo wana oyanolaki
Mokolo nini oko toucher motema na nga
Mokolo nini okoyanola ngai Nkolo
Mokolo nini lokola mokolo wana oyokaki
Yanola nga ee - yanola nga ee - yanola nga
Yesu n'a nga
Yoka pe nga - yoka pe nga - yoka pe nga
Yesu na nga
Yanola nga - yanola nga ee - yanola nga
Yesu n'a nga
Yoka pe nga - yoka pe nga - yoka pe nga
Na yebi okosala
Yanola nga ee - yanola nga ee - yanola nga
Yesu n'a nga
Yoka pe nga - yoka pe nga - yoka pe nga
Yesu na nga
Yanola nga - yanola nga ee - yanola nga
Yesu n'a nga
Yoka pe nga - yoka pe nga - yoka pe nga
Na yebi okosala
Natie tembe te - natie tembe te
Ete yesu ye ayanolaka
Noboyi ko zala lokola bana ya isalele
Batiaki tembe ete oyanolaka x2
Naboyi ko zala lokola zacharia
Atiaki tembe ete yonaloka
Merci po osili kosala
Tala osili kosala
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christiankalambaie · 5 years
Chorus -x2
Na motema liloba ejali - y’a solo
Na. Motema monboto ekota - na ngolu
Na monboto nyonso ezali - y’a solo
Oyo naza nango na bosenga l
Na motema - yesu asala
Na motema - bolingo ekota
Na momboto nyonso ejali
Oyo na za nango na bonsenga
Chorus 2
Na motema kiti ejali -y’a solo
Na. Motema yesu akota- na ngolu
Na Yesu nyonso ezali - y’a solo
Oyo naza nango na bosenga
Na motema mwa chambre ejali
Na motema nkuku y’a tata
Na momboto nyonso ejali
Oyo naza nango na bosenga
Nga na yembi Pamba
Po na Yebi tina y’a monboto
Monboto eza na nyonso
Nyonso nga naza nango n bosenga
Changement na nga
Bongwana na. Nga
Mapamboli na nga
Délirante na nga
Esengo na nga
Nyonso nyonso oya nga
Ba besoin na nga nyonso
Bonsomi na nga
Victoire. Na nga
Konetwa na nga
Bolimbisi nga ba ndeko
Perfection na nga
Mbongwana na nga
Na tonda yo ndenge nini
Po y momboto Otia na motema na nga
Momboto oyo nde éteni na yo
Momboto oyo nde yo moko
Na yesu klisto nga naza na nyonso
Nyonso nga naza nango na bonsenga
Yesueeee -
Y’a solo
Y’a solo
Y’a solo
Y’a solo
pe Ejàli nde - ngolu na yo
Na Ngolu
Na ngolu
Ngolu na yo nde etia momboto na motema na nga
Yambo y’a nga koya awa na se
Yo onlinga nga pe opona nga papa
Na momboto oyo nde otia nyonso
Nyonso oyo nga naza nango na motema
Na ngolu na telemi lelo
Monboto oyo nde yo moko papa
Yo ofandi na motema
Jehovah Jireh na nga
Opesa nga nyonso
Docteur na nga
Conseiller na nga
0 notes
christiankalambaie · 5 years
Shala Nanyi
Shala nanyi
(1) Mutshikondo etshi tshia midima,
tshidi mpekatu milengela mishala nsubuilu,
Udi muntumina mukenji wa dilolo,
Udi muntumina ngasa weba nzambi,
Kikayi ndikulomba ni moyi mujima,
Kundekedi buala ikala nanyi yesu
Bua ndama mukenji weba munda mua moyi wanyi
Buandama diyi dieba munda mua luendu luanyi
(2) bangabanga nyi mema kukumanya yesu
Wa kadianjila kunsugula mutshiendelela
Wekungenza muana weba mumeji eba
Kikayi ndikulomba pandi pa buloba yesu
Kundekedi buala ndimusua ngikala neba
Munda mua luendu luanyi
Ndeja ba paluloba diyi dieba
(3) Mukenji wa yibamulolo udi mupueka
Mulua bua kungumbusha mu bikadilu
Bia ba nkambua banyi
Kungumbusha mubitotshi kumpesha nyuma muipa
Dinanga dia bushuwa
Kumpingaja mutshingakadi muamua mu edena
Pakaba ka bunzambi
Ntshitshiena muntu buala
Kikayi shala nanyi munda mua luendu luanyi
Tshingakadi mu meji eba
Kitshina ntshindi lelu bwale
Lukinu ndwelu lu bwela mu moyo yesu
Lubabu ndwelu lu mbwelela
Mona Nyi masangi nga mavuangala Munda yesu ka
Nku leja ku Bantu lelu ba pabuloba ba mwana nzambi
Wewe bukola budia dia makwabu
Yesu dinanga dia moyo wanyi
Shala nanyi x2
Ikala nanyi somba mu moyo wanyi
Aka sombe yo (christian )
Kwenzi lubila boaza wanyi we ( Chris)
Tshena mukubikila bu ku kwekesha milongo to (grace )
Si dijinga bwanyi mikisha Munya mu moyo emu ( grace )
Ela kanda vuangala nzambi wa mosa wewa ( duo)
Udji nzambi wa branhama baku bangila lelu ())duo
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christiankalambaie · 5 years
Abongi Na Lokumu
Abongi na Lokumu
Kala kala kuna n’ebandeli
Akelaki ba angelus n’a ye
Ete bango basalela ye
Ete Bango basanjola ye
Po bule bule bule ye azali
Akelaki bango na tina yango eeee
Abongi na lokumu abongi na masanjoli
Abongi na loyembo yesu masiya
Abongi na lokumu a binge na masanjoli
Abongi na loyembo yesu masiya
Nzambe oyo
Sima nango akelaki adamu na Eva
Akelaki bango basalela ye
Tala bango bakweyaki na masumu
Atikaki bango te amikitisaki
Kuna n ekulusu ye akufaki
Ete azongisa bango
Davidi azwaki lidanda na ye
Ayembelaki ye Ba nzebo
Dawidi ayebaki bolamu na ye
Pe Nkolo alimbisaki Dawidi
Tika nga na yo tokomisa ye
Po alimbisi masumu na biso nyonso
