Christian Kalambaie Songs Lyrics and videos
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Lyrics of most of my songs and some pics and videos
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christiankalambaie · 4 months ago
No reasons to doubt 
Do I have any reason to doubt 
No I don't no I don't x2 
Because Jesus is so faithful
Yes He keeps his word
He will bring me where I should be
 I will see this body changed x2
Do I have any reason to believe 
Yes I do - yes I do x2
Because the word has been made plain 
My eyes  have been opened 
I can see clearly  -where I am heading 
Why do I have to doubt //
Do I have any reason to keep fighting 
Yes I do - yes I do x 2
There will be a reward for those fighting till the end
A crown of life -yes I will get 
To live eternally x2
Do I have any reason to keep believing 
Yes I do - yes I do 
There will be a reward for those
Having  faith till the end 
A crown of life I will get 
To live eternally //
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christiankalambaie · 4 months ago
The Holy Ghost is present 
The Holy Ghost is stil présent 
On the earth 
Revealing - guiding - directing 
Giving leadership to the true elect 
Regardless of what the crowds says
He is real even now 
Down to me you came 
Down inside my heart 
You are the head of this body 
Preeminence you have taken
Instructing me every day 
I will follow diligently 
And I know you will lead me Home 
He is here my friend
Jesus is here right now 
The Holy Ghost is so real 
And he is right now 
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christiankalambaie · 4 months ago
Ma demeure céleste (Home)
Il ya une chose qui me remplit de joie
Quand on parle de ma demeure celeste
Comment ne pas l'être ?
Sais tu combien cet endroit est sublime
Amour divin, jeunesse eternelle
Immortalité-- sont ma portion
Dommage, si tu ne comprends pas
Si ceci est un mystère pour toi
Mais si en Christ tu étais 
Tu te réjouirais autant que moi
Alors que je chante, au sujet de ce lieu
Que j'aime et j'appelle
Chez moi-ma demeure céleste
Christ lui même--l'architecte 
À établi ma feuille de route
Que je suivrai, jusqu'à ma transformation 
D'un moment à l'autre 
En un instant - en un clin d'œil 
Je m'en irai, vers ce lieu, que j'aime
Et que j'appelle -- chez moi 
Je n'ai pas été à l'Université 
Pour une quelconque connaissance terrestre 
Ni réussir dans ce monde 
Ne vois tu pas, je suis lié au ciel
Mes ailes sont de plus en plus fortes
En vue de ce dernier envol vers le ciel 
Pour m'amener de cette dimension 
Vers une autre, encore plus belle
C'est dommage, si tu ne comprends pas 
Si ceci est un mystère pour toi
Mais si en Christ tu étais 
Tu te réjouirais autant que moi
Alors que je chante, au sujet de ce lieu
Que j'aime, et que j'appelle 
Adieu monde de péchés- je ne te suis plus
Adieu plaisirs du monde - je ne vous suis plus 
J'ai résolu, de suivre mon Dieu, je rentre chez moi
J'ai résolu, de suivre mon Dieu, je rentre chez moi
D'un moment à l'autre 3x
En un instant en un clin d'œil 
Je m'en irai, vers ce lieu, que j'aime
Et que j'appelle chez moi
Chez moi aaa
Je rentre chez moi, 
je rentre chez moi
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christiankalambaie · 4 months ago
Fill my heart 
Fill my heart - with your Love
Fill me Lord  with Divine Love 
Fill me - with the whole of you 
So I'll display - Jesus Christ 
Fill my heart - with your Love
Fill me Lord  with Divine Love
Fill me - with the whole of you 
So I will display - Jesus Christ 
Fill me 
Fill me 
Fill every fiber 
Fill me - oh Lord 
Inonde mon cœur - de ton amour
Inonde seigneur - de l’amour divin
Rempli moi de tout ton être 
Pour refléter - Jesus Christ
Inonde moi
Inonde moi 
Inonde chaque partie
Inonde moi - Oh  Seigneur
Tondisa nga tondisa nga
Tondisa nga mobimba 
Tondisa nga nkolo 
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christiankalambaie · 4 months ago
Keep me faithful  
Thousands of demons have found their way
Upon the face of this Earth 
Trying to discredit this glorious message
And make us disbelieve God's purpose for our lives 
Times are hard - the shaking is taking place
Yes friend you have got to stand strong 
You must keep the  faith 
Keep me faithful -faithful
Faithful till the end 
Keep me faithful 
Keep my heart full of faith 
Faithful till the end 
