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Jesus' death may have been for nothing. I am not convinced he died to save us from our sins. Maybe he lived to save us from our sins, I don't know.
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Eternal Life
If all life is eternal, we are eternal, you and I. What life is not eternal? Perhaps only that what isn't life.
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Turn the other cheek?
My interpretation: End the cycles of violence that keep us from seeking God
Of course we want to defend ourselves. We don´t want to let others think they can push us around without trouble. I think Jesus did not wish us to give up defending ourselves.
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Outlying regions
One basic flaw of religion is that nothing good can come from outside the boundaries of that religion, according to it's members. This to me a dangerous position to take because God, as it were, exists where He pleases, he talks to all that will listen. If God's love flow to all and one professes it doesn't what would mean one is ignorant (and some are proud of it).
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Eternal Life
Everyone has it. Or, everyone IS it.
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Man and woman
It's reasonably clear that God and Jesus are father figures. Where are the mother figures in Christianity Can't a woman be holy? "So by some means an unbalance is created." Who are the mother figures in Christianity. Of course Mary. But supposedly she existed to give birth to the only holy one. Forget that she grew the holy one inside and passed him from her body. I suppose the problem is that there can only be one holy person to be worshipped by the masses. People would have trouble worhipping two figures. It would be like having a fork in the brain. In which direction would one kneel if both were in different places in the same church?
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Died for us
Was it really necessary? Is there not some aspect of God that never dies that can be known which might free a man. But, the story is that he died and then is resurrected so we could be free. I hope that isn't really true and frankly, I don't believe it.
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King of the Jews
Jesus did not call himself ever King of the Jews. That title was probably given to him by the Romans to justify his execution as insurrectionist. "Look people how this woeful man claims to be your leader. He must be an idiot as well as an insurrectionist". "Even the Pharisees want him dead".
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Love Thyself and Those Others
Love thy neighbor and even thy enemy as thyself it says in the Bible. I don't recall it saying love those that love you, which might be helpful also.
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Jesus a virgin?
It's possible, but it isn't likely. There is other respectable literature that has Jesus being married. One can only speculate the motive for perpetuating the virgin narrative.
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Its said by Christians that all that you have to do to be free is accept Jesus. Life could not possibly end at that time.
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Heaven and Hell
Are they really permanent. I don’t think so. What evidence is there presented in the bible that they are permanent? Probably nothing. Lol
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the serpent
I thought god made everything, which would include the serpent from the Garden of Eden that successfully tempted Even. So God then made the tempter and the tempted. If not, where did the serpent come from?
If God did make the serpent as well as Eve, that would make God a better tempter than a resister to temptation.
No wonder why people stay away from religion.
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Man God
If one looks around, let’s face it, no man, no one, alone can live up to being God. It’s not even close. There is not even the slightest ray of hope that one man could be God. Why would Christianity even begin to ask us to believe that one man, and only one man, is God?
New Age people actually do this too by saying you are God, or they will say “I am God”.
Perhaps a man is like a wave and an God is like an ocean. All waves are part of the Ocean. So a man can be a real component of God. A wave can’t call itself an ocean. Can an ocean call itself a wave?
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Apparently the only way to heaven is the recognition and acceptance of Jesus and the truth he brings. They say without this you’ll go to hell. But earth is a place between Heaven and Hell. One isn’t automatically condemned by the lack of recognition or acceptance of Jesus.
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Blame the Victim
Jesus chooses martyrdom or he was murdered by Romans. It’s hard to learn the whole story from books written by the victors (the Bible having being put together under the jurisdiction of Romans). Lacking any evidence that’s not heresy it’s easy to say the Romans are 100% guilty. Having later compiled the this book of righteousness for others to follow, they couldn’t include themselves as the major perpetrators of this crime. What do to? Blame the victim! What a novel idea. I think it could work.
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More Miracles
Luckily Jesus wasn’t the last person resurrected. In operating rooms there have been many cases of people being considered dead and then came back to life. Could it be possible that those making these death declarations were wrong, or are there more miracles happening?
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