Nzambe oyo
Il est le Lion de la tribu de Juda
Il vit et règne au milieu des acclamations
Mon jesus vit au milieu des acclamations
Puisse l’épouse de Jesus Christ
Célébrer ce grand Dieu du ciel Car
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christiankalambaie · 5 years
Yesu kitoko ( Jesus est beau )
Yo yebi ete ya solo ete yesu abundelaka
Ba oyo ya ye
Na molimo Monsanto ako tia makati
Ya bomoto ya kati
robe ya pembe apesi - Kozipa bolumbu
Yango nde boyengebene n'a nga
Eko belema nga liboso n'a ye
Akolobelaka nga-n'a ngonga ya kobondela
Eko zanga nga maloba -
Akokamba yanga bwato - Capitaine n'a nga
Ako bundela nga
Koki misa ba nguna n'a nga
Yesu yo o leki kitoko
Nalingi yo - nasanjoli yo
Yesu yo oleki kitoko
Nalingi yo - n'a nasanjoli yo
Yo yebi ete ya solo ete yesu atikaka
Bana naye te
Apona motema - pe aya ye moko kofanda
Elamba ya pembe alatisi
Kozipa botaka
Yango nde boyengebene n'a nga
Eko belema nga liboso n'a ye
Akolobelaka nga- eza nga namabolongo nga
Eko zanga nga maloba -
Yesu apemelaka nga - tata malamu
Ako bundela nga
ebandeli pe suka
Yesu yo o leki kitoko
Nalingi pe nasanjoli yo
Nalingi pe natondi yo
Nalingi pe nakumisi yo
0 notes
christiankalambaie · 5 years
Ba Mpongo
Ba mpongo
Bazali bakeseni - babengami ba mpongo
Ba punbwaka likolo likolo makasi koleka
Ata ko bakiti awa n'a se -
Bango ba bosana ka te - ete bawuta Likolo
ba kozonga likolo
O o o - ba mpongo - o o ba mpongo
O o o - ba mpongo - o o ba mpongo
Azali akeseni - mwasi oyo y'a libala
Ye Apumbwaka likolo - n'a misanda likolo koleka
Ata ko akiti awa n'a se -Ye Abosanaka te
Ete aza Mwasi y’a libala - pe akozonga likolo
O o o mwasi y'a libala oyo - o o y'a solo
O o o mwasi y'a libala oyo - oo y'a solo
Bazali bakeseni - bango nde baponami
Ba lingaka mozindo - mozindo ya mabombami
Ata ko ba ndimi ba À B C- bango babosanaka te
Ete baza ba mpongo - bako zonga likolo
O o o ba mpongo - o o ba mpongo
O o o ba mpongo - o o ba mpongo
Azali akeseni - mwasi y'a mokonzi Yesu
Emoniseli azwa - koyeba Position na ye
Ata ko akweyi mwa mukie - akotelema kaka
Po abosana ka te - akozonga likolo
O o o mwasi y'a libala oyo - o o y'a solo
O o o mwasi y'a libala oyo - o o y'a solo
O o o ba mpongo - o o ba mpongo
O o o ba mpongo - o o ba mpongo
O o o ba mpongo - o o ba mpongo
O o o ba mpongo - o o ba mpongo
O o o mwasi y'a libala oyo - o o y'a solo
O o o mwasi y'a libala oyo - aza mpongo
O o o mwasi y'a libala oyo - o o ya solo
O o o mwasi y'a libala oyo - aza mpongo
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christiankalambaie · 7 years
Fellowship Bb 
Some people are so real They are full of Love And when you are around them You feel God Things they speak about Inspired by heaven Do encourage me To Carry on and  on and on and on
Fellowship - This is like heaven to me Fellowship with my heavenly family Fellowship Heavenly atmosphere I can feel the right anointing And I know anything is possible Jesus is near I can feel the right anointing This is so real so real Jesus is here
Some people  are so real full of the word When you are around them - you see Christ Songs they sing - inspired by Jesus Do anoint me - To praise again  again  again again
Some people are so real Full of faith And when you stay around them You grow stronger In this age of the rapture Any time soon We will be gone and gone and gone and gone
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christiankalambaie · 7 years
Boo Back
There is power  in you  - To cause you to stand resist  the devil - When he comes in your way to scare you away - From what belong to you Tell him - you now know - Who you truly are No more afraid - of his failed plans For you understand - your true position Born to overcome and  be a winner You can now speak for yourself When he dares say boo
Chorus When he says boo You can shout boo back  x3 You will find out pretty soon That has no strength
There is power in you  -To conquer hell and the grave Tho devil comes and tell you this is impossible We shall all die - there will be no rapture You better not believe in this foolish teaching But stand on your ground - and be not moved For Fear in you - will always paralyse you You better shake yourself - and speak with confidence Now that you know you are his precious bride
Chorus Since I  have said  boo The devil fled away Yes I have said boo He is gone away I have said boo back to my ennemy Now I stand strong - strong in my faith
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