Lord I have come to know and  understand 
 it’s a  critical hour -  and perilous time 
 I have got to to find a hiding place 
To  always abide in your presence 
Face to face - just like Aaron’s rod 
contemplating your glory 
I will shine eternally 
Inside that tent- I’ll walk in alone 
Let me cling to you Jesus 
You have promised - to meet me there
In my own -  Atmosphere
So when I walk out - on the other side 
I will be pure and totally transformed 
Ready for eternity 
It is now down - to the individual
Not an association  - or a group 
You have given me -  your very faith 
To see the miraculous in my life 
So since  so many are drifting away 
And change their stance to  this message I know 
I’ll stay true till the end 
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christiankalambaie · 4 months ago
There are people just like you and me 
That are  satan’s prime target  
Since they gave their hearts to Jesus 
Begun believing to the impossible 
They have faith for the supernatural 
Things that science cannot explain 
And they keep their focus regardless 
Of the many ambushes in their way 
They are predestined 
Way before this earth was made
To believe every word of God
Even for a translation 
Oh oh oh //
Even for a translation //
So don't get discouraged my friend 
Let the battle rage from all fronts
Jesus stands for you and me 
He will fight for you non stop 
Till you get to Full victory - 
Anytime soon - you will enjoy 
Away from this dimension - 
yes there is a place prepared for you 
You are predestinated 
Way before this earth was made 
To believe every word of God 
Even for a translation 
Oh oh oh 
Even for a translation 
I am predestinated 
Way before this earth was made 
To believe every mysteries  ( all promises )
Even for a body change 
Oh oh oh 
Even for a body change 
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christiankalambaie · 4 months ago
After the earthly
 You have caused my heart to rejoice and to know 
that there is a real life 
Just after this early act
Now I have got to press on - walk on 
Non stop - till I slide into eternity 
To live forevermore 
Chorus 1
I am yours - I am yours 
I will always be yours 
Throughout eternity 
You  kept all the best actors -you had by your side 
For the last chapter today - and the  final victory 
Now I smile just to see - I’ve won my reward
A precious crown of life - I’ve  kept the faith till the end
Chorus 2
Jesus you are mine - jesus you are mine 
You will always be mine 
Throughout eternity 
You have made me available in your hands 
To use me in these last days 
to fulfill your word
Now I have confidence - You wrote my story line 
After all these calamities be past 
There is shalom to obtain
Chorus 3
Beulah is my home - Beulah land is my home 
It will always be my home 
Throughout eternity 
Chorus 4-
I am yours 
Jesus you are mine 
Jesus and I are one 
Throughout eternity 
Beulah land  is my home 
Beulah land  is my home -
It will always be my home 
Throughout eternity 
I will always be yours - I will always be yours 
I will always be yours 
Throughout eternity
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christiankalambaie · 4 months ago
True Jehovah witnesses
The unseen almighty God -  Has made himself visible 
For you and me to have a mnistry - they will see Jesus 
To speak about the ultimate healing 
The body change coming 
And to live eternally - after defeating gravity 
Yes we’ve been caught - in revelation 
Of these things that are to be - they cannot fail 
Yes we’ve been caught - caught in revelation 
Of these things belonging to us - oh yes they will soon be 
We’re true — Jehovah witnesses X2
We’ve been given the grace and privilege
To see Him  again - 
We are true Jehovah witnesses 
This is not fiction - Nor a story of old
We are true -Jehovah witnesses 
It’s a perfect union -  for Him to express Himself
We are true Jehovah witnesses
We all speak boldly - of the things we have seen 
Cause we know this is real - and not fiction 
We don’t just bring  some - illustrative pictures 
With beautiful stories of all the past heroes 
We’ve been caught - caught in the  vision 
Which was prophesied  - all about us
Now we know -  yes we know 
We’ve been caught in the vision 
That  was once prophesied - all about us 
We can’t stand religion - nor  to be organized 
Cause Malachi 4 - was totally against it
But we have let the Holy Ghost - open wide our eyes 
To enjoy the real Vision of us - from The other side 
Cause we’ve been caught - caught in the word
That was preached mightily in these last age 
Yes we know - yes we know 
We’ve been caught in the word 
That was proclaimed with power and demonstrations today 
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christiankalambaie · 4 months ago
The white stone  
Keep on watching This very white stone For more revelation Of the word meant for you That will set you free
Keep on looking At this very white stone For the unfolding Of God’s plan for you That will strengthen your faith
Oh The white stone - Precious white stone 
holds a mystery -  which will unlock
the deep secret  of God’s plan for your life 
Revealing life - beyond the veil 
Its a  promise - mighty promise  
of immortality
Keep your focus On this very white stone There’s more of God in you Waiting to be found To silence all your doubts
hold your sight On this very white stone There’s a glory to behold And a power to transform Your mortal body
Keep observing That very white stone There’s a reason why you must Lest distractions come And you miss to see Jesus
Keep your vision On this very white stone til you see the reflection Of Jesus in you Standing perfect as Him
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christiankalambaie · 4 months ago
You have granted me peace
Peace that surpasses all understanding
In the midst of a raging sea
the King of Shalom  has appeased my soul 
For his appearance in this day 
Misunderstood by the majority 
Has brought me peace - shalom 
For the master of the sea - rests in my heart 
you  have brought 
Peace - shalom 
Yes the King of kings 
rests in my heart 
You have given me 
Peace - SHalom 
Yes Jesus Christ  
Abides in my heart
He has given me 
Peace - shalom 
And He stays in my heart 
He has granted me 
 And he lives inside of me  
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christiankalambaie · 4 months ago
The word of God 
The Word of God is living and active,
Sharper than any two-edged sword.
It cuts through the darkness and confusion
Bringing light and the truth to my soul
For the power of God's Word
Is stronger than we know.
It heals, it guides, it transforms,
And sets all captives - free to go
Holy word - precious word - Jesus Christ 
Verse 2:
The Word of God is a lamp unto my feet,
Enlightening my path - every day.
It gives me faith and a solid foundation,
To stand on when the storms come my way.
Verse 3
Let me hide His Word deep in my heart,
For everything will pass away but what He said
For it has the power to change this very body ,
And make me  whole - ready for Him 
Holy word - blessed word - Jesus word 
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christiankalambaie · 4 months ago
Invincible - I will live 
My faith is strong, it will not sway
For I have heard - what God did say
He promised me -  a home above
And a  place of peace- eternal love
I know - I will be raptured away 
I’ll be caught up, in the twinkle of an eye
No power of hell, can ever stand in my way
For I am  invincible, with Him I will stay
No demon force, can  break away this bond
For I belong, to Christ alone
His blood has washed, away my sin
I am born again, I am new within
I will rise up, to meet my Lord
In the clouds, I’ ll be restored
My mortal body, made new and whole
Forever with Him, I will never grow old
So let me hold, to what I know
That one day soon, I ll see Him glow
My faith secure, in His great plan
For I am His, eternally  i ‘ll stand.
I know - I will be raptured away 
I’ll be caught up, in the twinkle of an eye
No power of hell, can ever stand in my way
For I am  invincible, with Him I will stay
For I am invincible , with him I will live 
Yes I am invincible with him no more death 
Oh I am invincible with him - I will live
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christiankalambaie · 4 months ago
Ma Theophanie 
Ma theophanie- elle demeure invincible 
Ma theophanie - elle demeure intouchable 
Ma theophanie - elle demeure victorieuse 
Ma theophanie - elle demeure éternelle 
si une multitude se Liguais contre moi. 
détermine - me voir disparaître 
Jesus  lance ses flèches - disperses mes ennemis, 
Il multiplie les coups de la foudre les met tous en déroute.
Aussi  il viens  lui même 
s’installer dans mon cœur
Et me combattre moi - c’est le combattre Lui
Réputé invincible depuis l’éternité 
Des projets macabres et bien planifiés  
Par des milliers  de demons conduit par satan
Pour menacer mon existence même 
Pourtant je reste un être de l’éternité 
Aussi Jesus s’est lui même installé dans mon cœur 
Et me combattre moi - c’est le combattre lui 
Qui n’as jamais perdu aucune  bataille 
Ma theophanie- elle demeure invincible 
Ma theophanie - elle demeure intouchable 
Ma theophanie - elle demeure victorieuse 
Ma theophanie - elle demeure éternelle 
Et elle demeure parfaite //
Et elle demeure  intouchable 
Oui elle demeure invincible 
Et elle demeure éternelle 
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christiankalambaie · 4 months ago
God’s hand detailed  
In this end time, a masterpiece is unveiled
The bride of Christ -  by God's hand detailed
Perfect in faith - and mighty in grace
Eternal life - written on her face
No demons from hell can ever stop her way
She possesses her inheritance
 ooh come what may
Mastering circumstances, by  speaking the Word
Reflecting Heavenly nature like a soaring Eagle 
 With Christ as groom, yes  she stands tall
The enemy's attacks
 she can forestall
Clothed in righteousness, and  shining bright
Living by faith -  not by sight
She's not shaken by the winds of change
Her faith in Christ - remains the same
She's a warrior -  conquering skilfully 
Living in victory eternally 
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christiankalambaie · 4 months ago
The Perfect Bride 
The Bride of Christ, so pure and fair
Spotless and without a care
She's made herself ready by the Word
And in His love, she's been restored
She's the perfect Bride - the Church of the Living God
Without blemish or a single flaw
She's been washed in the blood of the Lamb
she is now ready 
She is now ready 
She is now ready 
for the Bridegroom
They both are one 
For eternity 
No more separation 
With the perfect Groom 
She's been enlightened by the Word
And the revelation she has heard
In this end time, the truth is clear
And now her heart is without fear
She's a chosen generation
Filled with faith and determination
Her eyes are fixed on the prize
And in her heart, the love of Christ resides
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christiankalambaie · 4 months ago
Isn’t he the Headstone 
There is only so much you can do to help yourself 
If jesus doesn ’t come  and give you a helping hand 
On your own there is little you can withstand 
unless the Lord comes inside Himself 
isn’t he the bridegroom - he unveiled himself today
I want to be the vessel - this house in which he comes and stays 
Isn’t he in the headstone - he descended in this day
I want  to be - the temple - i want to be this temple //
This pyramid
 in which  he comes and rests  x2 
There is no other way than for christ to take the lead
For you to walk in His perfect will
For his council is valid and it is sure 
He'll hold your hand and lead you on
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christiankalambaie · 4 months ago
I’m Among them 
We’ve heard from our theophanies and We came forth 
To dine at Jesus table - oh what a feast
We have agreed with a supernatural report 
On my God’s plan for this day I am not least 
I’m among them 
I am among those - predestinated by grace 
For I have heard my name called by the King
It’s a holy convocation - blessed gathering 
For the family of Jesus - Adam’s race 
I am among those who once Shouted of joy around the throne 
When they used to  be found in God’s mind 
I can’t help but assemble with my kind
As we journey back to where - we came from 
I among  those that know -they can’t be lost
For they have the seed of God - right in them 
Amazing revelation - obtained without cost 
That me and my father -yes we are the same 
form the north - south - east to the west 
We’ve followed the bright shining light today
Influenced from above - on the right way 
Leading us to Jesus To gain eternal rest
Chorus 2
I’m among them oh oh oh oh 
I’m among them oh oh ( those prédestinated)
I’m among them oh oh oh oh ( among those that cannot be lost )!
I’m among them oh oh 
I’m among them oh oh oh oh 
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